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- Jun 2022
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Between 1914 and 1980, inequalities in income and wealth decreasedmarkedly in the Western world as a whole (the United Kingdom,Germany, France, Sweden, and the United States), and in Japan,Russia, China, and India, although in different ways, which we willexplore in a later chapter. Here we will focus on the Western countriesand improve our understanding of how this “great redistribution”took place.
Inequalities in income and wealth decreased markedly in the West from 1914 to 1980 due to a number of factors including:<br /> - Two World Wars and the Great Depression dramatically overturned the power relationships between labor and capital<br /> - A progressive tax on income and inheritance reduced the concentration of wealth and helped increase mobility<br /> - Liquidation of foreign and colonial assets as well as dissolution of public debt
- Jun 2020
cfmsurvey.org cfmsurvey.org
COVID-19 and UK Public Finances | The CFM-CEPR Surveys. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2020, from https://cfmsurvey.org/surveys/covid-19-and-uk-public-finances