14 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. I've encountered several people in the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions who say, "Oh, we, you know 'tukdam,' yeah, people go in 'tukdam,' "but it's like, you know, not that big a deal. It's, we don't care that much." Part of the reason they don't care that much is that the idea that you need to go into this completely, kind of, a state where there's no phenomenal content— that's just a pure clear light mind— actually is something that many of the contemporary practitioners and teachers in those lineages don't agree with.

      for - Buddhism - Tibetan - Kagyu and Nyingma schools don't make a big deal out of Tukdam - nondual awareness can emerge with other techniques - key insight - Buddhism - Tibetan - Clear light meditation at time of death - Tukdam - a physiological technique - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne

  2. Jul 2024
    1. it is useful to instead zoom out, look at a bigger picture, on a longer timescale, and see if we can use this to find our way forward.

      for - zoom out - in time and space - story of our species

  3. Jun 2024
    1. our failure today will be irreversible soon in the next 12 to 24 months we will leak key AGI breakthroughs to the CCP it will 00:38:56 be to the National security establishment the greatest regret before the decade is out

      for - AI - security risk - next 1 to 2 years is vulnerable time to keep AI secrets out of hands of authoritarian regimes

  4. Jul 2023
  5. May 2023
  6. Mar 2023
    1. 10.1038/s41558-022-01576-2

      Der Aufsatz und die ihm zugrundeliegende Publikation kritisieren, dass die 1,5°-pathways des IPCC den Kohleausstieg vor dem Öl- und Gassausstieg fordern. Damit tragen die ärmeren Länder die Hauptlast. Gerechter und besser umzusetzen wäre ein schnellerer Ausstieg aus Öl und Gas, der vom globalen Norden eine schnellere Transformation verlangen würde.

  7. Feb 2021
  8. Nov 2020
    1. It took us a long time for everyone to get on the same page about the requirements spanning frameworks, tooling and native implementations. Only after pushing in various concrete directions did we get a full understanding of the requirements which this proposal aims to meet.
  9. Sep 2020
  10. Apr 2020
    1. One of the drawbacks of waiting until someone signs in again to check their password is that a user may simply stay signed in for a long time without signing out. I suppose that could be an argument in favor of limiting the maximum duration of a session or remember-me token, but as far as user experience, I always find it annoying when I was signed in and a website arbitrarily signs me out without telling me why.
  11. Oct 2015
    1. Moving‘in time’ and ‘out of time’ are opposite sides of the same coin, and theirmutual distinction is not meant to be a binary opposition

      An individual cannot be entirely "in time" or "out of time," it is more of a scale than binary opposites.