- Feb 2025
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
After their stay in Britain, Dikko and his entourage sailed to Jeddah to perform the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. This trip was facilitated by the British government, which arranged for visas and entry permits. The pilgrimage was a private spiritual undertaking for Dikko, separate from his British adventures.
maybe his original goal- Britain a stopping point, have his power validated by the big imperial powers of the time
These trips were facilitated by British colonizers, who saw them as part of a broader project of exhibiting British metropolitan civilization to allegedly impressionable African colonial subjects. Dikko, a wealthy Muslim king and colonial intermediary, paid for the trips but received permission and extensive logistical support from British colonial and metropolitan authorities.
shown what they want him to see
teracted as the exhibition’s audience, mainly white Britons, walked by or stopped to gaze voyeuristically at them
British newspapers and publications reported on Dikko's itinerary, often featuring photos of him and his entourage. The Illustrated London News published a picture of the male members of the group, while The Leeds Mercury displayed a photo of the two women in the delegation. Dikko and his group visited the Wembley British Empire Exhibition, where they saw a replica of the famous clay walls of Kano city, a gate fashioned in Nigeria, and a Nigerian Pavilion designed to resemble an emir's palace compound. The pavilion housed seventy African men, women, and children living in mud and straw huts, cooking their own meals, and conducting daily affairs. Dikko's presence at the exhibition was meant to authenticate the display, but he and his party became part of the exhibition, with some colonial correspondents referring to them as a "naturalistic attraction." Despite the racial undertones of the exhibition, Dikko seemed to enjoy the experience, marveling at the accurate depiction of a Hausa village setting. Dikko's visit to Britain was part of a larger practice of imperial courtship and patronage, where colonial intermediaries were cultivated and feted with contrived hospitality. The trips to Britain represented attempts to dazzle Dikko and his entourage, giving them a glimpse into the might and modernity of the empire. For Dikko, the trips carried prestige and enhanced his mediatory repertoire, enabling him to carve out a position of exclusive local knowledge and expertise on British metropolitan society among his peers and subjects.
British publicity and dazzling colonial subjects, theatrical displays
his peers and subjects in Northern Nigeria a textual reference for navigating colonial culture in relation to their own natal Islamo-Hausa cultural norms.
not exclusively
reaffirming British authority and Dikko's place in it.
- Jul 2024
humanities.wustl.edu humanities.wustl.edu
In your most recent book, The New Education (2017), you compellingly make the case that higher education must be redesigned in the face of the digital revolution. When did you first become interested in digital technologies?
Math camp was Cathy Davidson's happiest educational experience in her childhood. Loved theoretical maths in grade school too and also she majored in philosophy of mathematics.
- Feb 2024
www.campion.ox.ac.uk www.campion.ox.ac.uk
Sarah is a Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics, and Director of the Dictionary Lab at Oxford. She specializes in lexicography, endangered languages, language revitalization, the history of dictionaries, and the interface of technology with the Social Sciences and Humanities (digital humanities). Her research includes work on Australian Aboriginal and American Indian languages, especially relating to language documentation and revitalization. She is the Director of the new MSc in Digital Scholarship.
What a fascinating set of areas she's working in... I want to do this...
Local file Local file
The GNR technologies do not divide clearly into commercial andmilitary uses; given their potential in the market, it’s hard to imaginepursuing them only in national laboratories. With their widespreadcommercial pursuit, enforcing relinquishment will require a verificationregime similar to that for biological weapons, but on an unprecedentedscale. This, inevitably, will raise tensions between our individual pri-vacy and desire for proprietary information, and the need for verifica-tion to protect us all. We will undoubtedly encounter strong resistanceto this loss of privacy and freedom of action.
While Joy looks at the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions as well as nuclear nonproliferation ideas, the entirety of what he's looking at is also embedded in the idea of gun control in the United States as well. We could choose better, but we actively choose against our better interests.
What role does toxic capitalism have in pushing us towards these antithetical goals? The gun industry and gun lobby have had tremendous interest on that front. Surely ChatGPT and other LLM and AI tools will begin pushing on the profitmaking levers shortly.
- Sep 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
47:00 you don’t pick interests, interests pick you, going deepest in what grips you
- see zk on interest as emerging in an autonomous manner
47:00 you don’t pick interests, interests pick you
- Aug 2023
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Extend the sphere, and you take in a greater variety of parties and interests; you make it less probable that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens; or if such a common motive exists, it will be more difficult for all who feel it to discover their own strength, and to act in unison with each other. Besides other impediments, it may be remarked that, where there is a consciousness of unjust or dishonorable purposes, communication is always checked by distrust in proportion to the number whose concurrence is necessary.
