154 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Smith et al. summarize four categories of characteristics contributing to RTL: cognitive, attitudinal, behavioral, and personality/dispositional: Readiness to learn is a mix of cognitive (e.g., prior knowledge), attitudinal (e.g., enthusiasm), behavioral (e.g., effort; strategy use), and personality or dispositional (e.g., determination or drive) characteristics. As such, the literature indicates that readiness to learn is an elastic construct wherein an individual’s motivation, use of basic cognitive skills, and the use of “soft skills” that enable learning (e.g., communication, teamwork; U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, n.d.) come into play. (177)
  2. May 2024
    1. Luhmann cites Edgar Morin (1980: 44) on ecological dominance, i.e., an ecological relation wherein some systems may be dominant but where none dominates (Luhmann 1987: 109-110; 1990a: 147-8).

      Luhmann meminjam Edgar Morin tentang dominasi ekologis. Bahwa dalam relasi ekologis sebagian sistem mungkin dominan tapi tidak mendominasi.

    2. Ecological dominance is a contingent emergent relationship between two or more systems rather than a naturally necessary property of a single system. Thus a given functional system can be more or less ecologically dominant, its dominance may vary across different systems in its environment and/or with changing circumstances, and the continuation of any dominance will depend on the development of the ecosystem as a whole.[2] So there is no ‘last instance’ in relations of ecological dominance. But, given that the capitalist economy is structurally coupled to other operationally autonomous systems and to the lifeworld (and these to each other too), we can ask which, if any, of them could become ecologically dominant. There are seven analytically distinct, but empirically interrelated, aspects of the social (as opposed to biological) world that affect a system’s potential in this regard (see Table 1). Considered in these terms, the capitalist economy, with its distinctive, self-valorizing logic, tends to have just those properties that favour ecological dominance.

      Dominasi Ekologis

      Factors Relevan to Ecological Dominance

    1. memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi,pengetahuan, hiburan, dan meningkatkan kemampuanliterasi bermedia


      Tanpa kejelasan skema, tujuan-tujuan mulia ini selamanya hanya akan jadi utopia belaka. 🖖 Perlu ada terobosan atau afirmasi kebijakan terkait partisipasi yang bermakna dari Lembaga Pendidikan dan atau Lembaga Penelitian.


      • Jumlah dan Sebaran Program Studi terkaitt Penyiaran (Ilmu Komunikasi, Broadcasting, Film, Televisi, Periklanan dll) meningkat pesat sejak 20 tahun terakhir.
      • Peminat prodi komunikasi selalu menempati urutan tinggi dibanding prodi lainnya. Sayangnya, Prodi ini mulai dikeluhkan karena Kuliahnya Nggak Gampang, Cari Kerjanya Susah
      • Problem klasik Link & Match antara lain disebabkan minimnya sarana laboratorium siaran/multimedia yang dikelola penyelenggara Prodi dan tidak tumbuhnya ekosistem industri penyiaran di daerah.
      • Dibutuhkan setidaknya 8 tahun untuk proses inkubasi TV Pendidikan yang dikelola oleh Perguruan Tinggi (Sula, dkk 2015)




      • Ruang lingkup peran serta masyarakat masih sangat umum.
      • Belum mencerminkan partisipasi bermakna.
      • Terbatas pada aspek pemantauan konten media.


      • Teknologi digital telah menggeser audiens media tidak hanya sebagai konsumen tapi sekaligus produsen konten (prosumer)
      • ...


    3. bahwa untuk melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruhtumpah darah Indonesia serta untukmemajukan kesejahteraan umum, dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa maka perlu diwujudkan dalam Penyiaran nasional


      Perlu ditambahkan poin penegasan tentang kedudukan penyiaran sebagai produk ekonomi sekaligus produk budaya serta kejelasan tanggung jawab pemerintah maupun pemerintah daerah. Hal ini senada dengan poin b dan c pada UU 24/2019 tentang Ekonomi Kreatif, sebagaimana tertera dalam pertimbangan berikut


      b. bahwa Pemerintah dan/atau Pemerintah Daerah bertanggung jawab dalam menciptakan dan mengembangkan ekosistem penyiaran ~~ekonomi kreatif~~ sehingga mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi perekonomian nasional dan meningkatkan daya saing global guna tercapainya tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan;

      c. bahwa untuk memberikan dasar kepastian hukum kepada Pemerintah dan/atau Pemerintah Daerah dalam menciptakan dan mengembangkan ekosistem penyiaran ~~ekonomi kreatif~~, perlu pengaturan tentang penyiaran ~~ekonomi kreatif~~;

    4. peran pemerintah dalampengembangan modal usaha LPS

      Sebaiknya dihapus. Peran pemerintah dalam permodalan lembaga penyiaran lebih baik difokuskan untuk LPB dan LPK. Masih banyak LPK yang perlu diinkubasi agar mampu bertahan.


