8,898 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. lines were used for stable knockdown of IP6K1 expression. Viral particles harboring either non-targeting control or IP6K1directed shRNA were used to infect HeLa or HCT116 cell lines at 0.5 MOI, following treatment with polybrene (8 μg/mL)for 2 h.After 48 h, transduced cells were selected with 2 μg/mL puromycin. Medium was changed twice a week and observed for colony formation. After reaching the optimum growth, selected cells were maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1 μg/mL puromycin as
    2. Generation of stable cell lines expressing shIP6K1-HeLa and HCT116 cell
    3. Cells were plated at a density of 30,000 cells per well in triplicates in a 24-well plate. After 24 h, cells at a confluency of 30-40%, were treated with different genotoxic agents such as hydroxyurea (0.5 mM), neocarzinostatin (0.25 μg/mL) and mitomycin-C (1 μg/mL) for 12 h. Spent media containing drug was removed and cells were washed gently twice with PBS. Cells were then incubated for different lengths of time ranging from 24 h to 120 h, in fresh complete DMEMto allow them to recover from genotoxic stress. At each time point cell survival was analyzed by MTT assay as described in 2.2.1. Cell survival was expressed as a fold increase in cell population relative to cells treated with drug for 12 h
    4. DNA damage and recovery assay
    5. Celllines
    6. The cell lines used in the study are mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from wild type (WT) and Ip6k1knockout mouse embryos. The MEFs were immortalized with SV40 large T antigen (Bhandariet al., 2008)and single cell derived lines were generated in the lab. Ip6k1knockout MEFs display 70% lower levels of IP7compared with wild type MEFs (Bhandariet al., 2008). Ip6k1-/-MEFs expressing kinase active or inactive forms of IP6K1 were generated in the lab (Rescue MEFs). MEFs were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Life Technologies) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Life Technologies), 1 mM L-Glutamine (Life Technologies), 100U/mL penicillin, and 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Life Technologies).Rescue MEFs were cultured in complete DMEM supplemented with G418 (200 μg/mL) as selection marker. HCT116 (colon cancer cells, a gift from Dr. Sagar Sengupta, NII, New Delhi) or HeLa (cervical cancer cells) expressing non-targeting control and shRNA against human IP6K1were cultured in complete DMEM containing puromycin (2μg/mL). The amphotropic Phoenix cells (a gift from Dr. Shweta Tyagi, CDFD, Hyderabad) and HEK293T packaging cells were usedfor generating lentiviral particles containing shRNA against human IP6K1or mouse Ip6k2and were maintained in complete DMEM
    1. The slides for microscopy were prepared as described in Dajkovic et al.,(2008)with slight modifications. After wiping the glass slide with ethanol, 200μL of 1% molten agarose was layered on it between two strips of tape and clean cover-slip placed on it to obtain levelled surface. The agarose was allowed to solidify and the cover-slip was carefully removed and5μlof sample was put on top of the agarose and carefully covered with a cover-slip
    2. Preparation of microscopic slides
    3. Semi-dry transfer apparatus (Bio-Rad trans blot semi dry transfer cell)was used for the transfer of RNA from the gel to the membrane. The Hybond-N+ membrane from Amersham biosciences was used which was cut as per dimensions of the gel containing the RNA samples. For each transfer 6 pieces of Whatman3mmsheets of the size of the membrane were used. The membrane was soaked for 30-60 minutes in 0.5XTBE before transfer. The transferapparatus was set up as describedby the manufacturer. Transfer was done in 0.5XTBE buffer at 20V, 400mA and 100W for 1.15 hours
    4. Transfer of RNA to the membrane
    5. Total RNA extraction from E. colicells was doneusing Qiagen RNeasy minikit. Cells were grown to an A600of 0.6 and harvested(amaximumof107cells)at 6000rpm for 5min at room temperature to prevent cells for encountering any stress in cold. Rest of the steps were followed exactly as mentioned in the manufacturer’s protocol. The quality of RNA preparations was assessed following electrophoresison 1.4% agarose-formaldehyde-MOPS gels.Ingeneral,forawild-typestrainRNAyieldwouldbe~0.5-1μg
    6. Isolation of total cellular RNA
    7. Recombineering was performed as described in(Yuet al., 2000)for engineering the linear DNA on the chromosome. The oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify the DNA cassette to be engineered. Oligonucleotidesused for recombination contained30–50nt homology at the 5ʹ endtothesequences at the target siteand 20nt homology tothe DNA cassette at the 3ʹ end. The DNA cassettefor recombinationwas generated by PCR and would contain30-50 bp homologiesto the target site. A strain with the target DNA and carrying a defective λ-prophage with gam,betaand exo genes (thatfacilitate homologous recombination)under the control of a temperature-sensitive λ cI-repressorwas grown at 30oC. At an A600of 0.4, the culture was shifted to 42oC for 15 minutes to express gam,betaand exo genes. Cells becomecapable ofrecombining linear DNA introduced into the cell by electroporation. 50-100ng ofamplified DNA cassettewas used for electroporation whichwas performed using theBio-Rad Gene Pulser set at 1.8 kV, 25 μF with Pulse controller of 200 ohms
    8. Recombineering
    9. Typically 400-500ng of DNA was used in each ligation reaction. The ratio of vectorto insert was maintained between 1:3 and 1:5 for cohesive end ligation. The reaction was generally performed in 15μl volume containing ligation buffer (provided by the manufacturer) and 0.075 Weiss unit of T4 DNA ligase at 16ºC overnight (14-16 hours)
    10. Ligation of DNA
    11. DNA fragments to be used for specific purposes like ligation or radioactive labellingwere eluted from the agarose gel after electrophoresis. The gel piece containing the desired band was sliced out from the gel and the DNA was purified using commercially available purification kit (Qiagen)for this purpose. The efficiency of elution was determined by checking a small aliquot of DNA sample on the gel
    12. Purification of DNA by gel elution
    13. Around 0.5-1μg DNA was regularly used for each restriction digestion. 2 to 5 units of restriction enzyme were used in the total reaction volume of 20μl containing 2μl of the corresponding buffer supplied at 10X concentration by the manufacturer. The reaction was incubated for 3hours at the temperaturerecommended by the manufacturer. The DNA fragments were visualized after electrophoresis on 0.8 to 1.5% agarose gels. Commercially available DNA size markers were run along with the digestion samples to compare with and to estimate the sizes of the restriction fragments
    14. Restriction enzyme digestion and analysis
    15. The DNA samples were mixed with appropriate volumes of 6X loading dye (0.25%bromophenol blue and 0.25% xylene cyanol and 30% glycerol in water) and subjected to electrophoresis through 0.8 to 1.5 % agarose gel in TAE buffer. The Goodview nucleic acid stain(supplied as 20000X; Beijing SBS Genetech Co. Ltd.) was added to the gel at the time of casting or 6X EZ-Vision One DNA dye(Amresco) was used as loading buffer, both being commercially available non-carcinogenic dyes to aid visualization of bands. The visualization was doneby fluorescence under UV light in a UV transilluminator
    16. Agarose gel electrophoresis
    17. following the manufacturer’s instructions. For genomic DNA, 1ml culture was used for DNA isolationusing Qiagen or Invitrogen kits. The quality of plasmid/genomic DNApreparations was assessed following electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose gels
    18. 3ml (for high copy number)or 10 ml (for low-copy number) of cells from an overnight culture were pelleted by centrifuging for 5 minutes at 6000rpm forthe plasmid isolation which was carried out with the commercially available kits (Qiagen or Invitrogen)
    19. Isolation of plasmid and chromosomal DNA
    20. Recombinant DNA techniques
    21. To 2 ml of fresh overnight culture of recipient strain, 108 pfu equivalent of phage lysate was added and incubated at 37ºC without shaking for 30 minutes to facilitate phage adsorption. The unadsorbed phage particles were removed by centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 5 minutes and the pellet ofbacterial cells was resuspended in 5 ml of LB broth containing 20 mM sodium citrate to prevent further phage adsorption. This was incubated for 25-60 minutes at desired temperaturewithout shaking to allow the phenotypic expression of the antibiotic resistance gene. The mixture was then centrifuged and the pellet was resuspended in 300 μl of 0.1M citrate buffer. 100 μl aliquots were spreadon appropriate antibiotic containing plates supplemented with 2.5 mM sodium citrate. A control tube without addition of P1 lysate was also processed in the same way. In the case of selection of nutritional requirement, the infection mixture was centrifuged, resuspended in 300 μl of 0.1M citrate buffer and plated without phenotypic expression
    22. Phage P1 transduction
    23. Table 2.2 List of plasmids used in this study
    24. Plasmids
  2. Apr 2019
    1. She then handed over a platinum card which bore the name of her father, the Emperor of Japan.
    2. As the manageress tapped in the magic numbers from the card,7 Sayako tried on a soft green-coloured suede coat which was also be­ing worn by a red-haired mannequin. The suede coat cost one penny less than a thousand pounds.

