209 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. if a human is interacting with another human and a machine and unableto distinguish the machine from the human, then the machine is said to beintelligen

      This is Turing Test

    2. Thepowerful way in which The Bombe was able to break the Enigma code, a task pre-viously impossible to even the best human mathematicians, made Turing wonder

      This was Alan Turing who broke the Engima code with this machine

    3. he Three Laws of Robotics: (1) a robot may not injurea human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; (2)a robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where suchorders would conflict with the First Law; and (3) a robot must protect its ownexistence as long as such prot

      The three laws of robotics: 1. Robot may not injure humans or allow harm 2. Must obey orders issued to it by humans unless such orders can harm fellow humans 3. Robot must protect its own existence unless laws 1 and 2

  2. May 2024
    1. Important for installing npm -g whatever

      mkdir ~/.npm-global

      npm config set-prefix '~/.npm-global'

      export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH

      (Basically add to the path)

      source ~/.bashrc

  3. Oct 2022
  4. Nov 2021
    1. double vaccinated or have a negative Covid-19 test result if they want to get in

      Both double vaccination and negative test within 72 hours are not fool-proof that a traveller will not end up with a positive test after arriving at the destination. Breakthrough infections are possible.

  5. Oct 2021
    1. The authors discussed the implications of moving away from elimination or hard elimination strategy to a softer containment strategy. At present, elimination strategy is about zero tolerance towards new cases, not so much as tha the total number of cases in the country will be 0. This is also impossible given the emergence of delta variant. The authors argue that to do that, the country first needs to vaccinate every eligible individual. This will shift the "risk perception" of people such that even if deaths occur and infections continue, there will be less anxiety and urgency to act in a way that is strict and hard, rather, covid19 related hospitalisations and deaths would be viewed as "unavoidable" but risks associated with normal life, much as we think about these things in case of lnfluenza. They also argue that once universal vaccination for covid19 is in place, then the government, in order to sustain a zero tolerance policy towards death from covid19 need to implement three things:

      • Electronic device based contact tracing and tracking
      • Issuing vaccine passports to the fully vaccinated and providing facilities to vaccine passport holders that will not allowed to the non-passport holders
      • Mass testing of people for covid19 using saliva and other tests (such as rapid antigen testing but they have not mentioned that either)

      Beyond this, they think that the health system and relationship of the government with public health and businesses need to be "overhauled" to some extent. Their advices include:

      • Delay an urgent health reform
      • create a closer partnership with the businesses such that along the lines of biosecurity and primary industries in a way that businesses are registered that will have implemented minimising covid19
      • Increase workforce capacity so that as the country is dependent on overseas health care workers, fast track residency applications and retrain or arrange for training of existing workforces and retired but capable workers
      • They have not mentioned but reasonable to understand that this is about minimising attrition of health workforce
      • Develop purpose built MIQs rather than depend on ad-hoc MIQ facilities
      • Develop a specific Pandemic controlling agency

      The authors make several assumptions but not quite clear from what they have written how they address them, although several of their desiderata and suggestions will have bearing on those assumptions. First of all, this is now established that covid19 is largely airborne, and therefore, ventilation and masking have a more prominent role in non-pharmacological intervention that what was considered earlier. But in order to enforce or enable this, individuals need to change their behaviours about precautionary practices and businesses will need to adjust their practices such as ventilation on shop floor and how many people to allow; restaurants may consider to open more open spaced. Second, while they have considered endemicity of covid19, this is open to debate. Endemicity of covid19 implies that the authors have assumed that COVID19 will have reinfections; so far, there is little evidence of re-infections as a dominant mode of transmission of this virus. Besides, as it is now known that extant vaccines do not confer "sterilising immunity", the discussions around "booster vaccinations" are in order. If so, the question of an endemic infection and thereby the premise that there will be a "shift in public risk tolerance" needs careful consideration. Third, the authors have not discussed the potential issues around "long covid", and the need to study the implications of long covid. Albeit, we may be in the throe of the birth of a new speciality in public health and medicine devoted to the study of the causes and consequences of Covid. What the implications of long COVID19 will be is open to speculations.