      • Masih kurang bukti apa lagi? Kok gethiing aku 🙄🙄🙄
    5. Pemerintah adalah Presiden Republik Indonesia yangmemegang kekuasaan pemerintahan Negara RepublikIndonesia yang dibantu oleh Wakil Presiden dan menteriyang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintah di bidangkomunikasi dan informatika.

      Jika republik ini masih mempercayai asas desentralisasi dalam kerangka otonomi daerah, Semestinya UU ini mengikutsertakan Pemerintah Daerah baik sebagai Wakil Pemerintah Pusat (Provinsi) maupun sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah (Provinsi/ Kabupaten/Kota) untuk ikut bertanggung jawab.


      • Hal ini sejalan dengan ketentuan sebagaimana tercantum dalam UU 24/2019 tentang Ekonomi Kreatif di mana televisi dan radio merupakan bagian didalamnya. Lihat catatan sebelumnya
      • Secara faktual, beberapa daerah sudah memiliki regulasi (Perda/Pergub/Perbup) tentang penyelenggaraan penyiaran. Pencarian PERDA di peraturan.bpk.go.id dengan kata kunci "penyiaran" menghasilkan temuan sebanyak 1462 peraturan.
      • Pemerintah Daerah cenderung abai atau mengatur penyiaran secara parsial. Misalnya hanya memiliki Perda pendirian LPP Lokal, Perda Penyiaran Berlangganan.
      • Beberapa Lembaga Penyiaran di Daerah memiliki ketergantungan yang tinggi pada APBD. Misal di Provinsi DIY dan Bali, 30-60% pendapatan TV Lokal bersumber dari APBD (Rianto, dkk., 2023).


      1. Pemerintah Daerah adalah kepala daerah sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah yang memimpin pelaksanaan urusan pemerintahan yang menjadi kewenangan daerah otonom.
    6. LPS dapat memancarluaskan Siaran di lebih dari satuWilayah Siar melalui SSJ.

      <center>Selamat Datang Otoritarianisme Digital.</center>

      <center> gambar: safenet.or.id</center>

    7. usaha lain yang sah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturanperundang-undangan.

      Meski secara tekstual sumber pendapatan LPS berbeda dengan LPB dan LPK, jika tidak ada batasan yang jelas dan dalam realitanya LPS bebas mengakses APBN/APBD, niscaya persaingan tidak sehat akan selamanya terjadi.

    8. sepanjangSiaran bersama dimaksud tidak mengarah kepada monopoliinformasi dan/atau monopoli pembentukan opini.

      Atas dasar apa, bagaimana, dan siapa yang berwenang memutuskan adanya monopoli informasi dan atau monopoli pembentukan opini oleh lembaga penyiaran?

    9. Analisis sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapatdilakukan dan disebarluaskan KPI denganmengikutsertakan perguruan tinggi, pemerintah, lembagaanalis, organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan/atau pemerintahdaerah di seluruh Indonesia.

      Gimana kalau KPI yang memastikan ketersediaan basis data dari lembaga penyiaran baik yang bersifat terbuka atau diatur melalui perjanjian kerja sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan?

      Sementara kegiatan analisis, monitoring/evaluasi dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga misalnya Perguruan Tinggi, Lembaga Penelitian, Ormas dsb.

    10. menyiarkan sosialisasi pembangunan.


    11. dicabut hak siarnya.

      👍👍👍 PR berikutnya bagaimana mekanisme pencabutan hak siar dan keberanian KPI menerapkan

    12. Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia yang selanjutnya disingkat KPI adalah lembaga negara yang bersifat independen sebagai wujud peran serta masyarakat di bidang Penyiaran yang ada di pusat dan di daerah, bertugas mengatur dan mengawasi Isi Siaran dan konten Siaran.

