383 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. The startup shut down in 2021, citing the cost of litigation.

      How much of a defense had they put up since they went out of business?

    2. uled that Ross “meant to compete with Westlaw by developing a market substitute.

      could have far-reaching implications. Consider how music and image generators compete.

    3. may be useful in revising the Copyright Card Game to addresss AI

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Its philosophy is also to fail fast while early-testing alternative solutions

      Not sure I like the way this is expressed - it doesn't signify appropriate care for students

  3. Mar 2024
    1. So AI could be a tool to help move people into expression, to move past creative blocks

      To what extent are we using AI in this way in ds106? That is, using it as a starting point to build on rather than an end product?

    1. people still lobbying against using the internet in educatio

      This is not uncommon. People use it as an argument for expanding broadband access, but they still recognize that online ed handicaps people who don't have good internet off campus.

    2. And that’s essentially where innovation stopped

      We could consider open pedagogy an innovation too, and even a next step from OER.

  4. Jan 2024
    1. But I maintain that all of this is a monumental and dangerous waste of human talent and energy. Imagine what might be accomplished if this talent and energy were turned to philosophy, to theology, to the arts, to imaginative literature or to education? Who knows what we could learn from such people - perhaps why there are wars, and hunger, and homelessness and mental illness and anger

      nice case ofr liberal education

  5. Dec 2023
  6. Nov 2023
    1. I could understand why people poured their lives into craft: there is nothing quite like watching someone enjoy a thing you’ve made.

      key point - the connection through creativity. Relate to arts & storytelling

  7. Sep 2023
    1. They will also start to critically question media that they didn’t create.

      open pedagogy/info lit connection

    2. open pedagogy where students are not only demonstrating that they have met the outcomes of an assignment, but they are also learning to own the media with which they are creating

      note how open pedagogy is not necessarily tied to OER

  8. Aug 2023
  9. Jul 2023
    1. educators and stakeholders must be equipped with the necessary skillsand knowledge

      information literacy

    2. prompt engineering and co-creation with AI

      the engineering would require a sophisticated understanding of the subject, if it is to be done effectively. This serves as an example of the benefits of OEP over OER, and how the creator gains the most through the process.

    3. ven ChatGPT concurs with this view

      Perhaps it would be better to use language that does not give ChatGPT agency.

    4. It does not have theability to introduce novel ideas or concept

      meaning - is not capable of insight?

    5. the unique characteristic of generative AI being non-human implies thepromise of ownership-free educational content.

      But if it requires extensive human intervention, does it remain ownership-free?

    6. Supporting Student Creation of OERs

      Wikipedia experimented w AI generated text and found it needed extensive editing. While that may not save time for Wikipedia editors, that type of mental labor may benefit students engaged in OEP.

    7. AI is anticipated to bring novelinsights and capacities to scientific research and content creation

      Really? I thought insight was beyond the scope of AI.



  10. Apr 2023
    1. Balancing privacy considerations and open sharing is a critical consideration

      This is a digital and information literacy issue that gets addressed in a very authentic way through this process.

    2. We discussed how students may not want to share their work openly or publicly and needed an option to share with the class without sharing with the world.
    3. where students take on the role of knowledge creators and share their work and their learning with others

      It may be worth considering whether or not some students want to share their work, and if they feel pressured into it.

  11. Jan 2023
    1. the outputs of generative AI programs will continue to pass immediately into the public domain.

      I wonder if this isn't reading more into the decision than is there. I don't read the decision as a blanket statement. Rather it says that the claimant didn't provide evidence of creative input.Would the decision have gone differently if he had claimed creative intervention? And what if an author does not acknowledge using AI?

    2. The US Copyright Office rejected his attempt to register copyright in the work – twice

      AI-generated work not eligible for copyright protection. OTOH, how would anyone know if the "author" decided to keep the AI component a secret?

    1. the Office re-evaluated the claims and again concluded that the Work “lacked therequired human authorship necessary to sustain a claim in copyright,” because Thaler had“provided no evidence on sufficient creative input or intervention by a human author in theWork.

      What is sufficient creative input? The initial command and any subsequent requests for revision could arguably be consider creative input.

  12. Nov 2022
    1. Data collected through this study showed nosignificant difference for the retention andcompletion rates as compared to students enrolledin non-OER course

      Surprised by this, although we've seen similar data locally. Would a longer term study show more difference?

  13. learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. range of digital literacy practices

      This is a significant aspect of social annotation/Hypothesis. The low barrier for entry and the low-stakes nature of the work make it a great way to develop digilit, potentially, as people can engage with connecting and linking in their writing.