  6. Jul 2021
    1. case-driven trial was planned 205to accrue 130case

      What was the rationale for accrual of 130 cases has not been explained here. Would be nice to have that explanation. When the study parameters (95% confidence interval, 60% vaccine efficacy, 1% baseline attack rate) were applied to the WHO calculator obtained from here, the sample size turned out to be 86000, and when 80% confidence interval, 60% vaccine efficacy, and 1% baseline rate among unvaccinated) was used to assess sample size, it turned out to be 21000; in any case, the study then would be underpowered unless the rationale of 130 case accrual is made.<br> Why was not the WHO sample size estimator used?

    2. at least two of the following symptoms:

      This means that by design the trial would MISS asymptomatic COVID19 cases that nevertheless make up a substantial proportion (about 60% of covid cases). But this was mitigated by taking monthly swabs for Category 2 participants.

    3. The master randomisation list, containing the randomisation 120number and intended treatment allocation, as well as the kit code, was sent to the IWRSand121kits were despatched to the sites according to the IWRSby an unblinded statistician from the 122CRO

      This opens up the possibility of bias in the analysis if the same statistician was involved in the data analysis of the efficacy. How was that mitigated?

    4. per-protocol population

      Why was the decision of per-protocol taken if the study was blinded to the participants and the study personnel BUT unblinded to the analysts?

    5. Participants, investigators, study coordinators, 126study-related personnel, and the sponsor were masked to the treatment group allocation, and 127masked study nursesat each site were responsible for vaccine preparation and administration

      That still leaves open the role of unblinded data analysts. Why were they not blinded as well or at least made agnostic as to the status of the allocation. How was allocation concealment achieved and why was this not described here?

    6. adult volunteers 18 years

      How did they mitigate self-report bias?

    7. blinded

      ??What does blinding mean here? Double blinded or single blinded?

  7. Jun 2021
    1. their popularity may be aresult of cumulative advantage or the tendency to evoke anemotional response

      Again, wild speculation. Popularity is not necessarily as a result of tendency to evoke an emotional response but perhaps the fact that they play a powerful position in society or "famous" in the first place. Merely rousing emotional responses in others would not lead to centrality of anyone's position in a network, will it?

    2. As an example, online datingapps add long ties on sexual contact social networks—often bydesign, as they seek to connect strangers. This has the potential toincrease disease burden even for those that do not use the services

      How can online networks with long ties increase disease burden UNLESS the implication is that, they eventually translate to physical contact?

  8. Feb 2021
    1. This when India itself is a low income country. China, for instance, has a per capita income ($10,000) five times higher than India’s ($2,000).

      What is the source of this information?

  9. Jun 2020
  10. May 2020
    1. for

      They are saying that presenc of antibody is not necessarily the same thing as actual exposure to the virus.

    1. the business is illegal since notes taken during college lectures violate the professor's copyrigh

      I do not understand the problem I suppose. The professor has taught a class and given lectures. Anyone could listen to those lectures and write down the ideas obtained from the professor in his or her own terms. If copyright is a matter of expression and not ideas, does it not follow that the professor enabled new copyrights to be reserved by the student who attended the lecture, "listened" or "watched" the professor's lectures, perhaps recorded it on a device and then "re-created" in her own way? What else matters in education and teaching if you cannot expect your student to "remember" and "apply" the knowledge you have accrued and then distribute to the students who pay money to come to your class and be graded by you as a professor? Seems the basis of the lawsuit is that another company, cannot profit off the same "words uttered by the professor" on the same topic. Even if that is the case, it makes little sense to me, as the exactness of the specific expression patterns matter little compared with the content of the thought. For disciplines like science (which the professor seems to teach), the truth can be expressed in so many ways.

  11. Apr 2020
    1. The appeal of the first of these options is that it has a clear rationale and an end-point when the virus has passed and life can return to normal.

      But what is "normal"?

