- Oct 2023
While helpful at times, these distinctions fail to acknowledge that the quality of the internal tooling and even the technical infrastructure can profoundly impact your customers. The tools you build for your colleagues affect the customer experience and their relationship with your company and its products.
I wish more companies understood this, especially the part about technical infrastructure. Stability is customer-facing!
- Aug 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
You don't consult with the customer when you're thinking of changing the formula for the soap, I know. But is that the appropriate model for this situation?
- Nov 2022
medium.com medium.com
- Outputs are the things you build. - Outcome is what’s changed for customers, have they become more successful. - Impact is the effect outcomes has on the business like decrease in support costs, increase in conversions etc.
Outcome-focus 就是指公司在乎「成果」大於「成品」的文化,比起做了什麼功能、賺了多少錢,更關注產品改動如何影響終端用戶的行為(User outcome)。
- Sep 2022
www.svpg.com www.svpg.com
More importantly, what I like about the simple model is that it is process agnostic. There are many different discovery processes and techniques, just as there are many different delivery processes and techniques. The higher order points to me are: the activities of discovery and delivery are happening in parallel, ongoing – they are not “phases” in discovery the team is tackling head-on the big risks – value, usability, feasibility and viability in discovery the product team is working collaboratively to solve problems – product management, product design and engineering the product team measures itself against business results and not just shipping features it is one product team responsible for both discovery and delivery (obviously product managers and designers spend most of their time on discovery activities while engineers spend most of their time on delivery activities).
What a PM should focus on
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
By dropping or reducing or postponing the least importantparts, we can unblock ourselves and move forward even when timeis scarce.
When working on a project, to stave off potential procrastination on finishing, one should focus on the minimum viable version and finish that. They can then progressively enhance portions and add on addition pieces which may be beneficial or even nice to have.
Spending too much time on the things that sound nice or that one "might want to have" in the future will be the death of the thing.
link to: - you ain't gonna need it - bikeshedding for procrastination
questions: - Does the misinterpreted-effort hypothesis play a role in creating our procrastination and/or lead to decision fatigue?
- Mar 2022
maktabkhooneh.org maktabkhooneh.org
نرمافزارهای نقشهی راه مانند Aha! ،ProductPlan و Roadmunk ابزارهای بسیار حرفهای در این زمینه هستند که امکان ساخت نقشههای محصول جذاب برای تیمهای مختلف را فراهم میکنند. همچنین با استفاده از این ابزارها و نرم افزار ها میتوان نقشهی مسیر انفرادی برای هر یک از اعضای گروه تولید درست کرد و سپس برای رسیدن به یک چشمانداز و هدف کامل همهی آنها را با یکدیگر همسان سازی کرد. در آخر بعد از انتخاب بهترین ابزار میتوان ساخت نقشهی راه را آغاز کرد.
بهترين نرم افزار هاي تهيه نقشه راه محصول ، با پاورپوينت و اکسل هم ميشه البته
- Dec 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Skills: Imagination Logic Common sense Pattern recognition Basic probability & statistics knowledge
Tramite quali singole abilità si può implementare il [[probabilistic thinking]] ?
- immaginazione;
- logica;
- senso comune;
- riconoscimento dei pattern;
- probabilità base e conoscenza della statistica;
Attitude: Strategic pessimism Non-attachment to one's ideas Confidence in one's ability to influence others
Come si può sviluppare la skill del [[probabilistic thinking]] e tramite quali atteggiamenti la si può notare?
- Pessimismo strategico;
- Mancato attaccamento alle idee in quanto tali;
- Confidenza nella propria abilità di influenzare gli altri;
- Nov 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
Avoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentDmitryCEOCustom SoftwareHomeBlogTechnologyAvoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentPublishedJan 16, 2020UpdatedJan 16, 202015 min readAccording to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on. However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure. In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
According to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on.
However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure.
