31 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. To be fair, for the picture argument... When you have seen a person only once it's more likely you remember their name, not their face. Additionally, if you have not seen someone for a very very long time the same is true.

      I get the sentiment though and I agree.

  2. May 2024
  3. Mar 2024
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Aug 2023
  6. Mar 2023
  7. Feb 2023
    1. Tesla will offer a software update free of charge to customers, the agency said.

      Aren't these updates pushed over the air?

      So now every time someone releases a software update, media is going to call it a recall? 🤔

  8. Oct 2022
    1. When interviewing subjects, one should not only note the date, time, and location, but get (preferably written) permission to (record) or quote them. Notes about their memory, recall, or behavior may be useful, if nothing else as a reminder for crossing checking their information with other potential sources.

  9. Jun 2022
    1. Dean NorrisTonyas Tony

      Couldn't really recognize him through the make up, but his voice in Total Recall gave away that "Tony" was played by Dean Norris.

  10. Mar 2022
    1. In one study, subjects who had watched a videotapedspeech were 33 percent more likely to recall a point from the talk if it wasaccompanied by a gesture. This effect, detected immediately after the subjectsviewed the recording, grew even more pronounced with the passage of time:thirty minutes after watching the speech, subjects were more than 50 percentmore likely to remember the gesture-accompanied points.

      People are more likely to remember points from talks that are accompanied by gestures. This effect apparently increases with time.

      What does the effect of time have on increased lengths? Does it continue to increase and then decrease at some point? Anecdotally I often recall quotes and instances from movies based on movements that I make.

      What effects, if any, are seen in studies of mirror-neurons and those with impairment of them? What memory effects might be seen with those on the autism spectrum who don't have strong mirror-neuron responses? If this is impaired, what might account for their improved memories for some types of material? Which types of material do they have improved memories for?

      Is the same true of drawing points from a speech using the ideas of sketchnotes? Is drawing an extension of gestural improvement of memory?

  11. Feb 2022
  12. May 2021
  13. Mar 2021
  14. Jan 2021
    1. (1) There is filed with the Village Clerk a written petition signed by not less than 30 percent of the registered voters of the Village seeking the removal of the Village officer.

      Enosburg Falls

      Recall trigger: 30%, Removal: 2/3 of vote

    1. (a) Any officer elected under section 202 of this chapter may be removed from office as follows: A petition signed by not less than 15 percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the Selectboard, requesting a vote on whether the elected officer shall be removed from office. The Selectboard shall call a special Town meeting, to be held within 45 days of receiving the petition, to vote on whether the elected officer shall be removed. The official shall be removed only if at least as many registered voters of the Town vote as voted in the election wherein the officer was elected, or at least one-third of the registered voters of the Town vote, whichever is greater, and a majority of that number vote for removal.


      Recall trigger: 15% registered voters, Removal threshold: majority of 100% previous turnout or 33.33% registered voters, whicever is greater

    1. § 155C-5. Removal of elected Town officers Any elected Town officer may be removed from office in the following manner: (1) A petition must be filed with the Town Clerk seeking the removal of the elected Town officer or officers. The petition must be signed by at least 15 percent of registered voters. (2) Within 15 days after receipt of the petition, the Selectboard shall warn a special Town meeting, or if the annual meeting is to occur within 90 days of the filing of the petition, the Selectboard shall include an article in the warning for the annual meeting, for the purpose of voting by Australian ballot on whether the officer or officers shall be removed from office. (3) Removal shall only occur if a majority of the votes cast at the annual or special town meeting approve removal and the total of all votes cast on the removal question equals or exceeds the total of all votes that were cast to elect the officer. (4) If an officer is removed, the officer shall immediately cease to hold office and the office shall become vacant. The vacancy shall be filled as provided by law. (5) Only one petition for removal may be filed against any given elected officer during any 12-month period of his or her term of office. (Added 2013, No. M-20 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. June 3, 2014.)


