8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. dans le cadre de Ready fork d'abord les messages étaient envoyés en 00:19:12 plusieurs langues et comme vous l'avez vu ils utilisaient un langage simple ce dispositif ne demandait pas euh ne demandait pas aux parents un investissement de temps important en fait on leur demandait pas de dégager 00:19:25 davantage de temps pour ses activités on essayait plutôt de intégrer des petites activités ludiques ou des petites activités de jeu dans leur euh euh routine euh euh cootidienne
  2. Mar 2024
    1. les logiciels adaptatif c'est-à-dire ceux qui permettent de modifier les contenus enseignés en fonction des performances 00:02:37 observé de l'apprenant évidemment ça ça on verra tout à l'heure c'est un c'est un apport majeur du travail sur écran
  3. Feb 2024
    1. "Des sens au sens : les modalités sensorielles au service de la compréhension" Restitution du projet ACEC2 : Améliorer la compréhension écrite des élèves en cycle 2 - apports de la cognition incarnée

      Quand la manière de présenter un texte permet de mieux le comprendre : effets des médiums de présentation sur la compréhension écrite en primaire Julie Lecerf, doctorante en psychologie cognitive de l’éducation, PSITEC, Université de Lille

      Site INSPÉ de Villeneuve d'Ascq - Mercredi 7 février 2024

  4. Feb 2023
    1. Some of the challenges people face today, however, diverge quite a bit from those faced by their ancestors. Such divergences can lead adaptive psychological mechanisms to “misfire” – to respond in ways that might have been adaptive in the past, but that no longer produce adaptive consequences today.
      • Some of the challenges people face today,
      • diverge quite a bit from those
      • faced by their ancestors.
      • Such divergences can ,- lead adaptive psychological mechanisms to “misfire”
      • to respond in ways that might have been adaptive in the past,
      • but that no longer produce adaptive consequences today.
    2. Psychological adaptations have been designed over thousands of generations of human evolution. The adaptations humans possess today, then, were designed to operate in the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, a composite of the social and physical challenges as they have existed for hundreds of thousands of years
      • Psychological adaptations have been designed over thousands of generations of human evolution.
      • The adaptations humans possess today, then,
      • were designed to operate in the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness,
      • a composite of the social and physical challenges as they have existed for hundreds of thousands of years (Bowlby, 1969; Cosmides & Tooby, 1992).
      • As such, they may or may not be well-adapted
      • for life in contemporary society
    3. we describe a conceptual framework for understanding adaptive sources of dysfunction – for identifying and combating “adaptations gone awry.”
      • we describe a conceptual framework
      • for understanding adaptive sources of dysfunction
      • for identifying and combating “adaptations gone awry.”
  5. Jan 2021
  6. Jun 2017
    1. a flexible feel inviting improvisation

      In the Musical Passage Workshop in Jamaica, Earl "Chinna" Smith did a great improvisation on the piece using slide guitar, which was a really interesting way of engaging with the scales laid out in the piece:

      His solo is here about 7 minutes into the video:
