- Mar 2018
juvenon.com juvenon.com
The pharmacokinetics of Alcar are complex,similar to other naturally occurring substances andinclude partial prehepatic metabolism, first liver passeffect and varying bioavailability
The pharmacokinetics of alcar
n.neurology.org n.neurology.org
Positive study
www.ddponline.org www.ddponline.org
I hypothesize that: 1) episodic shortage of each micronutrient throughout evolution caused natural selection to favor short-term survival of the organism at the expense of long-term health; 2) this was achieved by allocating scarce micronutrients by enzyme triage through an adjustment of the binding affinity of each enzyme for its required micronutrient.
Ames' hypothesis
Micronutrient Undernutrition in Americans
Mediates the ratio of acetyl-CoA/CoA•Decreases with age in plasma and in brain
in humans.
www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com
www.jacobinmag.com www.jacobinmag.com
Left-wing populists like Mouffe have a compelling account of how someone like Steve Bannon can pose as a champion of the common people. But Fassin’s little book suggests that to find a way out of this state of affairs, the Left may not be in such dire need of new ideas that it has to go looking for new supporters among those who might believe him.
Critique de Mouffe
www.jacobinmag.com www.jacobinmag.com
Then, as now, the most reliable path to a progressive politics that produces true justice and human rights is that which begins with building the political power of workers. It is this proposition that has often made elite opponents of white supremacy — both black and white — deeply uncomfortable.
Antiracism and procapitalism
medium.com medium.com
Hiveway, a rip off of Mastodon?
Videos can be mirrored directly from YouTube
What does this mean?
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Cette récente initiative (2018) montre combien ce système universel d'annotation du Web est prometteur.
J'espère que la méfiance croissante des internautes à l'égard des réseaux privatifs, suite à l'Affaire Cambridge Analytica, les encouragera à regarder ce qui se fait dans le monde du libre : hypothes.is, en l'occurrence, mais aussi Friendica, diaspora et le reste du Fediverse et de la Fédération, du côté des réseaux sociaux conventionnels.
Anchoring annotations to specific portions of text, rather than in disconnected scrolls at the end of articles.
So important. Pushing comments to the bottom not only disconnects them, it makes them look ancillary. They can be crucial.
This structure reproduces the old hierarchies, with commentators as bystanders whom you can avoid.
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
ntergroup contact refers to contact with members of groups that are outside one’s own, which has been experimentally shown to reduce prejudice. (link is external)
Alors... j'ai un ami Noir/Arabe/... on a droit ou pas de dire...?
J'attends encore une réfutation cohérente de cet argument du « J'ai un ami ...».
Bien sûr que le contact et l'émotion permettent de changer les attitudes et les pensées, c'est p-ê le plus important facteur, le facteur affectif.
Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.
You will sometimes hear that any biological differences among populations are likely to be small, because humans have diverged too recently from common ancestors for substantial differences to have arisen under the pressure of natural selection. This is not true. The ancestors of East Asians, Europeans, West Africans and Australians were, until recently, almost completely isolated from one another for 40,000 years or longer, which is more than sufficient time for the forces of evolution to work. Indeed, the study led by Dr. Kong showed that in Iceland, there has been measurable genetic selection against the genetic variations that predict more years of education in that population just within the last century.
Oh God.
I am also worried that whatever discoveries are made — and we truly have no idea yet what they will be — will be cited as “scientific proof” that racist prejudices and agendas have been correct all along, and that those well-meaning people will not understand the science well enough to push back against these claims.
Just like with the science of sex differences nowadays.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Excessive mutation will often stop a gene from working, yet somehow the sand rat’s genes manage to still fulfil their roles despite radical change to the DNA sequence. This is a very difficult task for genes. It’s like winning Countdown using only vowels.
This will change everything.
At the moment, several projects in the space are working to adopt new supplementary protocols, with the intent of building better bridges between one another. The proposed development might end up looking like this:<img class="progressiveMedia-noscript js-progressiveMedia-inner" src="https://via.hypothes.is/im_/https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*3pEK-Fwq7bNOVcnXfVdNuQ.png">Diaspora at this time has no plans for new protocols, having just significantly upgraded its own. postActiv intends to adopt support for Diaspora federation in a future release. Mastodon just released support for ActivityPub, and Pleroma , Socialhome and GNU Social are thinking of adopting it. Nextcloud is also notably getting into the federation space, and Hubzilla and Friendica will likely both support the ActivityPub protocol as extensions.