  12. Nov 2019
    1. hindrances

      Five hindrances:

      • Sensual urge (sex, food, craving)
      • Anger (Rage, dissatisfaction, ...)
      • Sloth-torpor (sluggishness, mainly mental fatigue before physical fatigue)
      • Excitement (Overactivity, unable to stop, ...)
      • Doubt (Do not have confidence, no faith in the course of action, ...)
    2. Seven factors:

      • Mindfulness
      • Investigation
      • Joy
      • Energy
      • Tranquility
      • Concentration
      • Equipoise
  13. Oct 2019
    1. ...

      matches the reference, and on the forward strand ,: matches the reference genome but on the reverse strand

    2. POS

      First variant in the genome was found at ...

    3. ##fileformat=VCFv4.2

      header, each version slightly different specifications What programs are used in generating the file

    4. -S

      Take line wrapping off

    5. b

      b = binary

  14. Aug 2019
    1. This is where they go in:

      <script> Reveal.initialize({ dependencies: [ {src: 'revealjs/plugin/markdown/marked.js'}, {src: 'revealjs/plugin/markdown/markdown.js'} ] } ); </script>
  15. Jul 2019
    1. Partici-pants who indicated at least mild anxiety on the BAI(cutoffN8) and who did not indicate severedepression according to the BDI-II (cutoffb29) orsuicidal ideation as assessed by the suicide item of theBDI-II (item 9b2) were then invited to take part in adiagnostic interview. The interview was conductedvia telephone, a procedure with adequate psycho-metric properties (Crippa et al., 2008). Four ad-vanced MSc clinical psychology students conductedthe depression and anxiety disorders sections of theStructured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis IDisorders (First & Gibbon, 2004). The interviewershad received training in using the interview. TheSCID training included sample videos, role-plays,and supervised training interviews.

      The selection process was quite complex. It assumed:

      • particiipants had access to the Internet and had valid email addresses that they accessed
      • participants were able to access URLs on a web browser that would work with their site design
      • participants were literate enough to read and understand the background of the study and consent process
      • Participants had relatively mild depression
      • the participants possessed phones
      • the participants were wiling to talk to the researchers and were willing to be interviewed (this had the possibility of selection bias)
    2. A Randomized Controlled Tria

      This is randomized controlled trial and it is the correct type of intervention research design for this question

    3. The current trial aims at evaluating the efficacyof a stand-alone, unguided, Internet-based mindfulnesstreatment program for anxiety

      The purpose of the trial was to study the effectiveness of a stand-alone, unguided, internet-based mindfulness treatment programme for anxiety

    4. The fundingbody was not involved in the study design, in thecollection, analysis and interpretation of data, in thewriting of the report, or in the decision to submit thearticle for publication.

      Suggests that the funding body had no role to play in the outcomes of this study

    5. ive of the six authors have no competing interests to report.Dr. Ola Schenström has founded a company that, among otherthings, markets online mindfulness products.

      Some conflict of interest

    1. This is the "first" of a series of articles where David Sackett defined Evidence Based Medicine. If you are from Public Health, how does what he says apply to you?

    1. In this paper, Trisha Greenhalgh has argued that patient care is multidimensional. As a result, if someone tries to measure the extent to which practice is evidence-based, he/she cannot arrive at a true estimate unless all dimensions are captured. Merely focusing on whether one used the results of a randomised controlled trial or meta analysis to prescribe medicine/therapy is not sufficient by itself to justify that evidence based practice was achieved and evidence based practice is not binary.

  16. Jun 2019
    1. A classic example of eminence versus evidence debate. Use it for classroom teaching. Eminent doctors are rejecting the claims of an evidence generated using case control study

    1. Skipping an evening meal is likely to result in night-time hypoglycaemia, particularly in young children who have limited hepatic glycogen reserves

      This is not supported.

    2. absence of an evening meal modified the association between litchi consumption and illness
    3. in fatty acid oxidation, similar to profiles observed in glutaric acidemia type II, an inherited metabolic disorder with a panethnic prevalence that is less than 1:100 000

      fatty acid metabolism

    4. litchi consumption and both hypoglycin A and MCPG toxicity

      hypoglycin A and mcpg toxicity. Overnight no feed and litchi consumtion (preferably unripe?) What is the significance of routine practice of not washing the food before eating and encephalopathy?

