4,064 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. As far as his work

      Clutter, can be removed

    2. What is perhaps


    3. Here, he focuses much more on global isolation and issues

      Examples/quotes would be handy here!

    4. The third and final era of Eliot’s poetry, highlighted by the publication of the Four Quartets in 1942

      I actually rather liked the structure you had where you started each paragraph with an era of Pound's poetry, and might recommend maintaining it. I would try to move this to the top of the paragraph; you can decide if you want to remove the information before or find a way to incorporate it into previous paragraphs

    5. This served as a way for Eliot to formalize his separation with his wife.

      You can tie this into the previous sentence to cut words

      " . . . to Harvard, which formalized his separation with his wife."

    6. The poem was also influenced by financial stresses, as well as Eliot’s studies in Sanskrit and Indian philosophy.

      This is an interesting side path, but you don't really go into what effects these influences had on his poetry. I would go deeper with this or cut it entirely.

    7. Pound called The Wasteland a work of genius and had a heavy hand in the many notable revisions to this poem.

      I would say the same thing: perhaps go deeper (give a quote from Pound, maybe) and explain this relationship more, or cut it to keep your length down.

    8. continuously attempted to reach his wife

      The verb "reach" is a little vague.

    9. Vivien’s insanity

      We don't know that she's insane at this point, so a little exposition might be helpful

    10. During this time, Eliot met Ezra Pound who became an advocate for Eliot’s poetry and subsequent publication.

      This detail is a little tangential and not expanded upon very much. If you're going to include it, I would delve into it further and detail their interactions, but otherwise I would cut it for brevity's sake.

    11. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock in 1911, The Wasteland in 1922, and Four Quartets in 1942.

      Titles in quotation marks; I'd say this for the other ones too, but will only mark it here to avoid cluttering up your page

    12. presents the theme of isolation;

      You can cut this, as the rest of the sentence restates this

    13. One of the most influential intellects of the 20th century

      This a bold claim that you could supplement with some details/evidence in order to persuade the reader that it's actually true:

      • How do we know he was influential? Perhaps a quote from a contemporary or critic would work well here
      • What did he influence (which movements, groups, etc.)?

      While you do establish some of these things later on in your paper, it'd be a stronger opening if you could immediately hook the reader and persuade them that Eliot matters. Admittedly, he is well-known enough that his name might speak for itself, but you don't want to rely on that; you want your writing to reflect it.

    1. Picabia died in 1953, in the same home he was born in Paris (“Francis Picabia: Biography”).

      If you have room, I would just suggest adding how/why he returned to Paris because the bio goes straight from his refuge in Spain to him dying in his Paris home. Something as simple as "Picabia eventually returned to his home country..." would help chronologically.

    2. causing

      "beginning" instead of "causing" perhaps

    3. so abstract and conceptually new

      "a very new and abstract concept" may work here as well?

    4. not truly being a household name artist

      "not being a household name" would suffice

    5. obsessed

      obsessed is a strong word, it works but if you use this word I as a reader would want you to elaborate further on how he was obsessed with it (versus perhaps fascinated, for example)

    6. , among

      "and" would probably work better here

    7. American

      America / the United States

    8. starting during

      I would suggest using "beginning with" or "starting with" rather than "starting during" ; it just makes the sentence flow better.

    1. monoclonal HA tag antibody (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO Catalog Number H9658, Antibody Registry ID AB_260092)

      Curator: @Jmenke

      Resource used:

      (Sigma-Aldrich Cat# H9658, RRID:AB_260092)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_260092

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    1. Rabbit polyclonal anti-DYKDDDK Tag Antibody (FLAG)

      Curator: @chewbeccax

      Resource used:

      (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 2368, RRID:AB_2217020)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2217020

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    1. who found diagramming sentences, feedback from Harold Ross, and Parisian newspapers influential.

      slightly awkward wording here

    2. Natalia Danesi Murray

      possibly identify who this woman is - she sort of just appears out of left field.

    3. “Letters from Paris”

      clarify - is this a column?

    4. Flanner’s lifelong career began

      possibly rephrase along the lines of "Flanner began what would be her lifelong career as the Paris correspondent for The New Yorker", etc.

    5. just created

      "which had just been created"

    6. her novel The Cubical City (1926) had received poor reviews.

      perhaps include some context as to why the poor reviews of Flanner's book led her to be cold toward Mina Loy. Without any details it leaves the reader sort of confused.

    7. talking art and culture

      "where they talked [about]"

    8. in 1922, settled in Paris

      "and settled in Paris in 1922,"

    9. discovered lesbian desire together

      This wording is very, very awkward; perhaps the two "lived as lesbians together" (were they out in Paris or not? This may be a pertinent detail to include).

    10. who Janet left Rehm for

      "for whom Janet left Rehm" - also, while we're on this annotation, I wanted to point out it may be wise to stick to either "Janet" or "Flanner" when writing the biography, just to be consistent. I would go with "Flanner" but ultimately it's up to you.

    11. introducing

      I would possibly change this wording to something along the lines of "a decision which introduced"

    12. two-year

      I don't believe you need a hyphen here.

