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Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Kanie et al have recently characterized DAP protein CEP89 as important for the recruitment of the ciliary vesicle. Here, they describe a novel interacting partner for CEP89 that can bind membranes and therefore mediates its role in ciliary vesicle recruitment. An initial LAP tag pull-down and mass spectrometry experiment finds NCS-1 and C3ORF14 as CEP89 interactors. This interaction is mapped in the context of the ciliary vesicle formation. From the data presented, it is clear that, upon knockout, the function of these proteins might be compensated by others, as the phenotype can eventually recover over time.
In terms of the biological significance of this interaction, it would be good to examine (via co-immunoprecipitation) whether the CEP89/NCS-1/C3ORF14 interaction takes place upon serum starvation. Does the complex change?
Also, for the subdistal appendage localization of NCS-1 and C3ORF14, would this also change upon serum starvation?
For the ciliation results and the recruitment of IFT88 in CEP89 knockout cell lines, this contradicts previous work from Tanos et al (PMID: 23348840), as well as Hou et al (PMID: 36669498). A parallel comparison using siRNA, a transient knockout system, or a degron system would help understand this. A similar point goes for Figure 4, where the effect on ciliogenesis is minimal in knockout cells, but acute siRNA has been shown to have a stronger phenotype.
An elegant phenotype rescue is shown in Figure 5. An interesting question would be, how does this mutant and/or the myristoylation affect the recruitment of C3ORF14?
For the EF-hand mutants, it would be good to use control mutants, from known Ca2+ binding proteins as a control for the experiment shown.
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# Your answers here # Konvertiere die Einheiten (m pro Tag -> mm pro Tag) precipitation = ds['tp'] * 1000 # Konvertiere von Meter auf Millimeter (1m = 1000mm) # Berechne den durchschnittlichen Niederschlag pro Monat monthly_precipitation = precipitation.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') # Monate Januar (1) und August (8) months = [1, 8] # Setze das Colormap für die Karte cmap = 'YlGnBu' # Levels für die Farbabstufung levels = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 40] # Erstelle die Plots für Januar und August untereinander, mit der Robinson-Projektion fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12), subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.Robinson()}) for i, month in enumerate(months): # Wähle die Achse für den jeweiligen Plot ax = axs[i] # Erstelle die Karte für den entsprechenden Monat data = monthly_precipitation.sel(month=month) # Plot der Niederschlagskarte data.plot(ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=cmap, levels=levels, cbar_kwargs={'label': 'Precipitation (mm/day)'}) # Füge Küstenlinien und Gitterlinien hinzu ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, linewidth=0.5, color='gray', linestyle='--') # Setze den Titel je nach Monat ax.set_title(f'Average Daily Precipitation in {["January", "August"][i]}') # Zeige die Plots plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
Looks good! ;-)
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rabbit anti-Myc tag
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.015839
Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 2278, RRID:AB_490778)
Curator: @Naa003
SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_490778
rabbit anti-HA tag
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.015839
Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3724, RRID:AB_1549585)
Curator: @Naa003
SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_1549585
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When I inquire about gifted and talented (GAT or TAG) programs, many of them instinctively begin to describe, in detail, the differentiated curricu-lum, enrichment opportunities, and vastly different experiences each program entails. Children of color, boys, and students from economically exploited backgrounds are consistently excluded and underrepresented in such programs (Callahan, 2005).
I found this especially to be true growing up in elementary school, where there were much more kids from underprivileged backgrounds in the non magnet/gifted programs. However, I did not question or understand why this was at such a young age.
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Example Chapter for the Open Curriculum Development Model
Explore equity-minded design strategies and choices in this example chapter! Select a numbered tag to jump to each annotation on the page. Each annotation is accessible to people who use screen reader software.
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Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.
Learn more at Review Commons
Reply to the reviewers
We thank the reviewers for their general comment and for the critical evaluation of our analyses and results interpretation. Their comments greatly helped us to improve the manuscript.
- *
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: An analysis of an Arabidopsis VSP13 presumed lipid transport is provided. The analysis pretty much follows similar studies done on yeast and human homologs. Key findings are the identification of multiple products from the locus due to differential splicing, analysis of lipid binding and transport properties, subcellular location, tissue specific promoter activity, mutant analysis suggesting a role in lipid remodeling following phosphate deprivation, but no physiological or growth defects of the mutants. Major points: The paper is generally written and documented, the experiments are well conducted and follow established protocols. The following major points should be considered:
There are complementary lipid binding assays that should be considered such as liposome binding assays, or lipid/western dot blots. All of these might give slightly different results and may inform a consensus. Of course, non-membrane lipids such as TAG cannot be tested in a liposome assay.
Concerning lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), it is important to differentiate the lipid binding capacity related to the transport specificity (which lipids are transported by a LTP?) from the lipid binding capacity linked to the targeting of a LTP to a specific membrane (a LTP can bind a specific lipid via a domain distinct from the lipid transfer domain to be targeted in cells, but will not transport this lipid). Both aspects are of high interest to be determined. Our goal here was to focus on the identification of the lipids bound to AtVPS13M1 and to be likely transported, which is why we used a truncation (1-335) corresponding to the N-term part of the hydrophobic tunnel. Liposome binding assays and lipid dot blots are necessary to answer the question of the membrane binding capacity of the protein. We think that this aspect is out of the scope of the current article as it will require to express and purify other AtVPS13M1 domains that are known to bind lipids such as the two PH domains and the C2. This will be the scope of future investigations in our lab.
Similarly, lipid transfer based only on fluorophore-labeled lipids may be misleading because the fluorophore could affect binding. It is mentioned that the protein in this assay is tethered by 3xHis to the liposomes. Un less I ma missing something, I do not understand how that should work. This needs to be better explained.
We truly agree with Reviewer 1 that the presence of a fluorophore could affect lipid binding to the protein. In this assay, lipids are labeled on their polar head and it is therefore difficult to conclude about the specificity of our protein in term of transport. This assay is used as a qualitative assay to show that AtVPS13M1(1-335) is able to transfer lipids in vitro, and in the manuscript, we did not make any conclusion about its transport specificity based on this assay, but rather used the binding assay to assess the binding, and likely transport, specificity of AtVPS13M1. FRET-based assay is a well-accepted assay in the lipid transfer community to easily probe lipid transport in vitro and has been used in the past to assess transfer capacity of different proteins, including for VPS13 proteins (for examples, see (Kumar et al., 2018; Hanna et al., 2022; Valverde et al., 2019)).
To be able to transfer lipids from one liposome to another, both liposomes have to be in close proximity. Therefore, we attached our protein on donor acceptors, to favor the transport of the fluorescent lipids from the donor to the acceptor liposomes. Then, we progressively increased acceptor liposomes concentration to favor liposome proximity and the chance to have lipid transfer. We added a scheme on Figure 3B of the revised version of the manuscript to clarify the principle of the assay. In addition, we provided further control experiments suggested by Reviewers 2 and 3 showing that the fluorescence signal intensity depend on AtVPS13M1(1-335) protein concentration and that no fluorescence increase is measured with a control protein (Tom20.3) (see Figure 3C-D of the revised manuscript).
The in vivo lipid binding assay could be obscured by the fact that the protein was produced in insect cells and lipid binding occurs during the producing. What is the evidence that added plants calli lipids can replace lipids already present during isolation.
Actually we don’t really know whether the insect cells lipids initially bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) are replaced by calli lipids or whether they bound to still available lipid binding sites on the protein. But we have two main lines of evidence showing that our purified protein can bind plant lipids even in the presence of insect cells lipids: 1) our protein can bind SQDG and MGDG, two plants specific lipids, and 2) as explained p.8 (lines 243-254), lipids coming from both organisms have a specific acyl-chain composition, with insect cells fatty acids mainly composed of C16 and C18 with 0 or 1 unsaturation whereas plant lipids can have up to 3 unsaturations. By analyzing and presenting on the histograms lipid species from insect cells, calli and those bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335), we were able to conclude that for all the lipid classes besides PS, a wide range of lipid species deriving from both organisms was bound to our protein. The data about the lipid species bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) are presented in Figure 2E and S2.
The effects on lipid composition of the mutants are not very drastic from what I can tell. Furthermore, how does this fit with the lipid composition of mitochondria where the protein appears to be mostly located?
It is true that lipid composition variations in the mutants are not drastic but still statistically significant. As a general point in the field of lipid transfer, it is not very common to have major changes in total lipidome on single mutants of lipid transfer proteins because of a high redundancy of lipid transport pathway in cells. This is particularly true for VPS13 proteins, as exemplified by multiple studies. Major lipid phenotypes can be revealed in specific conditions, such as phosphate starvation in our case, or when looking at specific organelles or specific tissues and/or developmental stages. This is explained and illustrated by examples in the discussion part p. 16 (line 526-532). In addition, as suggested by Reviewer 3, we performed further lipid analysis on calli and also on rosettes under Pi starvation and found a similar trend (Figure 4 and S4 of the revised version of the manuscript). Thus, we believe that, even if not drastic, these variations during Pi starvation are a real phenotype of our mutants.
As we found that our protein is located at the mitochondrial surface, we agree that Reviewer 1’s suggestion to perform lipidomic analyses on isolated mitochondria will be of high interest but this will be the scope of future studies that we will performed in our lab. First, we would like to identify all the organelles at which AtVPS13M1 is localized before performing subfractionations of these different organelles from the same pool of cell cultures grown in presence or absence of phosphate.
For the localization of the fusion protein, has it been tested whether the furoin is functional? This should be tested (e.g. by reversion of lipid composition).
As we did not observe major developmental phenotypes in our mutants, complementation should be indeed tested by performing lipidomic analyses in calli or plants grown in presence or absence of Pi, which is a time-consuming and expensive experiment. Because we used the fusions mainly for tissue expression study and subcellular localization and not for functional analyses, we believe that this is not an essential control to be performed for this work.
It is speculated that different splice forms are located to different compartments. Can that be tested and used to explain the observed subcellular location patterns?
Indeed some splice forms can modify the sequence of domains putatively involved in protein localization. This could be tested by producing synthetic constructs with one specific exon organization, which is challenging according to the size of AtVPS13M1 cDNA (around 12kb). In addition, our long-read sequencing experiment and PCR analyses revealed the existence of six transcripts, a major one representing around 92% and the five others representing less than 2.5% (Figure 1D). Among the five less abundant transcripts, four produce proteins with a premature stop codon and are likely to arise from splicing defects as explained in the discussion part p. 15 (lines 488-496). One produces a full-length protein with an additional loop in the VAB domain but because of the low abundance of this alternative transcript (1.4%), we believe it does not contribute significantly to the major localization we observed in plants and did not attend to analyze its localization.
GUS fusion data only probe promoter activity but not all levels of gene expression. That caveat should be discussed.
We are aware of this drawback and that is the reason why we fused the GUS enzyme directly to our protein expressed under its native locus (i.e. with endogenous promoter and exons/introns) as depicted in Figure 5A. Therefore, our construction allows to assess directly AtVPS13M1 protein level in plant tissues.
Minor points: 1. Extraplastidic DGDG and export from chloroplasts following phosphate derivation was first reported in PMID: 10973486.
We added this reference in the text.
Check throughout the correct usage of gene expression as genes are expressed and proteins produced.
Many thanks for this remark, we modified the text accordingly
In general, the paper is too long. Redundancies between introduction, results and discussion should be removed to streamline.
We reduced the text to avoid redundancy.
I suggest to redraw the excel graphs to increase line thickness and enlarge font size to increase presentation and readability.
We tried as much as we can to enlarge graphs and font size increasing readability.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Significance: Interorganellar lipid trafficking is an important topic and especially under studied in plants. Identifying components involved represents significant progress in the field. Similarly, lipid remodeling following phosphate derivation is an important phenomenon and the current advances our understanding.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: The manuscript "AtVPS13M1 is involved in lipid remodelling in low phosphate and is located at the mitochondria surface in plants" by Leterme et al. identifies the protein VPS13M1 as a lipid transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana with important functions during phosphate starvation. The researchers were able to localise this protein to mitochondria via GFP-targeting in Arabidopsis. Although VPS13 proteins are well described in yeast and mammals, highlighting their importance in many vital cellular processes, there is very little information on them in plants. This manuscript provides new insights into plant VPS13 proteins and contributes to a better understanding of these proteins and their role in abiotic stress responses, such as phosphate starvation.
Major points: - Please describe and define the domains of the VPS13M1 protein in detail, providing also a figure for that. Figure 1 is mainly describing possible splice variants, whereas the characteristics of the protein are missing.
We have added information on AtVPS13M1 domain organization in the introduction (p.4, lines 103-109) and referred to Figure 1A that described protein domain organization. We did not added too much details as plant VPS13 protein domains organization was extensively described in two previous studies cited several times in the manuscript (Leterme et al., 2023; Levine, 2022).
- Please compare the expression level of VPS13M1 in the presence and in the absence of phosphate.
Many thanks for this suggestion. We performed qRT-PCR analyses of AtVPS13M1 from mRNA extracted from calli grown six days in presence and absence of phosphate. The results obtained did not reveal variations in mRNA level. The results were added in Figure S1A of the revised version of the manuscript and discussed in p.5 (lines 154-156).
- Page 9, second paragraph: Here, the lipid transport capability of AtVPS13M1 is described. Varying concentrations of this recombinant protein should be used in this test. Further, it is not highlighted, that a truncated version of VSP13M1 is able to transport lipids. This is surprising, since this truncated version is less than 10% of the total protein (only aa 1-335).
We agree with reviewer 2 that increasing protein concentration is an important control to perform. We included an experiment with an increasing quantity of protein (2X and 4X) in the revised version of the manuscript and showed that the signal intensity increased faster when protein concentration is higher (Figure 3D of the revised manuscript). As requested by Reviewer 3, we also included a negative control with Tom20.3 to show that the signal increase after the addition of AtVPS13M1(1-335) is specific to this protein (Figure 3C of the revised manuscript).
The transport ability of the N-terminal part of VPS13 was demonstrated in yeast and mammals VPS13D (Kumar et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2021). We highlighted this p. 7 (lines 213-218) of the revised version of the manuscript. This is explained by the inherent structure of VPS13 proteins that are composed of several repeats of the same domain type called RBG (for repeating β-groove), each forming a β-sheet with a hydrophobic surface. The higher the number of RBG repeats, the longer the hydrophobic tunnel is. The (1-335) N-terminal region corresponds to two RBG unit repeats forming a “small” tunnel able to bind and transfer lipids. The number of RBG repeats has influence on the quantity of lipids bound per protein in vitro, the longest the protein is, the highest the number of lipid molecules bound is (Kumar et al., 2018), but the effect on protein length on in vitro lipid transfer capacity has not been investigated yet to the best of our knowledge.
- Also, for phenotype analysis, T-DNA insertion mutants are used that still contain VPS13M1 transcripts. Although protein fragments where not detected by proteomic analysis, this might be due to low sensitivity of the proteomic assay. Further the lipid transport domain of VPS13M1 (aa 1-335) might not be affected by the T-DNA insertions at all. Here more detailed analysis needs to be done to prove that indeed loss-of protein function occurs in the mutants.
We do not have other methods than proteomic to test whether our mutants are KO or not. We tried unsuccessfully to produce antibodies. Mass spectrometry is the most sensitive method but the absence of detection indeed does not mean the absence of the protein. From proteomic data, we can conclude that at least, our mutants present a decrease in AtVPS13M1 protein level, thus we called them “knock down” in the revised version of the manuscript and added the following sentence p. 9 (lines 297-300): “As the absence of detection of a protein by mass spectrometry-based proteomics does not allow us to strictly claim the absence of this protein in the sample, we concluded that AtVPS13M1 expression in both atvps13m1-1 and atvps13m1-4 was below the detection limit and consider them as knock down (KD) for AtVPS13M1.”
- Localisation in mitochondria: As the Yepet signal is very weak, a control image of not transfected plant tissue needs to be included. Otherwise, it might be hard to distinguish the Yepet signal from background signal. The localisation data presented in Figure 5 does not allow the conclusion that VPS13M1 is localized at the surface of mitochondria as stated in the title. It only indicates (provided respective controls see above) that VPS13M1 is in mitochondria. Please provide more detailed analysis such as targeting to tobacco protoplasts, immunoblots or in vitro protein import assays. Also test +Pi vs. -Pi to see if VPS13M1 localisation is altered in dependence of Pi.
Indeed our Yepet signal is not very strong but on the experiments we performed on Col0 non-transformed plants, we did not very often see fluorescence background in the leaves’ vascular tissue, that is why we focused our study on this tissue. We sometimes observed some background signals in some cells that are clearly different from AtVPS13M1-3xYepet signals and never co-localized with mitochondria. Examples of these aspecific signals are presented in Figure S6E of the revised version of the manuscript.
We agree with reviewer 2 that our confocal images suggested, but not demonstrated, a localization at the surface of mitochondria. To confirm the localization, we generated calli cell cultures from AtVPS13M1-3xYepet lines and performed subcellular fractionations and western blot analyses confirming that AtVPS13M1 was indeed enriched in mitochondria and also in microsomal fractions (Figure 6G of the revised version). Then we performed mild proteolytic digestion of the isolated mitochondria with thermolysin and show that AtVPS13M1 was degraded, as the outer membrane protein Tom20.3, but not the inner membrane protein AtMic60, showing that AtVPS13M1 is indeed at the surface of mitochondria (Figure 5H of the revised manuscript). We believe that this experiment, in addition to the confocal images showing a signal around mitochondria, convincingly demonstrates that AtVPS13M1 is located at the surface of mitochondria.
The localization of AtVPS13M1 under Pi starvation is a very important question that we tried to investigate without success. Indeed, we intended to perform confocal imaging on seedlings grown in liquid media to easily perform Pi starvation as described for the analysis of AtVPS13M1 tissue expression with β-glucuronidase constructs. However, the level of fluorescence background was very high in seedlings and no clear differences between non-transformed and AtVPS13M1-3xYepet lines were observed, even in root tips where the protein is supposed to be the most highly expressed according to β-glucuronidase assays. Example of images obtained are presented in Figure R1. We concluded that the level of expression of our construct was too low in seedlings. The constructions of lines with a higher AtVPS13M1 expression level, by changing the promotor, to better analyze AtVPS13M1 in different tissues or in response to Pi starvation will be the scope of future work in our laboratory in order to investigate AtVPS13M1 localization under low Pi.
Phenotype analysis needs to be done under Pi stress and not under cold stress! Further, root architecture and root growth should also be done under Pi depletion. Here the title is also misleading, it is not at all clear why the authors switch from phosphate starvation to cold stress.
In the revised version of the manuscript, we analyzed the seedlings root growth of two mutants (atvps13m1-3 and m1-4) under low Pi and did not notice significant differences (Figure 7E, S7D of the revised version). We analyzed growth under cold stress because this stress also promotes remodeling of lipids, but we agree that it goes beyond the scope of this article that is focused on Pi starvation and we removed this part from the revised manuscript.
Minor points: Page 3, line 1: what does the abbreviation VPS stand for?
The definition of VPS (Vacuolar Protein Sorting) was added.
Page 3, line 1: change "amino acids residues" to "amino acid residues"
This was done.
Page 3, line 8 - 12: please rewrite this sentence. You write, that because of their distribution VPS13 proteins do exhibit many important physiological roles. The opposite is true: They are widely distributed in the cell because of their involvement in many physiological processes.
We changed the sentence to “ VPS13 proteins localize to a wide variety of membranes and membrane contact sites (MCSs) in yeast and human (Dziurdzik and Conibear, 2021). This broad distribution on different organelles and MCSs is important to sustain their important roles in numerous cellular and organellar processes such as meiosis and sporulation, maintenance of actin skeleton and cell morphology, mitochondrial function, regulation of cellular phosphatidylinositol phosphates level and biogenesis of autophagosome and acrosome (Dziurdzik and Conibear, 2021; Hanna et al., 2023; Leonzino et al., 2021).”
Page 6, line6: change "cDNA obtained from A. thaliana" to "cDNA generated from A. thaliana.
This was done.
Page 6, line 10: change" 7.6kb" to "7.6 kb"
This was done.
Page 7: address this question: can the isoforms form functional VPS13 proteins? This might help to postulate whether these isoforms are a result of defective splicing events.
We addressed this aspect in the discussion p.15 at lines 486-502.
Figure 2 B: Change "AtVPS13M1"to "AtVPS13M1(1-335)"
This was done.
Figure 2, legend: -put a blank before µM in each case.
This was done.
-Change 0,125µM to 0.125 µM
This was done.
-what does "in absence (A-0µM)" mean?
This means that the Acceptor liposomes are at 0 µM. To clarify, we changed it to “Acceptor 0 µM” in the revised version of the manuscript (Figure 3C).
-Which statistical analysis was employed?
We performed a non-parametric Mann-Whitney test in the revised version of the manuscript. This was indicated in the legend.
-Further, rewrite the sentence "Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of lipids bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) or Tom20 (negative control) after incubation with calli total lipids. Results are expresses in nmol of lipids per nmol of proteins (C) or in mol% (D)". -"C" and "D" are not directly comparable, as in "C" no Tom20 was used and in "C" no insect cells were used.
-Further, in "D" the experimental setup is not clear. AtVPS13(1-335) is supposed to be purified protein after incubation with calli lipids (figure 2, A). Further, in the same figure, lipid composition of "insect cells" and "calli-Pi" are compared àwhy? Please clarify this.
C and D are two different representations of the same results providing different types of information. In C., the results are expressed in nmol of lipids / nmol of proteins to assess 1) that the level of lipids found in AtVPS13M1(1-335) purifications is significantly higher than what we can expect from the background (assessed using Tom20) and 2) what are the classes of lipids that associate or not to AtVPS13M1(1-335). In D. the lipid distribution in mol% is presented for AtVPS13M1(1-335) as well as for total extracts from calli and insect cells to be able to compare if one lipid class is particularly enriched or not in AtVPS13M1(1-335) purifications compared to the initial extracts with which the protein was incubated. As an example, it allows to deduce that the absence of DGDG detected in the AtVPS13M1(1-335) purifications is not linked to a low level of DGDG in the calli extract, because it represented around 15 mol%, but likely to a weak affinity of the protein for this lipid. We did not represent the Tom20 lipid distribution on this graph because it represents background of lipid binding to the purification column and might suggest that Tom20 binds lipids. We changed the legend in this way and hope that it is clearer now: “C-D. Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of lipids bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) or Tom20 (negative control) after incubation with calli total lipids and repurification. Results are expresses in nmol of lipids per nmol of proteins in order to analyze the absolute quantity of the different lipid classes bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) compared to Tom20 negative control (C), and in mol% to assess the global distribution of lipid classes in AtVPS13M1(1-335) purifications compared to the total lipid extract of insect cells and calli (D).”
Figure 3: -t-test requires a normal distribution of the data. This is not possible for an n=3. Please use an adequate analysis.
We performed more replicates and used non-parametric Mann-Whitney analyses in the revised version of the manuscript.
-Please clarify the meaning of the letters on the top of the bars in the legend.
This corresponded to the significance of t-tests performed in the first version of the manuscript that were reported in Table S3. As in the new version we performed Mann-Whitney tests, we highlighted the significance by stars and in the figure legends.
Please, make it clear that two figures belong to C.
This was clarified in the legend.
-Reorganise the order of figure 3 (AàBàCàD)
Because of the configuration of the different histograms presented in the figure, we were not able to change the order but we believed that the graphs can be easily red this way.
Page 10, 3. Paragraph: since the finding, that no peptides were found in the VSP13M1 ko lines, although transcription was not altered, is surprising, please include the proteomic data in the supplement
Proteomic data were deposited on PRIDE with the identifier PXD052019. They will remain not publicly accessible until the acceptance of the manuscript.
Page 11, line 17: The in vitro experiments showed a low affinity of VSP13M1 towards galactolipids. It is further claimed that this is consistent with the finding of the AtVSP13M1 Ko line in vivo, that in absence of PI, no change in DGDG content could be observed. However, the "absence" of VSP13M1 in vivo might still result in a bigger VSP13M1 protein, than the truncated form (1-335) used for the in vitro experiments
It is true that our in vitro experiments were performed only with a portion of AtVPS13M1 and that the length of the protein could influence protein binding specificity. We removed this assessment from the manuscript.
Page 13, lane 8: you should reconsider the use of a triple Yepet tag: If two or more identical fluorescent molecules are in close proximity, their fluorescence emission is quenched, which results in a weak signal (as the one that you obtained). See: Zhuang et al. 2000 (PNAS) Fluorescence quenching: A tool for single-molecule protein-folding study
Many thanks to point this paper. We use a triple Yepet because AtVPS13M1 has a very low level of expression and because this strategy was used successfully to visualize proteins for which the signal was below the detection level with a single GFP (Zhou et al., 2011). The quenching of the 3xYepet might also depend on the conformation they adopt on the targeting protein.
Page 13, line 14: change 1µm to 1 µm
This was done.
Page 13, line 29: please reduce the sentence to the first part: if A does not colocalize with B, it is not necessary to mention that B does not colocalise with A.
The sentence was modified accordingly.
Page 14, 2. Paragraph: it is not conclusive that phenotype analysis is suddenly conducted with plants under cold stress, since everything was about Pi-starvation and the role of VSP13M1. Lipid remodelling under Pi stress completely differs from the lipid remodelling under cold stress.
We eliminated this part in the revised version of the manuscript.
Page 14, line 20: change figure to Figure
This was done.
Page 07, line 17: change artifact to artefact
This was done.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
General assessment: The paper is well written and technically sound. However, some points could be identified, that definitely need a revision. Overall, we got the impression that so far, the data gathered are still quite preliminary and need some more detailed investigations prior to publication (see major points).
Advance: The study definitely fills a gap of knowledge since not much is known on the function of plant VPS13 proteins so far.
Audience: The study is of very high interest to the plant lipid community but as well of general interest for Plant Molecular Biology and intracellular transport.
Our expertise: Plant membrane transport and lipid homeostasis.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The manuscript by Leterme et al. (2024) describes the characterization of VPS13M1 from Arabidopsis. VPS13 proteins have been analyzed in yeast and animals, where they establish lipid transfer connections between organelles, but not much is known about VPS13 proteins in plants. First, different splicing forms were characterized, and the form A was identified as the most relevant one with 92% of the transcripts. The protein (just N-terminal 335 amino acids out of ca. 3000 amino acids) was expressed in insect cells and purified. Next, the protein was used for lipid binding assays with NBD-labeled lipids followed by analysis in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. VPS13M1 bound to PC, PE, PS and PA. Then, the protein from insect cells was incubated with Arabidopsis callus lipids, and lipids bound to VPS13M1 analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Lipid transfer between liposomes was measured by the change in fluorescence in donor liposomes derived from two labeled lipids after addition of the protein caused by lipid transfer and dilution to acceptor liposomes. T-DNA insertion mutants were isolated and the lipids measured in callus derived from these mutants. Protein localization in different plant organs was recorded with a GUS fusion construct transferred into transgenic plants. The protein was localized to mitochondria using a VPS13M1-Yepet fusion construct transferred into mutant plants. The mutant plants show no visible difference to wild type, even when the plants were grown under stress conditions like low temperature. The main message of the title is that VPS13M1 localizes to the mitochondria which is well documented, and it is involved in lipid remodeling under low phosphate conditions.
The lipid transfer assay shown in Figure 2F lacks a negative control. This would be the experiment with donor and acceptor liposomes in the presence of another protein like Tom20.
Many thanks for this suggestion. In the revised version of the manuscript, we performed a fluorescent lipid transport assay with Tom20.3 in the presence of 25 µM of donor liposomes and 1.5 mM of acceptor liposomes, the condition for which we observed a maximum of transport for AtVPS13M1(1-335). As expected, no fluorescence increase was observed. The results are presented in the Figure 3C of the revised manuscript.
The lipid data (Fig. 3 and Fig. S4) do not sufficiently support the second claim, i.e. that the protein is involved in lipid remodeling under low P. Data in Fig. 3C are derived from only 3 replicates and in Fig. S4 from only 2 replicas with considerable error bars. Having only 2 replicates is definitely not sufficient. Fig. 3C shows a suppression in the decrease in PE and PC at 4 d of P deprivation (significant for two mutants for PE, for only one for PC). Fig. S4A shows suppression of the decrease in PC at 6 d after P deprivation (significant for both mutants), but no significant effect on PE. Fig. 4SB shows no significant change in PE or PC at -P after 8 d of P deprivation. The data are not consistent. There are also problems with the statistics in Fig. 3 and Fig. S4. The authors used T-test, but place letters a, b, c on top of the bars. Usually, asterisks should be used to indicate significant differences. Data indicate medians and ranges, not mean and SD. In Fig. S4, how can you indicate median and range if you have only 2 replicates? Why did the authors use callus for lipid measurements? Why not use leaves and root tissues? What does adjusted nmol mean? What does the dashed line at 1.05 on the y axis mean? Taken together, I suggest to repeat lipid measurements with leaves and roots from plantets grown under +P and -P conditions in tissue culture with 5 replcates. Significant differences can be analyzed on the level of absolute (nmol per mg FW/DW) or relative (%) amounts.
Here are our answers to concerns about the design of our lipidomics experiments:
We used calli for lipid measurement because it is very easy to control growth conditions and to performed phosphate starvation from this cell cultures. The second reason is that it is a non-photosynthetic tissue with a high level of phospholipids and a low level of galactoglycerolipids and it is easier to monitor the modification of the balance phospholipids/galactoglycerolipids in this system. The lipid analysis on calli at 4 days of growth in presence or absence of Pi were performed on 3 biological replicates but on two different mutants (atvps13m-1 and m1-3) and we drew our conclusions based on variations that were significant for both mutants. In the revised version of the manuscript, we performed further lipidomic analyses on calli from Col0 and another mutant (atvps13m1-2) after 6 days of growth in presence or absence of Pi (Figure 4E, S4A-C, n=4-5) and added new data on a photosynthetic tissue (rosettes) from Col0 and atvps13m1-3 mutant. For rosettes analysis, seeds were germinated 4 days in plates with 1 mM Pi and then transferred on plates with 1 mM or 5 µM of Pi. Rosettes were harvested and lipids analyzed after 6 days (Figure 4F-G, S4D, n=4-5). All the data were represented with medians and ranges because we believe that median is less sensitive to extreme values than mean and might better represent what is occurring. Ranges highlight the minimal and maximal value of the data analyzed and we believe it is a representative view of the variability we obtained between biological samples.
Lipid measurement are done by mass spectrometry. As it was already reported, mass spectrometry quantification is not trivial as the intensity of the response depends on the nature of the molecule (for a review, see (Jouhet et al., 2024)). To counteract this ionisation problem, we developed a method with an external standard that we called Quantified Control (QC) corresponding to an A. thaliana callus lipid extract for which the precised lipid composition was determined by TLC and GC-FID. All our MS signals were “adjusted” to the signal of this QC as described in (Jouhet et al., 2017). Therefore our lipid measurement are in adjusted nmol. In material and method we modified the sentence accordingly p22 lines 720-723: “Lipid amounts (pmol) were adjusted for response differences between internal standards and endogenous lipids and by comparison with a quality control (QC).” This allows to represent all the lipid classes on a same graph and to have an estimation of the lipid classes distribution. To assess the significance of our results, we used in the revised version of the manuscript non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests and added stars representing the p-value on charts. This was indicated in the figure legends.
Here are our answers to concerns about the interpretation of our lipidomics experiments:
To summarize, in the revised version of the manuscript, lipid analyses were performed in calli from 3 different mutants (two at day 4, one at day 6) and in the rosettes from one of these mutants. All the results are presented in Figure 4 and S4. In all the experiments, we found that in +Pi, there is no major modifications in the lipid content or composition. In –Pi, we found that the total glycerolipid content is always higher in the mutant compared to the Col0, whatever the tissue or mutant considered (Figure 4A and S4A, D). In calli, this higher increase in lipid content is mainly due to an accumulation of phospholipids and in rosettes, of galactolipids. Because of high variability between our biological replicates, we did not always found significant differences in the absolute amount of lipids in –Pi. However, the analysis of the fold change in lipid content in –Pi vs +Pi always pointed toward a reduced extent of phospholipid degradation. We also added in these graphs the fold change for the total phospholipids and total galactolipids contents in the revised version of the manuscript. We believe that the new analyses we performed strengthen our conclusion about the role of AtVPS13M1 in phospholipid degradation and not on the recycling of precursors backbone to feed galactoglycerolipids synthesis at the chloroplast envelope.
Page 9, line 15: Please use the standard form of abbreviations of lipid molecular species with colon, e.g. PC32:0, not PC32-0
The lipid species nomenclature has been changed accordingly.
Page 11, line 4, (atvps13m1.1 and m1.3: please indicate the existence of mutant alleles with dashes, i.e. (atvps13m1-1 and atvps13m1-3
Names of the mutants have been changed accordingly.
Page 14, line 21: which line is indicated by atvps13m1.2-4? What does -4 indicate here?
This indicates that mutants m1-2 to m1-4 were analyzed.
Page 16, line 25: many abbreviations used here are very specific and not well known to the general audience e.g. ONT, IR, PTC, NMD etc. I think it is OK to mention them here, but still use the full terms, given that they are not used very frequently in the manuscript.
We kept ONT abbreviation because it was cited many times in both the results and discussion part. IR, PTC and NMD were cited only in the discussion and were eliminated.
Page 19, line 11. The authors cite Hsueh et al and Yang et al for LPTD1 playing a role in lipid homeostasis during P deficiency. But Yang et al. described the function of a SEC14 protein in Arabidopsis and rice during P deficiency. Is SEC14 related to LPTD1?
Many thanks for noticing this mistake. We removed the citation Yang et al. in the revised version of the manuscript.
Reference Tangpranomkorn et al. 2022: In the text, it says that this is a preprint, but in the Reference list, this is indicated with "Plant Biology" as Journal. In the internet, I could only find this manuscript in bioRxiv.
This manuscript was accepted in “New Phytologist” in December 2024 and is now cited accordingly in the new version of the manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The manuscript by Leterme et al describes the characterization of the lipid binding and transport protein VTPS13M1 from Arabidopsis. I think that the liposome assay needs to be done with a negative control. Furthermore, I have major concerns with the lipid data in Fig. 3C and Fig. S4. These lipid data of the current manuscript need to be redone. I do not agree that the lipid data allow the conclusion that "AtVPS13M1 is involved in lipid remodeling in low phosphate" as stated in the title.
References cited in this document:
Dziurdzik, S.K., and E. Conibear. 2021. The Vps13 Family of Lipid Transporters and Its Role at Membrane Contact Sites. Int J Mol Sci. 22:2905. doi:10.3390/ijms22062905.
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Jouhet, J., E. Alves, Y. Boutté, S. Darnet, F. Domergue, T. Durand, P. Fischer, L. Fouillen, M. Grube, J. Joubès, U. Kalnenieks, J.M. Kargul, I. Khozin-Goldberg, C. Leblanc, S. Letsiou, J. Lupette, G.V. Markov, I. Medina, T. Melo, P. Mojzeš, S. Momchilova, S. Mongrand, A.S.P. Moreira, B.B. Neves, C. Oger, F. Rey, S. Santaeufemia, H. Schaller, G. Schleyer, Z. Tietel, G. Zammit, C. Ziv, and R. Domingues. 2024. Plant and algal lipidomes: Analysis, composition, and their societal significance. Progress in Lipid Research. 96:101290. doi:10.1016/j.plipres.2024.101290.
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Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript "AtVPS13M1 is involved in lipid remodelling in low phosphate and is located at the mitochondria surface in plants" by Leterme et al. identifies the protein VPS13M1 as a lipid transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana with important functions during phosphate starvation. The researchers were able to localise this protein to mitochondria via GFP-targeting in Arabidopsis. Although VPS13 proteins are well described in yeast and mammals, highlighting their importance in many vital cellular processes, there is very little information on them in plants. This manuscript provides new insights into plant VPS13 proteins and contributes to a better understanding of these proteins and their role in abiotic stress responses, such as phosphate starvation.
Major points:
- Please describe and define the domains of the VPS13M1 protein in detail, providing also a figure for that. Figure 1 is mainly describing possible splice variants, whereas the characteristics of the protein are missing.
- Please compare the expression level of VPS13M1 in the presence and in the absence of phosphate.
- Page 9, second paragraph: Here, the lipid transport capability of AtVPS13M1 is described. Varying concentrations of this recombinant protein should be used in this test. Further, it is not highlighted, that a truncated version of VSP13M1 is able to transport lipids. This is surprising, since this truncated version is less than 10% of the total protein (only aa 1-335).
- Also, for phenotype analysis, T-DNA insertion mutants are used that still contain VPS13M1 transcripts. Although protein fragments where not detected by proteomic analysis, this might be due to low sensitivity of the proteomic assay. Further the lipid transport domain of VPS13M1 (aa 1-335) might not be affected by the T-DNA insertions at all. Here more detailed analysis needs to be done to prove that indeed loss-of protein function occurs in the mutants.
- Localisation in mitochondria: As the Yepet signal is very weak, a control image of not transfected plant tissue needs to be included. Otherwise, it might be hard to distinguish the Yepet signal from background signal. The localisation data presented in Figure 5 does not allow the conclusion that VPS13M1 is localized at the surface of mitochondria as stated in the title. It only indicates (provided respective controls see above) that VPS13M1 is in mitochondria. Please provide more detailed analysis such as targeting to tobacco protoplasts, immunoblots or in vitro protein import assays. Also test +Pi vs. -Pi to see if VPS13M1 localisation is altered in dependence of Pi.
- Phenotype analysis needs to be done under Pi stress and not under cold stress! Further, root architecture and root growth should also be done under Pi depletion. Here the title is also misleading, it is not at all clear why the authors switch from phosphate starvation to cold stress.
Minor points:
Page 3, line 1: what does the abbreviation VPS stand for?
Page 3, line 1: change "amino acids residues" to "amino acid residues"
Page 3, line 8 - 12: please rewrite this sentence. You write, that because of their distribution VPS13 proteins do exhibit many important physiological roles. The opposite is true: They are widely distributed in the cell because of their involvement in many physiological processes.
Page 6, line6: change "cDNA obtained from A. thaliana" to "cDNA generated from A. thaliana.
Page 6, line 10: change" 7.6kb" to "7.6 kb"
Page 7: address this question: can the isoforms form functional VPS13 proteins? This might help to postulate whether these isoforms are a result of defective splicing events.
Figure 2 B: Change "AtVPS13M1"to "AtVPS13M1(1-335)"
Figure 2, legend:
- put a blank before µM in each case.
- Change 0,125µM to 0.125 µM
- what does "in absence (A-0µM)" mean?
- Which statistical analysis was employed?
- Further, rewrite the sentence "Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of lipids bound to AtVPS13M1(1-335) or Tom20 (negative control) after incubation with calli total lipids. Results are expresses in nmol of lipids per nmol of proteins (C) or in mol% (D)".
- "C" and "D" are not directly comparable, as in "C" no Tom20 was used and in "C" no insect cells were used.
- Further, in "D" the experimental setup is not clear. AtVPS13(1-335) is supposed to be purified protein after incubation with calli lipids (figure 2, A). Further, in the same figure, lipid composition of "insect cells" and "calli-Pi" are compared why? Please clarify this. Figure 3:
- t-test requires a normal distribution of the data. This is not possible for an n=3. Please use an adequate analysis.
- Please clarify the meaning of the letters on the top of the bars in the legend. Please, make it clear that two figures belong to C.
- Reorganise the order of figure 3 (ABCD)
Page 10, 3. Paragraph: since the finding, that no peptides were found in the VSP13M1 ko lines, although transcription was not altered, is surprising, please include the proteomic data in the supplement
Page 11, line 17: The in vitro experiments showed a low affinity of VSP13M1 towards galactolipids. It is further claimed that this is consistent with the finding of the AtVSP13M1 Ko line in vivo, that in absence of PI, no change in DGDG content could be observed. However, the "absence" of VSP13M1 in vivo might still result in a bigger VSP13M1 protein, than the truncated form (1-335) used for the in vitro experiments
Page 13, lane 8: you should reconsider the use of a triple Yepet tag: If two or more identical fluorescent molecules are in close proximity, their fluorescence emission is quenched, which results in a weak signal (as the one that you obtained). See: Zhuang et al. 2000 (PNAS) Fluorescence quenching: A tool for single-molecule protein-folding study
Page 13, line 14: change 1µm to 1 µm
Page 13, line 29: please reduce the sentence to the first part: if A does not colocalize with B, it is not necessary to mention that B does not colocalise with A.
Page 14, 2. Paragraph: it is not conclusive that phenotype analysis is suddenly conducted with plants under cold stress, since everything was about Pi-starvation and the role of VSP13M1. Lipid remodelling under Pi stress completely differs from the lipid remodelling under cold stress.
Page 14, line 20: change figure to Figure
Page 07, line 17: change artifact to artefact
General assessment:
The paper is well written and technically sound. However, some points could be identified, that definitely need a revision. Overall, we got the impression that so far, the data gathered are still quite preliminary and need some more detailed investigations prior to publication (see major points).
Advance: The study definitely fills a gap of knowledge since not much is known on the function of plant VPS13 proteins so far.
Audience: The study is of very high interest to the plant lipid community but as well of general interest for Plant Molecular Biology and intracellular transport.
Our expertise: Plant membrane transport and lipid homeostasis.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Summary: An analysis of an Arabidopsis VSP13 presumed lipid transport is provided. The analysis pretty much follows similar studies done on yeast and human homologs. Key findings are the identification of multiple products from the locus due to differential splicing, analysis of lipid binding and transport properties, subcellular location, tissue specific promoter activity, mutant analysis suggesting a role in lipid remodeling following phosphate deprivation, but no physiological or growth defects of the mutants.
Major points: The paper is generally written and documented, the experiments are well conducted and follow established protocols. The following major points should be considered:
- There are complementary lipid binding assays that should be considered such as liposome binding assays, or lipid/western dot blots. All of these might give slightly different results and may inform a consensus. Of course, non-membrane lipids such as TAG cannot be tested in a liposome assay.
- Similarly, lipid transfer based only on fluorophore-labeled lipids may be misleading because the fluorophore could affect binding. It is mentioned that the protein in this assay is tethered by 3xHiis to the liposomes. Un less I ma missing something, I do not understand how that should work. This needs to be better explained.
- The in vivo lipid binding assay could be obscured by the fact that the protein was produced in insect cells and lipid binding occurs during the producing. What is the evidence that added plants calli lipids can replace lipids already present during isolation.
- The effects on lipid composition of the mutants are not very drastic from what I can tell. Furthermore, how does this fit with the lipid composition of mitochondria where the protein appears to be mostly located?
- For the localization of the fusion protein, has it been tested whether the furoin is functional? This should be tested (e.g. by reversion of lipid composition).
- It is speculated that different splice forms are located to different compartments. Can that be tested and used to explain the observed subcellular location patterns?
- GUS fusion data only probe promoter activity but not all levels of gene expression. That caveat should be discussed.
Minor points:
- Extraplastidic DGDG and export from chloroplasts following phosphate derivation was first reported in PMID: 10973486.
- Check throughout the correct usage of gene expression as genes are expressed and proteins produced.
- In general, the paper is too long. Redundancies between introduction, results and discussion should be removed to streamline.
- I suggest to redraw the excel graphs to increase line thickness and enlarge font size to increase presentation and readability.
Interorganellar lipid trafficking is an important topic and especially under studied in plants. Identifying components involved represents significant progress in the field. Similarly, lipid remodeling following phosphate derivation is an important phenomenon and the current advances our understanding.
- Jan 2025
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors in this paper investigate the nature of the activity in the rodent EPN during a simple freely moving cue-reward association task. Given that primate literature suggests movement coding whereas other primate and rodent studies suggest mainly reward outcome coding in the EPNs, it is important to try to tease apart the two views. Through careful analysis of behavior kinematics, position, and neural activity in the EPNs, the authors reveal an interesting and complex relationship between the EPN and mouse behavior.
(1) The authors use a novel freely moving task to study EPN activity, which displays rich movement trajectories and kinematics. Given that previous studies have mostly looked at reward coding during head-fixed behavior, this study adds a valuable dataset to the literature. (2) The neural analysis is rich and thorough. Both single neuron level and population level (i.e. PCA) analysis are employed to reveal what EPN encodes.
Thank you very much for this appreciation.
(1) One major weakness in this paper is the way the authors define the EPN neurons. Without a clear method of delineating EPN vs other surrounding regions, it is not convincing enough to call these neurons EPNs solely from looking at the electrode cannula track from Figure 2B. Indeed, EPN is a very small nucleus and previous studies like Stephenson-Jones et al (2016) have used opto-tagging of Vglut2 neurons to precisely label EPN single neurons. Wallace et al (2017) have also shown the existence of SOM and PV-positive neurons in the EPN. By not using transgenic lines and cell-type specific approaches to label these EPN neurons, the authors miss the opportunity to claim that the neurons recorded in this study do indeed come from EPN. The authors should at least consider showing an analysis of neurons slightly above or below EPN and show that these neurons display different waveforms or firing patterns.
We thank the reviewer for their comment, and we thank the opportunity to expand on the inclusion criteria of studied units after providing an explanation.
As part of another study, we performed experiments recording in EPN with optrodes and photoidentification in PV-Cre animals. We found optoidentified units in both: animals with correct placement (within the EPN) and on those with off-target placement (within the thalamus or medial to the EPN). Thus, despite the use of Cre animals, we relied on histology to ensure correct EPN recording. We believe that the optotagging based purely on neural makers such as PV, SOM, VGLUT, VGAT would not provide a better anatomical delineation of the EPN since adjacent structures are rich in those same markers. The thalamic reticular nucleus is just dorsal to the EPN and it has been shown to express both SOM and PV (Martinez-Garcia et al., 2020).
On the other hand, the lateral hypothalamus (just medial to the EPN) also expresses vGlut2 and SOM. Stephenson-Jones (2016), Extended Data Figure 1, panel g, shows vGluT2 and somatostatin labeling of neurons, with important expression of neurons dorsal, ventral and medial to the EPN. Thus, we believe that viral strategies relying on single neuronal markers still depend on careful histological analysis of recording sites.
A combination of neural markers or more complex viral strategies might be more suitable to delineate the EPN. As an example, for anatomical tracing Stephenson-Jones et al. 2016 performed a rabies-virus based approach involving retrogradely transported virus making use of projection sites through two injections. Two step viral approaches were also performed in Wallace, M. et al. 2017. We attempted to perform a two-step viral approach, using an anterogradely transported Cre-expressing virus (AAV1.hSyn.Cre.WPRE.hGH) injected into the striatum and a second Cre dependent ChR2 into the EPN. However, our preliminary experiments showed that this double viral approach had a stark effect decreasing the performance of animals during the task (we attempted re-training 2-3 weeks after viral infections and animals failed to turn to the contralateral side of the injections). We believe that this approach might have had a toxic effect (Zingg et al., 2017).
To this point, a recent paper (Lazaridis et al., 2019) repeated an optogenetic experiment performed in the Stephenson-Jones et al. study, using a set of different viral approaches and concluded that increasing the activity of GPi-LHb is not aversive, as it had been previously reported. Thus, future studies attempting to increase anatomical specificity are a must, but they will require using viral approaches amenable to the behavioral paradigm.
We attempted to find properties regarding waveforms, firing rate, and firing patterns from units above or below, however, we did not find a marker that could generate a clear demarcation. We show here a figure that includes the included units in this study as well as excluded ones to show that there is a clear overlap.
Author response image 1.
Finally, we completely agree with the reviewer in that there is still room for improvement. We have further expanded the Methods section to explain better our efforts to include units recorded within the EPN. Further, we have added a paragraph within the Discussion section to point out this limitation (lines 871-876).
Methods (lines 116-131):
“Recordings. Movable microwire bundles (16 microwires, 32 micrometers in diameter, held inside a cannula, Innovative Neurophysiology, Durham, NC)] were stereotaxtically implanted just above the entopeduncular nucleus (-0.8 AP, 1.7 ML, 3.9 DV). Post surgical care included antibiotic, analgesic and antiinflammatory pharmacological treatment. After 5 days of recovery, animals were retrained for 1-2 weeks. Unitary activity was recorded for 2-6 days at each dorsoventral electrode position and the session with the best electrophysiological (signal to noise ratio (>2), stability across time) and behavioral [performance, number of trials (>220)] quality was selected. Microwire electrodes were advanced in 50 micrometer dorsoventral steps for 500 micrometers in total. After experiment completion, animals were perfused with a 4% paraformaldehyde solution. Brains were extracted, dehydrated with a 30% sucrose solution and sectioned in a cryostat into 30micron thick slices. Slices were mounted and photographed using a light microscope. Microwire tracks of the 16-microwire bundle were analyzed (Fig. 2A-B) and only animals with tracks traversing the EPN were selected (6 out of 10). Finally, we located the final position of microwire tips and inferred the dorsoventral recording position of each of the recording sessions. Only units recorded within the EPN were included.”
Discussion (lines 871-876):
“A weakness of the current study is the lack of characterization of neuronal subtypes. An area of opportunity for future research could be to perform photo-identification of neuronal subtypes within the EPN which could contribute to the overall description of the information representation. Further, detailed anatomical viral vector strategies could aid to improve anatomical localization of recordings, reduce reliance on histological examination, and solve some current controversies (Lazaridis et al., 2019).”
(2) The authors fail to replicate the main finding about EPN neurons which is that they encode outcome in a negative manner. Both Stephenson-Jones et al (2016) and Hong and Hikosaka (2008) show a reward response during the outcome period where firing goes down during reward and up during neutral or aversive outcome. However, Figure 2 G top panel shows that the mean population is higher during correct trials and lower during incorrect trials. This could be interesting given that the authors might try recording from another part of EPN that has not been studied before. However, without convincing evidence that the neurons recorded are from EPN in the first place (point 1), it is hard to interpret these results and reconcile them with previous studies.
We really thank the reviewer for pointing out that we need to better explain how EPN units encode outcome. We now provide an additional panel in Figure 4, its corresponding text in the results section (lines 544-562) and a new paragraph in the discussion related to this comment.
We believe that we do indeed recapitulate findings of both of Stephenson-Jones et al (2016) and Hong and Hikosaka (2008). Both studies focus on a specific subpopulation of GPi/EPN neurons that project to the lateral habenula (LHb). Stephenson-Jones et al (2016) posit that GPi-LHb neurons (which they opto-tag as vGluT2) exhibit a decreased firing rate during rewarding outcomes. Hong and Hikosaka (2008) antidromically identified LHb projecting neurons through within the GPi and found reward positive and reward negative neurons, which were respectively modulated either by increasing or decreasing their firing rate with a rewarding outcome (red and green dots on the x-axis of Figure 5A in their paper).
As the reviewer pointed out the zScore may be misleading. Therefore, in our study we also decomposed population activity on reward axis through dPCA. When marginalizing for reward in Figure 3F, we find that the weights of individual units on this axis are centered around zero, with positive and negative values (Figure 3F, right panel). Thus, units can code a rewarding outcome as either an increase or a decrease of activity. We show example units of such modulation in Figure 3-1g and h.
We had segregated our analysis of spatio-temporal and kinematic coding upon the reward coding of units in Figure 4L-M. Yet, following this comment and in an effort of further clarifying this segregation, we introduced panels with the mean zScore of units during outcome evaluation in Figure 4L.
We amended the main text to better explain these findings (lines 544-562).
“Previous reports suggest that EPN units that project to the lateral habenula encode reward as a decrease in firing rate. Thus, we wished to ask whether reward encoding units can code kinematic and spatio-temporal variables as well.
To this end, we first segregated units upon their reward coding properties: reward positive (which increased activity with reward) and reward negative units (which decreased activity with reward). We performed auROC on the 250ms after head entry comparing rewarded trials and incorrect trails (p<0.001, permutation test). Mean activity of reward insensitive, positive and negative units is shown in Fig. 4L. Next, we performed a dimensionality reduction on the coefficients of the model that best explained both contexts (kinematic + spatio-temporal model on pooled data) using UMAP (McInnes et al., 2018). We observe a continuum rather than discrete clusters (Fig. 4L). Note that individual units are color coded according to their responsivity to reward. We did not find a clear clustering either.”
Paragraph added in the discussion (lines 749-755):
“In this study, we found that rewarding outcomes can be represented by EPN units through either an increase or a decrease in firing rate (Fig. 3F, 3-1g-h, 4L). While Stephenson-Jones et al., 2016 found that lateral habenula (LHb)-projecting neurons within the EPN of mice primarily encoded rewarding outcomes by a decrease in firing rate, Hong and Hikosaka, 2008 observed that in primates, LHb-projecting units could encode reward through either a decrease or an increase in firing rate. Thus, our results align more closely with the latter study, which also employed an operant conditioning task.”
(3) The authors say that: 'reward and kinematic doing are not mutually exclusive, challenging the notion of distinct pathways and movement processing'. However, it is not clear whether the data presented in this work supports this statement. First, the authors have not attempted to record from the entire EPN. Thus it is possible that the coding might be more segregated in other parts of EPN. Second, EPNs have previously been shown to display positive firing for negative outcomes and vice versa, something which the authors do not find here. It is possible that those neurons might not encode kinematic and movement variables. Thus, the authors should point out in the main text the possibility that the EPN activity recorded might be missing some parts of the whole EPN.
We thank the reviewer for the opportunity to expand on this topic. We believe it is certainly possible that other not-recorded regions of the EPN might exhibit greater segregation of reward and kinematics. However, we considered it worthwhile pointing out that from the dataset collected in this study reward-sensitive units encode kinematics in a similar fashion to reward-insensitive ones (Fig. 4L,M). Moreover, we asked specifically whether reward-negative units (that decrease firing rate with rewarding outcomes, as previously reported) could encode kinematics and spatio-temporal variables with different strength than reward-insensitive ones and could not find significant differences (Fig. 4M).
We did indeed find units that displayed decreased firing rate upon rewarding outcomes, as has been previously reported. We have addressed this fact more thoroughly in point (2).
Finally, we agree with the reviewer that the dataset collected in this study is by no means exhaustive of the entire EPN and have thus included a sentence pointing this out in the Discussion section (lines 805-806):
“Given that we did not record from the entire EPN, it is still possible that another region of the nucleus might exhibit more segregation.”
(4) The authors use an IR beam system to record licks and make a strong claim about the nature of lick encoding in the EPN. However, the authors should note that IR beam system is not the most accurate way of detecting licks given that any object blocking the path (paw or jaw-dropping) will be detected as lick events. Capacitance based, closed-loop detection, or video capturing is better suited to detect individual licks. Given that the authors are interested in kinematics of licking, this is important. The authors should either point this out in the main text or verify in the system if the IR beam is correctly detecting licks using a combination of those methods.
We thank the reviewer for the opportunity of clarifying the lick event acquisition. We have experience using electrical alternatives to lickometers; however, we believe they were not best suited to this application. Closed-loop lickometers generally use a metallic grid upon which animals stand so that the loop can be closed; however, we wanted to have a transparent floor. We have found capacitance based lickometers to be useful in head-fixed conditions but have noticed that they are very dependent on animal position and proximity of other bodyparts such as limbs. Given the freely moving aspect of the task this was difficult to control. Finally, both electric alternatives for lickometers are more prone to noise and may introduce electrical artifacts that might contaminate the spiking signal. This is why we opted to use a slit in combination with an IR beam that would only fit the tongue and that forced enough protrusion such that individual licks could be monitored. Further, the slit could not fit other body-parts like the paw or jaw. We have now included a video (Supp. Video 2) showing a closeup of this behavior that better conveys how the jaw and paw do not fit inside the slit. The following text has been added in the corresponding methods section (lines 97-98):
“The lickometer slit was just wide enough to fit the tongue and deep enough to evoke a clear tongue protrusion.”
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1)The authors should verify using opto-tagging of either Vglut2, SOM, or PV neurons whether they can see the same firing pattern. If not, the authors should address this weakness in the paper.
We thank the reviewer for this important point, we have provided a more detailed reply above.
(2)The way dPCA or PCA is applied to the data is not stated at all in the main text. Are all units from different mice combined? Or applied separately for each mouse? How does that affect the interpretation of the data? At least a brief text should be included in the main text to guide the readers.
We thank the reviewer for pointing out this important omission. We have included an explanation in the Methods section and in the Main text.
Methods (lines 182-184):
“For all population level analyses individual units recorded from all sessions and all animals were pooled to construct pseudo-simultaneous population response of combined data mostly recorded separately.”
Main text (lines 397-399):
“For population level analyses throughout the study, we pooled recorded units from all animals to construct a pseudo-simultaneous population.”
Discussion (lines 729-730):
“…(from pooled units from all animals to construct a pseudo-simultaneous population, which assumes homogeneity across subjects)”
(3) The authors argue that they do not find 'value coding' in this study. However, the authors never manipulate reward size or probability, but only the uncertainty or difficulty of the task. This might be better termed 'difficulty', and it is difficult to say whether this correlates with value in this task. For instance, mice might be very confident about the choice, even for an intermediate frequency sweep, if the mouse had waited long enough to hear the full sweep. In that case, the difficulty would not correlate with value, given that the mouse will think the value of the port it is going to is high. Thus, authors should avoid using the term value.
We agree with the reviewer. We have modified the text to specify that difficulty was the variable being studied and added the following sentence in the Discussion (lines 747-748):
“It is still possible that by modifying reward contingencies such as droplet size value coding could be evidenced.”
(4) How have the authors obtained Figure 7D bottom panel? It is unclear at all what this correlation represents. Are the authors looking at a correlation between instantaneous firing rate and lick rate during a lick bout?
We thank the reviewer for pointing out that omission. It is indeed correlation coefficient between the instantaneous firing rate and the instantaneous lick rate for a lick bout. We have included labeling in Figure 7D and pointed this out in the main text [lines 680-681]:
“Fig.7D, lower panel shows the correlation coefficient between the instantaneous firing rate and the instantaneous lick rate within a lick bout for all units.”
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This paper examined how the activity of neurons in the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) of mice relates to kinematics, value, and reward. The authors recorded neural activity during an auditory-cued two-alternative choice task, allowing them to examine how neuronal firing relates to specific movements like licking or paw movements, as well as how contextual factors like task stage or proximity to a goal influence the coding of kinematic and spatiotemporal features. The data shows that the firing of individual neurons is linked to kinematic features such as lick or step cycles. However, the majority of neurons exhibited activity related to both movement types, suggesting that EPN neuronal activity does not merely reflect muscle-level representations. This contradicts what would be expected from traditional action selection or action specification models of the basal ganglia.
The authors also show that spatiotemporal variables account for more variability compared to kinematic features alone. Using demixed Principal Component Analysis, they reveal that at the population level, the three principal components explaining the most variance were related to specific temporal or spatial features of the task, such as ramping activity as mice approached reward ports, rather than trial outcome or specific actions. Notably, this activity was present in neurons whose firing was also modulated by kinematic features, demonstrating that individual EPN neurons integrate multiple features. A weakness is that what the spatiotemporal activity reflects is not well specified. The authors suggest some may relate to action value due to greater modulation when approaching a reward port, but acknowledge action value is not well parametrized or separated from variables like reward expectation.
