1,663 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. that's what professionals and family members and Friends and Lovers and lots of other people can do help them think about where they come from and where they're going to you put those two things together and that's the magic uh formula

      > for - addiction - recovery - family support - help addicted person build an affirming, honest and aspiring narrative - where they came from - where they arrived at now - where they are going towards

    1. Ethnic Studies instructors will illuminate some of the misunderstandings and mischaracterizations of our beloved discipline.

      Why do we think ES is not understood and mischaracterizations are common?

  2. Dec 2024
    1. I answered Dr. Sacks’s question casually, saying that I believed that I knew what it was like to see in 3D. After all, I was a neurobiology professor and had read plenty of scientific papers on stereopsis.

      for - association - person with 2D vision - trying to imagine what it's like to see in 3D - What's it like to be a bat? - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23 - adjacency - seeing in 2D - then in 3D - Deep Humanity BEing journey - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23

  3. Nov 2024
    1. the problem is is we're not listening to the fifth person perspective physicists we're listening to the third person perspective physicists and mainly because the source of power is located in our planet at third person perspective that's where the power band is attempting to hold control

      for - quote / insight - power is being held at the 3rd person perspective, not the fifth or higher person perspective - John Churchill

      quote / insight - power is being held at the 3rd person perspective, not the fifth or higher person perspective - John Churchill - (see below) - The problem is is we're not listening to the fifth person perspective physicists, - we're listening to the third person perspective physicists - and mainly because the source of power is located in our planet at third person perspective. - That's where the power band is attempting to hold control

      comment - The same is true of politics

    2. first second third fourth you can look at those as perspectives

      for - definition - first person to eightth person perspectives - John Churchill

      definition - first person to eighth person perspective - John Churchill - The different perspectives are: - first person - the physical body - second person - the emotional body - third person - the mental body - fourth - the systems perspective - contextual - interconnected field - fifth to seventh - holonic consciousness - synchronized to the planetary field itself - Like a Buddha, bodhisattva or Christ - As you unfold, your unfolding changes the planetary field itself

    3. we go from first person to second person to third person to Fourth to fifth to sixth person perspective those are actual cognitive structures

      for - question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill

  4. Aug 2024
    1. Tkacsik Márta Királyhelmecen született, 23 éves korában szerzett kisdoktori fokozatot a kassai Pavol Jozef Šafárik Egyetem elméleti matematika szakán. Ő kötötte be a Csehszlovák Tudományos Akadémiát a világhálóba, elsők között volt e-mail-címe Kassán. A kilencvenes években költözött Magyarországra, nagy multi cégekhez igazolt az internetbizniszben. Bankok vezetőit segítette abban, hogyan használják az internet adta lehetőségeket. A kétezres években három társával együtt saját tanácsadó céget vezetett, kétszáz főre duzzasztva adták el. 2012-ben alapította meg a nagy tápsűrűségű fekete bogyósok vegyszermentes termesztésére, gyűjtésére és feldolgozására, a belőlük készült funkcionális élelmiszerek előállítására specializálódott mintakertjét Budajenő határában. A Patikakert fenntartható ökológiai gazdaság, látogatóközpont és szálláshely egyszerre. Évente másfél millió bogyós gyümölcsöt szüretelnek kézzel. Márta a palántázástól a termékfejlesztésen át a könyvelésig részt vesz minden folyamatban.


  5. Jun 2024
    1. (~3:00) Syntopical Reading requires building a map of the topic across sources (coming up with one's own terms) in order to find out what each author is saying.

      How does one do this if the process of syntopical reading is the process by which one comes up with the knowledge? I believe the answer lies in a high skill level of Inspectional Reading

      Obviously, one cannot make a perfect map from the get go, and this should not be the intention (defeat perfectionism)... However, a rough sketch or map is far more valuable than none at all.

      I believe this is also the point of Dr. Justin Sung's prestudy... Building the barebone structure of the mindmap, finding the logic behind it all; the first layer.

  6. May 2024
    1. And, writing is the foundation of media. Everything you see online from posts to videos to advertisements start with writing. Media is where the attention is.