    13. of


    1. a1=(a1⋅e1)e1a2=(a2⋅e1)e1+(a2⋅e2)e2a3=(a3⋅e1)e1+(a3⋅e2)e2+(a3⋅e3)e3⋮an=(an⋅e1)e1+(an⋅e2)e2+⋯+(an⋅en−1)en−1.(7.5)\begin{aligned} a_1 &= (a_1\cdot e_1) e_1\\ a_2 &= (a_2\cdot e_1) e_1 + (a_2\cdot e_2) e_2\\ a_3 &= (a_3\cdot e_1) e_1 + (a_3\cdot e_2)e_2 + (a_3\cdot e_3) e_3\\ &\vdots\\ a_n &= (a_n\cdot e_1) e_1 + (a_n\cdot e_2) e_2 + \cdots + (a_n\cdot e_{n-1}) e_{n-1}. \end{aligned}\tag{7.5}a1​a2​a3​an​​=(a1​⋅e1​)e1​=(a2​⋅e1​)e1​+(a2​⋅e2​)e2​=(a3​⋅e1​)e1​+(a3​⋅e2​)e2​+(a3​⋅e3​)e3​⋮=(an​⋅e1​)e1​+(an​⋅e2​)e2​+⋯+(an​⋅en−1​)en−1​.​

      Skal det ikke være an=(ane1)e1+(ane2)e2+...+(an*en)en

    1. AB_10561552

      Curator: @chewbeccax

      Curator note: Did not put in "RRID" tag - scibot couldn't pick up

      Resource used:

      (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A21428, RRID:AB_10561552)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10561552

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    1. Mouse monoclonal anti-GFP Tag Antibody (for ChIP)

      Curator: @chewbeccax

      Resource used:

      (Molecular Probes Cat# A-11120, RRID:AB_221568)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_221568

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    2. Mouse monoclonal anti-GFP Tag Antibody

      Curator: @chewbeccax

      Resource used:

      (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# MA5-15256, RRID:AB_10979281)

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10979281

      Alternate resolvers: SciCrunch xml N2T identifiers.org

      What is this?

    1. A bond in which the electronegativity of B (χB) is greater than the electronegativity of A (χA), for example, is indicated with the partial negative charge on the more electronegative atom: lesselectronegativeAδ+−moreelectronegativeBδ−(8.4.1)(8.4.1)lesselectronegativemoreelectronegativeA−Bδ+δ− \begin{matrix} _{less\; electronegative}&  & _{more\; electronegative}\\   A\; \;  &-& B\; \; \; \; \\  ^{\delta ^{+}} & & ^{\delta ^{-}} \end{matrix} \tag{8.4.1} ​

      This doesn't necessarily mean that the atoms themselves are positive or negative, right? This is only related to their electronegativity (0-4)? So, A could be X=2.2 and B could be X=2.4 and A would be positive because it has a lower electronegativity?

    1. Julien Levy

      Might it be worth mentioning here that Levy became Loy's son-in-law?

    2. are credited

      Who credits Bunuel with this praise?

    3. are described

      Who described them this way?

    4. took Buñuel


    5. Despite Buñuel’s comradery among Parisian Surrealists, extreme rightists often scrutinized his work. At the premiere of L’Âge d’Or on December 3, 1930, a group of rightist youths attacked the Parisian theatre and police mandated that the film be banned in Paris (Buñuel).

      With what specifically did they take issue in Bunuel's film?

    6. sought


    7. other fellow

      I think you could just choose one of these adjectives.

    8. the rigid social structure

      Could you be a little more specific here? With what did Bunuel take issue in regards to this social structure?

    9. died out

      This wording is a little awkward.

    1. A new batch of apps that allow users to create hidden graffiti using AR raises an important question about who is legally allowed to “tag” a place.

      So basically all the discussions we have had within Hypothesis about rights to write over web pages will be had, but this time applied to the real world.

    1. The bio has a lot of great information, especially on Mina Loy. However, you could use some reorganization. There is information at the end that belongs earlier in the biography, and it's hard to see the focus and structure of the biography. You have a really great start here, and I can see that you've done a fair amount of research!

    2. Mina Loy compared the painting to Oelze saying she was waiting for it to light up at any moment.


    3. She said that his canvas, “Expectation” haunted her as there was speculation of an affair between the two.

      You already talked about Expectation. Why is this so late in the bio?

    4. Mina Loy, according to, The Art World Online, became romantically involved with Oelze from 1932-193.

      You need this information way earlier

    5. As Oelze dealt with starvation he was uncomfortable in his own body and therefore it is reflected in his art such as in “In one of the Fallowing Years” which, “depicts a female colossus staring at the viewer, small homunculus apparitions covering her body.”

      This seems out of place. Revise this sentence

    6. Their relationship is discussed when talking about his mental illnesses including semi-starvation, poverty, and isolation.

      Their relationship or his mental state? Confusing

    7. Loy wrote her daughter a description of Richard’s famous painting as a “gigantic back of a commonplace woman looking at the sky,” which shows that Loy had a different perception of this art than Oelze, who focused on all the people in the painting rather than solely the woman.

      Connect this back to the painting in the novel

    8. ntimate details of Loy and Oelze are represented in her novel

      what do you mean by intimate?

    9. which shows that Loy had a different perception of this art than Oelze, who focused on all the people in the painting rather than solely the woman.

      I would separate the sentence here.

    10. Richard’s

      I would say Oelze since you refer to him by his last name elsewhere

    11. In the novel, Jones reacts anxiously to one of Insel’s painting, one similar to Oelze’s “Expectation,” and then ships it to the United States, just as Loy shipped Oelze’s painting to the U.S

      I would revise this sentence

    12. ainting


    13. character’s enactment of an embodied, unstable, and automatically conditioned subjectivity.”

      explain this quote after you use it. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here

    14. rance

      add a comma

    15. even


    16. the characters are said to be a reflection of their relationship with each other.

      Which characters? You also already said this.