  14. Oct 2022
  15. Jun 2022
  16. May 2022
    1. “CRAAP isn’t about critical thinking – it’s about oversimplified binaries.”

      The CRAAP test is crappy if taught crappily.

    2. In a role reversal, media and retail platforms, such as Amazon, had begun to evaluate their users to determine what information they should receive

      targeting info and ads to consumers has long been a goal of media companies.

  17. Apr 2022
  18. Feb 2022
    1. need for ethical practice

      What's missing when we frame ethics in terms of IP, plagiarism and academic integrity is an ethical duty to pursue truth.

    2. college failed to prepare them to ask questions of their own

      a core info lit skill, but perhaps difficult to assess

  19. Oct 2021
  20. Sep 2021
    1. Q. What do you mainly focus on when drawing cartoons?Being simple. Being able to read them on a shaky bus. Being able to roughly understand the narrative even if you are not starting from the first episode,

      I like the points the author makes here. I see these both as design concerns recognizing the reader's experience and the limitations and affordances of technology.

    1. what counts as authoritative varies by audience and is layered with historical understanding of truth and trust

      Authority is constructed and contextual.

  21. Jul 2021
    1. emerging technologies such as deep fakes, facial recognition, and other applications of artificial intelligence

      this sort of language will help make the document become outdated.

    2. ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
  22. Jun 2021
    1. faculty assume that students know how to, for example, take notes

      are note-taking skills taught at all?

    2. reading at the college level can be a real challenge for students from any discipline

      teaching how to read is an ongoing project. Digital reading techniques need to be introduced, reinforced and practiced across courses.

  23. Apr 2021
  24. Mar 2021
    1. I think it would be fun to make a video of Lego characters moving and telling a story with the scene in the background

      This is very ambitious but the results could be very impressive

    1. those around us are the story. We are just the ones that tell it.

      The idea ties my story/our story/your story all together. I like big ambitious ideas.

    1. Intro to Cryptocurrency

      This is a different twist on "my story" - something I want to know about. This approach could generate many interesting projects.

    1. I want to talk about success and what it means to each of us. I want to talk about life and not getting caught up in the small problems. I want to talk about letting fears go and taking the first step, the first leap! There’s so much to life and there’s so much of this world that is left undiscovered because we are too afraid of what others will say or react and we let our fear put us in a cage and trap us from ever truly living and experiencing life. So that’s what I want to talk about. What we’re doing to be different, to inspire change, to motivate others and ourselves to get out there and live.

      I like the way this pushes the idea of my story/our story beyond autobiography.

  25. Feb 2021
    1. The factors affecting the adoption of open educational resources (OER) in higher education have become a research topic of great interest

      test annotation

    1. metrics we pay attention to on a regular basis [are] student savings, student satisfaction, and student performance.

      test annotation

  26. Oct 2020
  27. Jun 2020
    1. There really are only two things you can do: you can present a challenge (which will drive learning), or you can provide resources that people can pull on when they are challenged. A resource can be a map, a person, Google, a checklist, a video, a guide…

      Thinking about how this applies to library instruction. We're limited in our ability to present challenges - that is up to the course instructor - and so we mostly provide resources. We need to reach out to the instructors to get them to put learning challenges in front of students

    1. Vacanze per un massacro/ Madness (1979
    2. Diamanti sporchi di sangue/ Blood and Diamonds
    3. Mr. Scarface/Rulers of the City, 1976
    4. The Kidnap Syndicate (1975
    5. Loaded Guns (1974
    6. High Crime (1973
    7. Shoot First, Die Later (1974
    8. Manhunt, 1972
    9. Milan Caliber 9 (1972
    10. Naked Violence, 1969
    11. Date For a Murder, 1967
    12. Gangster ’70
  28. Apr 2020
    1. Almost all of the participants agreed that a primary part of their jobs required them to find, evaluate, and use information to solve problems. They said many of these problems seemed to appear randomly and quickly on their desks during the course of a workday.

      note the variety of workplaces that this applies to

    2. graduatessaid they developed adaptive strategiesfor solving information problems in the workplace, often on a trial-and-error basis.

      key point: "trial and error" They learn how to ask questions

    3. they were surprisedthat new hires rarely used any of the more traditional forms of research,such as picking up the phone orthumbing through an annual report for informational nuggets.