We thank the reviewer for the comment. We indeed believe that further exploring these spatiotemporal signals is important and will be the subject of future studies.
A key goal was to determine whether activity related to expected value and reward delivery arose from a distinct population of EPN neurons or was also present in neurons modulated by kinematic and spatiotemporal features. In contrast to previous studies (Hong & Hikosaka 2008 and Stephenson-Jones et al., 2016), the current data reveals that individual neurons can exhibit modulation by both reward and kinematic parameters. Two potential differences may explain this discrepancy: First, the previous studies used head-fixed recordings, where it may have been easier to isolate movement versus reward-related responses. Second, those studies observed prominent phasic responses to the delivery or omission of expected rewards - responses largely absent in the current paper. This absence suggests a possibility that neurons exhibiting such phasic "reward" responses were not sampled, which is plausible since in both primates and rodents, these neurons tend to be located in restricted topographic regions. Alternatively, in the head-fixed recordings, kinematic/spatial coding may have gone undetected due to the forced immobility.
Thank you for raising this point. Nevertheless, there is some phasic activity associated with reward responses, which can be seen in the new panel in Figure 4L.
Overall, this paper offers needed insight into how the basal ganglia output encodes behavior. The EPN recordings from freely moving mice clearly demonstrate that individual neurons integrate reward, kinematic, and spatiotemporal features, challenging traditional models. However, the specific relationship between spatiotemporal activity and factors like action value remains unclear.
We really appreciate this reviewer for their valuable comments.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
One small suggestion is to make sure that all the panels in the figures are well annotated. I struggled in places to know what certain alignments or groupings meant because they were not labelled. An example would be what do the lines correspond to in the lower panels of Figure 2D and E. I could figure it out from other panels but it would have helped if each panel had better labelling.
Thanks for pointing this out, we have improved labelling across the figures and corrected the specific example you have pointed out.
The paper is very nice though. Congratulations!
Thank you very much.
Editor's note:
Should you choose to revise your manuscript, please include full statistical reporting including exact p-values wherever possible alongside the summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals. These should be reported for all key questions and not only when the p-value is less than 0.05 in the main manuscript.
We thank the editor for the comment. A statistics table has been added.
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Author response:
We thank all the reviewers for their insightful comments to help further improving this work.
Response to Reviewer #1:
We greatly appreciate your comments on the general reliability and significance of our work. We fully agree that it would have been ideal to have additional evidence related to the role of PEBP1 in HRI activation. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find phospho-HRI antibodies that work reliably. The literature seems to agree with this as a band shift using total-HRI antibodies is usually used to study HRI activation. However, with the cell lines showing the most robust effect with PEBP1 knockout or knockdown, we are yet to convince ourselves with the band shifts we see. This could be addressed by optimizing phos-tag gels although these gels can be a bit tricky with complex samples such as cell lysates which contain many phosphoproteins.
To address the interaction between PEBP1 and eIF2alpha more rigorously we were inspired by the insights you and reviewer #2 provided. We now think we might be able to do this with either using the purified proteins and/or CETSA WB. These experiments could also provide further evidence for the role of PEBP1 phosphorylation. Although phosphorylation of PEBP1 at S153 has been implicated as being important for other functions of PEBP1, we are not sure about its role here. It may indeed have little relevance for ISR signalling. The CETSA WB assay could also provide further insight into the in vitro stability changes of PEBP1 in response to oligomycin.
For the currently shown in vitro thermal shift assay, we have performed two independent experiments. While it appears that there is a slight destabilization of PEBP1 by oligomycin, the ultimate conclusion of this experiment remains incomplete as there could be alternative explanations despite the apparent simplicity of the assay due the fluorescence background by oligomycin only. We now provide a lysate based CETSA analysis which does not display the same PEBP1 stabilization as the intact cell experiment. As for the signal saturation in ATF4-luciferase reporter assay, this is a valid point.
Response to Reviewer #2:
We strongly agree that CETSA has a lot of potential to inform us about cellular state changes and this was indeed the starting point for this project. We apologize for being (too) brief with the explanations of the TPP/MS-CETSA approach and we have now added a bit more detail. With regard to the cut-offs used for the mass spectrometry analysis, you are absolutely right that we did not establish a stringent cut-off that would show the specificity of each drug treatment. Our take on the data was that using the p values (and ignoring the fold-changes) of individual protein changes as in Fig 1D, we can see that mitochondrial perturbations display a coordinated response. We now realize that the downside of this representation is that it obscures the largest and specific drug effects. As mentioned in the response to Reviewer #1, we now also think that it would be possible to obtain more evidence for the potential interaction between PEBP1 and eIF2alpha using CETSA-based assays.
Response to Reviewer #3:
Thank you for your assessment, we agree that this manuscript would have been made much stronger by having clearer mechanistic insights. As mentioned in the responses to other reviewers above, we aim to address this limitation in part by looking at the putative interaction between PEBP1 and eIF2alpha with orthogonal approaches. However, we do realize that analysis of protein-protein interactions can be notoriously challenging due to false negative and false positive findings. As with any scientific endeavor, we will keep in mind alternative explanations to the observations, which could eventually provide that cohesive model explaining how precisely PEBP1, directly or indirectly, influences ISR signalling.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):
The data overall are very solid, and I would only recommend the following minor changes:
(1) Line 187 and line 268: there is perhaps a trend towards slightly increased ATF4-luc reporter with PEBP1-S153D, but it is not statistically significant, so I would tone down the wording here.
We now modified line 268 to "This data is consistent with the modest increase" .
(2) The recently discovered SIFI complex (Haakonsen 2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586023-06985-7) regulates both HRI and DELE1 through bifunctional localization/degron motifs. It seems like PEBP1 also contains such a motif, which suggests a potential mechanism for enrichment near mitochondria, perhaps even in response to stress. Maybe the authors could further speculate on this in the discussion.
While working on the manuscript, we considered the possibility that PEBP1 function could be related to SIFI complex and concluded that here is a critical difference: while SIFI specifically acts to turn off stress response signalling, loss of PEBP1 prevents eIF2alpha phosphorylation. We did not however consider that PEBP1 could have a localization/degron motif. Motif analysis by deepmito (busca.biocomp.unibo.it) and similar tools did not identify any conventional mitochondrial targeting signal although we acknowledge that PEBP1 has a terminal alpha-helix which was identified for SIFI complex recognition. We are not sure why you think PEBP1 contains such a motif and therefore are hesitant to speculate on this further in the manuscript.
(3) Line 358: references 50 and 45 are identical.
Thank you for spotting this. Corrected now.
(4) Figure S1D: it looks like Oligomycin has a significant background fluorescence, which makes interpretation of these graphs difficult - do you have measurements of the compound alone that can be used to subtract this background from the data? Based on the Tm I would say it does stabilize recombinant PEBP1, and there is no quantification of the variance across the 3 replicates to say there is no difference.
You are right, this assay is problematic due to the background fluorescence. The measurements with oligomycin only and subtracting this background results in slightly negative values and nonsensical thermal shift curves. We now additionally show quantification from two different experiments (unfortunately we ran out of reagents for further experiments), and this quantification shows that if anything, oligomycin causes mild destabilization of recombinant PEBP1. We also used lysate CETSA assay which does not show thermal stabilization of PEBP1 by oligomycin, ruling out a direct effect. We attempted to use ferrostatin1 as a positive control as it may bind PEBP1-ALOX protein complex, and it appeared to show marginal stabilization of PEBP1.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):
I have a few comments for the authors to address:
(1) The MS-CETSA experiment is quite briefly described and this could be expanded somewhat. Not clear if multiple biological replicates are used. Is there any cutoff in data analysis based on fold change size (which correlated to the significance of cellular effects), etc? As expected from only one early timepoint (see eg PMID: 38328090), there appear to be a limited number of significant shifts over the background (as judged from Figure S1A). In the Excel result file, however (if I read it right) there are large numbers of proteins that are assigned as stabilized or destabilized. This might be to mark the direction of potential shifts, but considering that most of these are likely not hits, this labeling could give a false impression. Could be good to revisit this and have a column for what could be considered significant hits, where a fold change cutoff could help in selecting the most biologically relevant hits. This would allow Figure 1D to be made crisper when it likely dramatically overestimates the overlap between significant CETSA shifts for these drugs.
Fair point, while we focused more on PEBP1, it is important to have sufficient description of the methods. We used duplicate samples for the MS, which is probably the most important point which was absent from the original submission as is now added to the methods. We also added slightly more description on the data analysi. While the AID method does not explicitly use log2 fold changes, it does consider the relative abundance of proteins under different temperature fractions. Since the Tm (melting temperature) for each protein can be at any temperature, we felt that if would be complicated to compare fractions where the protein stability is changed the most and even more so if we consider both significance and log2FC. Therefore, we used this multivariate approach which indicates the proteins with most likely changes across the range of temperatures. To acknowledge that most of the statistically significant changes are not the much over the background as you correctly pointed out, we now add to the main text (line 94-) that “However, most of these changes are relatively small. To focus our analysis on the most significant and biologically relevant changes…” We also agree that it may be confusing that the AID output reports de/stabilization direction for all proteins. In general, we are not big fans of cutoffs as these are always arbitrary, but with multivariate p value of 0.1 it becomes clear that there are only a relatively small number of hits with larger changes. We have now added to the guide in the data sheet that "Primarily, use the adjusted p value of the log10 Multivariate normal pvalue for selecting the overall statistically significant hits (p<0.05 equals -1.30 or smaller; p<0.01 equals -2 or smaller)". We have also added to the guide part of the table that “Note that this prediction does not consider whether the change is signficant or not, it only shows the direction of change”
(2) On page 4 the authors state "We reasoned that thermal stability of proteins might be particularly interesting in the context of mitochondrial metabolism as temperature-sensitive fluorescent probes suggest that mitochondrial temperature in metabolically active cells is close to 50{degree sign}C". I don't see the relevance of this statement as an argument for using TPP/CETSA. When this is also not further addressed in the work, it could be deleted.
Deleted. We agree, while this is an interesting point, it is not that relevant in this paper.
(3) To exclude direct drug binding to PEBP1, a thermofluor experiment is performed (Fig S1D). However, the experiment gives a high background at the lower temperatures and it could be argued that this is due to the flouroprobe binding to a hydrophobic pocket of the protein, and that oligomycin at higher concentrations competes with this binding, attenuating fluorescence. These are complex experiments and there could be other explanations, but the authors should address this. An alternative means to provide support for non-binding would be a lysate CETSA experiment, with very short (1-3 minutes) drug exposure before heating. This would typically give a shift when the protein is indicated to be CETSA responsive as in this case.
Agree. However, we don't have good means to perform the thermofluor experiments to rule out alternative explanations. What we can say is (as discussed above for reviewer #1, point 4) that quantification from two different experiments shows that oligomycin is does not thermally stabilizing recombinant PEBP1. To complement this conclusion, we used lysate CETSA assay which does not show thermal stabilization of PEBP1 by oligomycin. In this assay we attempted to use ferrostatin1 as a positive control as it may bind PEBP1-ALOX protein complex, and it appeared to show marginal stabilization of PEBP1. But since we lack a robust positive control for these assays, some doubt will inevitably remain.
(4) The authors appear to have missed that there is already a MS-CETSA study in the literature on oligomycin, from Sun et al (PMID: 30925293). Although this data is from a different cell line and at a slightly longer drug treatment and is primarily used to access intracellular effects of decreased ATP levels induced by oligomycin, the authors should refer to this data and maybe address similarities if any.
Apologies for the oversight, the oligomycin data from this paper eluded us at it was mainly presented in the supplementary data. We compared the two datasets and find found some overlap despite the differences in the experimental details. Both datasets share translational components (EIF6 eIF6 and ribosomal proteins), but most notably our other top hit BANF1 which we mentioned in the main text was also identified by Sun et al. We have updated the manuscript text as "Other proteins affected by oligomycin included BANF1, which binds DNA in an ATP dependent manner [16], and has also identified as an oligomycin stabilized protein in a previous MS-CETA experiment [23]", citing the Sun et al paper.
(5) The confirmation of protein-protein interaction is notoriously prone to false positives. The authors need to use overexpression and a sensitive reporter to get positive data but collect additional data using mutants which provide further support. Typically, this would be enough to confirm an interaction in the literature, although some doubt easily lingers. When the authors already have a stringent in-cell interaction assay for PEBP1 in the CETSA thermal shift, it would be very elegant to also apply the CETSA WB assay to the overexpressed constructs and demonstrate differences in the response of oligomycin, including the mutants. I am not sure this is feasible but it should be straightforward to test.
This is a very good suggestion. Unfortunately, due to the time constraints of the graduate students (who must write up their thesis very soon), we are not able to perform and repeat such experiments to the level of confidence that we would like.
(6) At places the story could be hard to follow, partly due to the frequent introduction of new compounds, with not always well-stated rationale. It could be useful to have a table also in the main manuscript with all the compounds used, with the rationale for their use stated. Although some of the cellular pathways addressed are shown in miniatures in figures, it could be useful to have an introduction figure for the known ISR pathways, at least in the supplement. There are also a number of typos to correct.
We agree that there are many compounds used. We have attempted to clarify their use by adding this information into the table of used compounds in the methods and adding an overall schematic to Fig S1G and a note on line 132 "(see Fig. S1G for summary of drugs used to target PEBP1 and ISR in this manuscript). We have also attempted to remove typos as far as possible.
(7) EIF2a phosphorylation in S1E does not appear to be more significant for Sodium Arsenite argued to be a positive control, than CCCP, which is argued to be negative. Maybe enough with one positive control in this figure?
This experiment was used as a justification for our 30 min time point for the proteomics. By showing the 30 min and 4 h time points as Fig 1G and S1E, our point was to demonstrate that the kinetics of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are relevant. As you correctly pointed out, the stress response induced by sodium arsenite, but also tunicamycin is already attenuated at the 4h time point. We prefer to keep all samples to facilitate comparisons.
(8) Page 7 reference to Figure S2H, which doesn't exist. Should be S3H.
Apologies for the mistake, now corrected to S2F.
(9) Finally, although the TPP labeling of the method is used widely in the literature this is CETSA with MS detection and MS-CETSA is a better term. This is about thermal shifts of individual proteins which is a very well-established biophysical concept. In contrast, the term Thermal Proteome Profiling does not relate to any biophysical concept, or real cell biology concept, as far as I can see, and is a partly misguided term.
We changed the term TPP into MS-CETSA, but also include the term TPP in the introduction to facilitate finding this paper by people using the TPP term.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):
Major Issues
(1) The one major issue of this work is the lack of a mechanism showing precisely how PEBP1 amplifies the mitochondrial integrated stress response. The work, as it is described, presents data suggesting PEBP1's role in the ISR but fails to present a more conclusive mechanism. The idea of mitochondrial stress causing PEBP1 to bind to eIF2a, amplifying ISR is somewhat vague. Thus, the lack of a more defined model considerably weakens the argument, as the data is largely corollary, showing KO and modulation of PEBP1 definitely has a unique effect on the ISR, however, it is not conclusive proof of what the authors claim. While KO of PEBP1 diminishes the phosphorylation of eIF2a, taken together with the binding to eIF2a, different pathways could be simultaneously activated, and it seems premature to surmise that PEBP1 is specific to mitochondrial stress. Could PEBP1 be reacting to decreased ATP? Release of a protein from the mitochondria in response to stress? Is PEBP1's primary role as a modulator of the ISR, or does it have a role in non-stress-related translation? A cohesive model would tie together these separate indirect findings and constitute a considerable discovery for the ISR field, and the mitochondrial stress field.
Thank you for your assessment, we agree that this manuscript would have been much stronger by having clearer mechanistic insights. As with any scientific endeavor, we will keep in mind alternative explanations to the observations, which could eventually provide that cohesive model explaining how precisely PEBP1, directly or indirectly, influences ISR signalling.
(2) The data relies on the initial identification of PEBP1 thermal stabilization concomitant with mitochondrial ISR induction post-treatment of several small molecules. However, the experiment was performed using a single timepoint of 30 minutes. There was no specific rationale for the choice of this time point for the thermal proteome profiling.
The reasoning for this was explicitly stated in the lines 82-85: "We reasoned that treating intact cells with the drugs for only 30 min would allow us to observe rapid and direct effects related to metabolic flux and/or signaling related to mitochondrial dysfunction in the absence of major changes in protein expression levels.
Minor Issues
(1) In Lines 163-166 the authors state "The cells from Pebp1 KO animals displayed reduced expression of common ISR genes (Figure 2F), despite upregulation of unfolded protein response genes Ern1 (Ire1α) and Atf6 genes. This gene expression data therefore suggests that Pebp1 knockout in vivo suppresses induction of the ISR". This statement should be reassessed. While an arm of the UPR does stimulate ISR, this arm is controlled by PERK, and canonically IRE1 and ATF6 do not typically activate the ISR, thus their upregulation is likely unrelated to ISR activation and does not contribute the evidence necessary for this statement.
Apologies for the confusion, we aimed to highlight that as there is an increase in the two UPR arms, it is more likely that ISR instead of UPR is reduced. We have now changed the statement to the following:
"The cells from Pebp1 PEBP1 KO animals displayed reduced expression of common ISR genes (Figure 2F), while there was mild upregulation of the unfolded protein response genes Ern1 (Ire1α) and Atf6 genes. This gene expression data therefore suggests that the reduced expression of common ISR genes is less likely to be mediated by changes in PERK, the third UPR arm, and more likely due to suppression of ISR by Pebp1 PEBP1 knockout in vivo."
(2) In Lines 169 and 170 the authors state "Western blotting indicated reduced phosphorylation of eIF2α in RPE1 cells lacking PEBP1, suggesting that PEBP1 is involved in regulating ISR signaling between mitochondria and eIF2α". This conclusion is not supported by evidence. A number of pathways could be activated in these knockout cells, and simply observing an increase in p-eIF2α after knocking out PEBP1 does not constitute an interaction, as correlation doesn't mean causation. This KO could indirectly affect the ISR, with PEBP1 having no role in the ISR. While taken together there is enough circumstantial evidence in the manuscript to suggest a role for PEBP1 in the ISR, statements such as these have to be revised so as not to overreach the conclusions that can be achieved from the data, especially with no discernible mechanism.
We have now revised this statement by removing the conclusion and stating only the observation: "Western blotting indicated reduced phosphorylation of eIF2α in RPE1 cells lacking PEBP1 (Fig.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Bell et. al. describes an analysis of the effects of removing one of two mutually exclusive splice exons at two distinct sites in the Drosophila CaV2 calcium channel Cacophony (Cac). The authors perform imaging and electrophysiology, along with some behavioral analysis of larval locomotion, to determine whether these alternatively spliced variants have the potential to diversify Cac function in presynaptic output at larval neuromuscular junctions. The author provided valuable insights into how alternative splicing at two sites in the calcium channel alters its function.
The authors find that both of the second alternatively spliced exons (I-IIA and I-IIB) that are found in the intracellular loop between the 1st and second set of transmembrane domains can support Cac function. However, loss of the I-IIB isoform (predicted to alter potential beta subunit interactions) results in 50% fewer channels at active zones and a decrease in neurotransmitter release and the ability to support presynaptic homeostatic potentiation. Overall, the study provides new insights into Cac diversity at two alternatively spliced sites within the protein, adding to our understanding of how regulation of presynaptic calcium channel function can be regulated by splicing.
The authors find that one splice isoform (IS4B) in the first S4 voltage sensor is essential for the protein's function in promoting neurotransmitter release, while the other isoform (IS4A) is dispensable. The authors conclude that IS4B is required to localize Cac channels to active zones. However, I find it more likely that IS4B is required for channel stability and leads to the protein being degraded, rather than any effect on active zone localization. More analysis would be required to establish that as the mechanism for the unique requirement for IS4B.
(1) We thank the reviewer for this important point. In fact, all three reviewers raised the same question, and the reviewing editor pointed out that caution or additional experiments were required to distinguish between IS4 splicing being important for cac channel localization versus channel stability/degradation. We provide multiple sets of experiments as well as text and figure revisions to strengthen our claim that the IS4B exon is required for cacophony channels to enter motoneuron presynaptic boutons and localize to active zones.
a. If IS4B was indeed required for cac channel stability (and not for localization to active zones) IS4A channels should be instable wherever they are. This is not the case because we have recorded somatodendritic cacophony currents from IS4A expressing adult motoneurons that were devoid of cac channels with the IS4B exon. Therefore, IS4A cac channels are not instable but underlie somatodendritic voltage dependent calcium currents in these motoneurons. These new data are now shown in the revised figure 3C and referred to in the text on page 7, line 42 to page 8 line 9.
b. Similarly, if IS4B was required for channel stability, it should not be present anywhere in the nervous system. We tested this by immunohistochemistry for GFP tagged IS4A channels in the larval CNS. Although IS4A channels are sparsely expressed, which is consistent with low expression levels seen in the Western blots (Fig. 1E), there are always defined and reproducible patterns of IS4A label in the larval brain lobes as well as in the anterior part of the VNC. This again shows that the absence of IS4A from presynaptic active zones is not caused by channel instability, because the channel is expressed in other parts of the nervous system. These data are shown in the new supplementary figure 1 and referred to in the text on page 15, lines 3 to 8.
c. As suggested in a similar context by reviewers 1 and 2, we now show enlargements of the presence of IS4B channels in presynaptic active zones as well as enlargements of the absence of IS4A channels in presynaptic active zones in the revised figures 2A-C and 3A. In these images, no IS4A label is detectable in active zones or anywhere else throughout the axon terminals, thus indicating that IS4B is required for expressing cac channels in the axon terminal boutons and localizing it to active zones. Text and figure legends have been adjusted accordingly.
d. Related to this, reviewer 1 also recommended to quantify the IS4A and ISB4 channel intensity and co-localization with the active zone marker brp (recommendation for authors). After following the reviewers’ suggestion to adjust the background values in IS4A and IS4B immunolabels to identical (revised Figs. 2A-C), it becomes obvious that IS4A channel are not detectable above background in presynaptic terminals or active zones, thus intensity is close to zero. We still calculated the Pearsons co-localization coefficient for both IS4 variants with the active zone marker brp. For IS4B channels the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is control like, just above 0.6, whereas for IS4A channels we do not find colocalization with brp (Pearson’s below 0.25). These new analyses are now shown in the revised figure 2D and referred to on page 6, lines 33 to 38.
e. Consistent with our finding that IS4B is required for cac channel localization to presynaptic active zones, upon removal of IS4B we find no evoked synaptic transmission (Fig. 2 in initial submission, now Fig. 3B).
Together these data are in line with a unique requirement of IS4B at presynaptic active zones (not excluding additional functions of IS4B), whereas IS4A containing cac isoforms are not found in presynaptic active zones and mediate different functions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This study by Bell et al. focuses on understanding the roles of two alternatively spliced exons in the single Drosophila Cav2 gene cac. The authors generate a series of cac alleles in which one or the other mutually exclusive exons are deleted to determine the functional consequences at the neuromuscular junction. They find alternative splicing at one exon encoding part of the voltage sensor impacts the activation voltage as well as localization to the active zone. In contrast, splicing at the second exon pair does not impact Cav2 channel localization, but it appears to determine the abundance of the channel at active zones.
Together, the authors propose that alternative splicing at the Cac locus enables diversity in Cav2 function generated through isoform diversity generated at the single Cav2 alpha subunit gene encoded in Drosophila.
Overall this is an excellent, rigorously validated study that defines unanticipated functions for alternative splicing in Cav2 channels. The authors have generated an important toolkit of mutually exclusive Cac splice isoforms that will be of broad utility for the field, and show convincing evidence for distinct consequences of alternative splicing of this single Cav2 channel at synapses. Importantly, the authors use electrophysiology and quantitative live sptPALM imaging to determine the impacts of Cac alternative splicing on synaptic function. There are some outstanding questions regarding the mechanisms underlying the changes in Cac localization and function, and some additional suggestions are listed below for the authors to consider in strengthening this study. Nonetheless, this is a compelling investigation of alternative splicing in Cav2 channels that should be of interest to many researchers.
(2) We believe that the additional data on cac IS4A isoform localization and function as detailed above (response to public review 1) has strengthened the manuscript and answered some of the remaining questions the reviewer refers to. We are also grateful for the specific additional reviewer suggestions which we have addressed point-by-point and refer to below (section recommendations for authors).
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Bell and colleagues studied how different splice isoforms of voltage-gated CaV2 calcium channels affect channel expression, localization, function, synaptic transmission, and locomotor behavior at the larval Drosophila neuromuscular junction. They reveal that one mutually exclusive exon located in the fourth transmembrane domain encoding the voltage sensor is essential for calcium channel expression, function, active zone localization, and synaptic transmission. Furthermore, a second mutually exclusive exon residing in an intracellular loop containing the binding sites for Caβ and G-protein βγ subunits promotes the expression and synaptic localization of around ~50% of CaV2 channels, thereby contributing to ~50% of synaptic transmission. This isoform enhances release probability, as evident from increased short-term depression, is vital for homeostatic potentiation of neurotransmitter release induced by glutamate receptor impairment, and promotes locomotion. The roles of the two other tested isoforms remain less clear.
The study is based on solid data that was obtained with a diverse set of approaches. Moreover, it generated valuable transgenic flies that will facilitate future research on the role of calcium channel splice isoforms in neural function.
(1) Based on the data shown in Figures 2A-C, and 2H, it is difficult to judge the localization of the cac isoforms. Could they analyze cac localization with regard to Brp localization (similar to Figure 3; the term "co-localization" should be avoided for confocal data), as well as cac and Brp fluorescence intensity in the different genotypes for the experiments shown in Figure 2 and 3 (Brp intensity appears lower in the dI-IIA example shown in Figure 3G)? Furthermore, heterozygous dIS4B imaging data (Figure 2C) should be quantified and compared to heterozygous cacsfGFP/+.
According to the reviewer’s suggestion, we have quantified cac localization relative to brp localization by computing the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for controls and IS4A as well as IS4B animals. These new data are shown in the revised Fig. 2D and referred to on page 6, lines 33-38. Furthermore, we now confirm control-like Pearson’s correlation coefficients for all exon out variants except ΔIS4B and show Pearson’s correlation coefficients for all genotypes side-by-side in the revised Fig. 4D (legend has been adjusted accordingly). In addition, in response to the recommendations to authors, we now provide selective enlargements for the co-labeling of Brp and each exon out variant in the revised figures 2-4. We have also adjusted the background in Fig. 2C (ΔIS4B) to match that in Figs. 2A and B (control and ΔIS4A). This allows a fair comparison of cac intensities following excision of IS4B versus excision of IS4A and control (see also Fig 3). Together, this demonstrates the absence of IS4A label in presynaptic active zones much clearer. As suggested, we have also quantified brp puncta intensity on m6/7 across homozygous exon excision mutants and found no differences (this is now stated for IS4A/IS4B in the results text on page 6, lines 37/38 and for I-IIA/I-IIB on page 8, lines 42-44.). We did not quantify the intensity of cacophony puncta upon excision of IS4B because the label revealed no significant difference from background (which can be seen much better in the images now), but the brp intensities remained control-like even upon excision of IS4B.
(2) They conclude that I-II splicing is not required for cac localization (p. 13). However, cac channel number is reduced in dI-IIB. Could the channels be mis-localized (e.g., in the soma/axon)? What is their definition of localization? Could cac be also mis-localized in dIS4B? Furthermore, the Western Blots indicate a prominent decrease in cac levels in dIS4B/+ and dI-IIB (Figure 1D). How do the decreased protein levels seen in both genotypes fit to a "localization" defect? Could decreased cac expression levels explain the phenotypes alone?
We have now precisely defined what we mean by cac localization, namely the selective label of cac channels in presynaptic active zones that are defined as brp puncta, but no cac label elsewhere in the presynaptic bouton (page 6, lines 18 to 20). On the level of CLSM microscopy this corresponds to overlapping cac puncta and brp puncta, but no cac label elsewhere in the bouton. Based on the additional analysis and data sets outlined in our response 1 (see above) we conclude that excision of IS4B does not cause channel mislocalization because we find reproducible expression patterns elsewhere in the nervous system as well as somatodendritic cac current in ΔIS4B (for detail see above). Therefore, the isoforms containing the mutually exclusive IS4A exon are expressed and mediate other functions, but cannot substitute IS4B containing isoforms at the presynaptic AZ. In fact, our Western blots are in line with reduced cac expression if all isoforms that mediate evoked release are missing, again indicating that the presynapse specific cac isoforms cannot be replaced by other cac isoforms. This is also in line with the sparse expression of IS4A throughout the CNS as seen in the new supplementary figure 1 (for detail see above).
(3) Cac-IS4B is required for Cav2 expression, active zone localization, and synaptic transmission. Similarly, loss of cac-I-IIB reduces calcium channel expression and number. Hence, the major phenotype of the tested splice isoforms is the loss of/a reduction in Cav2 channel number. What is the physiological role of these isoforms? Is the idea that channel numbers can be regulated by splicing? Is there any data from other systems relating channel number regulation to splicing (vs. transcription or post-transcriptional regulation)?
Our data are not consistent with the idea that splicing regulates channel numbers. Rather, splicing can be used to generate channels with specific properties that match the demand at the site of expression. For the IS4 exon pair we find differences in activation voltage between IS4A and IS4B channels (revised Fig. 3C), with IS4B being required for sustained HVA current. IS4A does not localize to presynaptic active zones at the NMJ and is only sparsely expressed elsewhere in the NS (new supplementary Fig. 1). By contrast, IS4B is abundantly expressed in many neuropils. Therefore, taking out IS4B takes out the more abundant IS4 isoform. This is consistent with different expression levels for IS4 isoforms that have different functions, but we do not find evidence for splicing regulating expression levels per se.
Similarly, the I-II mutually exclusive exon pair differs markedly in the presence or absence of G-protein βγ binding sites that play a role in acute channel regulation as well the conservation of the sequence for β-subunit binding (see page 5, lines 9-17). Channel number reduction in active zones occurs specifically if expression of the cac channels with the G<sub>βγ</sub>-binding site as well as the more conserved β-subunit binding is prohibited by excision of the I-IIB exon (see Fig. 5F). Vice versa, excision of I-IIA does not result in reduced channel numbers. This scenario is consistent with the hypothesis that conserved β-subunit binding affects channel number in the active zone (see page 17, lines 3 to 6 and lines 33-36), but we have no evidence that I-II splicing per se affects channel number.
(4) Although not supported by statistics, and as appreciated by the authors (p. 14), there is a slight increase in PSC amplitude in dIS4A mutants (Figure 2). Similarly, PSC amplitudes appear slightly larger (Figure 3J), and cac fluorescence intensity is slightly higher (Figure 3H) in dI-IIA mutants. Furthermore, cac intensity and PSC amplitude distributions appear larger in dI-IIA mutants (Figures 3H, J), suggesting a correlation between cac levels and release. Can they exclude that IS4A and/or I-IIA negatively regulate release? I suggest increasing the sample size for Canton S to assess whether dIS4A mutant PSCs differ from controls (Figure 2E). Experiments at lower extracellular calcium may help reveal potential increases in PSC amplitude in the two genotypes (but are not required). A potential increase in PSC amplitude in either isoform would be very interesting because it would suggest that cac splicing could negatively regulate release.
There are several possibilities to explain this, but as none of the effects is statistically significant, we prefer to not investigate this in further depth. However, given that we cannot find IS4A in presynaptic active zones (revised figures 2C and 3A plus the new enlargements 2Ci and 3Ai, revised text page 6, lines 22 to 24 and 29 to 31, and page 7, second paragraph, same as public response 1D) IS4A channels cannot have a direct negative effect on release probability. Nonetheless, given that IS4A containing cac isoforms mediate functions in other neuronal compartments (see revised Fig. 3C) it may regulate release indirectly by affecting e.g. action potential shape. Moreover, in response to the more detailed suggestions to authors we provide new data that give additional insight.
(5) They provide compelling evidence that IS4A is required for the amplitude of somatic sustained HVA calcium currents. However, the evidence for effects on biophysical properties and activation voltage (p. 13) is less convincing. Is the phenotype confined to the sustained phase, or are other aspects of the current also affected (Figure 2J)? Could they also show the quantification of further parameters, such as CaV2 peak current density, charge density, as well as inactivation kinetics for the two genotypes? I also suggest plotting peaknormalized HVA current density and conductance (G/Gmax) as a function of Vm. Could a decrease in current density due to decreased channel expression be the only phenotype? How would changes in the sustained phase translate into altered synaptic transmission in response to AP stimulation?
Most importantly, sustained HVA current is abolished upon excision of IS4B (not IS4A, we think the reviewer accidentally mixed up the genotype) and presynaptic active zones at the NMJ contain only cac isoforms with the IS4B exon. This indicates that the cac isoforms that mediate evoked release encode HVA channels. The somatodendritic currents shown in the revised figure 3C (previously 2J) that remain upon excision of IS4B are mediated by IS4A containing cac isoforms. Please note that these never localize to the presynaptic active zone, and thus do not contribute to evoked release. Therefore, the interpretation is that specifically sustained HVA current encoded by IS4B cac isoforms is required for synaptic transmission. Reduced cac current density due to decreased channel expression is not the cause for impaired evoked release upon IS4B excision, but instead, the cause is the absence of any cac channels in active zones. IS4B-containing cac isoforms encode sustained HVA current, and we speculate that this might be a well suited current to minimize cacophony channel inactivation in the presynaptic active zone. Given that HVA current shows fast voltage dependent activation and fast inactivation upon repolarization, it is useful at large intraburst firing frequencies as observed during crawling (Kadas et al., 2017) without excessive cac inactivation (see page 15, Kadas, lines 16 to 20).
However, we agree with the reviewer that a deeper electrophysiological analysis of splice isoform specific cac currents will be instructive. We have now added traces of control and ΔIS4B from a holding potential of -90 mv (revised Fig. 3C, bottom traces and revised text on page 7, line 43 to page 8, lines 1 to 10), and these are also consistent with IS4B mediating sustained HVA cac current. However, further analysis of activation and inactivation voltages and kinetics suffers form space clamp issues in recordings from the somata of such complex neurons (DLM motoneurons of the adult fly contain roughly 6000 µm of dendrites with over 4000 branches, Ryglewski et al., 2017, Neuron 93(3):632-645). Therefore, we will analyze the currents in a heterologous expression system and present these data to the scientific community as a separate study at a later time point.
(6) Why was the STED data analysis confined to the same optical section, and not to max. intensity z-projections? How many and which optical sections were considered for each active zone? What were the criteria for choosing the optical sections? Was synapse orientation considered for the nearest neighbor Cac - Brp cluster distance analysis? How do the nearest-neighbor distances compare between "planar" and "side-view" Brp puncta?
Maximum intensity z-projections would be imprecise because they can artificially suggest close proximity of label that is close by in x and y but far away in z. Therefore, the analysis was executed in xy-direction of various planes of entire 3D image stacks. We considered active zones of different orientations (Figs. 5C, D) to account for all planes. In fact, we searched the entire z-stacks until we found active zones of all orientations within the same boutons, as shown in figures 5C1-C6. The same active zone orientations were analyzed for all exon-out mutants with cac localization in active zones. The distance between cac and brp did not change if viewed from the side or any other orientation. We now explain this in more clarity in the results text on page 9, lines 23/24.
(7) Cac clusters localize to the Brp center (e.g., Liu et al., 2011). They conclude that Cav2 localization within Brp is not affected in the cac variants (p. 8). However, their analysis is not informative regarding a potential offset between the central cac cluster and the Brp "ring". Did they/could they analyze cac localization with regard to Brp ring center localization of planar synapses, as well as Brp-ring dimensions?
In the top views (planar) we did not find any clear offset in cac orientation to brp between genotypes. In such planar synapses (top views, Fig. 5D, left row) we did not find any difference in Brp ring dimensions. We did not quantify brp ring dimensions rigorously, because this study focusses on cac splice isoform-specific localization and function. Possible effects of different cac isoforms on brp-ring dimensions or other aspects of scaffold structure are not central to our study, in particular given that brp puncta are clearly present even if cac is absent from the synapse (Fig. 3A), indicating that cac is not instructive for the formation of the brp scaffold.
(8) Given the accelerated PSC decay/ decreased half width in dI-IIA (Fig. 5Q), I recommend reporting PSC charge in Figure 3, and PPR charge in Figures 5A-D. The charge-based PPRs of dI-IIA mutants likely resemble WT more closely than the amplitude-based PPR. In addition, miniature PSC decay kinetics should be reported, as they may contribute to altered decay kinetics. How could faster cac inactivation kinetics in response to single AP stimulation result in a decreased PSC half-width? Is there any evidence for an effect of calcium current inactivation on PSC kinetics? On a similar note, is there any evidence that AP waveform changes accelerate PSC kinetics? PSC decay kinetics are mainly determined by GluR decay kinetics/desensitization. The arguments supporting the role of cac splice isoforms in PSC kinetics outlined in the discussion section are not convincing and should be revised.
We agree that reporting charge in figure 3 is informative and do so in the revised text. Since the result (no significant difference in the PSCs between between CS, cac<sup>GFP</sup>, <sup>ΔI-IIA</sup>, and transheterozygous I-IIA/I-IIB, but significantly smaller values in ΔI-IIB) remained unchanged no matter whether charge or amplitude were analyzed, we decided to leave the figure as is and report the additional analysis in the text (page 8, lines 40 to 42). This way, both types of analysis are reported. Please note that EPSC amplitude is slightly but not significantly increased upon excision of I-IIA (Fig. 4J), whereas EPSC half amplitude width is significantly smaller (Fig. 5Q, now revised Fig 6R). Together, a tendency of increased EPSC amplitudes and smaller half amplitude width result in statistically insignificant changes in EPSC in ∆I-IIA (now discussed on page 15, lines 37 to 40). We also understand the reviewer’s concern attributing altered EPSC kinetics to presynaptic cac channel properties. We have toned down our interpretation in the discussion and list possible alterations in presynaptic AP shape or cac channel kinetics as alternative explanations (not conclusions; see revised discussion on page 15, line 40 to page 16, line 2). Moreover, we have quantified postsynaptic GluRIIA abundance to test whether altered PSC kinetics are caused by altered GluRIIA expression. In our opinion, the latter is more instructive than mini decay kinetic analysis because this depends strongly on the distance of the recording electrode to the actual site of transmission in these large muscle cells. Although we find no difference in GluRIIA expression levels we now clearly state that we cannot exclude other changes in GluR receptor fields, which of course, could also explain altered PSC kinetics. We have updated the discussion on page 16, lines 2/3 accordingly.
(9) Paired-pulse ratios (PPRs): On how many sweeps are the PPRs based? In which sequence were the intervals applied? Are PPR values based on the average of the second over the first PSC amplitudes of all sweeps, or on the PPRs of each sweep and then averaged? The latter calculation may result in spurious facilitation, and thus to the large PPRs seen in dI-IIB mutants (Kim & Alger, 2001; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-2409608.2001).
We agree that the PP protocol and analyses had to be described more precisely in the methods and have done so on page 23, lines 31 to 37 in the methods. Mean PPR values are based on the PPRs of each sweep and then averaged. We are aware of the study of Kim and Alger 2001 and have re-analyzed the PP data in both ways outlined by the reviewer. We get identical results with either analyses method. Spurious facilitation is thus not an issue in our data. We now explain this in the methods section along with the PPR protocol. The large spread seen in dI-IIB is indeed caused by reduced calcium influx into active zones with fewer channels, as anticipated by the reviewer (see next point).
(10) Could the dI-IIB phenotype be simply explained by a decrease in channel number/ release probability? To test this, I propose investigating PPRs and short-term dynamics during train stimulation at lower extracellular Ca2+ concentration in WT. The Ca2+ concentration could be titrated such that the first PSC amplitude is similar between WT and dI-IIB mutants. This experiment would test if the increased PPR/depression variability is a secondary consequence of a decrease in Ca2+ influx, or specific to the splice isoform.
In fact, the interpretation that decreased PSC amplitude upon I-IIB excision is caused mainly by reduced channel number is precisely our interpretation (see discussion page 14, last paragraph to page 15, first paragraph in the original submission, now page 16, second paragraph paragraph). In addition, we are grateful for the reviewer’s suggestion to triturate the external calcium such that the first PSC amplitude in matches in ∆I-IIB and control. This experiment tests whether altered short term plasticity is solely a function of altered channel number or whether additional causes, such as altered channel properties, also play into this. We triturated the first pulse amplitude in ∆I-IIB to match control and find that paired pulse ratio and the variance thereof are not different anymore. Therefore, the differences observed in identical external calcium can be fully explained by altered channel numbers. This additional dataset is shown in the revised figures 6D and E and referred to in the results section on page 10, lines 14 to 25 and the discussion on page16, lines 36 to 38.
(11) How were the depression kinetics analyzed? How many trains were used for each cell, and how do the tau values depend on the first PSC amplitude? Time constants in the range of a few (5-10) milliseconds are not informative for train stimulations with a frequency of 1 or 10 Hz (the unit is missing in Figure 5H). Also, the data shown in Figures 5E-K suggest slower time constants than 5-10 ms. Together, are the data indeed consistent with the idea that dIIIB does not only affect cac channel number, but also PPR/depression variability (p. 9)?
For each animal the amplitudes of all subsequent PSCs in each train were plotted over time and fitted with a single exponential. For depression at 1 and 10 Hz, we used one train per animal, and 5-6 animals per genotype (as reflected in the data points in Figs. 6I, M). This is now explained in more detail in the revised methods section (page 23, lines 39 to 41). The tau values are not affected by the amplitude of the first PSC. First, we carefully re-fitted new and previously presented depression data and find that the taus for depression at low stimulation frequencies (1 and 10Hz) are not affected by exon excisions at the I-II site. We thank the reviewer for detecting our error in units and tau values in the previous figure panels 5H and L (this has now been corrected in the revised figure panels 6I and M). Given that PSC amplitude upon I-IIB excision is significantly smaller than in controls and following I-IIA excision, we suspected that the time course of depression at low stimulation frequency is not significantly affected by the amount of calcium influx during the first PSC. To further test this, we followed the reviewer ’s suggestion and re-measured depression at 1 and 10 Hz for cac-GFP controls and for delta I-IIB in a higher external calcium concentration (1.8 mM), so that the first PSC was increased in amplitude in both genotypes (1.8 mM external calcium triturates the PSC amplitude in delta I-IIB to match that of controls measured in 0.5 mM external calcium, see revised Figs. 6H, L). Neither in control, nor in delta I-IIB did this affect the time course of synaptic depression (see revised Figs. 6I, M). This indicates that at low stimulation frequencies (1 and 10Hz) the time course of depression is not affected by mean quantal content. This is consistent with the paired pulse ratio at 100 ms interpulse interval shown in figures 6A-D. However, for synaptic depression at 1 Hz stimulation the variability of the data is higher for delta I-IIB (independent of external calcium concentration, see rev. Fig. 6I), which might also be due to reduced channel number in this genotype. Taken together, the data are in line with the idea that altered cac channel numbers in active zones are sufficient to explain all effects that we observe upon I-IIB excision on PPRs and synaptic depression at low stimulation frequencies. This is now clarified in the revised text on page 12, lines 3 to 7.
(12) The GFP-tagged I-IIA and mEOS4b-tagged I-IIB cac puncta shown in Figure 6N appear larger than the Brp puncta. Endogenously tagged cac puncta are typically smaller than Brp puncta (Gratz et al., 2019). Also, the I-IIA and I-IIB fluorescence sometimes appear to be partially non-overlapping. First, I suggest adding panels that show all three channels merged. Second, could they analyze the area and area overlap of I-IIA and I-IIB with regard to each other and to Brp, and compare it to cac-GFP? Any speculation as to how the different tags could affect localization? Finally, I recommend moving the dI-IIA and dI-IIB localization data shown in Figure 6N to an earlier figure (Figure 1 or Figure 3).
We now show panels with the two I-II cac isoforms merged in the revised figure 7H (previously 6N). We also tested merging all three labels as suggested, but found this not instructive for the reader. We thank the reviewer for pointing out that the Brp puncta appeared smaller than the cac puncta in some panels. We carefully went through the data and found that the Brp puncta are not systematically smaller than the cac puncta. Please note that punctum size can appear quite differently, depending on different staining qualities as well as different laser intensities and different point spread in different imaging channels. The purpose of this figure was not to analyze punctum size and labeling intensity, but instead, to demonstrate that I-IIA and I-IIB are both present in most active zones, but some active zones show only I-IIB labeling, as quantified in figure 7I. We did not follow the suggestion to conduct additional co-localization analyses and compare it with cac-GFP controls, because Pearson co-localization coefficients for cac-GFP and all exon-out variants analyzed, including delta I-IIA and delta I-IIB are presented in the revised figure 4D. Moreover, delta I-IIA and delta I-IIB show similar Manders 1 and 2 co-localization coefficients with Brp (see Figs. 4E, F). We do not want to speculate whether the different tags have any effect on localization precision. Artificial differences in localization precision can also be suggested by different antibodies, but we know from our STED analyses with identical tags and antibodies for all isoforms that I-IIA and I-IIB co-localize identically with Brp (see Figs. 5A-E). Finally, we prefer to not move the figure because we believe it is informative to show our finding that active zones usually contain both splice I-II variants together with the finding that only I-IIB is required for PHP.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewing Editor Comments:
We thank you for your submission. All three reviewers urge caution in interpreting the S4 splice variant playing a role specifically in Cac localization, as opposed to just leading to instability and degradation. There are other issues with the electrophysiological experiments, a need for improved imaging and analyses, and some areas of interpretation detailed in the reviews.
We agree that additional data was required to conclude that IS4 splicing plays a specific role in cac channel localization and is not just leading to channel instability and degradation. As outlined in detail in our response to reviewer 1, comment 1, we conducted several sets of experiments to support our interpretation. First, electrophysiological experiments show that upon removal of IS4B, which eliminates synaptic transmission at the larval NMJ and cac positive label in presynaptic active zones, somatodendritic cac current is reliably recorded (new data in revised figure 3C). This is not in line with a channel instability or degradation effect, but instead with IS4B containing isoforms being required and sufficient for evoked release from NMJ motor terminals, whereas IS4A isoforms are not sufficient for evoked release from axon terminals, but IS4A isoforms alone can mediate a distinct component of somatodendritic calcium current. Second, immunohostochemical analyses reveal that IS4A, which is not present in NMJ presynaptic active zones, is expressed sparsely, but in reproducible patterns in the larval brain lobes and in specific regions of the anterior VNC parts (new supplementary figure 1). Again, the absence of a IS4A-containing cac isoform from presynaptic active zones but their simultaneous presence in other parts of the nervous system is in accord with isoform specific localization, but not with general channel isoform instability. Third, enlargements of NMJ boutons with brp positive presynaptic active zones confirm the absence of IS4A and the presence of IS4B in active zones (these enlargements are now shown in the revised figures 2A-C, 3A, and 4A-C). Fourth, as suggested we have quantified the Pearson co-localization of IS4 isoforms with Brp in presynaptic active zones (revised Fig. 2D). This confirms quantitatively similar co-localization of IS4B and control with Brp, but no co-localization of IS4A with Brp. In fact, the labeling intensity of IS4A in presynaptic active zones is quantitatively not significantly different from background, no IS4A label is detected anywhere in the axon terminals at the NMJ, but we find IS4 label in the CNS. Together, these data strongly support our interpretation that the IS4 splice site plays a distinct role in cac channel localization. Figure legends as well as results and discussion section have been modified accordingly (the respective page and line numbers are listed in our-point-by-point responses).
In addition, we have carefully addressed all other public comments as well as all other recommendations for authors by providing multiple new data sets, new image analyses, and revising text. Addressing the insightful comments of all three reviewers and the reviewing editor has greatly helped to make the manuscript better.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
The conclusion that the IS4B exon controls Cac localization to active zones versus simply being required for channel abundance is not well supported. The authors need to either mention both possibilities or provide stronger support for the active zone localization model if they want to emphasize this point.
We agree and have included several additional data sets as outlined in our response to point 1 of reviewer 1 and to the reviewing editor (see above). These new data strongly support our interpretation that the IS4B exon controls Cac localization to active zones and is not simply required for channel abundance. The additions to the figures and accompanying text (including the respective figure panel, page, and line numbers) are listed in the point-bypoint responses to the reviewers’ public suggestions.
Figure 2C staining for Cac localization in the delta 4B line is difficult to compare to the others, as the background staining is so high (muscles are green for example). As such, it is hard to determine whether the arrows in C are just background.
We had over-emphasized the green label to show that there really is no cacophony label in active zones. However, we agree that this hampered image interpretation. Thus, we have adjusted brightness such that it matches the other genotypes (see new figure panel 2C, and figure 3A, bottom). Revising the figure as suggested by the reviewer shows much more clearly that IS4B puncta are detected exclusively in presynaptic active zones, whereas IS4A channels are not detectable in active zones or anywhere else in the axon terminal boutons. Quantification of IS4A label in brp positive active zones confirms that labeling intensity is not significantly above background (page 6, lines 29 to 31 and page 7, lines 19 to 21). Therefore, IS4A is not detectable in active zones at the NMJ.
It seems more likely that the removal of the 4B exon simply destabilizes the protein and causes it to be degraded (as suggested by the Western), rather than mislocalizing it away from active zones. It's hard to imagine how some residue changes in the S4 voltage sensor would control active zone localization to begin with. The authors should note that the alternative explanation is that the protein is just degraded when the 4B exon is removed.
Based on additional data and analyses, we disagree with the interpretation that removal of IS4B disrupts protein integrity and present multiple lines of evidence that support sparse expression of IS4A channels (ΔIS4B). As outlined in our response to reviewer 1 and to the reviewing editor, we show (1) in new immunohistochemical stainings (new supplementary figure 1) that upon removal of IS4B, sparse label is detectable in the VNC and the brain lobes (for detail see above). (2) In our new figure 3C, we show cacophony-mediated somatodendritic calcium currents recorded from adult flight motoneurons in a control situation and upon removal of IS4B that leaves only IS4A channels. This clearly demonstrates that IS4A underlies a substantial component of the HVA somatodendritic calcium current, although it is absence from axon terminals. This is in line with isoform specific functions at different locations, but not with IS4A instability/degradation. (3) We do not agree with the reviewer’s interpretation of the Western Blot data in figure 1E (formerly figure 1D). Together with our immunohistochemical data that show sparse cacophony IS4A expression, we think that the faint band upon removal of IS4B in a heterozygous background (that reduces labeled channels even further) reflects the sparseness of IS4A expression. This sparseness is not due to channel instability, but to IS4A functions that are less abundant than the ubiquitously expressed cac<sup>IS4B</sup> channels at presynaptic active zones of fast chemical synapses (see page 15, lines 24 to 29).
If they really want to claim the 4B exon governs active zone localization, much higher quality imaging is required (with enlarged views of individual boutons and their AZs, rather than the low-quality full NMJ imaging provided). Similarly, higher resolution imaging of Cac localization at Muscle 12 (Figure 2H) boutons would be very useful, as the current images are blurry and hard to interpret. Figure 6N shows beautiful high-resolution Cac and Brp imaging in single boutons for the I-II exon manipulations - the authors should do the same for the 4B line. For all immuno in Figure 2, it is important to quantify Cac intensity as well. There is no quantification provided, just a sample image. The authors should provide quantification as they do for the delta I-II exons in Figure 3.
We did as suggested and added figure panels to figure 2A-C and to new figures 3A (formerly part of figure 2 and 4A-C (formerly figure 3) showing magnified label at the NMJ AZs to better judge on cacophony expression after exon excision. These data are now referred to in the results section on page 6, lines 22 to 24, page 7, lines 18 to 21 and page 8, lines 17/18.
As suggested, we now also provide quantification of co-localization with brp puncta as Pearson’s correlation coefficient for control, IS4B, and IS4A in the new figure panel 2D (text on page 6, lines 34 to 38). This further underscores control-like active zone localization of IS4B but no significant active zone localization of IS4A. As suggested, we quantified now also the intensity of IS4B label in active zones, and it was not different from control (see revised figure 4H and text on page 8, lines 38/39). We did not quantify the intensity of IS4A label, because it was not over background (text, page 6, lines 30/31).
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1a) Questions about the engineered Cac splice isoform alleles:
The authors using CRISPR gene editing to selectively remove the entire alternatively spliced exons of interest. Do the authors know what happens to the cac transcript with the deleted exon? Is the deleted exon just skipped and spliced to the next exon? Or does the transcript instead undergo nonsense-mediated decay?
We do not believe that there is nonsense mediated mRNA decay, because for all exon excisions the respective mRNA and protein are made. Protein has been detected on the level of Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Therefore, we are certain that the mRNA is viable for each exon excision (and we have confirmed this for low abundance cac protein isoforms by rt-PCR), but only subsets of cac isoforms can be made from mRNAs that are lacking specific exons. However, we can not make any statements as to whether the lack of specific protein isoforms exerts feedback on mRNA stability, the rate of transcription and translation, or other unknown effects.
(1b) While it is clear that the IS4 exons encode part of the voltage sensor in the first repeat, are there studies in Drosophila to support the putative Ca-beta and G-protein beta-gamma binding sites in the I-II loop? Or are these inferred from Mammalian studies?
To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies in Drosophila that unambiguously show Caβ and Gβγ binding sites in the I-II loop of cacophony. However, sequence analysis strongly suggests that I-IIB contains both, a Caβ as well as a Gβγ binding site (AID: α-interacting domain) because the binding motif QXXER is present. In mouse Cav2.1 and Ca<sub>v</sub>2.2 channels the sequence is QQIER, while in Drosophila cacophony I-IIB it is QQLER. In the alternative IIIA, this motif is not present, strongly suggesting that G<sub>βγ</sub> subunits cannot interact at the AID. However, as already suggested by Smith et al. (1998), based on sequence analysis, Ca<sub>β</sub> should still be able to bind, although possibly with a lower affinity. We agree that this information should be given to the reader and have revised the text accordingly on page 5, lines 9 to 17.
(1c) The authors assert that splicing of Cav2/cac in flies is a means to encode diversity, as mammals obviously have 4 Cav2 genes vs 1 in flies. However, as the authors likely know, mammalian Cav2 channels also have various splice isoforms encoded in each of the 4 Cav2 genes. The authors should discuss in more detail what is known about the splicing of individual mammalian Cav2 channels and whether there are any homologous properties in mammalian channels controlled by alternative splicing.
We agree and now provide a more comprehensive discussion of vertebrate Ca<sub>v</sub>2 splicing and its impact on channel function. In line to what we report in Drosophila, properties like G<sub>βγ</sub> binding and activation voltage can also be affected by alternative splicing in vertebrate Ca<sub>v</sub>2 channel, through the exon patterns are quite different from Drosophila. We integrated this part on page 14, first paragraph) in the revised discussion. The respective text is below for the reviewer’s convenience:
“However, alternative splicing increases functional diversity also in mammalian Ca<sub>v</sub>2 channels. Although the mutually exclusive splice site in the S4 segment of the first homologous repeat (IS4) is not present in vertebrate Cav channels, alternative splicing in the extracellular linker region between S3 and S4 is at a position to potentially change voltage sensor properties (Bezanilla 2002). Alternative splice sites in rat Ca<sub>v</sub>2.1 exon 24 (homologous repeat III) and in exon 31 (homologous repeat IV) within the S3-S4 loop modulate channel pharmacology, such as differences in the sensitivity of Ca<sub>v</sub>2.1 to Agatoxin. Alternative splicing is thus a potential cause for the different pharmacological profiles of P- and Q-channels (both Ca<sub>v</sub>2.1; Bourinet et al. 1999). Moreover, the intracellular loop connecting homologous repeats I and II is encoded by 3-5 exons and provides strong interaction with G<sub>βγ</sub>-subunits (Herlitze et al. 1996). In Ca<sub>v</sub>2.1 channels, binding to G<sub>βγ</sub> subunits is potentially modulated by alternative splicing of exon 10 (Bourinet et al. 1999). Moreover, whole cell currents of splice forms α1A-a (no Valine at position 421) and α1A-b (with Valine) represent alternative variants for the I-II intracellular loop in rat Ca<sub>v</sub>2.1 and Ca<sub>v</sub>2.2 channels. While α1A-a exhibits fast inactivation and more negative activation, α1A-b has delayed inactivation and a positive shift in the IV-curve (Bourinet et al. 1999). This is phenotypically similar to what we find for the mutually exclusive exons at the IS4 site, in which IS4B mediates high voltage activated cacophony currents while IS4A channels activate at more negative potentials and show transient current (Fig. 3; see also Ryglewski et al. 2012). Furthermore, altered Ca<sub>β</sub> interaction have been shown for splice isoforms in loop III (Bourinet et al. 1999), similar to what we suspect for the I-II site in cacophony. Finally, in mammalian VGCCs, the C-terminus presents a large splicing hub affecting channel function as well as coupling distance to other proteins. Taken together, Ca<sub>v</sub>2 channel diversity is greatly enhanced by alternative splicing also in vertebrates, but the specific two mutually exclusive exon pairs investigated here are not present in vertebrate Ca<sub>v</sub>2 genes.”
(1d) In Figure 1, it would be helpful to see the entire cac genomic locus with all introns/exons and the 4 specific exons targeted for deletion.
We agree and have changed figure 1 accordingly.
(2a) Cav2.IS4B deletion alleles:
More work is necessary to explain the localization of Cac controlled by the IS4B exon. First, can the authors determine whether actual Cac channels are present at NMJ boutons? The authors seem to indicate that in the IS4B deletion mutants, some Cac (GFP) signal remains in a diffuse pattern across NMJ boutons. However, from the imaging of wild-type Cac-GFP (and previous studies), there is no Cac signal outside of active zones defined by the BRP signal. It would benefit the study to a) take additional, higher resolution images of the remaining Cac signal at NMJs in IS4B deletion mutants, and b) comment on whether the apparent remaining signal in these mutants is only observed in the absence of IS4Bcontaining Cac channels, or if the IS4A-positive channels are normally observed (but perhaps mis-localized?).
We have conducted additional analyses to show convincingly that IS4A channels (that remain upon IS4B deletion) are absent from presynaptic active zone. Please see also responses to reviewers 1 and 3. By adjusting the background values in of CLSM images to identical values in control, delta IS4A, and delta IS4B, as well as by providing selective enlargements as suggested, the figure panels 2C, Ci and 3A now show much clearer, that upon deletion of IS4B no cac label remains in active zones or anywhere else in the axon terminal boutons (see text on page 6, lines 22 to 24). This is further confirmed by quantification showing the in IS4B mutants cac labeling intensity in active zones is not above background (see text on page 6, lines 27 to 31). We never intended to indicate that there was cac signal outside of active zones defined by the brp signal, and we now carefully went through the text to not indicate this possibility unintentionally anywhere in the manuscript.
(2b) Do the authors know whether any presynaptic Ca2+ influx is contributed by IS4Apositive Cac channels at boutons, given the potential diffuse localization? There are various approaches for doing presynaptic Ca2+ imaging that could provide insight into this question.
We agree that this is an interesting question. However, based on the revisions made, we now show with more clarity that IS4A channels are absent from the presynaptic terminal at the NMJ. IS4A labeling intensities within active zones and anywhere else in the axon terminals are not different from background (see text on page 6, lines 27 to 31 and revised Figs. 2C, Ci, and 3A with new selective enlargements in response to comments of both other reviewers). This is in line with our finding that evoked synaptic transmission from NMJ axon terminals to muscle cells is mostly absent upon excision of IS4B (see Fig. 3B). The very small amplitude EPSC (below 5 % of the normal amplitude of evoked EPSCs) that can still be recorded in the absence of IS4B is similar to what is observed in cac null mutant junctions and is mediated by calcium influx through another voltage gated calcium channels, a Ca<sub>v</sub>1 homolog named Dmca1D, as we have previously published (Krick et al., 2021, PNAS 118(28):e2106621118. Gathering additional support for the absence of IS4A from presynaptic terminals by calcium imaging experiments would suffer significantly from the presence of additional types of VGCCs in presynaptic terminals (for sure Dmca1D (Krick et al., 2021) and potentially also the Ca<sub>v</sub>3 homolog DmαG or Dm-α1T). Such experiments would require mosaic null mutants for cac and DmαG channels in a mosaic IS4B excision mutant, which, if feasible at all, would be very hard and time consuming to generate. In the light of the additional clarification that IS4A is not located in NMJ axon terminal boutons, as shown by additional labeling intensity analysis, revised figures with selective enlargement, and revised text, we feel confident to state that IS4A is not sufficient for evoked SV release.
(2c) Mechanistically, how are amino acid changes in one of the voltage sensing domains in Cac related to trafficking/stabilization/localization of Cac to AZs?
This is an exciting question that has occupied our discussions a lot. Some sorting mechanism must exist that recognizes the correct protein isoforms, just as sorting and transport mechanisms exist that transport other synaptic proteins to the synapse. We do not think that the few amino acid changes in the voltage sensor are directly involved in protein targeting. We rather believe that the cacophony variants that happen to contain this specific voltage sensor are selected for transport out to the synapse. There are possibilities to achieve this cell biological, but we have not further addressed potential mechanisms because we do not want enter the realms of speculation.
(3) How are auxiliary subunits impacted in the Cac isoform mutants?
Recent work by Kate O'Connor-Giles has shown that both Stj and Ca-Beta subunits localize to active zones along with Cac at the Drosophila NMJ. Endogenously tagged Stj and CaBeta alleles are now available, so it would be of interest to determine if Stj and particular Cabeta levels or localization change in the various Cac isoform alleles. This would be particularly interesting given the putative binding site for Ca-beta encoded in the I-II linker.
We agree that the synthesis of the work of Kate O'Connor-Giles group and our study open up new avenues to explore exciting hypotheses about differential coupling of specific cacophony splice isoforms with distinct accessory proteins such as Caβ and α<sub>2</sub>δ subunits. However, this requires numerous full sets of additional experiments and is beyond the scope of this study.
(4a) Interpretation of short-term plasticity in the I-IIB exon deletion:
The changes in short-term plasticity presented in Figure 5 are interpreted as an additional phenotype due to the loss of the I-IIB exon, but it seems this might be entirely explained simply due to the reduced Cac levels. Reduced Cac levels at active zones will obviously reduce Ca2+ influx and neurotransmitter release. This may be really the only phenotype/function of the I-IIB exon. Hence, to determine whether loss of the I-IIB exon encodes any functions in short-term plasticity, separate from reduced Cac levels, the authors should compare short-term plasticity in I-IIB loss alleles compared to wild type with starting EPSC amplitudes are equal (for example by reducing extracellular Ca2+ levels in wild type to achieve the same levels at in Cac I-IIB exon deleted alleles). Reduced release probability, simply by reduced Ca2+ influx (either by reduced Cac abundance or extracellular Ca2+) should result in more variability in transmission, so I am not sure there is any particular function of the I-IIB exon in maintaining transmission variability beyond controlling Cac abundance at active zones.
For two reasons we are particularly grateful for this comment. First, it shows us that we needed to explain much clearer that our interpretation is that changes in paired pulse ratios (PPRs) and in depression at low stimulation frequencies are a causal consequence of lower channel numbers upon I-IIB exon deletion, precisely as pointed out by the reviewer. We have carefully revised the text accordingly on page 10, lines 14-25, page 11, lines 3-7 and 22-28; page 16, lines 36-38. Second, the experiment suggested by the reviewer is superb to provide additional evidence that the cause of altered PPRs is in fact reduced channel number, but not altered channel properties. Accordingly, we have conducted additional TEVC recordings in elevated external calcium (1.8 mM) so that the single PSC amplitudes in I-IIB excision animals match those of controls in 0.5 mM extracellular calcium. This makes the amplitudes and the variance of PPR for all interpulse intervals tested control-like (see revised Figs. 6D, E). This strongly indicates that differences observed in PPRs as well as the variance thereof were caused by the amount of calcium influx during the first EPSC, and thus by different channel numbers in active zones.
(4b) Another point about the data in Figure 5: If "behaviorally relevant" motor neuron stimulation and recordings are the goal, the authors should also record under physiological Ca2+ conditions (1.8 mM), rather than the highly reduced Ca2+ levels (0.5 mM) they are using in their protocols.
Although we doubt that the effective extracellular calcium concentration that determines the electromotoric force for calcium to enter the ensheathed motoneuron terminals in vivo during crawling is known, we followed the reviewer’s suggestion partly and have repeated the high frequency stimulation trains for ΔI-IIB in 1.8 mM calcium. As for short-term plasticity this brings the charge conducted to values as observed in control and in ΔI-IIA in 0.5 mM calcium. Therefore, all difference observed in previous figure 5 (now revised figure 6) can be accounted to different channel numbers in presynaptic active zones. This is now explained on page 11, lines 19-28. For controls recordings at high frequency stimulation in higher external calcium (e.g. 2 mM) have previously been published and show significant synaptic depression (e.g. Krick et al., 2021, PNAS). Given that in the exon out variants we do not expect any differences except from those caused by different channel numbers, we did not repeat these experiments for control and ΔI-IIA.
(5a) Mechanism of Cac's role in PHP :
As the authors likely know, mutations in Cac were previously reported to disrupt PHP expression (see Frank et al., 2006 Neuron). Inexplicably, this finding and publication were not cited anywhere in this manuscript (this paper should also be cited when introducing PhTx, as it was the first to characterize PhTx as a means of acutely inducing PHP). In the Frank et al. paper (and in several subsequent studies), PHP was shown to be blocked in mutations in Cac, namely the CacS allele. This allele, like the I-IIB excision allele, reduces baseline transmission presumably due to reduced Ca2+ influx through Cac. The authors should at a minimum discuss these previous findings and how they relate to what they find in Figure 6 regarding the block in PHP in the Cac I-IIB excision allele.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and apologize for this oversight. We agree that it is imperative to cite the 2006 paper by Frank et al. when introducing PhTx mediated PHP as well as when discussing cac the effects of cac mutants on PHP together with other published work. We have revised the text accordingly on page 12, lines 9-11 and 21-23 and on page 17, lines 29-33.
In terms of data presentation in Fig. 6, as is typical in the field, the authors should normalize their mEPSC/QC data as a percentage of baseline (+PhTx/-PhTx). This makes it easier to see the reduction in mEPSC values (the "homeostatic pressure" on the system) and then the homeostatic enhancement in QC. Similarly, in Fig. 6M, the authors should show both mEPSC and QC as a percentage of baseline (wild type or non-GluRIIA mutant background).
We agree and have changed figure presentation accordingly. Figure 7 (formerly figure 6) was updated as was the accompanying results text on page 12, lines 23-40.
(6) Cac I-IIA and I-IIB excision allele colocalization at AZs:
These are very nice and important experiments shown in Figures 6N and O, which I suggest the authors consider analyzing in further detail. Most significantly:
(6i) The authors nicely show that most AZs have a mix of both Cac IIA and IIB isoforms. Using simple intensity analysis, can the authors say anything about whether there is a consistent stoichiometric ratio of IIA vs IIB at single AZs? It is difficult to extract actual numbers of IIA vs IIB at individual AZs without having both isoforms labeled mEOS4b, but as a rough estimate can the authors say whether the immunofluorescence intensity of IIA:IIB is similar across each AZ? Or is there broad heterogeneity, with some AZs having low vs high ratios of each isoform (as the authors suggest across proximal to distal NMJ AZs)?
We agree and have conducted experiments and analyses to provide these data. We measured the cac puncta fluorescence intensities for heterozygous cac<sup>sfGFP</sup>/cac, cacIIIA<sup>sfGFP</sup>/cacI-IIB, and cacI-IIB<sup>sfGFP</sup>/cacI-IIA animals. We preferred this strategy, because intensity was always measured from cac puncta with the same GFP tag. Next, we normalized all values to the intensities obtained in active zones from heterozygous cac<sup>sfGFP</sup>/cac controls and then plotted the intensities of I-IIA versus I-IIB containing active zones side by side. Across junctions and animals, we find a consistent ratio 2:1 in the relative intensities of I-IIB and I-IIA, thus indicating on average roughly twice as many I-IIB as compared to I-IIA channels across active zones. This is consistent with the counts in our STED analysis (see Fig. 5F). These new data are shown in the new figure panel 7J and referred to on page 13, lines 10-16 in the revised text.
(6ii) Intensity analysis of Cac IIA vs IIB after PHP: Previous studies have shown Cac abundance increases at NMJ AZs after PHP. Can the authors determine whether both Cac IIA vs IIB isoforms increase after PHP or whether just one isoform is targeted for this enhancement?
We already show that PHP is not possible in the absence of I-IIB channels (see figure 7). However, we agree that it is an interesting question to test whether I-IIA channel are added in the presence of I-IIB channels during PHP, but we consider this a detail beyond the scope of this study.
Minor points:
(1) Including line numbers in the manuscript would help to make reviewing easier.
We agree and now provide line numbers.
(2) Several typos (abstract "The By contrast", etc).
We carefully double checked for typos.
(3) Throughout the manuscript, the authors refer to Cac alleles and channels as "Cav2", which is unconventional in the field. Unless there is a compelling reason to deviate, I suggest the authors stick to referring to "Cac" (i.e. cacdIS4B, etc) rather than Cav2. The authors make clear in the introduction that Cac is the sole fly Cav2 channel, so there shouldn't be a need to constantly reinforce that cac=Cav2.
We agree and have changed all fly Ca<sub>v</sub>2 reference to cac.
(4) In some figures/text the authors use "PSC" to refer to "postsynaptic current", while in others (i.e. Figure 6) they switch to the more conventional terms of mEPSC or EPSC. I suggest the authors stick to a common convention (mEPSC and EPSC).
We have changed PSC to EPSC throughout.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The abstract could focus more on the results at the expense of the background.
We agree and have deleted the second introductory background sentence and added information on PPRs and depression during low frequency stimulation.
(2) What does "strict" active zone localization refer to? Could they please define the term strict?
Strict active zone localization means that cac puncta are detected in active zones but no cac label above background is found anywhere else throughout the presynaptic terminal, now defined on page 6, lines 27-29.
(3) Single boutons/zoomed versions of the confocal images shown in Figures 2A-C, 2H, and 3A-C would be very helpful.
We have provided these panels as suggested (see above and revised figures 2-4). Figure 3 is now figure 4.
(4) The authors cite Ghelani et al. (2023) for increased cac levels during homeostatic plasticity. I recommend citing earlier work making similar observations (Gratz et al., 2019; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3068-18.2019), and linking them to increased presynaptic calcium influx (Müller & Davis, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.04.018).
We agree and have added Gratz et al. 2019 and Davis and Müller 2012 to the results section on page 12, lines 17/18 and lines 21-23, in the discussion on page 17, lines 29-33.
(5) The data shown in Figure 3 does not directly support the conclusion of altered release probability in dI-IIB. I therefore suggest changing the legend's title.
We have reworded to “Excisions at the I-II exon do not affect active zone cacophony localization but can alter cacsfGFP label intensity in active zones and PSC amplitude” as this is reflecting the data shown in the figure panels more directly.
(6) It would be helpful to specify "adult flight muscle" in Figure 2J.
We agree that it is helpful to specify in the figure (now revised figure 3C) that the voltage clamp recordings of somatodendritic calcium current were conducted in adult flight motoneurons and have revised the headline of figure panel 3C and the legend accordingly. Please note, these are not muscle cells but central neurons.
(7) Do dIS4B/Cav2null MNs indeed show an inward or outward current at -90 to -70 mV/-40 and -50 mV, or is this an analysis artifact?
No, this is due to baseline fluctuations as typical for voltage clamp in central neurons with more than 6000 µm dendritic length and more than 4000 dendritic branches.
(8) Loss of several presynaptic proteins, including Brp (Kittel et al., 2006), and RBP (Liu et al., 2011), induce changes in GluR field size (without apparent changes in miniature amplitude). The statement regarding the Cav2 isoform and possible effects on GluR number (p. 8) should be revised accordingly.
We understand and have done two things. First, we measured the intensity of GluRIIA immunolabel in ΔI-IIA, ΔI-IIB, and controls and found no differences. Second, we reworded the statement. It now reads on page 9, lines 1-6: “It seems unlikely that presynaptic cac channel isoform type affects glutamate receptor types or numbers, because the amplitude of spontaneous miniature postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs, Fig. 4K) and the labeling intensity of postsynaptic GluRIIA receptors are not significantly different between controls, I-IIA, and I-IIB junctions (see suppl. Fig. 2, p = 0.48, ordinary one-way ANOVA, mean and SD intensity values are 61.0 ± 6.9 (control), 55.8 ± 8.5 (∆I-IIA), 61.1 ± 17.3 (∆I-IIB)). However, we cannot exclude altered GluRIIB numbers and have not quantified GluR receptor field sizes.”
(9) The statement relating miniature frequency to RRP size is unclear (p. 8). Is there any evidence for a correlation between miniature frequency to RRP size? Could the authors please clarify?
We agree that this statement requires caution. Although there is some published evidence for a correlation of RRP size and mini frequency (Neuron, 2009 61(3):412-24. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.12.029 and Journal of Neuroscience 44 (18) e1253232024; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1253-23.2024), which we now refer to on page 9, it is not clear whether this is true for all synapses and how linear such a relationship may be. Therefore, we have revised the text on page 9, lines 6-9. It now reads: “Similarly, the frequency of miniature postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) remains unaltered. Since mEPSCs frequency has been related to RRP size at some synapses (Pan et al., 2009; Ralowicz et al., 2024) this indicates unaltered RRP size upon I-IIB excision, but we have not directly measured RRP size.”
(10) Please define the "strict top view" of synapses (p. 8).
Top view is what this reviewer referred to as “planar view” in the public review points 6 and 7. In our responses to these public review points we now also define “strict top view”, see page 9, lines 17-19.
(11) Two papers are cited regarding a linear relationship between calcium channel number and release probability (p. 15). Many more papers could be cited to demonstrate a supralinear relationship (e.g., Dodge & Rahaminoff, 1967; Weyhersmüller et al., 2011 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6698-10.2011). The data of the present study were collected at an extracellular calcium concentration of 0.5 mM, whereas Meideiros et al. (2023) used 1.5 mM. The relationship between calcium and release is supra-linear around 0.5 mM extracellular calcium (Weyhersmüller et al. 2011). This should be discussed/the statements be revised. Also, the reference to Meideiros et al. (2023) should be included in the reference list.
We have now updated the Medeiros reference (updated version of that paper appeared in eLife in 2024) in the text and reference list. We agree that the relationship of the calcium concentration and P<sub>r</sub> can also be non-linear and refer to this on page 16, lines 26-32, but the point we want to make is to relate defined changes in calcium channel number (not calcium influx) as assessed by multiple methods (CLSM intensity measures and sptPALM channel counting) to release probability. We now also clearly state that we measured at 0.5 mM external calcium (page 16, lines 27/28) whereas Medeiros et al. 2024 measured at 1.5 mM calcium (page 16, lines 31/32).
(12) Figure 6: Quantal content does not have any units - please remove "n vesicles".
We have revised this figure in response to reviewer 2 (comment 5) and quantal content is now expressed as percent baseline, thus without units (see revised figure 7).
(13) Figure 6C should be auto-scaled from zero.
This has been fixed by revising that figure in response to reviewer 2 (comment 5)
(14) The data supporting the statement on impaired motor behavior and reduced vitality of adult IS4A should be either shown, or the statement should be removed (p. 13). Any hypotheses as to why IS4A is important for behavior and or viability?
As suggested, we have removed that statement.
(15) They do not provide any data supporting the statement that changes in PSC decay kinetics "counteract" the increase in PSC amplitude (p. 14). The sentence should be changed accordingly.
We agree and have down toned. It now reads on page 16, lines 7-9: “During repetitive firing, the median increase of PSC amplitude by ~10 % is potentially counteracted by the significant decrease in PSC half amplitude width by ~25 %...”.
(16) How do they explain the net locomotion speed increase in dI -IIA larvae? Although the overall charge transfer is not affected during the stimulus protocols used, could the accelerated PSC decay affect PSP summation (I would actually expect a decrease in summation/slower speed)? Independent of the voltage-clamp data, is muscle input resistance changed in dI-IIA mutants?
Muscle input resistance is not altered in I-II mutants. We refer to potential causes of the locomotion effects of I-IIA excision in the discussion. On page 16, lines 12 to 21 it reads: “there is no difference in charge transfer from the motoneuron axon terminal to the postsynaptic muscle cell between ∆I-IIA and control. Surprisingly, crawling is significantly affected by the removal of I-IIA, in that the animals show a significantly increased mean crawling speed but no significant change in the number of stops. Given that the presynaptic function at the NMJ is not strongly altered upon I-IIA excision, and that I-IIA likely mediates also Ca<sub>v</sub>2 functions outside presynaptic AZs (see above) and in other neuron types than motoneurons, and that the muscle calcium current is mediated by Ca<sub>v</sub>1>/i> and Ca<sub>v</sub>3, the effects of I-IIA excision of increasing crawling speed is unlikely caused by altered pre- or postsynaptic function at the NMJ. We judge it more likely that excision of I-IIA has multiple effects on sensory and pre-motor processing, but identification of these functions is beyond the scope of this study.”
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Comments on the revised version:
Concerns flagged about using CRISPR -guide RNA mediated knockdown of viral has yet to be addressed entirely. I understand that the authors could not get knock out despite attempts and hence they have guide RNA mediated knockdown strategy. However, I wondered if the authors looked at the levels of the downstream genes in this knockdown.
We thank the reviewer for bringing this up since it is known that certain artifacts derived from this approach may be related with changes in expression of downstream genes. We run a qPCR of Rv0432 and Rv0433 and confirmed that no significant differences in expression of virR downstream genes were detected in the virR mutant or the complemented strains relative to WT. This is now indicated in the method section on Generation of the CRISPR mutants. The data is now presented as Supplementary Figure 13.
Authors have used the virmut-Comp strain for some of the experiments. However, the materials and methods must describe how this strain was generated. Given the mutant is a CRISPR-guide RNA mediated knockdown. The CRISPR construct may have taken up the L5 loci. Did authors use episomal construct for complementation? If so, what is the expression level of virR in the complementation construct? What are the expression levels of downstream genes in mutant and complementation strains? This is important because the transcriptome analysis was redone by considering complementation strain. The complemented strain is written as virmut-C or virmut-Comp. This has to be consistent.
We apologize for not having included the information about the generation of the complemented strain in our last version of the manuscript. We took the complementing vector from a previous paper on VirR (Rath et al., (2013) PNAS 110(49):E4790). This vector was constructed as follows: Complementation plasmids were cloned using Gateway® Cloning Technology (Invitrogen). E. coli strains expressing the following Gateway vectors were kindly provided by Dirk Schnappinger and Sabine Ehrt: pDO221A, pDO23A, pEN23A-linker1, pEN41A-TO2, pEN21A-Hsp60, pDE43-MEH. PCR was used to amplify the following target sequences from H37Rvgenomic DNA: coding sequence of Rv0431, coding sequence of Rv0431 with a FLAG tag either in its C-terminus or its N-terminus, and the predicted cytosolic sequence of Rv0431 with a FLAG tag in its new C-terminus. The primers used for PCR were designed such that the amplicons would be flanked with Gateway® cloning- specific attachment (att) sites. These PCR products were recombined into Gateway® donor vectors using bacteriophage-derived integrase and integration host factor, resulting in entry vectors. The recombination events are specific to the attB sites on the PCR products and to the attP sequences on the donor vectors, such that the orientation of the target sequence is maintained during the recombination reaction, also known as the BP reaction, for attB-attP recombination. Using the MultiSite Gateway® system, three DNA fragments, derived from each of three distinct entry vectors, can be simultaneously inserted into a final complementation vector called the destination vector in a specific order and orientation. Multisite recombination events are mediated by Integrase and Integrase Host Factor, in a process called the LR reaction (for the attL and attR sites in the entry and destination vectors). The Gateway® entry vectors thus generated were recombined with another entry vector containing either the Hsp60 promoter, an empty entry vector, and a complementation vector (episomal) to give rise to the final destination vector. The destination vector (episomal) was engineered to contain a hygromycin resistance cassette. These vectors were used to transform competent Rv0431-deficient Mtb. The transformation mixture was plated on 7H11 plates containing OADC and hygromycin (50 μg/ml). Colonies, typically observed 3-5 weeks later, were isolated and grown in 7H9 media and characterized.
For simplicity, we have just referenced our previous paper to indicate that the complementing plasmid is the same used in that study.
Regarding the virR expression levels in the WT, virR<sup>mut</sup> and complemented virR strains please see previous Figure 6 C.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):
The authors have revised the manuscript in light of previous reviews. The authors have addressed some of my concerns appropriately. However, the specific dataset remains unchanged and unclear.
Fig 8G and H: In response to a comment on the mechanism of how VirR mediates EV release, the authors have added new data showing an increase in the abundance of deacetylated muropeptides in the mutant. This observation is linked to altered lysozyme activity or PG fragility. In my opinion, this is another indirect observation. More concerning is the complemented strain, which also showed a comparable increase in deacetylated muropeptides, indicating that the altered muropeptides could be unrelated to VirR.
We must disagree here with the reviewer assessment about the fact that the abundance of deacetylated muropeptides is an indirect indication of PG fragility. We consider that this observation and quantitative fact is another additional evidence that indicate a more fragile PG. We believe that considering each of the supporting facts individually may be seen as indirect, but we would like that the reviewer take all the evidence together: (i) sensitivity to lysozyme; (ii) enlargement and altered physicochemical morphological characteristics including porosity or thickness; (iii) altered penetrance of FDAAs; and (iv) increased released of muropeptides. In this later fact, the complemented strain may not display the WT features, but this may be due to some artifacts derived from the complementation.
Taking all together, we believe that the PG of virR<sup>mut</sup> is more fragile than that of the WT and the complemented strains based on a series of evidence. We hope the reviewer may consider this perspective when analyzing such a complex feature like PG fragility. So far, there is not a direct method to assess this condition.
Lipid analyses are not comprehensive. The issue related to the need for more clarity of DIMA and DIMB still needs to be addressed. I understand that the authors do not have facilities to perform radioactive assays. However, they could have repeated the experiment to generate a better-quality image. Similarly, the newly generated SL-1, PAT, and DAT TLC could be of better quality. Bands still need to be resolved. The solvent front is irregular. The same is true for PIMs and DPG TLCs. With the evidence provided, the deregulation of cell wall lipids is incomplete.
We agree with the reviewer that the quality of the TLC is not appropriate. We have no repeated the PDIM TLC (new Fig 7D). In addition, we have repeated the TLCs resolving sulfolipids in a 2D mode. For simplicity we just run the glycerol condition including the three strains. This is now part of a new Supplementary figure 8 B. For PIMs, we have a 1D and a 2D analysis that, after checking previous papers using similar approaches with no radioactivity, we consider that it has the desired quality to identify the indicated lipids.
We hope this new data and repeated experiments satisfy the reviewer concerns.
Thank you very much for your assessment and time to review this paper.
- Dec 2024
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
eLife Assessment
This valuable study reveals how a rhizobial effector protein cleaves and inhibits a key plant receptor for symbiosis signaling, while the host plant counters by phosphorylating the effector. The molecular evidence for the protein-protein interaction and modification is solid, though biological evidence directly linking effector cleavage to rhizobial infection is incomplete. With additional functional data, this work could have implications for understanding intricate plant-microbe dynamics during mutualistic interactions.
Thank you for this positive comment. Our data strongly support the view that NFR5 cleavage by NopT impairs Nod factor signaling resulting in reduced rhizobial infection. However, other mechanisms may also have an effect on the symbiosis, as NopT targets other proteins in addition to NFR5. In our revised manuscript version, we discuss the possibility that negative NopT effects on symbiosis could be due to NopT-triggered immune responses. As mentioned in our point-by-point answers to the Reviewers, we included additional data into our manuscript. We would also like to point out that we are generally more cautious in our revised version in order to avoid over-interpreting the data obtained.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Bacterial effectors that interfere with the inner molecular workings of eukaryotic host cells are of great biological significance across disciplines. On the one hand they help us to understand the molecular strategies that bacteria use to manipulate host cells. On the other hand they can be used as research tools to reveal molecular details of the intricate workings of the host machinery that is relevant for the interaction/defence/symbiosis with bacteria. The authors investigate the function and biological impact of a rhizobial effector that interacts with and modifies, and curiously is modified by, legume receptors essential for symbiosis. The molecular analysis revealed a bacterial effector that cleaves a plant symbiosis signaling receptor to inhibit signaling and the host counterplay by phosphorylation via a receptor kinase. These findings have potential implications beyond bacterial interactions with plants.
Thank you for highlighting the broad significance of rhizobial effectors in understanding legume-rhizobia interactions. We fully agree with your assessment and have expanded our Discussion (and Abstract) regarding the potential implications of our findings beyond bacterial interactions with plants. We mention the prospect of developing specific kinase-interacting proteases to fine-tune cellular signaling processes in general.
Bao and colleagues investigated how rhizobial effector proteins can regulate the legume root nodule symbiosis. A rhizobial effector is described to directly modify symbiosis-related signaling proteins, altering the outcome of the symbiosis. Overall, the paper presents findings that will have a wide appeal beyond its primary field.
Out of 15 identified effectors from Sinorhizobium fredii, they focus on the effector NopT, which exhibits proteolytic activity and may therefore cleave specific target proteins of the host plant. They focus on two Nod factor receptors of the legume Lotus japonicus, NFR1 and NFR5, both of which were previously found to be essential for the perception of rhizobial nod factor, and the induction of symbiotic responses such as bacterial infection thread formation in root hairs and root nodule development (Madsen et al., 2003, Nature; Tirichine et al., 2003; Nature). The authors present evidence for an interaction of NopT with NFR1 and NFR5. The paper aims to characterize the biochemical and functional consequences of these interactions and the phenotype that arises when the effector is mutated.
Thank you for your positive feedback. We have now emphasized the interdisciplinary significance of our work in the Introduction and Discussion of our revised manuscript. We highlight how the insights gained from our study can contribute to a better understanding of microbial interactions with eukaryotic hosts in general, and hope that our findings could benefit future research in the fields of pathogenesis, immunity, and symbiosis.
We appreciate your detailed summary of our work, which is focused on NopT and its interaction with Nod factor receptors. To ensure that the readers can easily follow the rationale behind our work, we have included a more detailed explanation of how NopT was identified to target Nod factor receptors. In particular, we now better describe the test system (Nicotiana benthamiana cells co-expressing NFR1/NFR5 with a given effector of Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234). In addition, we provide now a more thorough background on the roles of NFR1 and NFR5 in symbiotic signaling and refer to the two Nature papers from 2003 on NFR1 and NFR5 (Madsen et al., 2003; Radutoiu et al., 2003).
Evidence is presented that in vitro NopT can cleave NFR5 at its juxtamembrane region. NFR5 appears also to be cleaved in vivo. and NFR1 appears to inhibit the proteolytic activity of NopT by phosphorylating NopT. When NFR5 and NFR1 are ectopically over-expressed in leaves of the non-legume Nicotiana benthamiana, they induce cell death (Madsen et al., 2011, Plant Journal). Bao et al., found that this cell death response is inhibited by the coexpression of nopT. Mutation of nopT alters the outcome of rhizobial infection in L. japonicus. These conclusions are well supported by the data.
We appreciate your recognition of the robustness of our conclusions. In the context of your comments, we made the following improvements to our manuscript:
We included a more detailed description of the experimental conditions under which the cleavage of NFR5 by NopT was observed in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, additional experiments were added to strengthen the evidence for NFR5 cleavage by NopT (Fig 3, S3, S6, and S14).
We provided more comprehensive data on the phosphorylation of NopT by NFR1, including phosphorylation assays (Fig. 4) and mass spectrometry results (Fig. S7 and Table S1). These data provide additional information on the mechanism by which NFR1 inhibits the proteolytic activity of NopT.
We expanded the discussion on the cell death response induced by ectopic expression of NFR1 and NFR5 in Nicotiana benthamiana. We also included further details from Madsen et al. (2011) to contextualize our findings within the known literature.
We believe that these additions and clarifications have improved the significance and impact of our study.
The authors present evidence supporting the interaction of NopT with NFR1 and NFR5. In particular, there is solid support for cleavage of NFR5 by NopT (Figure 3) and the identification of NopT phosphorylation sites that inhibit its proteolytic activity (Figure 4C). Cleavage of NFR5 upon expression in N. benthamiana (Figure 3A) requires appropriate controls (inactive mutant versions) that have been provided, since Agrobacterium as a closely rhizobia-related bacterium, might increase defense related proteolytic activity in the plant host cells.
We appreciate your recognition of the importance of appropriate controls in our experimental design. In response to your comments, we revised our manuscript to ensure that the figures and legends provide a clear description of the controls used. We also included a more detailed description of our experimental design at several places. In particular, we have highlighted the use of the protease-dead version of NopT as a control (NopT<sup>C93S</sup>). Therefore, NFR5-GFP cleavage in N. benthamiana clearly depended on protease activity of NopT and not on Agrobacterium (Fig. 3A). In the revised text, we are now more cautious in our wording and don’t conclude at this stage that NopT proteolyzes NFR5. However, our subsequent experiments, including in vitro experiments, clearly show that NopT is able to proteolyze NFR5.
We are convinced that these changes have improved the quality of our work.
Key results from N. benthamiana appear consistent with data from recombinant protein expression in bacteria. For the analysis in the host legume L. japonicus transgenic hairy roots were included. To demonstrate that the cleavage of NFR5 occurs during the interaction in plant cells the authors build largely on western blots. Regardless of whether Nicotiana leaf cells or Lotus root cells are used as the test platform, the Western blots indicate that only a small proportion of NFR5 is cleaved when co-expressed with nopT, and most of the NFR5 persists in its full-length form (Figures 3A-D). It is not quite clear how the authors explain the loss of NFR5 function (loss of cell death, impact on symbiosis), as a vast excess of the tested target remains intact. It is also not clear why a large proportion of NFR5 is unaffected by the proteolytic activity of NopT. This is particularly interesting in Nicotiana in the absence of Nod factor that could trigger NFR1 kinase activity.
Thank you for your comments regarding the cleavage of NFR5 by NopT and its functional implications. We acknowledge that our immunoblots indicate only a relatively small proportion of the NFR5 cleavage product. Possible explanations could be as follows:
(1) The presence of full-length NFR5 does not preclude a significant impact of NopT on function of NFR5, as NopT is able to bind to NFR5. In other words, the NopT-NFR5 and NopT-NFR1 interactions at the plasmamembrane might influence the function of the NFR1/NFR5 receptor without proteolytic cleavage of NFR5. In fact, protease-dead NopT<sup>C93S</sup> expressed in NGR234Δ_nopT_ showed certain effects in L. japonicus (less infection foci were formed compared to NGR234Δ_nopT_ Fig. 5E). In this context, it is worth mentioning that the non-acylated NopT<sup>C93S</sup> (Fig. 1B) and not<sub>USDA257</sub> (Fig. 6B) proteins were unable to suppress NFR1/NFR5-induced cell death in N. benthamina, but this could be explained by the lack of acylation and altered subcellular localization.
(2) The cleaved NFR5 fraction, although small, may be sufficient to disrupt signaling pathways, leading to the observed phenotypic changes (loss of cell death in N. benthamiana; altered infection in L. japonicus).
(3) The used expression systems produce high levels of proteins in the cell. This may not reflect the natural situation in L. japonicus cells.
(4) Cellular conditions could impair cleavage of NFR5 by NopT. Expression of proteins in E. coli may partially result in formation of protein aggregates (inactive NopT; NFR5 resistant to proteolysis).
(5) In N. benthamiana co-expressing NFR1/NFR5, the NFR1 kinase activity is constitutively active (i.e., does not require Nod factors), suggesting an altered protein conformation of the receptor complex, which may influence the proteolytic susceptibility of NFR5.
(6) The proteolytic activity of NopT may be reduced by the interaction of NopT with other proteins such as NFR1, which phosphorylates NopT and inactivates its protease activity.
In our revised manuscript version, we provide now quantitative data for the efficiency of NFR5 cleavage by NopT in different expression systems used (Supplemental Fig. 14). We have also improved our Discussion in this context. Future research will be necessary to better understand loss of NFR5 function by NopT.
It is also difficult to evaluate how the ratios of cleaved and full-length protein change when different versions of NopT are present without a quantification of band strengths normalized to loading controls (Figure 3C, 3D, 3F). The same is true for the blots supporting NFR1 phosphorylation of NopT (Figure 4A).
Thank you for pointing out this. Following your suggestions, we quantified the band intensities for cleaved and full-length NFR5 in our different expression systems (N. benthamiana, L. japonicus and E. coli). The protein bands were normalized to loading controls. The data are shown in the new Supplemental Fig. 14. Similarly, the bands of immunoblots supporting phosphorylation of NopT by NFR1 were quantified. The data on band intensities are shown in Fig. 4B of our revised manuscript. These improvements provide a clearer understanding of how the ratios of cleaved to full-length proteins change in different protein expression systems, and to which extent NopT was phosphorylated by NFR1.
Nodule primordia and infection threads are still formed when L. japonicus plants are inoculated with ∆nopT mutant bacteria, but it is not clear if these primordia are infected or develop into fully functional nodules (Figure 5). A quantification of the ratio of infected and non-infected nodules and primordia would reveal whether NopT is only active at the transition from infection focus to thread or perhaps also later in the bacterial infection process of the developing root nodule.
Thank you for highlighting this aspect of our study. In response to your comment, we have conducted additional inoculation experiments with L. japonicus plants inoculated with NGR234 and NGR234_ΔnopT_ mutant. The new data are shown in Fig 5A, 5E, and 5G. However, we could not find any uninfected nodules (empty) nodules when roots were inoculated with these strains and mention this observation in the Results section of our revised manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This manuscript presents data demonstrating NopT's interaction with Nod Factor Receptors NFR1 and NFR5 and its impact on cell death inhibition and rhizobial infection. The identification of a truncated NopT variant in certain Sinorhizobium species adds an interesting dimension to the study. These data try to bridge the gaps between classical Nod-factor-dependent nodulation and T3SS NopT effector-dependent nodulation in legume-rhizobium symbiosis. Overall, the research provides interesting insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying symbiotic interactions between rhizobia and legumes.
The manuscript nicely demonstrates NopT's proteolytic cleavage of NFR5, regulated by NFR1 phosphorylation, promoting rhizobial infection in L. japonicus. Intriguingly, authors also identify a truncated NopT variant in certain Sinorhizobium species, maintaining NFR5 cleavage but lacking NFR1 interaction. These findings bridge the T3SS effector with the classical Nod-factor-dependent nodulation pathway, offering novel insights into symbiotic interactions.
(1) In the previous study, when transiently expressed NopT alone in Nicotiana tobacco plants, proteolytically active NopT elicited a rapid hypersensitive reaction. However, this phenotype was not observed when expressing the same NopT in Nicotiana benthamiana (Figure 1A). Conversely, cell death and a hypersensitive reaction were observed in Figure S8. This raises questions about the suitability of the exogenous expression system for studying NopT proteolysis specificity.
We appreciate your attention to these plant-specific differences. Previous studies showed that NopT expressed in tobacco (N. tabacum) or in specific Arabidopsis ecotypes (with PBS1/RPS5 genes) causes rapid cell death (Dai et al. 2008; Khan et al. 2022). Khan et al. 2022 reported recently that cell death does not occur in N. benthamiana unless the leaves were transformed with PBS1/RPS5 constructs. Our data shown in Fig. S15 confirm these findings. As cell death (effector triggered immunity) is usually associated with induction of plant protease activities, we considered N. tabacum and A. thaliana plants as not suitable for testing NFR5 cleavage by NopT. In fact, no NopT/NFR5 experiments were not performed with these plants in our study. In response to your comment, we now better describe the N. benthamiana expression system and cite the previous articles_. Furthermore, We have revised the Discussion section to better emphasize effector-induced immunity in non-host plants and the negative effect of rhizobial effectors during symbiosis. Our revisions certainly provide a clearer understanding of the advantages and limitations of the _N. benthamiana expression system.
(2) NFR5 Loss-of-function mutants do not produce nodules in the presence of rhizobia in lotus roots, and overexpression of NFR1 and NFR5 produces spontaneous nodules. In this regard, if the direct proteolysis target of NopT is NFR5, one could expect the NGR234's infection will not be very successful because of the Native NopT's specific proteolysis function of NFR5 and NFR1. Conversely, in Figure 5, authors observed the different results.
Thank you for this comment, which points out that we did not address this aspect precisely enough in the original manuscript version. We improved our manuscript and now write that nfr1 and nfr5 mutants do not produce nodules (Madsen et al., 2003; Radutoiu et al., 2003) and that over-expression of either NFR1 or NFR5 can activate NF signaling, resulting in formation of spontaneous nodules in the absence of rhizobia (Ried et al., 2014). In fact, compared to the nopT knockout mutant NGR234_ΔnopT_, wildtype NGR234 (with NopT) is less successful in inducing infection foci in root hairs of L. japonicus (Fig. 5). With respect to formation of nodule primordia, we repeated our inoculation experiments with NGR234_ΔnopT_ and wildtype NGR234 and also included a nopT over-expressing NGR234 strain into the analysis. Our data clearly showed that nodule primordium formation was negatively affected by NopT. The new data are shown in Fig. 5 of our revised version. Our data show that NGR234's infection is not really successful, especially when NopT is over-expressed. This is consistent with our observations that NopT targets Nod factor receptors in L. japonicus and inhibits NF signaling (NIN promoter-GUS experiments). Our findings indicate that NopT is an “Avr effector” for L. japonicus. However, in other host plants of NGR234, NopT possesses a symbiosis-promoting role (Dai et al. 2008; Kambara et al. 2009). Such differences could be explained by different NopT targets in different plants (in addition to Nod factor receptors), which may influence the outcome of the infection process. Indeed, our work shows hat NopT can interact with various kinase-dead LysM domain receptors, suggesting a role of NopT in suppression or activation of plant immunity responses depending on the host plant. We discuss such alternative mechanisms in our revised manuscript version and emphasize the need for further investigation to elucidate the precise mechanisms underlying the observed infection phenotype and the role of NopT in modulating symbiotic signaling pathways. In this context, we would also like to mention the two new figures of our manuscript which are showing (i) the efficiency of NFR5 cleavage by NopT in different expression systems, (ii) the interaction between NopT<sup>C93S</sup> and His-SUMO-NFR5<sup>JM</sup>-GFP, and (iii) cleavage of His-SUMO-NFP<sup>JM</sup>-GFP by NopT (Supplementary Figs. S8 and S9).
(3) In Figure 6E, the model illustrates how NopT digests NFR5 to regulate rhizobia infection. However, it raises the question of whether it is reasonable for NGR234 to produce an effector that restricts its own colonization in host plants.
Thank you for mentioning this point. We are aware of the possible paradox that the broad-host-range strain NGR234 produces an effector that appears to restrict its infection of host plants. As mentioned in our answer to the previous comment, NopT could have additional functions beyond the regulation of Nod factor signaling. In our revised manuscript version, we have modified our text as follows:
(1) We mention the potential evolutionary aspects of NopT-mediated regulation of rhizobial infection and discuss the possibility that interactions between NopT and Nod factor receptors may have evolved to fine-tune Nod factor signaling to avoid rhizobial hyperinfection in certain host legumes.
(2) We also emphasize that the presence of NopT may confer selective advantages in other host plants than L. japonicus due to interactions with proteins related to plant immunity. Like other effectors, NopT could suppress activation of immune responses (suppression of PTI) or cause effector-triggered immunity (ETI) responses, thereby modulating rhizobial infection and nodule formation. Interactions between NopT and proteins related to the plant immune system may represent an important evolutionary driving force for host-specific nodulation and explain why the presence of NopT in NGR234 has a negative effect on symbiosis with L. japonicus but a positive one with other legumes.
(4) The failure to generate stable transgenic plants expressing NopT in Lotus japonicus is surprising, considering the manuscript's claim that NopT specifically proteolyzes NFR5, a major player in the response to nodule symbiosis, without being essential for plant development.
We also thank for this comment. We have revised the Discussion section of our manuscript and discuss now our failure to generate stable transgenic L. japonicus plants expressing NopT. We observed that the protease activity of NopT in aerial parts of L. japonicus had a negative effect on plant development, whereas NopT expression in hairy roots was possible. Such differences may be explained by different NopT substrates in roots and aerial parts of the plant. In this context, we also discuss our finding that NopT not only cleaves NFR5 but is also able to proteolyze other proteins of L. japonicus such as LjLYS11, suggesting that NopT not only suppresses Nod factor signaling, but may also interfere with signal transduction pathways related to plant immunity. We speculate that, depending on the host legume species, NopT could suppress PTI or induce ETI, thereby modulating rhizobial infection and nodule formation.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Overall the text and figure legends must be double-checked for correctness of scientific statements. The few listed here are just examples. There are more that are potentially damaging the perception by the readers and thus the value of the manuscript.
The nopT mutant leads to more infections. In line 358 the statement: "...and the proteolysis of NFR5 are important for rhizobial infection", is wrong, as the infection works even better without it. It is, according to my interpretation of the results, important for the regulation of infection. Sounds a small difference, but it completely changes the meaning.
We appreciate your thorough review and have taken the opportunity to correct this error. Following your suggestions, we carefully rephrased the whole text and figure legends to ensure that the scientific statements accurately reflect the findings of our study. We are convinced that these changed have increased the value of this study.
In line 905 the authors state that NopTC indicates the truncated version of NopT after autocleavage by releasing about 50 a.a. at its N-terminus.
They do not analyse this cleavage product to support this claim. So better rephrase.
According to Dai et al. (2008), NopT expressed in E. coli is autocleaved. The N-terminal sequence GCCA obtained by Edman sequencing suggests that NopT was cleaved between M49 and G50. We improved our manuscript and now write:
(1) “A previous study has shown that NopT is autocleaved at its N-terminus to form a processed protein that lacks the first 49 amino acid residues (Dai et al., 2008)”
(2) “However, NopT<sup>ΔN50</sup>, which is similar to autocleaved NopT, retained the ability to interact with NFR5 but not with NFR1 (Fig. S2D).”.
In line 967: "Both NopT and NopTC after autocleavage exert proteolytic activities" This is confusing as it was suggested earlier that NopTc is a product of the autocleavage. There is no indication of another round of NopTc autocleavage or did I miss something?
Thank you for bringing this inaccuracy to our attention. There is no second round of NopT autocleavage. We have corrected the text and write: “NopT and not<sup>C</sup> (autocleaved NopT) proteolytically cleave NFR5 at the juxtamembrane domain to release the intracellular domain of NFR5”
Given the amount of work that went into the research, the presentation of the figures should be considerably improved. For example, in Figure 3F the mutant is not correctly annotated. In figure 5 the term infection foci and IT occur but it is not explained in the legend what these are, where they can be seen in the figure and how the researchers discriminated between the two events.
In general, the labeling of the figure panels should be improved to facilitate the understanding. For example, in Figure 3 the panels switch between different host plant systems. The plant could be clarified for each panel to aid the reader. The asterisks are not in line with the signal that is supposed to be marked. And so on. I strongly advise to improve the figures.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We acknowledge the importance of clear and informative figure presentation to enhance the understanding of our research findings. In response to your comments, we made a comprehensive revision of the figures to address the mentioned issues:
(1) We corrected annotations of the mutant in Figure 3F to accurately represent the experimental conditions.
(2) We revised the legend of Figure 5 and provide clear explanations of the terms "infection foci" and "IT" (infection threads) in the Methods section.
(3) We improved the labeling of figure panels and improved the writing of the figure legend specifying the protein expression system (N. benthamiana, L. japonicus and E. coli, respectively). . We ensured that the asterisks indicating statistically significant results are properly aligned.
Furthermore, we carefully reviewed each figure to enhance clarity and readability, including optimizing font size and line thickness. Captions and annotations were also revised.
Figure 1
• To verify that the lack of observed cell death is not linked to differential expression levels, an expression control Western blot is essential. In the expression control Western blot given in the supplemental materials (Supplemental fig. 1E), NFR5 is not visible in the first lane.
We appreciate your comments on the control immunoblot which were made to verify the presence of NFR1, NFR5 and NopT in N. benthamiana. However, as shown in Supplemental Fig. 1E, the intact NFR5 could not be immuno-detected when co-expressed with NFR1 and NopT. To ensure co-expression of NFR1/NFR5, A. tumefaciens carrying a binary vector with both NFR1 and NFR5 was used. In the revised version, we modified the figure legend accordingly and also included a detailed description of the procedure at lines 165-166
• Labeling of NFR1/LjNFR1 should be kept consistent between the text and the figures. Currently, the text refers to both NFR1 and LjNFR1 and figures are labelled NFR1. The same is true for NFR5.
Thank you for pointing out this inconsistency. We revised our manuscript and use now consistently NFR1 and NFR5 without a prefix to avoid any confusions.
• A clearer description of how cell death was determined would be useful. In the selected pictures in panel D, leaves coexpressing nopT with Bax1 or Cerk1 appear very different from the pictures selected for NopM and AVr3a/R3a.
We agree that a clearer description of our cell death experiments with N. benthamiana was necessary. We have re-worded the figure legend to provide more detailed information on the criteria used for assessing cell death. Additionally, we show now our images at higher resolution.
• In panel D, the "Death/Total" ratio is only shown for leaf discs where nopT was coexpressed with the cell-death triggering proteins. Including the ratio for leaf discs where only the cell-death triggering protein (without nopT ) was expressed would make the figure more clear.
Thank you for this suggestion. To provide a more comprehensive comparison, we included the "Cell death/Total" ratio for all leaf disc images shown in Fig. 1D.
Figure 2:
• A: Split-YFP is not ideal as evidence for colocalization because of the chemical bond formed between the YFP fragments that may lead to artificial trapping/accumulation outside the main expression domains. Overall, the authors should revise if this figure aims to show colocalization or interaction. In the current text, both terms are used, but these are different interpretations.
We appreciate your concern regarding the use of Split-YFP for colocalization analysis. We carefully reviewed the figure and corresponding text to ensure clarity in the interpretation of the results. The primary aim of this figure was to explore protein-protein interactions rather than strict colocalization. Protein-protein interactions have also been validated by other experiments of our work. We have revised the text accordingly and no longer emphasize on “co-localization”.
• Given the focus on proteolytic activity in this paper, all blots need to be clearly labeled with size markers, and it would be good to include a supplemental figure with all other bands produced in the Western blot, regardless of their size. Without this, the results in panel 2D seem inconsistent with results presented in figure 3A, since NFR5 does not appear to be cleaved in the Western blot in 2D, but 3A shows cleavage when the same proteins (with different tags) are coexpressed in the same system.
Thank you for bringing up this point. We ensured that all immunoblots are clearly labeled with size markers in our revised manuscript. We also carefully checked the consistency of the results presented in Figures 2D and Figure 3A and included appropriate clarifications in the revised manuscript. In Figure 2D, we show the bands at around 75 kD (multi-bands would be detected below, including cleaved NFR5 by NopT, but also other non-specific bands).
Figure 3:
• In panel E, NopTC93S cannot cleave His-Sumo-NFR5JM-GFP, but it would be interesting to also show if NopTC93S can bind the NFR5JM fragment. It would also be useful to see this experiment done with the JM of NFP.
Thank you for the suggestion. We agree that investigating the binding of NopT<sup>C93S</sup> to the NFR5<sup>JM</sup> fragment provides valuable insights into the interaction between NopT and NFR5. In our revised version, we show in the new Supplemental Fig. S4 that NopT interacts with NFR5JM and cleaves NFP<sup>JM</sup>. The Results section has been modified accordingly.
• The panels in this figure require better labeling. In many panels, asterisks are misplaced relative to the bands they should highlight, and not all blots have size markers or loading controls.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We carefully reviewed the labeling of all panels in Figure 3 to ensure accuracy and clarity. We ensured that asterisks are correctly placed in the figures. We also included size markers and loading controls to improve the quality of the shown immunoblots.
• Since there is no clear evidence in this figure that the smear in the blot in panel C is phosphorylated NopT, it is recommended to provide a less interpretative label on the blot, and explain the label in the text.
We appreciate your suggestion regarding the labeling of the blot in panel C of Fig. 3. We revised the label and provided a less interpretative designation in Fig. 3C. We also rephrased the figure legend and the text in the Results section as recommended.
Figure 4
• In B, a brief introduction in the text to the function of the Zn-phostag would make the figure easier to understand for more readers.
Thank you for the suggestion. We agree and have provided a brief explanation in the Results section: “On such gels, a Zn<sup>2+</sup>-Phos-tag bound phosphorylated protein migrates slower than its unbound nonphosphorylated form. Furthermore, we have included the reference (Kato & Sakamoto, 2019) into the Methods section.
Figure 5:
• Change "Scar bar" to "Scale bar" in the figure captions
Thank you for spotting that typo. We have corrected it.
• Correct the references to the figures in the text
We carefully reviewed the Figure 5 and made corresponding corrections to improve the quality of our manuscript Please check line 394-451.
• It should be clarified what was quantified as "infection foci" (C, F, G)
We revised the legend of Figure 5 and provide now explanations of the terms "infection foci" and "IT" (infection threads) in the Methods section. Please check line 399-451.
• It is recommended to use pictures that are from the same region of the plant root (the susceptible zone). The pictures in panel A appear to be from different regions, since the density of root hairs is different.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We ensured that the images selected for panel A were from the same region of the plant root to guarantee consistency and accuracy of the comparison.
• Panel G should be labeled so it is clearer that nopT is being expressed in L. japonicus transgenic roots.
We have labeled this panel more clearly to help the reader understand that nopT was expressed in transgenic L. japonicus roots.
• Panel F is missing statistical tests for ITs
We apologize and have included the results of our statistical tests for ITs.
Figure 6:
• The model presented in panel E misrepresents the role of NFR5 according to the results in the paper. From the evidence presented, it is not clear if the observed rhizobial infection phenotype is due to reduced abundance of full-length NFR5, or if the cleaved NFR5 fragment is suppressing infection. Additionally, S. fredii should not be drawn so close to the plasma membrane, since the bacteria are located outside the cell wall when the T3SS is active.
We appreciate your comment which helps us to improve the interpretation of our results. We agree that the model should accurately reflect the uncertainties regarding the role of NFR5. We revised the model (positioning of S. fredii etc.) and write in the Discussion:
“NopT impairs the function of the NFR1/NFR5 receptor complex. Cleavage of NFR5 by NopT reduces its protein levels. Possible inhibitory effects of NFR5 cleavage products on NF signaling are unknown but cannot be excluded.”
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Some minor weaknesses need addressing: In Figure 5A, the root hair density in the two images appears significantly different. Are these images representative of each treatment?
We appreciate your attention to detail and the importance of ensuring that the images in Figure 5A are representative. We carefully reviewed our image selection process and confirm that the shown images are indeed representative of each treatment group. In our revised version, we show additional images and also improved the text in the figure legend. Furthermore, we performed additional GUS staining tests and the new data are shown in Fig 5A abd 5B.
(2) Additionally, please ensure consistency in the format of genotype names throughout the manuscript. For instance, in Line 897, "Italy" should be used in place of "N. benthamiana."
We thank you for pointing out the format of genotype names and corrected our manuscript as requested.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors introduced their previous paper with the concise statement that "the relationships between lineage-specific attributes and genotypic differences of tumors are not understood" (Chen et al., JEM 2019, PMID: 30737256). For example, it is not clear why combined loss of RB1 and TP53 is required for tumorigenesis in SCLC or other aggressive neuroendocrine (NE) cancers, or why the oncogenic mutations in KRAS or EGFR that drive NSCLC tumorigenesis are found so infrequently in SCLC. This is the main question addressed by the previous and current papers.
One approach to this question is to identify a discrete set of genetic/biochemical manipulations that are sufficient to transform non-malignant human cells into SCLC-like tumors. One group reported the transformation of primary human bronchial epithelial cells into NE tumors through a complex lentiviral cocktail involving the inactivation of pRB and p53 and activation of AKT, cMYC, and BCL2 (PARCB) (Park et al., Science 2018, PMID: 30287662). The cocktail previously reported by Chen and colleagues to transform human pluripotent stem-cell (hPSC)-derived lung progenitors (LPs) into NE xenografts was more concise: DAPT to inactivate NOTCH signaling combined with shRNAs against RB1 and TP53. However, the resulting RP xenografts lacked important characteristics of SCLC. Unlike SCLC, these tumors proliferated slowly and did not metastasize, and although small subpopulations expressed MYC or MYCL, none expressed NEUROD1.
MYC is frequently amplified or expressed at high levels in SCLC, and here, the authors have tested whether inducible expression of MYC could increase the resemblance of their hPSC-derived NE tumors to SCLC. These RPM cells (or RPM T58A with stabilized cMYC) engrafted more consistently and grew more rapidly than RP cells, and unlike RP cells, formed liver metastases when injected into the renal capsule. Gene expression analyses revealed that RPM tumor subpopulations expressed NEUROD1, ASCL1, and/or YAP1.
The hPSC-derived RPM model is a major advance over the previous RP model. This may become a powerful tool for understanding SCLC tumorigenesis and progression and for discovering gene dependencies and molecular targets for novel therapies. However, the specific role of cMYC in this model needs to be clarified.
cMYC can drive proliferation, tumorigenesis, or apoptosis in a variety of lineages depending on concurrent mutations. For example, in the Park et al., study, normal human prostate cells could be reprogrammed to form adenocarcinoma-like tumors by activation of cMYC and AKT alone, without manipulation of TP53 or RB1. In their previous manuscript, the authors carefully showed the role of each molecular manipulation in NE tumorigenesis. DAPT was required for NE differentiation of LPs to PNECs, shRB1 was required for expansion of the PNECs, and shTP53 was required for xenograft formation. cMYC expression could influence each of these steps, and importantly, could render some steps dispensable. For example, shRB1 was previously necessary to expand the DAPT-induced PNECs, as neither shTP53 nor activation of KRAS or EGFR had no effect on this population, but perhaps cMYC overexpression could expand PNECs even in the presence of pRB, or even induce LPs to become PNECs without DAPT. Similarly, both shRB1 and shTP53 were necessary for xenograft formation, but maybe not if cMYC is overexpressed. If a molecular hallmark of SCLC, such as loss of RB1 or TP53, has become dispensable with the addition of cMYC, this information is critically important in interpreting this as a model of SCLC tumorigenesis.
The reviewer’s suggestion may be possible; indeed, in a recent report from our group (Gardner EE, et al., Science 2024) we have shown, using genetically engineered mouse modeling coupled with lineage tracing, that the cMyc oncogene can selectively expand Ascl1+ PNECs in the lung.
We agree with the reviewer that not having a better understanding of the individual components necessary and/or sufficient to transform hESC-derived LPs is an important shortcoming of this current work. However, we would like to stress three important points about the comments: 1) tumors were reviewed and the histological diagnoses were certified by a practicing pulmonary pathologist at WCM (our co-author, C. Zhang); 2 )the observed transcriptional programs were consistent with primary human SCLC; and 3) RB1-proficient SCLC is now recognized as a rare presentation of SCLC (Febrese-Aldana CA, et al., Clin. Can. Res. 2022. PMID: 35792876).
To interpret the role of cMYC expression in hPSC-derived RPM tumors, we need to know what this manipulation does without manipulation of pRB, p53, or NOTCH, alone or in combination. Seven relevant combinations should be presented in this manuscript: (1) cMYC alone in LPs, (2) cMYC + DAPT, (3) cMYC + shRB1, (4) cMYC + DAPT + shRB1, (5) cMYC + shTP53, (6) cMYC + DAPT + shTP53, and (7) cMYC + shRB1 + shTP53. Wildtype cMYC is sufficient; further exploration with the T58A mutant would not be necessary.
We respectfully disagree that an interrogation of the differences between the phenotypes produced by wildtype and Myc(T58A) would not be informative. (Our view is confirmed by the second reviewer; see below.) It is well established that Myc gene or protein dosage can have profound effects on in vivo phenotypes (Murphy DJ, et al., Cancer Cell 2008. PMID: 19061836). The “RPM” model of variant SCLC developed by Trudy Oliver’s lab relied on the conditional T58A point mutant of cMyc, originally made by Rob Wechsler-Reya. While we do not discuss the differences between Myc and Myc(T58A), it is nonetheless important to present our results with both the WT and mutant MYC constructs, as we are aware of others actively investigating differences between them in GEMM models of SCLC tumor development.
We agree with the reviewer about the virtues of trying to identify the effects of individual gene manipulations; indeed our original paper (Chen et al., J. Expt. Med. 2019), describing the RUES2derived model of SCLC did just that, carefully dissecting events required to transform LPs towards a SCLC-like state. The central purpose of the current study was to determine the effects of adding cMyc on the behavior of weakly tumorigenic SCLC-like cells cMyc. Presenting data with these two alleles to seek effects of different doses of MYC protein seems reasonable.
This reviewer considers that there should be a presentation of the effects of these combinations on LP differentiation to PNECs, expansion of PNECs as well as other lung cells, xenograft formation and histology, and xenograft growth rate and capacity for metastasis. If this could be clarified experimentally, and the results discussed in the context of other similar approaches such as the Park et al., paper, this study would be a major addition to the field.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Chen et al use human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to determine the impact of wildtype MYC and a point mutant stable form of MYC (MYC-T58A) in the transformation of induced pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNEC) in the context of RB1/P53 (RP) loss (tumor suppressors that are nearly universally lost in small cell lung cancer (SCLC)). Upon transplant into immune-deficient mice, they find that RP-MYC and RP-MYC-T58A cells grow more rapidly, and are more likely to be metastatic when transplanted into the kidney capsule, than RP controls. Through single-cell RNA sequencing and immunostaining approaches, they find that these RPM tumors and their metastases express NEUROD1, which is a transcription factor whose expression marks a distinct molecular state of SCLC. While MYC is already known to promote aggressive NEUROD1+ SCLC in other models, these data demonstrate its capacity in a human setting that provides a rationale for further use of the ESC-based model going forward. Overall, these findings provide a minor advance over the previous characterization of this ESC-based model of SCLC published in Chen et al, J Exp Med, 2019.
We consider the findings more than a “minor” advance in the development of the model, since any useful model for SCLC would need to form aggressive and metastatic tumors.
The major conclusion of the paper is generally well supported, but some minor conclusions are inadequate and require important controls and more careful analysis.
(1) Both MYC and MYC-T58A yield similar results when RP-MYC and RP-MYCT58A PNEC ESCs are injected subcutaneously, or into the renal capsule, of immune-deficient mice, leading to the conclusion that MYC promotes faster growth and more metastases than RP controls.
(2) Consistent with numerous prior studies in mice with a neuroendocrine (NE) cell of origin (Mollaoglu et al, Cancer Cell, 2017; Ireland et al, Cancer Cell, 2020; Olsen et al, Genes Dev, 2021), MYC appears sufficient in the context of RB/P53 loss to induce the NEUROD1 state. Prior studies also show that MYC can convert human ASCL1+ neuroendocrine SCLC cell lines to a NEUROD1 state (Patel et al, Sci Advances, 2021); this study for the first time demonstrates that RB/P53/MYC from a human neuroendocrine cell of origin is sufficient to transform a NE state to aggressive NEUROD1+ SCLC. This finding provides a solid rationale for using the human ESC system to better understand the function of human oncogenes and tumor suppressors from a neuroendocrine origin.
(1) There is a major concern about the conclusion that MYC "yields a larger neuroendocrine compartment" related to Figures 4C and 4G, which is inadequately supported and likely inaccurate. There is overwhelming published data that while MYC can promote NEUROD1, it also tends to correlate with reduced ASCL1 and reduced NE fate (Mollaoglu et al, Cancer Cell, 2017; Zhang et al, TLCR, 2018; Ireland et al, Cancer Cell, 2020; Patel et al, Sci Advances, 2021). Most importantly, there is a lack of in vivo RP tumor controls to make the proper comparison to judge MYC's impact on neuroendocrine identity. RPM tumors are largely neuroendocrine compared to in vitro conditions, but since RP control tumors (in vivo) are missing, it is impossible to determine whether MYC promotes more or less neuroendocrine fate than RP controls. It is not appropriate to compare RPM tumors to in vitro RP cells when it comes to cell fate. Upon inspection of the sample identity in S1B, the fibroblast and basal-like cells appear to only grow in vitro and are not well represented in vivo; it is, therefore, unclear whether these are transformed or even lack RB/P53 or express MYC. Indeed, a close inspection of Figure S1B shows that RPM tumor cells have little ASCL1 expression, consistent with lower NE fate than expected in control RP tumors.
We would like to clarify two points related to the conclusions that we draw about MYC’s ability to promote an increase in the neuroendocrine fraction in hESC-derived cultures: 1) The comparisons in Figures 4C were made between cells isolated in culture following the standard 50 day differentiation protocol, where, following generation of LPs around day 25, MYC was added to the other factors previously shown to enrich for a PNEC phenotype (shRB1, shTP53, and DAPT). Therefore, the argument that MYC increased the frequency of “neuroendocrine cells” (which we define by a gene expression signature) is a reasonable conclusion in the system we are using; and 2) following injection of these cells into immunocompromised mice, an ASCL1-low / NEUROD1-high presentation is noted (Supplemental Figures 1F-G). In the few metastases that we were able use to sequence bulk RNA, there is an even more pronounced increase in expression of NEUROD1 with a decrease in ASCL1.
Some confusion may have arisen from our previous characterization of neuroendocrine (NE) cells using either ASCL1 or NEUROD1 as markers. To clarify, we have now designated cells positive for ASCL1 as classical NE cells and those positive for NEUROD1 as the NE variant. According to this revised classification, our findings indicate that MYC expression leads to an increase in the NEUROD1+ NE variant and a decrease in ASCL1+ classical NE cells. This adjustment has been reflected on the results section titled, “Inoculation of the renal capsule facilitates metastasis of the RUES2-derived RPM tumors” of the manuscript.
From the limited samples in hand, we compared the expression of ASCL1 and NEUROD1 in the weakly tumorigenic hESC RP cells after successful primary engraftment into immunocompromised mice. As expected, the RP tumors were distinguished by the lack of expression of NEUROD1, compared to levels observed in the RPM tumors.
In addition, since MYC appears to require Notch signaling to induce NE fate (cf Ireland et al), the presence of DAPT in culture could enrich for NE fate despite MYC's presence. It's important to clarify in the legend of Fig 4A which samples are used in the scRNA-seq data and whether they were derived from in vitro or in vivo conditions (as such, Supplementary Figure S1B should be provided in the main figure). Given their conclusion is confusing and challenges robustly supported data in other models, it is critical to resolve this issue properly. I suspect when properly resolved, MYC actually consistently does reduce NE fate compared to RP controls, even though tumors are still relatively NE compared to completely distinct cellular identities such as fibroblasts.
We have clarified the source of tumor sequencing data and the platform (single cell or bulk) in Figure 4 and Supplemental Figure 1. To reiterate – the RNA sequencing results from paired metastatic and primary tumors from the RPM model are derived from bulk RNA; the single cell RNA data in RP or RPM datasets are from cells in culture. These distinctions are clarified in the legend to Supplemental Figure 1.
(2) The rigor of the conclusions in Figure 1 would be strengthened by comparing an equivalent number of RP animals in the renal capsule assay, which is n = 6 compared to n = 11-14 in the MYC conditions.
As we did not perform a power calculation to determine a sample size required to draw a level of statistical significance from our conclusions, this comment is not entirely accurate. Our statistical rigor was limited by the availability of samples from the RP tumor model.
(3) Statistical analysis is not provided for Figures 2A-2B, and while the results are compelling, may be strengthened by additional samples due to the variability observed.
We acknowledge that the cohorts are relatively small but we have added statistical comparisons in Figure 2B.
(4a) Related to Figure 3, primary tumors and liver metastases from RPM or RPM-T58A-expressing cells express NEUROD1 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) but the putative negative controls (RP) are not shown, and there is no assessment of variability from tumor to tumor, ie, this is not quantified across multiple animals.
The results of H&E and IF staining for ASCL1, NEUROD1, CGRP, and CD56 in negative control (RP tumors) are presented in the updated Figure 3F-G.
(4b) Relatedly, MYC has been shown to be able to push cells beyond NEUROD1 to a double-negative or YAP1+ state (Mollaoglu et al, Cancer Cell, 2017; Ireland et al, Cancer Cell, 2020), but the authors do not assess subtype markers by IHC. They do show subtype markers by mRNA levels in Fig 4B, and since there is expression of ASCL1, and potentially expression of YAP1 and POU2F3, it would be valuable to examine the protein levels by IHC in control RP vs. RPM samples.
YAP1 positive SCLC is still somewhat controversial, so it is not clear what value staining for YAP1 offers beyond showing the well-established markers, ASCL1 and NEUROD1.
(5) Given that MYC has been shown to function distinctly from MYCL in SCLC models, it would have raised the impact and value of the study if MYC was compared to MYCL or MYCL fusions in this context since generally, SCLC expresses a MYC family member. However, it is quite possible that the control RP cells do express MYCL, and as such, it would be useful to show.
We now include Supplemental Figure S2 to illustrate four important points raised by this reviewer and others: 1) expression of MYC family members in the merged dataset (RP and RPM) is low or undetectable in the basal/fibroblast cultures; 2) MYC does have a weak correlation with EGFP in the neuroendocrine cluster when either WT MYC or T58A MYC is overexpressed; 3) MYCL and MYCN are detectable, but at low levels compared to CMYC; and 4) Expression of ASCL1 is anticorrelated with MYC expression across the merged single cell datasets using RP and RPM models.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors continue their study of the experimental model of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) they created from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) using a protocol for differentiating the hESCs into pulmonary lineages followed by NOTCH signaling inactivation with DAPT, and then knockdown of TP53 and RB1 (RP models) with DOX inducible shRNAs. To this published model, they now add DOX-controlled activation of expression of a MYC or T58A MYC transgenes (RPM and RPMT58A models) and study the impact of this on xenograft tumor growth and metastases. Their major findings are that the addition of MYC increased dramatically subcutaneous tumor growth and also the growth of tumors implanted into the renal capsule. In addition, they only found liver and occasional lung metastases with renal capsule implantation. Molecular studies including scRNAseq showed that tumor lines with MYC or T58A MYC led surprisingly to more neuroendocrine differentiation, and (not surprisingly) that MYC expression was most highly correlated with NEUROD1 expression. Of interest, many of the hESCs with RPM/RPMT58A expressed ASCL1. Of note, even in the renal capsule RPM/RPMT58A models only 6/12 and 4/9 mice developed metastases (mainly liver with one lung metastasis) and a few mice of each type did not even develop a renal sub capsule tumor. The authors start their Discussion by concluding: " In this report, we show that the addition of an efficiently expressed transgene encoding normal or mutant human cMYC can convert weakly tumorigenic human PNEC cells, derived from a human ESC line and depleted of tumor suppressors RB1 and TP53, into highly malignant, metastatic SCLC-like cancers after implantation into the renal capsule of immunodeficient mice.".
The in vivo study of a human preclinical model of SCLC demonstrates the important role of c-Myc in the development of a malignant phenotype and metastases. Also the role of c-Myc in selecting for expression of NEUROD1 lineage oncogene expression.
There are no data on results from an orthotopic (pulmonary) implantation on generation of metastases; no comparative study of other myc family members (MYCL, MYCN); no indication of analyses of other common metastatic sites found in SCLC (e.g. brain, adrenal gland, lymph nodes, bone marrow); no studies of response to standard platin-etoposide doublet chemotherapy; no data on the status of NEUROD1 and ASCL1 expression in the individual metastatic lesions they identified.
We have acknowledged from the outset that our study has significant limitations, as noted by this reviewer, and we explained in our initial letter of response why we need to present this limited, but still consequential, story at this time.
In particular, while we have attempted orthotopic transplantations of RPM tumor cells into NSG mice (by tail vein or intra-pulmonary injection, or intra-tracheal instillation of tumor cells), these methods were not successful in colonizing the lung. Additionally, we have compared the efficacy of platinum/etoposide to that of removing DOX in established RPM subcutaneous tumors, but we chose not to include these data as we lacked a chemotherapy responsive tumor model, and thus could not say with confidence that the chemotherapeutic agants were active and that the RPM models were truly resistant to standard SCLC chemotherapy. In a discussion about other metastatic sites, we have now included the following text:
“In animals administered DOX, histological examinations showed that approximately half developed metastases in distant organs, including the liver or lung (Figure 1D). No metastases were observed in the bone, brain, or lymph nodes. For a more detailed assessment, future studies could employ more sensitive imaging methods, such as luciferase imaging.”
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Technical points related to Major Weakness #1:
For Figure 4: Cells were enriched for EGFP-high cells only, under the hypothesis that cells with lower EGFP may have silenced expression of the integrated vector. Since EGFP is expressed only in the shRB1 construct, selection for high EGFP may inadvertently alter/exclude heterogeneity within the transformed population for the other transgenes (shP53, shMYC/MYC-T58A). Can authors include data to show the expression of MYC/MYC T58A in EGFP-high v -med v-low cells? MYC levels may alter the NEdifferentiation status of tumor cells.
Please now refer to Supplemental Figure S2.
Related to the appropriateness of the methods for Figure 4C, the authors state, "We performed differential cluster abundance analysis after accounting for the fraction of cells that were EGFP+". If only EGFP+ cells were accounted for in the analysis for 4C, the majority of RP cells in the "Neuroendocrine differentiated" cluster would not be included in the analysis (according to EGFP expression in Fig S1A-B), and therefore inappropriately reduce NE identity compared to RPM samples that have higher levels of EGFP.
There is no consideration or analysis of cell cycling/proliferation until after the conclusion is stated. Yet, increased proliferation of MYC-high vs MYC-low cultures would enhance selection for more tumors (termed "NE-diff") than non-tumors (basal/fibroblast) in 2D cultures.
The expression of MYC itself isn't assessed for this analysis but assumed, and whether higher levels of MYC/MYC-T58A may be present in EGFP+ tumor cells that are in the NE-low populations isn't clear. Can MYC-T58A/HA also be included in the reference genome?
We did not include an HA tag in our reference transcriptome. For [some] answers to this and other related questions, please refer to Supplemental Figure S2.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The experiments are all technically well done and clearly presented and represent a logical extension exploring the role of c-Myc in the hESC experimental model system.
We appreciate this supportive comment!
(2) It is of great interest that both the initial RP model only forms "benign" tumors and that with the addition of a strong oncogene like c-myc, where expression is known to be associated with a very bad prognosis in SCLC, that while one gets tumor formation there are still occasional mice both for subcutaneous and renal capsule test sites that don't get tumors even with the injection of 500,000 RPM/RPMT58A cells. In addition, of the mice that do form tumors, only ~50% exhibit metastases from the renal sub-capsule site. The authors need to comment on this further in their Discussion. To me, this illustrates both how incredibly resistant/difficult it is to form metastases, thus indicating the need for other pathways to be activated to achieve such spread, and also represents an opportunity for further functional genomic tests using their preclinical model to systematically attack this problem. Obvious candidate genes are those recently identified in genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) related to neuronal behavior. In addition, we already know that full-fledged patient-derived SCLC when injected subcutaneously into immune-deprived mice don't exhibit metastases - thus, while the hESC RPM result is not surprising, it indicates to me the power of their model (logs less complicated genetically than a patient SCLC) to sort through a mechanism that would allow metastases to develop from subcutaneous sites. The authors can point these things out in their Discussion section to provide a "roadmap" for future research.
Although we remain mindful of the relatively small cohorts we have studied, the thrust of Reviewer #3’s comments is now included in the Discussion. And there is, of course, a lot more to do, and it has taken several years already to get to this point. Additional information about the prolonged gestation of this project and about the difficulties of doing more in the near future was described in our initial response to reviewers/Editor, included near the start of this letter.
(3) I will state the obvious that this paper would be much more valuable if they had compared and contrasted at least one of the myc family members (MYCL or MYCN) with the CMYC findings whatever the results would be. Most SCLC patients develop metastases, and most of their tumors don't express high levels of CMYC (and often use MYCL). In any event, as the authors Discuss, this will be an important next stage to test.
We have acknowledged and explained the limitations of the work in several ways. Further, we were unaware of the relationship between metastases and the expression of MYC and MYCL1 noted by the reviewer; we will look for confirmation of this association in any future studies, although we have not encountered it in current literature.
(4) Their assays for metastases involved looking for anatomically "gross" lesions. While that is fine, particularly given that the "gross" lesions they show in figures are actually pretty small, we still need to know if they performed straightforward autopsies on mice and looked for other well-known sites of metastases in SCLC patients besides liver and lung - namely lymph nodes, adrenal, bone marrow, and brain. I would guess these would probably not show metastatic growth but with the current report, we don't know if these were looked for or not. Again, while this could be a "negative" result, the paper's value would be increased by these simple data. Let's assume no metastases are seen, then the authors could further strengthen the case for the value of their hESC model in systematically exploring with functional genomics the requirements to achieve metastases to these other sites.
We have included descriptions of what we found and didn’t find at other potential sites of metastasis in the results section, with the following sentences:
“In animals administered DOX, histological examinations showed that approximately half developed metastases in distant organs, including the liver or lung (Figure 1D). No metastases were observed in the bone, brain, or lymph nodes. For a more detailed assessment, future studies could employ more sensitive imaging methods, such as luciferase imaging.”
(5) Related to this, we have no idea if the mice that developed liver metastases (or the one mouse with lung metastasis) had more than one metastatic site. They will know this and should report it. Again, my guess is that these were isolated metastases in each mouse. Again, they can indicate the value of their model in searching for programs that would increase the number of the various organs.
We appreciate the suggestion. We observed that one of the mice developed metastatic tumors in both the liver and lungs. This information has been incorporated into the Results section.
(6) While renal capsule implantation for testing growth and metastatic behavior is reasonable and based on substantial literature using this site for implantation of patient tumor specimens, what would have increased the value of the paper is knowing the results from orthotopic (lung implantation). Whatever the results were (they occurred or did not occur) they will be important to know. I understand the "future experiments" argument, but in reading the manuscript this jumped out at me as an obvious thing for the authors to try.
We conducted orthotopic implantation several ways, including via intra-tracheal instillation of 0.5 million RP or RPM cells in PBS per mouse. However, none of the subjects (0/5 mice) developed tumor-like growths and the number of animals used was small. Further, this outcome could be attributed to biological or physical factors. For instance, the conducting airway is coated with secretory cells producing protective mucins and may not have retained the 0.5 million cells. This is one example that may have hindered effective colonization. Future adjustments, such as increasing the number of cells, embedding them in Matrigel, or damaging the airway to denude secretory cells and trigger regeneration might alter the outcomes. These ideas might guide future work to strengthen the utility of the models.
(7) Another obvious piece of data that would have improved the value of this manuscript would be to know whether the RPM tumors responded to platin-etoposide chemotherapy. Such data was not presented in their first RP hESC notch inhibition paper (which we now know generated what the authors call "benign" tumors). While I realize chemotherapy responses represent other types of experiments, as the authors point out one of the main reasons they developed their new human model was for therapy testing. Two papers in and we are all still asking - does their model respond or not respond dramatically to platin-etoposide therapy? Whatever the results are they are a vital next step in considering the use of their model.
Please see the comments above regarding our decision not to include data from a clinical trial that lacked appropriate controls.
(8) The finding of RPM cells that expressed NEUROD1, ASCL1, or both was interesting. From the way the data were presented, I don't have a clear idea which of these lineage oncogenes the metastatic lesions from ~11 different mice expressed. Whatever the result is it would be useful to know - all NEUROD1, some ASCL1, some mixed etc.
Based on the bulk RNA-sequencing of a few metastatic sites (Figure 4H), what we can demonstrate is that all sites were NEUROD1 and expressed low or no detectable ASCL1.
(9) While several H&E histologic images were presented, even when I enlarged them to 400% I couldn't clearly see most of them. For future reference, I think it would be important to have several high-quality images of the RP, RPM, RPMT58A subcutaneous tumors, sub-renal capsule tumors, and liver and lung metastatic lesions. If there is heterogeneity in the primary tumors or the metastases it would be important to show this. The quality of the images they have in the pdf file is suboptimal. If they have already provided higher-quality images - great. If not, I think in the long run as people come back to this paper, it will help both the field and the authors to have really great images of their tumors and metastases.
We have attempted to improve the quality of the embedded images. Digital resolution is a tradeoff with data size – higher resolution images are always available upon request, but may not be suitable for generation of figures in a manuscript viewed on-line.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The aim of this paper is to describe a novel method for genetic labelling of animals or cell populations, using a system of DNA/RNA barcodes.
• The author's attempt at providing a straightforward method for multiplexing Drosophila samples prior to scRNA-seq is commendable. The perspective of being able to load multiple samples on a 10X Chromium without antibody labelling is appealing.<br /> • The authors are generally honest about potential issues in their method, and areas that would benefit from future improvement.<br /> • The article reads well. Graphs and figures are clear and easy to understand.
• The usefulness of TaG-EM for phototaxis, egg laying or fecundity experiments is questionable. The behaviours presented here are all easily quantifiable, either manually or using automated image-based quantification, even when they include a relatively large number of groups and replicates. Despite their claims (e.g., L311-313), the authors do not present any real evidence about the cost- or time-effectiveness of their method in comparison to existing quantification methods.<br /> • Behavioural assays presented in this article have clear outcomes, with large effect sizes, and therefore do not really challenge the efficiency of TaG-EM. By showing a T-maze in Fig 1B, the authors suggest that their method could be used to quantify more complex behaviours. Not exploring this possibility in this manuscript seems like a missed opportunity.<br /> • Experiments in Figs S3 and S6 suggest that some tags have a detrimental effect on certain behaviours or on GFP expression. Whereas the authors rightly acknowledge these issues, they do not investigate their causes. Unfortunately, this question the overall suitability of TaG-EM, as other barcodes may also affect certain aspects of the animal's physiology or behaviour. Revising barcode design will be crucial to make sure that sequences with potential regulatory function are excluded.<br /> • For their single-cell experiments, the authors have used the 10X Genomics method, which relies on sequencing just a short segment of each transcript (usually 50-250bp - unknown for this study as read length information was not provided) to enable its identification, with the matching paired-end read providing cell barcode and UMI information (Macosko et al., 2015). With average fragment length after tagmentation usually ranging from 300-700bp, a large number of GFP reads will likely not include the 14bp TaG-EM barcode. When a given cell barcode is not associated with any TaG-EM barcode, then demultiplexing is impossible. This is a major problem, which is particularly visible in Figs 5 and S13. In 5F, BC4 is only detected in a couple of dozen cells, even though the Jon99Ciii marker of enterocytes is present in a much larger population (Fig 5C). Therefore, in this particular case, TaG-EM fails to detect most of the GFP-expressing cells. Similarly, in S13, most cells should express one of the four barcodes, however many of them (maybe up to half - this should be quantified) do not. Therefore, the claim (L277-278) that "the pan-midgut driver were broadly distributed across the cell clusters" is misleading. Moreover, the hypothesis that "low expressing driver lines may result in particularly sparse labelling" (L331-333) is at least partially wrong, as Fig S13 shows that the same Gal4 driver can lead to very different levels of barcode coverage.<br /> • Comparisons between TaG-EM and other, simpler methods for labelling individual cell populations are missing. For example, how would TaG-EM compare with expression of different fluorescent reporters, or a strategy based on the brainbow/flybow principle?<br /> • FACS data is missing throughout the paper. The authors should include data from their comparative flow cytometry experiment of TaG-EM cells with or without additional hexameric GFP, as well as FSC/SSC and fluorescence scatter plots for the FACS steps that they performed prior to scRNA-seq, at least in supplementary figures.<br /> • The authors should show the whole data described in L229, including the cluster that they chose to delete. At least, they should provide more information about how many cells were removed. In any case, the fact that their data still contains a large number of debris and dead cells despite sorting out PI negative cells with FACS and filtering low abundance barcodes with Cellranger is concerning.
Overall, although a method for genetic tagging cell populations prior to multiplexing in single-cell experiments would be extremely useful, the method presented here is inadequate. However, despite all the weaknesses listed above, the idea of barcodes expressed specifically in cells of interest deserves more consideration. If the authors manage to improve their design to resolve the major issues and demonstrate the benefits of their method more clearly, then TaG-EM could become an interesting option for certain applications.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have addressed many important points, providing reassurances about the initial weaknesses of their work. Although the TaG-EM is unlikely to have a significant influence on the field due to its limited benefits, the results are now sound and provide the reader with an unbiased view of the possibilities and limitations of the method.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors developed the TaG-EM system to address challenges in multiplexing Drosophila samples for behavioral and transcriptomic studies. This system integrates DNA barcodes upstream of the polyadenylation site in a UAS-GFP construct, enabling pooled behavioral measurements and cell type tracking in scRNA-seq experiments. The revised manuscript expands on the utility of TaG-EM by demonstrating its application to complex assays, such as larval gut motility, and provides a refined analysis of its limitations and cost-effectiveness.
(1) Novelty and Scope: The study demonstrates the potential for TaG-EM to streamline multiplexing in both behavioral and transcriptomic contexts. The additional application to labor-intensive larval gut motility assays highlights its scalability and practical utility.
(2) Data Quality and Clarity: Figures and supplemental data are mostly clear and significantly enhanced in the revised manuscript. The addition of Supplemental Figures 18-21 addresses initial concerns about scRNA-seq data and driver characterization.
(3) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: New analyses of labor and cost savings (e.g., Supplemental Figure 8) provide a practical perspective.
(4) Improvements in Barcode Detection and Analysis: Enhanced enrichment protocols (Supplemental Figures 18-19) demonstrate progress in addressing limitations of barcode detection and increase the detection rate of labeled cells.
(1) Barcode Detection Efficiency: While improvements are noted, the low barcode detection rate (~37% in optimized conditions) limits the method's scalability in some applications, such as single-cell sequencing experiments with complex cell populations.
(2) Sparse Labeling: Sparse labeling of cell populations, particularly in scRNA-seq assays, remains a concern. Variability in driver strength and regional expression introduces inconsistencies in labeling density.
(3) Behavioral Applications: The utility of TaG-EM in quantifying more complex behaviors remains underexplored, limiting the generalizability of the method beyond simpler assays like phototaxis and oviposition.
(4) Driver Line Characterization: While improvements in driver line characterization were made, variability in expression patterns and sparse labeling emphasize the need for further refinement of constructs and systematic backcrossing to standardize the genetic background.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The aim of this paper is to describe a novel method for genetic labelling of animals or cell populations, using a system of DNA/RNA barcodes.
• The author's attempt at providing a straightforward method for multiplexing Drosophila samples prior to scRNA-seq is commendable. The perspective of being able to load multiple samples on a 10X Chromium without antibody labelling is appealing.
• The authors are generally honest about potential issues in their method, and areas that would benefit from future improvement.
• The article reads well. Graphs and figures are clear and easy to understand.
We thank the reviewer for these positive comments.
• The usefulness of TaG-EM for phototaxis, egg laying or fecundity experiments is questionable. The behaviours presented here are all easily quantifiable, either manually or using automated image-based quantification, even when they include a relatively large number of groups and replicates. Despite their claims (e.g., L311-313), the authors do not present any real evidence about the cost- or time-effectiveness of their method in comparison to existing quantification methods.
While the behaviors that were quantified in the original manuscript were indeed relatively easy to quantify through other methods, they nonetheless demonstrated that sequencing-based TaG-EM measurements faithfully recapitulated manual behavioral measurements. In response to the reviewer’s comment, we have added additional experiments that demonstrate the utility of TaG-EM-based behavioral quantification in the context of a more labor-intensive phenotypic assay (measuring gut motility via food transit times in Drosophila larvae, Figure 4, Supplemental Figure 7). We found that food transit times in the presence and absence of caffeine are subtly different and that, as with larger effect size behaviors, TaG-EM data recapitulates the results of the manual assay. This experiment demonstrates both that TaG-EM can be used to streamline labor-intensive behavioral assays (we have included an estimate of the savings in hands-on labor for this assay by using a multiplexed sequencing approach, Supplemental Figure 8) and that TaG-EM can quantify small differences between experimental groups. We also note in the discussion that an additional benefit of TaGEM-based behavioral assays is that the observed is blinded as to the experimental conditions as they are intermingled in a single multiplexed assay. We have added the following text to the paper describing these experiments.
“Quantifying food transit time in the larval gut using TaG-EM
Gut motility defects underlie a number of functional gastrointestinal disorders in humans (Keller et al., 2018). To study gut motility in Drosophila, we have developed an assay based on the time it takes a food bolus to transit the larval gut (Figure 4A), similar to approaches that have been employed for studying the role of the microbiome in human gut motility (Asnicar et al., 2021). Third instar larvae were starved for 90 minutes and then fed food containing a blue dye. After 60 minutes, larvae in which a blue bolus of food was visible were transferred to plates containing non-dyed food, and food transit (indicated by loss of the blue food bolus) was scored every 30 minutes for five hours (Supplemental Figure 7).
Because this assay is highly labor-intensive and requires hands-on effort for the entire five-hour observation period, there is a limit on how many conditions or replicates can be scored in one session (~8 plates maximum). Thus, we decided to test whether food transit could be quantified in a more streamlined and scalable fashion by using TaG-EM (Figure 4B). Using the manual assay, we observed that while caffeinecontaining food is aversive to larvae, the presence of caffeine reduces transit time through the gut (Figure 4C, Supplemental Figure 7). This is consistent with previous observations in adult flies that bitter compounds (including caffeine) activate enteric neurons via serotonin-mediated signaling and promote gut motility (Yao and Scott, 2022). We tested whether TaG-EM could be used to measure the effect of caffeine on food transit time in larvae. As with prior behavioral tests, the TaG-EM data recapitulated the results seen in the manual assay (Figure 4D). Conducting the transit assay via TaGEM enables several labor-saving steps. First, rather than counting the number of larvae with and without a food bolus at each time point, one simply needs to transfer nonbolus-containing larvae to a collection tube. Second, because the TaG-EM lines are genetically barcoded, all the conditions can be tested at once on a single plate, removing the need to separately count each replicate of each experimental condition. This reduces the hands-on time for the assay to just a few minutes per hour. A summary of the anticipated cost and labor savings for the TaG-EM-based food transit assay is shown in Supplemental Figure 8.”
“While the utility of TaG-EM barcode-based quantification will vary based on the number of conditions being analyzed and the ease of quantifying the behavior or phenotype by other means, we demonstrate that TaG-EM can be employed to cost-effectively streamline labor-intensive assays and to quantify phenotypes with small effect sizes (Figure 4, Supplemental Figure 8). An additional benefit of multiplexed TaG-EM behavioral measurements is that the experimental conditions are effectively blinded as the multiplexed conditions are intermingled in a single assay.”
“Larval gut motility experiments
Preparing Yeast Food Plates
Yeast agar plates were prepared by making a solution containing 20% Red Star Active Dry Yeast 32oz (Red Star Yeast) and 2.4% Agar Powder/Flakes (Fisher) and a separate solution containing 20% Glucose (Sigma-Aldrich). Both mixtures were autoclaved with a 45-minute liquid cycle and then transferred to a water bath at 55ºC. After cooling to 55ºC, the solutions were combined and mixed, and approximately 5 mL of the combined solution was transferred into 100 x 15 mm petri dishes (VWR) in a PCR hood or contamination-free area. For blue-dyed yeast food plates, 0.4% Blue Food Color (McCormick) was added to the yeast solution. For the caffeine assays, 300 µL of a solution of 100 mM 99% pure caffeine (Sigma-Aldrich) was pipetted onto the blue-dyed yeast plate and allowed to absorb into the food during the 90-minute starvation period.
Manual Gut Motility Assay
Third instar Drosophila larvae were transferred to empty conical tubes that had been misted with water to prevent the larvae from drying out. After a 90-minute starvation period the larvae were moved from the conical to a blue-dyed yeast plate with or without caffeine and allowed to feed for 60 minutes. Following the feeding period, the larvae were transferred to an undyed yeast plate. Larvae were scored for the presence or absence of a food bolus every 30 minutes over a 5-hour period. Up to 8 experimental replicates/conditions were scored simultaneously.
TaG-EM Gut Motility Assay
Third instar larvae were starved and fed blue dye-containing food with or without caffeine as described above. An equal number of larvae from each experimental condition/replicate were transferred to an undyed yeast plate. During the 5-hour observation period, larvae were examined every 30 minutes and larvae lacking a food bolus were transferred to a microcentrifuge tube labeled for the timepoint. Any larvae that died during the experiment were placed in a separate microcentrifuge tube and any larvae that failed to pass the food bolus were transferred to a microcentrifuge tube at the end of the experiment. DNA was extracted from the larvae in each tube and TaG-EM barcode libraries were prepared and sequenced as described above.”
• Behavioural assays presented in this article have clear outcomes, with large effect sizes, and therefore do not really challenge the efficiency of TaG-EM. By showing a Tmaze in Fig 1B, the authors suggest that their method could be used to quantify more complex behaviours. Not exploring this possibility in this manuscript seems like a missed opportunity.
See the response to the previous point.
• Experiments in Figs S3 and S6 suggest that some tags have a detrimental effect on certain behaviours or on GFP expression. Whereas the authors rightly acknowledge these issues, they do not investigate their causes. Unfortunately, this question the overall suitability of TaG-EM, as other barcodes may also affect certain aspects of the animal's physiology or behaviour. Revising barcode design will be crucial to make sure that sequences with potential regulatory function are excluded.
We have determined that the barcode (BC#8) that had no detectable Gal4induced gene expression in Figure S6 (now Supplemental Figure 9) has a deletion in the GFP coding region that ablates GFP function. Interestingly, the expressed TaG-EM barcode transcript is still detectable in single cell sequencing experiments, but obviously this line cannot be used for cell enrichment (at least based solely on GFP expression from the TaG-EM construct). While it is unclear how this line came to have a lesion in the GFP gene, we have subsequently generated >150 additional TaG-EM stocks and we have tested the GFP expression of these newly established stocks by crossing them to Mhc-Gal4. All of the additional stocks had GFP expression in the expected pattern, indicating that the BC#8 construct is an outlier with respect to inducibility of GFP. We have added the following text to the results section to address this point:
“No GFP expression was visible for TaG-EM barcode number 8, which upon molecular characterization had an 853 bp deletion within the GFP coding region (data not shown). We generated and tested GFP expression of an additional 156 TaG-EM barcode lines (Alegria et al., 2024), by crossing them to Mhc-Gal4 and observing expression in the adult thorax. All 156 additional TaG-EM lines had robust GFP expression (data not shown).”
It is certainly the case that future improvements to the construct design may be necessary or desirable and that back-crossing could likely be used to alleviate line-toline differences for specific phenotypes, we also address this point in the discussion with the following text:
“We excluded this poor performing barcode line from the fecundity tests, however, backcrossing is often used to bring reagents into a consistent genetic background for behavioral experiments and could also potentially be used to address behavior-specific issues with specific TaG-EM lines. In addition, other strategies such as averaging across multiple barcode lines or permutation of barcode assignment across replicates could also mitigate such deficiencies.”
• For their single-cell experiments, the authors have used the 10X Genomics method, which relies on sequencing just a short segment of each transcript (usually 50-250bp - unknown for this study as read length information was not provided) to enable its identification, with the matching paired-end read providing cell barcode and UMI information (Macosko et al., 2015). With average fragment length after tagmentation usually ranging from 300-700bp, a large number of GFP reads will likely not include the 14bp TaG-EM barcode.
The 10x Genomics 3’ workflows that were used for sequencing TaG-EM samples reads the cell barcode and UMI in read one and the expressed RNA sequence in read two. We sequenced the samples shown in Figure 5 in the initial manuscript using a run configuration that generated 150 bp for read two. The TaG-EM barcodes are located just upstream of the poly-adenylation sites (based on the sequencing data, we observe two different poly-A sites and the TaG-EM barcode is located 35 and 60 bp upstream of these sites). Based on the location of the TaG-EM barcodes,150 bp reads is sufficient to see the barcode in any GFP-associated read (when using the 3’ gene expression workflow). In addition to detecting the expression of the TaG-EM barcodes in the 10x Genomics gene expression library, it is possible to make a separate library that enriches the barcode sequence (similar to hashtag or CITE-Seq feature barcode libraries). We have added experimental data where we successfully performed an enrichment of the TaG-EM barcodes and sequenced this as a separate hashtag library (Supplemental Figure 18). We have added text to the results describing this work and also included a detailed information in the methods for performing TaG-EM barcode enrichment during 10x library prep.
“In antibody-conjugated oligo cell hashing approaches, sparsity of barcode representation is overcome by spiking in an additional primer at the cDNA amplification step and amplifying the hashtag oligo by PCR. We employed a similar approach to attempt to enrich for TaG-EM barcodes in an additional library sequenced separately from the 10x Genomics gene expression library. Our initial attempts at barcode enrichment using spike-in and enrichment primers corresponding to the TaG-EM PCR handle were unsuccessful (Supplemental Figure 18). However, we subsequently optimized the TaG-EM barcode enrichment by 1) using a longer spike-in primer that more closely matches the annealing temperature used during the 10x Genomics cDNA creation step, and 2) using a nested PCR approach to amplify the cell-barcode and unique molecular identifier (UMI)-labeled TaG-EM barcodes (Supplemental Figure 18). Using the enriched library, TaG-EM barcodes were detected in nearly 100% of the cells at high sequencing depths (Supplemental Figure 19). However, although we used a polymerase that has been engineered to have high processivity and that has been shown to reduce the formation of chimeric reads in other contexts (Gohl et al., 2016), it is possible that PCR chimeras could lead to unreliable detection events for some cells. Indeed, many cells had a mixture of barcodes detected with low counts and single or low numbers of associated UMIS. To assess the reliability of detection, we analyzed the correlation between barcodes detected in the gene expression library and the enriched TaG-EM barcode library as a function of the purity of TaG-EM barcode detection for each cell (the percentage of the most abundant detected TaG-EM barcode, Supplemental Figure 19). For TaG-EM barcode detections where the most abundance barcode was a high percentage of the total barcode reads detected (~75%-99.99%), there was a high correlation between the barcode detected in the gene expression library and the enriched TaG-EM barcode library. Below this threshold, the correlation was substantially reduced.
In the enriched library, we identified 26.8% of cells with a TaG-EM barcode reliably detected, a very modest improvement over the gene expression library alone (23.96%), indicating that at least for this experiment, the main constraint is sufficient expression of the TaG-EM barcode and not detection. To identify TaG-EM barcodes in the combined data set, we counted a positive detection as any barcode either identified in the gene expression library or any barcode identified in the enriched library with a purity of >75%. In the case of conflicting barcode calls, we assigned the barcode that was detected directly in the gene expression library. This increased the total fraction of cells where a barcode was identified to approximately 37% (Figure 6B).”
“The resulting pool was prepared for sequencing following the 10x Genomics Single Cell 3’ protocol (version CG000315 Rev C), At step 2.2 of the protocol, cDNA amplification, 1 µl of TaG-EM spike-in primer (10 µM) was added to the reaction to amplify cDNA with the TaG-EM barcode. Gene expression cDNA and TaG-EM cDNA were separated using a double-sided SPRIselect (Beckman Coulter) bead clean up following 10x Genomics Single Cell 3’ Feature Barcode protocol, step 2.3 (version CG000317 Rev E). The gene expression cDNA was created into a library following the CG000315 Rev C protocol starting at section 3. Custom nested primers were used for enrichment of TaG-EM barcodes after cDNA creation using PCR. The following primers were tested (see Supplemental Figure 18):
SI PCR Primer:
After multiple optimization trials, the following steps yielded ~96% on-target reads for the TaG-EM library (Supplemental Figure 18, note that for the enriched barcode data shown in Figure 6 and Supplemental Figure 19, a similar amplification protocol was used TaG-EM barcodes were amplified from the gene expression library cDNA and not the SPRI-selected barcode pool). TaG-EM cDNA was amplified with the following PCR reaction: 5 µl purified TaG-EM cDNA, 50 µl 2x KAPA HiFi ReadyMix (Roche), 2.5 µl UMGC_IL_DoubleNest primer (10 µM), 2.5 µl SI_PCR primer (10 µM), and 40 µl nuclease-free water. The reaction was amplified using the following cycling conditions: 98ºC for 2 minutes, followed by 15 cycles of 98ºC for 20 seconds, 63ºC for 30 seconds, 72ºC for 20 seconds, followed by 72ºC for 5 minutes. After the first PCR, the amplified cDNA was purified with a 1.2x SPRIselect (Beckman Coulter) bead cleanup with 80% ethanol washes and eluted into 40 µL of nuclease-water. A second round of PCR was run with following reaction: 5 µl purified TaG-EM cDNA, 50 µl 2x KAPA HiFi ReadyMix (Roche), 2.5 µl D702 primer (10 µM), 2.5 µl p5 Primer (10 µM), and 40 µl nuclease-free water. The reaction was amplified using the following cycling conditions: 98ºC for 2 minutes, followed by 10 cycles of 98ºC for 20 seconds, 63ºC for 30 seconds, 72ºC for 20 seconds, followed by 72ºC for 5 minutes. After the second PCR, the amplified cDNA was purified with a 1.2x SPRIselect (Beckman Coulter) bead cleanup with 80% ethanol washes and eluted into 40uL of nuclease-water. The resulting 3’ gene expression library and TaG-EM enrichment library were sequenced together following Scenario 1 of the BioLegend “Total-Seq-A Antibodies and Cell Hashing with 10x Single Cell 3’ Reagents Kit v3 or v3.1” protocol. Additional sequencing of the enriched TaG-EM library also done following Scenario 2 from the same protocol.”
When a given cell barcode is not associated with any TaG-EM barcode, then demultiplexing is impossible. This is a major problem, which is particularly visible in Figs 5 and S13. In 5F, BC4 is only detected in a couple of dozen cells, even though the Jon99Ciii marker of enterocytes is present in a much larger population (Fig 5C). Therefore, in this particular case, TaG-EM fails to detect most of the GFP-expressing cells.
Figure 5 in the original manuscript represented data from an experiment in which there were eight different TaG-EM barcoded samples present, including four replicates of the pan-midgut driver (each of which included enterocyte populations). One would not expect the BC4 enterocyte driver expression to be observed in all of the Jon99Ciii cells, since the majority of the GFP+ cells shown in the UMAP plot were likely derived from and are labeled by the pan-midgut driver-associated barcodes. Thus, the design and presentation of this particular experiment (in particular, the presence of eight distinct samples in the data set) is making the detection of the TaG-EM barcodes look sparser than it actually is. We have added a panel in both Figure 6B and Supplemental Figure 17B that shows the overall detection of barcodes in the enriched barcode library and gene expression library or the gene expression library only, respectively, for this experiment.
However, the reviewer’s overall point regarding barcode detection is still valid in that if we consider all eight barcodes, we only see TaG-EM barcode labeling associated with about a quarter of all the cells in this gene expression library, or about 37% of cells when we include the enriched TaG-EM barcode library. While improving barcode detection will improve the yield and is necessary for some applications (such as robust detection of multiplets), we would argue that even at the current level of success this approach has significant utility. First, if one’s goal is to unambiguously label a cell cluster and trace it to a defined cell population in vivo, sparse labeling may be sufficient. Second, demultiplexing is still possible (as we demonstrate) but involves a trade off in yield (not every cell is recovered and there is some extra sequencing cost as some sequenced cells cannot be assigned to a barcode).
Similarly, in S13, most cells should express one of the four barcodes, however many of them (maybe up to half - this should be quantified) do not. Therefore, the claim (L277278) that "the pan-midgut driver were broadly distributed across the cell clusters" is misleading. Moreover, the hypothesis that "low expressing driver lines may result in particularly sparse labelling" (L331-333) is at least partially wrong, as Fig S13 shows that the same Gal4 driver can lead to very different levels of barcode coverage.
As described above, since this experiment included eight different TaG-EM barcodes expressed by five different drivers, the expectation is that only about half of the cells in Figure S13 (now Figure S20) should express a TaG-EM barcode. It is not clear why BC2 is underrepresented in terms of the number of cells labeled and BC7 is overrepresented. We agree with the reviewer that this should be described more accurately in the paper and that it does impact our interpretation related to driver strength and barcode detection. We have revised this sentence in the discussion and also added additional text in the results describing the within driver variability seen in this experiment.
Results text:
“As expected, the barcodes expressed by the pan-midgut driver were broadly distributed across the cell clusters (Supplemental Figure 20). However, the number of cells recovered varied significantly among the four pan-midgut driver associated barcodes.”
Discussion text:
“It is likely that the strength of the Gal4 driver contributes to the labeling density. However, we also observed variable recovery of TaG-EM barcodes that were all driven by the same pan-midgut Gal4 driver (Supplemental Figure 20).”
• Comparisons between TaG-EM and other, simpler methods for labelling individual cell populations are missing. For example, how would TaG-EM compare with expression of different fluorescent reporters, or a strategy based on the brainbow/flybow principle?
The advantage of TaG-EM is that an arbitrarily large number of DNA barcodes can be used (contingent upon the availability of transgenic lines – we described 20 barcoded lines in our initial manuscript and we have now extended this collection to over 170 lines), while the number of distinguishable FPs is much lower. Brainbow/Flybow uses combinatorial expression of different FPs, but because this combinatorial expression is stochastic, tracing a single cell transcriptome to a defined cell population in vivo based on the FP signature of a Brainbow animal would likely not be possible (and would almost certainly be impossible at scale).
• FACS data is missing throughout the paper. The authors should include data from their comparative flow cytometry experiment of TaG-EM cells with or without additional hexameric GFP, as well as FSC/SSC and fluorescence scatter plots for the FACS steps that they performed prior to scRNA-seq, at least in supplementary figures.
We have added Supplemental Figures with the FACS data for all of the single cell sequencing data presented in the manuscript (Supplemental Figures 12 and 14).
• The authors should show the whole data described in L229, including the cluster that they chose to delete. At least, they should provide more information about how many cells were removed. In any case, the fact that their data still contains a large number of debris and dead cells despite sorting out PI negative cells with FACS and filtering low abundance barcodes with Cellranger is concerning.
This description was referring to the unprocessed Cellranger output (not filtered for low abundance barcodes). Prior to filtering for cell barcodes with high mitochondria or rRNA (or other processing in Seurat/Scanpy), we saw two clusters, one with low UMI counts and enrichment of mitochondrial genes (see Cellranger report below).
Author response image 1.
These cell barcodes were removed by downstream quality filtering and the remaining cells showed expression of expected intestinal stem cell and enteroblast marker genes.
Overall, although a method for genetic tagging cell populations prior to multiplexing in single-cell experiments would be extremely useful, the method presented here is inadequate. However, despite all the weaknesses listed above, the idea of barcodes expressed specifically in cells of interest deserves more consideration. If the authors manage to improve their design to resolve the major issues and demonstrate the benefits of their method more clearly, then TaG-EM could become an interesting option for certain applications.
We thank the reviewer for this comment and hope that the above responses and additional experiments and data that we have added have helped to alleviate the noted weaknesses.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Mendana et al developed a multiplexing method - Targeted Genetically-Encoded Multiplexing or TaG-EM - by inserting a DNA barcode upstream of the polyadenylation site in a Gal4-inducible UAS-GFP construct. This Multiplexing method can be used for population-scale behavioral measurements or can potentially be used in single-cell sequencing experiments to pool flies from different populations. The authors created 20 distinctly barcoded fly lines. First, TaG-EM was used to measure phototaxis and oviposition behaviors. Then, TaG-EM was applied to the fly gut cell types to demonstrate its applications in single-cell RNA-seq for cell type annotation and cell origin retrieving.
This TaG-EM system can be useful for multiplexed behavioral studies from nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) of pooled samples and for Transcriptomic Studies. I don't have major concerns for the first application, but I think the scRNA-seq part has several major issues and needs to be further optimized.
Major concerns:
(1) It seems the barcode detection rate is low according to Fig S9 and Fig 5F, J and N. Could the authors evaluate the detection rate? If the detection rate is too low, it can cause problems when it is used to decode cell types.
See responses to Reviewer #1 on this topic above.
(2) Unsuccessful amplification of TaG-EM barcodes: The authors attempted to amplify the TaG-EM barcodes in parallel to the gene expression library preparation but encountered difficulties, as the resulting sequencing reads were predominantly offtarget. This unsuccessful amplification raises concerns about the reliability and feasibility of this amplification approach, which could affect the detection and analysis of the TaG-EM barcodes in future experiments.
As noted above, we have now established a successful amplification protocol for the TaG-EM barcodes. This data is shown in Figure 6, and Supplemental Figures 18-19 and we have included a detailed information in the methods for performing TaG-EM barcode enrichment during 10x library prep. We have also included code in the paper’s Github repository for assigning TaG-EM barcodes from the enriched library to the associated 10x Genomics cell barcodes.
(3) For Fig 5, the singe-cell clusters are not annotated. It is not clear what cell types are corresponding to which clusters. So, it is difficult to evaluate the accuracy of the assignment of barcodes.
We have added annotation information for the cell clusters based on expression of cell-type-specific marker genes (Figure 6A, Supplemental Figures 16-17).
(4) The scRNA-seq UMAP in Fig 5 is a bit strange to me. The fly gut epithelium contains only a few major cell types, including ISC, EB, EC, and EE. However, the authors showed 38 clusters in fig 5B. It is true that some cell types, like EE (Guo et al., 2019, Cell Reports), have sub-populations, but I don't expect they will form these many subtypes. There are many peripheral small clusters that are not shown in other gut scRNAseq studies (Hung et al., 2020; Li et al., 2022 Fly Cell Atlas; Lu et al., 2023 Aging Fly Cell Atlas). I suggest the authors try different data-processing methods to validate their clustering result.
For all of the single cell experiments, after doublet and ambient RNA removal (as suggested below), we have reclustered the datasets and evaluated different resolutions using Clustree. As the Reviewer points out, there are different EE subtypes, as well as regionalized expression differences in EC and other cell populations, so more than four clusters are expected (an analysis of the adult midgut identified 22 distinct cell types). With this revised analysis our results more closely match the cell populations observed in other studies (though it should be noted that the referenced studies largely focus on the adult and not the larval stage).
(5) Different gut drivers, PMC-, PC-, EB-, EC-, and EE-GAL4, were used. The authors should carefully characterize these GAL4 expression in larval guts and validate sequencing data. For example, does the ratio of each cell type in Fig 5B reflect the in vivo cell type ratio? The authors used cell-type markers mostly based on the knowledge from adult guts, but there are significant morphological and cell ratio differences between larval and adult guts (e.g., Mathur...Ohlstein, 2010 Science).
We have characterized the PC driver which is highlighted in Supplemental Figure 13, and the EC and EE drivers which are highlighted in Figure 6G-N in detail in larval guts and have added this data to the paper (Supplemental Figure 21). The EB driver was not characterized histologically as EB-specific antibodies are not currently available. The PMG-Gal4 line exhibits strong expression throughout the larval gut (Figure 5B and barcodes are recovered from essentially all of the larval gut cell clusters using this driver (Supplemental Figure 20). We don’t necessarily expect the ratios of cells observed in the scRNA-Seq data to reflect the ratios typically observed in the gut as we performed pooled flow sorting on a multiplexed set of eight genotypes and driver expression levels, flow sorting, and possibly other processing steps could all influence the relative abundance of different cell types. However, detailed characterization of these driver lines did reveal spatial expression patterns that help explain aspects of the scRNA-Seq data. We have also added the following text to the paper to further describe the characterization of the drivers:
“Detailed characterization of the EC-Gal4 line indicated that although this line labeled a high percentage of enterocytes, expression was restricted to an area at the anterior and middle of the midgut, with gaps between these regions and at the posterior (Supplemental Figure 21). This could explain the absence of subsets of enterocytes, such as those labeled by betaTry, which exhibits regional expression in R2 of the adult midgut (Buchon et al., 2013).”
“Detailed characterization of the EE-Gal4 driver line indicated that ~80-85% of Prospero-positive enteroendocrine cells are labeled in the anterior and middle of the larval midgut, with a lower percentage (~65%) of Prospero-positive cells labeled in the posterior midgut (Supplemental Figure 21). As with the enterocyte labeling, and consistent with the Gal4 driver expression pattern, the EE-Gal4 expressed TaG-EM barcode 9 did not label all classes of enteroendocrine cells and other clusters of presumptive enteroendocrine cells expressing other neuropeptides such as Orcokinin, AstA, and AstC, or neuropeptide receptors such as CCHa2 (not shown) were also observed.”
“Dissection and immunostaining
Midguts from third instar larvae of driver lines crossed to UAS-GFP.nls or UAS-mCherry were dissected in 1xPBS and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) overnight at 4ºC. Fixed samples were washed with 0.1% PBTx (1xPBS + 0.1% Triton X-100) three times for 10 minutes each and blocked in PBTxGS (0.1% PBTx + 3% Normal Goat Serum) for 2–4 hours at RT. After blocking, midguts were incubated in primary antibody solution overnight at 4ºC. The next day samples were washed with 0.1% PBTx three times for 20 minutes each and were incubated in secondary antibody solution for 2–3 hours at RT (protected from light) followed by three washes with 0.1% PBTx for 20 minutes each. One µg/ml DAPI solution prepared in 0.1% PBTx was added to the sample and incubated for 10 minutes followed by washing with 0.1% PBTx three times for 10 minutes each. Finally, samples were mounted on a slide glass with 70% glycerol and imaged using a Nikon AX R confocal microscope. Confocal images were processed using Fiji software.
The primary antibodies used were rabbit anti-GFP (A6455,1:1000 Invitrogen), mouse anti-mCherry (3A11, 1:20 DSHB), mouse anti-Prospero (MR1A, 1:50 DSHB) and mouse anti-Pdm1 (Nub 2D4, 1:30 DSHB). The secondary antibodies used were goat antimouse and goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to Alexa 647 and Alexa 488 (1:200) (Invitrogen), respectively. Five larval gut specimens per Gal4 line were dissected and examined.”
(6) Doublets are removed based on the co-expression of two barcodes in Fig 5A. However, there are also other possible doublets, for example, from the same barcode cells or when one cell doesn't have detectable barcode. Did the authors try other computational approaches to remove doublets, like DoubleFinder (McGinnis et al., 2019) and Scrublet (Wolock et al., 2019)?
We have included DoubleFinder-based doublet removal in our data analysis pipeline. This is now described in the methods (see below).
(7) Did the authors remove ambient RNA which is a common issue for scRNA-seq experiments?
We have also used DecontX to remove ambient RNA. This is now described in the methods:
“Datasets were first mapped and analyzed using the Cell Ranger analysis pipeline (10x Genomics). A custom Drosophila genome reference was made by combining the BDGP.28 reference genome assembly and Ensembl gene annotations. Custom gene definitions for each of the TaG-EM barcodes were added to the fasta genome file and .gtf gene annotation file. A Cell Ranger reference package was generated with the Cell Ranger mkref command. Subsequent single-cell data analysis was performed using the R package Seurat (Satija et al., 2015). Cells expressing less than 200 genes and genes expressed in fewer than three cells were filtered from the expression matrix. Next, percent mitochondrial reads, percent ribosomal reads cells counts, and cell features were graphed to determine optimal filtering parameters. DecontX (Yang et al., 2020) was used to identify empty droplets, to evaluate ambient RNA contamination, and to remove empty cells and cells with high ambient RNA expression. DoubletFinder (McGinnis et al., 2019) to identify droplet multiplets and remove cells classified as multiplets. Clustree (Zappia and Oshlack, 2018) was used to visualize different clustering resolutions and to determine the optimal clustering resolution for downstream analysis. Finally, SingleR (Aran et al., 2019) was used for automated cell annotation with a gut single-cell reference from the Fly Cell Atlas (Li et al., 2022). The dataset was manually annotated using the expression patterns of marker genes known to be associated with cell types of interest. To correlate TaG-EM barcodes with cell IDs in the enriched TaG-EM barcode library, a custom Python script was used (TaGEM_barcode_Cell_barcode_correlation.py), which is available via Github: https://github.com/darylgohl/TaG-EM.”
(8) Why does TaG-EM barcode #4, driven by EC-GAL4, not label other classes of enterocyte cells such as betaTry+ positive ECs (Figures 5D-E)? similarly, why does TaG-EM barcode #9, driven by EE-GAL4, not label all EEs? Again, it is difficult to evaluate this part without proper data processing and accurate cell type annotation.
As noted in the response to a comment by Reviewer #1 above, part of this apparent sparsity of labeling is due to the way that this experiment was designed and visualized. We have added a new Figure panel in both Figure 6B and Supplemental Figure 17B that shows the overall detection of barcodes in the enriched barcode library and gene expression library or the gene expression library only, respectively, to better illustrate the efficacy of barcode detection. See also the response to point 5 above. Both the lack of labelling of betaTry+ ECs and subsets of EEs is consistent with the expression patterns of the EC-Gal4 and EE-Gal4 drivers.
(9) For Figure 2, when the authors tested different combinations of groups with various numbers of barcodes. They found remarkable consistency for the even groups. Once the numbers start to increase to 64, barcode abundance becomes highly variable (range of 12-18% for both male and female). I think this would be problematic because the differences seen in two groups for example may be due to the barcode selection rather than an actual biologically meaningful difference.
While there is some barcode-to-barcode variability for different amplification conditions, the magnitude of this variation is relatively consistent across the conditions tested. We looked at the coefficient of variation for the evenly pooled barcodes or for the staggered barcodes pooled at different relative levels. While the absolute magnitude of the variation is higher for the highly abundant barcodes in the staggered conditions, the CVs for these conditions (0.186 for female flies and for 0.163 male flies) were only slightly above the mean CV (0.125) for all conditions (see Supplemental Figure 3):
We have added this analysis as Supplemental Figure 3 and added the following text to the paper:(
“The coefficients of variation were largely consistent for groups of TaG-EM barcodes pooled evenly or at different levels within the staggered pools (Supplemental Figure 3).”
(10) Barcode #14 cannot be reliably detected in oviposition experiment. This suggests that the BC 14 fly line might have additional mutations in the attp2 chromosome arm that affects this behavior. Perhaps other barcode lines also have unknown mutations and would cause issues for other untested behaviors. One possible solution is to backcross all 20 lines with the same genetic background wild-type flies for >7 generations to make all these lines to have the same (or very similar) genetic background. This strategy is common for aging and behavior assays.
See response to Reviewer #1 above on this topic.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The work addresses challenges in linking anatomical information to transcriptomic data in single-cell sequencing. It proposes a method called Targeted Genetically-Encoded Multiplexing (TaG-EM), which uses genetic barcoding in Drosophila to label specific cell populations in vivo. By inserting a DNA barcode near the polyadenylation site in a UASGFP construct, cells of interest can be identified during single-cell sequencing. TaG-EM enables various applications, including cell type identification, multiplet droplet detection, and barcoding experimental parameters. The study demonstrates that TaGEM barcodes can be decoded using next-generation sequencing for large-scale behavioral measurements. Overall, the results are solid in supporting the claims and will be useful for a broader fly community. I have only a few comments below:
We thank the reviewer for these positive comments.
Specific comments:
(1) The authors mentioned that the results of structure pool tests in Fig. 2 showed a high level of quantitative accuracy in detecting the TaG-EM barcode abundance. Although the data were generally consistent with the input values in most cases, there were some obvious exceptions such as barcode 1 (under-represented) and barcodes 15, 20 (overrepresented). It would be great if the authors could comment on these and provide a guideline for choosing the appropriate barcode lines when implementing this TaG-EM method.
See the response to point 9 from Reviewer 2. Although there seem to be some systematic differences in barcode amplification, the coefficient of variation was relatively consistent across all of the barcode combinations and relative input levels that we examined. Our recommendation (described in the text) is to average across 3-4 independent barcodes (which yielded a R2 values of >0.99 with expected abundance in the structured pooled tests).
(2) In Supplemental Figure 6, the authors showed GFP antibody staining data with 20 different TaG-EM barcode lines. The variability in GFP antibody staining results among these different TaG-EM barcode lines concerns the use of these TaG-EM barcode lines for sequencing followed by FACS sorting of native GFP. I expected the native GFP expression would be weaker and much more variable than the GFP antibody staining results shown in Supplemental Figure 6. If this is the case, variation of tissue-specific expression of TaG-EM barcode lines will likely be a confounding factor.
Aside from barcode 8, which had a mutation in the GFP coding sequence, we did not see significant variability in expression levels either in the wing disc. Subtle differences seen in this figure most likely result from differences in larval staging. Similar consistent native (unstained) GFP expression of the TaG-EM constructs was seen in crosses with Mhc-Gal4 (described above).
(3) As the authors mentioned in the manuscript, multiple barcodes for one experimental condition would be a better experimental design. Could the authors suggest a recommended number of barcodes for each experiential condition? 3? 4? Or more?
See response to Reviewer #3, point number 1 above.