      Sayako paid for her goods by credit card.

    3. She then handed over a platinum card which bore the name of her father, the Emperor of Japan.As the manageress tapped in the magic numbers from the card,7 Sayako tried on a soft green-coloured suede coat which was also be­ing worn by a red-haired mannequin. The suede coat cost one penny less than a thousand pounds.'What other colours do you have this in?' asked Sayako of the assistants, who were packing her suits, loafers, bags and wig.'Just one other colour,' said an assistant (who thought, Jesus, we'll have a drink after work tonight).She hurried to the back of the shop and quickly returned with a toffee-brown version of the sumptuous coat.8'Yes,' said Sayako. 'I take both and, of course, boots to match, size four.' She pointed to the boots worn by the red-haired manne­quin.The pile on the counter grew. Her bodyguard standing inside the shop door shifted impatiently.When the Princess and her purchases had been driven away, the manageress and her assistants screamed and yelled and hugged each other for joy.

      Main Body

  3. Mar 2019
    1. Turing award

      The ACM A.M. Turing Award is an annual prize given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to an individual selected for contributions "of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field"

  4. Feb 2019
    1. ctIPygmalion.11THENOTETAKER.Yousccthiscrcaturcwithherkerb-stoneEnglish:theEnglishthatwillkeepherintheguttertotheendofherdays.Well,sir,inthreemonthsIcouldpassthatgirloffasaduchessatanambassador'sgardenparty.Icouldevengetheraplaceaslady'smaidorshopassistant,whichrequiresbetterEnglish

      Did the Note Taker want to Teach the Flower Girl to speak better English?

  5. Dec 2018
    1. This sectional combination for the submersion of the Constitution, has been aided in some of the States by elevating to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming citizens; and their votes have been used to inaugurate a new policy, hostile to the South, and destructive of its beliefs and safety.

      2 + 4 - The author claims that Northern liberty laws allowed Black people to vote and deems that unconstitutional since he does not believe they could ever be citizens. The author also views this as an attack on the stability of the Southern states' social and cultural beliefs and values.

    2. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution.

      2 - The author states that many Northern States nullified the Fugitive Slave Law.

    3. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution.

      1&2 - The author references Northern liberty laws, and states that the federal government failed to enforce Article IV of the Constitution in the Northern States.

    4. We assert that fourteen of the States have deliberately refused, for years past, to fulfill their constitutional obligations, and we refer to their own Statutes for the proof.

      2 - The author argues that 14 Northern States have refused to abide by and perform their duties regarding the 4th article of the constitution. Northern states had passed laws that nullify their responsibility to return escaped slave laborers back to their southern masters.


      Moción de censura queda recogida en el Art 113 de la CE, y es un instrumento que tiene el congreso de los diputados para obligar al presidente del gobierno a dimitir, dicho con otras palabras, sirve para que el congreso de los diputados cambie el poder ejecutivo, (presidente del gobierno y resto del gobierno incluido ministros y vicepresidentes. La finalidad de la Moción de censura, es enjuiciar políticamente por parte del congreso de los diputados, la actuación del gobierno, exigiendo responsabilidad política al mismo y procediendo a una sustitución sin nueva convocatoria electoral. Se conoce como Moción de censura constructiva porque la retirada de la confianza lleva aparejada la investidura de un nuevo candidato. La moción de censura debe ser firmada al menos por 1/10 de los diputados, debe incluir los motivos que la sustentan y el candidato a presidir el gobierno que proponen (este no tiene que ser miembro de la cámara y debe haber aceptado previamente). En el procedimiento de la moción de censura, regulado en los Artículos 113.1, 113.2, 113.3 de la CE, expone que, la Moción de censura , deberá ser propuesta al menos por la décima parte de los diputados y hay que incluir un candidato a la presidencia del gobierno ( art 113.2 de CE) , además a la hora previamente anunciada, se vota la moción, y debe a ver transcurrido al menos 5 días desde su presentación en el registro de la cámara y en los dos primeros días de dicho plazo podrán presentarse mociones alternativas (Art 113.3 de CE). La votación es pública por llamamiento, es decir, se pronuncia el nombre de cada diputado y desde su escaño responde, si, no o abstención. Para prosperar necesita el apoyo de la mayoría absoluta de la cámara, al menos de 176 diputados, Si se aprueba una Moción de censura el congreso retira la confianza al presidente del gobierno actual y el candidato incluido en ella se considera investido presidente a los efectos previstos en el (Art 99 de CE), el primero presentará su dimisión y el segundo será nombrado por el rey (Art 114.2 de CE). Si el presidente del gobierno no prospera, mantiene la confianza de la cámara y los firmantes de la moción rechazada no podrán presentar otra moción en el mismo período de sesiones (Art 113.4 de CE).

  6. Nov 2018
    1. 感觉Haskell monad文档里把原本的需求复杂化了,搞得大家都在纠结monoid和endofunctors到底是个啥,把异常加入到映射值范畴里就是monad容器要做的事,根本没必要非要用maybe来举🌰。

    2. 果然老北京鸡肉卷更加难吃到一点XD

  7. Oct 2018
    1. Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes

      ADA-EASD Consensus Report reflects current treatment recommendations as endorsed by the ADA and the PPC.

      On October 5, 2018, the consensus report “Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: ADA-EASD Consensus Report 2018” was published. The consensus report was developed by a writing group consisting of representatives from the ADA and EASD. The consensus report addresses approaches to glycemic management in adults with type 2 diabetes with the goal of reducing complications and maintaining quality of life in the context of comprehensive cardiovascular risk management and patient-centered care. The ADA Professional Practice Committee (PPC) was involved in the review and approval of the final consensus report. The consensus recommendations and approach to glycemic management in adults with type 2 diabetes presented within the report reflects the current view of the ADA. Please find a link to the consensus document here: http://dx.doi.org/10.2337/dci18-0033


      Davies MJ, D’Alessio DA, Fradkin J, Kernan WN, Mathieu C, Mingrone G, Rossing P, Tsapas A, Wexler DJ, Buse JB: Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2018: a consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes Care Oct 2018; DOI: 10.2337/dci18-0033

      Rationale/Reason for Change:

      Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: ADA-EASD Consensus Report 2018 reflects current treatment recommendations as endorsed by the ADA and the PPC.

      Annotation published: October 5, 2018. Annotation approved by PPC: September 20, 2018.

      Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association. 8. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2018 [web annotation]. Diabetes Care 2018;41(Suppl. 1):S73–S85. Retrieved from https://hyp.is/1p2zesvFEeioRdNqCoou5A/clinical.diabetesjournals.org/content/36/1/14

  8. Sep 2018
    1. ng some text a


      $$Insert LaTeX$$

      1. 测试
      2. 不错
      3. 列表1
      4. 列表2
    1. It appears therefore that the only alternative which now offers itself to the inhabitants of Lower Canada is a choice between dissolution pure and simple, or Confederation on one side, and representation by population on the other. And however opposed Lower Canada may be to representation by population, is there not imminent danger that it may be finally imposed upon it, if it resist all measures of reform, the object of which is to leave to the local authorities of each section the control of its own interests and institutions. We should not forget that the same authority which imposed on us the Act of Union, or which altered it without our consent, by repealing the clause which required the concurrence of two thirds of the members of both Houses in order to change the representation respecting the two sections, may again intervene to impose upon us this new change.

      Preamble, Part V, §§.51, 52, 91, 91(1), 92, and 92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867. of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. Her Majesty’s Government cannot but express the earnest hope, that the arrangements which may be adopted in this respect may not be of such a nature as to increase—at least in any considerable degree—the whole expenditure, or to make any material addition to the taxation, and thereby retard the internal industry, or tend to impose new burdens on the commerce of the country.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. accustom the people to direct taxation

      §§.91(3) and 92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. however, have said that they were in favor of direct taxation for the support of the local governments, because it would lead those who have to pay the taxes to look more closely into what was going on, and the manner in which their money was expended. (Hear, hear.) There seems also to have been a feeling in the Lower Provinces in favor of a legislative union, and the Hon. Mr. GREY seems to be combatting that idea. He says that with a legislative union, municipal institutions, and direct taxation in every province, would be the only means of getting along. He expressed himself as opposed to that and in favor of a Federal union, which he thought would afford them all the advantage that could be attained, commercially, by union, and would allow each province to retain control over its own local affairs. The local legislatures, he said, were to be deprived of no power over their own affairs that they formerly possessed. But in Canada it was represented that the local legislatures were to be only the shadow of the General Legislature—that they were to have merely a shadow of power, as all their proceedings were to be controlled by the Federal Government. That is the position taken by the advocates of the measure on this floor. So it seems that those gentlemen who have represented to us that they acted in great harmony, and came to a common decision when they were in conference, take a widely different view of the questions supposed to have been agreed upon, and give very different accounts of what were the views of parties to the conference on the various subjects. (Hear, hear.) In the Lower Provinces they were strongly opposed to direct taxation, while here it was present end as one of the advantages to accrue from the Federation. (Cries of No, no.) Well, Mr. SPEAKER, I say yes. That view of the case has been taken. If the amount allowed for the expenses of local legislation—the 80 cents per head—was found insufficient, the local parliaments must resort to direct taxation to make up the deficiency, while in tile Lower Provinces, it seems, nothing of that kind was to follow.

      §§.91(3), 92(2), and 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. Another question on which the hon. member has also called us to account, relates to the export duties on timber and coals. In clause 29, which relates to the powers of the Federal Parliament, the third section reads as follows : This imposition or regulation of duties of customs on imports or exports, except on exports of timber, logs, masts, spars, deals, and sawn lumber from New Brunswick, and of coal and other minerals from Nova Scotia. The fact that this power has been conferred on the Government does not imply that it will be exercised. The power was granted simply because it might be necessary in certain cases mentioned. Now this is the reason for the second part of the clause which I have just read to the House, and which I cannot better explain than by citing some expressions of a speech by the Hon. the Minister of Finance on the subject. Nevertheless, as there are several honorable members in the House who do not understand English, I think it will perhaps be better to explain them in French. Here then was the thought of the Convention : as in New Brunswick the Government had found that it was a great disadvantage to collect the duties on timber according to the system formerly adopted, and they had substituted an export duty which superseded all other dues on that product, it was no more than right that this source of revenue should remain in New Brunswick, to which province it was an object of absolute necessity to defray its local expenses. In Canada we retain, under the new Constitution, our own method of collecting similar duties. As to New Brunswick, the duty on the article in question is their principal revenue, as coal is almost the sole revenue of Nova Scotia ; and if they had been deprived of them, they would have peremptorily refused to join the Confederation. (Hear, hear.) Their demand was perfectly just, and could not therefore be refused. Moreover, we have no right to complain, for they leave us all our mines and our lands, and we shall now, as heretofore, collect the proceeds for our own use and profit. The honorable member for Hochelaga says that it will be impossible to administer the affairs of the local legislatures without having recourse to direct taxation ; but a man of his experience ought not to have made that assertion. Instead of attempting to trade on popular prejudice, he ought to have admitted at once that the right granted by the new Constitution of levying direct taxes, is the same that already exists in the present Constitution ; it is the same right that all our municipalities possess.

      §§.91(3), 92(2), 109 and 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. reference to the meaning of the 5th sub-section of the 29th clause, which commits to the General Parliament ” the raising of money by all or any other modes or system of taxation.” Am I to understand that he General Government are to have the power of imposing local taxation upon the lands of the provinces ? HON. MR. CAMPBELL—The general national power of taxation is to be in the General Government.

      §§.91(3) and 92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. Let us then have direct taxation, and what will be the result ? If there is a large expenditure on the part of the General Government, in addition to this taxation, political agitators will arise, who will cry out that the public burdens are unequally borne —(hear)—that two-thirds of the revenue is borne by the people living west of Quebec— that is, the population west of this city will, man for man, pay twice as much to the public exchequer as the population east of it.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. Neusser Straße in the district of Nippes shows what a future SmartCity could look like, because a section of the street becomes Cologne's climatic road. There, the most important energy projects are implemented. All facets of climate protection are taken into account: from optimal building insulation and maximum heat efficiency to charging stations for electric vehicles and low-energy street lighting. Klimastraße offers innovative companies the opportunity to test their new products and services in everyday life. If possible, companies finance their projects themselves, promising projects are funded from the project budget of RheinEnergie AG. Companies also gain additional value by exchanging valuable information and innovative ideas with other companies, including at climate road events. For all the enthusiasm for innovation, of course, only technology is used that meets the very strict German safety requirements. In addition, RheinEnergie and the City of Cologne make sure that the high Cologne supply standards are adhered to. For all new projects, safety comes first - technically as well as logistically. That is why not everything changes in the climate route - but certainly much better. The following section deals in more detail with the individual projects.

      Climate Road Cologne

  9. Aug 2018
    1. The goal is to procure the operations of an automated bus line. Companies can receive up to 5.5 million euros to support their R&D work in developing systems capable of operating fleets of automated minibuses.

    2. SynchroniCity is holding an open funding call for small and medium companies seeking to test ‘smart city’ solutions using IoT technology and to scale them to suit new markets.

    3. The Kalasatama Wellbeing programme is piloting Wellness Foundry's MealLogger app in collaboration with the programme’s partner, Kesko occupational health care services.

    1. Last week Stefka Wiese from GreenGasDrive was with us. The startup wants to make GreenCNG available nationwide for public and private fleet customers in the CNG filling station network. It should be made climate neutral, especially from waste biogas. In addition, GreenGasDrive advises on upcoming investment decisions and utilization optimization


    1. A fully integrated logistics concept to establish environment and climate friendly supply chains in urban districts is going to evolve from the project. Co-creation processes, which are supported by online tools, are being used to develop the concept. The development and testing of sustainable business and deployment models is the goal of Distribut(e) and this will be addressed through the development of a shared e-logistics system in Klausenerplatz and at Mierendorff-Insel. The system will relate to a specific district (Kiez) in Berlin. A digital dialogue platform will be set up for the purpose of ordering local goods and for the booking of cargo bikes. Other low-threshold service offerings will be developed using Urban Design Thinking and will be integrated into the operating model.Focus Areas Integrated shared e-logistics at Mierendorff-Insel and at KlausenerplatzUrban Design Thinking: Formats for the co-creation process for sustainable urban district logisticsEfficiency enhancement in the delivery of goods in the ‘last mile’Mobile and online participation: Promotion of local production chains and activation of local stakeholders such as small to medium sized companies and local residentsIdentification of new sharing and value-in-use conceptsHigher standards in terms of the transparency, sovereignty, security and efficiency of data on the online platform

      Distribut(e): Green city district (Kiez) supply chains for the city of tomorrow

    1. system of taxation, my honorable friends opposite would have had a much better chance of success in blowing the bellows of agitation than they now have. (Laughter, and cheers.) The objection, moreover, was not confined to Lower Canada—all the Lower Provinces stood in exactly the same position. They have not a municipal system such as we have, discharging many of the functions of government; but their General Government performs all the duties which in Upper Canada devolve upon our municipal councils, as well as upon Parliament. If then the Lower Provinces had been asked to maintain their customs duties for federal purposes, and to impose on themselves by the same act direct taxation for all their local purposes, the chances of carrying the scheme of union would have been greatly lessened. (Hear, hear.) But I apprehend that if we did not succeed in putting this matter on the footing that would have been the best, at least we did the next best thing. Two courses were open to us—either to surrender to the local governments some source of indirect revenue, some tax which the General Government proposed to retain,—or collect the money by the federal machinery, and distribute it to the local governments for local purposes. And we decided in favor of the latter. We asked the representatives of the different, governments to estimate how much they would require after the inauguration of the federal system to carry on their local machinery.

      §§.92(2) and 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. I trust I commit no breach of discretion in stating that in Conference I was one of the strongest advocates for defraying the whole of the local expenditures of the local governments by means of direct taxation, and that there were liberal men in all sections of the provinces who would gladly have had it so arranged. But, Mr. SPEAKER, there was one difficulty in the way—a difficulty which has often before been encountered in this world—and that difficulty was simply this, it could not be done. (Hear, and laughter.) We could neither have carried it in Conference nor yet in any one of the existing provincial legislatures. Our friends in Lower Canada, I am afraid, have a constitutional disinclination to direct taxation, and it was obvious that if the Confederation scheme had had attached to it a provision for the imposition of such a

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    3. the second feature of this scheme as a remedial measure is, that it removes, to a large extent, the injustice of which Upper Canada has complained in financial matters. We in Upper Canada have complained that though we paid into the public treasury more than three fourths of the whole revenue, we had less control over the system of taxation and the expenditure of the public moneys than the people of Lower Canada.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    4. But, sir, I am told that though true it is that local matters are to be separated and the burden of local expenditure placed upon local shoulders, we have made an exception from that principle in providing that a subsidy of eighty cents per head shall be taken from the federal chest and granted to the local governments for local purposes.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. constitution of the Legislative Council, and insisted not only that it should have remained elective, but that the principle of representation according to population should also have prevailed. But who ever heard that in a Federal Constitution the Upper House should be arranged on that principle? If that view be the sound one, the better way would be to have but one House, for the only effect of having two Houses, both elected on the basis of population, would be that one would constantly be combating the other, and the wheels of government would unavoidably be brought to a stand-still. In such a case the more powerful members of the Confederacy would be wholly unrestrained, and would completely overwhelm the weaker. This was fully considered on the adoption of a Constitution for the United States, according to which it is well known that the smaller States are represented in the Senate by the same number of senators as the larger ones—there being two members for each. The same principle has been adopted in arranging the terms of this proposed union, and for the same reason; viz., to protect the weaker parties to the compact.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. It soon became apparent that, while they protected the sovereignty of the states, the Articles had created a central government too weak to function effectively.
    2. The central government had authority to act in only a few areas, such as national defense, in which the states were assumed to have a common interest (and would, indeed, have to supply militias). This arrangement was meant to prevent the national government from becoming too powerful or abusing the rights of individual citizens. In the careful balance between power for the national government and liberty for the states, the Articles of Confederation favored the states.
    3. Fearful of replacing one oppressive national government with another, however, the framers of the Articles of Confederation created an alliance of sovereign states held together by a weak central government.


    1. Laws were made by Parliament, and property-owning males were allowed to vote for representatives to Parliament. Thus, Americans were accustomed to the idea of representative government from the beginning.
    2. This document would profoundly influence the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

      Constitutional ideas started before its writing

  10. Jul 2018
    1. 4

      Step 1:

      There are two drawers inside the ALEX desk, we are going to assemble them first. Secure the two 118331 screw inside pre-drilled holes farther away from the cutout of the front panel of the drawer with a Phillip-Head screwdriver in a clockwise motion, consult the graph for clarification of screws used.

      Step 2:

      Connect the side pieces of the drawer by inserting the two 101345 studs into the remaining holes in the front panel.



    1. The Standards set grade-specific standards but do not define the intervention methods or materials necessary to support students who are well below or well above grade-level expectations.

