- Last 7 days
medium.com medium.com
At the heart of Chinese philosophy is a belief in the innate goodness of humanity. This principle is encapsulated in the ancient phrase: “Man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture.”
for - adjacency - quote - inherent sacred - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme
adjacency - between - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme - adjacency relationship - This ancient Chinese philosophy saying is a good summary of a key claim of the Stop Reset Go open source Deep Humanity praxis, namely - we are all sacred but we forget that as we become enculturated - The Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) and the tree metaphor depicts diagrammatically how we can find a way to return to the sacred later in life - even though we have had it obscured - The existential crisis requires awakening the sleeping giant of the billions of people who no longer have a living experience of the sacred - This strategy is like moving from the branches of the tree of great diversity back to the common trunk of the sacred that supports all this diversity, - using the BEing journey as the strategic tool to bring back wonder, awe and a living experience of the sacred
- Dec 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Drawing on ancient wisdom can help co-create systems that prioritise ecological reverence and community over individualistic domination
for - post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute - to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/a2HCSrlTEe-um4thfDGo-A/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0
- post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute
- to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
medium.com medium.com
Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future
for - from - post - LlinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
from - post - LinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/C8v8mLlSEe-aUfeerj7pSg/www.linkedin.com/posts/post-growth-institute_chinese-philosophy-regenerative-futures-ugcPost-7273235520824979456-DOqk/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the best way to make a company erodic is by putting it into an ecosystem of other companies that all work together to have robust circulatory flows throughout the entire ecosystem by doing that we counteract these losses we make the ecosystem orotic and then each company can contribute at its maximum its maximum regenerative potential
for - regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow - adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
adjacency - between - ergodic flows - ecosystem of companies - robust circulatory flows - Fairshare Commons (FSC) - regenerative company - regenerative organization - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - To implement principle 7 and work with an ecosystem of other companies: - For a company to relate well with other companies, - this is like an individual relating well to other individuals - The Indyweb is a people-centered, interpersonal information system architecture that supports both: - people-centered and interpersonal conversations as well as - organization-centered and inter-organizational conversations - Backcasting and cross-scale translating earth system boundaries from 2030 the present is critical to fulfill any FSC's modus operandi in the present. - In other words, knowing what a world that has successfully and dramatically reduced - carbon emissions and - threats to the biosphere - looks like at all scales (including community and company) in 2030 (5 years from now), we need to project backwards to the present and see what actions make sense and are aligned to take us to that envisioned scenario - If we don't have targets that are aligned to regenerating nature that we have globally harmed in measurable ways, what point is there in the word "regenerative" in the title of "regenerative company"?
you have to have the power of stewardship first of all you have to have stewards representing the voice of nature
for - adjacency - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to company level
Adjacency - between - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - Regenerative companies need to have voices that represent nature - This means we need to be aware of how the activities of our company is impacting nature - This means we need to have cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to the local community, and finally to our company levels
fortunately this is perfectly possible within existing company law by taking the concept the properties in law of legal personhood to their fullest extent
for - regenerative company - principle 1 of 8 - agency-based instead of ownership-based - implementation - via leveraging full extent of legal personhood
Comment - Graham points out an interesting insight, that organisations are given legal personhood status -namely, we test a group of people as a person itself - This reminds me of Michael Levin's Multi Scale Competency Architecture
there are eight principles that a company has to maximally fulfill in order to truly be regenerative
for - regenerative company - 8 principles - Graham Boyd - Fairshare Commons
Comment - I found the short video interview of Graham Boyd (link in the Page Notes) useful in contextualising these principles
for - YouTube - What is the best way to turn a regenerative company? - Fairshare Commons - 8 principles of - Graham Boyd - to - YouTube - interview - Graham Boyd
to - YouTube - interview - Graham Boyd - https://hyp.is/V_pmiLXqEe--vkvZJO7ehw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGwtwDQW1do
- adjacency - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to company level
- adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
- regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow
- YouTube - What is the best way to turn a regenerative company? - Fairshare Commons - 8 principles of - Graham Boyd
- regenerative company - principle 1 of 8 - agency-based instead of ownership-based - implementation - via leveraging full extent of legal personhood
- regenerative company - 8 principles - Graham Boyd - Fairshare Commons
- to - YouTube - interview - Graham Boyd
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - YouTube - Fairshare Commons - interview - Graham Boyd - etymology - company - Fairshare Commons principle of inclusivity - reflects influence of unfairness of Apartheid exclusivity - from - YouTube - Fairshare Commons - 8 principles of - Graham Boyd
from - YouTube - What is the best way to turn a regenerative company? - Fairshare Commons - 8 principles of - Graham Boyd - https://hyp.is/6aAtWLXpEe-CbZPjBOu6ew/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEIMB-odmRU
Summary - It was insightful to hear the association between Fairshare Commons company and Eleanor Ostrom's work on the commons and to recast the company as a group of people stewarding a commons - Graham introduces the etymology of the word "company", as an intentional community that has its roots of people " gathering in the company of others to break bread" - Also interesting to know he is Sorry African and his experience with Apartheid informs his inclusivity principle off the Fairshare Commons
- Oct 2024
fathom.video fathom.video
as being regenerative that ain't some, none of us are regenerative,
If we accept re-incarnation then are we regenerative?