    5. On stratified analysis controlled for age, the absence of an evening meal in the previous 24 h significantly modified the relation between litchi consumption and illness (OR 7·8 [95% CI 3·3–18·8], without evening meal; OR 3·6 [95% CI 1·1–11·1] with evening meal).

      LItichi consumption with overnight fasting

    6. 72 (90%) of 80 specimens had abnormal plasma acylcarnitine profiles, consistent with severe disruption of fatty acid metabolism

      What are the possible reasons for abnormal fatty acid metabolism

    1. a wealthy nation with unhealthy lifestyles, little interest in preventive medicine, and expectations of limitless, top-notch specialist care would empower its health-care system to accommodate these preferences
    2. Hospitals might question non-indicated and expensive surgeries, he adds, but saying the patient insisted is sometimes enough to close the case
    3. But another big factor is patient preference
    4. his very first patient shocked him by refusing the moderately expensive but effective treatment he prescribed for her cancer—a choice that turns out to be common among patients in Singapore, who like to pass the money in their government-mandated health-care savings accounts on to their children
    5. “value-based care,” which rewards providers who keep costs down while achieving good outcomes, is not going well
    6. healthy community norms goes a long way toward explaining poor health outcomes
    7. patients in groups like these have been shown to have significantly better outcomes for an array of conditions, including diabetes and depression, than similar patients not in groups.
    8. healthy community norms are particularly evident in certain places with strong outcome-to-cost ratios, like Sweden
    9. she has concluded that a key motivator for healthy behavior is feeling integrated in a community where that behavior is commonplace
    1. Saumitra Khan from Bishnupur, West Bengal, who joined the party just prior to the elections, is Muslim

      No, he is not a muslim

  17. May 2019
    1. In the battle between Hindu supremacists and elite egalitarian, 'minority-exploitative' political forces, supremacists won. A new, ''Modified' India is on the wings. Not for everyone.

    1. This week, he triumphantly reaped one of the biggest electoral harvests of the post-truth age, giving us more reason to fear the future
    2. India witnessed a savage assault on not just democratic institutions and rational discourse but also ordinary human decency

      This will go from bad to worse

    3. fictions has been steadily enhanced by India’s troll-dominated social media as well as cravenly sycophantic newspapers and television channels.

      Fiction + trolls + pliant news media = Modi returns. This will go from bad to worse.

    4. From the beginning, he was careful to present himself to his primary audience of stragglers as one of them: a self-made individual who had to overcome hurdles thrown in his way by an arrogant and venal elite that indulged treasonous Muslims while pouring contempt on salt-of-the-earth Hindus like himself.

      This was not just his narrative; it was the narrative of everyone in his coterie.

    5. abandonment

      The two India's India and Bharat now come to haunt us. This is the rise of an apparently disenfranchised India. Will it augur well for all of us?

    6. India is a grotesquely unequal society

      Unequal and inequitable

    7. Mr. Modi and his Hindu nationalist supporters seemed to plunge an entire country into a moronic inferno.

      Consolidation of Hindu supremacist regime.

    8. he is an unreconstructed ethnic-religious supremacist, with fear and loathing as his main political means.

      This will get worse over the next five years!

    9. Over five years of Mr. Modi’s rule, India has suffered variously from his raw wisdom

      and more to come

    10. Mr. Modi has confirmed that the leader of the world’s largest democracy is dangerously incompetent.

      Yet he keeps winning. Why and how?

    1. rave servers do not store your browsing data

      Which is why you will not see a single profile and if you have two brave browsers installed on two devices, they will not sync. OK.