      When it comes to students who are below grade-level expectations. It is important for not only the general education teacher, but the special education teacher as well to understand the needs of the student and modify that standards to fit that student.

    2. they do not describe all that can or shouldbe taught

      This is why it is important for teachers to be creative in their lesson plans and help their students expand on the information given to them.

    3. 6 | iNTrOduCTiONCommon Core State StandardS for enGLISH LanGUaGeartS & LIteraCy In HIStory/SoCIaL StUdIeS, SCIenCe, and teCHnICaL SUbjeCtS1.The Standards define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach.

      I agree.

    4. The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the Standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad-based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of K–12 standards in order to help ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the

      This states how important the Common Core State Standards are. They are the foundation of our students' learning. It is our job as educators to uses these standards to expand our students' knowledge.

    1. students must be able to understand and describe the text before they are able to analyze its elements.

      I agree. A student can not understand the elements of literature if they can not understand what is happening in the text.

    1. Important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and help the reader anticipate the outcome.

      Something that always gets me excited when reading a book.

  11. Apr 2018
    1. If you need more information contact the Documentation Centre on the Bombing of Gernika dokumentaziozentrua@gernika-lumo.net.

      Cannot help but include a comment on this email address. The email address does not directly relate to the institute, which is rather interesting. As our group commented on throughout the presentation and in our individual comments, the website does not seem to have been properly updated in quite some time. I am wondering if the museum has to utilize a different agency to handle the documentation on the website, or if they have not updated the website in so long and the email address is old.

    2. Acknowledgement of German involvement in the bombing of Gernika did not come until 1997, when President Herzog sent a letter to the survivors in which he admitted that Germany had been involved in the attack in 1937.

      Initially reading this portion, I was wondering why Germany waited until 1997 to formally acknowledge their role in the bombings: however, upon further analysis, this actually makes more sense. Until roughly 1990, Germany was still a divided nation wherein each half was controlled by opposing sides of the war. The government could not have formally acknowledged their role in the bombing until reunification occurred. Germany, like Spain, then began working on the process of reconciling with the past, meaning it had to acknowledge their past atrocities committed both within their borders and outside them as well. Unlike Spain, Germany has made a more fervent effort to deal with their past, such as this gesture with formally acknowledging their involvement in the bombing of Guernica. Of course, it is 60 years after the fact, yet it is a very symbolic act, showing the advancement of the two nations towards dealing with their pasts in a constructive way.

    3. Today Gernika is an advanced example of reconciliation; the process has not yet been completed, but the journey embarked upon is a long one. Initially it proved necessary to cover serious deficits, since Germany delayed the first steps to repair the damage caused.

      Now this particular line was rather interesting. Spain, obviously, has had quite a long journey of reconciling with its past, and has not made the most valiant efforts in doing so: however, this museum asserts that Guernica has been a prime example of the country's effort towards reconciliation. It is rather quick to blame the Germans for slowing down the process of reconciliation, almost saying that the efforts towards reconciliation could not occur until the Germans acknowledged their role in the bombing. Of course, the museum does blame Franco for never fully acknowledging his role in the bombing, but couldn't efforts have been made without outside assistance? Particularly after the death of Franco? It just seems rather odd that reconciliation couldn't happen until other people did something too.

    4. The atmosphere in Gernika before the war was tense for a long time. Franco introduced tough repression of both ideology and culture. There were new regulations and codes of conduct; people were reported to the authorities and searches were carried out on a daily basis, and nothing escaped scrupulous examination by the Civil Guard. The people of Gernika were forced to confront fear, distrust and mutual suspicion. Nobody gave them back the happy, open town they had once known.

      Of course, a museum emphasizing how tragic the bombing of Guernica was would make it clear that the aftermath of the bombing forever altered how the town operated. Analyzing the quote specifically, Franco instituted a real authoritarian state over the entire town, turning the townspeople against one another. It reminds me very much so of how the Nazis treated the German citizenry through using the Gestapo to instill fear and distrust. Studying how the Gestapo turned German people against one another, Franco and his regime did very much so the same thing. Paraphrasing from the website, people basically had no rights, their rights as citizens were routinely violated by the regime, which is something that the website emphasizes repeatedly.

    5. Reconstruction took five long years and, paradoxically, the person who was ultimately responsible for the destruction of Gernika, Francisco Franco, was made an adopted son of the town.

      Now this struck me as rather peculiar. When Guernica is finally rebuilt, the town names Francisco Franco an honorary son of the town. It does not entirely make sense, because Guernica was destroyed by Franco in the first place. Since Guernica was destroyed so early into the reign of the regime, I wonder if Guernica was forced to acknowledge Franco in such a way as a sign of creating a prosthetic memory, going back to Landsberg. Franco was manipulating the media at the time, so by having the town make him an honorary son, this could have been a way of Franco working to cover his tracks. Having the government create this new memory of what actually happened, that Franco was not involved, and instead helped rebuild the town through providing political prisoners, it puts Franco into a more caring light.

      Of course, this was all an act by the government, in an attempt to make themselves look better to the rest of the world. As time went on however, it became increasingly apparent that Franco was behind the bombing, yet what this website wants to emphasize that people from an outside perspective understood off the bat that Franco definitely played a role in the bombing.

    6. "The statement released by Salamanca according to which Guernica was destroyed by the reds is completely untrue.

      I do wish that the website could have included sources from German and other Fascist news outlets, concerning their initial response to the bombing. Of course more liberal outlets would've taken sided against Franco, ensuring that everyone knew that Franco was behind the bombings. To provide a more balanced view of the bombing, it would have behooved the website to include some sources from countries which supported Franco. This is a private museum however, so they are much so allowed to promote their own political agenda.

    7. Franco's army never acknowledged responsibility - on the contrary, evidence was twisted, and his press service accused the Basque republicans (referred to as reds and separatists) of having set fire to the town during their retreat towards Bilbao.

      Backing up of the previously made point that the Franco regime denies any involvement in having an outside MILITARY force bomb civilians, civilians who are not in any way connected to the countries utilized for the bombing. What this website does seem to make rather apparent is that the Franco regime truly did not care about its citizens, because those on the opposing side of Franco were not considered true citizens. Franco's reaction to the bombing, denying it, relates well back to the Aguilar piece about how the government struggled greatly with reparations to those on the "losing" side of the war, or just acknowledging mistreatment, period. Aguilar describes how the government took quite a long time to come to term with the issues of the past, so it shouldn't be too surprising that Franco reacted in such a way.

    8. The news was published in the main European organs thanks to the rapid action taken by a number of journalists, of which the best-known is George Steer.

      Interesting how the governments of the Euzkadi and Basque areas were the ones to break the news to the rest of the world instead of Franco's regime. This points to the Franco's regime repeated denial of wrongdoing on any front.

    9. "Before God and History, which will eventually judge us all, I hereby state that for three and a half hours German planes bombed the defenceless civilian population of Gernika with unprecedented viciousness. They reduced the town to ashes and machine-gunned women and children, many of whom were killed, while the rest fled in terror." Jose Antonio Aguirre. President of the Basque Government. "Aguirre is lying. We respected Gernika in the same way as we respect everything Spanish." Francisco Franco.