Where we discover that Friendica (and Hubzilla) are clearly the best options for navigating The Free Network.
It's a shame that the connectivity to Twitter and other non-free networks and services is not better highlighted. It's clearly by being compatible with the non-free networks that the Free Network will win in the end -- by allowing people to escape en masse.
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
Very lengthy. See highlights. In particular on "C.A.L.M."
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
by URL All annotations on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Letter to my Son Atom: https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?uri=http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/07/tanehisi-coates-between-the-world-and-me/397619/ RSS: https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?uri=http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/07/tanehisi-coates-between-the-world-and-me/397619/ by Tag All annotations tagged edu305 Atom: https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?tags=edu305 RSS: https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?tags=edu305 by User Paul Allison’s annotations Atom: https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?user=paulallison RSS: https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?user=paulallison
Excellent way to add users and tags to the Fediverse (the federation of free networks) -- through Friendica's RSS functionality.
urbania.ca urbania.ca
Ce que les Vikings ont compris et nous pas
Tour de passe-passe : les sites qui se laissent pas annoter, on les met dans archive.org.
Ce qui fait une url avec trois url dedans!
www.thedivineconspiracy.org www.thedivineconspiracy.org
As we have seen, according to Bohm’s “particle theory” an indi-vidual quantum system (e.g. an electron) is always a combination of aparticle and a new type of field described by the wave functionψ(so itis always both a particle and a wave, rather than either a particle or awave, as one might say in the conventional interpretation of quantumtheory).5If you like, the electron can be seen as an entity that has twoaspects, a particle aspect and a wave aspect
www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk
For other recent attempts to consider the mind-matter relation in the light of the quantumtheory, see Penrose (1989) and Lockwood (1989). For a discussion of the notions of activeinformation and implicate order by a number of authors, see Pylkkänen (19
Also see...
A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, David Bohm
www.iflscience.com www.iflscience.com
This could help explain where so much of our body’s fluid goes. While our cells contain most of the fluid, and the circulatory system carries a whole load more, over a third went unaccounted for and was simply said to be “interstitial”, or just floating around between organs and cells. The researchers claim, in a paper published in Scientific Advances, that the “interstitium” should be defined as an organ in its own right.
The interstitium, a new organ, accounts for the body's "black matter" (unaccounted for fluids).
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Puberty is in itself a diagnostic tool. If it doesn't not cause distress, then the likelihood is that the child is not transgender. If it does cause distress, then hormone blocking medication is given, which is completely reversible if needs be.
Puberty without distress. Imagine that.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
You would swear, reading this, that there's only one social network in the world.
mirandayardley.com mirandayardley.com
Jeanine Dear Miranda, Thank you for writing and publishing such an excellent essay. I have printed this as a .pdf and wish to ask the students in my Intro to Women and Gender Studies class to read it this week as part of our examination of “transgender.” You grapple with issues most avoid and do so eloquently and in a scholarly manner, and I am sure many call you a transphobe for your arguments. As a transwoman holding a doctorate who teaches women, gender and sexuality studies, an ardent feminist, the spouse of a feminist female attorney and a past advocate and activist for trans rights I have become quite disillusioned with the transgender trend/phenomenon over the past many years for all the reasons you identify. Please continue your much needed work! Best, Jeanine
Testimonial by a disillusioned transactivist
A manifesto
genderapostates.com genderapostates.com
I watch so many young transwomen dissolve, or lash out, at the notion that they aren’t female, that they haven’t always been female. The conflict arises because deep down they know they aren’t female. They know they cannot be. Any insistence they are male triggers an existential crisis. I wish I could show them how it doesn’t have to be this way. I want them to feel what I felt during Christmas: The joy and freedom the truth allows. I wish other transwomen would listen to that voice that knows what you really are. I want them to embrace it. To deny the truth, to insist otherwise, is internalized transphobia. To speak this truth is not self-hatred. It is self-love. It is self-care. I speak from experience. The truth will set you free.
"trans women are women" = "Internalized transphobia"
mirandayardley.com mirandayardley.com
What it is to be Transgender I had begun to annoy the extremists of trans Twitter with a piece I published in July 2014 which called for recentering trans debate around material reality. Broadly that: human beings are sexually dimorphic mammals; transwomen are biologically male (if we aren’t, then what do we transition from/to?); human beings are subjected to sex-based socialisation which begins at birth (what does this say about transwomen who cannot accept this?); the lives of transwomen are different to the lives of women (by this I mean women born women, again what does this say about transwomen who cannot accept this?). rape and death threats directed at lesbians and other feminists are wholly unacceptable.