    1. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of the different objectives and skills that educators set for their students (learning objectives). The taxonomy was proposed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist at the University of Chicago. The terminology has been recently updated to include the following six levels of learning.
      • Remember
      • Understand
      • Apply
      • Analyse
      • Evaluate
      • Create
    1. If you are using Arch, use this command to enable support to run unprivileged containers for the current session: sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1

      The above code solved the problem. The problem was that, every time I opened Brave browser, it showed an error message, unsupported command-line flag: -no-sandbox

    1. Follow the instructions. There are two ways to go with this: 1) git clone the browser-extension repo, then cd into src/ folder and then go to the injector.js file and change the settings manually taking from the diff file OR 2) use git apply to change the injector.js file 3) Or use git apply as the

    1. Teaching the computer to draw kōlams gave computer scientists insight into how picture languages function, which they then used to create new languages
    2. By providing a meal of rice flour to bugs, ants, birds, and insects, she writes, the Hindu householder begins the day with “a ritual of generosity,” with a dual offering to divinity and to nature

      Very interesting perspective!

    1. The International Study on Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) was established in 1991, and was recognised inthe 2004 Guinness Book of World Records as the largest epidemiology study among children ever conducted

      ISAAC study found food allergy among children in Australia was about 10%, and similar prevalence expected in NZ, and all ethnicity are similar in this respect. No separate estimate for NZ is available

    2. confusion over the difference between food allergy and food intolerance.

      important point.

    1. connectivity (chunking) among new concepts, such as concept mapping, can improve outcomes for subsequent memory-intensive exercises. Formative assessments, when performed frequently, help learners by prompting them to apply new content before it has been overwritten. Faded examples both minimize demands on short-term memory and offer context that helps improve connectivity for future work, in which the “scaffolding” of contextual support can be gradually removed. Anything you can do to a) recognize and b) support learners in working with the limitations of short-term memory will improve the effectiveness of your teaching

      Strategies that help in moving information from short term to long term memory:

      • chunking (tying disparate facts together)
      • concept mapping (done best before lessons begin)
      • repeated formative assessments
      • faded examples All times, avoid cognitive load
    2. guided practice: we set up a structure in which learners can test their skills and get feedback on their progress. This contrasts with another teaching strategy variously known as constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential or inquiry-based learning.

      Guided practice is where we do:

      • We work, our learners in the workshop work
      • We use frequent formative evaluations every 5-10 minutes using multiple choice questions and the MCQs are so created that they can tap misconceptions, not just fact checking.
      • We hold student's hand and guide
      • We do this so that repeated practice will help to store information from short term memory to longer term memory
      • Minimalist guidance actually increases the burden of learning new tools
    3. An instructor can draw a concept map for an entire topic, and use that to decide where to introduce a formative assessment to avoid overloading short-term memory.

      Great tip for desining a lesson

    4. A concept map is a picture of someone’s mental model of a domain

      Steps of drawing concept maps:

      1. List all concepts
      2. Put most abstract concepts on top
      3. Place all specific concepts at bottom
      4. Link them using verbs
      5. The more links the better
    5. memory by creating chunks

      This is the principle of chunking. In chunking you relate or connect the disparate pieces of information by forming connections among them, and then that forms the story or the narrative. this is like the 'attic' of Sherlock Holmes.

    6. ask “What questions do people have?”

      In a workshop setting repeatedly ask: "what questions do you have?"

    7. ability of experts to make use of fluid representations

      Fluid here signifies an easy flow or flexibility.

    8. storing knowledge as a graph in which facts are nodes and relationships are arcs

      This is knowledge graphs. Nodes and edges connect disparate pieces of information

    9. experts have more connections among pieces of knowledge

      Just memorising facts do not matter. You need to have a vault in the mind where you keep pieces of information and then forge links between them.

    1. Several teaching strategies were discussed. Start with reverse design and start with the goals in mind and tailor your teaching to that end. Then, use formative assessments

    2. reverse-design setting,

      Reverse-design setting is where you start with the goals and objectives and tailor your teaching to meet these goals. See more ...

    3. Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design,
    1. Should we conclude that the studentswho answered “remainder 12”really understand division

      What does the word 'real understanding' mean here? We need to contextualise all information we learn to our own lived experiences. Abstract thoughts are not enough.

    2. Key notes from understanding by design

    1. The summary article about growth and fixed mindsets written from the perspective of high school student teaching but it seems that this can be used for all levels of students and individuals.

