- Aug 2024
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
for - agrobiodiversity - examples of monoculture failures
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Südfrankreich sind große Teile der Weinernte bereits jetzt verloren. Ursache dafür sind Frosteinbrüche nach extrem hohen Temperaturen. Viele französische Weinbaubetriebe werden voraussichtlich von Versicherungen entschädigt werden.
- Nov 2023
docs.cypress.io docs.cypress.io
// NOTE: The element exists on the original form but is hidden and gets rerendered, which leads to intermittent detached DOM issues cy.contains('Next').click().wait(4000)
roy.gbiv.com roy.gbiv.com
A few people even complained that my dissertation is too hard to read. Imagine that!
To be fair: it's not an example of particularly good writing. As Roy himself says:
["hypertext as the engine of hypermedia state"*] is fundamental to the goal of removing all coupling aside from the standardized data formats and the initial bookmark URI. My dissertation does not do a good job of explaining that (I had a hard deadline, so an entire chapter on data formats was left unwritten) but it does need to be part of REST when we teach the ideas to others.
I'm actually surprised that Fielding's dissertation gets cited so often. Fielding and Taylor's "Principled Design of the Modern Web Architecture" is much better.
* sic
- Jul 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Thermischer Stress bei Hitzewellen gefährdet die Ernten bei vielen Nutzpflanzen im Mittelmeerraum. Anders als Wassermangel lässt er sich nicht ausgleichen. Die Libération hat den Agroökologen Serge Zaka zu den Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für die Landwirtschaft und zur unzureichenden Reaktion der Regierungen befragt. Gefährlich für die Lebensmittelversorgung sei vor allem die Spezialisierung von Ländern und Regionen auf die Produktion einzelner Produkte.
www.chathamhouse.org www.chathamhouse.org
. The central 2050 estimate indicates that more than 35 per cent of the global cropland used to grow both these critical crops could be subject to damaging hot spells. But this vulnerability could exceed 40 per cent in a plausible worst-case scenario.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Veränderungen des Jetstreams durch die globale Erhitzung können gleichzeitige Missernten in mehreren Regionen bewirken, die für die Weilternährung entscheidend sind. George Monbiot prangert die mangelnde mediale Aufmerksamkeit für eine Studie an, der zufolge das Risiko globaler Ernährungskrise weit größer ist als angenommen. Die politische Macht einer kleinen Gruppe extrem Reicher sei die Ursache für das dramatisch anwachsende Risiko weltweiter Hungerkatastrophen. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/15/food-systems-collapse-plutocrats-life-on-earth-climate-breakdowntopic: crop fail
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das Natonale Klima-Anpassungsprogramm, das die britische Regierung in der vergangenen Woche vorgelegt hat, ist nicht nur unzureichend, sondern es ignoriert die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung. Themen wie Kühlung der Innenstädte, Umbau von Gebäuden oder Waldaufbau zum Gewässerschutz werden nicht angegangen. Bill McGuire, emeritierter Professor für Klimafolgen in London, kritisiert die Ignoranz der britischen Regierung im Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/20/government-plan-britain-extreme-heat-society-economy
- Mar 2023
- Oct 2022
archive.org archive.org
When interviewing subjects, one should not only note the date, time, and location, but get (preferably written) permission to (record) or quote them. Notes about their memory, recall, or behavior may be useful, if nothing else as a reminder for crossing checking their information with other potential sources.
- Sep 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
every billionaire is a policy failure
Local file Local file
There is a still more barbarous method, whichneed not receive more than passing mention. Thisis simply to register documents in the memorywithout taking written notes. This method hasbeen used. Historians endowed with excellentmemories, and lazy to boot, have indulged thiswhim, with the result that their quotations andreferences are mostly inexact. The human memoryis a delicate piece of registering apparatus, but it isso little an instrument of precision that such pre-sumption is inexcusable.
- Feb 2022
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Markets are politically regulated institutional processes far removed from idealized, perfect competition, and prices are negotiated between small numbers of powerful brokers (84) involving hidden subsidies, e.g., for infrastructure
Das Konzept des Marktversagens geht davon aus, dass Märkte ohne politisch/institutionelle Regulierunge funktionieren könnten.
- Jun 2021
evilmartians.com evilmartians.com
Thus, by adding system tests, we increase the maintenance costs for development and CI environments and introduce potential points of failures or instability: due to the complex setup, flakiness is the most common problem with end-to-end testing. And most of this flakiness comes from communication with a browser.
- Apr 2021
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
The game has been on sale for a year, but sales have been dismal.
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. ‘How a String of Failures by the British Government Helped Covid-19 to Mutate | Anthony Costello’, 22 December 2020. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/22/uk-government-blamed-covid-19-mutation-occur.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
You’re allowed to blame us for a terrible developer experience in Trailblazer 2.0. It’s been quite painful to find out which step caused an exception. However, don’t look back in anger! We’ve spent a lot of time on working out a beautiful way for both tracing and debugging Trailblazer activities in 2.1.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Around 2 years ago I decided to end the experiment of “TRB PRO” as I felt I didn’t provide enough value to paying users. In the end, we had around 150 companies and individuals signed up, which was epic and a great funding source for more development.
- Jul 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
What’s a flaky test? It’s a test that sometimes fails, but if you retry it enough times, it passes, eventually.
Quarantined tests are run on the CI in dedicated jobs that are allowed to fail
- May 2020
kellysutton.com kellysutton.com
The test is being marked as skipped because it has randomly failed. How much confidence do we have in that test and feature in the first place.
This policy allows the test suite to stay green while letting individual teams decide when they would like to put in the effort to write more deterministic tests. They may choose to do so right away, or delay until they work on the feature again.
All tests that fail on the master branch will be considered flakes. These tests will be marked as skipped.