    17. 1930s in Paris

      or you could say soon after meeting Oelze

    18. talent counting

      I'm not sure what you mean by this

    19. with her two characters Mrs. Jones, a gallery director, and Insel, an artist.

      but you have three characters listed here. I would revise this sentence

    20. d 1970s

      add a comma after 1970's

    21. The pessimistic tenor of Oelze’s art represented his deep psychological issues that caused him to live a very isolated life after the war in Posteholz.

      I think that they show and express rather than represent.

    22. who started in 1929 when he first encountered surrealist paintings from Max Ernst and René Magritte in Switzerland.

      What was he before?

    23. Richard Oelze is a highly regarded German surrealist painter,

      I would definitely include his DOB and DOD in the biography

    24. The effect of the war on Oelze is shown in his post-1950 art

      I suggest you talk about the different of before and after.

    25. released from being a held as

      you can simply this to just "released from being"

    26. Now,

      This is awkward

    27. who started

      started what?

    1. The landscapes of his early work indicate remnants of Impressionism, notably in “My Mother’s Garden” (1905) and “Corsican Village at Sunset” (1905) (Leger & Schmalenbach, 10). Nearing World War I, however, he found the melodiousness of Impressionism irreconcilable with the tumultuous times, so he experimented with Picasso and Braque’s Cubism. His tendency to break figures into tubular shapes earned his work the nickname “tubism”. In 1909, his work was shown in Paris galleries alongside Duchamp, Brancusi, and Picabia. Léger advocated for embracing the modern era. In a 1914 lecture entitled “Contemporary Achievements in Painting”, he likened the sharp contrast in his paintings to that between billboards and landscapes. Léger’s paintings explore unity of Impressionist-style sceneries with modern technology. Léger served in World War I until he was injured in 1917. This exposed Leger to a variety of modern technologies that began appearing in his work; in a 1922 letter, Leger wrote that he enjoys painting “forms necessitated by modern industry”, such as a furnace or machine gun (De Francia 41). Famously referring to modernity as “a life of fragments” (De Francia 46), Léger replicated disintegration with the fragmented posters, stairs, and dummies in his painting, “La Ville” (1919). In 1926, Leger produced the film Ballet mecanique, a non-narrative film that explores the simultaneous disunity and unity of the modern industrial era, through portrayal of machines at work. He stated in 1913 that modernity must “accept as its means of expression an art of dynamic divisionism” (Turvey 39) and look for classical ideals of nature and beauty within the fabrication of technology.

      I would be careful to not just list his major works, but to talk about trends in his work, or in his life. Right now, parts of this read like a list of his major works. I suggest being careful with this, and using the works as examples, rather than the focus. That way it will be the works in context of his life, rather than the other way around.

    2. Léger’s paintings explore unity of Impressionist-style sceneries with modern technology.


    3. advocated for embracing the modern era.

      how specifically? Use some more details in this semester

    4. The landscapes of his early work indicate remnants of Impressionism, notably in “My Mother’s Garden” (1905) and “Corsican Village at Sunset” (1905) (Leger & Schmalenbach, 10). Nearing World War I, however, he found the melodiousness of Impressionism irreconcilable with the tumultuous times, so he experimented with Picasso and Braque’s Cubism. His tendency to break figures into tubular shapes earned his work the nickname “tubism”. In 1909, his work was shown in Paris galleries alongside Duchamp, Brancusi, and Picabia.

      Good details!

    5. From an early age, Leger was attracted to media in various forms. After apprenticing in an architect’s office, he moved to Paris in 1900, where he studied privately under two professors at Ecole des Beaux-Arts

      Where was he born? Did he grow up in a family?

    6. Léger’s legacy has not been confined to Paris; the Manhattan Museum of Modern Art has exhibited his work five times, most recently in 1998. Leger’s work maintains relevance for ushering in the modern era, uniting traditional styles with industrialization and experimentation.

      I would expand more on his legacy. What is he remembered for? If his style is a focus, consider moving some of the earlier details here to add more to this.

    7. During the 1930s, Léger visited several countries to give lectures, including Berlin, the United States, and London. In 1945, he joined the French Communist Party. In 1955, he was awarded the Grand Prize at the Sao Paulo Bienal. He died in 1955.

      I would consider revising these sentences. Up to this point you've included both simple and complex sentences, and this paragraph has simple sentences.

    8. The works of Loy and Léger were often considered in the same circles. They moved to Paris three years apart and shared acquaintances like Picasso and Picabia. They reportedly met on at least one occasion at a Paris dinner party for notable figures in the art community (Burke). Julien Levy, a friend of both, filmed Loy and Leger for an experimental film series on artists at work.

      I think you can definitely expand this paragraph. This is one of the most important pieces of the biography, so you should consider adding more details an information into this.

    9. a friend of both, filmed Loy and Leger for an experimental film series on artists at work.

      more details

    10. They reportedly met on at least one occasion at a Paris dinner party for notable figures in the art community

      give more details.

    11. three years apart


    12. La Ville” (1919).

      keep in chronological order

    13. He stated in 1913

      why is this out of order?

    14. ”,

      comma inside quotation mark

    15. enjoys

      enjoyed. Keep the past tense

    16. injured

      what kind of injury?

    17. unity

      the unity

    18. ”,

      comma inside the quotation mark

    19. Fernand Léger was a notable French artist and filmmaker during the first half of the twentieth century. A Cubist painter, Leger is known for bold colors and geometric shapes, particularly those portraying modern machinery. Later in life, Leger created experimental films, including the well-known Ballet Mecanique (1926).