- Jul 2024
tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu
In this case, the non-physical elements of the economy areconstrained (arbitrarily) to grow no higher than 75% of the total, resulting in only a modest amount ofdecoupled economic growth before flattening.Nature PHysics | www.nature.com/naturephysics
for - adjacency - question - degrowth? - circular economy? - steady state - regenerative processes
adjacency - between - degrowth - circular economy - regenerative practices - steady state economy - adjacency relationship - Where did the 75% number come from? Is there anything special about it? Is it some kind of a limit from the model? - Would circular and regenerative practices play an important role in this? - This would seem to indicate a degrowth type scenario. Degrowth is a misnomer, it doesn't imply continual economic downward trend, - but is specifically addressing a the decrease of physical human economic activity - that is responsible for our excessive pollution load / biodiversity loss - to levels necessary to avoid the worst impacts - It isn't explicitly stated that the other half of degrowth is growth of non-physical economic activity that nurtures and nourishes humanity
- May 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?
for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.comLinkedIn1
Minou, Michel Bauwens often uses the term "predatory capitalism."
for - post comment - LinkedIn - regenerative inner world
- Apr 2024
- Mar 2024
muse-jhu-edu.du.idm.oclc.org muse-jhu-edu.du.idm.oclc.org
want to believe that we are always capable of regenerative growth, that change is always possible, but I know that the trees most vulnerable to toppling during wildfires are the ones that have been burned many times before. We can repeat the process of regenerative growth only so many times before we must return to the earth and become something else. I used to think of time as a line, our lives short and finite. But now I look at the way fire makes a forest morph into something unrecognizable yet still remain the same forest. The way that the soil beneath us contains both the future and the past. Perhaps the more accurate truth is that this is all a circle. I look at my cousin, seven years old with the same love for the soft fibers of redwood leaves and the natural world that his father had. From the ashes of these wildfires, new redwoods and sprouts will grow, and my cousin will grow up running beneath them, through the chimney trees, and it will all go on.
"perhaps the more accurate truth is that this is all a circle"
For the redwood forest, fire is a sign of change and growth, naturally occurring and clearing out the underbrush, the ashes becoming nutrients in the soil. The forest is at last able to blossom and breathe. The redwood trees themselves stand tall amongst the flames, their thick fire-resistant bark a protective shield. Even when elderly trees do topple, they scatter tiny sprouts in their wake. Through a scorching, forest floors that once never saw light are suddenly soaked in it, nutrients are recycled. Insect pests, invasive species, and diseased trees are cleared away for new saplings. The process is called regenerative growth. A time for rebirth sets in. From the chaos comes an opportunity.
metaphor of fire in the woods - it's a disruption, but can lead to succession and regeneration "the process is called regenerative growth. a time for rebirth sets in. From the chaos comes an opportunity"
The human body regenerates itself like the redwood. We are constantly replacing our dead cells with new ones. Our resilience to damage is great, and every decade or so we are entirely recreated, not one cell in our bodies the same as ten years prior.
human body regenerating
My sense is that we will have to create alternatives focussed at a very different scale and towards very different outcomes, building regenerative business ecologies at the bioregional and local scale through global cooperation. These might eventually make the degenerative globalised system — that is simply too big not to fail — obsolete.
regenerative community level justification
The step from sustainability to regeneration is more than a change in simple terminology. It is a change in mindset and worldview that will drive profound transformation. Yet there is no need to dismiss anyone striving for sustainability on the journey towards a regenerative human impact on Earth.
we need to focus on transformative rather than incremental change now that there is a sudden surge in interest by many large corporations and international business in going beyond sustainability, being net-positive and aiming to be regenerative.
- Jan 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - Tools for the Commons
These institutions are designed to support individuals and their habitats, reversing the current dynamic where people and their environments appear to serve institutions.
for - flipping the institutional web - Tools for the Commons - to create regenerative institutions
- Nov 2023
if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys
- possible way to have more than one home
- a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
- an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
for: regenerative cities, living cities, urban permaculture, Pocket hoods, relocalization, Mark Lakeman, Portland villages, people-oriented city-villages, city-village, pocket neighborhood, communititecture, urban planning, urban planning - city villages
- Mark gives a tour of his work at his company, Communittecture in applying permaculture principles to redesign communities in urban environments.
- The central focus is designing based on commons principles of actually creating lived environments where healthy socialization is a primary design objective.
- The design involves creating common areas that residents can share, from common food gardens to many mini-parks and recreation areas where families can gather.
- The modern community has alienated socialization, creating groups of juxtapositioned strangers. There are two different design categories:
- retrofitting existing neighborhoods
- designing greenfield new neighborhoods
- Communititecture home page
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Zeigt unter anderem, dass Innovationen hier das übertreffen, was erwartet wurde, und auch, dass die Frontlinien hier in der Industrie verlaufen.