      Pasal ini mengerdilkan fungsi KPI hanya sebatas mengatur dan mengawasi isi dan konten siaran. Sementara problem penyiaran di Indonesia cukup kompleks dan sarat kepentingan. Sudah banyak kajian yang membahas 'mandul'nya KPI sebagai Independent Regulatory Agency. Lihat

    13. Penyedia Pemeringkat Isi Siaran adalah pihak yang melakukan pemeringkatan Isi Siaran sesuai dengan kaidah ilmiah

      Mengapa hanya urusan pemeringkatan isi siaran? Selain berat sebelah pada sisi ekonomi, ada potensi bias algoritma pemeringkatan.

    14. bahwa penyiarandiarahkan bagi terciptanya penyelenggaraan penyiaran yangmendidik,berkualitas,edukatif, kreatif, inspiratif,bertanggung jawab,bermanfaat, dan mencerdaskanbagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara

      RUU ini belum secara jelas memberikan gambaran bagaimana tata kelola penyiaran menuju arah yang diharapkan. Perlu ada kebijakan afirmatif terhadap keberadaan lembaga pendidikan bidang komunikasi, penyiaran, maupun komunitas sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari ekosistem penyelenggaraan penyiaran di Indonesia.

    1. his ‘antihumanism’ is not a replacement of ‘human nature’ with systems. ‘Social systems theory does not describe reality as it “essentially” is, but as what it has actually become – and it could have come out otherwise’
    1. Mengembangkansistem informasi,dokumentasi, danpengarsipan kekayaanhayati dan warisanbudaya Indonesia.

      Karya rekam baik cetak maupun digital, termasuk di dalamnya film, multimedia, sinetron adalah produk budaya yang perlu diarsipkan.

    2. tata edar film untuksemua platformtermasuk yang lahirdari perkembanganteknologi informasidan lain-lain.

      Poin ini relevan dengan RUU Penyiaran terkait penyedia konten maupun penyelenggara platform (masukkan pasal-pasal terkait)

    3. televisi dan radio

      Dari keseluruhan dokumen Rencana Induk Ekonomi Kreatif, "televisi dan radio" hanya disebut sekali. Ini menunjukkan adanya 'policy blind spot' dalam tata kelola ekosistem penyiaran. Ini sekaligus menjadi hub antara UU Ekonomi Kreatif dengan RUU Penyiaran yang sedang dibahas DPR.

    1. Pemerintah Daerah adalah kepala daerah sebagaiunsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah yangmemimpin pelaksanaan urusan pemerintahan yangmenjadi kewenangan daerah otonom.

      Pemerintah Daerah dicantumkan dalam ketentuan umum

  3. Jan 2024
    1. In addition, between approximately 2015 and 2018, SAP, through certain of its agents, engaged in a scheme to bribe Indonesian officials to obtain improper business advantages for SAP in connection with various contracts between and among SAP and Indonesian departments, agencies, and instrumentalities, including the Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and Balai Penyedia dan Pengelola Pembiayaan Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (an Indonesian state-owned and state-controlled Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency).

      Korupsi proyek digitalisasi.

    1. there are certain areas within CSS that are reluctant to adopt rigorous scientific practices from other fields, which can be observed through an overreliance on passively collected data (e.g., through digital traces, wearables) without questioning the validity of such data.
    2. as Computational Social Science (CSS) grows up, it must strike a balance between its own practices and those of neighboring disciplines to achieve scientific rigor and refine its identity.
    1. computational social science as an interdisciplinary scientific field in which contributions develop and test theories or provide systematic descriptions of human, organizational, and institutional behavior through the use of computational methods and practices.
  4. Dec 2023
    1. Naamlooze Vennootschap Publiciteitskantoor Cosmos : EXTRA BIJVOEGSEL der Javasche Courant van 13/6-1924 No.48
    1. OSAMU GUNREI NOMOR 16 dan PENJELASAN Tahun 1942 (2602) Tentang pengawasan badan-badan pengoemoeman danpenerangan dan penilikan pengoemoeman dan penerangan.

      sejarah kebijakan komunikasi di indonesia

    1. ngélmu ingkang linarangngan

      Ilmu yang terlarang, Forbidden Knowledge

    2. Tegesipun kang ngilo iku  Hyang Ngagung, anapon semunya, kang wawayangngan sayekti, ya iku kang ingarannan dzatullah. Tegesipun aran sipattullah iku, iya sipattira, pasthiné kang dén aranni, apngallullah pan iya panggawénira. Dén tuwajuh, poma aja saksiréku, aja kumalamar, lawan aja pindha kardi, krana wong kang makrifatté wus sampurna.