      Great start to the biography! Looks fantastic

    20. ”.

      Place the period inside the quotation mark

    1. Looks great!! No grammar issues, no big problems. You use a lot of semi colons to connect together sentences, maybe think about removing some of them just because you have a lot of very long sentences. But it's up to you!

    2. it

      add a space before it

    3. in which she was to be included

      I think you don't have to say this

    4. under Ford’s direction

      I think you need a comma after direction

    5. the initial

      the initial or an initial?

    6. hus, “Ford was to feel equally at home—and equally in exile—all over Europe and America” (Saunders 18).


    7. The Modernist Era was distinguishable for its incestuous artistic circle of authors, painters, musicians, and the like, but few artists were born into the circle as Ford Madox Ford was in December of 1873—the son of Francis Hueffer, a German music critic, and Catherine Madox Brown, an English painter, pianist, and model; thus much of Ford’s literary success unarguably stemmed from his upbringing.

      Maybe break this sentence up, it's a little long

    1. Fraser’s work in poetry has received much recognition. Her honors and awards include the New School’s Frank O’Hara Poetry Prize (1964) and the American Academy’s Discovery Award (1964), as well as a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts (1971, 1978) and a Guggenheim Fellowship (1981). Working with primarily small press publications, Fraser has published more than fifteen books, including mixed-genre collections, a chapbook of collaged wall pieces, and an essay collection.   Her published works include twelve volumes of poems and two children’s books: What I Want (1974), New Shoes (1978), Magritte Series (1977), Each Next: narratives (1980), Something (even human voices) in the foreground, a lake (1984), Notes Preceding Trust (1987), when new time folds up (1993), WING (1995), il cuore : the heart—Selected Poems 1970–1995 (1997), Translating the Unspeakable (2000), and Discrete Categories Forced into Coupling (2004).   Fraser now splits her time between San Francisco and Rome where she lives with her husband, the philosopher/playwright Arthur Bierman. She lectures and gives readings at a number of Italian universities and has translated Lampi e acqua, a book-length serial poem by Maria Obino (excerpts published in AVEC), and a selection of poems by Toni Maraini, Daniela Attanasi, Sara Zanghi and Giovanna Sandri (published in Thirteenth Moon, “Italian Women Writers” issue).  

      Although I think this information is fascinating, I'd consider cutting this to meet the word count simply because this info would be more crucial if the project were about her and not Loy.

    2. on of

      extra on, maybe?

    3. Fraser is inspired by Mina Loy, as well as other modernist women writers, questioning why the poetics of female voices and experiences have been marginalized and excluded from academic research and public realms. In an effort to recover the voices of American-women writers, Fraser, from 1983-1991, published, edited, and contributed to magazines entitled, HOW(ever), and later, HOW2. These magazines focus on innovative writing by contemporary women poets and writers and those culturally-abandoned texts by Anglo/American modernist women writers. Now online, these recovered collections include pieces from many contemporary authors (Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Denise Levertov), who bring to the forefront the importance of these absent modernist women’s voices in contemporary literature and culture.

      Really well-phrased!

    1. y

      add ,

    2. But as Dodge shaped her life in New York with increasing independence, she formed an image of herself distinct from those of the artists who attended her salon. In 1913, she proposed the idea for and helped organize the Patterson Strike Pageant. That year Dodge also promoted the Armory Show, where Stein’s poem, “Portrait of Mabel Dodge at Villa Curonia,” first appeared. After the Armory show, Gertrude Stein finally won recognition in America, and everyone in New York asked who Mabel Dodge was. People looked at her, not just at her guests.[6] In 1915, Dodge and journalist John Reed, who she met while organizing the Patterson Strike Pageant, became engaged. When Reed traveled to cover the Great War, Dodge met and began an affair with Maurice Sterne and lived with him in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. When Reed returned, Dodge offered him a bedroom and a writing studio. The three lived together for a few days until Reed moved out, ending his relationship with Dodge. She married Sterne in August 1917, and as she entered her third marriage, she adjusted her feminism: “For the mature woman, there is no father,” she wrote. “There is no master. There is only herself, free and alone.”[7] Dodge and Sterne spent most of their marriage apart, traveling between New York City and Croton at different times until, briefly after their honeymoon, Dodge eventually sent Sterne to New Mexico for fear that he was looking at other women. In November of 1917, Sterne called Dodge to meet him out west: “Dearest girl—Do you want an object in life? Save the Indians, their art—their culture—reveal it to the world!”[8] When they divorced in 1922, Sterne returned to the east coast, leaving Dodge in Taos, New Mexico. In 1923, she married Antonio (Tony) Luhan, a Native American who courted her before her divorce from Sterne.

      I feel like these are all saying something about her character; when you shorten your bio, perhaps these could be included in one brief, single paragraph

    3. certain


    4. As social entanglements, her presence at the center of the artists’ lives, and her boredom with Edwin took a toll on Dodge, she had a string of affairs and attempted suicide twice.

      This is a lot of important information shoved into one sentence; maybe revise.

    5. Arcetri,

      specify country because not everyone will know that this is, I am assuming Italy, because Florence is in Italy.

    6. Dodge made her début in Buffalo and, after attending an Episcopal girls school in Buffalo, another in New York City, and a finishing school in Washington, D.C., she married Karl Evans at age 21.

      Take a second look at this sentence; you should revise this.

    7. début

      what kind of debut? social? authorial?

    8. Dodg

      Is her last name Dodge or Luhan? I'm confused.