      The juxtaposition of the two statements represent the two dueling sides on the issue of the bombings. With the Basque country being rather against the Franco regime, Aguirre ardently came out stating Franco organized the bombings on Guernica. Of course, Franco comes out in full force against Aguirre and the Basque county, saying 'the reds did it to themselves'. Each side worked to promote their own side of the story, yet Aguirre received far more support from outside of Spain. Furthermore, it would behoove the museum to continually paint Franco in a poor light. Since this is a private museum, it will only show one side of the story. It could have benefited from showing both sides of the bombing.

    1. direct taxation, all the means whereby the industry of the people may be made to contribute to the wants of the state, it must be evident to every one that some portion of the resources thus placed at the disposal of the General Government must in some form or other be available to supply the hiatus that would otherwise take place between the sources of local revenue and the demands of local expenditure. The members of the Conference considered this question with the most earnest desire to reduce to the lowest possible limits the sum that was thus required, and I think the figures that I have already given to the House afford the best possible evidence that no disposition existed, at any rate on the part of our friends from the Lower Provinces

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. If, nevertheless, the local revenues become inadequate, it will be necessary for the local governments to resort to direct taxation ; and I do not hesitate to say that one of the wisest provisions in the proposed Constitution, and that which affords the surest guarantee that the people will take a healthy interest in their own affairs and see that no extravagance is committed by those placed in power over them, is to be found in the fact that those who are called upon to administer public affairs will feel, when they resort to direct taxation, that a solemn responsibility rests upon them, and that that responsibility will be exacted by the people in the most peremptory manner. (Hear, hear.) If the men in power find that they are required, by means of direct taxation, to procure the funds necessary to administer the local affairs, for which abundant provision is made in the scheme, they will pause before they enter upon any career of extravagance.

      §.92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    3. But this precedent could not be urged as an objection to Federation, inasmuch as it would be for the General Government to deal with our commercial matters. There could be no reason for well-grounded fear that the minority could be made to suffer by means of any laws affecting the rights of property.

      §§.91(2) and 92(13) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

  12. Mar 2018
    1. It was desirable the General Government should have the control of the medium through which the trade and commerce of the country was carried on, and that in the establishment of banks, the issue of paper money and in offering to the public the paper representative of their labor, in whatever part of the country, there should be the same legislative security for the people

      §§.91(2)(14)(15)(16) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. the Central Government would have the power of raising money by all the other modes and systems of taxation—the power of taxation had been confided to the General Legislature—and there was only one method left to the Local Governments, if their own resources became exhausted, and this was direct taxation.

      §§.91(3) and 92(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    3. It would have the regulation of all the trade and commerce of the country, for besides that these were subjects in reference to which no local interest could exisit, it was desirable that they should be dealt with throughout the Confederation on the same principles.

      §§.91(1a) and (2) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

  13. Feb 2018
  14. Dec 2017
    1. Que, hermanas

      Respeta la corrección del autógrafo

    2. n roble, sin alma 120 de discurso y

      diferente de la copia y del autografo

    3. Que,

      pues borrado en ambas

    4. sin y

      sin -> y en ambas

    1. vocês se tornarão merecedores do seu Reino

      Surpreendente ver essa tradução, merecedores, do termo para "digno" numa versão evangélica. Tb no v. 11, termo afim. Não tenho explicação por que verteram dessa forma.

  15. Nov 2017
    1. This likely means that Facebook will become embroiled in messy political debates.

      In the future, do you think social media will continue to have an effect on political elections like it just did with the last presidential election?

    1. There are many myths about Internet search engines that proliferate, including the notion that what rises to the top of the information pile is strictly what is most popular as indicated by hyperlinking. Indeed, what is most popular on the web is not necessarily what is most trustworthy or truthful.

      why don't search engines take more effort in limiting this? Don't you think this is only causing more problems?

    1. FBI statistics show that most violence against white Americans is committed by other white Americans, and that most violence against African-Americans is committed by other African-Americans.

      these statistics are proven consistently, yet the public opinion/beliefs seem to not reflect these results. What is the causes of this?

    1. At a White House dinner in 2015, Mr. Zuckerberg had even asked the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, whether Mr. Xi might offer a Chinese name for his soon-to-be-born first child — usually a privilege reserved for older relatives, or sometimes a fortune te

      do you think that Zuckerberg would have won over the Chinese officials if he used different tactics? If so, what are they?

    1. en retirar la vista y el oído,

      "Es retirar la vista y el oído" en el facsimil del autógrafo se lo ve tachado por el autor

    1. Se trata de palabras o frases tachadas y sustituidas por otras o reorganizadas dentro de la estrofa. Es conocida la tendencia de Lope a la intervención in itinere[31]:

      Link para la "intervención in itinere"

    1. The graph below shows attitudes of homeowners towards owning their home. In this case, since the statistic of interest is what percentage of homeowners agree with each statement, it is probably best to keep the graph as is, with the total exceeding 100%.

      for those who aren't able to still not understand these graphs, whats another way you can show this data?

    1. As you decide how much data to illustrate, keep in mind the idea that more is not always synonymous with better unless it’s meaningful and presented in support of your key message.

      when does a person know if they are using to much data or not providing a case with enough?

    2. Another way to do this would be to publish interactive versions of your visualizations that allow the viewers to dive in and explore the information themselves.

      does this method help an audience become more engaged in a visualization which would lead to them understanding trends better?

  16. Oct 2017
    1. estab-lish their authority

      It was very difficult to find an interpretation I disagree with, so I'll be super nit-picky here! I disagree with this because for a group of people so devoted to their religion (and although there still lay a pattern of male figure-heads and assumed authority), I think the rabbis are actually genuine in their beliefs and application of their beliefs to their student's problems. I think, rather than seeing it as wanting to "establish their authority" - we can picture it like how a mother would try and reprimand her daughter not be careless with a boy when drinking. It's not because the mother wants to establish authority, but because the mother might've experienced a mistake similar - or witnessed someone make that kind of decision and its consequences. Therefore, they wish to prevent their daughter from making the same mistake. In this case, the rabbis, in terms of their principles and what they believe is right according to their "world," describe their students' problems in a way that fits according to that world - not for some power-hungry desire, but because they apply their culture (what they've embodied) to their students (the students who ought to be following that very same culture).

  17. Sep 2017
  18. blogs.baruch.cuny.edu blogs.baruch.cuny.edu
    1. A qualitative explorationin South Africa found that women who describednon-consensual, coerced, or violent sexual experi-ences with intimate partners would frequentlydescribe these experiences as disappointing, emo-tionally hurtful, or traumatic, but rarely categorizedthem as rape and often attributed them to men’s‘‘natural’’sexual drives and entitlement.34

      One of the seven aspects of culture is “social organization.” The video defines social organization as how a society “ranks people by order of status.” Ranking is typically based on “money, occupation, education, ethnicity and other factors.” In this case, the hierarchy obviously places men on a high pedestal.