      Few go beyond Google

  29. Mar 2020
    1. knowledge that is part of what it means to be a free person in the present historical context of the dawn of the information age

      definition - liberal as in free, as in free from control of "clever men"

    2. an extended notion of information literacy is essential to the future of democracy, if citizens are to be intelligent shapers of the information society rather than its pawns
    1. information literates.They have learned techniquesand skills for utilizing the wide range ofinformation tools as well asprimary sources in molding information solutions totheir problems

      initial definition

    2. Information has value indirect onortion to the control it rovides him overwhat he is and whathe can become

      Information has Value

    1. I think we need to leave behind the focus on the Rs in OER and start thinking on OE, having the R as a component, but giving priority to the Ps

      practices > resources

  30. Jan 2020
  31. Dec 2019
    1. 3 sets of foundational values of open pedagogy, namely:  autonomy and interdependence; freedom and responsibility; democracy and participation.

      compare to Downes' MOOC design principles. Autonomy - diversity - openness - interactivity

  32. Nov 2019
    1. poor searching and citing of the literature

      a different open ed/info lit connection. Does the bias towards recent research play a part in this?

    1. make markets work better

      Better for whom? We could formulate policies with workers and consumers in mind, but as it is they don't get a seat at the table when policies are discussed.

    1. Transforming

      I like this idea. There is a closed-ness to most rubrics that I've encountered, where goals and measures of mastery are determined without learner input. "Transforming" implies a further step along a journey rather than an endpoint, and a process that is under an individual's own control.

  33. Oct 2019
    1. Instead I think about best philosophies.

      Lots to like in a little statement. Best philosophies over best practices. Also the idea of philosophies as plural. Different situations may require different models.

    1. Every design tells a story. Every story has a design.

      When we talked about design, I said it was a deliberate decision making process to achieve a desired end. It solves a problem, a problem of communication or function or whatever. So a design, in a way, tells the story of the problem and its solution. The story of the problem solving process is the story behind the story, much like our ds106 assignment posts. A story also solves a problem of communication. It's a way of getting a message across. There is planning and decision-making - design - that goes into crafting a story.

  34. Sep 2019
    1. The learner’s key skills shift away from certainty and towards decision making between various options.

      from certainty to decision making - moving from simplicity to complexity, from knowing what to do to knowing ways to do things

  35. Aug 2019
    1. an assignment for a course (Art 180) that requires students to spend 180 minutes during the term looking at a single work of art.

      Interesting project - by making the time to study a work in detail, students can get to see past superficial meanings, and to consider how techniques and languages of media are used to create meaning. And perhaps to consider what meaning is

  36. May 2019
    1. teaching facts is a poor substitute for teaching people how to learn, i.e., giving them the skills to be able to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information for any given need

      equates learning how to learn with IL

    2. little in their environment fosters active thinking or problem solving

      an appeal for open education

    3. They remain one of the few safeguards against information control by a minority

      ominous and prophetic

  37. Mar 2019
    1. Unintended negative outcomes of design decisions

      The saying, "It's a feature, not a bug" comes to mind. Some decisions are not meant to benefit everyone equally. Some negative outcomes come from a focus on private over public benefits. The web amplifies problems of society. We need to address both.

    2. We will have failed the web.

      Or, we will have failed ourselves. Berners-Lee has said the web was always about connecting people. We just let the people who think about connecting technologies take the driver's seat when we should have been listening to the people who think about people for directions.

    1. Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is of course a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along.
  38. Feb 2019
    1. more-rapid comprehension, better comprehension, the possibility of gaining a useful degree of comprehension in a situation that previously was too complex, speedier solutions, better solutions, and the possibility of finding solutions to problems that before seemed insoluble.

      "Better, stronger, faster" like the Six Million Dollar Man. Clynes & Kline proposed the Cyborg in 1960. Engelbart's vision seems at once more far-reaching and less like science fiction.

  39. Jan 2019
    1. Who are we?

      I'm Paul Bond, a librarian in the frozen wastelands of central New York. I'm here because I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know what this is about, but it looks interesting.

      Alchemy to me is the attempt to transform matter, to turn lead into gold. It's wishful thinking, perhaps a failure from the start, but in trying things we can learn things.

      What then would be digital alchemy? A lot of gold, literal and figurative, has been spun out of the web. Some of the more profitable experiments may not be the best. But we can learn from that.

  40. Dec 2018
  41. Oct 2018
    1. the majority of students who begin in remedial courses never complete their college degrees

      need to know/understand why. motivation? finances?

