- Aug 2024
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Preface xiIntroduction
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- Jun 2024
7e4be39376b341e4941117393f431ce9.publish.posit.cloud 7e4be39376b341e4941117393f431ce9.publish.posit.cloud
A propos de Coach
This is another example
- May 2024
szimek.github.io szimek.github.io
- Oct 2023
Great examples at minute 3:30 for a car system coded in hypertext
Software erector set that lets nonprogrammers create interactive information
- Jan 2023
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
cnmr, observe. asse<s, sp11hes1ze. and managernc.1'urernent> of I ar1h proce sc
Perhaps this is the relationship that is materialized in a post-media world that Maiello was speaking of. We have relegated some of our sense to technology as they enable us to access perceptions that our bodies are unable to. Maybe the differences is translational rather than relational. In this instance with seismic sensors, we can translate senses we do not posses to senses we do possess. Maiello was talking more about the relational sensing that we cannot replace with technology (although it may be tempting).
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
We cannot risk giving up being the medium ourselves, to delegateonly to technics, in its substitutive potentialities, our mediality, especially our embodied affectivity. Wewill physically go back to the squares, the classrooms, the bars and cafes, with the awareness thatliving up to being radical mediators means opening up a new experimental stage in order to create anincreasingly integrative mediality, which can never be completely substituted by technics.
Our reality is so intermingled with technics that, in the aftermath, we must remember to be the medium ourselves or create space for both the technics and our own relationality.
Mediation stemming from *mediationem * or "middle" and "a division in the middle."
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
How, you wonder, can you be here, in place and at home in yourbody, and at the same time inhabit an atmospheric world that returnsthe body to you as a spectre? In that existential doubt lies the engine ofperception.
This idea ties to the subjectivity and objectivity as mentioned in class. Rather the objectivity and subjectivity of sensing and perception can exist simultaneously. It reminds me of the Daoist work of Zhuangzi. This work is comprised of various parables on natural and humanist reflections. A very fundamental principle of Daoism is the mimicry of nature as it exhibits the Dao, or the Way. One such parable depicts Zhuangzi and Huizi, a prime minister, strolling along a dam. Zhuangzi makes a comment that the minnows are so joyful as they "dart around where they please." Huizi rebuts saying "You are not a fish -- how do you know what fish enjoy?" Zhuangzi eventually concludes that he know what the fish enjoy simply by standing by the river. The parable gets at the subjectivity of his observations intertwined with the objectivity of the fish's actions. They are existing together much like the observation of a stars light and the objective luminescence of a star. It gets slightly at perspective but creates a fascinating tension between the objective and subjective. If you want to read the parable is is here: https://terebess.hu/english/tao/Zhuangzi-Burton-Watson.pdf on page 276.
Of course there could be no experience of light without the incidence ofradiant energy, or without the excitation of photoreceptors in the retina, butas an affectation of being - as the experience of inhabiting an illuminatedworld - light is reducible to neither.
The affectation of being is interesting given the nature of stars. Many that hit our eyes no longer exist in the cosmos although they are illuminated to us. However, this painting still seems to hold true even in a temporal sense. In other words put "to stand in place and open one's eyes upon the night sky is not to extend one's being along a continuum" (95). This affectation of being is simultaneous and swirling. In some sense there is the being of the stars being along with the being of ourselves that is simultaneously portrayed in conjoined perspectives.
2 9u
10/10 pun to be sure. Star-struck is colloquially used now to refer to mostly teenage girls paired with boy bands. However, a dated version refers to being under a malevolent influence of the stars or horoscopes. This term is slightly more interesting when using the malevolent version. The "striking" features of the term indicate a violent nature that is uncontrollable.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
ourfutures entangled together.Imbler 4
We are still rapidly discovering new species and beings that we did not know to exist before on our planet. Their evolutionary trajectory may have split but they are ultimately tied to us by ancestry. However, we often look at creatures, especially new ones, and label them as alien, unsightly, repulsive, gross, creepy, etc. This destructive rhetoric leads to an irreverence toward their being. We do not know what the blob may feel, think, or do so why do we create this disconnect between them and ourselves? Respect can still be present without a connection but may take more effort. We must put in this effort, however, as they are ultimately our neighbors (evolutionarily and physically).