The very reasonable points by a trans, that cannot be uttered.
The power of transactivists.
postieplugin.com postieplugin.com
The solution.
quillette.com quillette.com
lvsl.fr lvsl.fr
En pillant les ressources argumentatives et rhétoriques de l’adversaire on l’affaiblit davantage que par une violente offensive. La démarche hégémonique, autrement dit, n’est pas affirmation triomphante de soi mais absorption subreptice de l’autre.
Ce qui se passe avec l'alt right qui tente d'absorber la gauche.
quillette.com quillette.com
A leftist dared to confront Peterson's work. Good luck to him. We are supposed to criticize Peterson only on the terms imposed by our critics.
Ce serait quoi ton moteur de recherche préféré pour remplacer G? Je suis un peu tanné de Duckduckgo, c'est pas fort.
Neither the “Jews cause all my problems” claim nor the “racial/gender oppression is everywhere” claim is a literal conspiracy theory. Most people who buy into them don’t think Jews or white men (respectively) secretly meet in smoke-filled rooms and devise sophisticated strategies for dominating the world. Instead, these theories resemble traditional conspiracy theories in sealing themselves off from any possible counterevidence.
In the case of misogyny, if a radical feminist is shown survey evidence that most men favor equality of opportunity, she might respond that they are fooling themselves, and that deep down most men are unconsciously motivated by misogyny, or participate in a society that has institutionalized misogyny
Ce n'est pas si caricatural.
quillette.com quillette.com
Rather, people of conscience must recommit themselves to examining and exposing the material operations of power — the control of information, the use of violence, the allocation of wealth — that tangibly shape our social lives. This renewed social critique, furthermore, must not be driven solely by the college-educated class with its own agendas and predilections, but must include all people who work and struggle in our unequal world.
Gramsci: the organic intellectual
Affluent college-educated Westerners have gravitated towards the MacIntosh version of privilege because it assuages the anxiety or guilt that they may feel about the widening chasm between themselves and the working poor. So long as you disavow your white, male, or heterosexual ‘privilege,’ the new doctrine seems to promise, then you need not question your high rung on the socio-economic ladder; so long as identity-based prejudice is suppressed, then society is fair and just, no matter how materially unequal.
On reason is that, in order to fight material inequality, one has to lose the class privileges of university life to confront political life.
Despite all of these tensions and contradictions, the new usage of the word ‘privilege’ has entirely erased the older socio-economic meaning. Proof of the transformation lies in the fact that many social theorists today include in their laundry lists of the varieties of privilege, ‘class privilege.’ This phrase would have struck Clement Attlee or Emma Goldman as obvious nonsense, because privilege and inequality define class. The phrase is patently tautological and redundant, like ‘political government’ or ‘illegal crimes.’ Moreover, it implies a further contradiction: to speak of ‘class privilege’ is to imply that the existence of unequal social classes is acceptable, so long as they are treated equally.
young activists can feed a constant conflict over racist Native-American sports mascots, even as actual Native Americans, when surveyed, consistently say that they do not care about the mascots, and instead are far more concerned about poverty, addiction, and violence in their communities.
Accusations of "cultural appropriation" serving to distract from more difficult challenges.
www.bostonherald.com www.bostonherald.com
Last month at Portland State University, when biologist Heather Heying made the point that women and men are biologically different, protesters in the audience screamed and excoriated her and tried to damage the sound system before they were removed. “We should not listen to fascism. Nazis are not welcome in civil society,” a protester scowled.
The belief that sexism is at the root of fascism, although well founded, causes hyperactivists to censor scientists.
De Benoist had famously drawn from Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci, who believed that ideas the public held were key for revolutionary change. Using this philosophy, De Benoist also rejected the old tactics of fascism, such as paramilitary marches, violence, and parliamentary politics. He argued that the pre-condition for all revolution is “the capture of cultural power,” Tamir-on explains. A Coup d’état was no good for the Nouvelle Droite, they were now concerned with winning the battle of ideas.
www.zdnet.com www.zdnet.com
It works by delaying scripts from tracking domains when a page is actively loading and rendering.
What happens when we have script blockers installed? Does it make tailing useless?