25 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2024
    1. Latticework’s portal-based marginalia allow commentary to be created and viewed from either “side” of a snippet link, interchangeably. Snippet links can be serialized to standard URLs in standard Markdown plaintext. (Modern systems only support links to blocks, not arbitrary text ranges. For block links, Obsidian uses non-standard anchors; others use proprietary database formats.) Snippet links can be quickly created (either from source or at the destination) using key commands. Transcluded snippets can be collapsed to increase density, and re-expanded when needed. Pane-based navigation allows users to preview and visit links while maintaining a consistent view of the linking pane.

      5 reasons L's bidirectionality is different to pkm tools / Xanadu. The first two are most key imo: they can be initiated from both sides of a link, and result in the same thing. (e.g. diff from [[Webmention 20200926203019]], and two the links are standard URLs (in standard Markdown), whereas Roam / Notion abstract them away in a db, moving outside their role as viewer, and Obs maintains its viewer role, but adds things to the notes not obviously interpretable outside of it.

      I'd add that the linked snippets are a different unit of linking from what Obs et al support. Much closer to the granularity where the knowledge work is done. Surprisal I rarely find in a paragraph, mostly in part of a sentence. Questions latch onto a single word sometimes.

  3. Aug 2023
  4. Jun 2023
    1. I'm curious if anyone has ever experimented with making an online Luhmann-esque Zettelkasten using WikiMedia as their platform?

      What were the pros/cons you found for doing so?

      Have you tried other methods (index cards, Obsidian, other(s)?), and if so what affordances did MediaWiki provide or were lacking for what you were attempting to accomplish?

      Did you use transclusion functionality?

      Did you attempt to build or implement backlink functionality? Use the API or plugins for this?

      Did you build some sort of custom index (manually, programatically, other)?

      If you used it for writing, what methods did you attempt with respect to taking the smaller pieces/ideas and building them up into longer written pieces?

      Links to specific public examples are welcome here. I'll also accept links to public versions of commonplace books or similar forms which also use MediaWiki as their infrastructure.

      syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/144hzn9/zettelkasten_with_mediawiki/

  5. Apr 2023
    1. transclusión: inclusión sin copiado.

      El hipertexto permite que se de la interacción por medio de enlaces y la conexión de conocimientos, saberes y/o experiencias de otros, con la acción dar un click para poder acceder a nueva información. Esto se consideraría transclusión, si?

      Pero cuando ocurre el trasncopyright?

  6. Mar 2023
    1. “For example, I personally believe that Visual Basic did more for programming than Object-Oriented Languages did,” Torvalds wrote, “yet people laugh at VB and say it's a bad language, and they've been talking about OO languages for decades. And no, Visual Basic wasn't a great language, but I think the easy DB interfaces in VB were fundamentally more important than object orientation is, for example.”
    2. Almost all Visual Basic 6 programmers were content with what Visual Basic 6 did. They were happy to be bus drivers: to leave the office at 5 p.m. (or 4:30 p.m. on a really nice day) instead of working until midnight; to play with their families on weekends instead of trudging back to the office. They didn't lament the lack of operator overloading or polymorphism in Visual Basic 6, so they didn't say much.The voices that Microsoft heard, however, came from the 3 percent of Visual Basic 6 bus drivers who actively wished to become fighter pilots. These guys took the time to attend conferences, to post questions on CompuServe forums, to respond to articles. Not content to merely fantasize about shooting a Sidewinder missile up the tailpipe of the car that had just cut them off in traffic, they demanded that Microsoft install afterburners on their buses, along with missiles, countermeasures and a head-up display. And Microsoft did.
    3. It gave me the start in understanding how functions work, how sub-procedures work, and how objects work. More importantly though, Visual Basic gave me the excitement and possibility that I could make this thing on my family's desk do pretty much whatever I wanted
    4. “The prevailing method of writing Windows programs in 1990 was the raw Win32 API. That meant the 'C' Language WndProc(), giant switch case statements to handle WM_PAINT messages. Basically, all the stuff taught in the thick Charles Petzold book. This was a very tedious and complex type of programming. It was not friendly to a corporate ‘enterprise apps' type of programming,”
  7. Jan 2023
    1. A proper parallel hypertext in a possible opening view.  The reader is able to read the full build (right), corresponding to this assembled book, or separate narratives and threads.  Visible beams of transclusion show identical content among separate pages (stories, threads, and full build).

