- Feb 2025
srsergiorodriguez.github.io srsergiorodriguez.github.io
"los investigadores que llevan a cabo investigación exploratoria deben ser creativos, de mente abierta y flexibles: adoptar posturas investigativas y explorar todas las fuentes de información [...] Ellos hacen preguntas creativas y toman ventaja de la serendipia (es decir, factores inesperados y fortuitos que tienen implicaciones amplias)"2
- Sep 2024
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
critical fabulation
refers to the movement to consider broader impacts of design work on the world; to redefine design as an active and investigative process that addresses social issues and reflects both personal and cultural contexts.
- Aug 2023
these are the seven main thrusts of the series
- for: societal design, designing societies, societal architecture, transforming society, whole system change, SSO, social superorganism, John Boik
The seven main ideas for societal design: 1. societal transformation - is necessary to avoid catastrophe 2. the specific type of transformation is science-based transformation based on entirely new systems - de novo design - 3. A practical way to implement the transformation in the real world - it must be economical, and doable within the short time window for system change before us. - Considering a time period of 50 years for total change, with some types of change at a much higher priority than others. - The change would be exponential so starting out slower, and accelerating - Those communities that are the first to participate would make the most rapid improvements. 4. Promoting a worldview of society as a social superorganism, a cognitive organism, and its societal systems as a cognitive architecture. 5. Knowing the intrinsic purpose of a society - each subsystem must be explained in terms of the overall intrinsic purpose. 6. The reason for transformation - Transformation that improves cognition reduces the uncertainty that our society's intrinsic purpose is fulfilled. 7. Forming a partnership between the global science community and all the local communities of the world.
all that sense making and problem 00:14:18 solving has been siloed
- for: whole system approach, system approach, systems thinking, systems thinking - societal design, societal design, John Boik, societal design - evolutionary approach, designing societies - evolutionary approach
- currently, all societal systems function as silos
- how does the total system change and achieve new stable states?
- advocating for designing societal systems so that the cognitive architectures of the different component systems can all serve the same purpose
- design a fitness evaluation score Rather than tackling problems in individual silos, John is promoting an integrated approach.
This is wholly consistent with the underpinnings of SRG Deep Humanity praxis that stresses the same need for multi-disciplinary study and synthesis of all the various parts of the SSO.into one unified Gestalt to mitigate progress traps. https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fthetyee.ca%2FAnalysis%2F2019%2F09%2F20%2FRonald-Wright-Can-We-Dodge-Progress-Trap%2F&group=world https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fthetyee.ca%2FCulture%2F2018%2F10%2F12%2FHumanity-Progress-Trap%2F&group=world
- for: whole system approach, system approach, systems thinking, systems thinking - societal design, societal design, John Boik, societal design - evolutionary approach, designing societies - evolutionary approach
- Apr 2023
- Feb 2023
wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com
The novel workflows that a technology enables are fundamental to how the technology is used, but these workflows need to be discovered and refined before the underlying technology can be truly useful.
This is, in part, why the tools for thought space should be looking at intellectual history to see how people have worked in the past.
Rather than looking at how writers have previously worked and building something specific that supports those methods, they've taken a tool designed for something else and just thrown it into the mix. Perhaps useful creativity stems from it in a new and unique way, but most likely writers are going to continue their old methods.
- Jan 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
How do you maintain the interdisciplinarity of your zettlekasten? .t3_10f9tnk._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
As humans we're good at separating things based on categories. The Dewey Decimal System systematically separates mathematics and history into disparate locations, but your zettelkasten shouldn't force this by overthinking categories. Perhaps the overlap of math and history is exactly the interdisciplinary topic you're working toward? If this is the case, just put cards into the slip box closest to their nearest related intellectual neighbor—and by this I mean nearest related to you, not to Melvil Dewey or anyone else. Over time, through growth and branching, ideas will fill in the interstitial spaces and neighboring ideas will slowly percolate and intermix. Your interests will slowly emerge into various bunches of cards in your box. Things you may have thought were important can separate away and end up on sparse branches while other areas flourish.
