11 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Erschienen: 2024-05-17 Genre:: Studienbericht Selbst in einem optimistischen Szenario (44 cm Meeresspiegel-Anstieg) werden bis 2100 mehr als ein Drittel der Feuchtgebiete in der Nähe der Mittelmeerküsten überschwemmt sein. In der Camargue ist das Wasser bereits um 15 cm gestiegen. Möglich sind in diesem Jahrhundert bis zu 1,61 Meter Anstieg. Eine neue Studie erfasst systematisch die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für diese besonders bedrohten und besonders schwer zu schützenden Lebensräume. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/biodiversite/en-camargue-la-montee-des-eaux-menace-le-paradis-des-flamants-roses-20240517_L6LRO3TY2ZD4FESAHWAWGA32YY/

    1. Our rivers and lakes are crying out for help as they grapple with pollution, illegal construction and climate crisis.

      for - artificial wetlands - applications - reciprocating wetlands

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Durch einen 1,4 Milliarden Euro Deal besteht die Möglichkeit, die Doñana-Region in Andalusien, Europas größtes Feuchtgebiet, zu bewahren. Die Gegend, zu der einen Nationalpark gehört, leidet vor allem unter Wasser Stress. Der Deal soll einen auch symbolisch wichtigen Konflikt beenden, bei dem konservative und reaktionäre politische Kräfte die Bauern unterstützt hatten, die illegal Wasser für Erdbeer- und Himbeer-Anbau verwendet haben. Die spanische Umweltministerin Teresa Ribeira erklärt ausführlich Prinzipien einer Green transition, die so durchgeführt wird, dass die Lebensbedingungen in einer Region verbessert werden und die Bevölkerung sie unterstützt. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/spain-environment-minister-hails-andalucia-wetlands-deal-green-transition

  3. Sep 2021
    1. The components of this definition are in order relative to how processes work on theground.When adequate vegetation, landform, or debris is present to dissipate energy associ-ated with wind and wave action or overland flow, then a number of physical changesbegin to occur, such as reduced erosion, floodplain development, and improvedflood-water retention. As physical aspects of an area begin to function, they start theprocess of developing wetland characteristics. These physical aspects have to befunctioning properly to sustain characteristics that provide habitat for resourcevalues.
    2. Proper Functioning Condition - Lentic riparian-wetland areas are func-tioning properly when adequate vegetation, landform, or debris is present to:dissipate energies associated with wind action, wave action, and overlandflow from adjacent sites, thereby reducing erosion and improving waterquality; filter sediment and aid floodplain development; improve flood-waterretention and ground-water recharge; develop root masses that stabilizeislands and shoreline features against cutting action; restrict water percola-tion; develop diverse ponding characteristics to provide the habitat and thewater depth, duration, and temperature necessary for fish production, water-bird breeding, and other uses; and support greater biodiversity.
    1. This cooperative strategy recognized that if riparian-wetland areas are to be produc-tive, they have to be managed on a watershed basis, which requires working togetheracross ownership boundaries. To be successful, the agencies would need to usecommon terms and definitions and determine a minimum method for evaluating thecondition of riparian-wetland areas. The BLM and the FS identified the PFCmethod as the starting point—as the minimum level of assessment for riparian-wetland areas.
    2. Technical Reference 1737-15, AUser Guide to Assessing Proper FunctioningCondition and the Supporting Science for Lotic Areas (Prichard et al. 1998) providesthe background for how the PFC tool was developed. The PFC method has beenimplemented by BLM and adopted by several other agencies. In 1996, the BLMand the USDA Forest Service (FS) announced a cooperative riparian-wetland man-agement strategy, which would include the NRCS as a principal partner. A NationalRiparian Service Team was formed to act as a catalyst for implementing thisstrategy
  4. Dec 2020
    1. Wetlands in riverine and coastal areas have especially complex hydrological interactions because they are subject to periodic water-level changes

      halaman ini menggambarkan interaksi air di kawasan wetlands, rawa adalah salah satu contohnya. dalam hal ini ciri wetlands bukan hanya pada koneksi airnya, tetapi juga pada kondisi geologinya. kawasan wetlands akan banyak mengandung lapisan lempung, karena arus air yang tenang (ini hukum geologi LOL).

    2. Wetlands can be highly sensitive to the effects of ground-water development and to land-use changes that modify the ground- water flow regime of a wetland area.

      ini berkaitan dengan isu reklamasi di daerah rawa (termasuk wetlands).

  5. Jun 2015
    1. (15) "Wetlands" means land, including submerged land, not regulated pursuant to sections 22a-28 to 22a-35, inclusive, which consists of any of the soil types designated as poorly drained, very poorly drained, alluvial, and floodplain by the National Cooperative Soils Survey, as may be amended from time to time, of the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture;

      Definition of wetlands. Anything poorly drained and designated by U.S> Department of Agriculture. Does not include lakes or rivers.

    2. The preservation and protection of the wetlands and watercourses from random, unnecessary, undesirable and unregulated uses, disturbance or destruction is in the public interest and is essential to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45, inclusive, to protect the citizens of the state by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers of drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement by providing an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth of the state and the use of its land with the need to protect its environment and ecology in order to forever guarantee to the people of the state, the safety of such natural resources for their benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of generations yet unborn.

      Purpose of the Inland Wetland agency.

      A. minimizing disturbance and pollution

      B. maintaining/improving water quality

      C. prevention of erosion, turbidity (soil in water), and siltation.

      D. prevention of loss of beneficial aquatic life/habitat.

      E. deterring/inhibiting floods and pollution

      F.protection for economic,aesthetic, and recreational use.

      G. protecting water resources from drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse, and mismanagement.

      H. balance between need for economic growth and protection of environment.