(3b) Also, it would be great if the authors could provide a short discussion on the cost of such TaG-EM method. For example, for the phototaxis assay, if it is much more expensive to perform TaG-EM as compared to manually scoring the preference index by videotaping, what would be the practical considerations or benefits of doing TaG-EM over manual scoring?
While this will vary depending on the assay and the scale at which one is conducting experiments, we have added an analysis of labor savings for the larval gut motility assay (Supplemental Figure 8). We have also added the following text to the Discussion describing some of the trade-offs to consider in assessing the potential benefit of incorporating TaG-EM into behavioral measurements:
“While the utility of TaG-EM barcode-based quantification will vary based on the number of conditions being analyzed and the ease of quantifying the behavior or phenotype by other means, we demonstrate that TaG-EM can be employed to cost-effectively streamline labor-intensive assays and to quantify phenotypes with small effect sizes (Figure 4, Supplemental Figure 8).”
Recommendations for the authors:
While recognising the potential of the TaG-EM methodology, we had a few major concerns that the authors might want to consider addressing:
As stated above, we are grateful to the reviewers and editor for their thoughtful comments. We have addressed many of the points below in our responses above, so we will briefly respond to these points and where relevant direct the reader to comments above.
(1) We were concerned about the efficacy of TaG-EM in assessing more complex behaviours than oviposition and phototaxis. We note that Barcode #14 cannot be reliably detected in oviposition experiment. This suggests that the BC 14 fly line might have additional mutations in the attp2 chromosome arm that affects this behavior. Perhaps other barcode lines also have unknown mutations and would cause issues for other untested behaviors. One possible solution is to back-cross all 20 lines with the same genetic background wild-type flies for >7 generations to make all these lines to have the same (or very similar) genetic background. This strategy is common for aging and behavior assays.
See response to Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2, item 10, above.
(2) We were unable to assess the drop-out rates of the TaG-EM barcode from the sequencing. The barcode detection rate is low (Fig S9 and Fig 5F, J and N). This would be a considerable drawback (relating to both experimental design and cost), if a large proportion of the cells could not be assigned an identity.
See comments above addressing this point.
(3) The effectiveness of TaG-EM scRNA-seq on the larvae gut is not very effective - the cells are not well annotated, the barcodes seem not to have labelled expected cell types (ECs and EEs), and there is no validation of the Gal4 drivers in vivo.
See previous comments. We have addressed specific comments above on data processing and annotation, included a visualization of the overall effectiveness of labeling, added a protocol and data on enriched TaG-EM barcode libraries, and have added detailed characterization of the Gal4 drivers in the larval gut (Figure 6, Supplemental Figures 17-21).
(4) A formal assessment of the cost-effectiveness would be an important consideration in broad uptake of the methodology.
While this is difficult to do in a comprehensive manner given the breadth of potential applications, we have included estimates of labor savings for one of the behavioral assays that we tested (Supplemental Figure 8). We have also included a discussion of some of the factors that would make TaG-EM useful or cost-effective to apply for behavioral assays (see response to Reviewer #3, comment 3b, above). We have also added the following text to the discussion to address the cost considerations in applying TaG-EM for scRNA-Seq:
“For single cell RNA-Seq experiments, the cost savings of multiplexing is roughly the cost of a run divided by the number of independent lines multiplexed, plus labor savings by also being able to multiplex upstream flow cytometry, minus loss of unbarcoded cells. Our experiments indicated that for the specific drivers we tested TaG-EM barcodes are detected in around one quarter of the cells if relying on endogenous expression in the gene expression library, though this fraction was higher (~37%) if sequencing an enriched TaG-EM barcode library in parallel (Figure 6, Supplemental Figures 18-19).”
(5) Similarly, a formal assessment of the effect of the insertion on the variability in GFP expression and the behaviour needs to be documented.
See responses to Reviewer #1, Reviewer #2, item 9, and Reviewer #3, item 2 above.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(in no particular order of importance)
• L84-85: the authors should either expand, or remove this statement. Indeed, lack of replicates is only true if one ignores that each cell in an atlas is indeed a replicate. Therefore, depending on the approach or question, this statement is inaccurate.
This sentence was meant to refer to experiments where different experimental conditions are being compared and not to more descriptive studies such as cell atlases. We have revised this sentence to clarify.
“Outside of descriptive studies, these costs are also a barrier to including replicates to assess biological variability; consequently, a lack of biological replicates derived from independent samples is a common shortcoming of single-cell sequencing experiments.”
• L103-104: this sentence is unclear.
We have revised this sentence as follows:
“Genetically barcoded fly lines can also be used to enable highly multiplexed behavioral assays which can be read out using high throughput sequencing.”
• In Fig S1 it is unclear why there are more than 20 different sequences in panel B where the text and panel A only mention the generation of 20 distinct constructs. This should be better explained.
The following text was added to the Figure legend to explain this discrepancy:
“Because the TaG-EM barcode constructs were injected as a pool of 29 purified plasmids, some of the transgenic lines had inserts of the same construct. In total 20 unique lines were recovered from this round of injection.”
• It would be interesting to compare the efficiency of TaG-EM driven doublet removal (Fig 5A) with standard doublet-removing software (e.g., DoubletFinder, McGinnis et al., 2019).
We have done this comparison, which is now shown in Supplemental Figure 15.
• I would encourage the authors to check whether barcode representation in Fig S13 can be correlated to average library size, as one would expect libraries with shorter reads to be more likely to include the 14-bp barcode and therefore more accurately recapitulate TaG-EM barcode expression.
These are not independent sequencing libraries, but rather data from barcodes that were multiplexed in a single flow sort, 10x droplet capture, and sequencing library. Thus, there must be some other variable that explains the differential recovery of these barcodes.
• Fig 4A should appear earlier in the paper.
We have moved Figure 4A from the previous manuscript (a schematic showing the detailed design of the TaG-EM construct) to Figure 1A in the revised version.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) There is a typo for Fig S13 figure legends: BC1, BC1, BC3... should be BC1, BC2, BC3.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Comments to authors:
(1) It would be great if the authors could provide an additional explanation on how these 29 barcode sequences were determined.
Response: This information is in the Methods section. For the original cloned plasmids:
“Expected construct size was verified by diagnostic digest with _Eco_RI and _Apa_LI. DNA concentration was determined using a Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and the randomer barcode for each of the constructs was determined by Sanger sequencing using the following primers:
For transgenic flies, after DNA extraction and PCR enrichment (details also in the Methods section):
“The barcode sequence for each of the independent transgenic lines was determined by Sanger sequencing using the SV40_5F and SV40_PostR primers.”
(2) Why did the authors choose myr-GFP as the backbone instead of nls-GFP if the downstream application is to perform sequencing?
We initially chose myr::GFP as we planned to conduct single cell and not single nucleus sequencing and myr::GFP has the advantage of labeling cell membranes which could facilitate the characterization or confirmation of cell type-specific expression, particularly in the nervous system. However, we have considered making a version of the TaG-EM construct with a nuclear targeted GFP (thereby enabling “NucEM”). In the Discussion, we mention this possibility as well as the possibility of using a second nuclear-GFP construct in conjunction with TaG-EM lines is nuclear enrichment is desired:
“In addition, while the original TaG-EM lines were made using a membrane-localized myr::GFP construct, variants that express GFP in other cell compartments such as the cytoplasm or nucleus could be constructed to enable increased expression levels or purification of nuclei. Nuclear labeling could also be achieved by co-expressing a nuclear GFP construct with existing TaG-EM lines in analogy to the use of hexameric GFP described above.”
Minor comments:
(1) Line 193, Supplemental Figure 4 should be Supplemental Figure 5
(2) Scale bars should be added in Figure 4, Supplemental Figures 6, 7, and 8A.
We have added scale bars to these figures and also included scale bars in additional Supplemental Figures detailing characterization of the gut driver lines.
(3) Were Figure 4C and Supplemental Figure 7 data stained with a GFP antibody?
No, this is endogenous GFP signal. This is now noted in the Figure legends.
(4) Line 220, specify the three barcode lines (lines #7, 8, 9) in the text.
Added this information.
Same for Lines 251-254. Line 258, which 8 barcode Gal4 line combinations?
(5) Line 994, typo: (BC1, BC1, BC3, and BC7)-> (BC1, BC2, BC3, and BC7)
(6) Figure 5 F, J and N, add EC-Gal4, EB-Gal4, and EE-Gal4 above each panel to improve readability.
We have added labels of the cell type being targeted (leftmost panels), the barcode, and the marker gene name to Figure 6 C-N.
Local file Local file
typedef struct node* Address;typedef struct node { ElType info; Address next; } Node;
Oke, kita sederhanakan ya! 😊
Kenapa ADT List Linear Pakai Tag (
):- Karena ada pointer ke dirinya sendiri!
- Di list linear,
itu adalah pointer yang menunjuk ke struct yang sama (struct tNode
). - Compiler butuh nama/tag (
) untuk ngerti kalaunext
menunjuk ke dirinya sendiri.
c typedef struct tNode { ElType info; // Data di node Address next; // Pointer ke struct tNode lain } Node;
Kalau tanpa tag, compiler bingung karena belum selesai baca tipe struct-nya.
Kenapa ADT Stack Nggak Butuh Tag:
- Karena nggak ada pointer ke dirinya sendiri.
- Stack cuma punya array (
) dan variabel biasa (idxTop
), nggak ada elemen yang menunjuk ke structStack
. - Jadi, tag nggak diperlukan.
c typedef struct { ElType buffer[CAPACITY]; // Array penyimpan elemen int idxTop; // Penunjuk elemen teratas } Stack;
- List Linear: Pakai pointer ke struct yang sama → butuh tag.
- Stack: Nggak pakai pointer ke dirinya sendiri → nggak butuh tag.
Udah lebih jelas, kan? 😄
docs.anthropic.com docs.anthropic.com
Claude can only count specific words, letters, and characters accurately if it writes a number tag after each requested item explicitly. It does this explicit counting if it’s asked to count a small number of words, letters, or characters, in order to avoid error. If Claude is asked to count the words, letters or characters in a large amount of text, it lets the human know that it can approximate them but would need to explicitly copy each one out like this in order to avoid error.
It is very funny that they added this to respond to how shit these systems are at this, as though, well, now we've covered the One Problem it has, good job all!
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inline style
External <link><br /> Internal head > style<br /> inline <tag style="...">
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Author response:
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to you and reviewers at eLife for their thoughtful handling of our manuscript and their valuable feedback, which will greatly improve our study.
We are committed to performing the additional experiments as recommended by the reviewers. However, we would like to clarify our study's focus.
The novelty of our study lies in the highlights of our manuscript:
• The formation of HIV-induced CPSF6 puncta is critical for restoring HIV-1 nuclear reverse transcription (RT).
• CPSF6 protein lacking the FG peptide cannot bind to the viral core, thereby failing to form HIVinduced CPSF6 puncta.
• The FG peptide, rather than low-complexity regions (LCRs) or the mixed charge domains (MCDs) of the CPSF6 protein, drives the formation of HIV-induced CPSF6 puncta.
• HIV-induced CPSF6 puncta form individually and later fuse with nuclear speckles (NS) via the intrinsically disordered region (IDR) of SRRM2.
By focusing on these processes, we believe our study provides a critical perspective on the molecular interactions that mediate the formation of HIV-induced CPSF6 puncta and broadens the understanding of how HIV manipulates host nuclear architecture.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In recent years, our understanding of the nuclear steps of the HIV-1 life cycle has made significant advances. It has emerged that HIV-1 completes reverse transcription in the nucleus and that the host factor CPSF6 forms condensates around the viral capsid. The precise function of these CPSF6 condensates is under investigation, but it is clear that the HIV-1 capsid protein is required for their formation. This study by Tomasini et al. investigates the genesis of the CPSF6 condensates induced by HIV-1 capsid, what other co-factors may be required, and their relationship with nuclear speckels (NS). The authors show that disruption of the condensates by the drug PF74, added post-nuclear entry, blocks HIV-1 infection, which supports their functional role. They generated CPSF6 KO THP-1 cell lines, in which they expressed exogenous CPSF6 constructs to map by microscopy and pull down assays of the regions critical for the formation of condensates. This approach revealed that the LCR region of CPSF6 is required for capsid binding but not for condensates whereas the FG region is essential for both. Using SON and SRRM2 as markers of NS, the authors show that CPSF6 condensates precede their merging with NS but that depletion of SRRM2, or SRRM2 lacking the IDR domain, delays the genesis of condensates, which are also smaller.
The study is interesting and well conducted and defines some characteristics of the CPSF6-HIV-1 condensates. Their results on the NS are valuable. The data presented are convincing.
I have two main concerns. Firstly, the functional outcome of the various protein mutants and KOs is not evaluated. Although Figure 1 shows that disruption of the CPSF6 puncta by PF74 impairs HIV-1 infection, it is not clear if HIV-1 infection is at all affected by expression of the mutant CPSF6 forms (and SRRM2 mutants) or KO/KD of the various host factors. The cell lines are available, so it should be possible to measure HIV-1 infection and reverse transcription. Secondly, the authors have not assessed if the effects observed on the NS impact HIV-1 gene expression, which would be interesting to know given that NS are sites of highly active gene transcription. With the reagents at hand, it should be possible to investigate this too.
We thank the reviewer for her/his valuable feedback on our manuscript. We are pleased to see her/his appreciation of our results, and we will do our utmost to address the highlighted points to further improve our work.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
HIV-1 infection induces CPSF6 aggregates in the nucleus that contain the viral protein CA. The study of the functions and composition of these nuclear aggregates have raised considerable interest in the field, and they have emerged as sites in which reverse transcription is completed and in the proximity of which viral DNA becomes integrated. In this work, the authors have mutated several regions of the CPSF6 protein to identify the domains important for nuclear aggregation, in addition to the alreadyknown FG region; they have characterized the kinetics of fusion between CPSF6 aggregates and SC35 nuclear speckles and have determined the role of two nuclear speckle components in this process (SRRM2, SUN2).
The work examines systematically the domains of CPSF6 of importance for nuclear aggregate formation in an elegant manner in which these mutants complement an otherwise CPSF6-KO cell line. In addition, this work evidences a novel role for the protein SRRM2 in HIV-induced aggregate formation, overall advancing our comprehension of the components required for their formation and regulation.
Some of the results presented in this manuscript, in particular the kinetics of fusion between CPSF6aggregates and SC35 speckles have been published before (PMID: 32665593; 32997983).
The observations of the different effects of CPSF6 mutants, as well as SRRM2/SUN2 silencing experiments are not complemented by infection data which would have linked morphological changes in nuclear aggregates to function during viral infection. More importantly, these functional data could have helped stratify otherwise similar morphological appearances in CPSF6 aggregates.
Overall, the results could be presented in a more concise and ordered manner to help focus the attention of the reader on the most important issues. Most of the figures extend to 3-4 different pages and some information could be clearly either aggregated or moved to supplementary data.
First, we thank the reviewer for her/his appreciation of our study and to give to us the opportunity to better explain our results and to improve our manuscript. We appreciate the reviewer’s positive feedback on our study, and we will do our best to address her/his concerns. In the meantime, we would like to clarify the focus of our study. Our research does not aim to demonstrate an association between CPSF6 condensates (we use the term "condensates" rather than "aggregates," as aggregates are generally non-dynamic (Alberti & Hyman, 2021; Banani et al., 2017), and our work specifically examines the dynamic behavior of CPSF6 during infection, as shown in Scoca et al., JMCB 2022) and SC35 nuclear speckles. This association has already been established in previous studies, as noted in the manuscript.
About the point highlighted by the reviewer: "Kinetics of fusion between CPSF6-aggregates and SC35 speckles have been published before (PMID: 32665593; 32997983)."
Our study differs from prior work PMID 32665593 because we utilize a full-length HIV genome and we did not follow the integrase (IN) fluorescence in trans and its association with CPSF6 but we specifically assess if CPSF6 clusters form in the nucleus independently of NS factors and next to fuse with them. In the current study we evaluated the dynamics of formation of CPSF6/NS puncta, which it has not been explored before. Given this focus, we believe that our work offers a novel perspective on the molecular interactions that facilitate HIV / CPSF6-NS fusion.
For better clarity, we would like to specify that our study focuses on the role of SON, a scaffold factor of nuclear speckles, rather than SUN2 (SUN domain-containing protein 2), which is a component of the LINC (Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton) complex.
As suggested by the reviewer, we will keep key information in the main figure and move additional details to the supplementary material.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, the authors investigate the requirements for the formation of CPSF6 puncta induced by HIV-1 under a high multiplicity of infection conditions. Not surprisingly, they observe that mutation of the Phe-Gly (FG) repeat responsible for CPSF6 binding to the incoming HIV-1 capsid abrogates CPSF6 punctum formation. Perhaps more interestingly, they show that the removal of other domains of CPSF6, including the mixed-charge domain (MCD), does not affect the formation of HIV-1-induced CPSF6 puncta. The authors also present data suggesting that CPSF6 puncta form individual before fusing with nuclear speckles (NSs) and that the fusion of CPSF6 puncta to NSs requires the intrinsically disordered region (IDR) of the NS component SRRM2. While the study presents some interesting findings, there are some technical issues that need to be addressed and the amount of new information is somewhat limited. Also, the authors' finding that deletion of the CPSF6 MCD does not affect the formation of HIV-1-induced CPSF6 puncta contradicts recent findings of Jang et al. (doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae769).
We thank the reviewer for her/his thoughtful feedback and the opportunity to elaborate on why our findings provide a distinct perspective compared to those of Jang et al. (doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae769), while aligning with the results of Rohlfes et al. (doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.20.599834).
One potential reason for the differences between our findings and those of Jang et al. could be the choice of experimental systems. Jang et al. conducted their study in HEK293T cells with CPSF6 knockouts, as described in Sowd et al., 2016 (doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1524213113). In contrast, our work focused on macrophage-like THP-1 cells, which share closer characteristics with HIV-1’s natural target cells.
Our approach utilized a complete CPSF6 knockout in THP-1 cells, enabling us to reintroduce untagged versions of CPSF6, such as wild-type and deletion mutants, to avoid potential artifacts from tagging. Jang et al. employed HA-tagged CPSF6 constructs, which may lead to subtle differences in experimental outcomes due to the presence of the tag.
Finally, our investigation into the IDR of SRRM2 relied on CRISPR-PAINT to generate targeted deletions directly in the endogenous gene (Lester et al., 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.03.026). This approach provided a native context for studying SRRM2’s role.
We will incorporate these clarifications into the discussion section of the revised manuscript.
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Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study examines how pyruvate, a key product of glycolysis that influences TCA metabolism and gluconeogenesis, impacts cellular metabolism and cell size. It primarily utilizes the Drosophila liver-like fat body, which is composed of large post-mitotic cells that are metabolically very active. The study focuses on the key observations that over-expression of the pyruvate importer MPC complex (which imports pyruvate from the cytoplasm into mitochondria) can reduce cell size in a cell-autonomous manner. They find this is by metabolic rewiring that shunts pyruvate away from TCA metabolism and into gluconeogenesis. Surprisingly, mTORC and Myc pathways are also hyper-active in this background, despite the decreased cell size, suggesting a non-canonical cell size regulation signaling pathway. They also show a similar cell size reduction in HepG2 organoids. Metabolic analysis reveals that enhanced gluconeogenesis suppresses protein synthesis. Their working model is that elevated pyruvate mitochondrial import drives oxaloacetate production and fuels gluconeogenesis during late larval development, thus reducing amino acid production and thus reducing protein synthesis.
The study is significant because stem cells and many cancers exhibit metabolic rewiring of pyruvate metabolism. It provides new insights into how the fate of pyruvate can be tuned to influence Drosophila biomass accrual, and how pyruvate pools can influence the balance between carbohydrate and protein biosynthesis. Strengths include its rigorous dissection of metabolic rewiring and use of Drosophila and mammalian cell systems to dissect carbohydrate:protein crosstalk.
However, questions on how these two pathways crosstalk, and how this interfaces with canonical Myc and mTORC machinery remain. There are also questions related to how this protein:carbohydrate crosstalk interfaces with lipid biosynthesis. Addressing these will increase the overall impact of the study.
We thank the reviewer for recognizing the significance of our work and for providing constructive feedback. Our findings indicate that elevated pyruvate transport into mitochondria acts independently of canonical pathways, such as mTORC1 or Myc signaling, to regulate cell size. To investigate these pathways, we utilized immunofluorescence with well-validated surrogate measures (p-S6 and p-4EBP1) in clonal analyses of MPC expression, as well as RNA-seq analyses in whole fat body tissues expressing MPC. These methods revealed hyperactivation of mTORC1 and Myc signaling in fat body cells expressing MPC in Drosophila, which are dramatically smaller than control cells. One explanation of these seemingly contradictory observations could be an excess of nutrients that activate mTORC1 or Myc pathways. However, our data is inconsistent with a nutrient surplus that could explain this hyperactivation. Instead, we observed reduced amino acid abundance upon MPC expression, which is very surprising given the observed hyperactivation of mTORC1. This led us to hypothesize the existence of a feedback mechanism that senses inappropriate reductions in cell size and activates signaling pathways to promote cell growth. The best characterized “sizer” pathway for mammalian cells is the CycD/CDK4 complex which has been well studied in the context of cell size regulation of the cell cycle (PMID 10970848, 34022133). However, the mechanisms that sense cell size in post-mitotic cells, such as fat body cells and hepatocytes, remain poorly understood. Investigating the hypothesized size-sensing mechanisms at play here is a fascinating direction for future research.
For the current study, we conducted epistatic analyses with mTOR pathway members by overexpressing PI3K and knocking down the TORC1 inhibitor Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 1 (Tsc1). These manipulations increased the size of control fat body cells but not those over-expressing the MPC (Supplementary Fig. 3c, 3d). Regarding Myc, its overexpression increased the size of both control and MPC+ clones (Supplementary Fig. 3e), but Myc knockdown had no additional effect on cell size in MPC+ clones (Supplementary Fig. 3f). These results suggest that neither mTORC1, PI3K, nor Myc are epistatic to the cell size effects of MPC expression. Consequently, we shifted our focus to metabolic mechanisms regulating biomass production and cell size.
When analyzing cellular biomolecules contributing to biomass, we observed a significant impact on protein levels in Drosophila fat body cells and mammalian MPC-expressing HepG2 spheroids. TAG abundance in MPC-expressing HepG2 spheroids and whole fat body cells showed a statistically insignificant decrease compared to controls. Furthermore, lipid droplets in fat body cells were comparable in MPC-expressing clones when normalized to cell size.
Interestingly, RNA-seq analysis revealed increased expression of fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis pathways in MPC-expressing fat body cells. Upregulated genes included major SREBP targets, such as ATPCL (2.08-fold), FASN1 (1.15-fold), FASN2 (1.07-fold), and ACC (1.26-fold). Since mTOR promotes SREBP activation and MPC-expressing cells showed elevated mTOR activity and upregulation of SREBP targets, we hypothesize that SREBP is activated in these cells. Nonetheless, our data on amino acid abundance and its impact on protein synthesis activity suggest that protein abundance, rather than lipids, is likely to play a larger causal role in regulating cell size in response to increased pyruvate transport into mitochondria.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors leverage multiple cellular models including the drosophila fat body and cultured hepatocytes to investigate the metabolic programs governing cell size. By profiling gene programs in the larval fat body during the third instar stage - in which cells cease proliferation and initiate a period of cell growth - the authors uncover a coordinated downregulation of genes involved in mitochondrial pyruvate import and metabolism. Enforced expression of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier restrains cell size, despite active signaling of mTORC1 and other pathways viewed as traditional determinants of cell size. Mechanistically, the authors find that mitochondrial pyruvate import restrains cell size by fueling gluconeogenesis through the combined action of pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Pyruvate conversion to oxaloacetate and use as a gluconeogenic substrate restrains cell growth by siphoning oxaloacetate away from aspartate and other amino acid biosynthesis, revealing a tradeoff between gluconeogenesis and provision of amino acids required to sustain protein biosynthesis. Overall, this manuscript is extremely rigorous, with each point interrogated through a variety of genetic and pharmacologic assays. The major conceptual advance is uncovering the regulation of cell size as a consequence of compartmentalized metabolism, which is dominant even over traditional signaling inputs. The work has implications for understanding cell size control in cell types that engage in gluconeogenesis but more broadly raise the possibility that metabolic tradeoffs determine cell size control in a variety of contexts.
We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful recognition of our efforts, and we are honored by the enthusiasm the reviewer expressed for the findings and the significance of our research. We share the reviewer’s opinion that our work might help to unravel metabolic mechanisms that regulate biomass gain independent of the well-known signaling pathways.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this article, Toshniwal et al. investigate the role of pyruvate metabolism in controlling cell growth. They find that elevated expression of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) leads to decreased cell size in the Drosophila fat body, a transformed human hepatocyte cell line (HepG2), and primary rat hepatocytes. Using genetic approaches and metabolic assays, the authors find that elevated pyruvate import into cells with forced expression of MPC increases the cellular NADH/NAD+ ratio, which drives the production of oxaloacetate via pyruvate carboxylase. Genetic, pharmacological, and metabolic approaches suggest that oxaloacetate is used to support gluconeogenesis rather than amino acid synthesis in cells over-expressing MPC. The reduction in cellular amino acids impairs protein synthesis, leading to impaired cell growth.
This study shows that the metabolic program of a cell, and especially its NADH/NAD+ ratio, can play a dominant role in regulating cell growth.
The combination of complementary approaches, ranging from Drosophila genetics to metabolic flux measurements in mammalian cells, strengthens the findings of the paper and shows a conservation of MPC effects across evolution.
In general, the strengths of this paper outweigh its weaknesses. However, some areas of inconsistency and rigor deserve further attention.
Thank you for reviewing our manuscript and offering constructive feedback. We appreciate your recognition of the significance of our work and your acknowledgment of the compelling evidence we have presented. We will carefully revise the manuscript in line with the reviewers' recommendations.
The authors comment that MPC overrides hormonal controls on gluconeogenesis and cell size (Discussion, paragraph 3). Such a claim cannot be made for mammalian experiments that are conducted with immortalized cell lines or primary hepatocytes.
We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful comment. Pyruvate is a primary substrate for gluconeogenesis, and our findings suggest that increased pyruvate transport into mitochondria increases the NADH-to-NAD+ ratio, and thereby elevates gluconeogenesis. Notably, we did not observe any changes in the expression of key glucagon targets, such as PC, PEPCK2, and G6PC, suggesting that the glucagon response is not activated upon MPC expression. By the statement referenced by the reviewer, we intended to highlight that excess pyruvate import into mitochondria drives gluconeogenesis independently of hormonal and physiological regulation.
It seems the reviewer might also have been expressing the sentiment that our in vitro models may not fully reflect the in vivo situation, and we completely agree. Moving forward, we plan to perform similar analyses in mammalian models to test the in vivo relevance of this mechanism. For now, we will refine the language in the manuscript to clarify this point.
Nuclear size looks to be decreased in fat body cells with elevated MPC levels, consistent with reduced endoreplication, a process that drives growth in these cells. However, acute, ex vivo EdU labeling and measures of tissue DNA content are equivalent in wild-type and MPC+ fat body cells. This is surprising - how do the authors interpret these apparently contradictory phenotypes?
We thank the reviewer for raising this important issue. The size of the nucleus is regulated by DNA content and various factors, including the physical properties of DNA, chromatin condensation, the nuclear lamina, and other structural components (PMID 32997613). Additionally, cytoplasmic and cellular volume also impacts nuclear size, as extensively documented during development (PMID 17998401, PMID 32473090).
In MPC-expressing cells, it is plausible that the reduced cellular volume impacts chromatin condensation or the nuclear lamina in a way that slightly decreases nuclear size without altering DNA content. Specifically, in our whole fat body experiments using CG-Gal4 (as shown in Supplementary Figure 2a-c), we noted that after 12 hours of MPC expression, cell size was significantly reduced (Supplementary Figure 2c and Author response image 1A). However, the reduction in nuclear size became significant only after 36 hours of MPC expression (Author response image 1B), suggesting that the reduction in cell size is a more acute response to MPC expression, followed only later by effects on nuclear size.
In clonal analyses, this relationship was further clarified. MPC-expressing cells with a size greater than 1000 µm² displayed nuclear sizes comparable to control cells, whereas those with a drastic reduction in cell size (less than 1000 µm²) exhibited smaller nuclei (Author response image 1C and D). These observations collectively suggest that changes in nuclear size are more likely to be downstream rather than upstream of cell size reduction. Given that DNA content remains unaffected, we focused on investigating the rate of protein synthesis. Our findings suggest that protein synthesis might play a causal role in regulating cell size, thereby reinforcing the connection between cellular and nuclear size in this context.
Author response image 1.
Cell Size vs. Nuclear Size in MPC-Expressing Fat Body Cells. A. Cell size comparison between control (blue, ay-GFP) and MPC+ (red, ay-MPC) fat body cells over time, measured in hours after MPC expression induction. B. Nuclear area measurements from the same fat body cells in ay-GFP and ay-MPC groups. C. Scatter plot of nuclear area vs. cell area for control (ay-GFP) cells, including the corresponding R<sup>²</sup> value. D. Scatter plot of nuclear area vs. cell area for MPC-expressing (ay-MPC) cells, with the respective R<sup>²</sup> value.
This image highlights the relationship between nuclear and cell size in MPC-expressing fat body cells, emphasizing the distinct cellular responses observed following MPC induction.
In Figure 4d, oxygen consumption rates are measured in control cells and those over-expressing MPC. Values are normalized to protein levels, but protein is reduced in MPC+ cells. Is oxygen consumption changed by MPC expression on a per-cell basis?
As described in the manuscript, MPC-expressing cells are smaller in size. In this context, we felt that it was most appropriate to normalize oxygen consumption rates (OCR) to cellular mass to enable an accurate interpretation of metabolic activity. Therefore, we normalized OCR with protein content to account for variations in cellular size and (probably) mitochondrial mass.
Trehalose is the main circulating sugar in Drosophila and should be measured in addition to hemolymph glucose. Additionally, the units in Figure 4h should be related to hemolymph volume - it is not clear that they are.
We appreciate this valuable suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we will quantify trehalose abundance in circulation and within fat bodies. As described in the Methods section, following the approach outlined in Ugrankar-Banerjee et al., 2023, we bled 10 larvae (either control or MPC-expressing) using forceps onto parafilm. From this, 2 microliters of hemolymph were collected for glucose measurement. We will apply this methodology to include the trehalose measurements as part of our updated analysis.
Measurements of NADH/NAD ratios in conditions where these are manipulated genetically and pharmacologically (Figure 5) would strengthen the findings of the paper. Along the same lines, expression of manipulated genes - whether by RT-qPCR or Western blotting - would be helpful to assess the degree of knockdown/knockout in a cell population (for example, Got2 manipulations in Figures 6 and S8).
We appreciate this suggestion, which will provide additional rigor to our study. We have already quantified NADH/NAD+ ratios in HepG2 cells under UK5099, NMN, and Asp supplementation, as presented in Figure 6k. As suggested, we will quantify the expression of Got2 manipulations mentioned in Figure 6j using RT-qPCR and validate the corresponding data in Supplementary Figure 8f through western blot analysis.
Additionally, we will assess the efficiency of pcb, pdha, dlat, pepck2, and Got2 manipulations used to modulate the expression of these genes. These validations will ensure the robustness of our findings and strengthen the conclusions of our study.
mail.cyberneticforests.com mail.cyberneticforests.com
a normalization of algorithmic scale
tag is violence, but more about control — need to distinguish between the 2.
again, "rhetorics of maximum visibility"
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine 77-jährige Just Stop Oil-Aktivistin muss über die Feiertage weiter im Gefängnis bleiben. Laut Aussage der damit beauftragten privaten Firma gibt es kein elektronisches Gerät, das sich an ihren schmalen Handgelenken fixieren lässt und die Überwachung eines Hausarrests erlaubt https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/dec/21/elderly-activist-to-spend-christmas-in-prison-because-tag-does-not-fit
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I haven't researched where the color-coding thing started, though I suspect content creators/influencers online in the last decades as a means of making their content "pretty" rather than necessarily functional.
Historically commonplaces were based on huge varieties of topics/subject headings, so colors and symbols were not frequently used. Most who needed greater organization or search capabilities indexed their commonplaces. One of the most popular means was detailed by philosopher John Locke in 1685. Here's some pointers to his work in this area in my own digital commonplace using Hypothesis: https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=tag%3A%22commonplace+books%22+tag%3A%22John+Locke%22
reply to u/_cold_one at https://old.reddit.com/r/commonplacebook/comments/1hhavye/20_topics_colour_coding/
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors asked if parabrachial CGRP neurons were only necessary for a threat alarm to promote freezing or were necessary for a threat alarm to promote a wider range of defensive behaviors, most prominently flight.
Major Strengths of Methods and Results
The authors performed careful single-unit recording and applied rigorous methodologies to optogenetically tag CGRP neurons within the PBN. Careful analyses show that single-units and the wider CGRP neuron population increases firing to a range of unconditioned stimuli. The optogenetic stimulation of experiment 2 was comparatively simpler but achieved its aim of determining the consequence of activating CGRP neurons in the absence of other stimuli. Experiment 3 used a very clever behavioral approach to reveal a setting in which both cue-evoked freezing and flight could be observed. This was done by having the unconditioned stimulus be a "robot" traveling along a circular path at a given speed. Subsequent cue presentation elicited mild flight in controls and optogenetic activation of CGRP neurons significantly boosted this flight response. This demonstrated for the first time that CGRP neuron activation does more than promote freezing. The authors conclude by demonstrating that bidirectional modulation of CGRP neuron activity bidirectionally affects freezing in a traditional fear conditioning setting and affects both freezing and flight in a setting in which the robot served as the unconditioned stimulus. Altogether, this is a very strong set of experiments that greatly expand the role of parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.
In all of their conditioning studies the authors did not include a control cue. For example, a sound presented the same number of times but unrelated to US (shock or robot) presentation. This does not detract from their behavioral findings. However, it means the authors do not know if the observed behavior is a consequence of pairing. Or is a behavior that would be observed to any cue played in the setting? This is particularly important for the experiments using the robot US.
The authors make claims about the contribution of CGRP neurons to freezing and fleeing behavior, however, all of the optogenetic manipulations are centered on the US presentation period. Presently, the experiments show a role for these neurons in processing aversive outcomes but show little role for these neurons in cue responding or behavior organizing. Claims of contributions to behavior should be substantiated by manipulations targeting the cue period.
The authors achieved their aims and have revealed a much greater role for parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.
Understanding neural circuits for threat requires us (as a field) to examine diverse threat settings and behavioral outcomes. A commendable and rigorous aspect of this manuscript was the authors decision to use a new behavioral paradigm and measure multiple behavioral outcomes. Indeed, this manuscript would not have been nearly as impactful had they not done that. This novel behavior was combined with excellent recording and optogenetic manipulations - a standard the field should aspire to. Studies like this are the only way that we as a field will map complete neural circuits for threat.
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Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
We thank reviewers for their comments and constructive criticisms of our study. We have implemented corrections* that were suggested for the manuscript, and we have also clarified any concerns that were raised in our responses below. *
*Reviewer #1 *
Overall technology development is good though as they claim that they are first is not true as it has been used earlier by https://doi.org/10.1128/msphere.00160-22. Hence may be that they have used to decipher the cell cycle.
The cited paper used FUCCI in the host cells and not in the parasites themselves. Our study thus reports the first FUCCI model in a unicellular *eukaryote. *
- *
The manuscript is extremely dense and at times very difficult to read and to be clear if they are focussing on the technology or cell cycle. The technology may be a better part of manuscript but the dissection of cell cycle is not very novel and at times very confusing to follow. Many of these aspects has been dissected out previously from their own group and many group in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium and it is quite known about that the cell cycle in Apicomplexa is very complex.
We adapted FUCCI to the Toxoplasma model to help dissect the organization of its cell cycle, which as the reviewer noted, is highly complex. While overlaps between some phases were anticipated based on prior data, these overlaps had not been measured. We were able to determine the extent of these overlaps in the post-G1 period and describe the organization of the non-conventional cell cycle of T. gondii.
Another aspect that most FUCCI use Geminin and CDT1 factors and since Geminin is not present it would have been better to validate that with CDT1 that is present in Apicomplexa and may be more relevant than PCNA1.
Unfortunately, the Toxoplasma ortholog of CDT1 (TgiRD1) cannot be used as a FUCCI marker for the reasons stated in lines 116-117; the expression of TgiRD1 is not limited to a specific cell cycle phase (Hawkins et al., 2024). PCNA1 can be (and has been) used as a FUCCI marker, but it was not considered an ideal marker in mammalian cells due to its relatively low expression levels. However, Toxoplasma PCNA1 is highly abundant in tachyzoites, and its expression correlates with the period of DNA replication. Furthermore, Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 had been used as a DNA replication sensor in the recent studies (35353560). *Altogether, it validates PCNA1 as an appropriate S-phase FUCCI probe. *
The first part of the manuscript only deals with first to identify the function and localisation of PCNA1 and then develop FUCCI technology and then go on to study cell cycle. So the focus of the manuscript is not clear. It seems three different results are just assembled together in one manuscript with out clear focus. In order to get clear focus the authors should clear set out the focus as to why they developed FUCCCI and how they decipher either replication, budding, apical or basal complex, centrosome or cytokinesis as well to be used for drug discovery The way it is organised it is not flowing well and confuses the reader who may not be aware of different compartment of Toxoplasma cell or not a molecular parasitologist.
We believe the reviewer has described the logic of our study. Our goal was to dissect the cell cycle. Consequently, we adapted a suitable technology, FUCCI. We described the relevant experiments that allowed us to produce a new molecular tool for an apicomplexan model, and illustrated how we used this tool to better understand the complicated processes of its cell division. Therefore, we organized our study accordingly and included our goal, plans, results, and conclusions that support the success of adopted technology and establishment of the cell cycle organization. We hope this brief explanation can provide some clarification for the reviewer.
Some of the conclusion on the that Replication starts at centromere region is not novel and has been studied previously.
We agree that the centromeric start of DNA replication is not a novel feature, which is stated in the text. This result was shown to demonstrate that Toxoplasma replicates its DNA according to the rules* conserved across eukaryotes. *
The manuscript needs revising by writing precisely eliminating too much literature reference in the result section with clear focus. Some of these references can be elaborated in the introduction and discussion to keep the focus.
We examined the results section, and as much as we wanted to comply with this reviewer, we found no references that could be eliminated or transferred to the introduction. We believe that to aid the reader, some foundational knowledge needs to be presented together with obtained results to support those findings.
- *
Some points with respect to figures: Generally with image panels, arrows don't stand out well
We* have adjusted the images.
Fig1: no scale bars and the green arrow do not stand out. So may be to make white.
*The scale bar can be found in the bottom right image, which applies to every image in the panel. We changed the color of the arrows. *
Fig 2E: state the time point in the fig without IAA treatment (-IAA)
The requested information was added to the figure legend.
Fig4: no bell shaped curve
We rephrased the description. The” bell-shape” analogy applies to the temporal dynamics of DNA replication, which starts with a single aggregate, expands to numerous replication foci, and is reduced to a few aggregates at the end of replication. We attempted to quantify aggregates, but their irregular shape makes this task impossible. Our statement is supported by steady-state images and real-time microscopy of the DNA replication included in the manuscript.
Fig 5D: it isn't obvious what the numbers on the right hand side of the graph mean. If it is size, there should be a unit given
We provided an explanation in the figure legend*.
Figure 6 - how do they determine that the tachyzoites have progressed through 61% of S phase? Make this clearer here.
*We examined only DNA replicating parasites (S-phase) and determined the fraction of BCC0-positive (39%) and BCC0-negative (61%) tachyzoites. Quantifications can be found in Table S4, in the S-C worksheet. *
- *
Fig7: it a strange way of ordering the figure as FigE is after Fig F hence no logical order. Thank you, we have corrected the order of these panels*. *
Fig 8H is not mentioned in the text
*Thank you, we referenced the wrong panel. Fig. 8H is now included in the text. *
Figure 9 is nice and useful but the arrows could be made proportional of time spent in each cell cycle phase. They're a little off in the conventional cell cycle at the minute
- *These schematics are intended to illustrate the dramatic difference in cell cycle organization rather than to directly describe cell cycle organization, the latter of which can be found in Figure 6.
Some comment on the text in the manuscript: Line 137: describing the expression pattern: the following papers first described the expression pattern of PCNA1 and 2 can be cited in the result. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molbiopara.2005.03.020 We added the reference.
Line 154: Provide schematic for AID HA cloning and confirmation.
The schematics and PCR confirmations* can be found in the supplemental figure S2.
Line 157: Fig 2 after 4 h treatment FACS analysis shows more than 1 and less than 2n genomic content. Does this study have any -IAA treated control for 4h and 7h to compare as what should the standard genomic content to be there at this time point of development. At 4 h of development can the authors provide any statistical analysis with their 3 experiments to prove their point that the replication is actually stalled. Downregulation of TgPCNA1 as shown is western blot is still basal protein left to carry the genomic replication in 7 mins. Can authors also state that TgPCNA 2 which is although non-essential but has no redundant role in the replication machinery.
The -IAA control is indicated as 0h and is shown in blue. The statistical analysis of three independent experiments showing the increase of the S-phase population is included in Table S3. The Fig. 2 WB shows over 99% TgPCNA1 degradation, and the residual >1% would be insufficient to carry out full DNA replication. This residual signal is likely due to PCNA1 remaining in complex, which would resist *proteolysis. Unfortunately, we do not feel comfortable to make the final statement suggested. We believe that the lack of TgPCNA2 complementation with yeast PCNA1 (Guerini et al, 2005) is insufficient to draw the conclusion that TgPCNA2 plays a non-redundant role in Toxoplasma replication machinery. *
Line 178 : typing error "that that
Thank you, this has been corrected*.
Line 179: states the role of TgPCNA 1 in DNA1 replication, however line 159 and 160 states the TgPCNA1 deficient can fulfil DNA replication. Can author confirm this contrast in the results. Results trying to illustrate the same fact TgFUCCIs or TgPCNA1ng that TgPCNA1 first aggregates at centromeres and then distributed on many replication forks and disappears late during cytokinesis. The part of the result can be merged.
We apologize for the *confusion. We rephrased our statements and supported them by corresponding references. Although it may seem repetitive, but it was our intention to emphasize a consistent spatial-temporal expression of TgPCNA1-HA and TgPCNA1-NG. *
Line 189: Typing error, should say "such as nucleus", currently as is missing
Thank you, this has *been corrected.
Line 346-349: basically explaining the same thing twice.
We apologize for the confusion, the first sentence describes compartments where MORN1 is located. The second sentence describes how MORN1 localization changes during cell cycle progression, information which is used later in our quantitative IFA of cell cycle phases*. *
- *
Line 347 - immunfluorescent should be immunofluorescence
Thank you, this has been corrected*.
Line 395-399: does this study has any non-inhibited (-IAA control) at 4h and 7 h. for fig 7C & 7G. Can the authors provide any statistical analysis for the significance with their 3 experiments.
The untreated control (7h mock) is shown as 0h treatment (first bar in each panel). The figure also shows the results of the statistical analysis (t-test, numbers above) that can also be found in Table* S7.
Line 415: Why the authors have not used the TgFUUCI sc lines which expresses the TgPCNAng and IMCmch both. This could have helped to understand the real time dynamics of DNA replication and budding initiation (cytokenesis), rather then fixing and staining with TgIMC.
*The recent study by Gubbels lab identified the earliest known budding marker BCC0. Unfortunately, BCC0 is a low abundant factor and cannot be used in FUCCI. IMC3 emerges in the midst of budding when the daughter conoid and polar rings are assembled and thus does not signify either the beginning or the end of cytokinesis. We added IMC3 as a supporting budding marker, while our primary focus remains on the DNA replication marker PCNA1. *
Overall good technology development as FUCCI but the rest of the manuscript is extremely dense and the focus of the study is not clear after technology part. The complexity of the cell cycle is known and hence not much novelty here and extremely descriptive and hard read. Science can be simplified.
The reviewer agrees the apicomplexan cell cycle is highly complex, and the field has worked diligently to piece together what we can about it, which contributes to the density of the manuscript. We hope that the targeted audience will find it thoughtful, and we strove to provide sufficient information for those outside our field. We also respectfully disagree that our study offers little novelty; while it is known how complex the apicomplexan cell cycle is, there is still much to uncover. While overlapping cell cycle phases exist in other eukaryotes, there were no such studies that showed the degree of these overlaps across the entire T. gondii cell cycle. We believe there are valuable insights to be gained from the identification of the composite cell cycle phase, which in turn could help draw attention to other understudied features of the cell cycle in non-conventional eukaryotes*. *
*Reviewer #2 *
- It is not always clear where apical and basal ends of the parasite are. E.g. in Fig 3F are the two parasites on the right facing down with their apical end? In Fig 4 it is even harder to see. Might be helpful to turn these images with their apical end up to make comparative interpretation of figures easier. In the text it mentions that PCNA1 concludes at the 'proximal' end of the nucleus (or with the nucleus proximal, which is not clear either??). Please define clearly where the proximal site is, as it is not clear in the figures or in the movie (the 'last focus' marker in Fig 4D??). Thank you for the suggestion. We rotated images in Fig. 3 and marked the parasite ends in Fig. 4. We also indicated parasites’ polarity in the movies.
Synchrony of replication cycle. Tight synchronization depends on the retention of the cytoplasmic bridge, as mentioned by the authors. In larger vacuoles, it is very conceivable not all parasites are connected with each other (notably in large cysts with bradyzoites), which could lead to loss of tight synchrony. The results section states "One plausible explanation is that the rosette split shortens the communication path between tachyzoites". This is somewhat cryptic language: does a 'rosette split' imply the rupture of the cytoplasmic bridge? This statement should be clarified. Another factor could be centrosome maturation, with the mother centrosome ready sooner than the daughter, which is a model proposed in schizogony, where the nuclear cycles in a shared cytoplasm are even more asynchronous/independent.
Yes, by ‘rosette split’, we refer to the break of the connection, or a cytoplasmic bridge. The model based on centrosome maturation is interesting, however, it does not explain the synchronization of a vacuole of 16, unless centrosome age resets at that point*. *
Centrosome duplication. This has been documented to occur at the basal side of the nucleus (the whole nucleus rotates for centrosome duplication). The images as depicted in Fig 6 do not seem to indicate this event, possibly because it is not easy to track apical and basal end of the cell (#1 above). Please comment, as this could be an additional spatial cue to the specific stage of the cycle.
This is a very interesting suggestion, thank you. Indeed, the centrosome often duplicates away from the apical end (disconnects from the Golgi), sometimes on the side or the basal end, but quickly rotates back to the apical position to reconnect with co-segregating organelles. Centrosome traveling is an interesting feature, and it is possible that this reorientation back to the apical end signifies budding initiation. We will explore this hypothesis in future studies.
Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
The term "Apicomplexan" should be spelled with a lower case "apicomplexan", which is not consistently applied throughout the manuscript. Thank you, we have corrected the spelling*. *
* 2. Line 567 the term used in 2008 was "tightly knit" not "closely woven". We wanted to avoid the exact citation and rephrased the title of the review.
*Reviewer #3 *
-The authors choose to describe PCNA1 and IMC3 as FUCCI markers. The efficiency of this system in mammalian cells is based on the proof that the markers are regulated through a rapid proteolysis process. However, the data available for these markers point toward a transcriptional regulation of these markers (Toxodb and (1)). In contrast, the authors do not provide any data indicating that these proteins are true FUCCI markers. Consequently, they should not use the term FUCCI throughout the paper unless they prove that the cell cycle expression depends on proteolysis. For example, the authors could express these genes with a promoter that is not cell cycle regulated.
PCNA1 was one of the original FUCCI markers for mammalian cells, later replaced by the more abundant geminin. PCNA1 ubiquitination is well supported across all eukaryotes, and we believe there is much data to support this same turnover mechanism acts to regulate PCNA1 in Toxoplasma. Transcriptional profiles show that TgPCNA1 mRNA is constantly present in cells, never dropping below 80%, making this mRNA is among the most abundant in the cell. It also indicates that proteolysis, rather than halted transcription, controls TgPCNA1 protein levels, since TgPCNA1 protein expression drops to nearly undetectable levels in early G1 and budding (Fig. 1). In addition, TgPCNA1 is highly conserved in structure (Fig. S1) and in function (TgPCNA1 interactome, Fig. 1). The TgPCNA1 Ub sites were detected in global ubiquitome analyses (ToxoDB), supporting the fact that TgPCNA1 protein abundance is regulated by ubiquitin-dependent degradation. Furthermore, PCNA1 as a FUCCI marker in model eukaryotes was not tested for proteolysis because it was unquestionable that PCNA1 is regulated by proteolysis. In addition, Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 had been used as a DNA replication sensor in the recent studies (35353560), which validates PCNA1 as an appropriate S-phase FUCCI probe. The modern FUCCI probes are fragments of CDT1 and Geminin mimicking the spatiotemporal expression of the corresponding cell cycle regulators. The transcriptional profile of TgIMC3 is also largely unchanged across the cell cycle, which heavily implies that proteolysis control*s its dynamic protein expression. Therefore, we believe that the term FUCCI applies to TgPCNA1 and TgIMC3. *
-The authors show that the localization of PCNA1 change during the cell cycle and indicate that the PCNA1 aggregates observed are replication forks. They do not provide data supporting this. They should co-localize these aggregates with other markers such as ORC, MCM proteins or DNA polymerase to better characterize these aggregates. There are number of techniques that could be used to localize the origin(s) of replication. Similarly, ExM should be used to characterize the colocalization between PCNA1 aggregates and the centromeres. As such, the images provided are of poor quality and do not support the author conclusions. The few PCNA1 aggregates toward the end of the S phase are also not characterized. Are they telomeres?
Although this is an important point, such detailed analyses of the DNA replication machinery is out of the scope of the current study and will be examined in a follow-up study. Data that suggest the aggregates correspond to replication forks include proteomics analyses of chromatin-bound PCNA1 that identified replisome components such as the MCM, high conservation of TgPCNA1 sequence and structure (Fig. S1), and its conserved interactions (Fig. 1). Recent studies used Plasmodium ortholog of PCNA1 to trace DNA replication dynamics during schizogony (35353560), *Therefore, we doubt that TgPCNA1 would perform functions outside of its role as a DNA replication factor, which has been extensively studied in other eukaryotes. *
- The authors characterized the proteins associated with PCNA1. All the proteins found to potentially interact are chromatin-bound and are not naturally found in other localization (2). It is unclear why the authors insist on the fact that there are two PCNA1 complexes (one chromatin-bound and one non-chromatin bound). More concerning is the lack of verification of this dataset through reciprocal IP for example.
The PCNA IP was used to confirm its conserved function as a DNA replication factor; similarly to what was observed in other eukaryotes, we detected PCNA in both a chromatin-bound and unbound state. PCNA1 is produced in late G1 (diffuse nuclear stain) but is engaged in the replisome only upon DNA replication initiation (aggregated form). Rather than characterize the function of the highly conserved PCNA1, our primary goal was to determine the Toxoplasma cell cycle organization, which explains our choice of the experimental design.
- Quantification of some of the phenotypes is lacking. For example, the DNA content analysis are shown but the change in number are not. Similarly, there is no quantification of the PCNA1 mutant phenotypes observed by ExM. Quantification of the bell shape observed by video-microscopy in figure 4 should also be provided.
The quantifications supporting the main claims of our study are included in the five supplemental Tables S3-S8, including DNA content and microscopy analysis of the phenotype. *The U-ExM microscopy has been solely used to visualize details of the phenotype. *
- The PCNA1 mutant phenotypes are not sufficiently explored by ExM. What happen to the mitotic spindle? What happens to kinetochore (CenH3 is a centromere protein and does not represent kinetochores)? Many markers for these structures have been described, see (3).
The primary goal of our study was to examine and map out the organization of the tachyzoite cell cycle. PCNA1 deficiency was used to demonstrate that Toxoplasma PCNA1 is a conserv*ed DNA replication factor and can be used as an S-phase marker in FUCCI. Thus, we focused on the mutant-induced changes in the dynamics of DNA replication (DNA content) and arrest prior to mitosis (unresolved centrocone). *
- TgPCNA1NG strain has a number of concerns. The localization to the daughter cells conoids seems artificial since not observed in the HA-AID mutant and the expression pattern seems different as well than the previous mutant suggesting the mNG tag is affecting the localization and expression dynamics. Did the authors explore other fluorescent proteins to verify that these discrepancies where not due to this tag ?
The conoidal PCNA1 accumulation was detected only with NeonGreen-tagged PCNA1. We also built and examined tdTomato- and mCherry-tagged versions and detected minor accumulations in the conoid of tdTomato-tagged PCNA1, but not with the mCherry-tagged variant. We believe these aggregations could be attributed to the partially degraded PCNA1-NeonGreen having an affinity to conoidal proteins, thus producing this unexpected signal. Although not included in the manuscript, our quantifications, based on both PCNA1-HA and PCNA1-NeonGreen, showed similar cell cycle organization (G1, S and budding phases) of tachyzoites. The FUCCI probe is an indicator of the cell cycle phase. It does not have to be a functional protein. As we mentioned before, many FUCCI probes are fragments of the factors that mimic the spatiotemporal expression of the corresponding cell cycle regulators.
-Cytokinesis seems to be only defined by the presence of IMC3. The marker appears early during the budding process and it is not normally considered as a cytokinesis marker. The author should the text to reflect this.
We agree with the reviewer that IMC3 is not a true budding marker, which is why we used BCC0 in our quantifications. IMC3 is proven to broadly define the mid-budding stage, making it a convenient supplemental marker. We are currently exploring and testing alternative and additional FUCCI markers. It is not an easy task, since these markers are required to have high expression levels and to be localized into large organelles. For instance, BCC0 was eliminated due to low abundance.
- Throughout the manuscript, the authors seems to ignore an essential characteristic of the tachyzoite cell cycle: the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle are independently regulated. It is therefore normal they overlap as it has been shown by the authors themselves in previous studies. This should be better described and discussed in the paper to understand the peculiarities of the parasite cell cycle.
We apologize for the confusion, but the tachyzoite cell cycle does not contain a nuclear cycle, it consists of a single budding cycle. The nuclear cycle is only a feature in multinuclear cell cycles such as schizogony and endopolygeny. This is the main reason why the overlap between phases is so surprising.
- l196: "The surface of the growing buds": could the authors rephrase?
We rephrased the statement.
-L217: proximal end of the nucleus rather than "parasite ".
*We clarified the statement. It is, in fact, the shift of the nucleus to the proximal end of the parasite.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This is a manuscript from Batra et al. entitled "A FUCCI sensor reveals complex cell cycle organization of Toxoplasma endodyogeny ". It describes the characterization of PCNA1 as cell cycle marker in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Tachyzoite endodyogeny is a simplified division process that is crucial for the proliferation of the parasite. Some studies have used fluorescent markers to describe the segregation of organelles and the nuclear division during endodyogeny but the production of more tools to dissect the cell cycle and better characterize mutants is timely. Most of the experiments are based on characterization of PCNA1 mutant and the use of a strain expressing a PCNA1-mNG construct. Unfortunately, there are a number of concerns in this study that need to be addressed.
Major concerns:
- The authors choose to describe PCNA1 and IMC3 as FUCCI markers. The efficiency of this system in mammalian cells is based on the proof that the markers are regulated through a rapid proteolysis process. However, the data available for these markers point toward a transcriptional regulation of these markers (Toxodb and (1)). In contrast, the authors do not provide any data indicating that these proteins are true FUCCI markers. Consequently, they should not use the term FUCCI throughout the paper unless they prove that the cell cycle expression depends on proteolysis. For example, the authors could express these genes with a promoter that is not cell cycle regulated.
- The authors show that the localization of PCNA1 change during the cell cycle and indicate that the PCNA1 aggregates observed are replication forks. They do not provide data supporting this. They should co-localize these aggregates with other markers such as ORC, MCM proteins or DNA polymerase to better characterize these aggregates. There are number of techniques that could be used to localize the origin(s) of replication. Similarly, ExM should be used to characterize the colocalization between PCNA1 aggregates and the centromeres. As such, the images provided are of poor quality and do not support the author conclusions. The few PCNA1 aggregates toward the end of the S phase are also not characterized. Are they telomeres?
- The authors characterized the proteins associated with PCNA1. All the proteins found to potentially interact are chromatin-bound and are not naturally found in other localization (2). It is unclear why the authors insist on the fact that there are two PCNA1 complexes (one chromatin-bound and one non-chromatin bound). More concerning is the lack of verification of this dataset through reciprocal IP for example.
- Quantification of some of the phenotypes is lacking. For example, the DNA content analysis are shown but the change in number are not. Similarly, there is no quantification of the PCNA1 mutant phenotypes observed by ExM. Quantification of the bell shape observed by video-microscopy in figure 4 should also be provided.
- The PCNA1 mutant phenotypes are not sufficiently explored by ExM. What happen to the mitotic spindle? What happens to kinetochore (CenH3 is a centromere protein and does not represent kinetochores)? Many markers for these structures have been described, see (3).
- TgPCNA1NG strain has a number of concerns. The localization to the daughter cells conoids seems artificial since not observed in the HA-AID mutant and the expression pattern seems different as well than the previous mutant suggesting the mNG tag is affecting the localization and expression dynamics. Did the authors explore other fluorescent proteins to verify that these discrepancies where not due to this tag ? -Cytokinesis seems to be only defined by the presence of IMC3. The marker appears early during the budding process and it is not normally considered as a cytokinesis marker. The author should the text to reflect this.
- Throughout the manuscript, the authors seems to ignore an essential characteristic of the tachyzoite cell cycle: the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle are independently regulated. It is therefore normal they overlap as it has been shown by the authors themselves in previous studies. This should be better described and discussed in the paper to understand the peculiarities of the parasite cell cycle.
- l196: "The surface of the growing buds": could the authors rephrase?
L217: proximal end of the nucleus rather than "parasite ".
Behnke,M.S., Wootton,J.C., Lehmann,M.M., Radke,J.B., Lucas,O., Nawas,J., Sibley,L.D. and White,M.W. (2010) Coordinated progression through two subtranscriptomes underlies the tachyzoite cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. PloS One, 5, e12354.
- Barylyuk,K., Koreny,L., Ke,H., Butterworth,S., Crook,O.M., Lassadi,I., Gupta,V., Tromer,E., Mourier,T., Stevens,T.J., et al. (2020) A Comprehensive Subcellular Atlas of the Toxoplasma Proteome via hyperLOPIT Provides Spatial Context for Protein Functions. Cell Host Microbe, 28, 752-766.e9.
- L,B., N,D.S.P., Ec,T., D,S.-F. and M,B. (2022) Composition and organization of kinetochores show plasticity in apicomplexan chromosome segregation. J. Cell Biol., 221.
This study provides the characterization of a new cell cycle marker to decipher the tachyzoite cell cycle of the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. A better understanding of the cell cycle is needed to prevent the proliferation of this parasite. This study builds on previous works characterizing organellar segregation in T. gondii. It provides data about the overlap of each cell cycle phase and the synchronicity of the cell cycle in a single vacuole. However, it is limited by the use of a single marker and more data are needed to support the conclusions of this study. This study can be of interest to a broad audience.