      Dzat = Materiality Sifat = Attributes, Characters Apngal, af'al = Act/ Action/ Actor

    3. Kang dén ilo, lawan kang ngilo puniku, anapon wayangngan anané kang ngilo pasthi, iya iku tannana prabédanira.
    4. nenggih antukkira nukil saking kitab. Akya ngulumudin lan saking puniku, tefsir Ibnu Ngabas ngélmu khak kang dén rasani, kang wus takhsis nenggih, masalah paéssan.

      Serat Pamejang Ngelmi merupakan contoh bagaimana pujangga Jawa melakukan translasi pemikiran Ihya Ulumuddin dan tafsir Ibnu Abbas terutama dalam tema etika (paesan).

  5. Oct 2023
    1. McLuhan observed that a medium was an environment of services and dis services and adjustments that accompanied each new technological 00:04:16 innovation ecology was the big buzzword at the time because Rachel Carson had published a book just a couple of years earlier in 1962 and alerted people to 00:04:29 toxic environmental effects
  6. Sep 2023
    1. Shalini Misra, Patrick Roberts, Matthew Rhodes. (2020). Information overload, stress, and emergency managerial thinking. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Volume 51, December 2020, 101762 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101762

    2. Above and beyond the effects of age, education, experience, and time spent on emergency managerial work, higher levels of perceived information overload from digital sources were significantly associated with higher levels of perceived stress
    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. The problem with Identity (a summary of why the current identity ecosystem is broken)

    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. High Level Requirements (The key stakeholders perspective on Identity 3.0)

    1. Ten Reason Why Identity Ecosystems Fail

      • Fail #1 - Reliance on a “Locus of Control”
      • Fail #2 - A lack of anonymity at the root of an entity's identity
      • Fail #3 - Maintaining or using attributes that are non-authoritative
      • Fail #4 - Federating identity systems
      • Fail #5 - Fixation on “my product” solving all your problems
      • Fail #6 - A lack of context in risk calculations
      • Fail #7 - The ecosystem only supports people (not all entities)
      • Fail #8 - Not understanding the level of immutable linkage to the Entity
      • Fail #9 - Turning a variable into a binary
      • Fail #10 - Reduced privacy by consolidating attributes from disparate personas
    2. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Why identity ecosystems fail (A primer on key aspects of Identity 3.0)

    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Why Identity 3.0? (or; what must we do that is fundamentally different?)

    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Personas as a basis for Context and Trust (A primer on key aspects of Identity 3.0)

    1. The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Briefing: Infrastructure & the Internet of Things

    1. Ye, L., & Yang, H.M. (2020). From Digital Divide to Social Inclusion: A Tale of Mobile Platform Empowerment in Rural Areas. Sustainability.

    1. Villages as homogeneous legal community units cannot be equated with cities in the process ofadopting information technology (Pranita and Kesa, 2021; Ehnberg et al., 2021; Hadian & Susanto,2022; Rachmawati, 2018). The smart city concept cannot be applied in villages that carry the smartvillage terminology because of the homogeneity of the people as well as local characteristics andculture.

      Menganggap desa sebagai komunitas yang homogen tidak sepenuhnya tepat.

    2. Entang Adhy Muhtar, Abdillah Abdillah, Ida Widianingsih & Qinthara Mubarak Adikancana (2023) Smart villages, rural development and community vulnerability in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis, Cogent Social Sciences, 9:1, 2219118, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2219118

    1. However, what matters is the quality of information, not just the quantity. When we add information that does not change the dominance relations between products, choice quality is not degraded.
    1. Sally Randles, Elise Tancoigne & Pierre-Benoît Joly (2022): Two tribes or more? The historical emergence of discourse coalitions of responsible research and innovation (rri) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Journal of Responsible Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2022.2061306

    1. Bakhtin uses the term heteroglossia to refer to this dynamic multiplicity ofvoices
    2. the pressure exercised bydiscourses that highlight the social dimension of assessment is very strong and pervasive,making it difficult for more exhortative or developmental policies on assessment (Ball et al.,2012) to survive in the polyphonic discursive space of the school. PA3, a policy authority whohas worked as a school teacher, also sees schools as spaces where contradictory discourses onassessment circulate in a paradigm conflict, where the current structure of schools does notfacilitate reform processes either:
    3. Mikhail Bakhtin observes discursive spaces as being in permanent contestation, andutterances as processes of ideological positioning of the self in a historical and cultural context.