      Recall trigger 15%

    1. § 103-104. Recall (a) The voters of the Town may recall any of the elected Town officers listed in subchapter 2 of this charter. (b) A recall petition, clearly stating cause, signed by at least 30 percent of the legal voters of the Town, and bearing their addresses, shall be filed with the Select Board within 15 calendar days of its issue. The Select Board upon receipt of a valid petition shall, after 60 calendar days, hold a special election, with voting by Australian Ballot, to consider the recall of an elected Town officer. When such a petition is approved by a majority of two-thirds of the ballots cast at such special election, the officer named in the petition shall thereupon cease to hold his/her office, and the office shall be considered vacant until filled by a special election to be held within 60 days. (c) A recall petition shall not be brought against an individual more than once during his/her term of office.



    1. (j) Any officer elected under section 202 of this charter may be removed from office as follows:  A legal petition stating specific cause as cited by the petitioner signed by not less than 15 percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the Town Clerk requesting a vote on whether the elected official shall be removed from the office. The Selectboard in the case of the Town and the School Board in the case of the School shall call a Special Town or School Meeting to be held within 45 days of receiving the petition, to vote on whether the elected officer shall be removed. The officer shall be removed only if at least one-third of the registered voters of the Town vote and a majority of that number vote for removal.



    1. § 107-3.5. Recall (a) The voters of the Town may recall any of the elected Town or Town School District officers listed in subchapter 2, section 2.1 of this charter. (b) A recall petition, signed by at least 25 percent of the legal voters of the Town, and bearing their addresses, shall be filed with the Town Clerk within 15 calendar days of its issue. The Town Clerk upon receipt of a valid petition shall, between 45 and 60 calendar days, hold a special election with voting by Australian ballot to consider the recall of an elected Town officer. (c) When such a petition is approved by a majority of the ballots cast at such special election, the Town officer named in the petition shall thereupon cease to hold the office. (d) A vacancy resulting from the recall of an officer shall be filled in the manner prescribed by law. (e) A recall petition shall not be brought against an individual more than once within 12 months. (Amended 2011, No. M-10 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. April 27, 2012.)



    1. § 123-311. Recall of elected officials (a) Any elected Town officer may be removed from office as follows: A petition signed by not less than 25 percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the selectmen, requesting a vote on whether the elected officer shall be removed from office. The date of signing by each voter shall be indicated in the petition and such date shall not be earlier than 30 days prior to the filing of the petition. The selectmen shall call a special Town meeting, to be held within 45 days of receiving the petition, to vote on whether the elected town officer shall be removed. The officer shall be removed only if at least as many registered voters of the Town vote as voted in the election wherein the officer was elected, or at least one-third of the registered voters of the Town vote, whichever is greater, and a majority of the number of votes is cast for removal. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this charter to the contrary, any vote on a recall petition shall be by the Australian ballot system. (b) If the Town votes for removal of an elected officer, the office shall thereupon become vacant, and the selectmen shall call a special meeting, to be held within 45 days of the vote for removal, to fill the vacancy until the term of the officer so removed expires. The office shall remain vacant until the next annual Town meeting if such special meeting would fall within 75 days prior to the annual Town meeting.



    1. § 124-6. Removal of elected Town officers Any elected Town officer may be removed from office subject to the following conditions and procedures: (1) A written petition, signed by not less than 15 percent of the registered voters of the Town, seeking the removal of such Town officer or officers, and requesting a vote of the Town at a regular or special meeting called for the purpose, shall be filed with the Selectboard and the Town Clerk. (2) Within 15 days after receipt of the petition, the Selectboard shall warn a special Town meeting, or if the annual meeting is to occur within 45 days of the filing of the petition, include an article in the warning for the annual meeting, for the purpose of voting, by Australian ballot, on whether the officer or officers shall be removed from office. (3) The officer or officers shall be removed from office only if at least as many registered voters of the Town cast votes in the special Town meeting or annual meeting as voted in the election wherein the officer subject to the vote of removal was originally elected. (4) Removal shall require a majority of the votes cast at the regular or special Town meeting. (5) If an officer is removed according to the foregoing procedure, the officer shall forthwith cease to hold office and the office shall become vacant. The vacancy shall be filled as provided by law and this charter. (6) Only one petition for removal may be filed against any given elected officer during any 12-month period of his or her term of office. (Added 2005, No. M-9 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Feb. 24, 2005.)