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Der Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den gesundheitlichen Folgen der der globalen Erhitzung. Anlass ist, das bei der COP28 zum ersten Mal bei einer COP ein ganzer Tag der Gesundheit gewitdmet war. Gefordert wird ein interdisziplinärer Zugang an der der Stelle des biher gängigen Totschweigens, https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/tribunes/le-rechauffement-de-la-terre-est-une-urgence-de-sante-publique-20240105_A27LZFF2B5EYJD25FOPJ22CYCI/
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Though the Norrin protein is structurally unrelated to the Wnt ligands, it can activate the Wnt/βcatenin pathway by binding to the canonical Wnt receptors Fzd4 and Lrp5/6, as well as the tetraspanin Tspan12 co-receptor. Understanding the biochemical mechanisms by which Norrin engages Tspan12 to initiate signaling is important, as this pathway plays an important role in regulating retinal angiogenesis and maintaining the blood-retina-barrier. Numerous mutations in this signaling pathway have also been found in human patients with ocular diseases. The overarching goal of the study is to define the biochemical mechanisms by which Tspan12 mediates Norrin signaling. Using purified Tspan12 reconstituted in lipid nanodiscs, the authors conducted detailed binding experiments to document the direct, high-affinity interactions between purified Tspan12 and Norrin. To further model this binding event, they used AlphaFold to dock Norrin and Tspan12 and identified four putative binding sites. They went on to validate these sites through mutagenesis experiments. Using the information obtained from the AlphaFold modeling and through additional binding competition experiments, it was further demonstrated that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can bind Norrin simultaneously, but Tspan12 binding to Norrin is competitive with other known co-receptors, such as HSPGs and Lrp5/6. Collectively, the authors proposed that the main function of Tspan12 is to capture low concentrations of Norrin at the early stage of signaling, and then "hand over" Norrin to Fzd4 and Lrp5/6 for further signal propagation. Overall, the study is comprehensive and compelling, and the conclusions are well supported by the experimental and modeling data.
• Biochemical reconstitution of Tspan12 and Fzd4 in lipid nanodiscs is an elegant approach for testing the direct binding interaction between Norrin and its co-receptors. The proteins used for the study seem to be of high purity and quality.
• The various binding experiments presented throughout the study were carried out rigorously. In particular, BLI allows accurate measurement of equilibrium binding constants as well as on and off rates.
• It is nice to see that the authors followed up on their AlphaFold modeling with an extensive series of mutagenesis studies to experimentally validate the potential binding sites. This adds credence to the AlphaFold models.
• Table S1 is a further testament to the rigor of the study.
• Overall, the study is comprehensive and compelling, and the conclusions are well supported by the experimental and modeling data.
Suggestions for improvement:
• It would be helpful to show Coomassie-stained gels of the key mutant Norrin and Tspan12 proteins presented in Figures 2E and 2F.
We have included Stain-Free SDS-PAGE gels from the purification of the Norrin and Tspan12 mutants in a new Figure S4.
• Many Norrin and Tspan12 mutations have been identified in human patients with FEVR. It would be interesting to comment on whether any of the mutations might affect the NorrinTspan12 binding sites described in this study.
Thank you for this suggestion. We have inspected human mutation databases gnomAD, ClinVar, and HGMD for known mutations in the predicted Tspan12-Norrin binding interface and their occurrence in human patients with FEVR or Norrie disease.
While a number of Tspan12 residues that we predict to interact with Norrin are impacted by rare mutations in humans (e.g., L169M, E170V, E173K, D175N, E196G, S199C, as found in the gnomAD database), these alleles are of unknown clinical significance (as found in ClinVar or HGMD databases). It is possible that mutations that slightly weaken the Norrin-Tspan12 interface may not produce a strong phenotype, especially given the avidity we expect from this system. By our examination, the missense variants of clinical significance that have been found in the Tspan12 LEL would be expected to destabilize the protein (i.e., mutations to or from cysteine or proline, or mutations to residues involved in packing interactions within the LEL fold), and therefore these mutations may produce a disease phenotype by impacting Tspan12 protein expression levels.
Several Norrin mutations that are associated with Norrie disease, FEVR, or other diseases of the retinal vasculature have been found in the predicted Tspan12 binding site. For example, Norrin mutations at positions L103 (L103Q, L103V), K104 (K104N, K104Q), and A105 (A105T, A105P, A105E, A105S, A105T, A105V) have been found in patients, all of which may disrupt binding to Tspan12. However, the deleterious effect of K104 mutations on Norrin-stimulated signaling could also be explained by a weakened Norrin-Fzd4 binding interface. Norrin mutations at R115 (R115L and R115Q), as well as R121 (R121L, R121G, R121Q, and R121W) have also been found in patients with various diseases of the retinal vasculature. Additionally, the Norrin mutation T119P has been found in patients with Norrie disease, but we would expect this mutation to destabilize Norrin in addition to disrupting the Tspan12 binding site.
While we commented briefly on mutations R115L and R121W in the original draft (page 5, paragraphs 4 and 1, respectively), we have updated the manuscript with more comments on disease-associated mutations to the predicted Tspan12 binding site on Norrin (page 5, first partial paragraph; page 9, first partial paragraph).
• Some of the negative conclusions (e.g. the lack of involvement of Tspan12 in the formation of the Norrin-Lrp5/6-Fzd4-Dvl signaling complex) can be difficult to interpret. There are many possible reasons as to why certain biological effects are not recapitulated in a reconstitution experiment. For instance, the recombinant proteins used in the experiment may not be presented in the correct configurations, and certain biochemical modifications, such as phosphorylation, may also be missing.
We agree that different Tspan12 and Fzd4 stoichiometries, lipid compositions, and posttranslational modifications could impact the results of our study, and that it is important to mention these possibilities. We have added these caveats to the discussion section (page 10, last paragraph).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This is an interesting study of high quality with important and novel findings. Bruguera et al. report a biochemical and structural analysis of the Tspan12 co-receptor for norrin. Major findings are that Norrin directly binds Tspan12 with high affinity (this is consistent with a report on BioRxiv: Antibody Display of cell surface receptor Tetraspanin12 and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) and a predicted structure of Tspan12 alone or in complex with Norrin. The
Norrin/Tspan12 binding interface is largely verified by mutational analysis. An interaction of the Tspan12 large extracellular loop (LEL) with Fzd4 cannot be detected and interactions of fulllength Tspan12 and Fzd4 cannot be tested using nano-disc based BLI, however, Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers can be purified and inserted into nanodiscs when aided by split GFP tags. An analysis of a potential composite binding site of a Fzd4/Tspan12 complex is somewhat inconclusive, as no major increase in affinity is detected for the complex compared to the individual components. A caveat to this data is that affinity measurements were performed for complexes with approximately 1 molecule Tspan12 and FZD4 per nanodisc, while the composite binding site could potentially be formed only in higher order complexes, e.g., 2:2 Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes. Interestingly, the authors find that the Norrin/Tspan12 binding site and the Norrin/Lrp6 binding site partially overlap and that the Lrp6 ectodomain competes with Tspan12 for Norrin binding. This result leads the authors to propose a model according to which Tspan12 captures Norrin and then has to "hand it off" to allow for Fzd4/Lrp6 formation. By increasing the local concentration of Norrin, Tspan12 would enhance the formation of the Fzd4/Lrp5 or Fzd4/Lrp6 complex.
Thank you for pointing out the BioRxiv report showing Norrin-Tspan12 LEL binding. We have cited this in the introduction of our revised manuscript (page 2, paragraph 3).
The experiments based on membrane proteins inserted into nano-discs and the structure prediction using AlphaFold yield important new insights into a protein complex that has critical roles in normal CNS vascular biology, retinal vascular disease, and is a target for therapeutic intervention. However, it remains unclear how Norrin would be "handed off" from Tspan12 or Tspan12/Fzd4 complexes to Fzd4/Lrp6 complexes, as the relatively high affinity of Norrin to Fzd4/Tspan12 dimers likely does not favor the "handing off" to Fzd4/Lrp6 complexes.
While the Fzd4-Tspan12 interaction is strong, our data suggest that Fzd4 and Tspan12 bind Norrin with negative cooperativity, suggesting that Fzd4 binding may enhance Norrin-Tspan12 dissociation to facilitate handoff. This model is based on 1) the dissociation of Norrin from beadbound Tspan12 in the presence of saturating Fzd4 CRD (Figure 3D), and 2) a weaker measured affinity of Norrin-Tspan12LEL in the presence of saturating Fzd4 CRD (Figure 3F). We have now added wording to emphasize this in the discussion section (page 9, end of first full paragraph).
However, as you note, the Norrin-Tspan12 affinity that we measured in the presence of Fzd CRD (tens of nM) is still much stronger than the known Norrin-LRP6 affinity (0.5-1µM), which predicts that the efficiency of this handoff may be low. We have now commented on this in the discussion section and mentioned an alternative model in which Tspan12 presents the second Norrin protomer to LRP5/6 for signaling, instead of dissociating (page 9, paragraph 2). However, the handoff efficiency could also be impacted by other factors such as the relative abundance and surface distribution of Tspan12, Fzd4, LRP6 and HSPGs.
Areas that would benefit from further experiments, or a discussion, include:
- The authors test a potential composite binding site of Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers for norrin using nanodiscs that contain on average about 1 molecule Fzd4 and 1 molecule Tspan12. The Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimer is co-inserted into the nanodiscs supported by split-GFP tags on Fzd4 and Tspan12. The authors find no major increase in affinity, although they find changes to the Hill slope, reflecting better binding of norrin at low norrin concentrations. In 293F cells overexpressing Fzd4 and Tspan12 (which may result in a different stoichiometry) they find more pronounced effects of norrin binding to Fzd4/Tspan12. This raises the possibility that the formation of a composite binding requires Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes of higher order, for example, 2:2 Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes, where the composite binding site may involve residues of each Fzd4 and Tspan12 molecule in the complex. This could be tested in nanodiscs in which Fzd4 and Tspan12 are inserted at higher concentrations or using Fzd4 and Tspan12 that contain additional tags for oligomerization.
It is quite possible that Tspan12 and Fzd4 cluster into complexes with a stoichiometry greater than 1:1 in cells (this is supported by e.g., BRET experiments in (Ke et al., 2013)), and we mention in the discussion that that receptor clustering may be an additional mechanism by which Tspan12 exerts its function (page 10, paragraph 4). We would be quite interested to know the stoichiometry of Fzd4 and Tspan12 complexes in cells at endogenous expression levels, both in the presence and absence of Norrin, and to biochemically characterize these putative larger complexes in the future. We have amended the discussion to mention the caveat that our reconstitution experiments do not test higher-stoichiometry Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes (page 10, last paragraph).
- While Tspan12 LEL does not bind to Fzd4, the successful reconstitution of GFP from Tspan12 and Fzd4 tagged with split GFP components provides evidence for Fzd4/Tspan12 complex formation. As a negative control, e.g., Fzd5, or Tspan11 with split GFP tags (Fzd5/Tspan12 or Fzd4/Tspan11) would clarify if FZD4/Tspan12 heterodimers are an artefact of the split GFP system.
The split-GFP system allows us to co-purify receptors that do not normally co-localize (for example, as we have shown with Fzd4 and LRP6 in the absence of ligand (Bruguera et al., 2022)) so we do not mean to claim that it provides evidence for Fzd4/Tspan12 complex formation. In fact, we were unable to co-purify co-expressed Fzd4 and Tspan12 unless they were tethered with the split GFP system, and separately-purified Fzd4 and Tspan12 did not incorporate into nanodiscs together unless they were tethered by split GFP. Based on these experiments, we expect that the purported Fzd4-Tspan12 interaction that others have found by co-IP or co-localization is easily disrupted by detergent, may require a specific lipid, and/or may not be direct.
To clarify this point, we have noted in the results section that without the split GFP tags, Tspan12 and Fzd4 did not co-purify or co-reconstitute into nanodiscs, and that co-reconstitution was enabled by the split GFP system (page 6, first full paragraph).
- Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers stabilized by split GFP may be locked into an unfavorable orientation that does not allow for the formation of a composite binding site of FZD4 and Tspan12, this is another caveat for the interpretation that Fzd4/Tspan12 do not form a composite binding site. This is not discussed.
While the split GFP does enforce a Fzd4/Tspan12 dimer, the split GFP is removed by protease cleavage during the final step of the purification process, after the dimer is contained in a nanodisc. This should allow Fzd4 and Tspan12 to freely adopt any pose and to diffuse within the confines of the nanodisc lipid bilayer. However, it has been shown that the phospholipid bilayer in small nanodiscs is not as fluid as the physiological plasma membrane, and although we used the slightly larger belt protein (MSP1E3D1, 13 nm diameter nanodiscs), perhaps the receptors are indeed locked in some unfavorable state for this reason. Additionally, the nanodiscs are planar, so if the formation of a composite binding site requires membrane curvature, this would not be recapitulated in our system. We have cited these caveats in the discussion section (page 10, last paragraph).
- Mutations that affect the affinity of norrin/fzd4 are not used to further test if Fzd4 and Tspan12 form a composite binding site. Norrin R41E or Fzd4 M105V were previously reported to reduce norrin/frizzled4 interactions and signaling, and both interaction and signaling were restored by Tspan12 (Lai et al. 2017). Whether a Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimer has increased affinity for Norrin R41E was not tested. Similarly, affinity of FZD4 M105V vs a Fzd4 M105V/Tspan12 heterodimer were not tested.
Since the high affinity of Norrin for both Fzd4 and Tspan12 may have obscured any enhancement of Norrin affinity for Fzd4/Tspan12 compared to either receptor alone, we did consider weakening Fzd-Norrin affinity to sensitize this experiment, inspired by the experiments you mention in (Lai et al., 2017). However, we suspected that the slight increase in Norrin affinity for the Fzd4/Tspan12 dimer compared to Fzd4 alone was driven mainly by increased avidity that enhanced binding of low Norrin concentrations, and this avidity effect would likely confound the interpretation of any experiment monitoring 2:2 complex formation. Additionally, on the basis that soluble Fzd4 extracellular domain and Tspan12 bind Norrin with negative cooperativity (Figures 3D and 3F), we concluded that this composite binding site was unlikely.
- An important conclusion of the study is that Tspan12 or Lrp6 binding to Norrin is mutually exclusive. This could be corroborated by an experiment in which LRP5/6 is inserted into nanodiscs for BLI binding tests with Norrin, or Tspan12 LEL, or a combination of both. Soluble LRP6 may remove norrin from equilibrium binding/unbinding to Tspan12, therefore presenting LRP6 in a non-soluble form may yield different results.
We agree that testing this conclusion in an orthogonal experiment would be a valuable addition to this study. We have now performed a similar experiment to the one you described, but with Norrin immobilized on biosensors, and with LRP6 in detergent competing with Tspan12 LEL for Norrin binding (Figure S12, discussed on page 8, first full paragraph). The results of this experiment show that biosensor-immobilized Norrin will bind LRP6, and that soluble Tspan12 inhibits LRP6 binding in a concentration-dependent manner. The LRP6 construct we use (residues 20-1439) includes the transmembrane domain but has a truncated C terminus, since LRP6 constructs containing the full C terminus tend to aggregate during purification. We chose to immobilize Norrin to make the experiment as interpretable as possible, since immobilizing LRP6 and competing Norrin off with the LEL could result in an increase in signal (from the LEL binding the second available Norrin protomer) as well as a decrease (from Norrin being competed off of the immobilized LRP6). We conducted the experiment in detergent (DDM) instead of nanodiscs to be able to test higher concentrations of LRP6.
- The authors use LRP6 instead of LRP5 for their experiments. Tspan12 is less effective in increasing the Norrin/Fzd4/Lrp6 signaling amplitude compared to Norrin/Fzd4/Lrp5 signaling, and human genetic evidence (FEVR) implicates LRP5, not LRP6, in Norrin/Frizzled4 signaling. The authors find that Norrin binding to LRP6 and Tspan12 is mutually exclusive, however this may not be the case for Lrp5.
This is an important point which we have now addressed in the text (page 8, end of first full paragraph). LRP5 is indeed the receptor implicated in FEVR and expressed in the relevant tissues for Tspan12/Norrin signaling. Unfortunately, LRP5 expresses poorly and we are unable to purify sufficient quantities to perform these experiments. However, LRP5 and LRP6 both transduce Tspan12-enhanced Norrin signaling in TOPFLASH assays (as you mention and as shown by (Zhou and Nathans, 2014)), bind Norrin, and are highly similar (they share 71% sequence identity overall and 73% sequence identity in the extracellular domain), so we expect their Norrin-binding sites to be conserved.
- The biochemical data are largely not correlated with functional data. The authors suggest that the Norrin R115L FEVR mutation could be due to reduced norrin binding to tspan12, but do not test if Tspan12-mediated enhancement of the norrin signaling amplitude is reduced by the R115L mutation. Similarly, the impressive restoration of binding by charge reversal mutations in site 3 is not corroborated in signaling assays.
We agree that testing the impact of Norrin mutations in cell-based signaling assays would be an informative way to further test our model. However, the Norrin mutants we tested generated poor TopFlash signals in all conditions tested. This may be due to general protein instability, weakened affinity for LRP, or weaker interactions with HSPGs. Whatever the cause, the low signal made it challenging to conclusively say whether the Norrin mutations affected Tspan12mediated signaling enhancement.
When expressed for purification, Tspan12 mutants generally expressed poorly compared to WT Tspan12, so we were concerned that differences in protein stability or trafficking would lead to lower cell-surface levels of mutant Tspan12 relative to WT in TopFlash signaling assays, which would confound interpretation of mutant Tspan’s ability to enhance Norrin signaling.
Because of these challenges, follow-up experiments to investigate the signaling capabilities of Norrin and Tspan12 mutants were not informative and we have not included them in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Brugeuera et al present an impressive series of biochemical experiments that address the question of how Tspan12 acts to promote signaling by Norrin, a highly divergent TGF-beta family member that serves as a ligand for Fzd4 and Lrp5/6 to promote canonical Wnt signaling during CNS (and especially retinal) vascular development. The present study is distinguished from those of the past 15 years by its quantitative precision and its high-quality analyses of concentration dependencies, its use of well-characterized nano-disc-incorporated membrane proteins and various soluble binding partners, and its use of structure prediction (by AlphaFold) to guide experiments. The authors start by measuring the binding affinity of Norrin to Tspan12 in nanodiscs (~10 nM), and they then model this interaction with AlphaFold and test the predicted interface with various charge and size swap mutations. The test suggests that the prediction is approximately correct, but in one region (site 1) the experimental data do not support the model. [As noted by the authors, a failure of swap mutations to support a docking model is open to various interpretations. As AlphFold docking predictions come increasingly into common use, the compendium of mutational tests and their interpretations will become an important object of study.] Next, the authors show that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can simultaneously bind Norrin, with modest negative cooperativity, and that together they enhance Norrin capture by cells expressing both Tspan12 and Fzd4 compared to Fzd4 alone, an effect that is most pronounced at low Norrin concentration. Similarly, at low Norrin concentration (~1 nM), signaling is substantially enhanced by Tspan12. By contrast, the authors show that LRP6 competes with Tspan12 for Norrin binding, implying a hand-off of Norrin from a Tspan12+Fzd4+Norrin complex to a LRP5/6+Fzd4+Norrin complex. Thanks to the authors' careful dose-response analyses, they observed that Norrin-induced signaling and Tspan12 enhancement of signaling both have bell-shaped dose-response curves, with strong inhibition at higher levels of Norrin or Tspan12. The implication is that the signaling system has been built for optimal detection of low concentrations of Norrin (most likely the situation in vivo), and that excess Tspan12 can titrate Norrin at the expense of LRP5/6 binding (i.e., reduction in the formation of the LRP5/6+Fzd4+Norrin signaling complex). In the view of this reviewer, the present work represents a foundational advance in understanding Norrin signaling and the role of Tspan12. It will also serve as an important point of comparison for thinking about signaling complexes in other ligand-receptor systems.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
- In Figure 5F high concentrations of transfected Tspan12 plasmid inhibit signaling, which the authors interpret to support the model that Tspan12/Norrin binding prevents Norrin/LRP6/FZD4 complex formation. Alternatively, the cells do not tolerate the expression of the tetraspanin at high levels, for example, due to misfolding and aggregate formation. To distinguish these possibilities: Do high levels of Tspan12 overexpression also inhibit signaling induced by Wnt3a and appropriate Frizzled receptors, even though Tspan12 has no influence on Wnt/LRP6 binding?
We thank the reviewer for suggesting this important control experiment. We have added the Wnt-simulated TOPFLASH values to the figure in 5F for all conditions. In repeating this experiment, we noticed that high levels of transfected Tspan12 may decrease cell viability and therefore have adjusted the range of transfected Tspan12 in the new Figure 5F (discussed on page 8, second full paragraph). Under this new protocol, both Norrin- and Wnt-stimulated signaling were inhibited by the highest amount of transfected Tspan12. However, Norrinstimulated signaling is inhibited by lower amounts of transfected Tspan12 than Wnt-stimulated signaling, and to a greater extent, supporting our proposed model that Tspan12 competes with LRP for Norrin binding.
- Is Tspan12 with c-terminal rho-tag (the form incorporated into nanodiscs) also used for functional luciferase assays, or was untagged Tspan12 used for the luciferase assays in Fig 4D and 5F? Does the c-terminal tag interfere with Tspan12-mediated enhancement of Norrin signaling?
For the luciferase assays included in this manuscript, wildtype, full-length, untagged Tspan12 is used. We have clarified this in our methods section. When we tested the wildtype vs Cterminally rho1D4-tagged version of Tspan12 in TOPFLASH assays, we saw that the enhancement of Norrin signaling by Tspan12-1D4 was weaker than enhancement by untagged Tspan12. This is consistent with the finding reported in Cell Reports (Lai et al., 2017) that a chimeric Tspan12 receptor with its C-terminus replaced with that of Tspan11 was still capable of enhancing Norrin signaling, though to a lesser extent than WT Tspan12. The deficiency of signaling by our rho1D4-tagged Tspan12 could be due to a difference in receptor expression level or trafficking, but in the absence of a reliable antibody against Tspan12, we were unable to assess the expression levels or localization of the untagged Tspan12 to compare it to the rho1D4-tagged version. (For binding experiments, we reasoned that the C-terminal tag should not affect Tspan12’s ability to bind Norrin extracellularly, especially as we found that purified fulllength Tspan12 and Tspan12∆C (residues 1-252) bound Norrin equally well; we have added this comparison to table S1.)
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Minor comments.
Based on the Fzd4-Dvl binding experiment, the authors might state explicitly the possibility that Tspan12's relevance is entirely accounted for by extracellular ligand capture.
We have stated this possibility explicitly in the discussion section (page 9, last paragraph).
Page 4, 3rd paragraph. I suggest "To experimentally test this structural prediction..." rather than "validate".
Thank you for this suggestion; we have replaced this wording.
This next item is optional, but I hope that the authors will consider it. This manuscript provides an opportunity for the authors to be more expansive in their thinking, and to put their work into the larger context of ligand+receptor+accessory protein interactions. The authors describe the Wnt7a/7b-Gpr124-RECK system and the role of HSPs in Norrin and Wnt signaling, but perhaps they can also comment on non-Wnt ligand-receptor systems where accessory proteins are found. They might add a figure (or supplemental figure) with a schematic showing the roles of HSP and Gpr124-RECK, and some non-Wnt ligand-receptor systems. This would help to make the present work more widely influential.
Thank you for this suggestion. We have added a figure (Figure 6, discussed on page 10, paragraphs 2 and 3) and expanded our discussion to include other co-receptor systems. We have specifically focused on co-receptors that both capture ligands and interact with their primary receptor(s), thus delivering ligands to their receptors, as we have proposed for Tspan12. Within Wnt signaling, other co-receptor systems with this mechanism are RECK/Gpr124 (for Wnt7a/b) and Glypican-3. We found it interesting that this mechanism is also shared by several growth factor pathways with cystine knot ligands (like Norrin), so we have illustrated and mentioned three of these examples.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Wang et al. identify Hamlet, a PR-containing transcription factor, as a master regulator of reproductive development in Drosophila. Specifically, the fusion between the gonad and genital disc is necessary for the development of continuous testes and seminal vesicle tissue essential for fertility. To do this, the authors generate novel Hamlet null mutants by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and characterize the morphological, physiological, and gene expression changes of the mutants using immunofluorescence, RNA-seq, cut-tag, and in-situ analysis. Thus, Hamlet is discovered to regulate a unique expression program, which includes Wnt2 and Tl, that is necessary for testis development and fertility.
This is a rigorous and comprehensive study that identifies the Hamlet-dependent gene expression program mediating reproductive development in Drosophila. The Hamlet transcription targets are further characterized by Gal4/UAS-RNAi confirming their role in reproductive development. Finally, the study points to a role for Wnt2 and Tl as well as other Hamlet transcriptionally regulated genes in epithelial tissue fusion.
The image resolution and presentation of figures is a major issue in this study. As a non-expert, it is nearly impossible to see the morphological changes as described in the results. Quantification of all cell biological phenotypes is also lacking therefore reducing the impact of this study to those familiar with tissue fusion events in Drosophila development.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Wang and colleagues successfully uncovered an important function of the Drosophila PRDM16/PRDM3 homolog Hamlet (Ham) - a PR domain-containing transcription factor with known roles in the nervous system in Drosophila. To do so, they generated and analyzed new mutants lacking the PR domain, and also employed diverse preexisting tools. In doing so, they made a fascinating discovery: They found that PR-domain containing isoforms of ham are crucial in the intriguing development of the fly genital tract. Wang and colleagues found three distinct roles of Ham: (1) specifying the position of the testis terminal epithelium within the testis, (2) allowing normal shaping and growth of the anlagen of the seminal vesicles and paragonia and (3) enabling the crucial epithelial fusion between the seminal vesicle and the testis terminal epithelium. The mutant blocks fusion even if the parts are positioned correctly. The last finding is especially important, as there are few models allowing one to dissect the molecular underpinnings of heterotypic epithelial fusion in development. Their data suggest that they found a master regulator of this collective cell behavior. Further, they identified some of the cell biological players downstream of Ham, like for example E-Cadherin and Crumbs. In a holistic approach, they performed RNAseq and intersected them with the CUT&TAG-method, to find a comprehensive list of downstream factors directly regulated by Ham. Their function in the fusion process was validated by a tissue-specific RNAi screen. Meticulously, Wang and colleagues performed multiplexed in situ hybridization and analyzed different mutants, to gain a first understanding of the most important downstream pathways they characterized, which are Wnt2 and Toll.
This study pioneers a completely new system. It is a model for exploring a process crucial in morphogenesis across animal species, yet not well understood. Wang and colleagues not only identified a crucial regulator of heterotypic epithelial fusion but took on the considerable effort of meticulously pinning down functionally important downstream effectors by using many state-of-the-art methods. This is especially impressive, as the dissection of pupal genital discs before epithelial fusion is a time-consuming and difficult task. This promising work will be the foundation future studies build on, to further elucidate how this epithelial fusion works, for example on a cell biological and biomechanical level.
The developing testis-genital disc system has many moving parts. Myotube migration was previously shown to be crucial for testis shape. This means, that there is the potential of non-tissue autonomous defects upon knockdown of genes in the genital disc or the terminal epithelium, affecting myotube behavior which in turn affects fusion, as myotubes might create the first "bridge" bringing the epithelia together. The authors clearly showed that their driver tools do not cause expression in myoblasts/myotubes, but this does not exclude non-tissue autonomous defects in their RNAi screen. Nevertheless, this is outside the scope of this work.
However, one point that could be addressed in this study: the RNAseq and CUT&TAG experiments would profit from adding principal component analyses, elucidating similarities and differences of the diverse biological and technical replicates.
Author response:
Thank you for reviewing our manuscript and providing constructive feedback. We are grateful that you recognize the importance of our work and find the evidences presented compelling. We will revise our manuscripts in accordance with reviewers’ recommendations. Below is our plan.
(1) As recommended by Reviewer 1, we will improve the image resolution and presentation in the figures, by adjusting dark colors into brighter ones, including single-channel images, and incorporating schematic illustrations to dipict morphological changes.
(2) Following the suggestions of reviewer 2, we will provide explanations and speculative insights into potential non-tissue autonomous effects.
(3) As suggested by reviewer 2, we will perform principal component analyses on our RNA-seq and Cut&Tag data.
(2) Once we have addressed all the major and minor points raised by the reviewers, we will provide a detailed point-to-point response and submit the revised version of the manuscript.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript by Bindu et al. created an AAV-based tool (GEARAOCS) to perform in vivo genome editing of mouse astrocytes. The authors engineered a versatile AAV vector that allows for gene deletion through NHNJ, site-specific knock-in by HDR, and gene trap. By utilizing this tool, the authors deleted Sparcl1 virally in subsets of astrocytes and showed that thalamocortical synapses in cortical layer IV are indeed reduced during a critical period of ocular dominance plasticity and in adulthood, whereas there is no change in excitatory synapse number in cortical layer II/III. Furthermore, the authors made a VAMP2 gene-trap AAV vector and showed that astrocyte-derived VAMP2 is required for the maintenance of both excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
This AAV-based tool is versatile for astrocytic gene manipulation in vivo. The work is innovative and exciting, given the paucity of tools available to probe astrocytes in vivo.
Several important considerations need to be made for the validation and usage of this tool, including:
Major points:
(1) Efficiency and specificity of spCas9-sgRNA mediated gene knockout in astrocytes. In Figure 3, the authors utilized Sparcl1 gene deletion as the proof-of-principle experiment. The readout for Sparcl1 KO efficiency is solely the immunoreactivity using an antibody raised against Sparcl1. As the method is based on NHEJ, the indels can be diverse and can occur in one allele or two. For the tool and proof-of-principle experiment, it will be important to know the percentage of editing near the PAM site, as well as the actual sequences of indels. This can be done by single-cell PCR of edited astrocytes, similar to the published work (Ye... Chen, Nature Biotechnology 2019).
(2) Along the same line, the authors showed that GEARBOCS TagIn of Sparcl1 resulted in 12.49% efficiency based on the immunohistochemistry of mCherry tag. It is understandable that the knock-in efficiency is much reduced as compared to gene knockout. However, it remains unclear if those 12.49% knock-in cells represent sequence-correct ones, as spCas9-mediated HDR is also an error-prone process, and it may accidentally alter nucleotides near the PAM site without causing the frameshift. The author will need to consider the related evidence or make comments in the discussion.
(3) What are the efficiencies of Sparcl1 GEARBOCS GeneTrap (Figure 3V) and Vamp2 GeneTrap and HA TagIn (Figure 5)?
Minor points:
(1) Figure 3H-J. The authors only showed the representative images of Sparcl1 KO. Please consider including the control (without gRNA), given that there are still many Sparcl1+ signals in Figure 3I (likely because of its expression in other cell types?).
(2) In figure 3Q-T, it appears that some Cas9-EGFP+ astrocytes (Q) do not express Sparcl1 (R). Is Sparcl1 expressed in subsets of astrocytes? Does Cas9-EGFP or Sparcl1-TagIn alter Sparcl1 endogenous expression?
(3) On Page 8, for the explanation of the design of the GEARBOCS construct, the authors have made a self-citation (#43). That was a BioRxiv paper that is being reviewed currently.
(4) For Figures 4 and 6, the graphs seem to be made in R with the x-axis labeled as "Condition". The y-axis labels are too small to read properly, especially in print. It would be better to make the graphs clearer like Figure 2 and Figure 3.
(5) On Page 13, "Figures 3V-Y" were referred to. However, there are no Figures 3W, X, and Y.
(6) There are a few typos in the manuscript, including line 900 "immunofluorescence microscopy images of a Cas9-EGFP-positive astrocytes (green)".
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2024-02465
Corresponding author(s): Saravanan, Palani
1. General Statements
We would like to thank the Review Commons Team for handling our manuscript and the Reviewers for their constructive feedback and suggestions. In our revised manuscript, we have addressed and incorporated all the major suggestions of the reviewers, and we have also added new significant data on the role of Tropomyosin in regulation of endocytosis through its control over actin monomer pool maintenance and actin network homeostasis. We believe that with all these additions, our study has significantly gained in quality, strength of conclusions made, and scope for future work.
2. Point-by-point description of the revisions
Reviewer #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
There are 2 Major issues -
Having an -ala-ser- linker between the GFP and tropomyosin mimics acetylation. This is not the case, and more likely the this linker acts as a spacer that allows tropomyosin polymers to form on the actin, and without it there is steric hindrance. A similar result would be seen with a simple flexible uncharged linker. It has been shown in a number of labs that the GFP itself masks the effect of the charge on the amino terminal methionine. This is consistent with NMR, crystallographic and cryo structural studies. Biochemical studies should be presented to demonstrate that the impact of a linker for the conclusions stated to be made, which provide the basis of a major part of this study.
Response: We would like to clarify that all mNG-Tpm constructs used in our study contain a 40 amino-acid (aa) flexible linker between the N-terminal mNG fluorescent protein and the Tpm protein as per our earlier published study (Hatano et al., 2022). During initial optimization, we have also experimented with linker length and the 40aa-linker length works optimally for clear visualization of Tpm onto actin cable structures in budding yeast, fission yeast (both S. pombe and S. japonicus), and mammalian cells (Hatano et al., 2022). These constructs have also been used since in other studies (Wirshing et al., 2023; Wirshing and Goode, 2024) and currently represents the best possible strategy to visualize Tpm isoforms in live cells. In our study, we characterized these proteins for functionality and found that both mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-Tpm2 were functional and can rescue the synthetic lethality observed in Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells. During our study, we observed that mNG-Tpm1 expression from a single-copy integration vector did not restore full length actin cables in Dtpm1 cells (Fig. 1B, 1C). We hypothesized that this could be a result of reduced binding affinity of the tagged tropomyosin due to lack of normal N-terminal acetylation which stabilizes the N-terminus. The 40aa linker is unstructured and may not be able to neutralize the charge on the N-terminal Methionine, thus, we tried to insert -Ala-Ser- dipeptide which has been routinely used in vitro biochemical studies to stabilize the N-terminal helix and impart a similar effect as the N-terminal acetylation (Alioto et al., 2016; Palani et al., 2019; Christensen et al., 2017) by restoring normal binding affinity of Tpm to F-actin (Monteiro et al., 1994; Greenfield et al., 1994). We observed that addition of the -Ala-Ser- dipeptide to mNG-Tpm fusion, indeed, restored full length actin cables when expressed in Dtpm1 cells, performing significantly better in our in vivo experiments (Fig. 1B, 1C). We agree with the reviewer that the -AS- dipeptide addition may not mimic N-terminal acetylation structurally but as per previous studies, it may stabilize the N-terminus of Tpm and allow normal head-to-tail dimer formation (Greenfield et al., 1994; Monteiro et al., 1994; Frye et al., 2010). We have discussed this in our new Discussion section (Lines 350-372). Since, the addition of -AS- dipeptide was referred to as "acetyl-mimic (am)" in a previous study (Alioto et al., 2016), we continued to use the same nomenclature in our study. Now as per your suggestions and to be more accurate, we have renamed "mNG-amTpm" constructs as "mNG-ASTpm" throughout the study to not confuse or claim that -AS- addition mimics acetylation. In any case, we have not seen any other ill effect of -AS- dipeptide introduction in addition to our 40 amino acid linker suggesting that it can also be considered part of the linker. Although, we agree with the reviewer that biochemical characterization of the effect of linker would be important to determine, we strongly believe that it is currently outside the scope of this study and should be taken up for future work with these proteins. Our study has majorly aimed to understand the functionality and utility of these mNG-Tpm fusion proteins for cell biological experiments in vivo, which was not done earlier in any other model system.
My major issue however is making the conclusions stated here, using an amino-terminal fluorescent protein tag that s likely to impact any type of isoform selection at the end of the actin polymer. Carboxyl terminal tagging may have a reduced effect, but modifying the ends of the tropomyosin, which are integral in stabilising end to end interactions with itself on the actin filament, never mind any section systems that may/maynot be present in the cell, is not appropriate.
Response: __ We agree with the reviewer that N-terminal tagging of tropomyosin may have effects on its function, but these constructs represent the only fluorescently tagged functional tropomyosin constructs available currently while C-terminal fusions are either non-functional (we were unable to construct strains with endogenous Tpm1 gene fused C-terminally to GFP) or do not localize clearly to actin structures (See __Figure R1 showing endogenous C-terminally tagged Tpm2-yeGFP that shows almost no localization to actin cables). To our knowledge, our study represents a first effort to understand the question of spatial sorting of Tpm isoforms, Tpm1 and Tpm2, in S. cerevisiae and any future developments with better visualization strategies for Tpm isoforms without compromising native N-terminal modifications and function will help improve our understanding of these proteins in vivo. We have also discussed these possibilities in our new Discussion section (Lines 391-396).
This paper explores the role of formin in determining the localisation of different tropomyosins to different actin polymers and cellular locations within budding yeast. Previous studies have indicated a role for the actin nucleating proteins in recruiting different forms of tropomyosin within fission yeast. In mammalian cells there is variation in the role of formins in affiecting tropomyosin localisation - variation between cell type. There is also evidence that other actin binding proteins, and tropomyosin abundance play roles in regulating the tropomyosin-actin association according to cell type. Biochemical studies have previously been undertaken using budding yeast and fission yeast that the core actin polymerisation domain of formins do not interact with tropomyosin directly. The significance of this study, given the above, and the concerns raised is not clear to this reviewer.
Response: __Our study explores multiple facets of Tropomyosin (Tpm) biology. The lack of functional tagged Tpm has been a major bottleneck in understanding Tpm isoform diversity and function across eukaryotes. In our study, we characterize the first functional tagged Tpm proteins (Fig. 1, Fig. S1) and use them to answer long-standing questions about localization and spatial sorting of Tpm isoforms in the model organism S. cerevisiae (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. S2, Fig. S3). We also discover that the dual Tpm isoforms, Tpm1 and Tpm2, are functionally redundant for actin cable organization and function, while having gained divergent functions in Retrograde Actin Cable Flow (RACF) (Fig. 4, Fig. 5A-D, Fig. S4, Fig. S5, Fig. S6). We have now added new data on role of global Tpm levels controlling endocytosis via maintenance of normal linear-to-branched actin network homeostasis in S. cerevisiae (Fig. 5E-G)__. We respectfully differ with the reviewer on their assessment of our study and request the reviewer to read our revised manuscript which discusses the significance, limitations, and future perspectives of our study in detail.
Reviewer #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript by Dhar, Bagyashree, Palani and colleagues examines the function of the two tropomyosins, Tpm1 and Tpm2, in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. Previous work had shown that deletion of tpm1 and tpm2 causes synthetic lethality, indicating overlapping function, but also proposed that the two tropomyosins have distinct functions, based on the observation that strong overexpression of Tpm2 causes defects in bud placement and fails to rescue tpm1∆ phenotypes (Drees et al, JCB 1995). The manuscript first describes very functional mNeonGreen tagged version of Tpm1 and Tpm2, where an alanine-serine dipeptide is inserted before the first methionine to mimic acetylation. It then proposes that the Tpm1 and Tpm2 exhibit indistinguishable localization and that low level overexpression (?) of Tpm2 can replace Tpm1 for stabilization of actin cables and cell polarization, suggesting almost completely redundant functions. They also propose on specific function of Tpm2 in regulating retrograde actin cable flow.
Overall, the data are very clean, well presented and quantified, but in several places are not fully convincing of the claims. Because the claims that Tpm1 and Tpm2 have largely overlapping function and localization are in contradiction to previous publication in S. cerevisiae and also different from data published in other organisms, it is important to consolidate them. There are fairly simple experiments that should be done to consolidate the claims of indistinguishable localization, and levels of expression, for which the authors have excellent reagents at their disposal.
1. Functionality of the acetyl-mimic tagged tropomyosin constructs: The overall very good functionality of the tagged Tpm constructs is convincing, but the authors should be more accurate in their description, as their data show that they are not perfectly functional. For instance, the use of "completely functional" in the discussion is excessive. In the results, the statement that mNG-Tpm1 expression restores normal growth (page 3, line 69) is inaccurate. Fig S1C shows that tpm1∆ cells expressing mNG-Tpm1 grow more slowly than WT cells. (The next part of the same sentence, stating it only partially restores length of actin cables should cite only Fig S1E, not S1F.) Similarly, the growth curve in Fig S1C suggests that mNG-amTpm1, while better than mNG-Tpm1 does not fully restore the growth defect observed in tpm1∆ (in contrast to what is stated on p. 4 line 81). A more stringent test of functionality would be to probe whether mNG-amTpm1 can rescue the synthetic lethality of the tpm1∆ tpm2∆ double mutant, which would also allow to test the functionality of mNG-amTpm2.
__Response: __We would like to thank the reviewer for his feedback and suggestions. Based on the suggestions, we have now more accurately described the growth rescue observed by expression of mNG-ASTpm1 in Dtpm1 cells in the revised text. We have also removed the use of "completely functional" to describe mNG-Tpm functionality and corrected any errors in Figure citations in the revised manuscript.
As per reviewers' suggestion, we have now tested rescue of synthetic lethality of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells by expression of all mNG-Tpm variants and we find that all of them are capable of restoring the viability of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells when expressed under their native promoters via a high-copy plasmid (pRS425) (Fig. S1E) but only mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-ASTpm1 restored viability of Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells when expressed under their native promoters via an integration plasmid (pRS305) (Fig. S1F). These results clearly suggest that while both mNG-Tpm1 and mNG-Tpm2 constructs are functional, Tpm1 tolerates the presence of the N-terminal fluorescent tag better than Tpm2. These observations now enhance our understanding of the functionality of these mNG-Tpm fusion proteins and will be a useful resource for their usage and experimental design in future studies in vivo.
It would also be nice to comment on whether the mNG-amTpm constructs really mimicking acetylation. Given the Ala-Ser peptide ahead of the starting Met is linked N-terminally to mNG, it is not immediately clear it will have the same effect as a free acetyl group decorating the N-terminal Met.
Response: __We agree with the reviewer's observation and for the sake of clarity and accuracy, we have now renamed "mNG-amTpm" with "mNG-ASTpm". The use of -AS- dipeptide is very routine in studies with Tpm (Alioto et al., 2016; Palani et al., 2019; Christensen et al., 2017) and its addition restores normal binding affinities to Tpm proteins purified from E. coli (Monteiro et al., 1994). We agree with the reviewer that the -AS- dipeptide addition may not mimic N-terminal acetylation structurally but as per previous studies, it may help neutralize the impact of a freely protonated Met on the alpha-helical structure and stabilize the N-terminus helix of Tpm and allow normal head-to-tail dimer formation (Monteiro et al., 1994; Frye et al., 2010; Greenfield et al., 1994). Consistent with this, we also observe a highly significant improvement in actin cable length when expressing mNG-ASTpm as compared to mNG-Tpm in Dtpm1 cells, suggesting an improvement in function probably due to increased binding affinity (Fig. 1B, 1C). We have also discussed this in our answer to Question 1 of Reviewer 1 and the revised manuscript (Lines 350-372)__.
__ Localization of Tpm1 and Tpm2:__Given the claimed full functionality of mNG-amTpm constructs and the conclusion from this section of the paper that relative local concentrations may be the major factor in determining tropomyosin localization to actin filament networks, I am concerned that the analysis of localization was done in strains expressing the mNG-amTpm construct in addition to the endogenous untagged genes. (This is not expressly stated in the manuscript, but it is my understanding from reading the strain list.) This means that there is a roughly two-fold overexpression of either tropomyosin, which may affect localization. A comparison of localization in strains where the tagged copy is the sole Tpm1 (respectively Tpm2) source would be much more conclusive. This is important as the results are making a claim in opposition to previous work and observation in other organisms.
Response: __We thank the reviewer for this observation and their suggestions. We agree that relative concentrations of functional Tpm1 and Tpm2 in cells may influence the extent of their localizations. As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now conducted our quantitative analysis in cells lacking endogenous Tpm1 and only expressing mNG-ASTpm1 from an integrated plasmid copy at the leu2 locus and the data is presented in new __Figure S3. We compared Tpm-bound cable length (Fig. S3A, S3B) __and Tpm-bound cable number (Fig. S3A, S3C) along with actin cable length (Fig. S3D, S3E) and actin cable number (Fig. S3D, S3F) in wildtype, Dbnr1, and Dbni1 cells. Our analysis revealed that mNG-ASTpm1 localized to actin cable structures in wildtype, Dbnr1, and Dbni1 cells and the decrease observed in Tpm-bound cable length and number upon loss of either Bnr1 or Bni1, was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in actin cable length and number upon loss of either Bnr1 or Bni1. Thus, this analysis reached the same conclusion as our earlier analysis (Fig. 2) that mNG-ASTpm1 does not show preference between Bnr1 and Bni1-made actin cables. mNG-ASTpm2 did not restore functionality, when expressed as single integrated copy, in Dtpm1Dtpm2 cells (new results in __Fig. S1E, S1F, S5A) thus, we could not conduct a similar analysis for mNG-ASTpm2. This suggests that use of mNG-ASTpm2 would be more meaningful in the presence of endogenous Tpm2 as previously done in Fig. 2D-F.
We have now also performed additional yeast mating experiments with cells lacking bnr1 gene and expressing either mNG-ASTpm1 or mNG-ASTpm2 and the data is shown in new Figure 3. From these observations, we observe that both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 localize to the mating fusion focus in a Bnr1-independent manner (Fig. 3B, 3D) and suggests that they bind to Bni1-made actin cables that are involved in polarized growth of the mating projection. These results also add strength to our conclusion that Tpm1 and Tpm2 localize to actin cables irrespective of which formin nucleates them. Overall, these new results highlight and reiterate our model of formin-isoform independent binding of Tpm1 and Tpm2 in S. cerevisiae.
In fact, although the authors conclude that the tropomyosins do not exhibit preference for certain actin structures, in the images shown in Fig 2A and 2D, there seems to be a clear bias for Tpm1 to decorate cables preferentially in the bud, while Tpm2 appears to decorate them more in the mother cell. Is that a bias of these chosen images, or does this reflect a more general trend? A quantification of relative fluorescence levels in bud/mother may be indicative.
Response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Our data and analysis do not suggest that Tpm1 and Tpm2 show any preference for decoration of cables in either mother or bud compartment. As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now quantified the ratio of mean mNG fluorescence in the bud to the mother (Bud/Mother) and the data is shown in __Figure. S2G. The bud-to-mother ratio was similar for mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 in wildtype cells, and the ratio increased in Dbnr1 cells and decreased in Dbni1 cells for both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 (Fig. S2G). __This is consistent with the decreased actin cable signal in the mother compartment in Dbnr1 cells and decreased actin cable signal in the bud compartment in Dbni1 cells (Fig. S2A-D). Thus, our new analysis shows that both mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 have similar changes in their concentration (mean fluorescence) upon loss of either formins Bnr1 and Bni1 and show similar ratios in wildtype cells as well, suggesting no preference for binding to actin cables in either bud or mother compartment. The preference inferred by the reviewer seems to be a bias of the current representative images and thus, we have replaced the images in __Fig. 2A, 2D to more accurately represent the population.
The difficulty in preserving mNG-amTpm after fixation means that authors could not quantify relative Tpm/actin cable directly in single fixed cells. Did they try to label actin cables with Lifeact instead of using phalloidin, and thus perform the analysis in live cells?
__Response: __We did not use LifeAct for our analysis as LifeAct is known to cause expression-dependent artefacts in cells (Courtemanche et al., 2016; Flores et al., 2019; Xu and Du, 2021) and it also competes with proteins that regulate normal cable organization like cofilin. Use of LifeAct would necessitate standardization of expression to avoid such artefacts in vivo. Also, phalloidin staining provides the best staining of actin cables and allows for better quantitative results in our experiments. The use of LifeAct along with mNG-Tpm would also require optimization with a red fluorescent protein which usually tend to have lower brightness and photostability. However, during the revision of our study, a new study from Prof. Goode's lab has developed and optimized expression of new LifeAct-3xmNeonGreen constructs for use in S. cerevisiae (Wirshing and Goode, 2024). Thus, a similar strategy of using tandem copies of bright and photostable red fluorescent proteins can be explored for use in combination with mNG-Tpm in the future studies.
__ Complementation of tpm1∆ by Tpm2:__
I am confused about the quantification of Tpm2 expression by RT-PCR shown in Fig S3F. This figure shows that tpm2 mRNA expression levels are identical in cells with an empty plasmid or with a tpm2-encoding plasmid. In both strains (which lack tpm1), as well as in the WT control, one tpm2 copy is in the genome, but only one strain has a second tpm2 copy expressed from a centromeric plasmid, yet the results of the RT-PCR are not significantly different. (If anything, the levels are lower in the tpm2 plasmid-containing strain.) The methods state that the primers were chosen in the gene, so likely do not distinguish the genomic from the plasmid allele. However, the text claims a 1-fold increase in expression, and functional experiments show a near-complete rescue of the tpm1∆ phenotype. This is surprising and confusing and should be resolved to understand whether higher levels of Tpm2 are really the cause of the observed phenotypic rescue.
The authors could for instance probe for protein levels. I believe they have specific nanobodies against tropomyosin. If not, they could use expression of functional mNG-amTpm2 to rescue tpm1∆. Here, the expression of the protein can be directly visualized.
Response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We would like to clarify that in our RT-qPCR experiments, the primers were chosen within the Tpm1 and Tpm2 gene and do not distinguish between transcripts from endogenous or plasmid copy. We have now mentioned this in the Materials and Methods section of the revised manuscript. So, they represent a relative estimate of the total mRNA of these genes present in cells. We were consistently able to detect ~19 fold increase in Tpm2 total mRNA levels as compared to wildtype and ∆tpm1 cells (Fig. S4D) when tpm2 was expressed from a high-copy plasmid (pRS425). This increase in Tpm2 mRNA levels was accompanied by a rescue in growth (Fig. S4A) and actin cable organization (Fig. S4B) of ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS425-ptpm2TPM2. When tpm2 was expressed from a low-copy number centromeric plasmid (pRS316), we detected a ~2 fold increase in Tpm2 transcript levels when using the tpm1 promoter and no significant change was detected when using tpm2 promoter (Fig. S4E)__. We have made sure that these results are accurately described in the revised manuscript.
As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now conducted a more extensive analysis to ascertain the expression levels of Tpm2 in our experiments and the data is now presented in new Figure S5. We used mNG-ASTpm1 and mNG-ASTpm2 to rescue growth of ∆tpm1 (Fig. S5A) and correlated growth rescue with protein levels using quantified fluorescence intensity (Fig. S5B, S5C) and western blotting (anti-mNG) (Fig. S5D, S5E). We find that ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS425-ptpm1mNG-ASTpm1 had the highest protein level followed by pRS425-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2, pRS305-ptpm1mNG-ASTpm1, and the least protein levels were found in pRS305-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2 containing ∆tpm1 cells in both fluorescence intensity and western blotting quantifications (Fig. S5C, S5E). Surprisingly, we were not able to detect any protein levels in ∆tpm1 cells containing pRS305-ptpm2 mNG-ASTpm2 with western blotting (Fig. S5D) which was also accompanied by a lack of growth rescue (Fig. S5A). This most likely due to weak expression from the native Tpm2 promoter which is consistent with previous literature (Drees et al., 1995). Taken together, this data clearly shows that the rescue observed in ∆tpm1 cells is caused due to increased expression of mNG-ASTpm2 in cells and supports our conclusion that increase in Tpm2 expression leads to restoration of normal growth and actin cables in ∆tpm1 cells.
__ Specific function of Tpm2:__
The data about the retrograde actin flow is interpreted as a specific function of Tpm2, but there is no evidence that Tpm1 does not also share this function. To reach this conclusion one would have to investigate retrograde actin flow in tpm1∆ (difficult as cables are weak) or for instance test whether Tpm1 expression restores normal retrograde flow to tpm2∆ cells.
Response: __We agree with the reviewer and as per the reviewer's suggestion, we have performed another experiment which include wildtype, ∆tpm2 cells containing empty pRS316 vector or pRS316-ptpm2TPM1 or pRS316-ptpm1TPM1. We find that RACF rate increased in ∆tpm2 cells as compared to wildtype and was restored to wildtype levels by exogenous expression of Tpm2 but not Tpm1 (Fig. S6E, S6F). Since, actin cables were not detectable in ∆tpm1 cells, we measured RACF rates in ∆tpm1 cells expressing Tpm1 or Tpm2 from a plasmid copy, which restored actin cables as shown previously in __Fig. 5A-C. We observed that RACF rates were similar to wildtype in ∆tpm1 cells expressing either Tpm1 or Tpm2 (Fig. S6E, S6F), suggesting that Tpm1 is not involved in RACF regulation. Taken together, these results suggest a specific role for Tpm2, but not Tpm1, in RACF regulation in S. cerevisiae, consistent with previous literature (Huckaba et al., 2006).
Minor comments: __1.__The growth of tpm1∆ with empty plasmid in Fig S3A is strangely strong (different from other figures).
Response: __ We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now repeated the drop test multiple times (__Fig. R2), but we see similar growth rates as the drop test already presented in Fig. S4A. __At this point, it would be difficult to ascertain the basis of this difference observed at 23{degree sign}C and 30{degree sign}C, but a recent study that links leucine levels to actin cable stability (Sing et al., 2022) might explain the faster growth of these ∆tpm1 cells containing a leu2 gene carrying high-copy plasmid. However, there is no effect on growth rate at 37{degree sign}C which is consistent with other spot assays shown in __Fig. S1D, S4F, S5A.
I am a cell biologist with expertise in both yeast and actin cytoskeleton.
The question of how tropomyosin localizes to specific actin networks is still open and a current avenue of study. Studies in other organisms have shown that different tropomyosin isoforms, or their acetylated vs non-acetylated versions, localize to distinct actin structures. Proposed mechanisms include competition with other ABPs and preference imposed by the formin nucleator. The current study re-examines the function and localization of the two tropomyosin proteins from the budding yeast and reaches the conclusion that they co-decorate all formin-assembled structures and also share most functions, leading to the simple conclusion that the more important contribution of Tpm1 is simply linked to its higher expression. Once consolidated, the study will appeal to researchers working on the actin cytoskeleton.
We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment of our work and the constructive feedback that has greatly improved the quality of our study. After addressing the points raised by the reviewer, we believe that our study has significantly gained in consolidating the major conclusions of our work.
**Referees cross-commenting**
Having read the other reviewers' comments, I do agree with reviewer 1 that it is not clear whether the Ala-Ser linker really mimics acetylation. I am less convinced than reviewer 3 that the key conclusions of the study are well supported, notably the issue of Tpm2 expression levels is not convincing to me.
Response: __We acknowledge the reviewer's point about the effect of Ala-Ser dipeptide and would request the reviewer to refer to our response to Reviewer 1 (Question 1) for a more detailed discussion on this. We have also extensively addressed the question of Tpm2 expression levels as suggested by the reviewer (new data in __Figure S5) which has further strengthened the conclusions of our study.
__Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary:__ The study presents the first fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins, enabling detailed probing of Tpm isoform localization and functions in live cells. The authors created a modified fusion protein, mNG-amTpm, which mimicked native N-terminal acetylation and restored both normal growth and full-length actin cables in yeast cells lacking native Tpm proteins, demonstrating the constructs' full functionality. They also show that Tpm1 and Tpm2 do not have a preference for actin cables nucleated by different formins (Bnr1 and Bni1). Contrary to previous reports, the study found that overexpressing Tpm2 in Δtpm1 cells could restore growth rates and actin cable formation. Furthermore, it is shown that despite its evolutionary divergence, Tpm2 retains actin-protective functions and can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, contributing to cellular robustness.
Major and Minor Comments: 1. The key conclusions of this paper are convincing. However, I suggest that more detail be provided regarding the image analysis used in this study. Specifically, since threshold settings can impact the quality of the generated data and, therefore, its interpretation, it would be useful to see a representative example of the quantification methods used for actin cable length/number (as in refs. 80 and 81) and mitochondria morphology. These could be presented as Supplemental Figures. Additionally, it would help to interpret the results if the authors could be more specific about the statistical tests that were used.
Response: __We agree with the reviewer's suggestions and have now updated our Materials and Methods section to describe the image analysis pipelines used in more detail. We have also added examples of quantification procedure for actin cable length/number and mitochondrial morphology as an additional Supplementary __Figure S7. Briefly, the following pipelines were used:
- Actin cable length and number analysis: This was done exactly as mentioned in McInally et al., 2021, McInally et al., 2022. Actin cables were manually traced in Fiji as shown in __ S7A__, and then the traces files for each cell were run through a Python script (adapted from McInally et al., 2022) that outputs mean actin cable length and number per cell.
- Mitochondria morphology: Mitochondria Analyzer plug-in in Fiji was used to segment out the mitochondrial fragments. The parameters used for 2D segmentation of mitochondria were first optimized using "2D Threshold Optimize" to find the most accurate segmentation and then the same parameters were run on all images. After segmentation of the mitochondrial network, measurements of fragment number were done using "Analyze Particles" function in Fiji. An example of the overall process is shown in __ S7B.__ As per the reviewer's suggestion, we have now included the description of the statistical test used in the Figure Legends of each Figure in the revised manuscript. We have used One-Way Anova with Tukey's Multiple Comparison test, Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's Multiple Comparisons, and Unpaired Two-tailed t-test using the in-built functions in GraphPad Prism (v.6.04).
**Referees cross-commenting**
I agree with both reviewers 1 and 2 regarding the issues with the Ala-Ser acetylation mimic and Tpm2 expression levels, respectively. I think the authors should be more careful in how they frame the results, but I consider that these issues do not invalidate the main conclusions of this study.
Response: __We acknowledge the reviewer's concern about the Ala-Ser dipeptide and would request them to refer our earlier discussion on this in response to Reviewer 1 (Question 1) and Reviewer 2 (Question 2). We would also request the reviewer to refer to our answer to Reviewer 2 (Question 6) where we have extensively addressed the question of Tpm2 expression levels and their effect on rescue of Dtpm1 cells. This data is now presented as new __Figure S5 in our revised manuscript.
Reviewer#3 (Significance (Required)):
The finding that Tpm2 can compensate for the loss of Tpm1, restoring actin cable organization and normal growth rates, challenges previous assumptions about the non-redundant functions of these isoforms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ref. 16). It also supports a concentration-dependent and formin-independent localization of Tpm isoforms to actin cables in this species. The development of fully functional fluorescently tagged Tpm proteins is a significant methodological advancement. This advancement overcomes previous visualization challenges and allows for accurate in vivo studies of Tpm function and regulation in S. cerevisiae.
The findings will be of particular interest to researchers in the field of cellular and molecular biology who study actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Additionally, it will be relevant for those utilizing advanced microscopy and live-cell imaging techniques.
As a researcher, my experience lies in cytoskeleton dynamics and protein interactions, though I do not have specific experience related to tropomyosin. I use different yeast species as models and routinely employ live-cell imaging as a tool.