In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
- multi-vendor
- web app development
- e-markteplace
- custom software
- web app
- software provider
- domain expertise
- startup
- software development
- progressive web app
- web development
- online marketplace
- MVP guide
- progressive web application
- Minimum Viable Product
- product guide
- product management
- MVP development
osf.io osf.io
Chen, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Why Zoom Is Not Doomed Yet: Privacy and Security Crisis Response in the COVID-19 Pandemic. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/mf935
- Oct 2021
medium.com medium.com
First, set clear goals and prioritize among conflicting goals (for instance, price to maximize revenue but ensure a 10 percent profit increase).Second, pick one of the three types of pricing strategies: maximization, skimming, or penetration.Third, set price-setting principles that define the rules of your monetization models, price differentiation, price endings, price floors, and price increases.Finally, define your promotional and competitive reaction principles to avoid knee-jerk price reactions.
Il documento di [[Strategia di monetizzazione]] dovrebbe essere costruito su 4 blocchi:
- Avere obiettivi chiari e messi in priorità tra loro, specialmente tra gli obiettivi in conflitto;
- Prendere una decisione riguardo una delle strategie di prezzo tra: massimizzazione, skimming o penetrazione;
- Stabilire dei principi che determinino le regole riguardo i modelli di monetizzazione, la differenziazione di prezzo ecc;
- Definire pattern di prezzo in reazione ai competitor e di promozione, per evitare di fare errori;
A pricing strategy is your short- and long-term monetization plan. The best companies document their pricing strategies and make it a living and breathing document.
È importante delineare una #[[Strategia di monetizzazione]] che sia a breve termine, come a lungo termine. Tale documento raccoglie le diverse strategie di pricing e deve essere costantemente aggiornato e monitorato.
What monetization model do we envision for our new product? Why is it the right one, and how did we choose it?Which models did we not pick, and why?What are the most important trends in our industry? How do they affect our choice of a monetization model? How do we plan to monetize our product if customer usage varies significantly? Which price structures have we considered and why?Do we have the right capabilities and infrastructure to execute the chosen monetization model and price structure?
Queste sono domande che il CEO dovrebbe porsi riguardo la scelta del modello di #pricing
To have a chance at converting free customers to paid customers, you need to test what benefits they will pay for and ensure a functional free experience. You also need to know exactly how many customers will actually be willing to pay. What’s more, you must avoid giving the farm away for free because it will leave your premium offering with very little value.
Nel caso del #pricing #freemium è importante considerare che l'obiettivo è quello di convertire le persone free in persone paganti. Per farlo è necessario però capire quali sono i benefici per cui queste persone sono disposte a pagare, bisogna anche evitare di dare via tutto gratis togliendo valore alla nostra offerta premium.
Customers pay when they use or benefit from the product. This can be exceptionally successful if you can align the metric directly to how customers perceive value. This can be effective if you are adept at predicting future trends. The alternative pricing model makes sense when your innovation creates significant value to end customers but you cannot capture a fair share of that value using traditional monetization models.
Il modello di pricing del #[[alternate metric]] si applica quando i clienti pagano se usano effettivamente il prodotto. Questo tipo di modello ha senso solo se il tuo prodotto genera un'innovazione tale che non riesci a trovare un modello di #pricing adatto
Auctions — competition based pricing for goods and services. Google AdWords, eBay, and other two-sided marketplaces use auctions. Market determines price. If you can control inventory for an in demand product, you should consider this model.
Il modello delle #aste è un modello in cui il mercato determina il prezzo di un bene. Se si è in controllo di un prodotto per cui c'è tanta richiesta, allora bisogna considerare questo modello.
Dynamic pricing — airline industries, Uber offer dynamic pricing for peak demand times. Dynamic pricing boosts the monetization of fixed and constrained capacity. Complex model requiring extensive data analytics.
Il modello del #[[pricing dinamico]] è il modello tipico di Uber e delle linee aeree. Questo modello migliora le vendite di disponibilità limitate e fisse. Si tratta di un modello complesso, richiede tanti dati ed analisi.
