43 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. psychological energy obeys the first law of thermodynamics just like everything else; it can’t be destroyed, only transformed. What goes around, comes around, and accountability will always return to the human body. There is nowhere else it can go, because that is where it originates. It is contained in flesh and sinew, muscles and neurons and guts

      for - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - Third is related to the subject of prenatal and perinatal psychology - trauma suffered by the fetus while still in the womb it the newly born can be remembered somatically by the body and carried on into later life - As adults, we can carry on these old patterns of behaviours that were adaptive responses rooted in the initial trauma but which no longer exists - It's a form of post traumatic stress disorder where the body stop carries the memories - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world

    2. psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk puts it, ‘the body keeps the score’.

      for - quote - the body keeps the score - psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk - from Substack article - Alexander Beiner - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world

  2. Oct 2024
  3. Jan 2024
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
  6. Dec 2021
  7. Apr 2021
    1. Resources:

      • Duolingo
      • Routledge book on Colloquial Welsh by Gareth King
      • S4C on TV or online BBC iplayer or website
      • BBC Radio Cymry
      • BBC Bite Size
  8. Mar 2021
    1. I love the ideas hiding in some of these design elements. The pieces are very atomic, but can be built up into some fascinating bigger designs.

      I'm curious if there are any mnemonics attached to these that add additional levels of meaning in the art in which they're embedded?

      The attached video was incredibly helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc3K-MyH3xg

    1. He talks about stories being important to us.

      This is because there's an organization and order to our stories, which is important to our memory, individually and culturally.

      The idea of photographs helping to spark our memories of times and spaces.

      Urgency vs. acceptance

      h/t Jacky A.

    1. Ravi outlines some of how he syndicates from his Drupal website to Twitter.

      I particularly appreciated that he's using a sort of taxonomy within Drupal to add some of his particular content to "books" which aggregate related content together. If this were done in an editable outline then it should be easier to aggregate and edit later into an actual book. This would be a cool UI to have within a website for writing and creating.

    1. Promoting the idea of a more inclusive calendar that marks the rise of humanity as the year zero, so that we have a better overall view of human progress.

      Uses the idea of HE (human era) instead of BCE, CE, etc.

  9. Feb 2021
  10. Jan 2021
    1. Ideas for becoming less biased:

      • Get to know black families
      • If religious, join a black church
      • foster conversations that include conversations

      Life-changing magic of hanging out

      Research on white/black roommates in "Interraciial Roomate Relationships" by Natalie J. Shook, Russell H. Fazio in Psychological Science, 2008.

      Reminiscent of the institutionalized racism of Jim Crow at segregating/separating people to prevent understanding.

  11. Apr 2020
    1. Computed vs Watched Property

      Really useful example of explaining what not to do and how to simplify code.