      Media is the foundation of many businesses. Media is where attention goes to. Businesses need attention (to sell). In this sense, a business is indeed an extension of the self (similar to how media extends the self).

    2. A business is the storefront of your value. It is the public display of yourself, your goals, and your values. Businesses are an extension of yourself.

      Business serving as an extension of the self. This, though, applies mostly for one person businesses.

      Also see how media extend human beings Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964)

  7. Feb 2024
  8. Nov 2023
    1. my book is 00:10:19 simply an attempt to walk us through the skills it takes to be to know another human being and make them feel known seen and heard
      • for: purpose of David Brooks' book

      • paraphrase

      • the purpose of his book is to advocate and spread the skills it takes to know another human being and make them feel known, seen and heard
  9. Oct 2023
    1. [But this made me much better when he inspired in your majesty these sentiments ofgreat compassion for me, that he seems well disposed to facilitate the enjoyment ofthis happiness in so many ways.

      Interesting choice of words here, certainly seems as though it could be an insinuation for fighting against the English with "so many ways"

    2. [I feel incapable of saying to you a single word, as small as I am, how dare I speak tosomeone with a majesty as grand as yours.]

      I have to agree with Sierra's annotation. To draw back, this could be aligned with my previous annotation, and they could truly view him as their king. However, it is likely this is an appeasement in an attempt to draw the English from their lands

    3. My king, my Father,

      We have discussed in previous weeks how a drive for religious conversion went twofold with obtaining French subjects. By referring to the King as "My king, my father" suggects that the abenaquis do see themselves as French subjects

    4. My king, my Father

      After reviewing the archival version of the original letter it appears that it was addressed to Louis XIV although he would die in September of this year.

      Judging by the language used here, the Abenaki may have sworn fealty to Louis XIV and expect the reciprocal relationship to persist even if a peace treaty was signed between the French and British.

    5. au roi de France pour obtenir son appui alors que les Anglaischerchent à s'emparer de leurs terres, vers 1715

      Based on the title, it would appear that this letter is written for the purpose of gaining the support of the French King (either Louis the XIV or XV depending on the month this was written) against the English/British (led by George I) who are apparently seizing the land of the Abenaki.

      This seizure is likely due to the Treaty of Utrecht signed two years earlier (1713) and given the narrative in the text it seems that they were not informed by the French of this peace treaty but by the English.

  10. Aug 2023
  11. Jul 2023
    1. Wenn die reichsten Menschen in Europa ihren Energieverbrauch auf 170 Gigajoule pro Jahr reduzieren würden, ließen sich allein damit 10% der EU-Emissionen reduzieren - wobei 170 Gigajoule mehr sind, als 80% der europäischen Bevölkerung verbrauchen. Eine neue Studie zeigt das Potenzial von Reduktionen auf der Nachfrageseite vor allem bei Wohlhabenden. Eine bessere Befriedigung grundlegender Energiebedürfnisse von Armen hat dagegen nur geringe Auswirkungen auf die Emissionen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000179254/energiesparen-bei-reichen-kann-erhoehten-verbrauch-bei-armen-kompensieren

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-023-01283-y

  12. Apr 2023
  13. Jan 2023
    1. i'll be talking to you for four weeks 00:06:02 um about what i call losing yourself that is really understanding the idea of no self of selflessness not in the moral sense specifically though that will get there but not having a self 00:06:14 and of what it is to exist as a person uh without a self and i'll be doing this um from a variety of perspectives and one of the things that might make this 00:06:27 set of talks different from a lot of the talks that the barry center supports is that it won't be specifically or uniquely buddhist doctrine i will be relying on a lot of 00:06:40 buddhist arguments because i do that but also addressing a lot of western arguments in western literature and i won't be interested in doing a lot of textual work in fact i won't do any textual work at all even though i love doing that this will be really about the 00:06:53 idea about really how to understand the idea of not having a self and the idea and how to understand what it is to be a person so i'll draw on buddhist ideas and non-buddhist ideas on western ideas 00:07:07 but i won't be specifically giving a course in the history of buddhist thought about no-self nor will i be talking about practice this will be a very theoretical um set of lectures um but i think what i have to say will 00:07:20 be relevant um to those who are coming here in order to enrich their practice but i won't be specifically talking about that um most of what i'm doing will be based on a book that is 00:07:33 now in press called losing yourself how to be a person without a self