      From Bakhtinian perspective, discursive space are always in permanent contestation in which utterances is a processes of ideological positioning of the self throughout sociohistorical context.

    1. Ontological relations between discursive space, space of facts, and digital transformation.

    2. Maciag, R. (2018). Discursive Space and Its Consequences for Understanding Knowledge and Information. Philosophies, 3(4), 34. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/philosophies3040034

  7. Aug 2023
    1. Aguinis, H. and Matthew A. Cronin. (2022). "It's the Theory, Stupid." Organizational Psychology Review Online First. https://doi.org/10.1177/20413866221080629

    2. the number one and most important reason why research is meaningful and makes a useful and valuable contribution is theory.
    3. (1) Why is theory so critical and for whom? (2) What does a good theory look like? (3) What does it mean to have too much or too many theories? (4) When don’t we need a theory? (5) How does falsification work with theory? and (6) Is good theory compatible with current publication pressures?

      This is six question to understand the state of art of a theory

    4. It's the theory, stupid.
    1. published article can be cited as below:

      Sacha Golob (2019) A New Theory of Stupidity, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 27:4, 562-580, DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2019.1632372

    1. Sandi, Ana Marie, 'Interdisciplinarity and Futures Research', in Philip H. Birnbaum, Frederick A. Rossini, and Donald R. Baldwin (eds), International Research Management (New York, 1990; online edn, Oxford Academic, 3 Oct. 2011), https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195062526.003.0016, accessed 23 Aug. 2023.

    1. Kristóf, T., & Nováky, E. (2023). The Story of Futures Studies: An Interdisciplinary Field Rooted in Social Sciences. Social Sciences, 12(3), 192. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030192

    1. Helen Bridle, Anton Vrieling, Monica Cardillo, Yoseph Araya, Leonith Hinojosa. (2013). Preparing for an interdisciplinary future: A perspective from early-career researchers. Futures Volume 53, September 2013, Pages 22-32 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2013.09.003

  8. Jul 2023
    1. Pada tahun 2019 Ditjen APTIKA Kominfo melakukan kegiatan literasi serentak di level nasional. Kegiatan ini menjangkau 34.585 peserta.


    1. Scholars have experienced information overload for more than a century [Vickery, 1999] and the problem is just getting worse. Online access provides much better knowledge discovery and aggregation tools, but these tools struggle with the fragmentation of research communication caused by the rapid proliferation of increasingly specialized and overlapping journals, some with decreasing quality of reviewing [Schultz, 2011].
    1. specific uses of the technology help develop what we call “relational confidence,” or the confidence that one has a close enough relationship to a colleague to ask and get needed knowledge. With greater relational confidence, knowledge sharing is more successful.
    1. The most serious effort toward testing the appeasement strategy to avoid democratization comes from Morrison (2009), whose results show a positive relationship between grants per capita and social spending in a sample of dictatorships.
    1. PT Pertamina (Persero) mengapresiasi dukungan Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Keuangan yang telah melakukan pembayaran dana kompensasi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Semester 1 Tahun 2022 sebesar Rp 137,62 triliun (termasuk pajak) atau Rp118,62 triliun (tidak termasuk pajak)
    1. we find that politicalcontributions increase both the likelihood a company is awarded a state subsidy and the dollarvalue of subsidy awarded.
    1. karena subsidi paling besar 00:02:06 adalah pertalite dan solar Oke otomatis subsidinya bisa mencapai lama-lama bisa mencapai Albab Rp8.000 perliter begitu dan ini akan 00:02:20 dipasok terus akan kekurangan terus karena subdana Supe eh harga subsidi ini akan lari ke laut nanti dijual di tengah laut
    1. At a general level there seems to be agreement in the literature that models for science communication can be divided into two paradigms. Some models view one-way transmission of information about science from experts to the public as the appropriate way to communicate science. Other models in contrast view dialogue and deliberation between the public, experts and decision-makers as the proper way of engaging in science communication
    2. A conceptual framework of science communication aims
    1. CRISP-DM has not been built in a theoretical, academic manner working from technicalprinciples, nor did elite committees of gurus create it behind closed doors.
  9. Jun 2023
    1. Justru dia terlihat dalam tulisan-tulisannya,selalu berusaha menghindari konfrontasiatau kontradiksi antara teori dan faktorlainnya
    2. Perspektif eklektik disini mempunyaiarti bahwa pendapat-pendapat M. AlwiDahlan dalam studi Ilmu Komunikasi—pada saat itu—didasarkan pada aspekkebermanfaatan dari macam sumber manapun

