- Feb 2025
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
CLEC4M(rs753084254):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
CLEC4M(rs113080783):c.A>G, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
CLEC4M(rs62623420):c.A>G,noted as Splice acceptor protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
CLEC4M(rs868878):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
CLEC4M(rs2277998):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
TC2N(rs756737332):c.C>T, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
TC2N(rs144110131):c.T>G, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
TC2N(rs2402073):c.G>T, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
TC2N(rs2402073):c.G>A,noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STX2(rs145834567):c.T>C, noted as missense protein effect and Varsome classifies it as a VUS.
STX2(rs137928907):c.A>C, noted as missense protein effect and Varsome classifies it as a VUS.
STX2(rs17564):c.G>C, noted as missense protein effect and Varsome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs17058374):c.C>T, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign.
SCARA5(rs61737292):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs148420420):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
SCARA5(rs61737296):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign.
SCARA5(rs118119884):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs6983356):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs17058207):c.C>G, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs61737291):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs4732610):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
SCARA5(rs10103504):c.T>C, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign.
STAB2(rs760013563):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS
STAB2(rs377067548):c.C>G, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS
STAB2(rs377011398):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS
STAB2(12:104067708):c.T>C, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS
STAB2(rs766516074):c.G>C, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs189453513):c.C>G, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs142351376):c.C>T, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs151219602):c. C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs149382223):c.T>C, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs2271636):c.G>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs2271638):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs34699746):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs147053330):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs149524008):c.G>T, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs116894406):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs148397037):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs17034336):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs7973658):c.G>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs17034433):c.A>C, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs35102665):c.G>A, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Likely Benign
STAB2(rs7306642):c.C>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs1609860):c.C>A, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs2292688):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs10778281):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs2271637):c.C>G, noted as missense protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs697210):c.T>C, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs11614418):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs703651):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
STAB2(rs697212):c.T>C, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as Benign
Variants identified in Swedish VWD patients
ABO(rs139670895):c.C>T, noted as synonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies it as a VUS.
ABO(rs8176751):c.C>T, noted as sysnonymous protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs56392308):c.-/GG, noted as frameshift in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176749):c.C>T, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs1474135537):c.G>A, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as VUS
ABO(rs8176748):c.C>T, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176745):c.G?A, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176744):c.G>T, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176743):c.C>T, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176742):c.C>T, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176741):c.G>A, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176740):c.C>T, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs7853989):c.G>C noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs1053878):c.G>A noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176720):c.T>C, noted as synonymous in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176719):c.-/C, noted as frameshift in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs512770):c.G>A, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs688976):c.C>A, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Benign
ABO(rs8176696):c.C>T, noted as missense in protein effect and VarSome classifies as Likely Benign
- Jan 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Greta Thunberg und andere AktivistInnen blockieren das schwedische Parlament vor der Sitzung zur Aufnahme Schwedens in die NATO. Sie protestieren gegen die Untätigkeit Schwedens in der Klimakrise. Die aktuelle Politik der konservativen und von den Rechtsradikalen unterstützten Regierung wird die Emissionen weiter steigern. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/11/greta-thunberg-climate-protest-blocking-swedish-parliament
- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Facit and Halda of Sweden used good old fashioned whale oil in their machines. That's most likely all gummed up in our times and why these typewriters feel sluggish most of the time.
colloquial attribution to u/matttheoret at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1g1ugrw/first_typewriter_ever/
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in Sweden, the Swedish parliament, which is completely set up by citizens – set up by citizens for citizens. They've produced a fantastic report. Detailed, rich report from citizens about how you could deliver budgets that are... from colleagues' and myself work on this, would say are broadly in line with somewhere between 1.5 and 2 [°C].
- for: Swedish climate report, cidtizen action, bottom-up climate action, top-down and bottom-up partnership
future research
- study the Swedish parliament climate policy model and citizen's roles in achieving it and see if it can be replicated in all countries
- is there anyone studying this with the object of scaling to other countries?
- Feb 2023
www.thedrum.com www.thedrum.com
= creative carbon footprint labeling gamifies Paris Agreement - grocery story that did an experiment - opened a test popup grocery store in the retail district of Stockholm - where all grocery items were labeled with its carbon footprint - customers were issues CO2e currency - using IPCC guideline that - weekly grocery shop carbon footprint < 18.9 kg CO2e to be aligned with Paris Agreement - customers must stay under 18.9 kg CO2e
- Sep 2022
www.aftonbladet.se www.aftonbladet.se
Svensk vård och skola har blivit en guldgruva för riskkapitalister. Ett av de tydligaste exemplen heter Anders Hultin. Han blev känd för en vidare krets efter att Aftonbladets ledarsida uppmärksammat att han taktlöst lagt ut en bild på ett sjuhundrakronors vin på Facebook och texten: "Because I'm worth it". Då hade han som vd för skolkoncernen John Bauer precis ansökt om konkurs. 14 500 elever förlorade sina skolor och deras lärare hade blivit arbetslösa.Men Anders Hultin gick det, som han själv konstaterade, ingen nöd på. För en billig peng kunde han köpa ut ett antal skolor ur det egna konkursboet och drev dem vidare i det nystartade bolaget Fria Läroverken.