      !- theme of talk : losing yourself, How to be a Person without a Self - what it is to exist as a person without a self - based on the research in his book: Losing yourself: How to be a person without a self

      !- Jay Garfield : Comment - This work is in the same direction as the following authors: - Physicist Tom Murphy: civilization and the program of control as the root structural problem of our polycrisis https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2Ff6yFrh1X6DI%2F&group=world<br /> - Glenn Albrecht & Gavin Van Horn: Replacing the Anthropocene with the Symbiocene https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhumansandnature.org%2Fexiting-the-anthropocene-and-entering-the-symbiocene%2F&group=world - Buddhist scholar David Loy: On the Emptiness at the heart of the human being that cannot be filled by consumerism & materialism https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F1Gq4HhUIDDk%2F&group=world - Korean / German philosopher Byung-Chul Han: The Burnout Society https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FbNkDeUApreo%2F&group=world

    2. we can understand the fact that we exist conventionally um but as 00:53:05 neither the same nor different from the various constituents that we have that we can lack any core or self but still have a perfectly good existence just like chariots do and that that kind 00:53:17 of existence is enough to account for our existence through time without positing a persistent self or a soul that is strung along through all of those moments

      !- existence : without a self - we can exist through time, just like the chariot or the flame, without needing to impute an unchanging self to exist in every moment - later on in the talk, Jay uses example of money in the same way

  14. Dec 2022
    1. in the third section we're going to focus on the ethical implications of all of this because i think that's really important that's why we do this and then in the fourth part we'll be 00:10:51 talking about what life looks like as a person as opposed to a self and why we should take all of this very seriously

      !- third session : ethical implications of a person without a self !- fourth session :what is the experience of life like when you are a person without a self?

  15. Sep 2022
    1. 王明


    1. For Colorado-based Doug Spencer, the devastating floods that recently hit Yellowstone National Park presented compelling evidence for his conviction that investing with an ESG (environmental, social and governance) lens has never been more important.


  16. Jul 2022
    1. “We have certain events to relate,” Mr. Franklin proceeded; “and we have certain persons concerned in those events who are capable of relating them. Starting from these plain facts, the idea is that we should all write the story of the Moonstone in turn–as far as our own personal experience extends, and no farther. We must begin by showing how the Diamond first fell into the hands of my uncle Herncastle, when he was serving in India fifty years since. This prefatory narrative I have already got by me in the form of an old family paper, which relates the necessary particulars on the authority of an eye-witness. The next thing to do is to tell how the Diamond found its way into my aunt’s house in Yorkshire, two years ago, and how it came to be lost in little more than twelve hours afterwards. Nobody knows as much as you do, Betteredge, about what went on in the house at that time. So you must take the pen in hand, and start the story.”

      Mr. Franklin suggests that more first- and third-person narrators i.e., characters in the story, be included to tell the tale about the Diamond and its disappearance. But how reliable is the evidence that each one has to offer? This is probably at the heart of this detective story.

    2. irst Period The Loss of the Diamond (1848) The events related by Gabriel Betteredge, house-steward in the service of Julia, Lady Verinder.

      Change of first-person narrator lo lower class 'house-steward.' Is he more or less reliable as a narrator compared to the first upper class one?

  17. Mar 2022
    1. A number ofstudies have demonstrated that instructional videos that include gesture producesignificantly more learning for the people who watch them: viewers direct theirgaze more efficiently, pay more attention to essential information, and morereadily transfer what they have learned to new situations. Videos that incorporategesture seem to be especially helpful for those who begin with relatively littleknowledge of the concept being covered; for all learners, the beneficial effect ofgesture appears to be even stronger for video instruction than for live, in-personinstruction.

      Gestures can help viewers direct their attention to the most salient and important points in a conversation or a lecture. As a result, learning has been show to be improved in watching lectures with gestures.

      Learning using gestures has been shown to be stronger in video presentations over in-person instruction.

  18. Jan 2022
  19. Nov 2021
  20. Oct 2021
  21. Aug 2021
    1. Everett, J. A. C., Colombatto, C., Awad, E., Boggio, P., Bos, B., Brady, W. J., Chawla, M., Chituc, V., Chung, D., Drupp, M., Goel, S., Grosskopf, B., Hjorth, F., Ji, A., Kealoha, C., Kim, J. S., Lin, Y., Ma, Y., Maréchal, M. A., … Crockett, M. (2021). Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mzswb

  22. Jul 2021
    1. consumer friendly

      Including the "consumer" here is a red herring. We're meant to identify as the consumer and so take from this statement that our rights and best interests have been written into these BigTech-crafted laws.

      But a "consumer" is different from a "citizen," a "person," we the people.

  23. Jun 2021
  24. Apr 2021
  25. Mar 2021
  26. Oct 2020
  27. Sep 2020
    1. What grabbed his wrist was not a hand. Not exactly, not – anymore. It was coarse and bony and covered in fine, sharp hairs. Greg screamed, falling backwards, pulling the figure under the street lamp where, for a second, I saw it more completely than he did. It was definitely human once. At least, based on how it was screaming. But it was thin, with bits of twisted and discolored, covered in small, scurrying shapes. Its face was the most human part of it remaining. Except for the two black and hollow spaces where its eyes once were. From which now poured an endless stream of scuttling legs and fangs. Its mouth was full of them too, but I could see, as it grasped desperately at Greg; it was trying to say: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Tell her I’m sorry,” but words were not what tumbled from those lips.
  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
  30. May 2020
    1. Ghinai, I., Woods, S., Ritger, K. A., McPherson, T. D., Black, S. R., Sparrow, L., Fricchione, M. J., Kerins, J. L., Pacilli, M., Ruestow, P. S., Arwady, M. A., Beavers, S. F., Payne, D. C., Kirking, H. L., & Layden, J. E. (2020). Community Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at Two Family Gatherings—Chicago, Illinois, February–March 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(15), 446–450. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6915e1

    1. Ghinai, I., McPherson, T. D., Hunter, J. C., Kirking, H. L., Christiansen, D., Joshi, K., Rubin, R., Morales-Estrada, S., Black, S. R., Pacilli, M., Fricchione, M. J., Chugh, R. K., Walblay, K. A., Ahmed, N. S., Stoecker, W. C., Hasan, N. F., Burdsall, D. P., Reese, H. E., Wallace, M., … Uyeki, T. M. (2020). First known person-to-person transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the USA. The Lancet, 395(10230), 1137–1144. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30607-3

  31. Apr 2020
  32. Nov 2019
    1. In Philadelphia, a small group of transit riders sat down to talk about what sucks about the bus. “What is it about the bus?” the interviewer said, and they were off.“They got to stop at every corner,” one rider said. “That’s going to be an inconvenience if you are trying to get someplace fast.”“They don’t come,” said another. “Like, you will just wait at the corner and they don’t come. And sometimes the bus will come but it will just go right by you, so you have to wait for the next one. It happens way too much for me.”