      Kalimat ini mengindikasikan karakter interdisiplin dan penekanan pada fungsi dari kajian komunikasi

    3. Berangkat dari kesadaran metarnarasi dan semangatkajian perspektif non-Western, peneliti melakukan eksplorasi melalui proses lingkar-hermeneutik dan pemahaman horizon-horizon, sehingga menghasilkan makna kreatif(Bildung).

      Semangat menggali perspektif non-western dengan cara western.

    1. Reflection enters the picture when we want to allow agents to reflect uponthemselves and their own thoughts, beliefs, and plans. Agents that have thisability we call introspective agents.
    1. Unemployment among those who have attained secondary education (vocational) isnearly 12% compared with the country average of about 6.25%. The government’spolicy push, and a budget allocation of almost 20% of GDP for education have notonly helped expand the network of educational institutions across 6000 inhabitedislands but have also improved the progression of cohorts. For example, thoseachieving lower secondary education went up from 31% in 1994 to 52% in 2013
    1. AtPew Internet such things are measured as follows v :• writing material on a social networking site such as Facebook: 57% of internetusers do that• sharing photos: 37% of internet users do that• contributing rankings and reviews of products or services: 30% of internet usersdo that• creating tags of content: 28% of internet users do that• posting comments on third-party websites or blogs: 26% of internet users dothat• posting comments on other websites: 26% of internet users do that• using Twitter or other status update features: 19% of internet users do that• creating or working on a personal website: 15% of internet users do that• creating or working on a blog: 15% of internet users do that• taking online material and remixing it into a new creation: 15% of internet usersdo that with photos, video, audio or text

      Social Network activities measurement: Writing materials. Sharing Photos Contributing rankings and reviews of products or services Creating tags of content Posting comments on 3rd party websites or blogs Posting comments on other websites Using twitter or other status update features Creating or working on a personal website Creating or working on blog Taking online material and remixing into a new creation

    1. information ecology research mainly focuses on information ecosystems, information ecology in e-commerce, and information ecology in a network.
    2. information ecology is an emerging field with vigorous development in recent years, and information ecology research is a multi-disciplinary subject.
    3. knowledge mapping to analyze the changes in the number of published papers as time goes on, in terms of country and geographic area, research topics, research methods, funding sources, hot research spots, and research trends.
    1. goal perspective, information ecologies have been designed to increase engagement with collaborative tasks (Price & Pontual-Falcão, 2011), enhance whole classroom learning (Rick, 2009), boost creative problem solving (Hilliges et al., 2007), support product design conversations (Bardill, Griffiths, Jones, & Fields, 2010), and coordinate complex collaborative working (Huang, Mynatt, & Trimble, 2006).

      Two different perspectives on information ecology: user and goal

    2. Information ecology was defined by Nardi and O’Day (1999) to be “a system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a particular local environment” (p. 49).
    3. the design and integration of new technologies in learning activities cannot be studied independently of the classroom environment, less attention has been paid in learning environments

      Designing new learning technology is not always the best solution without paying attention to its learning environment.