    9. Victorian, emotionally reserved and socially elite parents,

      Okay. I would maybe revise this to: "Born in Buffalo, NY in 1879 to emotionally reserved and socially elite Victorian parents"...otherwise, it sounds like he was born in 1879 to Victorian era.

    10. Mabel Dodge hosted three modernist salons—in Florence, New York City, and Taos, New Mexico—presiding over her guests as a friend and an intellectual provocateur. After standing at the center of these three salons, Dodge turned to memoir, forming the life she curated into her own art.

      What is this? A bio? Places she met Loy? I was under the assumption each section was to first include the summary info-- place of birth, date of birth, place of death, etc.

    1. Their social and artistic values kept them circling around each other in so many historical pages that it’s difficult to believe their relationship didn’t go beyond a mere photograph.


    2. would not have gone unnoticed by

      you use this phrase a few times; I would consider using a different phrase here

    3. Breton wrote to him so much exhorting him to move to Paris and join the fight there, that by the time Tzara arrived, he was treated like some sort of savior.


    4. particular


    5. All of these are people Loy would have known, or at the very least known of, and would have been in some form of contact with.

      consider using a semicolon prior to this sentence

    6. their

      I don't think you need this "their"

    7. ,

      Maybe place this after photograph.

    8. surrealist movement

      I'm guessing this is probably a personal decision, but I would capitalize these movements.

    9. avant garde movement

      Same as before, should this be capitalized?

    10. movement

      Should Movement be capitalized here since it's a proper noun?

    1. All 34 financial institutions, including Bank of America (BAC), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), and Citigroup (C), would be able to continue to lend to even under grim economic conditions -- a 10% unemployment rate, a sharp decline in housing prices and a severe recession in the eurozone. div.cnnhdr{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1em;vertical-align:top;height:30px;padding:8px 10px 7px 10px;width:300px;background:#77b7d9;color:#fff;font-family:'CNN',Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:500}div.cnnhdr img{max-width:120px;margin-bottom:-1px}div.collapsible{width:300px}div.collapsible.expanded{width:780px}div.collapsible.expanded #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{width:100%;min-width:780px}.collapsible #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{border:0;max-width:300px;width:100%;min-width:300px}#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{border:0;max-width:750px;width:100%;min-width:300px}.sa-hide-attribution #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img{display:none}#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img,#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img 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      Talking about how 10% has unployment rate and decline is housing prices

  2. Oct 2017
    1. You biography looks great! You are about 250 words over word count, so I would suggest looking at some places which you can condense and remove some of the material. One example of this is some of the quotes you use. Another example is when you're taking about Nicholls' argument. I also think that you need to move Nicholls' argument to a paragraph or two earlier. I would suggest to not end on Nicholls' argument, but rather the ambiguous nature of their relationship. You really want to end on fact instead of another critic's opinion.

    2. interactions

      Use a new word here. You say interaction in the previous sentence, so if you want to say interactions here, change interaction to relationship

    3. are

      make sure to change to is to have subject-verb agreement

    4. Yet, the frequency, nature, and depth of Pound’s interaction with Mina Loy remains ambiguous.

      This is an additional reason why I would be hesitant to quote Nicholls' argument as fact. Their relationship remains ambiguous. So while you can describe Nicholls' perspective and hypothesis, it remains a hypothesis.

    5. Peters

      Say Nicholls instead of Peters. His first name is Peter. Also, here, you will want to say "Peter Nicholls," using his full name the first time you refer to him.

    6. Finally, and most surprisingly, Peters notes the marked similarities in word choice and vocabulary between Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberley and Loy’s work as hints that Pound truly admired–and perhaps at times even strove to emulate–Loy’s abstract, emotionless writing style.

      Why I hesitate to take this as true is because Pound came before Loy. So you really need to qualify what you're saying because Nicholls has honestly a pretty controversial, and arguable, opinion.

    7. as hints that Pound truly admired–and perhaps at times even strove to emulate–Loy’s abstract, emotionless writing style.

      You need a citation or a quote here, something to actually prove what you're saying. Also, it's Nicholls' (not Peters'). Peter is the first name so you'll want to use his last name when referring to him. The first time you will want to use both his first and last name.

      The other thing, is that it's Nicholls' hypothesis. This isn't a proved fact, and you need to express it as Nicholls' opinion, his hypothesis, etc. not as a proved fact.

    8. erse?”

      You need one more sentence here to explain what point you're trying to make, to unpack these two examples of their interaction. What explicitly are you trying to say?

    9. points to the contrary

      I don't think this is what you want to be saying here. Pound admired and complimented Loy, but he still remains eminent in literary thought. Loy has a rise in appreciation currently, but their relationship does not actually point to the contrary. Pound was a critic of hers, not the other way around.

    10. Pound famously coined the term logopoiea–defined as “a dance of the intelligence among words and ideas and modification of ideas and characters”–to describe Loy’s writing.

      I would place the definition in a separate sentence. You already have a colon in this sentence so there are too many ideas in one sentence

    11. wherein the eminent Pound was a mentor or role model to the relatively obscure Loy


    12. one-way one

      just say "one-way"

    13. Wilmer states that Pound is frequently misunderstood: “If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted” (Wimer).

      I'm actually not sure if you need to quote Wilmer here. You frame your entire biography through the eyes of Loy, so to quote other authors seems to be unnecessary. I would either have Pound's biography as separate from Loy's perception of Pound, or I would remove this quote.