We thank the reviewer for their positive outlook and assessment of our study. We have incorporated all their suggestions, and we are confident that the revised manuscript has significantly improved in quality due to these additions.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
There are 2 Major issues:
- Having an -ala-ser- linker between the GFP and tropomyosin mimics acetylation. This is not the case, and more likely the this linker acts as a spacer that allows tropomyosin polymers to form on the actin, and without it there is steric hindrance. A similar result would be seen with a simple flexible uncharged linker. It has been shown in a number of labs that the GFP itself masks the effect of the charge on the amino terminal methionine. This is consistent with NMR, crystallographic and cryo structural studies. Biochemical studies should be presented to demonstrate that the impact of a linker for the conclusions stated to be made, which provide the basis of a major part of this study.
- My major issue however is making the conclusions stated here, using an amino-terminal fluorescent protein tag that s likely to impact any type of isoform selection at the end of the actin polymer. Carboxyl terminal tagging may have a reduced effect, but modifying the ends of the tropomyosin, which are integral in stabilising end to end interactions with itself on the actin filament, never mind any section systems that may/maynot be present in the cell, is not appropriate.
This paper explores the role of formin in determining the localisation of different tropomyosins to different actin polymers and cellular locations within budding yeast. Previous studies have indicated a role for the actin nucleating proteins in recruiting different forms of tropomyosin within fission yeast. In mammalian cells there is variation in the role of formins in affiecting tropomyosin localisation - variation between cell type. There is also evidence that other actin binding proteins, and tropomyosin abundance play roles in regulating the tropomyosin-actin association according to cell type. Biochemical studies have previously been undertaken using budding yeast and fission yeast that the core actin polymerisation domain of formins do not interact with tropomyosin directly.
The significance of this study, given the above, and the concerns raised is not clear to this reviewer.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Review:
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Regarding reviewer #2 public review, we update here our answers to this public review with new analysis and modification done in the manuscript.
This manuscript is missing a direct phenotypic comparison of control cells to complement that of cells expressing RhoGEF2-DHPH at "low levels" (the cells that would respond to optogenetic stimulation by retracting); and cells expressing RhoGEF2-DHPH at "high levels" (the cells that would respond to optogenetic stimulation by protruding). In other words, the authors should examine cell area, the distribution of actin and myosin, etc in all three groups of cells (akin to the time zero data from figures 3 and 5, with a negative control). For example, does the basal expression meaningfully affect the PRG low-expressing cells before activation e.g. ectopic stress fibers? This need not be an optogenetic experiment, the authors could express RhoGEF2DHPH without SspB (as in Fig 4G).
Updated answer: We thank reviewer #2 for this suggestion. PRG-DHPH overexpression is known to affect the phenotype of the cell as shown in Valon et al., 2017. In our experiments, we could not identify any evidence of a particular phenotype before optogenetic activation apart from the area and spontaneous membrane speed that were already reported in our manuscript (Fig 2E and SuppFig 2). Regarding the distribution of actin and myosin, we did not observe an obvious pattern that will be predictive of the protruding/retracting phenotype. Trying to be more quantitative, we have classified (by eye, without knowing the expression level of PRG nor the future phenotype) the presence of stress fibers, the amount of cortical actin, the strength of focal adhesions, and the circularity of cells. As shown below, when these classes are binned by levels of expression of PRG (two levels below the threshold and two above) there is no clear determinant. Thus, we concluded that the main driver of the phenotype was the PRG basal expression rather than any particularity of the actin cytoskeleton/cell shape.
Author response image 1.
Author response image 2.
Relatedly, the authors seem to assume ("recruitment of the same DH-PH domain of PRG at the membrane, in the same cell line, which means in the same biochemical environment." supplement) that the only difference between the high and low expressors are the level of expression. Given the chronic overexpression and the fact that the capacity for this phenotypic shift is not recruitmentdependent, this is not necessarily a safe assumption. The expression of this GEF could well induce e.g. gene expression changes.
Updated answer: We agree with reviewer #2 that there could be changes in gene expression. In the next point of this supplementary note, we had specified it, by saying « that overexpression has an influence on cell state, defined as protein basal activity or concentration before activation. » We are sorry if it was not clear, and we changed this sentence in the revised manuscript (in red in the supp note).
One of the interests of the model is that it does not require any change in absolute concentrations, beside the GEF. The model is thought to be minimal and fits well and explains the data with very few parameters. We do not show that there is no change in concentration, but we show that it is not required to invoke it. We revised a sentence in the new version of the manuscript to include this point.
Additional answer: During the revision process, we have been looking for an experimental demonstration of the independence of the phenotypic switch to any change in global gene expression pattern due to the chronic overexpression of PRG. Our idea was to be in a condition of high PRG overexpression such that cells protrude upon optogenetic activation, and then acutely deplete PRG to see if cells where then retracting. To deplete PRG in a timescale that prevent any change of gene expression, we considered the recently developed CATCHFIRE (PMID: 37640938) chemical dimerizer. We designed an experiment in which the PRG DH-PH domain was expressed in fusion with a FIRE-tag and co-expressing the FIRE-mate fused to TOM20 together with the optoPRG tool. Upon incubation with the MATCH small molecule, we should be able to recruit the overexpressed PRG to the mitochondria within minutes, hereby preventing it to form a complex with active RhoA in the vicinity of the plasma membrane. Unfortunately, despite of numerous trials we never achieved the required conditions: we could not have cells with high enough expression of PRGFIRE-tag (for protrusive response) and low enough expression of optoPRG (for retraction upon PRGFIRE-tag depletion). We still think this would be a nice experiment to perform, but it will require the establishment of a stable cell line with finely tuned expression levels of the CATCHFIRE system that goes beyond the timeline of our present work.
Concerning the overall model summarizing the authors' observations, they "hypothesized that the activity of RhoA was in competition with the activity of Cdc42"; "At low concentration of the GEF, both RhoA and Cdc42 are activated by optogenetic recruitment of optoPRG, but RhoA takes over. At high GEF concentration, recruitment of optoPRG lead to both activation of Cdc42 and inhibition of already present activated RhoA, which pushes the balance towards Cdc42."
These descriptions are not precise. What is the nature of the competition between RhoA and Cdc42? Is this competition for activation by the GEFs? Is it a competition between the phenotypic output resulting from the effectors of the GEFs? Is it competition from the optogenetic probe and Rho effectors and the Rho biosensors? In all likelihood, all of these effects are involved, but the authors should more precisely explain the underlying nature of this phenotypic switch. Some of these points are clarified in the supplement, but should also be explicit in the main text.
Updated answer: We consider the competition between RhoA and Cdc42 as a competition between retraction due to the protein network triggered by RhoA (through ROCK-Myosin and mDia-bundled actin) and the protrusion triggered by Cdc42 (through PAK-Rac-ARP2/3-branched Actin). We made this point explicit in the main text.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
- why this is only possible for such few cells. Can the authors comment on this in the discussion? Does the model provide any hints?
As said in our answer to the public comment or reviewer #1, we think that the low number of cells being able to switch can be explained by two different reasons:
(1) First, we were looking for clear inversions of the phenotype, where we could see clear ruffles in the case of the protrusion, and clear retractions in the other case. Thus, we discarded cells that would show in-between phenotypes, because we had no quantitative parameter to compare how protrusive or retractile they were. This reduced the number of switching cells
(2) Second, we had a limitation due to the dynamic of the optogenetic dimer used here. Indeed, the control of the frequency was limited by the dynamic of unbinding of the optogenetic dimer. This dynamic of recruitment (~20s) is comparable to the dynamics of the deactivation of RhoA and Cdc42. Thus, the differences in frequency are smoothed and we could not vary enough the frequency to increase the number of switches. Thanks to the model, we can predict that increasing the unbinding rate of the optogenetic tool (shorter dimer lifetime) should allow us to increase the number of switching cells.
We have added a sentence in the discussion to make this second point explicit.
- I would encourage the authors to discuss this molecular signaling switch in the context of general design principles of switches. How generalizable is this network/mechanism? Is it exclusive to activating signaling proteins or would it work with inhibiting mechanisms? Is the competition for the same binding site between activators and effectors a common mechanism in other switches?
The most common design principle for molecular switches is the bistable switch that relies on a nonlinear activation (for example through cooperativity) with a linear deactivation. Such a design allows the switch between low and high levels. In our case, there is no need for a non-linearity since the core mechanism is a competition for the same binding site on active RhoA of the activator and the effectors. Thus, the design principle would be closer to the notion of a minimal “paradoxical component” (PMID: 23352242) that both activate and limit signal propagation, which in our case can be thought as a self-limiting mechanism to prevent uncontrolled RhoA activation by the positive feedback. Yet, as we show in our work, this core mechanism is not enough for the phenotypic switch to happen since the dual activation of RhoA and Cdc42 is ultimately required for the protrusion phenotype to take over the retracting one. Given the particularity of the switch we observed here, we do not feel comfortable to speculate on any general design principles in the main text, but we thank reviewer #1 for his/her suggestion.
- Supplementary figures - there is a discrepancy between the figures called in the text and the supplementary files, which only include SF1-4.
We apologize for this error and we made the correction.
- In the text, the authors use Supp Figure 7 to show that the phenotype could not be switched by varying the fold increase of recruitment through changing the intensity/duration of the light pulse. Aside from providing the figure, could you give an explanation or speculation of why? Does the model give any prediction as to why this could be difficult to achieve experimentally (is the range of experimentally feasible fold change of 1.1-3 too small? Also, could you clarify why the range is different than the 3 to 10-fold mentioned at the beginning of the results section?
We thank the reviewer for this question, and this difference between frequency and intensity can be indeed understood in a simple manner through the model.
All the reactions in our model were modeled as linear reactions. Thus, at any timepoint, changing the intensity of the pulse will only change proportionally the amount of the different components (amount of active RhoA, amount of sequestered RhoA, and amount of active Cdc42). This explains why we cannot change the balance between RhoA activity and Cdc42 activity only through the pulse strength. We observed the same experimentally: when we changed the intensity of the pulses, the phenotype would be smaller/stronger, but would never switch, supporting our hypothesis on the linearity of all biochemical reactions.
On the contrary, changing the frequency has an effect, for a simple reason: the dynamics of RhoA and Cdc42 activation are not the same as the dynamics of inhibition of RhoA by the PH domain (see
Figure 4). The inhibition of RhoA by the PH is almost instantaneous while the activation of RhoGTPases has a delay (sets by the deactivation parameter k_2). Intuitively, increasing the frequency will lead to sustained inhibition of RhoA, promoting the protrusion phenotype. Decreasing the frequency – with a stronger pulse to keep the same amount of recruited PRG – restricts this inhibition of RhoA to the first seconds following the activation. The delayed activation of RhoA will then take over.
We added two sentences in the manuscript to explain in greater details the difference between intensity and frequency.
Regarding the difference between the 1.3-3 fold and the 3 to 10 fold, the explanation is the following: the 3 to 10 fold referred to the cumulative amount of proteins being recruited after multiple activations (steady state amount reached after 5 minutes with one activation every 30s); while the 1.3-3 fold is what can be obtained after only one single pulse of activation.
- The transient expression achieves a large range of concentration levels which is a strength in this case. To solve the experimental difficulties associated with this, i.e. finding transfected cells at low cell density, the authors developed a software solution (Cell finder). Since this approach will be of interest for a wide range of applications, I think it would deserve a mention in the discussion part.
We thank the reviewer for his/her interest in this small software solution.
We developed the description of the tool in the Method section. The Cell finder is also available with comments on github (https://github.com/jdeseze/cellfinder) and usable for anyone using Metamorph or Micromanager imaging software.
- Can the authors describe what they mean with "cell state"? It is used multiple times in the manuscript and can be interpreted as various things.
We now explain what we mean by ‘cell state’ in the main text :
“protein basal activities and/or concentrations - which we called the cell state”
- “(from 0% to 45%, Figure 2D)", maybe add here: "compare also with Fig. 2A".
We completed the sentence as suggested, which clarifies the data for the readers.
- The sentence "Given that the phenotype switch appeared to be controlled by the amount of overexpressed optoPRG, we hypothesized that the corresponding leakiness of activity could influence the cell state prior to any activation." might be hard to understand for readers unfamiliar with optogenetic systems. I suggest adding a short sentence explaining dark-state activity/leakiness before putting the hypothesis forward.
We changed this whole beginning of the paragraph to clarify.
- Figure 2E and SF2A. I would suggest swapping these two panels as the quantification of the membrane displacement before activation seems more relevant in this context.
We thank reviewer #1 for this suggestion and we agree with it (we swapped the two panels)
- Fig. 2B is missing the white frames in the mixed panels.
We are sorry for this mistake, we changed it in the new version.
- In the text describing the experiment of Fig. 4G, it would again be helpful to define what the authors mean by cell state, or to state the expected outcome for both hypotheses before revealing the result.
We added precisions above on what we meant by cell state, which is the basal protein activities and/or concentrations prior to optogenetic activation. We added the expectation as follow:
To discriminate between these two hypotheses, we overexpressed the DH-PH domain alone in another fluorescent channel (iRFP) and recruited the mutated PH at the membrane. “If the binding to RhoA-GTP was only required to change the cell state, we would expect the same statistics than in Figure 2D, with a majority of protruding cells due to DH-PH overexpression. On the contrary, we observed a large majority of retracting phenotype even in highly expressing cells (Figure 4G), showing that the PH binding to RhoA-GTP during recruitment is a key component of the protruding phenotype.”
- Figure 4H,I: "of cells that overexpress PRG, where we only recruit the PH domain" doesn't match with the figure caption. Are these two constructs in the same cell? If not please clarify the main text.
We agree that it was not clear. Both constructs are in the same cell, and we changed the figure caption accordingly.
- "since RhoA dominates Cdc42" is this concluded from experiments (if yes, please refer to the figure) or is this known from the literature (if yes, please cite).
The assumption that RhoA dominates Cdc42 comes from the fact that we see retraction at low PRG concentration. We assumed that RhoA is responsible for the retraction phenotype. Our assumption is based on the literature (Burridge 2004 as an example of a review, confirmed by many experiments, such as the direct recruitment of RhoA to the membrane, see Berlew 2021) and is supported by our observations of immediate increase of RhoA activity at low PRG. We modified the text to clarify it is an assumption.
- Fig. 6G o left: is not intuitive, why are the number of molecules different to start with?
The number of molecules is different because they represent the active molecules: increasing the amount of PRG increases the amount of active RhoA and active Cdc42. We updated the figure to clarify this point.
o right: the y-axis label says "phenotype", maybe change it to "activity" or add a second y-axis on the right with "phenotype"?
We updated the figure following reviewer #1 suggestion.
- Discussion: "or a retraction in the same region" sounds like in the same cell. Perhaps rephrase to state retraction in a similar region?
Sorry for the confusion, we change it to be really clear: “a protrusion in the activation region when highly expressed, or a retraction in the activation region when expressed at low concentrations.”
- "between 3 and 10 fold" without s.
- Fig. 1H, y-axis label.
- "whose spectrum overlaps" with s.
- "it first decays, and then rises" with s.
- Fig 4B and Fig 6B. Is the time in sec or min? (Maybe double-check all figures).
- "This result suggests that one could switch the phenotype in a single cell by selecting it for an intermediate expression level of the optoPRG.".
- "GEF-H1 PH domain has almost the same inhibition ability as PRG PH domain".
We corrected all these mistakes and thank the reviewer for his careful reading of the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
Likewise, the model assumes that at high PRG GEF expression, the "reaction is happening far from saturation ..." and that "GTPases activated with strong stimuli -giving rise to strong phenotypic changes- lead to only 5% of the proteins in a GTP-state, both for RhoA and Cdc42". Given the high levels of expression (the absolute value of which is not known) this assumption is not necessarily safe to assume. The shift to Cdc42 could indeed result from the quantitative conversion of RhoA into its active state.
We agree with the reviewer that the hypothesis that RhoA is fully converted into its active state cannot be completely ruled out. However, we think that the two following points can justify our choice.
- First, we see that even in the protruding phenotype, RhoA activity is increasing upon optoPRG recruitment (Figure 3). This means that RhoA is not completely turned into its active GTP-loaded state. The biosensor intensity is rising by a factor 1.5 after 5 minutes (and continue to increase, even if not shown here). For sure, it could be explained by the relocation of RhoA to the place of activation, but it still shows that cells with high PRG expression are not completely saturated in RhoA-GTP.
- We agree that linearity (no saturation) is still an hypothesis and very difficult to rule out, because it is not only a question of absolute concentrations of GEFs and RhoA, but also a question of their reaction kinetics, which are unknow parameters in vivo. Yet, adding a saturation parameter would mean adding 3 unknown parameters (absolute concentrations of RhoA, as well as two reaction constants). The fact that there are not needed to fit the complex curves of RhoA as we do with only one parameter tends to show that the minimal ingredients representing the interaction are captured here.
The observed "inhibition of RhoA by the PH domain of the GEF at high concentrations" could result from the ability of the probe to, upon membrane recruitment, bind to active RhoA (via its PH domain) thereby outcompeting the RhoA biosensor (Figure 4A-C). This reaction is explicitly stated in the supplemental materials ("PH domain binding to RhoA-GTP is required for protruding phenotype but not sufficient, and it is acting as an inhibitor of RhoA activity."), but should be more explicit in the main text. Indeed, even when PRG DHPH is expressed at high concentrations, it does activate RhoA upon recruitment (figure 3GH). Not only might overexpression of this active RhoA-binding probe inhibit the cortical recruitment of the RhoA biosensor, but it may also inhibit the ability of active RhoA to activate its downstream effectors, such as ROCK, which could explain the decrease in myosin accumulation (figure 3D-F). It is not clear that there is a way to clearly rule this out, but it may impact the interpretation.
This hypothesis is actually what we claim in the manuscript. We think that the inhibition of RhoA by the PH domain is explained by its direct binding. We may have missed what Reviewer #2 wanted to say, but we think that we state it explicitly in the main text :
“Knowing that the PH domain of PRG triggers a positive feedback loop thanks to its binding to active RhoA 18, we hypothesized that this binding could sequester active RhoA at high optoPRG levels, thus being responsible for its inhibition.”
And also in the Discussion:
“However, this feedback loop can turn into a negative one for high levels of GEF: the direct interaction between the PH domain and RhoA-GTP prevents RhoA-GTP binding to effectors through a competition for the same binding site.”
We may have not been clear, but we think that this is what is happening: the PH domain prevents the binding to effectors and decreases RhoA activity (as was shown in Chen et al. 2010).
The X-axis in Figure 4C time is in seconds not minutes. The Y-axis in Figure 4H is unlabeled.
We are sorry for the mistake of Figure 4C. We changed the Y-axis in the Figure 4h.
Although this publication cites some of the relevant prior literature, it fails to cite some particularly relevant works. For example, the authors state, "The LARG DH domain was already used with the iLid system" and refers to a 2018 paper (ref 19), whereas that domain was first used in 2016 (PMID 27298323). Indeed, the authors used the plasmid from this 2016 paper to build their construct.
We thank the reviewer for pointing out this error, we have corrected the citation and put the seminal one in the revised version.
An analogous situation pertains to previous work that showed that an optogenetic probe containing the DH and PH domains in RhoGEF2 is somewhat toxic in vivo (table 6; PMID 33200987). Furthermore, it has previously been shown that mutation of the equivalent of F1044A and I1046E eliminates this toxicity (table 6; PMID 33200987) in vivo. This is particularly important because the Rho probe expressing RhoGEF2-DHPH is in widespread usage (76 citations in PubMed). The ability of this probe to activate Cdc42 may explain some of the phenotypic differences described resulting from the recruitment of RhoGEF2-DHPH and LARG-DH in a developmental context (PMID 29915285, 33200987).
We thank reviewer #2 for these comments, and added a small section in the discussion, for optogenetic users:
This underlines the attention that needs to be paid to the choice of specific GEF domains when using optogenetic tools. Tools using DH-PH domains of PRG have been widely used, both in mammalian cells and in Drosophila (with the orthologous gene RhoGEF2), and have been shown to be toxic in some contexts in vivo 28. Our study confirms the complex behavior of this domain which cannot be reduced to a simple RhoA activator.
Concerning the experiment shown in 4D, it would be informative to repeat this experiment in which a non-recruitable DH-PH domain of PRG is overexpressed at high levels and the DH domain of LARG is recruited. This would enable the authors to distinguish whether the protrusion response is entirely dependent on the cell state prior to activation or the combination of the cell state prior to activation and the ability of PRG DHPH to also activate Cdc42.
We thank the reviewer for his suggestion. Yet, we think that we have enough direct evidence that the protruding phenotype is due to both the cell state prior to activation and the ability of PRG DHPH to also activate Cdc42. First, we see a direct increase in Cdc42 activity following optoPRG recruitment (see Figure 6). This increase is sustained in the protruding phenotype and precedes Rac1 and RhoA activity, which shows that it is the first of these three GTPases to be activated. Moreover, we showed that inhibition of PAK by the very specific drug IPA3 is completely abolishing only the protruding phenotype, which shows that PAK, a direct effector of Cdc42 and Rac1, is required for the protruding phenotype to happen. We know also that the cell state prior to activation is defining the phenotype, thanks to the data presented in Figure 2.
We further showed in Figure 1 that LARG DH-PH domain was not able to promote protrusion. The proposed experiment would be interesting to confirm that LARG does not have the ability to activate another GTPase, even in a different cell state with overexpressed PRG. However, we are not sure it would bring any substantial findings to understand the mechanism we describe here, given the facts provided above.
Similarly, as PRG activates both Cdc42 and Rho at high levels, it would be important to determine the extent to which the acute Rho activation contributes to the observed phenotype (e.g. with Rho kinase inhibitor).
We agree with the reviewer that it would be interesting to know whether RhoA activation contributes to the observed phenotype, and we have tried such experiments.
For Rho kinase inhibitor, we tried with Y-27632 and we could never prevent the protruding phenotype to happen. However, we could not completely abolish the retracting phenotype either (even when the effect on the cells was quite strong and visible), which could be due to other effectors compensating for this inhibition. As RhoA has many other effectors, it does not tell us that RhoA is not required for protrusion.
We also tried with C3, which is a direct inhibitor of RhoA. However, it had too much impact on the basal state of the cells, making it impossible to recruit (cells were becoming round and clearly dying. As both the basal state and optogenetic activation require the activation of RhoA, it is hard to conclude out of experiments where no cell is responding.
The ability of PRG to activate Cdc42 in vivo is striking given the strong preference for RhoA over Cdc42 in vitro (2400X) (PMID 23255595). Is it possible that at these high expression levels, much of the RhoA in the cell is already activated, so that the sole effect that recruited PRG can induce is activation of Cdc42? This is related to the previous point pertaining to absolute expression levels.
As discussed before, we think that it is not only a question of absolute expression levels, but also of the affinities between the different partners. But Reviewer #2 is right, there is a competition between the activation of RhoA and Cdc42 by optoPRG, and activation of Cdc42 probably happens at higher concentration because of smaller effective affinity.
Still, we know that activation of the Cdc42 by PRG DH-PH domain is possible in vivo, as it was very clearly shown in Castillo-Kauil et al., 2020 (PMID 33023908). They show that this activation requires the linker between DH and PH domain of PRG, as well as Gαs activation, which requires a change in PRG DH-PH conformation. This conformational switch does not happen in vitro, which might explain why the affinity against Cdc42 was found to be very low.
Minor points
In both the abstract and the introduction the authors state, "we show that a single protein can trigger either protrusion or retraction when recruited to the plasma membrane, polarizing the cell in two opposite directions." However, the cells do not polarize in opposite directions, ie the cells that retract do not protrude in the direction opposite the retraction (or at least that is not shown). Rather a single protein can trigger either protrusion or retraction when recruited to the plasma membrane, depending upon expression levels.
We thank the reviewer for this remark, and we agree that we had not shown any data supporting a change in polarization. We solved this issue, by showing now in Supplementary Figure 1 the change in areas in both the activated and in the not activated region. The data clearly show that when a protrusion is happening, the cell retracts in the non-activated region. On the other hand, when the cell retracts, a protrusion happens in the other part of the cell, while the total area is staying approximately constant.
We added the following sentence to describe our new figure:
Quantification of the changes in membrane area in both the activated and non-activated part of the cell (Supp Figure 1B-C) reveals that the whole cell is moving, polarizing in one direction or the other upon optogenetic activation.
While the authors provide extensive quantitative data in this manuscript and quantify the relative differences in expression levels that result in the different phenotypes, it would be helpful to quantify the absolute levels of expression of these GEFs relative to e.g. an endogenously expressed GEF.
We agree with the reviewer comment, and we also wanted to have an idea of the absolute level of expression of GEFs present in these cells to be able to relate fluorescent intensities with absolute concentrations. We tried different methods, especially with the purified fluorescent protein, but having exact numbers is a hard task.
We ended up quantifying the amount of fluorescent protein within a stable cell line thanks to ELISA and comparing it with the mean fluorescence seen under the microscope.
We estimated that the switch concentration was around 200nM, which is 8 times more than the mean endogenous concentration according to https://opencell.czbiohub.org/, but should be reachable locally in wild type cell, or globally in mutated cancer cells.
Given the numerical data (mostly) in hand, it would be interesting to determine whether RhoGEF2 levels, cell area, the pattern of actin assembly, or some other property is most predictive of the response to PRG DHPH recruitment.
We think that the manuscript made it clear that the concentration of PRG DHPH is almost 100% predictive of the response to PRG DHPH. We believe that other phenotypes such as the cell area or the pattern of actin assembly would only be consequences of this. Interestingly, as experimentators we were absolutely not able to predict the behavior by only seeing the shape of the cell, event after hundreds of activation experiments, and we tried to find characteristics that would distinguish both populations with the data in our hands and could not find any.
There is some room for general improvement/editing of the text.
We tried our best to improve the text, following reviewers suggestions.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Bai et al concerns the expression of Scleraxis (Scx) by muscle satellite cells (SCs) and the role of that gene in regenerative myogenesis. The authors report the expression of this gene associated with tendon development in satellite cells. Genetic deletion of Scx in SCs impairs muscle regeneration, and the authors provide evidence that SCs deficient in Scx are impaired in terms of population growth and cellular differentiation. Overall, this report provides evidence of the role of this gene, unexpectedly, in SC function and adult regenerative myogenesis.
We appreciate the comments and thank her/him for the support.
There are a few minor points of concern.
(1) From the data in Figure 1, it appears that all of the SCs, assessed both in vitro and in vivo, express Scx. The authors refer to a scRNA-seq dataset from their lab and one report from mdx mouse muscle that also reveals this unexpected gene expression pattern. Has this been observed in many other scRNA-seq datasets? If not, it would be important to discuss potential explanations as to why this has not been reported previously.
Thanks for this question regarding data in Fig.1. We did initially use immunofluorescence staining of Pax7 and GFP on muscle sections and primary myoblast cultures prepared from Tg-ScxGFP mice to conclude that Scx was expressed in satellite cells (SCs). In addition to the cited mdx RNA-seq data, we have included a re-analysis of a published scRNA-seq data set in Fig.2E (Dell'Orso et al., Development, 2019), and our own scRNA-seq data (Fig.S5D, F). We have now re-examined an additional scRNA-seq data set of TA muscles at various regeneration time points (De Micheli et al., Cell Rep. 2020), in which Scx expression was detected in MuSC progenitors and mature muscle cells. We have added the De Micheli et al. reference and the re-analysis of that scRNA-seq data set for Scx expression as an additional panel in Fig. 2E, with accompanying text (p. 7, ln. 4-6). Thus, our immunostaining results are consistent with scRNA-seq data from our and two other independent scRNA-seq data sets.
We think that Scx expression in the adult myogenic lineage was not previously reported mainly because its expression level was low, and might be dismissed as spurious detection. Additionally, detecting such low expression levels requires sophisticated detection methods with high capture efficiency. Previous studies have noted limitations in transcript capture or transcription factor dropout in 10x Genomics-based datasets (Lambert et al., Cell, 2018; Pokhilko et al., Genome Res., 2021). The most likely and straightforward reason is that Scx was simply not a focus in prior studies amid so many other genes of interest. We have now added this last explanation in the text (p.7, ln. 8-9), following the re-analyses of Scx expression in published scRNA-seq data sets.
(2) A major point of the paper, as illustrated in Fig. 3, is that Scx-neg SCs fail to produce normal myofibers and renewed SCs following injury/regeneration. They mention in the text that there was no increased PCD by Caspase staining at 5 DPI. A failure of cell survival during the process of SC activation, proliferation, and cell fate determination (differentiation versus self-renewal) would explain most of the in vivo data. As such, this conclusion would seem to warrant a more detailed analysis in terms of at least one or two other time points and an independent method for detecting dead/dying cells (the in vitro data in Fig. 4F is also based on an assessment of activated Caspase to assess cell death). The in vitro data presented later in Fig. S4G, H do suggest an increase in cell loss during proliferative expansion of Scx-neg SCs. To what extent does cell loss (by whatever mechanism of cell death) explain both the in vivo findings of impaired regeneration and even the in vitro studies showing slower population expansion in the absence of Scx?
We appreciate these constructive suggestions. Based on the number of available control and cKO animals, we were limited to one additional time point at 3 dpi to assess PCD by TUNEL in vivo. We were disappointed again to find no appreciable levels of PCD at 3 dpi by TUNEL (new Fig.S4I), thus no quantifications were included. We also re-did the in vitro experiment using purified SCs and monitored PCD by staining for cleaved Caspase-3 using a validated tube of antibodies (positive staining after 6 h of treatment by 1 mM staurosporine of control and ScxcKO cells; included as new Fig. S4J and legend). We were pleased to find an increase of cleaved Caspase3 stained cells, i.e. PCD, of Scx-cKO SCs at day 4 in culture, compared to that of the control. We have now replaced the old Fig. 4F with new Fig.4F and 4G to document PCD. We also provided new text/legend for these new data (p.10. ln. 2-10; new legend for Fig. 4F and 4G).
(3) I'm not sure I understand the description of the data or the conclusions in the section titled "Basement membrane-myofiber interaction in control and Scx cKO mice". Is there something specific to the regeneration from Scx-neg myogenic progenitors, or would these findings be expected in any experimental condition in which myogenesis was significantly delayed, with much smaller fibers in the experimental group at 5 DPI?
We very much appreciate this comment. We agree that there is unlikely anything specific about the regeneration from Scx-negative myogenic progenitors. Unfilled or empty ghost fibers (basement membrane remnant) are expected due to small fiber and poor regeneration in the ScxcKO mice at 5 dpi. We have removed the subtitle and changed the content to an expected consequence rather than something special (p. 8, ln. 19-22).
(4) The data presented in Fig. 4B showing differences in the purity of SC populations isolated by FACS depending on the reporter used are interesting and important for the field. The authors offer the explanation of exosomal transfer of Tdt from SCs to non-SCs. The data are consistent with this explanation, but no data are presented to support this. Are there any other explanations that the authors have considered and that could be readily tested?
Thanks for highlighting this phenomenon. We struggled with the SC purity issue for a long time. The project started with using the R26RtdT reporter for tdT’s paraformaldehyde resistant strong fluorescence (fixation) to aid visualization in vivo. Later, when we used the tdT signal to purify SCs by FACS, we found that only 80% sorted tdT+ cells are Pax7+. We then switched to the R26RYFP reporter, from which we achieved much higher purity (95%) of SCs (Pax7+) by FACS. As such, we also repeated and confirmed many in vivo experimental results using the R26RYFP reporter (included in the manuscript). Due to the low purity of tdT+SCs by FACS, we discontinued that mouse colony after we confirmed the superior utility of the R26RYFP reporter for SC isolation.
We sincerely apologize for not being able to conduct further testable experiments on this intriguing phenomenon. However, this issue has since been addressed and published by Murach et al., iScience, (2021). Like our experience, they found non-satellite mononuclear cells with tdT fluorescence after TMX treatment when SCs were isolated via FACS. To determine this was not due to off-target recombination or a technical artifact from tissue processing, they conducted extensive analyses. They found that the tdT+ mononuclear cells included fibrogenic cells (fibroblasts and FAPs), immune cells/macrophages, and endothelial cells. Additionally, they confirmed the significant potential of extracellular vesicle (EV)-mediated cargo transfer, which facilitates the transfer of full-length tdT transcript from lineage-marked Pax7+ cells to those mononuclear cells. We have modified the text to emphasize and acknowledge their contribution to this important point, and explained the difference between YFP and tdT reporter alleles in more detail (p.9, ln. 11-17).
(5) The Cut&Run data of Fig. 6 certainly provide evidence of direct Scx targets, especially since the authors used a novel knock-in strain for analyses. The enrichment of E-box motifs provides support for the 207 intersecting genes (scRNA-seq and Cut&Run) being direct targets. However, the rationale elaborated in the final paragraph of the Results section proposing how 4 of these genes account for the phenotypes on the Scx-neg cells and tissues is just speculation, however reasonable. These are not data, and these considerations would be more appropriate in the Discussion in the absence of any validation studies.
We agree with this comment and have moved speculations into the Discussion (p. 15, ln. 4-15, and from p. 18, ln. 4 to p. 19, ln. 4).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Scx is a well-established marker for tenocytes, but the expression in myogenic-lineage cells was unexplored. In this study, the authors performed lineage-trace and scRNA-seq analyses and demonstrated that Scx is expressed in activated SCs. Further, the authors showed that Scx is essential for muscle regeneration using conditional KO mice and identified the target genes of Scx in myogenic cells, which differ from those of tendons.
Sometimes, lineage-trace experiments cause mis-expression and do not reflect the endogenous expression of the target gene. In this study, the authors carefully analyzed the unexpected expression of Scx in myogenic cells using some mouse lines and scRNA-seq data.
We appreciate the comments and thank her/him for noting the strengths of our manuscript.
Scx protein expression has not been verified.
We are aware of this weakness. We had previously used Western blotting (WB) using cultured SCs from control and ScxcKO mice, but did not detect endogenous Scx protein even in the control. In response to this comment, we have re-done several WB experiments using new lysates from control and ScxcKO SCs and two commercial antibodies: anti-Scx antibody 1 from Abcam (ab58655) and anti-Scx antibody 2 from Invitrogen (PA5-23943). These antibodies have been reported to detect endogenous Scx protein in tendon cells in Spang et al., BMC Musculoskelet Disord (2016) and Bochon et al., Int J Stem Cells (2021). Despite our best efforts, we were not able to detect a reliable Scx band. We have also conducted immunofluorescence using these two antibodies. Still, we failed to detect a difference of staining signals between control and cKO SCs using these antibodies. Lastly, we conducted immunofluorescence using the ScxTy1 myoblasts and we did not find the staining signal coinciding with the Ty1 signal (by double staining). We have been very frustrated by not knowing what caused this technical difficulty in our hands. Given that these were negative data, we did not include them. However, we do hope that the combined data from scRNA-seq, ScxCreERT2 lineage-tracing, Tg-ScxGFP expression, and ScxTy1 knock-in together are deemed sufficient to make up for the deficiency of data for endogenous Scx protein in regenerative myogenic cells.
Response to Recommendations for the Authors:
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
p. 8: The text refers to Fig. 3I, but this should be Fig. 3H.
We apologize for the confusion. Please note that by keeping all 14 dpi data in the same row, we placed Fig.3I at an unconventional/unexpected position, i.e., next to 3D &3E, and above 3F-H. We were aware that this unconventional placement could cause confusion, and it did. With that said, we have now re-arranged the subfigures (same data content) so that the updated Fig.3 contains subfigures in the expected and proper spatial order. We double-checked the figure referral in the text (p. 8, ln. 16-17) and the text is correct – just that the original Fig.3I should have been at the original Fig.3H position and that is now corrected.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Given that Scx binds to the E-box and regulates gene expression, it is of interest to know the relevance between MyoD and Scx. If possible, the reviewer recommends to include some discussions.
Thanks for the comment. MyoD1 is a well-known transcript factor regulating myogenesis, whereas Scx is primarily studied in tenocytes and other connective tissues. We agree that our new findings deserve a discussion regarding the relevance between MyoD1 and Scx. We have added a description of their differences in the discussion and two new references (p.19, ln. 7-17).
(2) Considering that Scx is a transcriptional factor, it is interesting that Scx-GFP was not detected in the nuclei of regenerated myofibers. Could the subcellular localization of Scx-GFP provide some insights into the function of Scx as a transcription factor during muscle regeneration?
Tg-ScxGFP is a transgenic line generated by random insertion into the genome (Pryce et al., 2007; cited). The plasmid used for transgenesis was constructed by replacing most of Scx’s first exon with GFP, and including ~ 9Kb flanking regulatory sequences. As such, the ScxGFP is not a fusion gene, but rather that the GFP expression is regulated by Scx promoter and enhancer(s). This GFP reporter lacks a nuclear localization signal (NLS), hence it is mainly detected in the cytoplasm; some nuclear signal is detected, presumably due to GFP’s small size permitting passive diffusion into the nucleus. Thus, the GFP signal is used as a reporter for Scx expression, but GFP subcellular localization does not provide insight into Scx function per se. Conversely, ScxTy1/Ty1 is a knock-in allele created by fusing a triple-Ty1 tag (3XTy1) to the C-terminus of Scx, and we observed that Ty1 is located in the nucleus by the immunofluorescent staining. We used the Ty1 epitope to carry out CUT&RUN experiments to gain insight to the function of Scx as a transcription factor.
(3) Fig1D The number of arrows in the Merge image is not matched with others. In addition, the star mark in the Pax7 image is likely an error.
Apologies. We have now corrected these errors in the revised Fig.1D.
(4) FigS1A Is there only one myofiber shown in the dashed line in this image? It is unclear why only this myofiber is surrounded by the dashed line.
The dashed line encircles a single fiber because it was not visible in the provided image. However, there are 3 fibers in this image. Because we did not immuno-stain for myofibers here, we circled one fiber for illustration. For clarity, we brightened the background (of the entire original images) so the background signals from myofiber boundaries are discernable without outlines.
(5) FigS1B There was no overlapped DAPI staining in the Myogenin+ cell. DAPI-staining should be present in Myogenin+ cells because myogenin is located in the nucleus.
Fig.S1B is immuno-staining for MyoD , and we marked one MyoD+DAPI+GFP+ cell/nucleus. Fig.S1C is immune-staining for Myogenin, and we also marked one (cell/nucleus) that is triple positive.
(6) The position of the asterisk for the ScxGFP in FigS1D is misaligned. In addition, the position is not matched with Fig1C. Because all myofibers are Scx-positive, it is strange that only one myofiber has an asterisk. The reviewer suggests removing the mark.
Thank you for pointing out these errors. We have now corrected the misalignment and removed the unnecessary asterisk.
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ove loving so much after that.
paradox. Love is more profound than hate
I delight in detesting.
love vs. hate juxtaposition
I hate broccoli, chain saws, patchouli, bra- clasps that draw dents in your back, roadblocks, men in black kneesocks, sandals and shorts
this list personalizes hatred to the speaker
with a powdered wig, pinched lips, mole:
think of the shrink
connects back to Mozart
heart, throat
bliss in this, rapture
juxtaposition between "hate" and "pleasure"
Hate him with that healthy
Alliteration of "H"
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Reply to the reviewers
Response to Reviewers
We thank all three reviewers for their time and engagement, for their generally supportive comments, and for raising some important concerns. We are pleased to submit a significantly revised manuscript where we tried to accommodate all suggested changes and extensions. Importantly, we have included additional experiments that support the relevance of FACT for the overall stability of the inner kinetochore. Below is a detailed point-to-point response. Changes to the manuscript relative to the original submission have been highlighted at the end of this response.
__Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __
Summary: The authors investigated molecular interactions between CCAN and FACT complexes. They revealed contact domains in FACT and the cognate subcomplexes of CCAN by in vitro reconstitution from recombinant proteins followed by SEC and pull-down assay.
They also revealed a couple of potential means to control interactions between FACT and the CCAN. They conclude that phosphorylation of FACT by CK2 is essential for binding to the CCAN; and CENP-A nucleosomes or DNA prevent CCAN from interacting with FACT.
Major comments:
The authors show that phosphorylation of FACT is essential for interaction with CCAN.
They argue that this phosphorylation is partly catalysed by CK2.
My concerns are:
-1- The authors assume that the sites phosphorylated in insect cell are also phosphorylated in human cells. However, it is not demonstrated which residues are phosphorylated in human cells and whether they match those from insect cells. Whether phosphorylation of recombinant proteins in insect cells is physiologically relevant to mammalian is uncertain. Kinetochore components are not very well conserved evolutionarily, thus their regulation may be different.
We thank the reviewer for these remarks, which we answer together with point 2 below.
-2- They identify several residues which are phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro. However, these are not necessarily the same sites as those phosphorylated in insect cells or more importantly in human cells. The in vitro phosphorylation by CK2 did not restore binding affinity in full, suggesting phosphorylation at other sites may be critical for interaction with CCAN. Further evidence is required to support the claim that those sites are phosphorylated in vivo and important for integrity of kinetochores in mitosis.
Our analysis of FACT phosphorylation represents a relatively small part of a very data-rich paper, and was not meant to be exhaustive. Nonetheless, the reviewer's comments are important and well received. We agree that we have no definitive evidence that the same sites are phosphorylated in insect cells, in vitro, and in human cells. However, it is quite remarkable, and supports specificity, that the interaction with FACT, lost after dephosphorylation in vitro, is restored with CK2 and not with three additional mitotic kinases (CDK1, Aurora B, and PLK1 - Figure S8D). We also note that S437, S444 and S667 of SSRP1, which were phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro, were also detected as phosphorylated sites on recombinant FACT purified from insect cells (Table S1). So collectively, while we agree with the reviewer that the analysis of FACT phosphorylation is not complete, it does significantly add to the manuscript and more generally to the FACT field.
Minor comments:
Figure 1H
I am confused with 4 stars shown at the top of the right plot. If the 4 stars are meant to show a significant difference, then the statement in the text (line 123) is not correct.
"SSRP1 localization was also largely unaffected ..."
Similar discrepancies are found in Figures 3H (line 212), Figures S2 (line 122), S5I (line 197), and S6I (line209). Figure S6H is not referred to anywhere.
There is no description for the numbers at the top. Are they mean values? Do red bars represent S.D.?
We thank the reviewer for these comments. In this revised version of the manuscript, we have substantially improved the quantification and statistical analysis. The main problem with the previous automated analysis is that the non-circular shape of the CREST-staining led to inconsistencies with the statistical analysis and the statement. In contrast, the same analysis works well when the CENP-C signal was used for KT identification (e.g. in Figure 3), as CENP-C staining yields well separated circular signals ideally suited for our automated identification of individual KTs and subsequent retrieval of fluorescence intensities. We have therefore modified our analysis macro for all experiments where CREST was used as a reference. We used Othsu-thresholding of the DAPI signal for generating a segmentation mask per each cell. Then, integrated cell intensities were calculated for each fluorescence channel based on the DAPI reference mask. With these adjustments, the statistical analyses (Figures 1, S2, S3) support the claim presented. We have updated the Methods and Results sections to reflect the revised analysis.
The numbers on top of the graphs are median values, bars represent interquartile ranges. We have now included the description in figure legends.
We appreciate your feedback, which prompted us to clarify and enhance the rigor of our approach.
We are now referring to Fig. S6H in the text.
Figure 1D
There is no description of R* to the right of gels.
We have added a description of R* to the relevant figure legend.
Figure S2
A 4 hour nocodazole treatment is too short to drive all cells into mitosis. Is the data taken from mitotic cells only?
Yes, the data are taken only from the mitotic population. We have now clarified this in the figure legend.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The interaction of FACT with kinetochore components has been known for several years. However how FACT contributes to architecture or function of kinetochore is not very well understood. How the FACT complex, which is known for its established role as a histone chaperone, is involved in kinetochore assembly/architecture will attract interest in several fields of basic research including epigenetics, mitosis, structural biology.
We are grateful to the reviewer for this supportive statement that recognizes the broad potential interest of the manuscript.
Identification of CCAN subunits that interact with FACT is important for future analysis to understand the kinetochore function of FACT. The authors identified OPQRU and CHIKM subcomplex in addition to TW as FACT-interacting domains. These subcomplexes are geographically scattered in a 3D model of CCAN holocomplex. Stoichiometry of CCAN and FACT might be informative whether a single or multiple FACT binds to the multiple sites of CCAN. The authors do not address whether these multiple sites are occupied simultaneously, separately or sequentially.
We thank the reviewer for raising this point. As mentioned in the discussion, we have not yet been able to perform a structural analysis of the FACT/CCAN complex to determine its stoichiometry. However, we have now added a newexperiment (Figure S1B,C) where we quantified in-gel tryptophan fluorescence after analytical size-exclusion chromatography. This strongly suggests that FACT and CCAN form a complex with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Nevertheless, we cannot comment on which sites are occupied.
The statement at the end of Abstract (lines 23-25) is a speculative hypothesis without evidence for "a pool of CCAN that is not stably integrated into chromatin", "chaperoning CCAN", and "stabilisation of CCAN".
We agree with the reviewer that this is speculative, and have therefore modified the Abstract to clearly indicate this point.
__Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __
FACT is a histone chaperone and is involved in various events on chromatin such as transcription and replication. In addition, FACT interacts with various kinetochore components, suggesting potential functions at the kinetochore. However, it is largely unclear how FACT functions in the kinetochore. Authors of this MS took the biochemical approach to understand roles of FACT in the kinetochore.
Authors demonstrated that FACT forms a complex with the constitutive centromere associated network (CCAN), which contains 16 subunits on centromeric chromatin, using multiple binding sites. They also showed that casein kinase II (CK2) phosphorylated FACT and dephosphorylated FACT did not bind to CCAN. Furthermore, they displayed that DNA addition disrupt the stable FACT-CCAN complex.
Overall, while authors have done solid and high-quality biochemical analyses (these are elegant), it is still unclear how FACT plays its roles in the kinetochore. Simple knockout or knockdown study on FACT might be complicated, because FACT has multi-functions. If authors can identify specific regions of FACT for interaction with CCAN, they would put specific mutations into FACT to analyze phenotype. Although they did not reach a high-resolution structure for the FACT-CCAN complex, they can utilize AlphaFold and test specific interaction regions, biochemically. Then, using such information, significance of FACT-CCAN interaction might be testable in cells. Such a kind of study would be expected. In summary, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.
We thank the reviewer for praising the biochemical work in our manuscript. The reviewer, however, also underscored the limits of our functional analysis. The reviewer proposes generating separation-of-function mutants in a minimal kinetochore-binding region. Indeed, we have identified the minimal domain for the interaction of FACT with kinetochores. However, this information is insufficient for a reliable functional analysis at this stage, as the region we identified encompasses the AIDs and the phosphorylation-rich region, both of which have been previously shown to be important for transcription and other functions. Furthermore, any suitable mutant should be tested in cells devoid of endogenous FACT, raising the concern that the resulting phenotype may be indirect.
Nonetheless, as we wanted to provide at least an initial answer to the reviewer's concern, we enriched the manuscript by adding experiments in a recently published cell line (K562-SSRP1-dTAG) where FACT levels can be controlled with a small molecule (Žumer et al. Mol Cell., 2024) and that the authors generously shared with us. In this line, which grows in suspension and that we had to adapt to grow on a substrate for imaging, we were able to deplete FACT while cells were arrested in mitosis. We are glad to report that we found a significant reduction in the kinetochore levels of CENP-TW after this treatment, which is consistent with other conclusions from our study. These experiments add an initial functional characterization of the interaction of FACT with kinetochores, and extend the significance of the manuscript. We refer to these results again below in response to specific point 5.
Specific point
Authors showed nice mitotic localization of FACT. Can they observe this localization by a usual IF? Using GFP fusion, do they observe kinetochore localization like IF experiments?
The localization of FACT was observed using pre-extraction and fixation followed by antibody staining. We have now added a panel demonstrating mitotic localization of GFP-SSRP1 at the kinetochore in transiently transfected RPE-1 cells (Fig. S2A).
On page 7, authors tested CENP-C binding to FACT and they conclude that C-teminal region of CENP-C preferentially binds to FACT. However, they used N-terminal region of CENP-C (2-545) for CCAN-FACT complex formation in entire MS. therefore, this is complicated, and story on CENP-C N-terminal region can be removed from this MS.
We were only able to purify full-length CENP-C with tags at the N- and C-terminus, including an MBP tag with a stabilizing effect. At the time of our first successful purification of full-length CENP-C, we had already established the solid phase assay using MBPFACT as a bait on amylose beads and CENP-C2-545HIKM as one of the preys. As we cannot obtain stable full-length CENP-C without MBP, this form of CENP-C is incompatible with our pull-down assay. Nevertheless, CENP-C2-545 still has low affinity for FACT, influencing the FACT/CCAN interaction independent of the PEST-rich region. We, therefore, opted for keeping this information in the manuscript.
On page 9, authors suddenly focus on N-terminal tails of CENP-Q and CENP-U. Why did they focus on this region. They should explain this. If they perform a structural prediction, they should describe this point.
Thanks for raising this point. We focused on the N-terminal tails of CENP-QU because they are known interaction hubs. We have now added a sentence to introduce this concept and citing the appropriate literature.
I agree the fact that FACT phosphorylation is required for FACT-CCAN interaction. They may explain how the phosphorylation contributes to stable FACT-CCAN interaction.
We have added a sentence explaining that FACT is known to mimic DNA, and negative charges due to phosphorylation could drive this effect. A more detailed mechanistic understanding will require identifying specific phosphorylation sites required for the interaction.
Readers really want to know phenotype, if FACT-CCAN interaction was compromised without disruption pf CCAN assembly in cells. Although I agree that FACT has some functions in the kinetochore, it is still unclear what FACT does in the kinetochore.
We wholeheartedly agree with the reviewer. As depletion of FACT by RNAi required 48 h, an unreasonably long time for this multifunctional protein. We therefore turned to engineering RPE-1 cells for rapid degradation of SSRP1. While these attempts were unsucessful, earlier this year, Žumer et al. Mol Cell., 2024 reported generating a K562-SSRP1-dTAG cell line growing in suspension. As already reported, this cell line now allowed to demonstrate a significant effect on the kinetochore stability of CENP-TW upon mitotic depletion of FACT.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
As mentioned above, biochemical parts are beautiful, but the paper did not address significance of FACT-CCAN interaction.
We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment. In this revision, we have obtained initial evidence that FACT contributes to kinetochore stability.
__Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __
Main findings:
The major findings of this paper are:
Detailed dissection of CCAN subunit interactions and requirements to bind the FACT complex using in vitro reconstituted components Binding of FACT and nucleosomes to CENP-C are mutually exclusive FACT phosphorylation by CK2 enhances interaction with CCAN FACT localization in mitosis depends on the CCAN CCAN binding to FACT is outcompeted by DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes The claims and conclusions of the paper are supported by the data and do not require additional experiments. All experiments include biological replicates and appropriate controls.
We are thankful to the reviewer for this very positive assessment of our work.
Minor comments
Intro: • Line 81: In humans [...], here it is worth mentioning that in Drosophila, FACT subunits have been shown to interact directly with the CENP-A assembly factor CAL1 (Ref 61). This paper is perfunctorily cited once in the context of its implication of FACT in CENP-A deposition, but it merits more consideration when setting up the foundational context for the present work.
We have extended the Introduction and discuss the specified paper more thoroughly.
Figure 1:
1F: Add insets.
1G and all other figures containing IFs: Avoid red/green color scheme (red-green colorblindness is fairly common, affecting about 8% of men).
1E: Please add a table summarizing interactions.
We have included this table as Fig. S1E.
Results: • It's fine to direct readers to previous work in which you reconstituted the CCAN, but the text should mention how proteins are exogenously expressed and purified (as done for FACT in line 247).
Line 113: FACT has been shown to localize to the mitotic kinetochore also in Drosophila (Ref 61).
We have included this information now.
Line 132: The authors should cite work from the Drosophila system as well when they mention centromere transcriptional activity in mitosis (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201404097; https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201611087; and Ref 61).
We have added these citations.
Figure 2F: The authors could use a line to mark the region interacting with FACT and that interacting with CENP-A to help summarize the data in this diagram.
Figure 4: Highlight constructs n.2 (FACT^TRUNC) since these are sufficient for interaction (e.g., use a box around them).
Line 276: "CCAN decodes CENP-A^NCP..." What do the authors mean by "decodes"? This whole sentence would benefit from clearer language.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have aimed for clearer language.
Figure 6: There's a lot of information in these experiments that would benefit from two schematics, one showing the mechanism of FACT + CCAN binding with DNA and one with CENP-A nucleosomes.
Discussion: The authors discuss FACT localization at kinetochores in mitosis. In Drosophila Schneider cells, FACT is observed enriched at the centromeres in both mitosis and interphase (Ref 61). The authors mention their inability to detect FACT in interphase in the discussion, but I did not find this mentioned in the results. The authors state that FACT "redistributes to the entire chromosome" upon entry into interphase. They cite Figure 1F in reference to this statement, but the staining in the early G1 panel is difficult to interpret with the low signal/noise scaling of CENP-C and the lack of zoom insets. Their protocol uses a pre-extraction step with Triton prior to fixation. Apparently, this was not enough to reveal FACT in interphase, but better images and a brief description are warranted.
We have now added a staining of SSRP1 in interphase in the panel.
It is unlikely that FACT would change its localization pattern in mitosis. A more likely possibility is that in mitosis FACT is not redistributed, but rather more tightly bound (and thus less easily extracted by Triton treatment) at kinetochores, while along the arms FACT is more readily removed by extraction because at this time transcription is repressed and FACT is likely less engaged in transcription-mediated histone destabilization.
We thank the reviewer for these remarks and have updated the Discussion.
Given the well-known function of FACT in transcription and the many studies linking transcription to centromere maintenance, including with the involvement of FACT, the model that "the localization of FACT at the kinetochore coincides with active centromeric transcription in mitosis and interphase" is very tempting. A speculative model would go a long way to help the reader visualize all these complex aspects of FACT's interactions and possible functions.
We agree with the reviewer that such a model is tempting. However, we also feel that it would be rather speculative at this stage and we feel that the manuscript does not provide sufficient data to support the model.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The strongest aspect of the study is the detailed characterization of protein-protein interactions, as well as competition with DNA and CENP-A nucleosomes. The siRNA experiments in cells complement this largely in vitro study. However, a limitation of the study is that it does not shed light on what FACT might be doing at the centromere. Additionally, it does not sufficiently provide context for these findings in relation to previous studies that have demonstrated the roles of FACT at the centromere in budding yeast, fission yeast, and Drosophila. Nonetheless, this study provides valuable insights into the details of FACT interactions at the kinetochore and will be of interest to readers interested in centromeres and kinetochore. I am a centromere biologist with molecular and cell biology expertise.
We are very grateful to the reviewer for his/her support.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Public Reviews:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
(1) The technology requires a halo-tagged derivation of the active compound, and the linked position will have a huge impact on the potential "target hits" of the molecules. Given the fact that most of the active molecules lack of structure-activity relationship information, it is very challenging to identify the optimal position of the halo tag linkage.
We appreciate your insightful comment. While finding the optimal position to attach a chemical linker to a small molecule of interest is indeed a challenging but necessary step, this is a common difficulty across all target-ID methods, except for those that are modification-free, as we described in Discussion. However, modification-free approaches such as DARTS, CETSA, and TPP have their own limitations, such as low sensitivity and a high false-positive rate. Additionally, DARTS and SPROX are limited to use with cell lysates. Please refer to the introduction in our manuscript for more details on these approaches. On the other hand, synthesizing HTL derivatives is relatively straightforward compared to other modifications, and we provide helpful guidelines for chemical linker design, provided the optimal chemical moiety has been identified, which is crucial for target identification. We selected dasatinib and HCQ/CQ as model compounds because previous studies offered insights into their derivative synthesis. Our data also show that DH5 retains strong kinase inhibitory activity (Figure 4—figure supplement 2), and DC661-H1 demonstrates potent inhibition of autophagy (Figure 6—figure supplement 1). For novel compounds, conducting a thorough structure-activity relationship (SAR) study is essential to determine the optimal position for HTL derivative synthesis.
(2) Although POST-IT works in zebrafish embryos, there is still a long way to go for the broad application of the technology in other animal models.
Thank you for your constructive comment. Yes, there is still a long way to go in developing the POST-IT system for broader applications in other animal models, especially in mice. However, we hope that our study provides valuable insights and inspiration to scientists and experts for applying the POST-IT system in various models. We are also committed to further improving its applicability.
(3) The authors identified SEPHS2 as a new potential target of dasatinib and further validated the direct binding of dasatinib with this protein. However, considering the super strong activity of dasatinib against c-Src (sub nanomolar IC50 value), it is hard to conclude the contribution of SEPHS2 binding (micromolar potency) to its antitumor activity.
Thank you for your insightful comment. We agree that the anticancer activity of dasatinib primarily results from inhibiting tyrosine kinases such as SRC and ABL. However, SEPHS2 contains an “opal" termination codon, UGA, at the 60th amino acid residue, which codes for selenocysteine. Due to the technical challenge of expressing selenoproteins in E. coli, we mutated it to cysteine for expression in E. coli to avoid premature translation termination, as described in the Materials and Methods section. Although the purified recombinant SEPHS2 shows a Kd of about 10 µM for dasatinib, the binding affinity to endogenous SEPHS2 may be higher since selenocysteine is larger and more electronegative than cysteine. This presents an interesting area for future investigation. Furthermore, our study of dasatinib’s binding to SEPHS2 could help facilitate the development of new SEPHS2 inhibitors, potentially targeting the active site of SEPHS2.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
(1) Target Specificity: It is crucial for the authors to differentiate between the primary targets of the POST-IT system and those identified as side effects. This distinction is essential for assessing the specificity and utility of the technology.
Thank you for your insightful comment. Drugs inevitably bind to various proteins with differing affinities, which can contribute to both side effects and beneficial outcomes. Typically, the primary targets exhibit high affinities. In this manuscript, we ranked the identified protein targets of DH5 based on affinity from mass spectrometry and p-values (Fig. 5A), and for DC661-H1, we used the SILAC ratio (Fig. 6A). We also individually assessed many drug-protein binding affinities using the MST assay, as well as in vitro and in cellulo assays, demonstrating their specificity. Moreover, we believe it is essential to identify as many protein targets as possible at physiological drug concentrations to better understand the drug’s side effects. Of course, further investigation is required to assess the roles and effects of these target proteins.
(2) In Vivo Target Identification: The manuscript lacks detailed clarity on which specific targets were successfully identified in the in vivo experiments. Expanding on this information would provide a clearer view of the system's effectiveness and scope in complex biological settings.
Thank you for your insightful comment regarding in vivo target identification. In this manuscript, we utilized a cell line as the primary method for in vivo target identification and validation after optimizing our system in test tubes. We successfully validated many of the targets identified using our POST-IT system (Figure 6—figure supplement 3). To demonstrate the proof of principle for in vivo application, we employed zebrafish embryos as an in vivo model, showing that endogenous SRC can be effectively pulled down by DH5 treatment (Fig. 7). While we could have explored the entire proteome to identify endogenous target proteins in zebrafish that bind to DH5 or dasatinib, we felt this would extend beyond our original scope, given that we have already demonstrated POST-IT’s ability to identify target proteins for dasatinib. Specific target identification and validation are crucial when using zebrafish for drug discovery. Additionally, we acknowledge that drugs likely interact with a range of protein targets in living organisms and may undergo metabolism and interactions within the circulatory system, which we address in our discussion.