    1. 133-103. Recall Any elected official or official appointed to elective office holding a Town office may be recalled by the following process: (1) A petition signed by not less than 35 percent of the number of registered voters voting in the last annual Town meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk. (2) The petition shall request a special Town meeting for the purpose of recalling a specific person or persons and shall state the office that they hold. (3) The selectmen shall act upon the petition within seven days by warning a special Town meeting. (4) The Town meeting shall be held not less than 30 days and not more than 40 days from the date of the receipt of the petition. (5) The special Town meeting shall be warned as provided by the general law of this State. (6) At least four days but not more than 15 days prior to the voting, an informational meeting shall be held at which time both the elected official and the proponents for the recall shall have the opportunity to discuss the issue of recall. The informational meeting shall be warned in conjunction with the warning for the special Town meeting. (7) Voting on the issue of recall shall be by Australian ballot. A majority of the legal votes cast shall be needed to effect a recall of that official.



    1. § 151-21. Recall Any Town officer, as defined by 17 V.S.A. § 2646, may be recalled by the following process: (1) A petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk signed by not less than twenty-five percent of the number of registered voters at the time the petition is submitted. (2) The petition shall request a meeting of the voters of the Town for the purpose of recalling a Town officer and shall set forth the name of the person to be recalled, the reason for the recall, and shall identify the office he or she holds.

      St. Johnsbury

  15. Dec 2020
  16. Sep 2020
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jun 2020
  19. May 2020
    1. Ericsson claims (2016, p. 98) that there is no deliberate practice possible for knowledge work because there are no objective criteria (so, poor feedback), because the skills aren’t clearly defined, and because techniques for focused skill improvement in these domains aren’t known.

      According to Ericsson deliberate practice for knowledge work is not possible because the criteria are not objective (you don't know if you're doing well).

      This collides with Dr. Sönke Ahrens' contention that note taking, specifically elaboration, instantiates two feedback loop. One feedback loop in that you can see whether you're capturing the essence of what you're trying to make a note on and a second feedback loop in that you can see whether your note is not only an accurate description of the original idea, but also a complete one.

      Put differently, note taking instantiates two feedback loops. One for precision and one for recall.

  20. May 2017
    1. Precision: It is a measure of correctness achieved in positive prediction i.e. of observations labeled as positive, how many are actually labeled positive. Precision = TP / (TP + FP) Recall: It is a measure of actual observations which are labeled (predicted) correctly i.e. how many observations of positive class are labeled correctly. It is also known as ‘Sensitivity’. Recall = TP / (TP + FN)

      Example: In cancer research you may want higher recall, Since you want all actual positive observations to classified as True Positive. A lower Precision maybe alright because some healthy people classified as cancerous can be rectified later.

  21. Feb 2017
    1. We care about your child, and our consumers’ safety is our #1 priority.

      As of 27 January 2017, and despite a request from the FDA, Hylands have refused to recall the product: https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm538684.htm

  22. Jul 2015
    1. I agree with the conclusion that hierarchies and letting users put things in places is good, but I want to posit a more nuanced explanation than "we are set in our ways".

      I think sometimes we don't remember what exactly it is we're looking for. We may not have a word, or a name, or date. But if we put it some place in particular we can find it spatially rather than linguistically.

      This is why I think labels are superior to hierarchies. When we transcend the limitations of physical space would should not throw out space, but we should throw away the constraints of 3D space with its contiguous, volumetric forms. Labels let you put things in as many places as you like. Labels can, too, be hierarchical.

      The problem with the current crop of systems that eschew hierarchy is that they replace it with a text box.

      One could make the argument that smart indexing is just automatic labeling, but I think there's a memory function in having created the labels oneself.

      I'd like to see systems that experiment with more ways to fold space. Shortcuts are like wormholes. Maybe we should have common actions for creating bi-directional ones. On mobile devices I think we should take more advantage of zooming and z-planes.