Subscription —recurring revenue increases customer lifetime revenue, revenue predictability, cross-sell and upselling opportunities. Works well in online and offline services where the product is used continually, in competitive industries, and where it can reduce barriers to entry through large upfront payments.
In che casi ha senso utilizzare un modello di pricing basato su #abbonamento ?
Quando si sceglie questa opzione ci si ritrova in una situazione in cui gli acquisti ricorrenti aumentano il #[[lifetime value]] dei clienti, inoltre è possibile stimare delle previsioni di vendita proprio a causa dei pagamenti ricorrenti, ci sono tante opportunità di #cros-sell e di #upsell.
È un sistema adatto sia ai servizi online che offline ma la condizione è che il prodotto venga usato continuamente ed inoltre è ottimale nelle situazioni in cui riduce le barriere all'entrata tramite un grande pagamento in anticipo.
What are the product configuration/bundles we plan to offer? Why did we pick these offers? Do they align with our key segments? If not, why not?What are the leader, filler, and killer features for the new product or service our company is developing? How did we find out?Have we explored a good/better/best approach to product configuration and bundling? What do we expect sales to be for each product configuration? Is the share of the basic product configuration lower than 50 percent? If not, why not?Have we explored bundling our new product with existing products? What would be the benefits for us and the customers?Have we considered unbundling as an opportunity? What would be the benefits to customers and our business (if any)?
Queste sono le domande che un CEO dovrebbe porsi riguardo i bundle di prodotto:
- Quali sono i bundle che abbiamo deciso di offrire? A che prezzo? Queste offerte si allineano con i segmenti individuati?
- Quali sono le caratteristiche leader, filler e killer di questo bundle? Come le abbiamo scoperte?
- Quali sono le opzioni bene/meglio e top per questo bundle? Quali ci aspettiamo siano le vendite per ogni bundle? La condivisione della configurazione base del prodotto è al di sotto del 50%? Se no, perché?
- Abbiamo ipotizzato di creare bundle di prodotto con altri prodotti? Quali sarebbero i benefici nostri e dei clienti?
- Abbiamo considerato l'ipotesi di smantellare il bundle? Quali sarebbero i vantaggi per noi e per i clienti?
Align offers with segmentsDon’t go beyond nine benefits or four productsCreate win-win bundles for you and the customerDon’t give away too much in the entry-level product. Look at customer distribution by product and upsell percentage to qualify a problemHard bundles might not work and an a la carte bundle may be betterPer product pricing needs to be higher than bundled pricingMessaging and communicating the value of the bundle is a sales opportunity depending on what product or feature they are afterBundle an integrated experience and charge a premium instead of a discountDon’t bundle for the sake of bundlingLook for inverse correlations and exploit both by including the nice to have inverse.
Questi sono alcuni dei consigli che bisogna considerare nella creazione di configurazioni di prodotto diverse.
- Allineare l'offerta ai segmenti;
- Non andare oltre i 9 benefits o i 4 prodotti;
- Crea bundle che siano vittoria per te e per i consumatori;
- Non dare troppo valore nel prodotto di entrata, guarda la distribuzione dei clienti per prodotto e fai upsell in percentuale, così da qualificare il problema;
- I bundle fissi potrebbero non funzionare, quelli personalizzati invece si;
- Il prezzo per singolo prodotto deve essere più alto di quello in bundle;
- Comunicare il valore del bundle può essere una opportunità di vendita a seconda di quale prodotto si sta cercando di vendere;
- Crea un'esperienza premium riguardo il tuo prodotto e dalle un prezzo premium, invece che un prezzo scontato;
- Non creare bundle semplicemente per lo sfizio;
- Cerca correlazioni inverse includendo l'opposto delle feature nice to have;
Establishing which features are leaders (must-haves), fillers (nice-to-haves), and killers (features that are deal killers), andCreating good/better/best options.