      in person experiences with bad transit

  33. Oct 2019
    1. How to Be a Better Person

      Many philosophers throughout the centuries have preached the same thing that life is a journey and becoming better every day is a goal. As a general rule of thumb, most of us wish to become a better person. Unfortunately, many people become stuck and fixate on the mistakes they’ve made in life, preventing them from becoming a better version of themselves. Meanwhile, many others aren’t aware of how to go about bringing self-improvement. The good news is that it is possible for every human being on the planet to become a better person. Learning to love oneself is a skill, and much like any other skill, it can be learned. Take the example of an online essay writing service. No service becomes the best essay writing service without dedication and consistent practice. In a similar vein, no person can learn to be a better person without consistent and conscious efforts. Thankfully, thanks to thousands of years of human existence, we have other people’s experience to guide us towards the path to being a better person. Here are some tips that can help anyone become better versions of themselves. Compliment Yourself In our world full of comparisons and competition, it can be very easy to drown with self-pity and lack of self-esteem. This is further bolstered by the presence of social media in today’s society, where it seems like everyone is achieving success and living the best life. This is why it’s so important to be aware of one’s own good quality. Finding out the positives in yourself and complimenting yourself for it will allow you to break free from the mental shackles and adopt more positive habits. It also makes one happy and happiness, as we all know, is contagious. Don’t Make Excuses Making excuses or blaming someone else for mishaps or shortcomings is very easy. However, this leads nowhere. By accepting responsibility, owning mistakes and learning from them, one can grow in both personal and professional life. It breeds a sense of control over life, and ultimately makes one happier, which in turn makes one a better person. Let Go of Anger All of us go through different experiences in life. No one’s life is perfect, and there are bound to be negative experiences in everyone’s life. Human beings aren’t perfect; hence they tend to hurt others intentionally or intentionally. However, being angry at someone and not letting go of it only affects you. It casts a cloud over one’s judgement and decision-making ability. That is why it’s so important to let go of anger. Understanding that everything happens for a reason allows one to be content and focus efforts on other more important things. Practice Forgiveness This tip goes along with the last point. Forgiving others, as well as the self, is an incredibly elating experience. Forgiveness is one of the greatest forms of sacrifice. It requires sacrificing one’s ego, the greatest enemy to personal betterment and growth. Things like meditation and self-reflection can help a lot in this department.

  34. Sep 2019
  35. May 2019
  36. Jan 2019
  37. Nov 2018
    1. Duffy points to the increase in health care interactions online and adds that he would like to see a pervasive culture of in-person care as last resort. “If every organizational decision, technology decision, process decision — assuming all the payment stuff, that’s kind of ticket of entry, transpires — if you view in-person as last resort, that will help pull systems across the country to a more consumer-forward Uber-like experience,” he says

      Biggest challenges to redesigning the health care system in a way that would work better for patients and improve health

  38. Jan 2018
    1. Teddy Boffin

      In the manuscript, the first few times the name is corrected from 'Teddy." Dickens probably added the note below (Nicodemus. "Noddy Boffin") after he made the changes in the manuscript.

    2. Imaginary man.

      his "Imaginary man" could possibly refer to the "French gentleman" in Mr. Venus's shop, but it most likely refers to Mr. Venus himself, an imaginary version of the taxidermist Mr. Willis, to whom illustrator Marcus Stone took Dickens for inspiration (see note above). In a letter to Stone on Februrary 28, 1864, Dickens wrote: "I have done the St. Andrew Street place, and have made it the last Chapter of the 2nd. No. I will send you a proof when I get it. It is very like, with an imaginary man and an imaginary place in the story." The full text of this letter is available on the Our Mutual Friend Scholarly Pages (University of California Santa Cruz) at http://omf.ucsc.edu/dickens/letters/marcus-stone.html.

    3. In which Mr Wegg looks after himself

      Dickens told his illustrator Marcus Stone that “he had a personage who had just appeared upon the scene who was to have some eccentric calling, and that he could not find the calling that would suit him” (quoted in Michael Cotsell, The Companion to Our Mutual Friend [Allen & Unwin, 1986], 65). Stone took Dickens to see a taxidermist called Willis in Seven Dials in London, “an articulator of skeletons, a stuffer of birds, and dealer in bottled monsters.” "I suggested Mr. Willis, or rather his occupation, as an idea that might be suggestive," wrote Stone. "'It is the very thing that I want he said it couldn't be better.'" This real-life detour resulted in Mr. Venus’s appearance in the second installment. For more, see Michael Slater, Charles Dickens (New Haven: Yale UP, 2009), 524-25, and Francis Xavier Shea, "Mr. Venus Observed: The Plot Change in Our Mutual Friend," Papers on Language and Literature 4 (1968): 170–181, 170.

