- Dec 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Drawing on ancient wisdom can help co-create systems that prioritise ecological reverence and community over individualistic domination
for - post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute - to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/a2HCSrlTEe-um4thfDGo-A/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0
- to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
- post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute
medium.com medium.com
Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future
for - from - post - LlinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang
from - post - LinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/C8v8mLlSEe-aUfeerj7pSg/www.linkedin.com/posts/post-growth-institute_chinese-philosophy-regenerative-futures-ugcPost-7273235520824979456-DOqk/
- Jul 2024
tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu
for - economic growth - physical limits to - reductio ad absurdum - physical absurdity of continuing current energy and waste heat trends into the near future
paper details - title - Limits to Economic Growth - author - Thomas W. Murphy Jr. - date - 21 July, 2022 - publication - Nature Physics, comment, online - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01652-6
summary - Physicist Thomas W. Murphy employs reductio ab adsurdium logic to prove the fallacy of the assumptions of his argument - In this case, the argument is that we can indefinitely continue to sustain economic growth at rates that have held steady at about 2-3% per annum since the early 1900s. - Using both idealistic and simplified energy and waste heat calculations of energy and waste heat compounding at 2-3% per annum (or 10x per century), Murphy shows the absurd conclusions of continuing these current trends of energy and waste heat emissions on a global scale. - The implications are that physics and thermodynamics will naturally constrain us to plateau to a steady state economy in which the majority of economic activity needs to not depend on physically intensive
from - Planet Critical podcast - 6th Mass Extinction - interview with science journalist Peter Brannen - https://hyp.is/66oSJD-AEe-rN08IjlMu5A/docdrop.org/video/cP8FXbPrEiI/
- Oct 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. ‘COVID-19 and the Labor Market’. Accessed 6 October 2020. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13664/.
- Aug 2020
Gormsen, N. J., & Koijen, R. S. J. (2020). Coronavirus: Impact on Stock Prices and Growth Expectations (Working Paper No. 27387; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27387
- Jul 2020
Dolnicar, S., & Zare, S. (2020). CORONAVIRUS AND AIRBNB – Disrupting the Disruptor. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/t9n6q
- Jun 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Maier, B. F., & Brockmann, D. (2020). Effective containment explains subexponential growth in recent confirmed COVID-19 cases in China. Science, 368(6492), 742–746. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb4557
- Nov 2018
www.the-hospitalist.org www.the-hospitalist.org
Hospitalists need to continue to take C-suite positions at hospitals and policy roles at think tanks and governmental agencies. They need to continue to master technology, clinical care, and the ever-growing importance of where those two intersect. Most of all, the field can’t get lazy. Otherwise, the “better mousetrap” of HM might one day be replaced by the next group of physicians willing to work harder to implement their great idea. “If we continue to be the vanguard of innovation, the vanguard of making the system work better than it ever has before,” Dr. Wachter says, “the field that creates new models of care, that integrates technology in new ways, and that has this can-do attitude and optimism, then the sky is the limit.”
At a time of once-in-a-generation reform to healthcare in this country, the leaders of HM can’t afford to rest on their laurels, says Dr. Goldman. Three years ago, he wrote a paper for the Journal of Hospital Medicine titled “An Intellectual Agenda for Hospitalists.” In short, Dr. Goldman would like to see hospitalists move more into advancing science themselves rather than implementing the scientific discoveries of others. He cautions anyone against taking that as criticism of the field. “If hospitalists are going to be the people who implement what other people have found, they run the risk of being the ones who make sure everybody gets perioperative beta-blockers even if they don’t really work,” he says. “If you want to take it to the illogical extreme, you could have people who were experts in how most efficiently to do bloodletting. “The future for hospitalists, if they’re going to get to the next level—I think they can and will—is that they have to be in the discovery zone as well as the implementation zone.” Dr. Wachter says it’s about staying ahead of the curve. For 20 years, the field has been on the cutting edge of how hospitals treat patients. To grow even more, it will be crucial to keep that focus.
Hospitalists can learn these skills through residency and fellowship training. In addition, through mentorship models that create evergrowing