Madison's argument for the viability of a large republican democracy.
- Mar 2023
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
In the fall of 2015, she assigned students to write chapter introductions and translate some texts into modern English.
continuing from https://hypothes.is/a/ddn4qs8mEe2gkq_1T7i3_Q
Potential assignments:
Students could be tasked with finding new material or working off of a pre-existing list.
They could individually be responsible for indexing each individual sub-text within a corpus by: - providing a full bibliography; - identifying free areas of access for various versions (websites, Archive.org, Gutenberg, other OER corpora, etc.); Which is best, why? If not already digitized, then find a copy and create a digital version for inclusion into an appropriate repository. - summarizing the source in general and providing links to how it fits into the broader potential corpus for the class. - tagging it with relevant taxonomies to make it more easily searchable/selectable within its area of study - editing a definitive version of the text or providing better (digital/sharable) versions for archiving into OER repositories, Project Gutenberg, Archive.org, https://standardebooks.org/, etc. - identifying interesting/appropriate tangential texts which either support/refute their current text - annotating their specific text and providing links and cross references to other related texts either within their classes' choices or exterior to them for potential future uses by both students and teachers.
Some of this is already with DeRosa's framework, but emphasis could be on building additional runway and framing for helping professors and students to do this sort of work in the future. How might we create repositories that allow one a smörgåsbord of indexed data to relatively easily/quickly allow a classroom to pick and choose texts to make up their textbook in a first meeting and be able to modify it as they go? Or perhaps a teacher could create an outline of topics to cover along with a handful of required ones and then allow students to pick and choose from options in between along the way. This might also help students have options within a course to make the class more interesting and relevant to their own interests, lives, and futures.
Don't allow students to just "build their own major", but allow them to build their own textbooks and syllabi with some appropriate and reasonable scaffolding.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Just transformations challenge power politics, which are often based on vested interests, cost-effectiveness and cost-recovery principles. Addressing deforestation through forest policy may not be adequate to counter agricultural policies that promote land use change to ensure more production and higher gross domestic product (GDP). Carbon markets may be captured by entrepreneurs seeking profit and may not be equitable or effective and can allow pollution to continue. In ‘allocating policy responsibilities’, it is important to not only understand and challenge dominant discourses on increasing GDP at all costs, but also ensure that solutions do not reproduce, redistribute or increase injustices.
-Summary - Justice arguments transcend the normative status quo arguments that are usually based purely on GDP alone. - Carbon markets / Carbon offsets also need to be challenged as they can often be unjust and wealth concentrating through capitalist entrepreneurship that merely increases injustice.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
Examining the cards, it becomes clear that the index constitutes not a mythic totalhistory but a specific set of facts and data that piqued Deutsch’s interest and whichreflected his personal research priorities (see Figure 2).
Zettelkasten, if nothing else, are a close reflection of the interests of the author who collected them.
link: Ahrens mentions this
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Thewhole point of this note-making process is not only toprovide ourselves with ideas we want to pursue, but toactually show us which ideas we are most interested in.
- Jun 2022
besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
a safe climate and a healthy biosphere require profound changes to direct drivers, such as phasing out fossil fuels or halting deforestation. However, direct drivers resist intervention because they underpin our current economies and governance institutions (Ehrlich & Pringle, 2008). Thus, interventions often spark considerable opposition from vested interests who benefit from the status quo, including its prevalent externalization of costs.
Direct drivers resist intervention due to vested interests and resistance to moving out of comfort zones.
- Mar 2021
www.econlib.org www.econlib.org
Some generally sound advice all around.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
With some frameworks, you may find your needs at odds with the enterprise-level goals of a megacorp owner, and you may both benefit and sometimes suffer from their web-scale engineering. Svelte’s future does not depend on the continued delivery of business value to one company, and its direction is shaped in public by volunteers.
- open-source projects: allowing community (who are not on core team) to influence/affect/steer the direction of the project
- conflict of interest
- at odds with
- more interested in their own interests
- organic
- business interests/needs overriding interests/needs of users
- future of project depending on continued delivery of business value to one company
- balance of power
- Sep 2020
medium.com medium.com
This giant machine can be your best friend as long as you’re good for the business. But if you accidentally happen to get in its way, it’ll simply screw you over and won’t even notice. If tomorrow a corporate lawyer decides they need to cover their corporate ass more tightly — be it international sanctions, dodging any potential lawsuits from vocal minorities, or anything else — they won’t think twice: they’ll readily dispose of anyone and betray any “ideals” you might have thought they stand for.