      Due to the fact that these women and probably all of their children have been raised by that standard and set of beliefs, South African women will share a paradigm that men of their country have that kind of right or privilege to do as they please. They believe that the only thing they can truly be upset about, because of the way this ‘divine’ hierarchy works, is based on personal preferences and general dissatisfaction.

      In this way, the culture certainly affects the data and is highly important to take note of because their vocabulary choice of not using the term “rape” does not necessarily speak to their personal view or consent to the events, but because of the way they are raised and the way they view other people – most importantly, their rapists.

  19. Aug 2017
    1. The first note in Biovista Vizit the free unbiased visual pubmed search tool using hypothes.is

      Here is an example graph (click to go to the live graph)

  20. Jul 2017
    1. EN knock-out mouseembryonic fibroblasts (PTEN KO MEF) have 2–3-fold higherconcentrations of F2,6P2, the most potent allosteric activator ofthe glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)
    2. This has beentraditionally attributed to the hyperactivation of PI3K/Akt sig-naling that results from PTEN loss. Here, we propose a novelmechanism whereby the loss of PTEN negatively affects theactivity of the E3 ligase APC/C-Cdh1, resulting in the stabiliza-tion of the enzyme PFKFB3 and increased synthesis of its prod-uct fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (F2,6P2)
    3. Unlike normal differentiated cells, tumor cells metabolizeglucose via glycolysis under aerobic conditions, a hallmark ofcancer known as the Warburg effect

      Question 1 or 2



  21. Jun 2017
    1. a flexible feel inviting improvisation

      In the Musical Passage Workshop in Jamaica, Earl "Chinna" Smith did a great improvisation on the piece using slide guitar, which was a really interesting way of engaging with the scales laid out in the piece:

      His solo is here about 7 minutes into the video:


  22. May 2017
    1. Cindy A. Buckmaster: Animal research Is a labor of love for animals and people

      This page was analyzed on May 5, 2017 and was found to have low virality and impact. While the content may be either true or false, it is nnot moving through the network in the way we see hoaxes or clickbait move.

  23. Feb 2017
    1. how it uses zones

      Does anyone have an authoritative link for this concept of zones and how they work? It'd be much appreciated.

    2. In general, add providers to the root module so that the same instance of a service is available everywhere.

      So, from this I take it that once a Service is added to the root module, it can be used by any component of that module.

      What about the components imported, from sub-modules of the root one? Can their dependency needs be met, in similar fashion? For example, could a Component in another module (imported into the root one) just request a Service provided in the root module and have it properly injected from there, without anything else on the developer's part?

    3. you get a new instance of the service with each new instance of that component

      So, I take it that the Service instance will not be a singleton anymore? Whereas, if provided from the root module, it will?

  24. Jan 2017
    1. Component classes should be lean. They don't fetch data from the server, validate user input, or log directly to the console. They delegate such tasks to services.

      A really good point! Lean-ness is something to strive for.

    2. While a component is technically a directive, components are so distinctive and central to Angular applications that this architectural overview separates components from directives.

      As per the MVVM pattern, they sort of provide the support for the View. They are like the glue for the visual representation of a part of the application. A controller of sorts (but not quite one) of MVC.

    3. other metadata decorators

      A somewhat comprehensive list of the currently available class decorators and their roles can be found in the Official Angular Cheat Sheet.

    1. The very last person to see Hae at school that day, we think, is Inez Butler Hendrix.

      Throughout episode 2, I think that one of Koenig’s claim is that the last person to have seen Hae on January 13th was Inez Butler Hendrix. She states that Hae and Adnan had some classes together that day, and Aisha was in one of the classes with Hae and Adnan. Aisha says that she last saw Hae in Psychology. At the end of the school day, Debbie said she remember that Hae was going to her car to go pick up her cousin from school. Most importantly, Hae stops by the school’s concession stand every day to order Veryfine apple juice and Hot Fries. Koenig claims that the last person to have seen Hae that day would have been Inez, who ran the concession stand. I think that the evidence here is convincing, but I also think that there had to have been people around the school parking lot who saw Hae drive away in her car.

  25. Nov 2016
    1. Opponents concentrate on the 20,000 or so oaks and other trees to be removed on the Walt Ranch. The county stresses the 221,429 trees that are to remain.
    2. But the county disputes Circle Oaks claims that environmental impact report’s groundwater section has numerous errors and requires vague and unenforceable safeguards for Circle Oaks water.
    3. the county holds to the environmental impact report’s assertion that vineyard project erosion control steps would reduce erosion from the property by 44 percent.
    4. The county responds that the environmental impact report includes the necessary analysis for species found on the Walt Ranch. For example, it says, the California longhorn elderberry beetle and not the valley elderberry longhorn beetle live there.
    5. The project has shrunk since the Halls proposed it in 2007. The latest version calls for 209 acres of vineyards within 316 acres of graded areas—including roads and other features — scattered across the 2,300-acre Walt Ranch. No winery is proposed. The original project was for 397 acres of vineyards within a 538-acre development area.
    1. Notice is given that thePBES Directorhas approvedAgriculturalErosionControl Plan No. P11-00205-ECPA which generally conforms to theReduced Intensity Alternative described in the Final EIR and consists ofapproximately 209 netacresof vineyard (±316grossacres).
    1. A county staff report has recommended to curb the proposal to 288 vineyard acres to reduce harm to the environment. It also called for mitigation efforts to protect plants and trees to ensure impact would be at “to less-than-significant levels.”
    1. The 2,300-acre Walt Ranch is located in the mountains between the city of Napa and Lake Berryessa along Highway 121. The Hall family — owners of Hall Wines in St. Helena — asked to create 356 acres of vineyards with a 507-acre total development area. The development area includes such things as roads.

      Not finding a source yet for the 209-acre statement in the subject article.

    1. The gross value of winegrape production was $546,933,900. Overall winegrape values decreased nearly 24% compared to the record setting 2014 values. Total tonnage dropped nearly 29% compared to the record yields of the previous years. The total value of all agricultural production was $553,346,300.
    1. Napa County (population 142,000)

      US Census, July 2015

    2. "environmental responsibility," "sustainable stewardship" and "commitment to the greater Napa Valley ecosystem."

      Where are these quotes from?

    3. the Walt Ranch proposal: 209 more acres of vines replacing woodlands and chaparral
    4. a county enjoying a $13.3 billion boom from agri-business
    5. 3.3 million tourists throng its 500 wineries annually
    6. the Bay Area's 7.5 million urban residents
  26. Oct 2016
    1. Online


    1. Other smartwatches force you into nightly charging.

      Honestly, this has been a major point for me not to go with Apple Watch (even before knowing about the Pebble 2+ Heart Rate). Such small things but smart alarms and sleep tracking really do help me quite a bit.