    4. indicate that distributed cognition considers a collaborative activity taking place across individuals, artefacts and internal or external representations, as one cognitive system.
    5. How the information ecology allows the design group to coordinate their actions? How awareness is distributed within the group when working with multiple technologies? How each one of the technologies in the ecology supports coordination and collaboration of learning activities?
    6. an “information ecology” is a local environment enriched with multiple heterogeneous technologies, such as personal computers, handheld devices, interactive screens, which are interlinked as a unified system.
    7. cognition cannot be tamed within the boundaries of an individual, but researchers should expand the unit of analysis to include the surrounding environment.
    1. Communication studies is a science that studies messages effectively from the sender of the message to the message’s recipient through various platforms. In this department, you will research communication at multiple levels, from an individual, media, advertising/publicity, intercultural communication, to social media communication.
  10. Apr 2023
    1. After struggling with this problem for a while and still being far from solving this issue, I realized that I was making too many requests to the website; which made me come up with the idea of saving all the pages I needed to scrape on my local computer. Next, I started sending requests to these local HTML files instead and kept adapting my code.

      I had similar problem on this.

  11. Jan 2023
    1. It consists of two key components: The ‘Declarative Processing Environment’, which allows processes to be assembled goal-driven from a pool of process building blocks and the ‘Autopoietic Framework’ that mimics natural organisms to adapt to environmental changes, new capabilities and new technology.
  12. Dec 2022
    1. In other words, the dog-object is defined by its interactions (or its quality in Pirsig's perspective) within the environmental network and how well it expresses its dogginess.

      Tak ada asu kecuali konstruksi semantik yang muncul dari jejak histori interaksi sesuasu dengan kahanan di sekitarnya dan seberapa asu sesuasu itu mengekspresikan keasuannya,

    1. In its original form Freud’s psychoanalysis was based on the representation of psychical states of patients through two groups of questions: (a) about recollections from childhood;(b) about sexual experiences.Later Freud was criticized for his attempt to reduce the psychical state to the a,b<math><mi is="true">a</mi><mtext is="true">,</mtext><mi is="true">b</mi></math>-domains. He was especially strongly critisized for overestimating the role of sexual experiences in childhood. From our point of view Freud’s approach might be considered as the basis for creation of a quantum-like representation based on the reference observables a and b. Of course, a mental ψ<math><mi is="true">ψ</mi></math>-function based on observables a and b gives a very rough representation of the underlying mental context of a patient, but nevetheless it could be used to proceed mathematically.

      this is an example of mathematically correct yet rough representation of the underlying mental context of a human condition.

    1. The concept of a knowledge vacuum refers to an organizational condition in which the pushing force of innovation and the pulling force of organizational inertia both at the structural and behavioral levels such as political pressure, pro-innovation bias, and employee frustration, interact to create a negative spiral that hampers organizational and policy learning.

      coupling and decoupling or learning dynamic of innovation

    2. a knowledge vacuum, which is an organizational condition in which excessive exploration and organizational inertia interact to create a vicious cycle of low performance.
    1. We repeat this procedure 10,000 times. The value of 10,000 was selected because 9604 is the minimum size of samples required to estimate an error of 1 % with 95 % confidence [this is according to a conservative method; other methods also require <10,000 samples size (Newcombe 1998)]
    1. In this work, we develop the “Multi-Agent, Multi-Attitude” (MAMA) model which incorporates several key factors of attitude diffusion: (1) multiple, interacting attitudes; (2) social influence between individuals; and (3) media influence. All three components have strong support from the social science community.

      several key factors of attitude diffusion: 1. multiple, interacting attitudes 2. social influence between individuals 3. media influence

    1. Tension management approaches and capabilities – definitions and key references.

      Tension management scope: spatial separation, temporal separation, integration, analytical capability, executional capability, emotional capability, relational capability, balancing capability

    1. Ultimately, after identifying some critical aspects of the doctrines of common goods, I will try to examine the possibility to guarantee all people the fundamental right to access to food by using the “public utilities made available by the local government”. Otherwise, if we let the laws of the market be the ones that can guarantee food, we risk legitimizing a “juridical paradox” that the constitutional order (at least the Italian one) by no means can tolerate.

      Juridical perspective to verify the possibility to consider food as a common good. Being said that Italian constitutional doctrine has not covered this particular aspect. Bringing up the very common, yet taken for granted, concept of 'private' and 'public provided by the constitution into consideration.