    4. Lady Tippins

      Lady Tippins does not appear in this installment number, but she does appear in the original chapter seven, which was relocated to the next installment as chapter ten.

  39. Oct 2017
  40. Sep 2017
    1. In which Mr Wegg looks after himself

      Dickens told his illustrator Marcus Stone that “he had a personage who had just appeared upon the scene who was to have some eccentric calling, and that he could not find the calling that would suit him” (quoted in Michael Cotsell, The Companion to Our Mutual Friend [Allen & Unwin, 1986], 65). Stone took Dickens to see a taxidermist called Willis in Seven Dials in London, “an articulator of skeletons, a stuffer of birds, and dealer in bottled monsters.” "I suggested Mr. Willis, or rather his occupation, as an idea that might be suggestive," wrote Stone. "'It is the very thing that I want he said it couldn't be better.'" This real-life detour resulted in Mr. Venus’s appearance in the second installment. For more, see Michael Slater, Charles Dickens (New Haven: Yale UP, 2009), 524-25, and Francis Xavier Shea, "Mr. Venus Observed: The Plot Change in Our Mutual Friend," Papers on Language and Literature 4 (1968): 170–181, 170.

    2. Lady Tippins

      Lady Tippins does not appear in this installment number, but she does appear in the original chapter seven, which was relocated to the next installment as chapter ten.

    3. Imaginary man

      his "Imaginary man" could possibly refer to the "French gentleman" in Mr. Venus's shop, but it most likely refers to Mr. Venus himself, an imaginary version of the taxidermist Mr. Willis, to whom illustrator Marcus Stone took Dickens for inspiration (see note above). In a letter to Stone on Februrary 28, 1864, Dickens wrote: "I have done the St. Andrew Street place, and have made it the last Chapter of the 2nd. No. I will send you a proof when I get it. It is very like, with an imaginary man and an imaginary place in the story." The full text of this letter is available on the Our Mutual Friend Scholarly Pages (University of California Santa Cruz) at http://omf.ucsc.edu/dickens/letters/marcus-stone.html.

  41. Jun 2017
  42. May 2017
    1. Yermak

      Vasiliy “Yermak” Timofeyevich Alenin was a Cossack who started the conquest of Siberia under the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

      Forsyth, James. A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony, 1581-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.

  43. Apr 2017
    1. Our jail infrastructure allows us to efficiently set up expensive resources a single time at startup, such as loading our trained models, then have these resources be cloned into a jail to satisfy a single OCR request. The resources are cloned Copy-on-Write into the forked jail and are read-only for how we use our models so it’s quite efficient and fast.
  44. Jan 2017
  45. Aug 2016
    1. VISITS

      I'm not sure exactly where this would fit in, but some way to reporting total service hours (per week or other time period) would be useful, esp as we start gauging traffic, volume, usage against number of service hours. In our reporting for the Univ of California, we have to report on services hours for all public service points.

      Likewise, it may be helpful to have a standard way to report staffing levels re: coverage of public service points? or in department? or who work on public services?

  46. Feb 2016
  47. Dec 2015
  48. Nov 2015
    1. Pelasgus


    2. Thetys


    3. Zeus


    4. Zeus


    5. Proserpina


    6. Zeus


    7. Zeus


    8. Diana


    9. Ceres


    10. Polycletus


    11. Euphorbus


    12. Poseidon


    13. Zeus


    14. Jason


    15. Heracles


    16. Horase


    17. Hebe


    18. Ares


    19. Aphrodite


    20. Hephaestus


    21. Hebe


    22. Ares


    23. Zeus


    24. Aphrodite


    25. Zeus


    26. Athena


    27. Poseidon


    28. Zeus


    29. Zeus


    30. Zeus


    31. Zeus


    32. Zeus


    33. Zeus


    34. Acraea


    35. Prosymna


    36. Euboea


    37. Temenus


    38. Cronos


    39. Zeus


    40. Cronos


    41. Zeus


    42. Zeus


    43. Oceanus


    44. Zeus


    45. Cronos


    46. Hestia


    47. Rhea


    48. Cronos