    14. Pound remains a divisive figure today. His brilliance as a poet, translator, and thinker are countered by his anti-American rhetoric and association with fascism, resulting in his imprisonment and fall from grace. Loy recalled that Pound “was like a child, and an old professor at the same time” and that he “was a sensitive man who didn’t think other people were sensitive.” Wilmer states that Pound is frequently misunderstood: “If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted” (Wimer). Following his institutionalization,, Pound returned to Venice and stopped writing. He died in Venice on November 1, 1972. His legacy is vast; Pound is widely considered the father of imagism and recognized for his work in both the imagist and modernist sphere

      You say "Pound remains a divisive figure today" in this paragraph, looking generally at Pound's legacy, but then insert where he died following his institutionalization. I would move the two sentences on his move to Venice and subsequent death to earlier, before you begin to look at his legacy. That way the ideas will connect

    15. ,,

      extra comma

    16. If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted”

      I'm not sure if you actually need this entire quote here. You highlight Wilmer's expression of Pound as misunderstood, but the quote addresses a lot more than just that. So I would cut out the second sentence, if not more of the quote.

    17. “was like a child, and an old professor at the same time” and that he “was a sensitive man who didn’t think other people were sensitive.

      maybe remove "and that he 'was'" and instead add "..." so that the quote is one long quote. Up to you, but it's a little awkward the way it is.

    18. His brilliance as a poet, translator, and thinker are countered by his anti-American rhetoric and association with fascism, resulting in his imprisonment and fall from grace.

      perhaps change the end of this sentence to "countered by his anti-American rhetoric, association with fascism, and imprisonment." The sentence as you have it doesn't clearly express the point you're making, which is "his brilliance in... is countered by..."

    19. Deemed insane, he spent 1946 to 1958

      I would say "several years, between 1946-1958," or something like that. Right now this sentence is a little choppy.

    20. He became an anti-war advocate, making several hundred broadcasts airing his political stances, many of which were anti-semitic and pro-fascism, in addition to explicitly critical of the United States’ war effort.

      Run on sentence, too many ideas in one sentence

    21. began to become

      Just say "became"

    22. In Paris, Pound developed a relationship with the young Ernest Hemingway, wrote an opera (which Mina Loy attended), and collaborated with T.S. Eliot in the editing of the latter’s famous poem “The Waste Land.”

      You have a lot of information in this sentence. I suggest 1. Including the dates he was in Paris, 2. List out these in terms of accomplishments. I.e., "Pound accomplished..." or "While in Paris, Pound was in connection two three major poets of the century..." somehow to frame how these are presented. There's a connection between them, so why not pull that out and make it stronger?

    23. Paris, and the impact

      No comma. Impact of what? WWI or his move to Paris? Specify

    24. the landscape of England, and the course of Pound’s career.

      Suggested revision: "changed not only the landscape of England, but also the course of Pound's career"

    25. His poetry focused on concrete, succinct language.


    26. His most famous work, “In a Station of the Metro,” was written in 1913. From 1912 to 1914, he also launched the Imagist movement, producing the first imagist manifesto.


    27. arrived

      Perhaps a stronger verb

    28. and soon published numerous collections of poetry and became an influential contributor to the New Freewoman/Egoist, Poetry, Others, The Little Review, and numerous other literary magazines.

      A little wordy. Perhaps only use one "and" or separate into two different sentences? I think the information is important, but I get a little lost in what you're saying here

    29. but traveled to both London in his twenties.

      Fragment sentence

    30. University of Pennsylvania.


    31. behind the literary movement.

      Maybe specify which movement? E.g. "this movement" since you mentioned modernist movement before

    32. “To speak of the modern movement is to speak of [Ezra Pound]; the masterly impresario of modern poets, for without the discoveries he made with his poet’s instinct for poetry, this modern movement would still be rather a nebula than the constellation it has become” (Loy 157-8).

      This quote is very good! I love the metaphor that she uses: it really sets up the focus of your biography from the start. Excellent!

    1. using the style tag and writing the CSS inside it or by using the link tag to link to a style sheet. Either of these tags go in the head portion of your HTML. 

      How to include CSS in a page/site. Goes in the Head

      1. Use <style> tag or</li> <li>Use <link> tag that points to a style sheet.</li> </ol> </style>
    1. Launching OER Degree Pathways: An Early Snapshot of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative and Emerging Lessons

      This is an early formal report on the findings of the ATD OER Degree program. I'm annotating as a part of the Open Education 2017 conference in Anaheim, where this snapshot was presented by Richard Sebastian and Rebecca Griffiths, and invite others to do the same. Im suing the opened17 tag, along with at tag related to this particular presentation there: opened17BXfW

    1. lowest MAPQ of reads indel realignment then increases is at MAPQ26 and in fact over 94% of increases are for MAPQ60 reads.


      Good to get summary stats for indel realigner step and check lowest MAPQ of reads realigned by indel realigner step. It is likely to be safe if lowest MAPQ is >20 for majority of realigned reads as those reads will be included anyways by HC (see table above)


      Where to get this stats?

      I can see target_intervals.list from realign step and recalibrated score summary from BQSR step under recal.data.table. How should I interpret these files and check if majority of indel realigned reads have MAPQ of >20 or other way around?

      Read Changes to alignment records under https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article.php?id=7156 can get OC tag to extract realigned read intervals and then extract those reads from both original bam and realigned bam to check change in MAPQ

      To subset realigned reads only into a valid BAM, as shown in the screenshots, use samtools view 7088_snippet_indelrealigner.bam | grep 'OC' | cut -f1 | sort > 7088_OC.txt to create a list of readnames. Then, follow direction in blogpost SAM flags down a boat on how to create a valid BAM using FilterSamReads.