If you make the (false) choice to separate math and history into different "sections" it will be much harder for them to grow and intertwine in an organic and truly disciplinary way. Universities have done this sort of separation for hundreds of years and as a result, their engineering faculty can be buildings or even entire campuses away from their medical faculty who now want to work together in new interdisciplinary ways. This creates a physical barrier to more efficient and productive innovation and creativity. It's your zettelkasten, so put those ideas right next to each other from the start so they can do the work of serendipity and surprise for you. Do not artificially separate your favorite ideas. Let them mix and mingle and see what comes out of them.
If you feel the need to categorize and separate them in such a surgical fashion, then let your index be the place where this happens. This is what indices are for! Put the locations into the index to create the semantic separation. Math related material gets indexed under "M" and history under "H". Now those ideas can be mixed up in your box, but they're still findable. DO NOT USE OR CONSIDER YOUR NUMBERS AS TOPICAL HEADINGS!!! Don't make the fatal mistake of thinking this. The numbers are just that, numbers. They are there solely for you to be able to easily find the geographic location of individual cards quickly or perhaps recreate an order if you remove and mix a bunch for fun or (heaven forfend) accidentally tip your box out onto the floor. Each part has of the system has its job: the numbers allow you to find things where you expect them to be and the index does the work of tracking and separating topics if you need that.
The broader zettelkasten, tools for thought, and creativity community does a terrible job of explaining the "why" portion of what is going on here with respect to Luhmann's set up. Your zettelkasten is a crucible of ideas placed in juxtaposition with each other. Traversing through them and allowing them to collide in interesting and random ways is part of what will create a pre-programmed serendipity, surprise, and combinatorial creativity for your ideas. They help you to become more fruitful, inventive, and creative.
Broadly the same thing is happening with respect to the structure of commonplace books. There one needs to do more work of randomly reading through and revisiting portions to cause the work or serendipity and admixture, but the end results are roughly the same. With the zettelkasten, it's a bit easier for your favorite ideas to accumulate into one place (or neighborhood) for easier growth because you can move them around and juxtapose them as you add them rather than traversing from page 57 in one notebook to page 532 in another.
If you use your numbers as topical or category headings you'll artificially create dreadful neighborhoods for your ideas to live in. You want a diversity of ideas mixing together to create new ideas. To get a sense of this visually, play the game Parable of the Polygons in which one categorizes and separates (or doesn't) triangles and squares. The game created by Vi Hart and Nicky Case based on the research of Thomas Schelling provides a solid example of the sort of statistical mechanics going on with ideas in your zettelkasten when they're categorized rigidly. If you rigidly categorize ideas and separate them, you'll drastically minimize the chance of creating the sort of useful serendipity of intermixed and innovative ideas.
It's much harder to know what happens when you mix anthropology with complexity theory if they're in separate parts of your mental library, but if those are the things that get you going, then definitely put them right next to each other in your slip box. See what happens. If they're interesting and useful, they've got explicit numerical locators and are cross referenced in your index, so they're unlikely to get lost. Be experimental occasionally. Don't put that card on Henry David Thoreau in the section on writers, nature, or Concord, Massachusetts if those aren't interesting to you. Besides everyone has already done that. Instead put him next to your work on innovation and pencils because it's much easier to become a writer, philosopher, and intellectual when your family's successful pencil manufacturing business can pay for you to attend Harvard and your house is always full of writing instruments from a young age. Now you've got something interesting and creative. (And if you must, you can always link the card numerically to the other transcendentalists across the way.)
