- Feb 2025
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
As western Altadena waited hours for evacuation orders, fire commanders faced utter chaos - Los Angeles Times by [[Terry Castleman]], [[Grace Toohey]]
- Apr 2024
www.ramotion.com www.ramotion.com
. Additionally, designers should use attractive colors for children of lower age groups.
the importance of colours
- Aug 2023
Do not rely on Claude without doing your own independent research.
- Jun 2023
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Dr Lisa van Aardenne, the chief scientist of the University of Cape Town’s climate system analysis group, discussed the use and utility of thermal stress indices. She pointed out that, by the definitions of the universal thermal climate index, much of Africa is under heat stress most days of the year. Van Aardenne noted that these indices have been developed from a European perspective and do not align with the reality on the ground in Africa. She added: “I’m very concerned that these indices are not fit for purpose here.”
So for Africa, the figures are so bad that they always look like they're in an emergency? I'm guessing the impact would be that people are more likely to ignore them
- Feb 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Note though, that this only works when you're already using git for your dependency
I was trying to figure out why it wasn't working for me. This was probably the reason.
So if you just have
gem 'rack'
, it just silently has no effect.It seems like it should just work either way. Or at least give a warning/error if you try to use this config and it's not going to use that config!
- Dec 2022
github.com github.com
Can't annotate on https://feedback.mailgun.com/forums/156243-feature-requests/suggestions/39905227-provide-meaningful-delivery-status-description-rat so posting here instead.
Anonymous commented · May 26, 2021 4:36 AM
Without your comment I'd never find the real issue, because I was only look at permanent failures. That error message is really misleading, hope they can fix this.
Kelly commented · December 30, 2020 2:35 AM
Yes we desperately need this too. Half of our recipients were soft bounced due to "Too old" but we could still send to them previously on other ESPs.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
This was originally disallowed because #5907 was opened asking for different behavior in this situation that we didn't want to allow, and so we decided to make it a compiler error rather than have confusing behavior in that situation.
github.com github.com
The console needs to be readable in development and to provide the best DX I have to design my libraries in ways that prevent these warnings. This results in design decisions that are detrimental to functionality and/or code readability/simplicity.
- May 2022
github.com github.com
No option is perfect here, but a warning seems like a decent compromise unless there's a whole bunch of other plugins that break
- Apr 2022
edgeguides.rubyonrails.org edgeguides.rubyonrails.org
Indeed, if MoneySerializer was reloadable, starting with Rails 7 such initializer would raise a NameError.
- Feb 2022
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
You can also use silence_redefinition_of_method if you need to define the replacement method yourself (because you're using delegate, for example).
- Aug 2021
www.timeanddate.com www.timeanddate.com
Caution: This is NOT the current local time in most locations in that time zone North America: Only some locations are currently on MST because most places in this time zone are currently on summer time / daylight saving time and are observing MDT.
www.ruby-lang.org www.ruby-lang.org
If you want to disable the deprecation warnings, please use a command-line argument -W:no-deprecated or add Warning[:deprecated] = false to your code.
- Jul 2021
www.jayeless.net www.jayeless.net
Gemini pages are fast to load, because they cannot include scripts, stylesheets or even images (just links to images, although some clients have options to load these in-line if you want).
The automatic portion of loading things inline and slowing down a page is part of the issue?
I'm reminded of seeing the "pull buttons" on Flancian's anagora.org site. He includes links to things like tweets, posts, and could do so for images, but the links have a button next to them that says pull. Clicking on it loads that remote resource. This has the benefit of speeding up the page and can also act as a sort of content warning depending on the particular content.
- Jun 2021
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
We’ve enabled deprecation warnings by default when running specs. Making these warnings more visible to developers helps upgrading to newer Ruby versions.
- May 2021
wanted to surface to the user during SSR if the client-side call would likely fail due to cross-origin fetching, credentials, etc.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
Mentioned here:
but I can't find it on my system
bugzilla.samba.org bugzilla.samba.org
I should note that the issue with deletions being skipped has been fixed (the file-has-vanished errors were changed into warnings).
- Mar 2021
Lori Morimoto, a fandom academic who was involved in the earlier discussion, didn’t mince words about the inherent hypocrisy of the controversy around STWW. “The discussions of the fic were absolutely riddled with people saying they wished you could block and/or ban certain users and fics on AO3 altogether because this is obnoxious,” she wrote to me in an email, “and nowhere (that I can see) is there anyone chiming in to say, ‘BUT FREE SPEECH!!!’” Morimoto continued: But when people suggest the same thing based on racist works and users, suddenly everything is about freedom of speech and how banning is bad. When it’s about racism, every apologist under the sun puts in an appearance to fight for our rights to be racist assholes, but if it’s about making the reading experience less enjoyable (which is basically what this is — it’s obnoxious, but not particularly harmful except to other works’ ability to be seen), then suddenly our overwhelming concern with free speech seems to just disappear in a poof of nothingness.