    1. We are currently on the cusp of releasing a brand new version of the extension. See roadmap for more details The old one can still be found here: worldbrain.io/download

      Missing information:

      • Exact feature set of current version
      • Upcoming features: comment, tag and cluster pages, cloud support
    2. Easy [] - Updating the Acknowledgments Page. Adding Photos/Descriptions of everyone. Speak to @swissums for more details. [] - Adding Filter hooks for search queries. Medium [] - Add a note/notes to a page see issue #56 [] - Add bookmarks to new index implementation, speak to @poltak for further instructions. [] - Work on the Testing Suite see issue #102 Hard [] - Replacing Chrome History View see issue #101 [] - Add a read later version of the page issue #57

      I'd remove all this and instead link to a tag we give the corresponding issues, because It will be hell of a lot of work to keep this list up to date. Goes a bit like: https://github.com/WorldBrain/WebMemex/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement

      we could just link it behind the part above "easy, medium and hard tasks"

    1. latin and Greek

      Latin and Greek seems to be the language every student must know back then. According to the Notes on the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson, even college of William and Mary's "...admission of the learners of Latin and Greek filled the college with children." I understand that in the past, Latin and Greek were the base foundation of education and language, but I do not understand in what way they could be utilized into the people's ever day life. To this day, I still question why my elementary school taught us Latin since third grade.


    2. Encouraged therefore by the sentiments of the Legislature, manifested in this statute, we present the following tabular statement of the branches of learning which we think should be taught in the University, forming them into groups, each of which are within the powers of a single professor.

      In Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia", Query 15, "Colleges, buildings, and roads," discusses some of his views and observations of what kinds of these things existed at the time. He starts off by giving an overview of the College of William and Mary, which once was "the only public seminary of learning in this state" (276). T.J. describes the structure of W&M's first schools of learning at the time, which consisted of only six schools or "professorships" (Law, medicine, mathematics, moral philosophy, modern languages, and Indian conversion to Christianity). He comments that it would be proper for the college to soon add more professorships, specifically more of those of science and the ancient languages and literature of the North. I would say that these observations of W&M served as some inspiration to Jefferson's ideas for UVA that he describes in the Rockfish report. The commissioners provide an outline of the desired branches of learning which consist of ten branches, covering significantly more material than the six offered by W&M at the time. Also, Jefferson sticks to his notion of the importance of the Ancient Languages and the Sciences which he suggested for W&M, which can be seen through the prevalence of these languages and a vast variety of scientific topics within the proposed branches. Jefferson used his observations of the only Virginian college of the time and expanded on its structure when designing his own university. http://web.archive.org/web/20110221131407/http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=JefVirg.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=15&division=div1

    1. There are further projects we might undertake, i

      To do list going forward as suggested by Bethany Nowviskie.

      1. more effective communication
      2. foster collaborations
      3. find nobility in metadata enhancement, project maintenance & forward migration
      4. more agendas of empathy
      5. greater attention to matters of accessibility, minimal c computing (not sure what this is exactly!!)
      6. Libraries - need robust discourse around ephemerality. ( this is the concept of things being transitory, existing only briefly.)
      7. attend to the environmental & human cost of DH : CARBON FOOTPRINT , PRICE TAG
      8. bring technological savvy & deep historical conscience into the politics of 21st century.
      9. Amplify our voices
    1. This sort of findings will be stored and coded in a knowledge network so as to promote the examination and analysis of the social interaction in the Greek society

      found it and annotate with person tag this is a development server

    1. Then, based on qualitative data analysis findings and observations we classified VAMs into particular types and designed the resources needed for the computational treatment of the proposed framework.

      found it and annotate with person tag this is a development server

    1. his ~ choice of words-"small people" -infuriated the public

      Speeches that are delivered across any media should be very thoroughly examined before the public ever hears them. Typically in speeches and advertisements alike there is a tag line for the audience to take away that is memorable and catchy.

      If this were an advertisement in the form of an appealing commercial, "BP cares about the small people" seems like a great phrase to bring in customers who like the idea of a family oriented, personal business. In this case, it is not the word choice of the speech that create controversy, but rather the words in context. It is hard to make a corporation who just had a major accident that will seriously affect natural life feel like a company with good intentions and a familial atmosphere. You also have to consider the attitude of the audience to determine how open they are to accepting your statements. A consumer watching TV or reading an online ad may be neutral or accepting of your product without much convincing. In this case, however, the audience was not open-minded consumers.

      This speech serves not only to assuage the current audience, but also will be for reference in the future. When someone looks into BP, they will not only judge their products but their track record as a company. If they handled the issue well, it could potentially change the minds of customers who have bad first impressions of what they stand for. Additionally, if the spill has any sort of lasting impact as an ecological issue, it is likely that their statements will follow in the story, therefore they had to choose carefully to please multiple audiences.

  3. Sep 2017
    1. Thanks to Maha Bali for organizing this public annotation of an important text. As Maha mentioned briefly at the end of her blog post, the theme of this text and digciz conversation connects nicely with the 2017-18 Marginal Syllabus theme of Writing Our Civic Futures. For those who don't know, the Marginal Syllabus convenes and sustains conversations about issues of equity in teaching, learning, and education. Writing Our Civic Futures invites educators - and those who care about education, like students - to a year of social reading, collaborative web annotation, and public conversation that explores our civic imaginations and literacy landscapes. As civic engagement changes and evolves, Writing Our Civic Futures will consider implications for connected learning and teaching. Click here to learn more about Writing Our Civic Futures and the Marginal Syllabus. As you read and annotate this text, you're invited to tag your annotations with "marginalsyllabus" (as I've done, below). And we'll be sure to add The Copenhagen Letter to a list of complementary syllabus texts featured on the Marginal Syllabus website.

