16 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. Die EU bezahlt Russland für fossile Brennstoffe mehr, als sie der Ukraine an Finanzhilfen zur Verfügung stellt. 2024 bezog sie für 22 Milliarden Euro Öl und Gas aus Russland und zahlte 19 Milliarden an die Ukraine, wobei Militär- und humanitäre Hilfe nicht einbezogen sind. Insgesamt betrugen die Einnahmen Russlands aus dem Export fossiler Brennstoffe im dritten Jahr der Invasion der ganzen Ukraine 242 Milliarden Euro. Der Guardian berichtet über einen neuen Report des Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/24/eu-spends-more-russian-oil-gas-than-financial-aid-ukraine-report

      Bericht: https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/eu-imports-of-russian-fossil-fuels-in-third-year-of-invasion-surpass-financial-aid-sent-to-ukraine/

  2. Apr 2024
    1. 14:58 "criminals are hiding among legitimate asylum seekers"<br /> haha, no. there are ZERO "legitimate asylum seekers"

  3. Mar 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. 12:35 einsamkeit, kommission von Hendrik Wüst CDU, sozial gestörte gesellschaft<br /> 14:40 treffpunkte, dritte orte, historische innenstädte<br /> 15:18 tabu thema, innenstädte sind nicht mehr sicher, rückzug ins private<br /> 15:55 migranten in innenstädten, ausgebildete soldaten halten sich nicht an gesetze<br /> 16:22 geheimplan? geh heim plan!

    1. 1:00 thirty hertz to your chest, to increase your pulse rate?

      millions of "migrants" to your home, to increase the death rate!

    1. also remember "non-conventional" wars like "weapons of mass migration", targetting north america and western europe. the young white males in america and europe will be drafted for "already lost wars" against russia/hamas/ethiopia (suicide mission), and the young black males (migrant invaders) will finally conquer the young white females, creating the "brown race" of slaves for the global elite (the same elite that is preaching the "racism is bad" gospel)

  5. Jun 2022
    1. The world's demand for noble gases will likely concentrate on China, Sundqvist added, and the county will "get a good price for [its] product."

      ...and if the West sides with Taiwan if China decides to invade it, we will see a repeat of Putin's strategy of limiting export of vital noble gases. Team human doesn't work well when we cannot collaborate

  6. Mar 2022
    1. How Vladimir Putin’s childhood is affecting us all

      Putin is merely at the extreme end of the spectrum of people with ACE. Indeed we could take the title of this article and substitute with many other people, in public as well as our own private lives: How X's childhood is affecting us all. We all know at least one person we could substitute for X!

    1. You wrote another essay last week in “The Economist”, and you argue that what's at stake in Ukraine is, and I quote you, "the direction of human history" because it puts at risk what you call the greatest political and moral achievement of modern civilization, 00:18:31 which is the decline of war. So now we are back in a war and potentially afterwards into a new form of cold war or hot war, but hopefully not.

      This is why Ukraine is not just a localized problem, but the problem for humanity going forward.

  7. Nov 2021
    1. The RCMP says it arrested 14 people and cleared a forest service road in northern British Columbia that was barricaded by a crushed van and another vehicle that was set on fire by Wet'suwet'en and Haudenosaunee members opposing construction of a multi-billion dollar natural gas pipeline.
  8. Jul 2021
    1. Kraemer, M. U. G., Hill, V., Ruis, C., Dellicour, S., Bajaj, S., McCrone, J. T., Baele, G., Parag, K. V., Battle, A. L., Gutierrez, B., Jackson, B., Colquhoun, R., O’Toole, Á., Klein, B., Vespignani, A., Consortium‡, T. C.-19 G. U. (CoG-U., Volz, E., Faria, N. R., Aanensen, D., … Pybus, O. G. (2021). Spatiotemporal invasion dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 emergence. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abj0113

  9. Sep 2020
    1. Turns out, there’s a dedicated “Individual Account Appeal Form” where they ask you a list of privacy-touching mandatory questions, progressively shifting the Overton window
  10. May 2020
  11. Mar 2020
    1. The payment provider told MarketWatch that everyone has a unique walk, and it is investigating innovative behavioral biometrics such as gait, face, heartbeat and veins for cutting edge payment systems of the future.

      This is a true invasion into people's lives.

      Remember: this is a credit-card company. We use them to pay for stuff. They shouldn't know what we look like, how we walk, how our hearts beat, nor how our 'vein technology' works.