- Sep 2022
Priya Mohan: Design Thinking Strategies to solve complex problems in STEM
DICE Discover Ideate Create Evaluate
Mostly this was a tour through the DICE framing while using Obsidian for STEM.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
The main difference is in the flow of how messages are ultimately sent to devices for output. The standard library Logger logic converts the log entries to strings and then sends the string to the device to be written to a stream. Lumberjack, on the other hand, sends structured data in the form of a Lumberjack::LogEntry to the device and lets the device worry about how to format it. The reason for this flip is to better support structured data logging. Devices (even ones that write to streams) can format the entire payload including non-string objects and tags however they need to.
- Feb 2021
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
This column and last month's article are about design. Design, by nature, is a series of trade-offs. Every choice has a good and bad side, and you make your choice in the context of overall criteria defined by necessity. Good and bad are not absolutes, however. A good decision in one context might be bad in another.
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
One of my early prototyping experiences in the OER field.
- Oct 2020
indianexpress.com indianexpress.com
BTech in design engineering or BTech engineering design: Design thinking is a popular concept that spans multiple industries and there are courses, independent of any branch purely focussing on designing products. This is also often referred to as an engineering design course or design engineering course. The idea is to teach how to not just bring in design to develop great products that are aesthetically perfect and ergonomically usable and consumer-focused but also to introduce design as a tool for innovative thinking. The curriculum develops design thinking concepts in a manner basis which students can conceptualise and develop products that are innovative while also boasting of high aesthetic value. These graduates are sought after by all manufacturing industries.
Design thinking fosters innovative thinking.
It involes designing user focused, highly utilitarian and aesthetic products.
- Jun 2020
Kharal, L. (2020, May 16). “FORMATIVE RESEARCH” FOR SYSTEMATIC BEHAVIOR CHANGE PROGRAM DESIGN. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bpqfw
- Aug 2019
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
design thinking facilitates the intersection of understanding patients through human-centered design techniques to enhance patients’engagemen
Papel e importância do desing thinking na Saúde 4.0 = facilitar o entendimento na intersecção entre paciente e o HCD para promover engajamento
- May 2019
thinkersco.com thinkersco.com
Persona ¿Qué es? Utilizamos la herramienta Persona para crear un modelo de usuario de nuestro objetivo. De esta manera tenemos una visión más profunda y personal a la hora de analizar las motivaciones y empatizar con nuestro usuario en la fase de ideación.
thinkersco.com thinkersco.com
In Out ¿Qué es? Estamos ante una herramienta que nos sirve para visualizar los límites de un proyecto. Con este mapa visual será más fácil comprender qué es o qué se encuentra dentro de nuestro proyecto y qué no.
thinkersco.com thinkersco.com
Análogos – Antílogos ¿Qué es? El objetivo de esta herramienta es ayudarnos a comprender y visualizar hacia qué punto queremos dirigir nuestra empresa o proyecto haciendo una comparación metafórica con otras empresas o entidades, ya sean del mismo campo o de otro completamente diferente. Para realizarlo, por un lado, hay que identificar y enumerar las entidades, empresas, individuos o proyectos a los que nos gustaría o creemos parecernos. Por otro lado, se debe buscar los análogos, es decir, empresas, individuos, entidades o proyectos a los que no nos gustaría o creemos parecernos.
thinkersco.com thinkersco.com
Cinco Porqués ¿Qué es? Esta herramienta la utilizamos para encontrar brevemente la base de un problema. Con los “cinco porqués” conseguimos llegar a la causa originaria del asunto que estamos tratando
thinkersco.com thinkersco.com
DAFO ¿Qué es? DAFO es una matriz de cuatro secciones que se utiliza para analizar la situación estratégica de una empresa. Por un lado estudia sus características internas (Debilidades y Fortalezas) y por el otro las características externas (Amenazas y Oportunidades).