confuse or repulse us
This is abhorrence to the unknown is thought to be part of our psychology. We make patterns and molds in which to fit the world into. It makes internal processing much easier, especially when confronted with a dangerous situation. For example, when things, such as the sea-blob, go against our conceived notions of ocean animals we are more cautious as we don't know to internally lable them as "safe and cuddly" or "they will eat your arm off". (read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4141622) I'm not a super big fan of this article as its very anthropocentric but it points to some ideas about patterns that have been thought to help us survive. While the above article may refute this, animals do a similar "patternization" of their surroundings. Its a shortcut to take in senses, really, but I think it often leads to, as Juliette said, schismogenesis. In my classes I haven't found much literature contradicting the "pattern" notions of sensing per psychology, as much as I don't like them. I'd be interested to see if other had come across any literature.
- Sep 2022
Priya Mohan: Design Thinking Strategies to solve complex problems in STEM
DICE Discover Ideate Create Evaluate
Mostly this was a tour through the DICE framing while using Obsidian for STEM.
- Feb 2022
underpassapp.com underpassapp.com
- Nov 2021
distill.pub distill.pub
The following figure presents a simple functional diagram of the neural network we will use throughout the article. The neural network is a sequence of linear (both convolutional A convolution calculates weighted sums of regions in the input. In neural networks, the learnable weights in convolutional layers are referred to as the kernel. For example Image credit to https://towardsdatascience.com/gentle-dive-into-math-behind-convolutional-neural-networks-79a07dd44cf9. See also Convolution arithmetic. and fully-connected A fully-connected layer computes output neurons as weighted sum of input neurons. In matrix form, it is a matrix that linearly transforms the input vector into the output vector. ), max-pooling, and ReLU First introduced by Nair and Hinton, ReLU calculates f(x)=max(0,x)f(x)=max(0,x)f(x)=max(0,x) for each entry in a vector input. Graphically, it is a hinge at the origin: Image credit to https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#relu layers, culminating in a softmax Softmax function calculates S(yi)=eyiΣj=1NeyjS(y_i)=\frac{e^{y_i}}{\Sigma_{j=1}^{N} e^{y_j}}S(yi)=Σj=1Neyjeyi for each entry (yiy_iyi) in a vector input (yyy). For example, Image credit to https://ljvmiranda921.github.io/notebook/2017/08/13/softmax-and-the-negative-log-likelihood/ layer.
This is a great visualization of MNIST hidden layers.
dictionary.cambridge.org dictionary.cambridge.orgdemo1
an example of a product, especially a computer program or piece of recorded music, given or shown to someone to try to make them buy or support it: a software demo
I prefer this to the Merriam-Webster definition.
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
an example of a product that is not yet ready to be sold a demo version of the software
I prefer the Cambridge Dictionary definition.
- Sep 2021
www.ccom.ucsd.edu www.ccom.ucsd.edu
A neural network will predict your digit in the blue square above. Your image is 784 pixels (= 28 rows by 28 columns with black=1 and white=0). Those 784 features get fed into a 3 layer neural network; Input:784 - AvgPool:196 - Dense:100 - Softmax:10.
- May 2021
ric.workbench.ovh ric.workbench.ovh
Réseau Intelligence de la Complexité
Le RIC se présente également ici.
- Apr 2021
interactive-examples.mdn.mozilla.net interactive-examples.mdn.mozilla.net
www-cs-students.stanford.edu www-cs-students.stanford.edu
Why interactive explanations? I find that I learn best when combining the language side of my brain (reading, formulas) with the visual side of my brain (illustrations, interaction). I want to learn not only by reading something or watching something, but by playing with it. I’m mostly focused on small, self-contained articles, but I’m also interested in interactive textbooks.
