15 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. for - Andrea Chalupa - fighting fascism - from - webcast - Political Girl - interview with - Andrea Chalupa - how to organize against the threat of the Trump regime

      from - webcast - Political Girl - interview with - Andrea Chalupa - how to organize against the threat of the Trump regime - https://hyp.is/M5BenrJpEe-CKJ870PrrJA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLhJgOeR9N0

  2. Jul 2024
  3. Apr 2024
    1. Bei einer Hitzewelle in der Antarktis lag die Temperatur 38,5° ĂŒber dem Durchschnittswert. Dieser enorm hohe Wert schockiert Forschende und ist bisher nicht erklĂ€rbar. Der Guardian stellt den Kontext ausfĂŒhrlich dar und hat dazu mehrere Fachleute befragt. Eine neue Publikation spricht von einem regime shift beim antarktischen Sommer-Meereis. Er gefĂ€hrdet u.a. den Krill und die Kolonien der Kaiserpinguine. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/06/simply-mind-boggling-world-record-temperature-jump-in-antarctic-raises-fears-of-catastrophe

      Studie: https://journals.ametsoc.org/configurable/content/journals$002fclim$002f37$002f7$002fJCLI-D-23-0479.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fclim%24002f37%24002f7%24002fJCLI-D-23-0479.1.xml

  4. Dec 2023
    1. benesch auf seinem "es ist kompliziert" trip...<br /> wir haben also eine "controlled opposition" (AFD) (no surprise)<br /> und ein "controlled regime" (SPD/FDP/GrĂŒne/CDU/Linke/...) (no surprise)<br /> also deutschland ist nur eine kolonie (ein vasall) von irgendwem (no surprise)

      whatabout die aggressive NATO ost-erweiterung?<br /> sind da auch "die russen" schuld?<br /> oder ist das auch "nur ein talking point" von irgendwem?

      eine illusion ist ja dass "der steuerzahler" irgendwas entscheiden darf.<br /> das sieht so aus, als wĂ€re die regierung "von unten" finanziert<br /> (aktuell: bauernproteste gegen dieselsteuer und KFZ-steuer auf landmaschinen)<br /> aber es gibt trotzdem immer einfluss "von oben"<br /> also von banken (verniedlicht als "die windmĂŒhlen von zion")<br /> die der regierung kredite geben (solange die regierung brav ist)<br /> von geld das die bank aus dem nichts schöpft, ohne gegenwert, also "falschgeld"

      der film "leave the world behind (2023)" will uns erzĂ€hlen: "no one is in control."<br /> ich teile eher die ansicht von catherine austin fitts:<br /> es gibt einen "mister global" (also eine "weltregierung") (praktisch die UN)<br /> die schon lĂ€ngst alle nationalstaaten unter kontrolle hat<br /> und nur fĂŒr die öffentlichkeit spielt man das theaterstĂŒck "nation gegen nation"<br /> so wie man innerhalb der nationalstaaten das theaterstĂŒck "gewaltenteilung" spielt<br /> aber unterm strich ist es alles die gleiche mafia<br /> aber das versteht man auch erst dann.<br /> wenn man sich mal anlegt mit bullen, staatsanwĂ€lten, richtern, gutachtern, jugendamt, ...<br /> solange man diese "autoritĂ€ten" nicht provoziert, sieht es aus wie "heile welt"

      benesch hat auch diesen "wissen ist macht" vibe, aber das stimmt einfach nicht,<br /> und ist höchstens eine ablenkung, wenn man selber keine lösung hat...<br /> yuri bezmenov wĂŒrde sagen: "only when the military boot crushes his balls,<br /> then he will understand... but not before, that is the tragedy of demoralization."

      ich darf meine fresse aufreissen, weil ich hab auch nen lösungsvorschlag:<br /> pallas. wer sind meine freunde. gruppenaufbau nach persönlichkeitstyp.<br /> github com milahu alchi<br /> der staatsanwalt sagt, mein buch ist "volksverhetzung"... die drohungen werden lauter

      das studieren von "geopolitik" scheitert einfach daran,<br /> dass diese probleme so groß sind, und so weit weg sind, dass man gefangen ist in passivitĂ€t.<br /> deswegen mein "bottom up" ansatz: gruppenaufbau nach persönlichkeitstyp.<br /> und wenn der funktioniert, dann kommt die revolution von selber...

    1. I you know think this is important in the kind of what the left postur is to regime break to system breakdown which 00:35:27 experiencing has to be anti-regime let
      • for: Lessons from COVID

        • Left position to avoid driving masses to the hard right
      • quote

        • i think this is important in the kind of what the left posture is to regime and system breakdown which it is experiencing has to be anti-regime
      • paraphrase

        • otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
          • if the left follows the left wing of the management state which is trying to technocratically limit the catastrophe of breakdown,
          • it will never get popular support that's basically what happened during COVID.
            • the hard right denied science, the left went begging the administrative state and as a consequence, there was a massive expansion of the right around the globe
  5. Jan 2022
  6. Dec 2020
    1. Clusters of infections within families living in Bnei Brak were identified and investigated. The parents were asked regarding the first case of the infection in the family and regarding the pre-sumed source of the infection.In addition, household members underwent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing whether they were symptomatic or not

      testing regime: exhaustive (whether symptomatic or not)



  7. Oct 2020
    1. De facto, reputation and appearances become more important than people’s wellbeing, because authoritarian Christians are desperately afraid of the sense that any of their rigid, divinely prescribed rules do not actually work. Spoiler alert: they do not actually work.
  8. Jan 2019
    1. egime of the real i

      The "regime of the real" makes me to believe that we are seized and dictated by reality. Because we each have our "own reality"in a sense, are we each under different rule or dictatorship?

  9. Jan 2018
    1. This stability is dynamic

      El régimen ST es un factor de estabilidad, donde los cambios ocurren de forma incremental, originan trayectorias técnicas y path dependency



  10. Sep 2016
    1. one can obtain good indications for theexistence of alternative attractors from field data, but theycan never be conclusive. There is always the possibilitythat discontinuities in time series or spatial patternsare due to discontinuities in some environmental factor.Alternatively, the system might simply have a thresholdresponse (Figure 2b).

      While these different potential processes behind particular patterns are not all associated with alternative stable states, they are all associated with regime shifts (barring some very narrow definition of "regime shift").

    2. Catastrophic regime shifts inecosystems: linking theory toobservation

      The title of this paper is about "regime shifts", but most of the paper focuses "alternative stable states". My impression is that "alternative stable states" and their associated attractors represent one possible cause of regime shifts, so it's interesting that that is where all of the emphasis is placed.

    3. A graphical model of a vegetation-water feedback

      This model directly assumes a critical transition from no vegetation to full vegetation at a transition point along a precipitation gradient, so the non-linear transition of the system is built in to the model. If vegetation increased smoothly with precipitation we wouldn't expect alternative stable states or regime shifts. This isn't to say that the model isn't useful for illustrative purposes, just that it basically assumes in the notable result.

    4. The obvious intuitive explanation for a sudden dra-matic change in nature is the occurrence of a sudden largeexternal impact. However, theoreticians have long stressedthat this need not be the case. Even a tiny incrementalchange in conditions can trigger a large shift in somesystems if a critical threshold known as ‘catastrophicbifurcation’ is passed[11].

      Distinguishing between these two possibilities will be difficult since in most cases we lack a sufficiently thorough understanding of the processes driving the system to know for sure whether an important process has undergone a sudden change.