9 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. 110 of 00:01:28 its gdp and the inflation rate is at 15 which is the highest inflation rate since 2008. pakistan and sri lanka are both currently in similar situation

      Sri Lanka GDP debt and inflation rate

  2. Feb 2022
  3. Dec 2021
    1. 1 ευρώ θα παίρνετε από αμοιβή, 2 ευρώ θα σας τρώει ο πληθωρισμός. Θα γίνει της Βαϊμάρης…

      Η κοινή παρανόηση πως ο υψηλός πληθωρισμός == υπερπληθωρισμός. Οχι οτι θα ειναι ευκολο για την λαϊκή οικογενεια, ή οτι δεν θα γινουν εξεγερσεις.

    2. «Ανακάλυψα ότι δεν φταίνε οι μισθοί για τον πληθωρισμό»

      Επιτελους κ στα ελληνικα αρθρα για την αδικαιολόγητο φοβο των εργαζομένων για τον πληθωρισμο.

  4. Feb 2021
    1. The Quest for Truth

      The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.

      Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation

      The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.

      Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.

      Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
  5. Aug 2020
  6. Jul 2020