  13. Nov 2022
    1. In an Open Science context,  “infrastructure” -- the "structures and facilities" -- refers to the scholarly communication resources and services, including software, that we depend upon to enable the scientific and scholarly community to collect, store, organise, access, share, and assess research.
    1. The “linguistic turn” in the social sciences focused on the socially constructed nature of “reality” (Berger & Luckmann 1979). With this turn, the focus was on the role of language as both describing and construing our understanding of what takes place in society. This means that we cannot assume that language (such as it is produced, for instance, in policy documents, legislation, parliamentary debates, interviews, etc.) merely describes reality; it also construes the ways in which we understand and conceptualise that (social) reality. Another implication of the linguistic turn in the social sciences is that policy texts cannot and should not be dismissed as “mere rhetoric”, with little to do with “real policy” (Saarinen 2008).
    1. For whom do we make knowledge and why? This question could not be timelier as humanists and administrators seek to make disciplines appear more relevant to students, applicable to social problems, and attendant to political, social, and economic exigencies” (2019, p. 351)
    1. While digitization has made scholars from various disciplines interested in howarchives shape an interdisciplinary field there is still a lack of agreement on whatcounts as an archive/digital archive.

      Archives digitization shape interdisciplinary field. Yet researcher tend to work with their own definition of what archive is.

    1. When we are collecting new data to address a research question addressed in another context, it can be near impossible to re-create ex-act contexts with participants; researchers simply do not have that sort of control over any research context. This suggests that reproduction, rather than replication, may be a more useful goal.

      reproduction rather than replication may be a more useful goal for research work setting.

    1. Groethe-Hammer, Michael. 2022. The Communicative Constitution of The World: A Luhmannian View on Communication, Organizations, and Society in The Routledge Handbook of The Communicative Constitution of Organization.

    1. Models, Simulations, and The Reduction of Complexity

    2. Modern science is, to a large extent, a model-building activity. In the natural and engineering sciences as well as in the social sciences, models are constructed, tested and revised, they are compared with other models, applied, interpreted and sometimes rejected or replaced by a better model.
    1. Retribusi Pelayanan Kepelabuhanan 3.610.000.000 3.622.960.500

      Realisasi retribusi pelayanan kepelabuhanan DKP Jawa Tengah periode 1 Januari - 31 Agustus 2021 telah melampaui target.

    2. Retribusi Pemberian Izin KegiatanUsaha Penangkapan Ikan3.500.000.000 2.198.323.300

      Realisasi retribusi Pemberian Izin Kegiatan Usaha Penangkapan Ikan DKP Jawa Tengah periode 1 Januari - 31 Agustus 2021 baru mencapai 62,81 %. Hal ini wajar mengingat pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan di pertengahan tahun anggaran. Meski demikian, pendapatan retribusi pemberian perizinan usaha penangkapan ikan di Jawa Tengah masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan mengoptimalkan pelayanan di sentra-sentra nelayan. Potensi pendapatan retribusi perizinan usaha dilakukan dengan menyasar pelaku usaha perikanan yang memiliki kapal perikanan 10 - 30 GT sesuai kewenangan Provinsi.

    1. there is no such thing as algorithms without their own weight

      political dimension of algorithms

    2. Automated personalization, localization, recommendation, f iltering, classif ication, evaluation, aggregation, synthetization, or ad hoc generation of information are similarly pervasive practices that do not require explicit user input to select, sequence, arrange, or modulate some set of digital items
    3. Search has become a dominant means to access and order the masses of digital and dataf ied bits and pieces that clutter the environments we inhabit.
    4. There are at least three remarkable aspects to this spread of information seeking

      First, computer-supported searching has sprawled beyond the libraries, archives, and specialized documentation systems it was largely confined to before the arrival of the web. Second, what retrieval operates on – information – has come to stand for almost anything, from scraps of knowledge to things, people, ideas, or experiences. Third, the deliberate and motivated act of formulating a query to f ind something is only one of the many forms in which information retrieval nowadays manifests itself.

    5. Weaver distinguishes ‘three levels of communication problems’, beginning with the technical problem (A), which is concerned with the f idelity of symbol transmission and thus the level where Shannon’s mathematical def inition and measure of information are situated. But Weaver then also postulates a semantic problem (B) that refers to the transmission of meaning and an ef fectiveness problem (C) that asks

      Three levels of communication problems: technical problem, semantic problem, and effectiveness problem. (Shannon and Weaver. 1964. A Mathematical Theory of Communication)