22 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Most typewriter shops did not use alcohol as it was ineffective and contained water. Industrial alcohols contained keytones and acetones that will melt plastic and remove paint.

      Solvents for typewriters used in repair shops: - White mineral spirits with a squeeze bottle. (Sometimes also called Varsol, Stoddard's Formula, and possibly Inhibisol) - Naphtha (aka lighter fluid; used in Zippo lighters, and frequently seen in Europe). PB B'laster is essentially pressurized naphtha in a can. - Auto carb and brake cleaners, usually pressurized in a can. These usually have acetone in them and will melt plastic. Will remove WD-40 if accidentally used on a typewriter.

      For cleaning typeslugs, one can use naphtha or mineral spirits with a brass bristle brush.

      For platen cleaning try mineral spirits or fedron.

      Only oil the carriage rails for the bearings or trucks.

      (This is all colloquial advice, albeit with experience, so check specific facts about what certain products contain.)

    2. You will notice that manual was printed in 1920. Gas was the only cleaner available then. In just one more year in 1921 Stoddards Formula was invented (Varsol) for the dry cleaning business. Everything changed then and Varsol was the cleaner of choice.

      should find a better reference

  2. Mar 2024
    1. LOL. stupid shit. only the multiplication of scalar values is always defined.<br /> multiplying two nonscalar values is defined only in some cases, and certailnly not for money.<br /> multiplying two lengths (1 meter x 1 meter) only works, if the two lenghts are orthogonal... idiots

  3. Nov 2023
    1. σ2^β1=1nVar[(Xi−μX)ui][Var(Xi)]2.

      This formula is wrong. It should be as follows: $$Var(\hat{\beta}1) = \frac{\sum{i=1}^N Var(x_i - \bar{x})^2 u_i}{(Var(\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \bar{x})^2))}$$

      Otherwise, $\sigma_{\hat{\beta}_1}$ is different for each $u_i$.

  4. Aug 2023
  5. Dec 2021
    1. average sentence complexity

      Formula: total # of punctuation marks used / total # of sentences

    2. average sentence length

      Formula: total # of words / total # of sentences

    3. average line length

      Formula: total # of words / total # of lines

    4. hapax legomena ratio

      Formula: # of words that appear exactly once/total # of words

    5. type-token ratio

      Formula: total # of distinct words / total # of words

  6. Apr 2021
  7. Sep 2020
  8. Oct 2019
    1. probability compounds

      compound probability = 1 - (1 - annual probability of excedence)^n where:

      • annual probability = 0.01
      • n = exposure period = 10 years

      by other hand Mean Recurrence Interval - MRI = Return Period = 1 / annual probability of exceedence, but only if MRI >= 10 years, if not then:

      annual probability of excedence = 1-e(-1/MRI)

  9. Mar 2019
    1. Indicador de cohesión del grupo (IC

      Si el grupo tiene un investigador que no produce, el resultado será inferior. Hay una relación entre el autor y sus productos.

    2. 2.7.Indicadores de producción (ITP

      Revisar la fórmula de medición presentada en la página siguiente.

  10. Nov 2018
    1. Net profit: To calculate net profit for a venture (such as a company, division, or project), subtract all costs, including a fair share of total corporate overheads, from the gross revenues or turnover. Net profit = sales revenue − total costs
  11. May 2017
    1. the variations of various tensors under the Ricci flow: (31)
    2. variation formula for the Ricci tensor (13) where is the trace, and the Lichnerowicz Laplacian (or Hodge-de Rham Laplacian) on symmetric rank (0,2) tensors is defined by the formula (14) and is the usual connection Laplacian.
  12. Nov 2013
    1. n its space-time representation (Ogata, 1998), the ETASmodel is a temporal marked point process model, and a special case of marked Hawks process, withconditional intensity function(t;x;yjHt) =(x;y) +Xti<tk(mi)g(tti)f(xxi;yyijmi)

      Testing out PDF annotation that also include LaTeX rendered formulas.