    1. annotations here: Article in pdf

    2. oncept map. A concept map is a picture of someone’s mental model of a domain:

      Some more notes about concept maps:

      • Each concept is a noun or adjective
      • Each connector is a verb
      • More general concepts are arranged on the top of the page (so we have a top down or TD arrangement for graphing)
      • Highly specific terms are placed in the bottom ## Software for concept mapping:
      • Paper pencil (most convenient)
      • cmaptools, free and excellent tools
      • freemind (mind mapping as well but you can use for concept mapping) See a large list here

      Here is a 'coggle' that shows how concept maps work (a very simple concept map just two nodes and one edge)

    3. graph model of knowledge

      where you create mental models by linking various pieces of information together. A concept map or a mind map is useful. See also this annotation

      check also this hacker noon article

    1. A discussion on the definition of what constitutes a knowledge graph. Looks like a knowledge graph is where different pieces of information are connected to each other based on their ontology.

    1. Note: A problematic Portable Document Format (PDF) content type

      I set Firefox to open PDF files. When I tried to open PDFs, Firefox repeatedly opened empty tabs. I had to open preferences and click 'preview pdfs in firefox' rather than open pdfs in firefox.

    1. copying and pasting the direct links into the Google comment window

      What could this be?

    2. ook advantage of Hypothesis direct links to annotate my emerging text with the exact snippets and notes that I used as sources for particular text.

      Cross link with direct linking

    3. Hypothesis has largely replaced my use of reference managers as a means to organize important papers.

      Intriguing. Needs closer reading till I figure out a way where I can export the annotations on individual passages and notes to a text document. So, I'd keep integrating hypothesis and zotero together and write papers using Authorea or Jupyter notebooks using a bibtex formatted bibliography management system.

    4. ability to take notes anchored to specific passages of text, and have them tagged and searchable across papers, are such major benefits

      For this to happen, start with:

      1. Open an article in the web browser (Google Chrome or Firefox) that can support pdf.js or epub.js or html if that is available
      2. Open hypothesis app, and start annotating at passages (as in this annotation)
      3. Add a consistent tag (see the other how_to tagged articles)
      4. Then search all related hypothesis annotations and notes on pages using those tags and organise knowledge that way.
    5. This is a great tool for using hypothes.is in the classroom. Select article, ask focused questions, prepare your own answers and let students use this in real time in the classroom.

    1. This movement toward open and interoperable web annotation sets the stage for a democratization of the scholarly arts of close reading, line-by-line analysis, and accurate citation.

      This is an excellent use case for teaching and research, section by section, segment by segment. As an extension, this can lead to a new form of scholarly documentation, where mashup and commentary can itself become the basis of peer reviewed contribution.

    1. Open Access. A colorectal cancer prediction model using traditional and genetic risk scores in Koreans. Keum … cohort members. A genetic risk score (GRS) was calculated by summing the number of


    1. So, this page lays out the basic idea behind hypothes.is. The page note is an overarching summary, or can add another layer of information of related pages, annotate 'weblinkography', 'bibliography' if it is an article, a set of equations or perhaps even point to something like codes or jupyter notebooks that can flow from a 'page' or a 'document' level. Yet embedded within that document could be other commentaries that are marginal notes. What this system needs is a seamless way to extract these notes per user basis, so that I can collate a set of links strewn across the web with identical tags. For example, if have tagged this note along with other marginal notes I created with tags 'howto', and 'hypothesis_how_to'. These were created as I tried to get to understand this system. If I were able to now extract these various pieces of texts to a single document that would contain a link to this parent document, then I could use this to teach or let others know how to use this system as well, and for my future notes. In theory, the notes system could be used for a thought logging system as one were to read a 'paper' or a webpage, or add comments. Then these comments could be either emailed or 'shared' in some way that would make it useful to write a script (say a python script using Beautiful Soup or somehting) to scrape all comments to a theme based set of plain text, which in turn could be arranged to develop into an annotated bibliography with very little effort. The effort would be to read and annotate on the fly. it could also be used to curate knowledge across the web and bring everything into one place, in this case, hypothes.is user page.