    1. The Public Domain Mark operates as a tag or a label, allowing institutions like those as well as others with such knowledge to communicate that a work is no longer restricted by copyright and can be freely used by others.  The mark can also be an important source of information, allowing others to verify a work’s copyright status and learn more about the work.

      This tool allows for people in all different job areas to be aware of works and their copyright statuses

    1. The devil stands ready to fall upon them, and seize them as his own, at what moment God shall permit him

      God and satan are a tag team on sinners!

    1. Une élection est l’occasion de réviser le pacte social. Celle de 2017 vient en France après une décennie de faible croissance économique qui n’a permis de réduire ni le chômage ni la dette publique. L’économie allemande a bénéficié d’une parité monétaire favorable à ses exportations mondiales, les gouvernements français ont profité de l’euro pour financer la dette à moindre coût et maintenir les emplois publics. Cependant, la réduction de la mobilité sociale qui va de pair avec le vieillissement relatif de la population, la concentration territoriale des difficultés sociales et la pression financière que les « dépenses contraintes » font peser sur la majorité des foyers renforcent le désenchantement du monde thématisé voici un siècle par Max Weber 1 . Une pauvreté durable pour beaucoup et un monde social marqué pour la plupart par l’emprise des données que nous consommons et émettons par tous les canaux d’information, et qui augmentent en permanence l’inquiétude de l’avenir. Tout nous incite à tenir les biens immatériels qui sont au cœur du social pour des instances pratiquement automatisées et garanties, et à limiter notre information à ce qui vient confirmer nos croyances. Dans une démocratie tenue pour un service, le vote exprime une réclamation privée autant qu’un engagement civique.

      Première annotation, yallah.

    1. When discussing personal attachment in class, I like to use the analogyof packages (gifts) that have nametags attached to them with strings. Hereis a package with a string attached to a paper tag that says ‘‘John’s view’’and over here is a package with a string attached to a tag that is labeled‘‘Ann’s view,’’ and so on for each package. I ask students to imaginepulling out a pair of scissors and cutting all the strings and throwingthe nametags away. At this point we can just examine the packages andnot concern ourselves with whether they ‘‘belong to’’ any particularperson. There is now no ‘‘your view’’ and ‘‘my view,’’ only ‘‘the view thatwe are examining right now.’’ Doing this makes it much easier to changeone’s mind, and to avoid feeling that one has to ‘‘dig in’’ anddefendapersonal position.

      I feel like this is a good way to approach opinions in philosophy. Often people offended very quickly by another's own opinions, and not labeling someones opinion as their won provides protection from backlash.

    1. For my visual annotation I chose paragraph 31 on page 150. "I was shocked to realize that some things are not worth acquiring." When I analyze this quote I picture a poor man/woman who are surprised that a wealthy person is throwing away a perfectly good meal or leftovers. The poor people sort of live to the fullest, where as the rich people take what they have for granted because they have so much and do not realize it.

    1. Unlike abranch, however, a tag does not get spontaneously updatedoncommit.

      Indeed. They are pointers to commits. And any published tag SHOULD NOT be updated.

    1. blood-brain barriers

      By clicking the fluoride tag, I found many other articles mentioning how fluoride is dangerous for blood-brain barriers in some way. For an example: http://www.naturalnews.com/055455_fluoridated_medications_prescription_drugs_blood-brain_barrier.html

    2. fluoride

      By clicking on this tag, I was brought to a page with about 50 other articles from Natural News about various negative effects of fluoride.

    1. FireDisc, the premium portable propane cooker

      Missing H1 tag on homepage - please update this section to H1 intead of H2

    1. intrigued to learn

      There was a also brief mention of the Hypothesis API, including: Read a single annotation; Search for annotations for a URI, user, group, tag, or text; Create annotations; Update annotations; Delete annotations

    1. In parallel, we engineered a new KDM5B construct with a 10X HA-tag SM (HA-KDM5B) (5) to complement FLAG-KDM5B (formerly referred to as SM-KDM5B), as shown in Fig. 4A. As a first application of this technology, we wanted to test if polysomes interact with each other to form higher-order structures that can translate two distinct mRNAs at the same time.

      To determine whether multiple polysomes can interact with one another to translate multiple mRNAs, the authors transfected two KDM5B genes into the cell, one containing the HA SM tag and one containing the FLAG SM tag. These two tags can be detected by different antibodies bound to different color fluorochromes.

    2. HA

      A protein used by influenza virus to enter cells and infect them. Here it is used to as a tag to label proteins as they are translated so that translation and protein movement can be seen.

    3. To measure the lifetime of Fab binding, we performed fluorescence recovery

      Photobleaching or FRAP uses laser light to quench the fluorescence being emitted by the fluorescent tag. The fluorescence can be recovered by Fab antibodies leaving the translated proteins and being replaced by new antibodies. Thus, this experiment can determine how length of time that the Fab antibodies can bind to the newly translated proteins. These experiments were used to gather baseline data to determine the rate of transcriptional elongation.

    4. Besides their brightness, NCT also revealed differences in the mobility of polysomes. We quantified this by measuring the mean squared displacement of tracked polysomes as a function of time.

      Using the FLAG tag described above, the authors measured how quickly the ribosomes translated the proteins by determining when the ribosomes left the mRNA after translation.