Due sono gli aspetti principali di una configurazione di prodotto efficace:
- Bisogna stabilire le caratteristiche leader (must have), filler (nice to have) e killer
- Bisogna creare delle opzioni di prodotto che siano buone, migliori, top
Product configuration and bundling are your key building blocks for designing the right products for the right segments at the right price points. Product configuration is about putting the appropriate features and functionality — those customers need, value, and are willing to pay for — into the product; this process has to be done for each identified segment. Systematic product configuration prevents you from loading too many features into a product and producing a feature shock.
Un prodotto deve essere creato configurando le giuste caratteristiche in dei bundle che rispettino i determinati segmenti che abbiamo individuato. Ogni configurazione di prodotto deve rispettare i determinati bisogni, valori e WTP dei segmenti.
Does our product development team have serious pricing discussions with customers in the early stages of the new product’s development process? If not, why not?What data do we have to show there’s a viable market that can and will pay for our new product?Do we know our market’s WTP range for our product concept? Do we know what price range the market considers acceptable? What’s considered expensive? How did we find out?Do we know what features customers truly value and are willing to pay for, and which ones they don’t and won’t? And have we killed or added to the features as a consequence of this data? If not, why not?What are our product’s differentiating features versus competitors’ features? How much do customers value our features over the competition’s features?
Queste sono valutazioni che deve fare il CEO riguardo il #pricing del prodotto da lui creato.
Tra le valutazioni e domande da porsi ci sono:
- Il team rivolto al prodotto ha avuto una seria discussione riguardo il #pricing? Se no, perché non è accaduto?
- Quali dati abbiamo che indicano che c'è un mercato che può e vuole pagare per questo prodotto?
- Conosciamo il range di #WTP del nostro concetto di prodotto? Sappiamo il nostro target quali prezzi ritiene accettabili, esagerati ed immotivati? Come lo abbiamo scoperto?
- Sappiamo quali caratteristiche del prodotto hanno maggiore valore agli occhi dei consumatori, quali sono disposti a pagare e quali invece non hanno alcun valore? Se no, perché?
- Quali sono le caratteristiche del nostro prodotto che sono elemento di #differenziazione rispetto ai prodotti dei nostri competitor? Quanto valore hanno queste caratteristiche agli occhi dei consumatori?
Did we segment before we designed the product? If not, why not?What were the segments? How did we get to these? Which ones would we serve initially? Do they represent a sizable market?What criteria were they based on? How different are these segments in their WTP? Can we respond differently to each segment? If so, how?How did we describe the segments? What observable criteria do we have in these descriptions? Do our descriptions and observable criteria on each segment pass our sales team’s sniff test?How many segmentation schemes do we have in our company? Can we consolidate to one segmentation across product, marketing, and sales?Who in our company is responsible for segmentation? At what point in the innovation cycle does this person (or people) get involved?
Queste sono le domande che un CEO dovrebbe porsi riguardo la segmentazione per la creazione di un prodotto.
- Abbiamo fatto una segmentazione prima di creare il prodotto? Se no perché?
- Quali sono i segmenti che abbiamo individuato, in che modo ci siamo arrivati, quale abbiamo deciso di servire inizialmente, rappresentano un mercato sostenibile?
- In funzione di quale criterio sono distinti i segmenti? In che modo cambia la #WTF dei differenti segmenti? Possiamo rispondere diversamente ad ogni segmento?
- In che modo descriviamo i segmenti? Quali sono i criteri osservabili che abbiamo in queste descrizioni?
- Quanti schemi di segmentazione abbiamo? Riusciamo a consolidare su un solo segmento tutte le nostre energie aziendali?
- Chi è il responsabile della segmentazione? In che momento interviene?
Do Segmentation Right:Begin with WTP data — By clustering individuals according to their WTP, value, and needs data, you will discover your segments — groups of people whose needs, value, and willingness to pay differ.Use common sense — Practicality and common sense are as important as statistical indicators.Create fewer segments, not more — Serving each new segment adds significant complexity for sales, marketing, product and service development, and other functions. Smart companies start with a few segments — three to four — and then expand gradually until they reach the optimal number.Don’t try to serve every segment — The products and services you develop should match your company’s overall financial and commercial goals. A segment must deliver enough customers — and enough money — to make the investment worthwhile.Describe segments in detail in order to address them — Investigate whether each segment has observable criteria for customizing your sales and marketing messages to them.