- Mar 2021
tylergaw.com tylergaw.com
Demos; Style 01, Style 02, Style 03 and the code.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The legendary cfp-app will become a Rails-to-TRB refactoring tutorial.
github.com github.com
You can find a list of applications using this gem in this repository: https://github.com/m-Peter/nested-form-examples . All the examples are implemented in before/after pairs. The before is using the accepts_nested_attributes_for, while the after uses this gem to achieve the same functionality.
codepen.io codepen.io
- Dec 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications
Hi Fed Wiki Folks. Here's a note.
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Yamada, Y. (2020). Micropublishing during and after the COVID-19 era [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8fum4
- May 2020
cms-demo.netlify.com cms-demo.netlify.com
www.netlifycms.org www.netlifycms.org
- Mar 2020
github.com github.com
- Feb 2020
www.ag-grid.com www.ag-grid.comag-Grid1
- Jan 2020
- Dec 2019
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
hassanali.me hassanali.me
Demo for https://github.com/helfi92/material-ui-treeview/
Not super impressive, but may be sufficiently customizable
github.com github.com
bishogasaad.github.io bishogasaad.github.io
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
PR has tests / docs demo, and is linted.
davidguttman.github.io davidguttman.github.io
www.ag-grid.com www.ag-grid.comag-Grid1
Source code at:
- https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid-docs/blob/master/src/example.php
- https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid-docs/blob/master/src/example.js
This example appears to use client-side data, so it doesn't demonstrate server-side row models at all.
How did they color the monthly breakdown cells?
cellClassRules: { 'good-score': 'typeof x === "number" && x > 50000', 'bad-score': 'typeof x === "number" && x < 10000' },
- Oct 2019
foxhound87.github.io foxhound87.github.io
- Aug 2019
- Mar 2019
www.jneurosci.org www.jneurosci.org
12.60.4 ms
12.6 +/- 0.4 ms
0.7 uF/cm^2
12 mV
170 ohm*cm
400 um
7e-05 cm/s
79 mV
-79 mV
- link:liquid_junction_potential_1
- type:liquid_junction_potential
- type:internal_resist
- type:conductance_ion_curr_max
- link:sample_size_1
- brain_region:trn
- type:brain_region
- type:time_const_membrane
- type:sample_size
- type:exp_cond
- type:dendrite_length
- type:capacitance_membrane
- link:species_1
- type:eq_potential_ion_curr
- type:species
- species:rat
- link:brain_region_1
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
civics with interest and thoroughness.
Here's a charming attempt to teach civics with interest:
to help safegyard the food, clothing and hygienic welfare of pupils
I'm reminded of some of Theodore Roosevelt's reforms around food and drugs:
secure tenure of office
Teacher tenure (interestingly, here called "tenure of office") is still far from a settled matter. From the Phi Delta Kappan in 2018:
"Originally enacted to protect against potential evils in state and local employment systems, such as nepotism, arbitrary dismissal, and political favoritism, tenure has become a common expectation of teacher employment. State teacher tenure laws are not a job guarantee but rather protection against arbitrary or politically motivated maltreatment. But is tenure on the way out?"
- Feb 2019
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
on process, increasing the level of investment they have with the content wh
- Nov 2018
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The emergence of liberal democracies is associated with ideals of liberty and equality that may seem self-evident and irreversible. But these ideals are far more fragile than we believe. Their success in the 20th century depended on unique technological conditions that may prove ephemeral.
Info to rmb.
- Sep 2018
Practically speaking, there are several more junctures where Europeans can influence their elected leaders on this issue.
- Jul 2018
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
A annotation like this!
You can highlight like this!
- May 2017
Probando, probando. A ver si ganamos al Celta.
www.noledeslaespalda.es www.noledeslaespalda.es
Esto es solo una prueba de como funciona. Podemos seleccionar textos e indicar los cambios a solicitar.
- Apr 2017
www.ivetsystem.com www.ivetsystem.com
Watch the Video Request Quote
Can we get a third button where customers can ask for a demo.
- Feb 2017
demo.dbpedia-spotlight.org demo.dbpedia-spotlight.org
- Dec 2015
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
RRID: AB_2301751;
- Aug 2013
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
Roe has standing to sue; the Does and Hallford do not. Pp. 123-129.
TEsting with Dan, Jake, and Peter.