- Jul 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Some vendors may relay on legitimate interest instead of consent for the processing of personal data. The User Interface specifies if a specific vendor is relating on legitimate interest as legal basis, meaning that that vendor will process user’s data for the declared purposes without asking for their consent. The presence of vendors relying on legitimate interest is the reason why within the user interface, even if a user has switched on one specific purpose, not all vendors processing data for that purpose will be displayed as switched on. In fact, those vendors processing data for that specific purpose, relying only on legitimate interest will be displayed as switched off.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Columbus, S., Molho, C., Righetti, F., & Balliet, D. (2020). Interdependence and cooperation in daily life [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/e8bhx
- May 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Sure, anti-spam measures such as a CAPTCHA would certainly fall under "legitimate interests". But would targeting cookies? The gotcha with reCAPTCHA is that this legitimate-interest, quite-necessary-in-today's-world feature is inextricably bundled with unwanted and unrelated Google targeting (cookiepedia.co.uk/cookies/NID) cookies (_ga, _gid for v2; NID for v3).
- Apr 2020
iapp.org iapp.org
U.K. Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham clearly states that consent is not the "silver bullet" for GDPR compliance. In many instances, consent will not be the most appropriate ground — for example, when the processing is based on a legal obligation or when the organization has a legitimate interest in processing personal data.
keepass.info keepass.info
The data is stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data serves us to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable the website to be delivered to the user's computer. For this the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration of the session.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
- Mar 2020
www.cmswire.com www.cmswire.com
legitimate interest triggers when “processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject
clearcode.cc clearcode.cc
Legitimate interest. When there is a genuine reason for processing personal data without consent. Interpretations of this legal ground may vary, but a good example would be risk assessment or checking children’s age, such as in an online liquor store.
www.i-scoop.eu www.i-scoop.eu
some examples of legitimate interest (although their main aim is to emphasize what rights, freedoms and so on override legitimate interest)
An example of reliance on legitimate interests includes a computer store, using only the contact information provided by a customer in the context of a sale, serving that customer with direct regular mail marketing of similar product offerings — accompanied by an easy-to-select choice of online opt-out.
econsultancy.com econsultancy.com
This is no different where legitimate interests applies – see the examples below from the DPN. It should also be made clear that individuals have the right to object to processing of personal data on these grounds.
Individuals can object to data processing for legitimate interests (Article 21 of the GDPR) with the controller getting the opportunity to defend themselves, whereas where the controller uses consent, individuals have the right to withdraw that consent and the ‘right to erasure’. The DPN observes that this may be a factor in whether companies rely on legitimate interests.
- Jan 2020
www.budibase.com www.budibase.com
Your idea should stem from solving someone’s problem. Ideally, your own problem. It’s important that you choose an idea which interests you. Interest is key to fuelling motivation which is crucial when making a web app. It takes effort building web apps and it’s important you have fun during the process.
- Dec 2019
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
What rural Ohio makes of Turkey-Syria crisis
This could be about really any town in the US. Except for some college towns and big cities, most Americans live in mostly remote places -- in an actual sense or in an intellectual sense. Let's read this warm-up article together. Please leave your actual name in the responses unless your ID is the school ID (for me, that would be Baekk).
- Apr 2019
Most health care programmes in place are designed to fund only a limited intensity of post-acute care, hence households might end up facing significant costs to fund long-term care in the absence of public support, which might end up impoverishing them and eventually even bankrupting them
The impact on overall household cost accrual should not be overlooked as the implications on already financially disenfranchised groups would impose compounded disadvantage. This 2018 survey conducted by Carescout covered 440 regions and included 15,500 individual surveys which estimate the median cost of adult day care at $18,720. median cost of assisted living at $48,000, and the median cost of nursing home care at $89,297 annually (https://www.genworth.com/aging-and-you/finances/cost-of-care.html) further contextualizing the overwhelming burden of absorbing long term health cost in the absence of public funding
Kim and Norton (2017) find in the context of the Medicare prospective payment system in the US that for-profit agencies are more responsive than not-for-profit agencies to financial incentives, and therefore contribute disproportionately to the increase in Medicare home health spending under the prospective payment system.
Effectively targeting exploration on the topic of not-for-profit responsiveness may help mediate the disparate costs associated with home health care. The impact of new technologies should be considered when assessing the ability of these organizations to respond. Saxton, Guo, & Brown (2007) found that limitations in design and content availability profoundly affected the responsiveness of non-profit organizations. These structural barriers should be evaluated by providers to enhance financial sustainability.
