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- antigenic escape
- immune escape
- UK
- severity
- vaccine efficacy
- infection
- therapeutic
- COVID-19
- viral evolution
- vaccine
- variant
- testing
- antiviral drug resistance
- prediction
- surveillance
- scenario
- waning immunity
- protection
- immunity
- lang:en
- vaccination
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- recommendation
- COVID-19
- Omicron
- vaccine
- face-to-face
- close contact
- response
- testing
- financial support
- school
- guidance
- Australia
- hospitalization
- leadership
- education
- workplace
- business
- mask wearing
- lockdown
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- microdata
- men
- is:report
- policy makers
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- Hispanics
- safety net policy
- frontline workers
- COVID-19
- demographic market
- American Community Survey
- essential workers
- social insurance
- researchers
- immigrants
- lower wages
- less educated
- lockdown
- lang:en
- disadvantaged minorities
- labour market
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- unemployment benefit
- is:report
- financial distress
- childcare responsibility
- COVID-19
- student survey
- financial burden
- college students
- New York
- drop a course
- online classes
- stress
- internet
- personal burden
- Pell Grant
- emergency relief grant
- low-income urban
- educational burden
- lang:en
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- is:report
- collaboration
- electronic health database
- prediction of individual responses
- revolution
- machine learning powered precision medicine
- improved diagnosis
- challenges
- algorithmic complexity
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- machine learning
- clinical science
- clinical practice
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- clinical management
- false confidence
- confusion
- noise
- randomised clinical trials
- benefits
- COVID-19
- epidemiology
- reliable truth
- benefits and risks
- treatment
- RCTs
- risks
- assessments
- causation
- proliferating observational treatment
- therapies
- nonrandomised studies
- observational
- lang:en
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Vu, Jonathan T, Benjamin K Kaplan, Shomesh Chaudhuri, Monique K Mansoura, and Andrew W Lo. ‘Financing Vaccines for Global Health Security’. Working Paper. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2020. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27212.
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Burke, Marshall, Anne Driscoll, Jenny Xue, Sam Heft-Neal, Jennifer Burney, and Michael Wara. ‘The Changing Risk and Burden of Wildfire in the US’. Working Paper. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2020. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27423.
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