    1. To cite this article: Annesa Flentje PhD, Nicholas C. Heck PhD & Bryan N. Cochran PhD(2014) Experiences of Ex-Ex-Gay Individuals in Sexual Reorientation Therapy: Reasons forSeeking Treatment, Perceived Helpfulness and Harmfulness of Treatment, and Post-TreatmentIdentification, Journal of Homosexuality, 61:9, 1242-1268,

      This is the MLA citation: Flentje, Annesa, Nicholas C. Heck, and Bryan N. Cochran. "Experiences of Ex-Ex-Gay Individuals in Sexual Reorientation Therapy: Reasons for Seeking Treatment, Perceived Helpfulness and Harmfulness of Treatment, and Post-Treatment Identification." Journal of Homosexuality 61.9 (2014): 1242-268. Web.

    2. Journal of Homosexuality, 61:1242–1268, 2014Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLCISSN: 0091-8369 print/1540-3602 online

      This article is found in an academic journal, which means that it is reliable.

    3. Sexual reorientation therapy remains a controversial area of practice; thereare widespread concerns that reorientation therapy is harmful, and recentstudies (e.g., Spitzer,2003) that are cited to support the effectivenessof reorientation therapy have been heavily criticized on methodologicalgrounds.

      The psychologists behind this study and article respond to the idea that conversion therapy is useful to the lgbt+ community because through their experiment they disprove this 'logic' of the other side's arguments. They want to prove that conversion therapy causes more issues for people then if these people were able to just express their lgbt+ identities. People with extreme religious backgrounds may disagree with this article because they want to believe that even though they are putting their children in harms way through this therapy, that the end result of their children being able to live an eternal life in heaven is more important.

    4. Showed me that ex-gay ministries/mentalitywas cult-like and destructive, overall, byproffering false hopes and promotingfurther/more rigid thinking and selfcondemnation.”Mental health or otherhealth issues addressed5 (4.4%) “He recognized I was really depressed andconnected me with medical professionalswho diagnosed my depression and suppliedantidepressants–-possibly saving my life.”

      Through the study that these authors conducted on lgbt+ people who had underwent conversion therapy at some point of their lives, the data and quotes from these people who have experienced the harshness of the therapy, they establish pathos. Pathos is shown because these people went through traumatic events and still identify as lgbt+. This study shows that the harm that they went through to become heterosexual was not worth it in the end.

    5. The purpose of this study is to thematically examine the experiencesof people who have undergone reorientation therapy and have determinedthat an ex-gay life is not for them: ex-ex-gay (or ex-ex-lesbian) individuals.This study seeks to identify the reasons that led these individuals to seekreorientation therapy and the reasons that they later chose to claim a gay orlesbian identity.

      This study is interesting to me because it shows that conversion therapy may never actually work on anyone. It makes me question if there is anyone who would say that it helped them realize that they are heterosexual instead of homosexual? If there are people out there who believe conversion therapy was a good thing for their identity, are they in denial because of the pain that conversion therapy brings or did it truly change their identity? This is something I would like to investigate more with in the future.

    6. Despite the shift away from clinical interventions designed to changesexual orientation after homosexuality was depathologized, Zucker (2003)described a movement that began in the early 1990s that advocated forthe existence of sexual reorientation therapy, with the position that clients’wishes to change their sexual orientation should be honored by theirtherapists

      Flent Je, Heck, and Cochran decide to use arguments of the other side's perspective in order to show that the controversy of conversion therapy has multiple arguments and sides that show the complexity of the topic at hand. This evidence is reliable because they also cite their sources and invite the other side into the conversation. It may not be a recent discovery, since Zucker's argument appeared in 2003; however, it is an excellent idea on the authors' of this article to include to show the history of the controvery of conversion therapy being used on lgbt+ individuals. Since, they include arguments of the other side, it helps establish even more ethos because they are willing to acknowledge the people who have not agreed with their views on this therapy in the past. This shows that the authors are not bias and have done research on all angles of the controversy.

    7. Sexual reorientation therapy, or interventions that are designed to changesomeone’s sexual orientation from lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) to hetero-sexual, continues despite the fact that homosexuality and bisexuality are notmental disorders. These interventions are controversial and possibly iatro-genic, as most major mental health organizations have noted while criticizing

      This is the claim that the authors are making through their observations of the certain lgbt+ individuals that they decided to write about. They state that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and should not be treated as one, especially not with conversion therapy, since it causes the individual more pain.

    1. thoughts of unearned racial privilege made highly identified Whites feel insecure about their superior social position, which they in turn attempted to justify by derogating the less fortunate group

      The study the authors identified earlier in the paragraph is summed up excellently in this one statement. When faced with examples of the privileges of whiteness, those who identified strongly with their whiteness tended to feel threatened and insecure, consequently directing that negativity toward the outgroup.

    2. identification with whiteness was associated with what the historian George Lipsitz (1998) termed a “possessive investment in whiteness”—manifested, in this case, by opposition to policies that diminish White privilege.

      Said in other terms, increased pride in whiteness equates to increased opposition to legislation that could negatively impact white privilege. This reminds me of the fact that most violent or murderous incidents in the news lately have been committed by white men who have considerable white pride and act out against people or groups threatening their privilege.

    3. “invisible knapsack”

      Peggy McIntosh's "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" is an important and eye opening read! I was assigned to read this in a Race and Membership in American History class in high school. Here's a link to it: http://nationalseedproject.org/white-privilege-unpacking-the-invisible-knapsack

    4. So, what are the arguments for the invisibility thesis, and how compelling are they?

      The authors interestingly admit that they disagree with the invisibility thesis, yet still want to discuss what it means and how credible it is. Continuing to give the audience both sides of the argument further solidifies ethos.

    5. We argue that this view is inaccurate

      Before this statement, the authors are addressing what those with opposing views think about the topic of whiteness and privilege. This plays toward their ethos because it clearly outlines for the reader both sides of the issue, helping the reader to feel informed and to trust the authors to deliver credible information.

    6. deny, distance, or dismantle (3D) model articulates three identity-management strategies: denial of White privilege, distancing from whiteness, and dismantling of privilege. Further, we argue that Whites’ choice of strategy shapes their concern for racial inequality and commitment to measures that might reduce it.

      Furthermore, the authors use the terminology and apply it to their theory that when faced with evidence of white privilege, a white person will react in one of three ways, each reaction relating to their "concern for racial inequality and commitment to measures that might reduce it."

    7. White identity management—actively “tuning” their cognitions concerning whiteness in ways that immunize the self from threat

      Knowles, Lowery, Chow and Unzueta give the reader vocabulary, defining and explaining the terms they use to discuss their theories. This works to hold the audience at the same academic level as the writers, assuring there is nothing lost in translation, so to speak.

    8. We argue that this view is inaccurate and that racial inequality cannot be adequately understood without accounting for Whites’ perceptions of, and reactions to, their race and privileged position in the social order.

      The authors directly address their claim in this statement. Beginning the article with the reference to Ebony magazine vaguely introduces the topic of discussion, then by the end of the second paragraph it is understood by the audience what the intention and argument of the article is.

    9. Deny

      Knowles, E. D., B. S. Lowery, R. M. Chow, and M. M. Unzueta. "Deny, Distance, or Dismantle? How White Americans Manage a Privileged Identity." Perspectives on Psychological Science 9.6 (2014): 594-609. PsycINFO [EBSCO]. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.