Link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20447669?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
The policy implications suggest that community services ought to be prioritised, and if cash subsidies are considered they ought to be made conditional on being used on long-term care without substituting pre-existing support
What we may find through the introduction of conditional subsidies is the impact of cash allowances for mitigating overall household costs in a households with lower socioeconomic statuses. However, varying configurations in the implementation of cash for care models have been shaped by timing, specific regulations and policy context of reforms in European countries currently utilizing these approaches (Roit & Bihan, 2010). This informs perspectives on the generalizability of subsidization outcomes.
One of the particular features affecting the financial sustainability of a publicly funded system is the extent of public subsidisation of informal care.
The subsidisation of informal care has brought with it ongoing debate on both the efficacy and impact for individuals with varying needs of ADL support. In a study conducted by Kim and Lim (2012) findings suggest that institutional care is most cost-effective for individuals partially-dependent on support for several ADL's in that it led to reduction of informal care and medical expenditures whereas cost benefits for home care were higher among individuals that were completely dependent on ADL support through reduced spending on institutional support. Overall a shift from formal care to informal home care seems to be placated here as a financial target for sustainability.
Link: http://www.columbia.edu/~hk2405/ltc_for_publication_v04.pdf
- Mar 2019
www.ahip.org www.ahip.orgTo:1
Most notably, we are concernedabout proposedtechnical changes in federal rate-setting standards that would be inconsistent with statutory actuarial soundness requirementswhichensure that payments to Medicaid managed care plans are reasonable and appropriate
This statement seems to hint at the likelihood that proposals would undermine the efficacy of medicaid to secure services and maintain financial viability over time of implementation. As mentioned by AEH (Americas Essential Hospitals) most organization are operating on little to no profit margin: https://essentialhospitals.org/general/statement-on-house-reconciliation-legislation/ which means that cuts such as these could result in reductions to staff and hospital services overall.
- Feb 2019
Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career success or civic engagement
Helping students to have a relatable interest with their learning can help them to succeed in their futures. Making our lessons more understandable and related to their interests is important when setting up their learning environment.
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Sponsorship of Youth Interests
It is important to get on our students levels when we are teaching them information. We need to find out what their favorite things are and try to base our lesson plans on incorporating what they like along with the curriculum that we need to teach them.
- Oct 2018
cnx.org cnx.org
Federalism has the capability of being both bad and good. It just depends who you ask. On one side the advantages of fedaralism is it creates more effectiveness and makes the government stable. On the other hand federalism is risky it gets expensive, lead to a complex tax system and is slow in responses to crisis.
- Jul 2018
clalliance.org clalliance.org
The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies. Rather than see technology as a means toward more efficient and automated forms of education, connected learning puts progressive, experiential, and learner-centered approaches at the center of technology-enhanced learning.
Students pursue their interests in the classroom with the support of friends and caring adults while linking this learning and interests to academic achievement.
- May 2018
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Choose your passion. You know you’ve discovered your passion when you love what you are doing. But wait a minute. Nothing is that simple is it?Check out what Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, tells us:" One of the huge mistake people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don't choose your passions. Your passion chooses you".
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Early on in my life, for example, I found computer coding / software writing quite interesting, but it proved to be too lonely and isolating for me. Haven’t touched the stuff in decades/.Other jobs and hobbies that proved more interesting and satisfying, I’ve stuck with. On the career front, my passion turned out to be for something I started doing as a substitute, on a whim, and never trained for: teaching.
Over time, you’ll gravitate to several main passions. Don’t be in a rush, thinking you have to choose NOW. You can re-invent yourself many times over if you so wish. Or, if you find your true passion(s) now, you can stick with it (them).
The most common mistake people make when choosing a happy and fulfilling career is that they wait to be hit in the face with passion.Seeing this in movies and TV shows we have gotten to believe that passion is something so definite and easy to find that it just hits you square in the face when you see it. That is how passion in both love and your work works… right?Wrong. The truth is that it is you who develops this passion over the course of time.
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The most important and effective qualification for success in persuading audiences and speaking well on public affairs is to understand all the forms of government and to discriminate their respective customs, institutions, and interests. For all men are persuaded by considerations of their interest, and their interest lies in the maintenance of the established order.
On being well versed for appealing to people on the basis of their particular values and interests, and understanding the order at the base of individual community and personal structures.
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The political speaker will also appeal to the interest of his hearers, and this involves a knowledge of what is good. Definition and analysis of things "good."
Political appeal to interests. Things "good"