This is an interesting example of people papering around allowing racism in favor of free speech.
- Feb 2021
certainly I wouldn't want it to start telling me that I'm not catching these!
- Jan 2021
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Naudé. W., (2020). Artificial Intelligence against COVID-19: An Early Review. Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13110/
- Dec 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
Get told in big red letters when the dependency changed and you need to check that your fix is still valid.
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
But using internal api's is dangerous as these may change when you update svelte. If you decide to use this, add a line to your project Readme.md mentioning which internal api's you used and why. Try to write it using other methods when you can.
github.com github.com
Ignore the warning, given that it's just a warning anyways. It's annoying, but it won't break your app
github.com github.com
Just coming here to voice my agreement that these warnings are annoying and exist in other libraries as well. For me this happened with svelma. I didn't write the library code, so I don't have complete control over it even though I agree there is an argument to be had around whether I should be notified anyway. In either case, these warnings should be easily disabled since libraries don't always get updated over night.
github.com github.com
I would like the compiler to add a property like canIgnore: false to the warning, if the warning cannot be disabled.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
`Module ${a.id} may be unable to evaluate without ${b.id}, but is included first due to a cyclical dependency. Consider swapping the import statements in ${parent} to ensure correct ordering`
m5qwxpr6o8.csb.app m5qwxpr6o8.csb.app
Warnings, in this example, are defined as: suggestions to the user, like validation errors, but that do not prevent submission.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Since this issue seems to pop up periodically, it would be useful to turn this into a warning. It may not be elegant, but it prevents surprise blank screens due to a navigation error.
Not an actual fix.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It is showed as an error, but it is a warning as it doesn't break anything. I hate having warning/error in my console not coming from me. It is not justified as it's not bad practice imho
- Jul 2020
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Just to provide some context on the extent of the issue. Running the spec suite for Discourse results in 2,698,774 rows being printed to STDERR.
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Besides, this will just end up being reported as a security bug to the security list if left as is, cause docker will eat up all your disk space due to a single call site flooding STDERR forcing logs to grow forever.
So what Python currently does in issue depreciation warnings in the main program, but not in libraries and similar code. That may also be a reasonable way to limit the number of warnings while making sure deprecations don't go unnoticed (because that makes them useless).
- Jan 2019
muse.jhu.edu muse.jhu.edu
Recent discussions of “trigger warnings” in higher education, notifications that teachers are supposed to provide if class material might provoke a strong emotional response
This definition is wrong. "Trigger warnings" are notifications that content may provoke post-traumatic responses. (What constitutes "trauma", of course, is up for debate.) The colloquial sense that "anything difficult is triggering" should be eschewed in professional writing.
That does not invalidate the rest of the sentence.
- Oct 2017
rampages.us rampages.us
alert the public about epidemic outbreaks
This reminds me of readings a few weeks back where we learned how social networks are used in giving warnings about public epidemic outbreaks. For example, bird flu. In fact, the SNA is also used for need of a disaster response via social media.
- Jan 2016
www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com
Interesting--Filipovic is the author of a March 2014 article in the Guardian arguing that "We've gone too far with trigger warnings"...
- Sep 2015
www.newrepublic.com www.newrepublic.com
The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm and a paranoia about giving offense.
fredrikdeboer.com fredrikdeboer.com
Unlike many of my peers, I do think that there are direct and relevant connections between efforts by progressive students to regulate content Look: I have already said more about trigger warnings than I want to. I will simply note that every trigger warning necessarily contains ideological presumptions and political baggage. Someone I know said “I don’t want to ban American Sniper on campus, but I do want it to carry a trigger warning as war propaganda and Islamaphobia.” That trigger warning preempts the very critical conversation that we should be having about it! It’s a classic “when did you stop beating your wife?” tactic. It’s tautological; it presumes precisely the issue in question. Clint Eastwood, who made the damn movie, called it an antiwar film. I disagree with him; I quite despised it, actually, and for political reasons most of all. But I don’t pretend that my opinion on this question amounts to proof positive. Every trigger warning ever devised makes presumptions about the nature of trauma, the treatment of PTSD, and which kinds of content are potentially offensive. You would think that a bunch of close-reading academics would recognize that.