      !- demonstration : transclusion - very intuitive and effective, if not primitive

  8. Nov 2022
    1. dealised utopia

      Possibly, besides web monetization, there can be donation basket like ko-fi beside curation, as well as cleatly linking back to the original that can have a donation basket as well. The options are complementary.

  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
    1. Thefirst is tagging eachnote with a keywordthat identifies what the idea described in the note is about.

      What are the potential different affordances allowed by giving cards titles versus giving them topic keywords or other taxonomic links?

      Card titles may be useful in analog settings, but they can be even more valuable in digital settings where one can transclude "cards" (read: ideas) into outlines.

      Both of these two patterns have some similarities. Is Allosso differentiating between them? As his notes don't seem to have titles otherwise, one would presume that he's solely referring to topic categories.

  11. Jun 2022
    1. Sometimes you know a project is coming and can startsaving things to a project folder in advance,

      no mention of the affordances of being able to cross-link things or even transclude them from an original location (which works for one currently) to another useful location.

  12. Oct 2021
    1. Thedor Holm Nelson.

      Me gusta que algunas de sus ideas, a pesar de no ser tan populares, están dispersas y han persistido en el desarrollo de algunas tecnologías, como la transclusión que es posible hacerla en herramientas como TiddlyWiki

  13. Feb 2021
    1. What we're after is a low-friction way for website owners to let other people link to their ideas and creations, offering a rich contextual reading experience for audiences, without letting bad actors monopolise the system.

      It is crucial to have an open standard, and I think the people from indieweb already did a lot of the work. Webmentions are just the communication layer, but. microformats may be a great tool to keep in mind.

    2. Transclusion would make this whole scenario quite different. Let's imagine this again...

      Many in the IndieWeb have already prototyped this using some open web standards. It's embodied in the idea of media fragments and fragmentions, a portmanteau of the words fragment and Webmention.

      A great example can be found at https://www.kartikprabhu.com/articles/marginalia

      This reminds me that I need to kick my own server to fix the functionality on my main site and potentially add it to a few others.

    3. The transclusion doesn't automatically change along with it. If transclusions were direct embeds of the original content, we'd end up with link rot on a whole new scale. Every document would be a sad compilation of 404's.

      Thinking about Git repositories, this is how submodules work. you 'freeze' the 'transclusion' to one exact commit and can update if and when needed. Moreover, the contents are stored within the local repository, so they are future-proof.

    1. Should transclusion work both ways, embedding content and letting the source know that I did so?

      If one is worried about link rot for transclusion, why not just have a blockquote of the original in excerpt form along with a reference link to the original. Then you've got a permanent copy of the original and the link can send a webmention to it as a means of notification?

      If the original quoted page changes, it could potentially send a webmention (technically a salmention in function) to all the pages that had previously mentioned it to create updates.

      Automatic transclusion can also be more problematic in terms of original useful data being used as a vector of spam, graffiti, or other abuses.

      As an example, I can "transclude" a portion of your page onto my own website as a reply context for my comment and syndicate a copy to Hypothes.is. If you've got Webmentions on your site, you'll get a notification.

      For several years now I've been considering why digital gardens/zettelkasten/commonplace books don't implement webmention as a means of creating backlinks between wikis as a means of sites having conversations?

  14. Nov 2020
    1. It is exactly as though the physical items had been gathered together from widely separated sources and bound together to form a new book. It is more than this, for any item can be joined into numerous trails.

      Although Bush envisioned associative trails to be navigable sequences of original content and notes interspersed, what seems to make more sense when viewed through today's technology, is a rich document of notes where the relevant pieces from external documents are transcluded.

  15. Jan 2017
  16. Oct 2015
  17. Oct 2013
    1. But the inquiring reader can always follow the bridge of transclusion to see the original as formatted by the author.