Come si può segmentare in maniera efficace?
- Si comincia con i dati emersi dall'analisi sul #WTP, si creano cluster di individui in funzione di WTP, valori e bisogni, così emergono dei segmenti;
- Punta a pochi segmenti, non molti, ogni segmento porta con sé entropia che deve essere gestita, il numero ideale di segmenti è 3-4 e poi ci si espande in maniera graduale fino a raggiungere il numero ottimale;
- Non devi servire ogni segmento, il prodotto che crei dovrebbe essere coerente con gli obiettivi generali ed economici della tua azienda. Un segmento deve essere visto come un investimento;
- Descrivi ogni segmento in dettaglio e cerca criteri evidenti nel comportamento del segmento per poter customizzare il più possibile;
The message here is clear: You need to create segments in order to design highly attractive products for each segment. And you must base your segmentation on customers’ needs, value, and WTP. This way, segmentation becomes a driver of product design and development, not an afterthought.
Quale è il modo migliore per definire le caratteristiche migliori di un prodotto?
Bisogna analizzare il mercato e segmentare i bisogni, valori e WTP dei consumatori. In questo modo la segmentazione diventa la guida della creazione del prodotto.
- Sep 2021
www.airtable.com www.airtable.com
- May 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
SaaS startups have become a popular business recently. However, very few startups become successful. How can you avoid startup failure? Check our article.
- Mar 2021
Yes, Virginia, PMs Are Responsible for Accessibility
Angela Hooker, Microsoft
Why build in a11y from the start?
- Much easier / less "expensive" than adding it after the fact.
- PMs are expected to set expectations and manage scope. Set the expectation from the beginning that team delivers accessible product.
- Consider budget, timeline, people, & other resources. The design phase is "too late."
Getting support from leadership
- Talk about ROI & $8+ trillion in disposable income that people with disabilities have worldwide
- Helps the org be more competitive
- Show them how inaccessible content hurts. Demo use of product with a screenreader with no visuals, ask them to navigate with keyboard only. If possible, have a person with access needs do that demo.
Include multiple accessibility reviews in your timeline
- Team should check their work as they go along
Choose the standards and level of compliance you'll achieve
- Compliance and accessibility are not the same. You can conform to WCAG 100% but be unusable for people with certain disabilities
- If project is used globally, consider laws worldwide. Some countries require specific documentation & standards will vary
Put accessibility requirements in contracts with outside vendors
- Be specific about the standards they need to meet
- Ask for proof they can produce accessible work
Carefully choose the tech you'll use to build your project
- If you don't have a choice in what tech you'll use, see if team can fix those a11y issues. If it would expand scope or timeline to do so, flag as risk for leaderships
Document all your team's work
- Good to have on hand for showing "good faith effort" to be accessible
- Prepare a general statement about project's a11y status.
- Document known a11y issues and create a roadmap for resolving
Get training for your team
- Pointing toward info on the web is risky, as there is lots of misinformation. Start with info from W3C a11y curriculum.
How do you coach your team and oversee their work?
- Don't make it about any one person. Discourage things like "if we can't make you happy, we can't move forward." It's not about you being happy, it's about putting out the most usable and successful product you can!
- Publicly praise team members as a way to motivate them to prioritize a11y in the long run
Written content comes first
- This is the easiest to remediate, so get this out of the way.
- Ask people with cognitive impairments to read through with you to find out where things might not be clear
Working with designers
- Annotate design docs to indicate to engineering where they'll need to consider a11y
- Review mockups & wireframes for missing a11y considerations so eng can raise concerns or questions
- Start with user personas based on people with disabilities
- Invest in usability testing at several points during project build
What if you're updating a legacy project?