    2. HS-College transition

    1. For students to work in the open, everything they use has to be original content, openly licensed, or in the public domain

      have to disagree here. Students can link, quote, summarize, paraphrase, and thus build or contribute to open resources from closed information

    1. Restricting access to information, limiting engagement and participation, and providing learners and instructors with little control over the learning activity, materials, or processes creates a demotivating experience

      Restricting and limiting are keys to profit-making. Relate to education as a commons

    2. ‘making the bad diffi cult and the good easy’”

      a good design principle

    3. access, agency, ownership, participation and experience

      principles of open ed - compare to Downes: autonomy, diversity, interactivity, openness

  42. Sep 2018
    1. Yes I did Google, “how to write a haiku”, don’t judge.

      But that's a good thing. Anything we don't know about, or don't know how to do, we can look up. Where it gets difficult is when we don't know what to call what we're looking for.

    1. The more grand and out there it is, the more often I’ll actually read it.

      Creativity captures attention. So does clickbait, I suppose

    1. Fifteen minutes into the program, listeners began to call the station in terror, believing that the earth was really being invaded by Martians.

      To what extent is this accurate and to what extent a myth?

    2. “The ether is a public medium,” he insisted, “and its use must be for the public benefit.”

      The deregulation of the 90s, consolidating ownership, had consequences. unintended and unanticipated or not.

    1. They did not take much time, but I enjoyed getting my creative juices flowing with them!

      This is what the Daily Create is all about. Continually making things and generating ideas makes creativity come easier.

    1. It’s great seeing so many varying talents among everyone and being a part of the same community here on the web.

      It's the community that makes ds106 - the way we inspire each other and build off of each other's ideas.

    1. I did not find the assignment bank assignments challenging

      With many assignments, there are easy ways to get through them, and there are way to make them into major projects. We can find 5 star ways to do 1 star assignments, and vice versa.

    1. Imagination is one of our highest faculties

      It's a driver of creativity, which is one of the cornerstones of ds106. Creativity could be considered applied imagination.

  43. Aug 2018
    1. differing nomenclature makes the search for a commonly agreed definition or understanding of digital literacies even more elusive

      An important point. I wonder if Bruce's work might help here.

    2. Representation of Digital Intelligence

      I wonder if the similarity to a pie chart hints a message that the components are all equal. The use of the color spectrum also says something about continuity and adjacency which may not be intended. But it looks nice.

  44. Jul 2018
    1. for empowering them

      This is a key point - the opportunity to do something with content, to create content, has a real and lasting value beyond the content itself. We want students to recognize that they are in charge of their learning, they have control and can take initiative. There's nothing empowering about jumping through hoops of absorbing content, taking tests and following rubrics.

  45. Jun 2018
    1. article identifies many important information literacy issues - issues of a kind generally not discussed in traditional info lit contexts

  46. May 2018
    1. in search of a guiding philosophy

      Is it "in search of" or in avoidance of?

    2. rather than to comprehend them

      Thinking about instructional design here - how verbs like understand and appreciate are to be avoided in learning outcomes because they are difficult to measure - and wondering if this isn't an outcome.

    3. Philosophers and others in the field of the humanities who helped shape previous concepts of world order tend to be disadvantaged, lacking knowledge of AI’s mechanisms or being overawed by its capacities.

      They are also disadvantaged because their fields are undervalued and underappreciated.

    4. Who is responsible for the actions of AI? How should liability be determined for their mistakes? Can a legal system designed by humans keep pace with activities produced by an AI capable of outthinking and potentially outmaneuvering them?

      Politically, people have been pushing deregulation for decades, but we have regulations for a reason, as these questions illustrate.

    5. The digital world’s emphasis on speed inhibits reflection

      What digital world are we talking about here? The Internet was not built or designed to "move fast and break things" - that's an economic choice people make for the purpose of profit.

    6. algorithms to personalize results and make them available to other parties for political or commercial purposes

      Algorithms personalize results for political/commercial purposes

    7. Users of the internet emphasize retrieving and manipulating information over contextualizing or conceptualizing its meaning

      Sounds like an information literacy deficit, but to be fair, IL proponents push the same imbalance.

    8. internet’s purpose is to ratify knowledge

      Ratification? What about augmenting intelligence?

    9. Human cognition loses its personal character. Individuals turn into data, and data become regnant

      Reminds me of The End of Theory. But if we lose the theory, the human understanding, what will be the consequences?

    10. order is now in upheaval

      Upheaval from anti-intellectualism as well as AI

    11. Would these machines learn to communicate with one another?

      Would Skynet) be born?

    12. His machine, he said, learned to master Go by training itself through practice

      The WOPR in War Games used tic-tac-toe, a game of futility. What does Go) teach a computer?

    1. Google's founding philosophy is that we don't know why this page is better than that one: If the statistics of incoming links say it is, that's good enough

      "Ours is not to reason why..."

  47. Apr 2018