- Mar 2019
onlineprograms.smumn.edu onlineprograms.smumn.edu
The benefits of personalized learning through technology This resource is included in part because it connects personalized learning and technology. A brief list of benefits, such as increasing student engagement and bridging the gap between teachers and students, are listed. This is presented by a marketing unit of a university so there may be an agenda. Nonetheless it provides useful considerations such as helping learners develop 'design thinking.' rating 3/5
wp0.vanderbilt.edu wp0.vanderbilt.edu
Teaching problem solving This page is included because some of our theories indicate that problem solving should be taught specifically. This page is a bit unusual; I did not find many others like it. It is rather easy to read and also addresses the differences between novice and expert learners. rating 3/5
- May 2018
current.ecuad.ca current.ecuad.ca
They can enable individuals to reflect on the personal and social impact of new technologies, and provide a provocative, speculative, and rich vision of our technological future that avoids the clichés of consumerist-oriented industrial design.
Although this article emphasized the difference between critical design and critical making, the later being more process oriented and involving information systems than only physical objects I wish the author could have illustrated that with an example. How to make a digital object critically? How to think of UI design patterns critically? All the tacit knowledge a UI and UXer is expected to have in order to get hired and that they use everyday. If the aim of critical making of information systems concern is to uncover the embedded values in software and the process of designing of software than it also needs to question the industry jargon and process which forms the lived experience of designers everyday.
Critically engaged language can do detailed surgery on a topic, but critical objects can hit like an emotional sledgehammer if thoughtfully implemented.
Also they give an opportunity to create work, professsions, hobbies. Entire groups of people can organize their time and energies around the creation and maintenance of that object. Communities could willingly decrease the complexity of their needs by negotiation of values in objects in order to create lower thresholds to economic participation
reflection on unconscious values embedded in computing and the practices that it supports can and should be a core principle of technology design
Yes but how? What if one doesn't even have the vocabulary and lived experience to identify that value and it's influence?
- Feb 2018
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
La noción de diseño difuso se refiere al hecho de que todo el mundo está dotado con la capacidad de diseñar, mientras que la de diseño experto se refiere al conocimiento profesional del diseño. Entre las dos distinciones se abre un espacio para repensar ‘el diseño en un mundo interconectado’. En el modelo de Manzini este espacio funciona como un recurso heurístico que permite visualizar modos de diseño, desde los ‘activistas culturales’ comprometidos con el diseño difuso y la construcción de sentido hasta las formas de intervención tecnológica centradas en la solución de problemas bajo el liderazgo de expertos (
Cfg Leinonen.
el mundo está experimentando una gran transición; el diseño puede contribuir a fomentar una cultura de localismo cosmopolita que vincule, efectivamente, lo local y lo global a través de infraestructuras resilientes que acerquen la producción y el consumo con base en sistemas distribuidos; (c) las acciones de la gente para cambiar sus condiciones de vida cotidianas se llevan a cabo, cada vez más, a través de organizaciones colaborativas; los expertos en diseño, como piezas importantes en este redescubrimiento de la colaboración, ayudan a crear las condiciones para el cambio social;
Véase Trabajar y Crear en Abierto Desde el Sur (abisur).
- Nov 2017
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
The selection committee declares that whatever LMS the university chooses next must work exactly like Blackboard and exactly like Moodle while having all the features of Canvas. Oh, and it must be "innovative" and "next-generation" too, because we're sick of LMSs that all look and work the same.
www.learningsolutionsmag.com www.learningsolutionsmag.com
if the children are from more than one class, the app is programmed with rules that determine which curriculum appears on the iPad.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
carefully crafted learning outcomes
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
how to balance supporting a system as complex as Domain of One’s Own without dictating how people use it
- Jan 2017
blog.prototypr.io blog.prototypr.io
To design a system means to orchestrate the interplay of its elements.
Well said.
- Jun 2016
minireference.com minireference.com
the only real problem remaining is the user experience that entices teachers to contribute content
Sounds a bit restrictive. Though there are hairy UX problems making it even more difficult for teachers to contribute content, many other issues are likely to remain, preventing contributions, even if the User Experience were optimal for every single potential contributor. In other words, it’s one thing to set “the problem to be solved” in a manageable way. It’s another to grasp the complexity of the situation.