- Start small
- Have an auditor review for a11y and create a plan to give team "quick wins." Create roadmap for remaining items.
- Talk to team responsible for product to find out what questions/concerns they have
- Get training & other needed resources for team
- Feb 2021
www.romanpichler.com www.romanpichler.com
OKRs in Product Management
good overview on OKRs and how to craft them
assets.productplan.com assets.productplan.com
Using integrations with other tools in the product stack such as Jira and GitHub, progress on specific items can be viewed directly from the digital product roadmap, offering an accurate view of how well things are sticking to the schedule
Why not just use built in tools in Jira and Github? Still struggling to see how roadmapping tool differs from, for example, Github project boards
Translating these concepts into attractive visual product roadmaps that connect with a diverse set of internal stakeholders,
In a small organization like Hypothesis, I'm not sure that a visually pretty roadmap is a pressing need. Willing to keep reading, but color me skeptical.
- Oct 2020
jobs-to-be-done.com jobs-to-be-done.com
Similarly, we use an opportunity algorithm to quantify which of the customer’s desired outcomes are unmet, and to what degree. A desired outcome statement is a uniquely defined need statement that describes how customers measure success when getting a job done. We assign a number to a desired outcome that indicates whether products or services used in a given market adequately or inadequately serve it.
www.productboard.com www.productboard.com
Yet many teams struggle to achieve a unified way of evaluating what they’ve delivered. Only 1 in 10 have a process for assessing the success or failure of newly-launched products and features.
we've done this informally, but might consider a more formal approach
For the product teams lacking a systematic way of logging these feature requests, pain points, and other bits of user feedback, a lot of valuable information ends up slipping through the cracks.
we are working at getting better at this but there is room for improvement
- Sep 2020
www.kennorton.com www.kennorton.com
This last characteristic may be the easiest to evaluate. Unless the position is very junior, I’ll usually hire product managers who’ve actually shipped a product. I mean from start to finish, concept to launch. Nothing is a better indication of someone’s ability to ship great products than having done it before. Past performance is an indication of future success
I always insist that at a minimum, representatives from engineering, design, and marketing meet a potential PM candidate.
I often joke that much of the time your job is to be the advocate for whoever isn’t currently in the room - the customer, engineering, sales, executives, marketing. That means you need to be capable of doing other people’s jobs, but smart enough to know not to. Great PMs know how to channel different points-of-view. They play devil’s advocate a lot. They tend to be unsatisfied with simple answers.
So what do I look for in a PM? Most importantly, raw intellectual horsepower. I’ll take a wickedly smart, inexperienced PM over one of average intellect and years of experience any day. Product management is fundamentally about thinking on your feet, staying one step ahead of your competitors, and being able to project yourself into the minds of your colleagues and your customers.
medium.com medium.com
2. Develop specific superpowers — don’t just rely on being a smart generalist.
Bring something to the table. Could be solid design skills in my case (which I don't have yet)
Whatever the future intentions of the PM, one thing remains for certain: this position is at the intersection from where founder strategy, user feedback, development team management, and market awareness come together. From what’s been said, it certainly appears that this is not a role that you “fall” into, but rather could aspire to be in.
What’s more, to be a good PM, individuals also need to understand that it’s all about the bigger picture. Great managers “win” games, meaning that it’s not about getting a product out the door, but by ensuring that over the long-term, the team helps solve a larger problem. Nash says it’s not about getting an “E for effort” and brush off things that don’t work.
The product manager isn’t the one that’s just sitting around overseeing the various teams and seeing whether it’s on track to meet the scheduled delivery or launch date. They are the ones who need to understand the market and that means knowing who the competitors are, what consumers want, and being able to help the marketing and sales teams better target them.
joshelman.medium.com joshelman.medium.com
More tactically,helping your team often means being the person who writes and summarizes notes after a long meeting, or writing a spec to make sure you have captured the team’s consensus and plan in written form.
- Write notes after meeting and share with team.