(3) Reproducibility and Scalability: Discussion on the reproducibility of the POST-IT system across various experimental setups and biological models, as well as its scalability for larger-scale drug discovery programs, would be beneficial.
Thank you for the suggestion. While our system has shown high reproducibility in our experiments, further improving both reproducibility and scalability would be advantageous. One potential approach to address this is through the generation of stable-expressing cell lines and transgenic zebrafish lines, which we have discussed in the revised manuscript. Establishing stable cell lines with robust POST-IT expression could enhance scalability for drug discovery applications.
(4) Quantitative Analysis: A more detailed quantitative analysis of the protein interactions identified by POST-IT, including statistical significance and comparative data against other technologies, would enhance the manuscript.
Thank you for your suggestion. In our assessment of drug-protein affinity, we included Kd values as quantitative measures using MST assays. The protein targets of dasatinib identified through mass spectrometry are also accompanied by p-values for quantitative analysis (Fig. 5A), and the detailed procedures are described in the Material and methods section. While it is challenging to provide direct comparative data against other technologies, our system successfully identified many known target proteins for dasatinib, as well as SEPHS2 and VPS37C as new targets for dasatinib and for HCQ/CQ, respectively, which were not detected by other methods.
(5) Technological Limitations: The authors should discuss any limitations or potential pitfalls of the POST-IT system, which would be crucial for future users and for guiding subsequent improvements.
Thank you for your insightful suggestion We agree that clearly defining the technological limitations is important. Therefore, we have expanded our original discussion on the limitations of our POST-IT system (Discussion section, paragraph 6).
(6) Long-Term Stability and Activity: Information on the long-term stability and activity of the POST-IT components in different biological environments would ensure the reliability of the system in prolonged experiments.
Yes, this is an important question. We did not notice any stability or toxicity issues with Halo-PafA and Pup substrates in HEK293T cells or zebrafish, which is an important factor for stable cell lines and transgenic zebrafish lines. However, HTL derivatives of the drug could be toxic or unstable due to the nature of the drug or its metabolism, which needs to be taken into account when designing experiments, and we have included this in the Discussion.
(7) Comparison with Existing Technologies: A detailed comparison with existing proximity tagging and target identification technologies would help position POST-IT within the current landscape, highlighting its unique advantages and potential drawbacks.
We appreciate your valuable feedback and agree that such comparisons are crucial. We have included a detailed overview and comparison of existing proximity-tagging systems and their related target identification technologies in the Introduction (lines 78-100) and Discussion (lines 391-412), highlighting their respective pros and cons. Additionally, we have expanded the discussion to further compare these technologies with our POST-IT system, addressing its advantages and limitations (lines 378-390, lines 448-467). We hope this provides sufficient context and information to effectively position POST-IT among the landscape of proximity-tagging target identification technologies.
(8) Concerns Regarding Overexposed Bands: Several figures in the manuscript, specifically Figure 3A, 3B, 3C, 3F, 3G, Figure 4D, and the second panels in Figure 7C as well as some figures in the supplementary file, exhibit overexposed bands.
We appreciate your astute observation regarding the overexposed bands and apologize for any confusion. The “overexposed” bands represent the unpupylated proteins, while the bands above them correspond to the pupylated proteins. We intended to clearly show both pupylated and unpupylated bands, although the latter are generally much weaker. We are currently working on further improving our POST-IT system to enhance pupylation efficiency.
(9) Innovation Concern: There is a previous paper describing a similar approach: Liu Q, Zheng J, Sun W, Huo Y, Zhang L, Hao P, Wang H, Zhuang M. A proximity-tagging system to identify membrane protein-protein interactions. Nat Methods. 2018 Sep;15(9):715-722. doi: 10.1038/s41592-018-0100-5. Epub 2018 Aug 13. PMID: 30104635. It is crucial to explicitly address the novel aspects of POST-IT in contrast to this earlier work.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Proximity-tagging systems like BioID, TurboID, NEDDylator, and PafA (Lui Q et al., Nat Methods 2018) were initially developed to study protein-protein interactions or identify protein interactomes, as these applications are of broader interest and generally easier to implement. However, applying proximity-tagging systems for small molecule target identification requires significant optimization. As described in the introduction (lines 78-100), target protein identification systems have since been developed using TurboID and NEDDylator (Tao AJ et al., Nat Commun 2023; Hill ZB et al., J Am Chem Soc 2016). It is conceivable that a PafA-based proximity-tagging system could also be adapted for target-ID, and other groups may pursue this approach in the future. Although the PafA-Pup system shows great promise for target-ID applications, extensive optimization was needed to enable its use for this purpose. Finally, we demonstrate that POST-IT offers distinct advantages over other proximity-tagging-based target-ID systems. For more details, please refer to the introduction and discussion sections.
Recommendations for the authors:
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):
(1) Figure 1- Figure Supplement 1A: The Pup substrate "HB-Pup" is mentioned, but the main text or figure legend provides no introduction or description.
We appreciate your astute observation. We have added a description in the main text and figure legend as follows: “…and used HB-Pup as a control, which contains 6´His and BCCP at the N terminus of Pup” in the main text (line 142) and “HB, TS, and SBP refer to 6´His and BCCP, twin-STII (Strep-tag II), and streptavidin binding peptide, respectively.” in the Figure 1-figure supplement 1A.
(2) Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 3B: The authors used TS-sPupK61R as a substrate but did not explain why. The main text mentions that mutating sPup alone did not affect polypupylation, raising the question of why TS-sPupK61R was used in this figure. Furthermore, while the authors state that polypupylation becomes evident after 1 hour of incubation (more pronounced after 2 or 3 hours), the reactions here were conducted for only 30 minutes.
Thank you for your question. Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 3B was conducted to test self-pupylation levels in the different Halo-PafA derivatives. For this purpose, we could use any Pup substrate such as SBP-sPup and SBPK4R-sPupK61R, instead of Ts-sPup and TS-sPupK61R, as they do not show any differences in pupylation activity. We chose Ts-sPup and TS-sPupK61R simply because any Pup substrates could be used for this purpose. Similarly, we did not need to incubate the reaction for a longer time to detect polypupylation, as our intention was to test “self-pupylation”. We demonstrated in Figure 1 – figure supplement 2 that polypupylation is dependent on the number or position of lysine residues in Pup substrate or tags. The results clearly showed that self-pupylation was almost completely abolished by the Halo8KR mutation. To clarify this, we added the following description in lines 168-169: “Ts-sPup and TS-sPupK61R were chosen as sPup substrates for this experiment, although any Pup substrates could have been used. The levels of self-pupylation were assessed.”
(3) Line 156: The statement that "the TS-tag completely abolished polypupylation in TS-sPup" is inaccurate. Using TSK8R-sPupK61R as the substrate, several bands appear, which likely represent Halo-PafA with varying degrees of polypupylation. Some bands also appear to correspond to those seen when using TS-sPup as a substrate. The authors should clarify how they distinguish between multipupylation and polypupylation in this case.
We sincerely appreciate your insight into clarifying the distinction between multipupylation and polypupylation. Polypupylation refers to the addition of a new Pup onto a previously linked Pup on the target protein, akin to polyubiquitination. In contrast, multipupylation involves multiple single pupylations at different positions on the target proteins. Since pupylation occurs exclusively at lysine residues in tag-Pup substrates, mutating all lysine residues to arginine, as in TSK48R-sPupK61R, prevents the mutant tag-Pup from linking to another Pup. This means that only single pupylation can proceed with this type of mutant Pup substrate. If multiple pupylated bands are observed with this mutant substrate, it indicates “multipupylation” rather than “polypupylation”, as shown in Figure 1-figure supplement 2D. The same applies to the pupylation bands in Figure 1-figure supplement 2E and F, as sSBP-sPupK61R and SBPK4R-sPupK61R lack lysine residues. By comparing these multipupylation bands, it is also possible to distinguish them from polypupylation bands, which are marked by yellow arrows. However, after 2-3 pupylation bands, higher-order bands become increasingly difficult to distinguish.
To clarify the mutation in the TS-tag, we revised the sentence in line 156 from “However, further mutations within the TS-tag completely abolished polypupylation in TS-sPup” to “However, further mutations of two lysine residues within the TS-tag, creating TSK8R-sPupK61R, completely abolished polypupylation in TS-sPup”. Additionally, we have inserted sentences in line 152 to define polypupylation and multipupylation, as described here.
(4) Line 160: Similar to the above concern about line 156, the claim that SBPK4R and sSBP completely prevented polypupylation is unconvincing and requires more supporting evidence.
Thank you for raising this concern. As mentioned above, both SBPK4R and sSBP lack lysine residues required for pupylation. As a result, these mutants can only undergo multiple single pupylations on the lysine residues of the target protein, which leads to “multipupylation”. In Figure 1-figure supplement 2E and F, pupylation bands by sSBP-sPupK61R or SBPK4R-sPupK61R do not display doublet bands (one from multipupylation and the other from polypupylation), as seen with SBP-sPup, marked by yellow arrows. Notably, Halo-PafA containing polypupylated branches migrates more slowly than one with an equal number of multipupylation events. To clarify this point, we have added the phrase “as shown in sSBP-sPupK61R and SBP4KR-sPupK61R” at the end of the sentence in line 160.
(5) Lines 176-177: The authors claim that PafAS126A exhibited reduced polypupylation compared to PafA, but given that PafAS126A may reduce depupylase activity, how could it reduce polypupylation levels? Moreover, it is hard to find any data supporting this conclusion in Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 3B.
We appreciate your insightful comment. At this point, we do not fully understand how the mutation that reduces depupylase activity also decreases polypupylation. It is possible that PafAS126A has a lower preference for pupylated Pup as a prey, which is required for polypupylation, since depupylase activity depends on recognizing pupylated Pup as a prey to remove it. Nonetheless, Halo-PafAS126A shows reduced levels of higher molecular weight bands compared to Halo-PafA, as shown in Figure 1-figure supplement 3B, while exhibiting increased pupylation in lower molecular weight bands, which represent either multipupylation or low-degree polypupylation. Since higher molecular weight bands (> 150 kD) are likely due to polypupylation, this result suggests reduced polypupylation and increased multipupylation in Halo-PafAS126A. To clarify this in the main text, we have added the following description in line 177: “as evidenced by the decreased levels of high molecular weight bands and an increase in low molecular weight bands”
(6) POST-IT system in cellulo validation: The system was developed using the Halo-tag, yet the in-cell validation uses FRB and FKBP instead, without explaining this switch. This inconsistency makes the logic of the experiment unclear.
We appreciate your insightful comment. The interaction between rapamycin and FRB or FKBP is known to be highly specific and robust, making this system useful in various biological contexts. Due to this property, rapamycin can induce interaction between two proteins when one is fused with FRB and the other with FKBP. Before testing or optimizing the POST-IT system in cells, we hypothesized that using the rapamycin-induced interaction between FRB and FKBP could introduce pupylation of the target protein, provided that PafA is fused with FRB or FKBP and the target protein is fused with the other. The results demonstrate that PafA can introduce pupylation of the target protein in a proximity-dependent manner via this chemically induced interaction. To further clarify this in the main text, we modified the original sentence in lines 214-216 as follows: “To mimic drug-target interaction-induced pupylation in live cells and assess the potential of PafA as a proximity-tagging system for target-ID, we incorporated the rapamycin-induced interaction between FRB and FKBP into our PL system, as this interaction between a small molecule and a protein is known to be highly specific and robust (Figure 3—figure supplement 1A).”
(7) Line 209: The authors decided to use the SBP-tag for further studies due to better performance, but in Figure 3 - Figure supplement 1, they still used the unintroduced HB-Pup as the substrate, which is confusing and lacks explanation.
Thank you for raising your question. The SBP-tag is not superior to the TS-tag in terms of pupylation activity. However, the TSK8R mutant cannot bind to Strep-Tactin beads, while the SBP mutants, SBPK4R and sSBP, can bind to streptavidin. Therefore, we chose the SBP-tag instead of the TS-tag for further studies as a Pup substrate in POST-IT system, as we needed to pull down the target proteins. HB-Pup is consistently used as a control throughout various experiments, as it is the original Pup substrate. In Figure 3-figure supplement 1B and C, HB-Pup was used to test chemically induced pupylation by PafA. In these cases, it was not so critical which Pup substrate was chosen. Furthermore, we compared HB-Pup and different SBP-sPup substrates in Figure 3-figure supplement 1D, where HB-Pup was used as a control or for comparison. Although pupylation bands with HB-Pup appear more robust, this substrate contains multiple lysine residues, leading to high levels of polypupylation. To make it clear, we modified the sentence in line 209 to “Therefore, we decided to use the SBP-tag as a Pup substrate in the POST-IT system for further studies.”.
(8) Line 220: Both SBP-sPup and SBPK4R-sPupK61R are described as exhibiting efficient pupylation, but the data show mostly self-pupylation and little to no pupylation of the target protein.
Thank you for your concern. However, pupylation of the target protein is actually quite substantial, as the intensities of the free form and pupylated proteins are relatively similar, as shown in the upper panel of Figure 3-figure supplement 1D. Self-pupylation is always much higher than target pupylation, because PafA constantly pupylates itself, whereas pupylation of the target protein occurs only through interaction. Furthermore, V5-FRB-mKate2-PafA contains many lysine residues, which increases the levels of self-pupylation.
(9) Lines 222-224: The authors chose SBPK4R-sPupK61R to avoid polypupylation, although SBP-sPup did not cause detectable polypupylation. Neither substrate caused pupylation of the target protein, so the rationale behind this choice is unclear.
Thank you for raising your question. Similar to the above comment (#8), please refer to the pupylation bands of the target protein, as shown in the upper panel of Figure 3-figure supplement 1D. The pupylation band of the target protein is quite remarkable, as the intensities of the free form and pupylated proteins are comparable. Additionally, there are no multiple pupylation bands in either case, except for one additional weak multipupylation band, indicating no polypupylation by SBP-sPup, which does not have K-to-R mutations. Of course, SBPK4R-sPupK61R can only undergo single pupylation, as it does not contain lysine residues. Although we did not observe polypupylation by SBP-sPup in this experimental condition, it is possible that SBP-sPup may cause polypupylation under different experimental conditions or with other target proteins. Since SBPK4R-sPupK61R exhibits comparable pupylation of the target protein at least in this experiment setting as SBP-sPup, we selected SBPK4R-sPupK61R as the Pup substrate for POST-IT system to avoid any potential polypupylation that could be caused by SBP-sPup in other cases. We believe that polypupylation can introduce bias into the analysis and hinder the comprehensive discovery of additional target proteins for small molecules.
(10) Line 224: The authors conclude that rapamycin greatly reduced self-pupylation, but the supporting data are unclear.
Thank you for your constructive comments on our manuscript. Please refer to the lower panel of Figure 3-figure supplement 1D. When using either SBPK4R-sPupK61R or SBP-sPup, rapamycin treatment results in reduced levels of self-pupylation compared to the no-treatment control. However, we did not observe this reduction with HB-Pup and do not know the reason. To clarify this in the main text, we added the following description to the end of the sentence: “when using either SBPK4R-sPupK61R or SBP-sPup, as shown in the lower panel of Figure 3—figure supplement 1D”
(11) Line 234: The authors selected an 18-amino acid linker, but given that linkers longer than 10 amino acids enhance labeling, this choice should be explained.
Thank you for raising your question. In fact, a linker of 10 amino acids (aa) or longer is likely to behave similarly. We chose an 18 aa linker instead of a 40 aa linker primarily for the convenience of cloning and to reduce the potential for DNA sequence recombination associated with longer repeats. Additionally, a longer, flexible linker may behave like an intrinsically disordered protein (Harmon et al., 2017), which can lead to unwanted protein-protein interactions or phase separation. To elaborate on this, we added the following sentences after the sentence in line 233-235: “We chose the 18-amino acid linker instead of the 40-amino acid linker for easier cloning and to lower the risk of DNA recombination from longer repeats. Additionally, a longer, flexible linker may behave like an intrinsically disordered protein (Harmon et al., 2017), an unwanted feature for target-ID.”
(12) S126A and K172R mutations: The authors claim that these mutations additively enhanced pupylation under cellular conditions, but in Figure 3B, the band intensities appear similar for the wild-type and mutant versions.
Thank you for raising your concern. Although a single pupylation band appears similar among the three different Halo-PafA proteins, multipupylation bands are slightly but noticeably increased by the S126A and K172R mutations compared to Halo8KR-PafA. Since we used SBPK4R-sPupK61R as a Pup substrate, all higher molecular weight bands result from multipupylation rather than polypupylation. This illustrates why it is preferable to use SBPK4R-sPupK61R over SBP-sPup, as the pupylation bands with SBP-sPup are mixtures of poly- and multipupylation, making it difficult to assess levels of target labeling. To clarify this in the main text, we added the following description after the sentence in line 236: “as the higher molecular weight multipupylation bands are slightly but noticeably increased with these mutations compared to Halo8KR-PafA”
(13) Line 263: The authors selected DH5 for further experiments due to its efficiency, but the data suggest that the performance of DH1 to DH5 is similar.
We appreciate your question about the different dasatinib HTL derivatives. However, our data clearly show that DH2-5 derivatives bind significantly more effectively to Halo-PafA in vitro and in live cells compared to DH1 (Figure 4A and B). Additionally, the DH2-5 derivatives result in dramatically increased pupylation of the target protein in vitro and noticeable enhancement in live cells (Figure 4C and D). Among DH2 to DH5, there is no obvious difference in binding to Halo-PafA or pupylation of the target protein. Therefore, we chose DH5, as we believe that the longer linker in DH5 may facilitate the binding of a more diverse range of target proteins to dasatinib, enabling the discovery of additional target proteins.
(14) Line 309: The authors introduce HCQ and CQ as important drugs but then investigate the mechanism using DC661 without introducing or justifying the choice of this compound.
Thank you for your point. We explained the reason to choose DC661, a dimer form of CQ, instead of CQ for the synthesis of an HTL derivative in line 310. “assuming that a dimer would enhance binding affinity as previously described.” As the dimer forms of a drug or a small molecule such as testosterone dimers, estrogen dimers, and numerous anticancer drug dimers have been often developed to enhance drug effects (Paquin A et., Molecules 2021). Similarly, dimer forms of HCQ/CQ have been introduced and shown to be more potent (Hrycyna CA et al., ACS Chem Biol 2014; Rebecca VW et al., Cancer Discovery 2019). We expected that using a dimer form might offer higher probability to identify target proteins for HCQ/CQ.
(15) The authors suggest that multipupylation levels were enhanced but do not explain whether this might benefit the system or introduce other issues. Clarifying this point would provide valuable insight for potential users of this system.
Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion. Polypupylation likely leads to biased enrichment of a limited set of target proteins, and its levels may not correlate with the binding affinity of target proteins to the small molecule of interest, features that can negatively impact target-ID. In contrast, multipupylation may be correlated with binding affinity or interaction frequency, as we observed increased levels of multipupylation with higher Pup concentrations and longer incubation times. This suggests that target proteins with multiple lysines in proximity to PafA can be sequentially pupylated, starting with the most accessible lysine. However, if a target protein has only one accessible lysine, pupylation will occur only once, regardless of the protein’s affinity to the small molecule. In summary, while polypupylation may be a drawback for target-ID, multipupylation could be useful for both target-ID and understanding binding mode. To elaborate on this, we added the following additional explanation after the sentence in line 152: “, whereas multipupylation is more likely correlated with binding affinity or interaction frequency.”
(16) The author should address whether the Halotag ligand modification of the drug alters the binding properties between the drug and targets. That may be causing artifact binding of the drug and other proteins.
Thank you for your insightful comment. Yes, it is true that chemical modifications of the small molecule of interest, such as linker derivatization (e.g., HTL) or photo-affinity labeling, generally lead to reduced activity or affinity compared to the original molecule. Synthesizing a derivative is a common challenge across all target-ID methods, except for modification-free approaches, as we mentioned in the Discussion. However, modification-free methods like DARTS, CETSA, and TPP have their own limitations, including low sensitivity or high false positive rates. Identifying the optimal position for chemical modification on the small molecule of interest is critical. We chose dasatinib and HCQ/CQ as model compounds, because previous studies provided insights into their derivative synthesis. In addition, our data show that DH5 retains robust kinase inhibitory activity (Figure 4-figure supplement 2), and DC661-H1 exhibits potent autophagy inhibition (Figure 6-figure supplement 1). For novel compounds, a thorough structure-activity relationship study is essential to identify the optimal position for HTL derivative synthesis.
(17) The author stated there is no observable toxicity in zebrafish without providing a detailed analysis or enough data. Further analysis of the expression of Halo-PafA and its substrate sPup influence on toxicity or side effects to the living cells or animals would be needed. It is important for in vivo applications.
Thank you for your constructive suggestion. We have now included additional experimental data in Figure 7-figure supplement 1, showing no toxicity in zebrafish embryos expressing the POST-IT system. We assessed toxicity in two ways: by injecting the POST-IT DNA plasmid into one-cell-stage embryos for acute expression, and by using embryos from transgenic zebrafish expressing POST-IT under a heat-shock inducible promoter. Neither the injection nor the heat-shock activation of POST-IT expression resulted in any noticeable toxicity.
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Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study provides compelling evidence that RAR, rather than its obligate dimerization partner RXR, is functionally limiting for chromatin binding. This manuscript provides a paradigm for how to dissect the complicated regulatory networks formed by dimerizing transcription factor families.
Dahal and colleagues use advanced SMT techniques to revisit the role of RXR in DNA-binding of the type-2 nuclear receptor (T2NR) RAR. The dominant consensus model for regulated DNA binding of T2NRs posits that they compete for a limited pool of RXR to form an obligate T2NR-RXR dimer. Using advanced SMT and proximity-assisted photoactivation technologies, Dahal et al. now test the effect of manipulating the endogenous pool size of RAR and RXR on heterodimerization and DNA-binding in live U2OS cells. Surprisingly, it turns out that RAR, rather than RXR, is functionally limiting for heterodimerization and chromatin binding. By inference, the relative pool size of various T2NRs expressed in a given cell, rather than RXR, is likely to determine chromatin binding and transcriptional output.
The conclusions of this study are well supported by the experimental results and provide unexpected novel insights into the functioning of the clinically important class of T2NR TFs. Moreover, the presented results show how the use of novel technologies can put long-standing theories on how transcription factors work upside down. This manuscript provides a paradigm for how to further dissect the complicated regulatory networks formed by T2NRs or other dimerizing TFs. I found this to be a complete story that does not require additional experimental work. However, I do have some suggestions for the authors to consider.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) Does the increased chromatin binding measured when the RAR levels are increased reflect a higher occupancy of a similar set of loci, or are additional loci bound? The authors could discuss this issue in the context of the published literature. Obviously, this could be addressed experimentally by ChIP-seq or a similar analysis, but this would extend beyond the main topic of this manuscript.
We attempted to explore this experimentally using ChIP-seq with multiple RAR- and RXR-specific antibodies. Unfortunately, our results were inconclusive, as the antibody enrichment relative to the IgG control was insufficient for reliable interpretation. Specifically, our ChIP-seq enrichment levels were only around 1.5fold, while the accepted standard for meaningful ChIP enrichment is typically at least 2-fold. Due to these technical limitations, we decided to defer these experiments for now.
However, we agree with the reviewer that understanding whether the increased chromatin binding of RAR reflects higher occupancy at the same set of loci or binding to additional loci is a key question. In similar experiments involving the transcription factor TFEB (Esbin et al., 2024, Genes Dev, doi: 10.1101/gad.351633.124) where an increase in the SMT bound fraction occurred, both scenarios—higher occupancy at known loci and binding to additional loci in ChIP-seq was observed. So, addressing this intriguing possibility in future studies focused on RAR and RXR would be interesting.
(2) The results presented suggest convincingly that endogenous RXR is normally in excess to its binding partners (in U2OS cells). This point could be strengthened further by reducing RXR levels, e.g., by knocking out 1 allele or the use of shRNAs (although the latter method might be too hard to control). Overexpression of another T2NR might also help determine the buffer capacity of RXR.
We appreciate the reviewers’ acknowledgment that our results convincingly demonstrate that endogenous RXR is typically in excess relative to its binding partners in U2OS cells. We agree that this conclusion could be further reinforced by experiments such as overexpression of another T2NR to test RXR's buffering capacity. We are actively pursuing follow-up experiments involving overexpression of additional T2NRs to address this question in more detail. These studies are ongoing, and we plan to explore the buffer capacity of RXR more extensively in a future manuscript.
(3) The ~10% difference in fbound of RAR and RXR (in Figs 1 and 2), while they should be 1:1 dimers, is explained by invoking the expression of RXR isoforms. Can the authors be more specific concerning the nature of these isoforms?
We have provided detailed information about different T2NRs expressed in U2OS cells according to the Expression Atlas and the Human Protein Atlas Database in Supplementary Table S1. Table S1 specifically shows that both isoforms of RXRα and RXRβ are expressed in U2OS cells. Additionally, the caption of Table S1 explicitly notes the presence of isoform RXRβ in U2OS cells. In the main text, we reference Table S1 when discussing the 10% difference in fbound between RARα and RXRα, and we have now suggested that the expression of RXRβ likely accounts for the observed discrepancy.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In the manuscript "Surprising Features of Nuclear Receptor Interaction Networks Revealed by Live Cell Single Molecule Imaging", Dahal et al combine fast single molecule tracking (SMT) with proximity-assisted photoactivation (PAPA) to study the interaction between RARa and RXRa. The prevalent model in the nuclear receptor field suggests that type II nuclear receptors compete for a limiting pool of their partner RXRa. Contrary to this, the authors find that over-expression of RARa but not RXRa increases the fraction of RXRa molecules bound to chromatin, which leads them to conclude that the limiting factor is the abundance of RARa and not RXRa. The authors also perform experiments with a known RARa agonist, all trans retinoic acid (atRA) which has little effect on the bound fraction. Using PAPA, they show that chromatin binding increases upon dimerization of RARa and RXRa.
In my view, the biggest strength of this study is the use of endogenously tagged RARa and RXRa cell lines. As the authors point out, most previous studies used either in vitro assays or over-expression. I commend the authors on the generation of single-cell clones of knock-in RARa-Halo and Halo-RXRa. The authors then carefully measure the abundance of each protein using FACS, which is very helpful when comparing across conditions. The manuscript is generally well written and figures are easy to follow. The consistent color-scheme used throughout the manuscript is very helpful.
(1) Agonist treatment:
The authors test the effect of all trans retinoic acid (atRA) on the bound fraction of RARa and RXRa and find that "These results are consistent with the classic model in which dimerization and chromatin binding of T2NRs are ligand independent." However, all the agonist treatments are done in media containing FBS. FBS is not chemically defined and has been found to have between 10 and 50 nM atRA (see references in PMID 32359651 for example). The addition of 1 nM or 100 nM atRA is unlikely to result in a strong effect since the medium already contains comparable or higher levels of agonist. To test their hypothesis of ligand-independent dimerization, the authors should deplete the media of atRA by growing the cells in a medium containing charcoal-stripped FBS for at least 24 hours before adding agonist.
We acknowledge the reviewer's concern regarding the presence of atRA in FBS and agree that it may introduce baseline levels of agonist. However, in our experiments, both the 1 nM and 100 nM atRA treatments resulted in observable changes in RAR expression levels (Figure S3C). Additionally, the luciferase assays demonstrated that 100 nM atRA significantly increased retinoic acid-responsive promoter activity (Figure S1C). Given these clear responses to atRA, we believe the observed lack of effect on the chromatin-bound fraction cannot be attributed to the presence of comparable or higher levels of atRA in the FBS, as the reviewer suggests. Moreover, since our results align with the established literature and do not impact the core findings of our study, we decided not to pursue the suggested experiments with charcoal-stripped FBS in this manuscript.
(2) Photobleaching and its effect on bound fraction measurements:
The authors discard the first 500 to 1000 frames due to the high localization density in the initial frames. This will preferentially discard bound molecules that will bleach in the initial frames of the movie and lead to an over-estimation of the unbound fraction.
For experiments with over-expression of RAR-Halo and Halo-RXR, the authors state that the cells were pre-bleached and that these frames were used to calculate the mean intensity of the nuclei. When pre-bleaching, bound molecules will preferentially bleach before the diffusing population. This will again lead to an over-representation of the unbound fraction since this is the population that will remain relatively unaffected by the pre-bleaching. Indeed, the bound fraction for over-expressed RARa and RXRa is significantly lower than that for the corresponding knock in lines. To confirm whether this is a biological result, I suggest that the authors either reduce the amount of dye they use so that this pre-bleaching is not necessary or use the direct reactivation strategy they use for their PAPA experiments to eliminate the pre-bleaching step.
As for the measurement of the nuclear intensity, since the authors have access to multiple HaloTag dyes, they can saturate the HaloTagged proteins with a high concentration of JF646 or JFX650 to measure the mean intensity of the protein while still using the PA-JFX549 for SMT. Together, these will eliminate the need to prebleach or discard any frames.
The Janelia Fluor dyes used in our experiments are known for their high photostability (Grimm et al., 2021, JACS Au, doi: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00006). During the initial 80 ms imaging to calculate the mean nuclear intensity, the laser power was kept at very low intensity (~3%) for a brief duration (~10 seconds), in contrast to the high-intensity (~100%) used during the tracking experiments, which span around 3 minutes. This low-power illumination does not induce significant photobleaching but merely puts the dyes in a temporary dark state. Therefore, this pre-bleaching step closely resembles the direct reactivation strategy employed in our PAPA experiments.
To further address the reviewer's concern, we performed a frame cut-off analysis for our SMT movies of endogenous RARα-Halo and over-expressed RARα-Halo (Figure S9B). The analysis shows no significant change in the bound fraction of either endogenous or over-expressed RARα-Halo when discarding the initial 1000 frames. Based on these results, we conclude that the pre-bleaching does not lead to an overestimation of the unbound fraction, and that our experimental approach is robust.
(3) Heterogeneous expression of the SNAP fusion proteins:
The cell lines expressing SNAP tagged transgenes shown in Fig S6 have very heterogeneous expression of the SNAP proteins. While the bulk measurements done by Western blotting are useful, while doing single-cell experiments (especially with small numbers - ~20 - of cells), it is important to control for expression levels. Since these transgenic stable lines were not FACS sorted, it would be helpful for the reader to know the spread in the distribution of mean intensities of the SNAP proteins for the cells that the SMT data are presented for. This step is crucial while claiming the absence of an effect upon over-expression and can easily be done with a SNAPTag ligand such as SF650 using the procedure outlined for the over-expressed HaloTag proteins.
We agree with the reviewer that there is heterogeneity in SNAP protein expression across the transgenic lines. In response to the reviewer’s suggestion, we performed the proposed experiment to assess the distribution of mean intensities for two key experimental conditions: Halo-RXRα with overexpressed RARα-SNAP and HaloRXRα with overexpressed RARαRR-SNAP. These results again confirm that the increase in chromatin-bound fraction of Halo-RXRα is observed only in the presence of RARα capable of heterodimerizing with RXRα, supporting our main conclusion (Figure S9).
For these experiments, we followed the same labelling procedure described in the methods section for tracking endogenous Halo-tagged proteins alongside transgenic SNAP proteins. As shown in Figure S9, for ~ 70 cell nuclei, the distribution of mean intensities is similar for both conditions, with the bound fraction of Halo-RXRα significantly increasing in the presence of RARα-SNAP compared to RARαRR-SNAP. This analysis underscores that the observed effects are indeed due to the functional differences between the two RARα variants rather than variability in expression levels.
(4) Definition of bound molecules:
The authors state that molecules with a diffusion coefficient less than 0.15 um2/s are considered bound and those between 1-15 um2/s are considered unbound. Clarification is needed on how this threshold was determined. In previous publications using saSPT, the authors have used a cutoff of 0.1 um2/s (for example, PMID 36066004, 36322456). Do the results rely on a specific cutoff? A diffusion coefficient by itself is only a useful measure of normal diffusion. Bound molecules are unlikely to be undergoing Brownian motion, but the state array method implemented here does not seem to account for non-normal diffusive modes. How valid is this assumption here?
We acknowledge the inconsistency in the diffusion coefficient thresholds for defining the chromatin-bound fraction used across our group’s publications. The choice of threshold or cutoff (0.1 µm²/s vs 0.15 µm²/s) is largely arbitrary and does not significantly impact the results. To validate this, we tested the effect of different cutoffs on fbound (%) for endogenously expressed Halo-tagged RARα and RXRα (Figure S10). As shown in Figure S10, there was no substantial difference in fbound (%) calculated using a 0.1 µm²/s versus 0.15 µm²/s cutoff (e.g., RARα clone c156: 47±1% vs 49±1%; RXRα clone D6: 34±1% vs 35±1%).
Since we have consistently applied the 0.15 µm²/s cutoff throughout this manuscript across all experimental conditions, the comparative analysis of fbound (%) remains valid. While we agree that a Brownian diffusion model may not fully capture the motion of bound molecules, our state array model accounts for localization error, which likely incorporates some of the chromatin motion features. Moreover, the distinction between bound (<0.15 µm²/s) and unbound (1-15 µm²/s) populations is sufficiently large that using a normal diffusion model is reasonable for our analysis.
(5) Movies:
Since this is an imaging manuscript, I request the authors to provide representative movies for all the presented conditions. This is an essential component for a reader to evaluate the data and for them to benchmark their own images if they are to try to reproduce these findings.
We have now included representative movies for all the SMT experimental conditions presented in the manuscript. Please see data availability section of the manuscript.
(6) Definition of an ROI:
The authors state that "ROI of random size but with maximum possible area was selected to fit into the interior of the nuclei" while imaging. However, the readout speed of the Andor iXon Ultra 897 depends on the size of the defined ROI. If the ROI was variable for every movie, how do the authors ensure the same sampling rate?
We used the frame transfer mode on the Andor iXon Ultra 897 camera for our acquisitions, which allows for fast frame rate measurements without altering the exposure time between frames. Additionally, we verified the metadata of all our movies to ensure a consistent frame interval of 7.4 ms across all conditions. This confirms that the sampling rate was maintained uniformly, despite the variability in ROI size.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) 'Hoechst' is mis-spelled.
We have now corrected this typo in the manuscript.
(2) Cos7 appears in several places throughout the text. I assume this is a typo. If so, please correct it. If not, please explain if some experiments were done in Cos7 cells and kindly provide a justification for that.
The use of Cos7 cells is intentional and not a typo. Cos7 cells have been previously utilized in studies investigating the interaction between T2NRs (Kliewer et al., 1992, Nature, doi: 10.1038/355446a0). In our study, due to technical issues with antibodies for coIP in U2OS cells, we initially used Cos7 cells for control experiments to verify that Halo-tagging of RARα and RXRα did not disrupt their interaction, by transiently expressing the constructs in Cos7 cells. Following these control experiments, we confirmed the direct interaction of endogenously expressed RAR and RXR in U2OS cells with their respective binding partners using the SMT-PAPA assay. Since these results confirmed that Halo-tagging did not interfere with RAR-RXR interactions, we chose not to repeat the coIP experiments in U2OS cells.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This study aims to investigate the stoichiometric effect between core factors and partners forming the heterodimeric transcription factor network in living cells at endogenous expression levels. Using state-of-the-art single-molecule analysis techniques, the authors tracked individual RARα and RXRα molecules labeled by HALO-tag knock-in. They discovered an asymmetric response to the overexpression of counter-partners. Specifically, the fact that an increase in RARα did not lead to an increase in RXRα chromatin binding is incompatible with the previous competitive core model. Furthermore, by using a technique that visualizes only molecules proximal to partners, they directly linked transcription factor heterodimerization to chromatin binding.
The carefully designed experiments, from knock-in cell constructions to singlemolecule imaging analysis, strengthen the evidence of the stoichiometric perturbation response of endogenous proteins. The novel finding that RXR, previously thought to be a target of competition among partners, is in excess provides new insight into key factors in dimerization network regulation. By combining the cutting-edge single-molecule imaging analysis with the technique for detecting interactions developed by the authors' group, they have directly illustrated the relationship between the physical interactions of dimeric transcription factors and chromatin binding. This has enabled interaction analysis in live cells that was challenging in single-molecule imaging, proving it is a powerful tool for studying endogenous proteins.
As the authors have mentioned, they have not investigated the effects of other T2NRs or RXR isoforms. These invisible factors leave room for interpretation regarding the origin of chromatin binding of endogenous proteins (Recommendations 4). In the PAPA experiments, overexpressed factors are visualized, but changes in chromatin binding of endogenous proteins due to interactions with the overexpressed proteins have not been investigated. This might be tested by reversing the fluorescent ligands for the Sender and Receiver. Additionally, the PAPA experiments are likely to be strengthened by control experiments (Recommendations 5).
We agree that this would be an interesting experiment. However, there are three technical challenges that complicate its implementation: First, as demonstrated in our original PAPA paper, dark state formation is less efficient when dyes are conjugated to Halo compared to SNAPf, making the reverse configuration less optimal. Second, SNAPf-tagged proteins have slower labeling kinetics than Halotagged proteins, often resulting in under-labeling of SNAPf. Third, our SNAPf transgenes were integrated polyclonally. Since background PAPA scales with the concentration of the sender-labeled protein, variable concentrations of the senderlabeled SNAPf proteins would introduce significant variability, complicating the interpretation of the background PAPA signal. Due to these concerns, we believe that performing reciprocal measurements with reversed fluorescent ligands may not yield reliable results.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The term "Surprising features" in the title is ambiguous and may force readers to search for what it specifically refers to. Including a word that evokes specific features might be helpful.
Our findings contradict previous work, which suggested that chromatin binding of T2NRs is regulated by competition for a limited pool of RXR. In contrast, we found that RAR expression can limit RXR chromatin binding, but not the other way around, which challenges the existing model. This unexpected result is what we refer to as a "surprising feature" in our title, and we believe it accurately reflects the novel insights our study provides. We also think that this is clearly conveyed in our manuscript abstract, supporting the use of "Surprising features" in the title.
(2) p.3, line 11 - The threshold of 0.15 μm2s-1 seems to be a crucial value directly linked to the value of fbound. What is the rationale for choosing this specific value? If consistent conclusions can be obtained using threshold values that are similar but different, it would strengthen the robustness of the results.
Please refer to our response to Reviewer #2’s Public Review point 4. The threshold choice is arbitrary and doesn’t affect the overall conclusions. To test this, we compared fbound (%) values calculated using both 0.1 μm²s-1 and 0.15 μm²s-1 cutoffs. For example, with endogenously expressed Halo-tagged RARα (clone c156), we observed fbound values of 47±1% vs 49±1%, and for RXRα (clone D6), 34±1% vs 35±1%, respectively (Figure S10). Since we have consistently applied the 0.15 μm²s-1 cutoff across all experimental conditions in this manuscript, the comparisons of fbound (%) between different conditions are robust and valid.
(3) p.4, line 13 - "the fbound of endogenous RARα-Halo (47{plus minus}1%) was largely unchanged upon expression of SNAP (47{plus minus}1%)" part of the sentence is not surprising. It would make more sense if it were expressed as "the fbound of endogenous RARα-Halo (47{plus minus}1%) was largely unchanged upon expression of RXRα-SNAP (49{plus minus}1%), consistent with the control SNAP (47{plus minus}1%).".
We understand how the original phrasing may be confusing to the readers and have restructured the sentence as suggested by the reviewer for clarity.
(4) p.6, line 26 - The discussion that "most chromatin binding of endogenous RXRα in U2OS cells depends on heterodimerization partners other than RARα" seems to contradict the top right figure in Figure 4. If that's the case, the binding partner for the bound red molecule might be yellow rather than blue. Given a decrease in the number of RARα molecules with an unchanged binding ratio, the total number of binding molecules has decreased. Could it be interpreted that the potential reduction in RXRα chromatin binding, accompanying the decrease in binding RARα, is compensated for by other partners?
We agree with the reviewer that both the yellow and blue molecules in Figure 4 represent T2NRs that can heterodimerize with RXR. For simplicity, we chose to omit the depiction of RXR dimerization with other T2NRs (represented in yellow) in Figure 4. We have now included a note in the figure caption to clarify this. We plan to follow up on the buffer capacity of RXR with other T2NRs in a separate manuscript and will discuss this aspect in more detail once we have data from those experiments.
(5) Fig. 3 - I expected that DR localizations always appear more frequently than PAPA localizations by the difference in the number of distal molecules. Why does the linear line for SNAP-RXRα in Fig. 3 B have a slope exceeding 1? Also, although the sublinearity is attributed to binding saturation, is there any possibility that this sublinearity originates from the PAPA system like the saturation of PAPA reactivation? Control samples like Halo-SNAPf-3xNLS might address these concerns.
The number of DR and PAPA localizations depends on the arbitrarily chosen intensity and duration of green and violet light pulses. For any given protein pair, different experimental settings can result in PAPA localizations being greater than, less than, or equal to the number of DR localizations. Therefore, the informative metric is not the absolute number of DR and PAPA localizations, but rather how the ratio of PAPA to DR localizations changes between different conditions—such as between interacting pairs and non-interacting controls.
Regarding the sublinearity, we agree that it is essential to consider whether the observed sublinearity might stem from saturation of the PAPA signal. We know of two ways in which this could occur:
First, PAPA can be saturated as the duration of the green light pulse increases and dark-state complexes are depleted. However, this cannot explain the nonlinearity that we observe, because the duration of the green light pulse is constant, and thus the probability that a given complex is reactivated by PAPA is also constant. Likewise, holding the violet pulse duration constant yields a constant probability that a given molecule is reactivated by DR. PAPA localizations are expected to scale linearly with the number of complexes, while DR localizations are expected to scale linearly with the total number of molecules. Sublinear scaling of PAPA localizations with DR localizations thus implies that the number of complexes scales sublinearly with the total concentration of the protein.
Second, saturation could occur if PAPA localizations are undercounted compared to DR localizations. While this is a valid concern, we consider it unlikely in this case because 1) our localization density is below the level at which our tracking algorithm typically undercounts localizations, and 2) we observe sublinearity for RXR → RAR PAPA even though the number of PAPA localizations is lower than the DR localizations; undercounting due to excessive localization density would be expected to introduce the opposite bias in this case.
(6) Fig. 4 - The differences between A, B, and C on the right side of the model are subtle, making it difficult to discern where to see. Emphasizing the difference in molecule numbers or grouping free molecules at the top might help clarify these distinctions.
We appreciate the reviewer’s feedback. In response, we have revised Figure 4 by grouping the free molecules on the top right side for panels A, B and C, as suggested.
(7) While the main results are obtained through single-molecule imaging, no singlemolecule fluorescence images or trajectory plots are provided. Even just for representative conditions, these could serve as a guide for readers trying to reproduce the experiments with different custom-build microscope setups. Also, considering data availability, depositing the source data might be necessary, at least for the diffusion spectra.
We have now included representative movies for all the presented SMT conditions as source data. Please see data availability section of the manuscript.
(8) Tick lines are not visible on many of the graph axes.
We have revised the figures to ensure that the tick lines are now clearly visible on all graph axes.
(9) Inconsistencies in the formatting are present in the methods, such as "hrs" vs. "hours", spacing between numbers and units, and "MgCl2". "u" should be "μ" and "x" should be "×".
We have corrected the formatting errors.
(10) Table S4, rows 16 and 17 - Are "RAR"s typos for "RXR"s?
We have corrected this in the manuscript.
(11) p.10~12 - Are three "Hoestch"s typos for "Hoechst"s?
This is now corrected in the manuscript.
(12) p.11, line 17 - According to the referenced paper, the abbreviation should be "HILO" in all capital letters, not "HiLO".
This is now corrected in the manuscript.
(13) "%" on p.3, line 18, and "." on p.6, line 27 are missing.
This missing “%” and “.” are now added.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
This study aims to investigate the stoichiometric effect between core factors and partners forming the heterodimeric transcription factor network in living cells at endogenous expression levels. Using state-of-the-art single-molecule analysis techniques, the authors tracked individual RARα and RXRα molecules labeled by HALO-tag knock-in. They discovered an asymmetric response to the overexpression of counter-partners. Specifically, the fact that an increase in RARα did not lead to an increase in RXRα chromatin binding is incompatible with the previous competitive core model. Furthermore, by using a technique that visualizes only molecules proximal to partners, they directly linked transcription factor heterodimerization to chromatin binding.
The carefully designed experiments, from knock-in cell constructions to single-molecule imaging analysis, strengthen the evidence of the stoichiometric perturbation response of endogenous proteins. The novel finding that RXR, previously thought to be a target of competition among partners, is in excess provides new insight into key factors in dimerization network regulation. By combining the cutting-edge single-molecule imaging analysis with the technique for detecting interactions developed by the authors' group, they have directly illustrated the relationship between the physical interactions of dimeric transcription factors and chromatin binding. This has enabled interaction analysis in live cells that was challenging in single-molecule imaging, proving it is a powerful tool for studying endogenous proteins.
None noted.
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Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Exploiting synthetic lethality based on functional correlations has the potential to significantly improve the survival of cancer patients by reducing resistance to targeted therapies and increasing anti-tumour efficacy when combined with other treatment modalities. Schreuder et al., aim to identifying novel vulnerabilities of patient-derived mutations that could improve patient stratification based on a specific genetic background. Precisely, they established a model system to perform a genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 KO screen to identify genomic vulnerabilities of BRCA1 variants with reported hypomorphic phenotypes, namely BRCA1 R1699Q and BRCA1 I26A in engineered RPE1 hTERT cells with AID tag. Using this system the authors were able to confirm known synthetic lethal genes reported in literature (e.g. APEX2, PARP1, POLQ) comparing cells with acute BRCA loss and BRCA1 deficiency. Moreover, the screen identified two genes, CSA and GPX4 that were not previously described as synthetic lethal with BRCA1 loss. What is potentially interesting, but marginally explored, is the identification of a unique synthetic vulnerability of cells expressing BRCA1 R1699Q mutant and NDE1 gene encoding for a dynamic scaffold protein essential in neocortical neurogenesis and heterochromatin patterning by H4K20me3, whose loss of function results in nuclear architecture aberrations and DNA double-strand breaks (Chomiak et al., iScience 2022). Accordingly, cells ablated of NDE1 and expressing BRCA1 R1699Q mutant show less proliferation of cells expressing either BRCA1 WT or BRCA1-depleted. Furthermore, cells lacking NDE1 show increased genomic instability by means of increased micronuclei and anaphase bridges compared to BRCA1 proficient and BRCA1 R1699Q mutant.
Major comments:
- The authors claim that cells expressing BRCA1-I26A are largely HR-proficient, based on a milder effect on Olaparib sensitivity compared to cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A (Fig. 1C). However, I26A mutant cells are defective in RAD51 IRIF (Fig. 1B), indicative of an HR defect. Recently it has been shown that BRCA1 RING mutations that do not impact BARD1 binding, including I26A, render BRCA1 unable to accumulate to DNA damage sites and unable to form RAD51 foci when such mutation is combined with mutations that disable RAP80-BRCA1 interaction (Sherker et al., 2021). How do the authors explain this discrepancy with the literature?
- The reduction in survival following CSA depletion in BRCA1-proficient vs. -deficient cells is only 20% (Figure 2 and S2B). In my opinion, such a minor difference is not supporting the notion of a SL interaction between BRCA1 and CSA. To substantiate CSA as synthetic lethal hit, I would recommend the authors comparing the effect of CSA loss to that of EXO1 or BLM loss, both genes recently identified by the same group as SL partners of BRCA1 using the same experimental screening set up (van de Kooij et al, 2024). Moreover, validation data for GPX4 is missing.
- Similar to the minor effect observed for CSA, DOT1L and OTUD5 depletions caused rather mild and/or divergent phenotypes between the two sgRNAs used (Figure 4B), rather arguing against robust SL interactions between those genes and BRCA1 deficiency that could be therapeutically exploited.
- To strengthen their conclusion in Figure 4C the authors should perform complementation experiments with NDE1 WT and, ideally, with NDE1 mutant(s). On a related note, are NDE1 knock-out cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A more sensitive to PARPi?
- Graphs shown in Fig. 1A-C, Fig. 4B, S2D, S3B, S3E and S3F are lacking proper statistical analysis of the differences. Some experiments have only been repeated twice (e.g. Figure 1C), precluding running statistical tests.
Minor comments:
- The authors should include representative images for results shown in Fig.1 A-C
- The authors should add immunoblots for BRCA1 in Fig. S2C to indicate successful BRCA1 cDNA complementation in HCC1937 cells.
- Most numbers in the Venn diagram shown in Figure 3A cannot be read when printed.
- In the western blots shown in Supplemental Figure 1A, the electrophoretic mobility of BRCA1 variants expressed in RPE1 is quite variable. Could the authors indicate in the Figure (e.g. with arrowheads) which bands represent endogenous and which transgenic BRCA1. Moreover, in BRCA-wt complemented cells there are two bands following auxin/DOX addition, whereas there is one band observed in cells expressing BRCA1 hypomorphic variants
- Line 229 please correct "BRCA1-proficient" to "BRCA1-depleted".
General assessment:
This manuscript starts with an attractive hypothesis, which is the generation of a cellular system to study patient-derived hypomorphic BRCA1 missense mutations rather than using BRCA1 knockout cells. Performing CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome-wide synthetic lethal screens in this system allowed uncovering genetic vulnerabilities of cells expressing BRCA1-R1699A, a pathogenic mutant identified in several cancer patients. The data are of good quality and the manuscript is coherent and generally well written (few typos). However, some data describe mainly negative results (e.g. BRCA1-I26A mutant) or weak phenotypes while other more interesting aspects are not rigorously exploited (e.g. NDE1 SL) and therefore need to be interpreted with more caution and extended by additional experiments.
BRCA1-R1699Q is classified as a pathogenic variant despite its low penetrance and intermediate cancer risk in breast and ovarian cancer compared to other variants. A recent case report highlighted the unique clinical outcome of a patient with the BRCA1 R1699Q variant, suggesting that this variant may differ from others in terms of cancer risk and drug response (Saito et al., Cancer Treatment and Research Communications 2022). These findings underscore the need for further studies to confirm these observations and to elucidate the specific mechanisms underlying the response to platinum agents and PARP inhibitors in patients with the BRCA1 R1699Q variant. The manuscript proposed by the authors has the potential to help understanding how BRCA1 missense mutations can contribute to determine treatment sensitivity and pave the way to patient stratification.
This manuscript is suitable for a specialized, basic research audience.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
1. Point-by-point description of the revisions
- *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors present the use of previously identified biosensors in a single-molecule concentration regime to address lipid effector recruitment. Using controlled and careful single-cell based analysis, the study investigates how expression of the commonly used PIP3 sensor based on Akt-PH domain interferes with the native detection of PIP3. Predominantly live-cell fluorescence microscopy coupled to image analysis drives their studies.
Conceptually, this manuscript carefully and quantitatively describes the influence of lipid biosensor overexpression and presents a means to overcome the inherent and long-recognized problems therein. This solution, namely employing low expression of the lipid biosensor, should be generally applicable. The work is of general interest to cell biologists focused on answering questions at membranes and organelles, including especially those interested in lipid-mediated signaling transductions.
Reviewer 1 Major:
#1.1 The terminology "single molecule biosensor" is not really appropriate. A protein is not "single-molecule". An enzyme does not "single molecule". Better is biosensors at single-molecule expression levels. In most cases, this should be changed. Single-molecule vs single-cell vs. bulk measurements are often poorly defined in quantifications and conflating these does not help the case, which is already supported by generally clear data.
We appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful critique of our grammatically incorrect use of jargon; we saw this as soon as they mentioned it! We have amended the manuscript where appropriate as detailed:
- Title is now changed to “Lipid Biosensors Expressed at Single Molecule Levels Mitigates Inhibition of Endogenous Effector Proteins”
- Last paragraph of the introduction on __ 2__ now reads “As well as alleviating inhibition of PI3K signaling, biosensors expressed at these low levels show improved dynamic range and report more accurate kinetics than their over-expressed counterparts."
- The title of the results section on __ 6__ is now: Mitigating PIP3 competition using biosensors expressed at single molecule levels
- Last paragraph of the results section on 6 now reads: “this showed that when expressed at single molecule levels, the biosensor has substantially better dynamic range”. #1.2 Figure 1D-F, images not as clearly describing quantitation as one would hope. Untransfected cells in 1E should demonstrate more translocated Akt-pS473 than transfected, but it is difficult for this reviewer to find. Consider inset images in addition to the wider field. Consider also moving the "negative" data of Fig 1B-C to Supplement.
We regret not making this figure easier to interpret; we have substantially updated the figure, as comprehensively detailed in our point-by-point response to reviewer 2’s point 2.3. To specifically address this reviewer’s concerns:
The older figure used non-confocal, low-resolution images that were used for quantification. Such an approach was employed to enable fluorescence from the entire cellular volume to be captured, which produces more robust quantification. However, to the reviewer’s point, it is not possible to see the translocation of PH-AKT1 nor translocated AKT-pS473 in these images. Fortunately, we had in parallel captured high resolution confocal images for some experiments. These are now shown in Fig 1D-E, which clearly shows translocated AKT-pS473 and PH-AKT-EGFP
#1.3 The cell line being used is not clearly specified after the initial development of the NG1 followed by CRISPRed NG2 onto Akt. For example, for the Figure 3C experiments, the text states "complete ablation of endogenous AKT1-NG2" but this information is not apparent from the figure legend or figure. Throughout the cell line used and the aspects transfected need to be made explicitly clear.
We are grateful to the reviewer for highlighting this ambiguity. We have now defined the gene-edited cells used throughout as “AKT1-NG2 cells” and expressly used this term when referring to experiments in figures 2-5.
#1.4 Fig. 5 shows single cells. It is therefore unclear if broken promoters have resulted in decreased expression. This point is important because the expression plasmids should be made publicly available, and for their use to be understood properly, this must be clarified. The details of the plasmids are unclear. Perhaps listed in the table? - unclear. This aspect would be important for the field to effectively use the reagents.
Thank you for drawing our attention to the lack of adequate detail here. We have now updated the results text to expressly reference Morita et al., 2022 where the origins of the truncated CMV promoters are detailed. We have also updated the plasmids table 1 to add pertinent details for these constructs: *pCMVd3 plasmids are based on the pEGFP-C1 backbone, with the CMV promoter truncated to remove 18 of the 26 putative transcription factor binding sites in the human Cytomegalovirus Major Intermediate Enhancer/Promoter (pCMV∆3 as described in Morita et al., 2012). The full sequences will be deposited with the plasmids on Addgene.
We did not perform a formal comparison of full vs truncated promoters. Our only observation is that the truncated promoters greatly help in increasing the number of expressing cells presenting single-molecule resolvable expression levels (though the approach can still work with full promoters).
#1.5 This manuscript speculates several times that with more abundant PIs like PI45P2, the observed saturation effect is probably not happening. This should be removed. While the back of envelope calculations may reflect an ideal scenario, the heterogeneity of distribution and multiple key cellular structures involved would seem to corral increased PI45P2 levels in certain regions. These factors amid multivalency and electrostatic mechanisms of lipid effector recruitment (e.g. MARCKS) suggest that speculation may be too strong. Moreover, Maib et al JCB 2024 demonstrated PI4P probe overexpression could directly mask the ability to detect PI4P post-fixation - not fully, but partially. Repeating the titration experiments of this manuscript for multiple PIs is entirely beyond the scope of reasonable, and hence, such experiments are not requested, in favor of adopting more conscientious speculation.
The reviewer’s point is well taken. Whilst we still believe the overall argument for lipids is sounds (for example, PS or cholesterol are far too abundant for any expressed, stoichiometric binding protein to bind the majority of the population) even abundant phosphoinositides like PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are an edge case. We have therefore undated the first paragraph of the introduction on __p. 1 __to be less explicit: One of the most prominent is the fact that lipid engagement by a biosensor occludes the lipid’s headgroup, blocking its interaction with proteins that mediate biological function. It follows that large fractions of lipid may be effectively outcompeted by the biosensor, inhibiting the associated physiology. We have argued that, in most cases, this is unlikely because the total number of lipid molecules outnumbers expressed biosensors by one to two orders of magnitude (Wills et al., 2018). However, for less abundant lipids, total molecule copy numbers may be in the order of tens to hundreds of thousands, making competition by biosensors a real possibility.
We also removed the explicit discussion of PI(4,5)P2 from the introduction, and focus now solely on the PI3K lipids.
Reviewer 1 Minor:
1.6 Schematics throughout need simplification, enabling their enlargement.
We have now enlarged the size of all schematics
#1.7 Numerous spelling (Fig. 4 schemas) and capitalizations need fixing.
Thank you for drawing our attention to these. We have thoroughly proof-read the figure panels and corrected errors.
#1.8 Pg 1 Famous is not appropriate wording
We respectfully beg to differ with the reviewer here. We believe it is perfectly accurate to state that PIP3 is a second messenger molecule that is known about by many people; we see this as the dictionary definition of the word “famous”.
#1.9 Fig. 1A statistical testing of microscopy quantifications absent (generally, throughout) and should be included.
This was indeed an oversight on our part. We have now added appropriate multiple comparisons tests to the data presented in figures 1F, 3F, 4C, 4F and 5C.
#1.10 Fig.1. In a transient transfection, the protein expression is not uniform. Please explain how you normalized the quantification.
We hope this is now clarified by the expanded “Image Analysis” part of the methods section on pp. 10-11 (relevant sentence is underlined): For immunofluorescence, we identified individual cells by auto thresholding the DAPI channel using the “Huang” method, followed by the Watershed function to segment bunched cells that appeared to touch. We then used the Voronoi function to generate boundary lines for the segmentation of the cells. To identify cytoplasm, auto thresholding of the CellMask channel using the “Huang” function was employed, with the cells segmented by adding the nuclear Voronoi boundaries. The “analyze particles” function was then used to identify individual cellular ROIs that were greater than 10 µm2 and were not touching the image periphery. These ROIs were used to measure the raw 12-bit intensity of the EGFP and AKT-pS473 channels. A cutoff of EGFP > 100 was used to define EGFP-positive cells, since this value was greater than the mean ± 3 standard deviations of the non-transfected cells’ EGFP intensity. Background intensity of AKT-pS473 was estimated from control cells subject to immunofluorescence in the absence of AKT-pS473 antibody; this value was subtracted from the measured values of all other conditions.
#1.11 Fig. 1D. EGFP expression levels increased with EGF stimulation. How is this possible?
There appeared to be a difference due to the presence of 5 strongly expressing cells in the chosen field in the original field for the EGF stimulated, EGFP cells. However, this arose just by chance. The new set of high-resolution images in the new figure 1 were selected to be more representative.
#1.12 Fig. 1D. The images have pS473 whereas the y-axis label on box plots has p473. Can these box plots be labelled separately for consistency?
Thank you. This has now been corrected in the revised Figure 1.