    2. to annotate a whole document (versus a selection), create a page note

      This is more like a summary or a critique or a succinct account of a page that gets annotated. it could be a video site as well, say a youtube site. Or an audio site. It could provide additional information to a page or a related page.

    3. agree on a standard set of tags to classify sets of resources

      This is step one. Set up a standard set of tags. These tags will then classify resources. Let's say I want to classify all studies on polygenic risk scores on the web. These documents come in the form of HTML, or PDF. If on the top of that, you'd also like to tag something like tutorial, or software to do the job, then write those tags as well when you come across a resource and tag it. So, a list of tags to learn about polygenic risk scores could be something like:

      • polygenic risk score
      • polygenic_risk_score
      • tutorial
      • utility
      • why_how So, all resources that pertain to polygenic risk scores can now be divided into a set of main document types: some that discuss tutorials and how tos, others discuss the utilisation values and debates. Later, these could be reassembled.
    1. Test

    2. rom the meta-analysis, SNPswere selected that had an imputation INFO score40.9 and minorallele frequency40.02, and low linkage disequilibrium to eachother (r250.25 within 500 kb window, filtering for significance;PLINK-command7clump-p1 17clump-p2 17clump-r2 0.257clump-kb 500).


    1. All statistical tests were two-sided, and statistical significance was determined as p<0.05

      This paper provides a tutorial and a comparison between risk modelling for colorectal cancer

  18. Nov 2018
    1. Beamer

      Another point worth mention, you must have beamer package installed in your texmf tree or if you use linux or macOS, install beamer separately. None of these commands or options will work if beamer itself is not installed. These tutorials are useless if they do not mention these things.

    2. nsert the defaul

      This information is wrong or outdated. The way to insert a default org-exporter is to do M-x-org-export-default and select default when they present for options.

    1. More recently, scientists who are not themselves computational experts are conducting data analysis with a wide range of modular software tools and packages

      What do you think?

  19. Oct 2018
    1. boxplot is a type

      Need to add a code that can produce boxplot for a single variable and state that the code will be

      data %>%
       ggplot() +
       geom_boxplot(aes(x = "", y = continuous_variable))
    1. A big listicle with plenty of misinformation about prices of the tools, and outdates or broken links. These people do not maintain what they write. Practically none of the tools are good, except for freeplane/freemind to some extent, and I'd say wisemapping.

      There is a need for developing better concept/mind mapping tools for regular use.

    2. browser enabled tool

      A good and free tool true, but you cannot connect the nodes and you cannot label the connectors. So, while a good mind mapping tool, practically useless for concept map as well.

    3. Mind42 is supported with free

      Free, fast and easy, but the interface is clumsy. It does not allow for linking of nodes, and it does not allow for labelling of arcs. Useless but a nice diagramming tool.

    4. LucidChart provides an entirely new perspective to the process of creating diagram

      It is nice and has free options, and for educators. Can be "tweaked" to produce concept maps, but clumsy.

    5. MindManager

      Good tool but NOT free.

    6. Like others, using this tool

      Looks good, but too expensive for 20 bucks a month. Useless.

    7. Brainstorming could never be simple

      A nice visual editor that works in html but clumsy. Not worth the six dollars a month they are asking. But can be useful for concept mapping, not so much as mind mapping

    8. are in a hurry

      Anything but. The site did not open after five minutes and I gave up.

    9. t’s one of the best tool I’ve used

      Broken link, useless

    10. Easiest and simplest mind mapping tool

      Not quite. Very ugly and not at all user friendly.

    11. FREE

      No, it is expensive, there is no free option.

    1. Collaborative close reading involves breaking the class into small groups and passing short excerpts from a text around the room. Each group annotates the passage, making their marks and weaving a colorful web of observations atop the author’s words

      Select short texts >> pass around the class >> ask students to annotate

  20. Apr 2018
    1. veridical

      Theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen; veridical here means truthful. Three factors:

      1. What is my attitude to the behaviour?
      2. What do others think or I think others think towards my behaviour (normative belief)?
      3. How much control I think or I believe I have towards my behaviour or what factors either make it easy or make it difficult for me to conduct my behaviour?