- Aug 2022
expo.se expo.se
2014 stod de så pass nära att Ulf Hansen var en av gästerna på en privat maskeradfest hemma hos Jimmie Åkesson och Louise Erixon. Alltså bara ett drygt år efter att Hansen visat sitt stöd för Hells Angels. Efter det kom Ulf Hansen allt närmare partiet. Hans bakgrund verkade inte vara ett problem. Inte heller den rasism han spred på nätet. I mars 2015 postade Ulf Hansen ett inlägg med en länk till vit makt-filmen The End Game – Full White Genocide documentary. Konspirationsteorin om att det pågår ett folkmord på vita är central i vit makt-miljön och populariserades av den amerikanska terroristen David Lane. I anslutning till klippet som Ulf Hansen spred länkades till flera rasideologiska och antisemitiska sajter.
- Feb 2020
Häromveckan ville SD kalla public service-bolagen SVT, SR och UR till riksdagen för att ifrågasätta deras journalistik, orsaken var två program där SD inte gillade innehållet. Denna vecka framförde partiets representant i public service ägarstiftelse att journalister ska kunna straffas om de publicerar något SD anser är fel.
- Jan 2020
Man hade utmålat partiet som ett rasistiskt parti, historien om hur vi bildades stod ju där, säger Per Göransson, distriktsordförande för SD i Norrbotten, till SVT.
Om sverigedemokraterna verkligen är upprörda över sitt förflutna bör de även rikta kritiken mot sin nuvarande ledning.
- Nov 2019
www.aftonbladet.se www.aftonbladet.se
En stöld som avtäcks är aldrig ett misslyckande. Den är en varsamt inslagen gåva från författaren till läsaren.
Han kan ju tänka på Bowie.
Bowie läste, lyssnade, såg och upplevde kopiöst; han inspirerades, informerade, och skapade ny konst genom den gamla.
Men: han stal aldrig.
Att stjäla är annat än att ta. Att stjäla är illegalt.
Det finns skäl till att stöld är illegalt.
Jag tror inte att Kristofer Andersson har förstått lagens existensberättigande.
- Sep 2019
www.aftonbladet.se www.aftonbladet.se
Det är ju så dumt, det är naturligtvis uttalet som han hakar upp sig på. Om man lyssnar på hennes svenska, hennes grammatik, hennes ordförråd, så är det så gott som perfekt, säger Abelin.
Men kungen är min favorit. Av det man har sett och hört så verkar han vara en riktigt go gubbe
- Apr 2019
www.aftonbladet.se www.aftonbladet.se
Svenska skattebetalare har räddat bankerna flera gånger och finns där om det kniper igen. Går det dåligt för banken så vet ägarna att skattebetalarna finns där. Staten tar över, rensar upp och sen säljs banken vidare till nya privata ägare som ordnar nya skandaler och riskerar den finansiella stabiliteten.
- Sep 2016
www.thelocal.se www.thelocal.se
According to the language periodical Språktidningen, ‘hen’ was by 2014 used once in the Swedish media for every 300 used of ‘hon’ or ‘han’, up from one in every 13,000 in 2011
Increasing rate of usage of hen vs. hon or han: 1/13,000 in 2011; 1/300 in 2014.
A Swedish headteacher has been reported to the country’s Equality Ombudsman for refusing to use ‘hen’, the new gender-neutral pronoun, in what could be a landmark case for transgender rights.
Legal enforcement of gender pronoun preference
www.slate.com www.slate.com
The Swedish school system has wholeheartedly, and probably too quickly and eagerly, embraced this new agenda. Last fall, 200 teachers attended a major government-sponsored conference discussing how to avoid "traditional gender patterns" in schools. At Egalia, one model Stockholm preschool, everything from the decoration to the books and toys are carefully selected to promote a gender-equal perspective and to avoid traditional presentations of gender and parenting roles
Swedish school system has enforced use of hen
Activists are lobbying for parents to be able to choose any name for their children (there are currently just 170 legally recognized unisex names in Sweden).
Sweden has only 170 legally recognised unisex names (i.e. the Swedes control the names you can give your kids).