A lot of people describe a product manager as a CEO of the product or the “owner” of the spec, but I think that over-ascribes influence and authority to the product manager. The best teams operate in a way where the team collectively feels ownership over the spec and everyone has had input and been able to suggest and promote ideas. The best product managers coordinate the key decisions by getting input from all team members and are responsible to surface disagreements, occasionally break ties, and gather consensus (or at least ensure that everyone commits to a plan) when decisions get made.
"CEO" of the product is an overrated term to describe PM.
- Everybody on the team should feel heard/collective ownership
Great product managers understand the very tricky balance between getting it right and getting it out the door.
Balance between ship/get right = good product manager
While shipping matters, the best product managers help the team make sure it’s the right product. Building something that doesn’t exist yet is always fun, but never a slam dunk.
More importantly, once shipped, the best product managers can measure whether the product shipped is the right one. They should work closely with the team to make sure the right moments in the product are measurable, and that the hard questions about whether people are really using the product can be answered.
Once shipped good PM's know how to measure success fo the product
Great product managers listen to user feedback all the time — whether it’s from usability tests, meeting users in the field, reading support emails or tweets, or working with the people in your company who do all of those things on a daily basis.
- Nov 2019
- Oct 2019
Don’t overpromise
How to respond to feature requests:
go.pendo.io go.pendo.io
But your customers are not the exclusive source of product feedback. Some of the most valuable suggestions for improvement can also appear during initial sales calls with prospects, internal evaluation of new features in your organization, and during design research and quality assurance motions.
customer feedback and usage data is often presented as the gold standard for feedback re: product development - interesting to see other sources mentioned here
www.productboard.com www.productboard.com
how organizations evolve to pursue a clear product strategy.
5 stages of strategic maturity
firstround.com firstround.com
“Say you’re trying to test whether people like pizza. If you serve them burnt pizza, you’re not getting feedback on whether they like pizza. You only know that they don’t like burnt pizza. Similarly, when you’re only relying on the MVP, the fastest and cheapest functional prototype, you risk not actually testing your product, but rather a poor or flawed version of it.”
- Oct 2017
www.kennorton.com www.kennorton.com
product manager as a technical, user-focused team leader working closely with engineers and designers to guide products
Short definition of what is a Product Manager
www.kennorton.com www.kennorton.com
Now, in the long run great product management usually makes the difference between winning and losing, but you have to prove it. Product management also combines elements of lots of other specialties - engineering, design, marketing, sales, business development. Product management is a weird discipline full of oddballs and rejects that never quite fit in anywhere else. For my part, I loved the technical challenges of engineering but despised the coding. I liked solving problems, but I hated having other people tell me what to do. I wanted to be a part of the strategic decisions, I wanted to own the product. Marketing appealed to my creativity, but I knew I’d dislike being too far away from the technology. Engineers respected me, but knew my heart was elsewhere and generally thought I was too “marketing-ish.” People like me naturally gravitate to product management.
This describes me! This is me! This is why I am a Product Manager.
- Nov 2016
- Sep 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
frame the purposes and value of education in purely economic terms
Sign of the times? One part is about economics as the discipline of decision-making. Economists often claim that their work is about any risk/benefit analysis and isn’t purely about money. But the whole thing is still about “resources” or “exchange value”, in one way or another. So, it could be undue influence from this way of thinking. A second part is that, as this piece made clear at the onset, “education is big business”. In some ways, “education” is mostly a term for a sector or market. Schooling, Higher Education, Teaching, and Learning are all related. Corporate training may not belong to the same sector even though many of the aforementioned EdTech players bet big on this. So there’s a logic to focus on the money involved in “education”. Has little to do with learning experiences, but it’s an entrenched system.
Finally, there’s something about efficiency, regardless of effectiveness. It’s somewhat related to economics, but it’s often at a much shallower level. The kind of “your tax dollars at work” thinking which is so common in the United States. “It’s the economy, silly!”
- Dec 2015
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
wring out every ounce of performance
Now think of it with a learner in mind.