- Oct 2023
medium.com medium.com
JustOne Organics Living Economy System (JOOLES)
- for: regenerative food - certification, JOOLES, JustOne Organics Living Economy System, Holochain - food supply chain certification
- Aug 2023
- for: sustainable living, regenerative living, greenhouse living, greenhouse
- title: Living in a Greenhouse
- description
- The Tills are a couple that operate a nursery and also built their home into the same greenhouse
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we hope that in the future you want 00:16:18 to be a part of the decentralized city that we're building that we're already starting to expand the nodes all over the world and we think there will be thousands more of them that start to form these decentralized uh almost 00:16:30 city-states
- for: regenerative cities, sustainable cities, doughnut cities, earth system boundaries, urban planetary boundaries, circular cities
- comment
- if they are envisioning a lot of cities, they need to carefully think about earth system boundaries for each city, otherwise, they will simply be adding to the problem of cascading tipping points.
- They also have to be designed to be climate resilient as extreme weather will make any human settlement of the future very challenging
Der Earth Overshoot Day 2023 wurde in diesem Jahr fünf Tage später als im Vorjahr erreicht, was aber größtenteils auf eine veränderte Berechnungsmethode zurückzuführen ist. Insgesamt verbraucht die Menschheit nach dem Berechnungen des Global FootprintNnetwork 1,75 mal so viel regenerierbare Ressourcen als pro Jahr zur Verfügung stehen. https://taz.de/Erdueberlastungstag/!5951934/
- Oct 2021
www.chelseagreen.com www.chelseagreen.com
Shiva exposes the 1%’s model of philanthrocapitalism, which is about deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity, and impose totalitarian ideas based on One Science, One Agriculture, and One History.
The same topic is covered by Anand Giridharadas in Winners Take All and by Amy Westervelt in her podcast Drilled exploring the history of public relations.
We had the privilege of interacting with Vandana Shiva in the Trimtab Space Camp course, focused on regenerative agriculture, offered by the Buckminster Fuller Institute.
Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer, and science policy advocate, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in India and President of Navdanya International.
The recipient of many awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, (the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) and the Sydney Peace Prize, she has been named among the top five “Most Important People in Asia” by AsiaWeek.
She is a prolific writer and author of numerous books and serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization, and a member of the executive committee of the World Future Council.
savory.global savory.global
Holistic Management of grasslands can result in the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being.
The Brooksdale Environmental Centre is a place of transformation.
Margaret Atwood & Leah Kostamo at the Green Gala
Leah Kostamo (co-founder of A Rocha Canada & author of Planted) interviews Magaret Atwood about her latest MaddAddam Trilogy & her concern for the environment.
www.earthwisesociety.bc.ca www.earthwisesociety.bc.ca
Don’t Mow, Grow!
“The Earthwise Don’t Mow, Grow! program utilizes the Society’s vast experience in organic growing and small-scale farming to transform lawns of any size into eco-friendly, organic food-growing spaces. By partnering with local residents to help them grow food at home, Earthwise replaces resource-hungry lawns with food gardens that will benefit both community and the environment.”
Earthwise Society is a not-for-profit, charitable organization cultivating sustainable communities through environmental education and stewardship.
I learned about this project through my mother, who is growing vegetables in her backyard with the help of the Earthwise Society in Tsawwassen.
uthaiforest.org uthaiforest.org
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021, during the Ecosystem Restoration Camps fireside chat, Hui Ran Too presented the work in Thailand in the Uthai Forest.
- Sep 2021
www.penguinrandomhouse.com www.penguinrandomhouse.com
I learned about this book during the orientation meeting for the latest Trimtab Space Camp offered by the Buckminster Fuller Institute focusing on regenerative agriculture.
www.resurgence.org www.resurgence.org
This idea of family orchards is featured in Rupert Sheldrake’s book, Science and Spiritual Practices: Transformative experiences and their effects on our bodies, brains and health.
The latest Trimtab Space Camp offered by the Buckminster Fuller Institute is focusing on regenerative agriculture.
- Jan 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Dogger Bank windfarm is an engineering feat that marks a step change in the growth of renewable energy. Each steel structure, weighing 2,800 tonnes, has been designed to soar more than 250 metres from where their heels are buried in the seabed to the top of each 107-metre blade
- Aug 2020
- Jul 2019
- Jun 2019
www.organicproducenetwork.com www.organicproducenetwork.com
The value of organic imports during Jan.-Aug. was up 25 percent compared to the same period in 2016, the trade data showed, while the value of organic exports during the first eight months was up 14 percent. Last year, the U.S. organic products trade deficit hit nearly $1.2 billion, its highest level ever, with U.S. organic imports reaching $1.7 billion, while U.S. organic exports came in at $547.6 million. Check out the Top 10 U.S. organic imported and exported commodities for 2016.
www.cias.wisc.edu www.cias.wisc.edu
Demand for high quality, differentiated farm products appears to be outpacing supply (Kirchenmann, 2006; Yee, 2006)
www.organicconsumers.org www.organicconsumers.org
, demand for organic food is growing so fast that consumer demand is outstripping some domestic supplies. Once a net exporter of organic products, the United States now spends more than $1 billion a year to import organic food, according to the USDA, and the ratio of imported to exported products is now about 8-to-1.
www.americanforests.org www.americanforests.org
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com