      These will determine my intention to actually act my behaviour, and then intention precedes my actual conduct.

  21. Mar 2018
    1. A very important note for writing the introduction of a journal article, and I think it is useful for any article for that matter. Essentially four or five points:

      • Start with a compelling question, story, data, quote
      • Layout the map of the rest of the paper right there in the introduction leading to the next section
      • Spell out the main argument in the introduction section, this helps to lay out the rest of the map of the paper together
      • Use simple language.
      • Use one of the two approaches or horses for courses - either write a rough sketch in the beginning and then rewrite, or write the perfect story right from the beginning. I like the former approach.



  22. Jan 2018
    1. even use the data to try to disprove what the original investigators had posited

      Isn’t this the point of reproducible and replicable research? Old Popper must be turning in his grave! Oh dear!

    2. people who had nothing to do with the design and execution of the study but use another group’s data for their own ends,

      This is the point of research. Give it, show it to others who can take your data and challenge your assumptions and find new meaning. Why is this a limitation?

  23. Nov 2017
    1. In study 2, why did the authors not employ a an intervention for the longhand note takers as well but only for the laptop group?

    2. Better paraphrasing and less word overlaps for longhand note takers. Were the students randomised? Did the students have similar background and experiences in note taking in each medium selected? How was that known?

    3. The study compared two note taking methods: laptop based note taking methods and longhand note taking methods. Used TED talks as cues or stimulus and paired students in a room to view and take notes using their favourite note taking methods. Then after 30 minutes the students were tested on their recall and concepts. The authors found that while there was not much differences in their recall and comprehension in or o for the facutual contents, when it came to testing concepts, those who took notes i in longhand performed better. Several arguments could be raised. This was not a typical class simulation as in a class the students are expected to read the materials beforeand beforehand and the lectures can augment these experiences. Here they did not have that opportunity.

    1. We do not have to worry about both bases in both strands. Any one strand is fine. Because A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G.

    1. An excellent commentary on what ails our current peer review system and how alternative quality assurance system might work in academics.

  24. Oct 2017
    1. People want health, not health care. And those who require the most health care and get the least health — high-need, high-cost patients with multiple or severe medical conditions — feel this most acutely.

  25. Aug 2017
    1. An excellent meditation that brings out the problem in today's computing culture: under-representation of the minority and females in computing, starting with the students and all the way up to venture capitalists and the culture. It is interesting how Bogost talks about alternative scenarios. Looks like this is a disbalance of power.

  26. May 2017
    1. The mixing of two distinct lineages led to most modern-day Indians. Elie Dolgin

      An important report.

  27. Mar 2017
    1. রা হাত িটেয় নেব

      রাষ্ট্র ঠিক হাত গুটিয়ে নেয়নি, ডিফেন্স কিন্তু বিভিন্ন খাতে গবেষণায় ভাল পয়সা ঢেলেছে।

    1. Provided that the clinical ...

      This rider contravenes with the first objective that people cannot be denied emergency services. How does the establishment exert its right to recover the cost of operations? Is it allowed to determine how much to charge and interest rates, etc?

    2. Which 20%? which 10%? Per day quota of visits? If the bed size is 100, it will be 10 patients but which ten patients? Will they be randomly selected? Same patient can receive the free treatment twice? what will determine this?

    1. I believe it unfair to demand that students watch the video outside of the class time for various reasons. If you have a blended learning environment, that of course provides a natural time and place to watch the videos, but it will be difficult to ensure all students watch a video as homework
    2. If reflection is not a regular part of your classroom culture, then implementing the flipped classroom will not be as effective

      How is it going to be helpful? What is its relevance?

    3. project-based learning (PBL), game-based learning (GBL), Understanding by Design (UbD), or authentic literacy, find an effective model to institute in your classroom

      Project based learning Game based learning Understanding by design

    4. must be paired with transparent and/or embedded reason to know the content

      So, on the test is not good enough? Hlep you in real life not good enough? WHAT is good enough?????

    5. just because I "free" someone, doesn't mean that he/she will know what to do next, nor how to do it effectively

      Good point. What's the way to bring students to use technology effectively?