54 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. To understand how SAIDs work

      Little confused... this is telling me about how "SAIDs" work... I thought I already learned that... the #1 below seems very CESR related... are SAIDs and CESR tightly coupled? or are they independent concepts? Making an ID with an eye toward how it will be serialized seems... unnecessarily coupled.

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Nov 2023
    1. as I fight the system in which I live and think of all the people out marching for black lives matter and good on them for doing it but am i ignoring the system that lives 01:03:54 in me that is am i pretending that that system is out there and is evil and I'm pure or am i recognizing even as I proclaimed that black lives matter and 01:04:07 the system must change that I and those who march with me are part of that system and participate in it far more than we are there acknowledge
      • for: internal and external change, whole system change - internal and external, wicked problem, meme - the system that lives in me

      • meme

        • Am I ignoring the system that lives in me?
  4. Jan 2023
  5. opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu
    1. I have fallen short in many ways as I’ve worked towards the goals I have made in my life.

      It happened to me too, but as a young person, I understand that as a learning because my journey is still far from over.

  6. Sep 2022
  7. Apr 2022
    1. Arbeit am Logos be-deutet unter diesem Aspekt, sich argumenta-tiv und rational in prägende Lebenswelter-fahrungen einzuschalten



  8. Sep 2021
  9. Jun 2021
  10. Apr 2021
  11. Mar 2021
  12. Jan 2021
    1. Slackmojis is made by some random dude in Brooklyn. He doesn't work for Slack, isn't paid by Slack, he just thinks Slack is pretty cool. Super Official Lawyer Talk: Slackmojis is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.
    1. I can’t promise I’m explaining this 100% accurately, but the way I understand it, the minimum width of a grid column is auto.
  13. Oct 2020
  14. Sep 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. May 2020
    1. Disclaimer: Termly LLC is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice.
  17. Apr 2020
    1. The activity carried out by iubenda does not constitute legal advice in any way and no attorney-client relationship shall be established.
    1. Any explanatory texts provided in correspondence of the available services by no means substitute a legal opinion nor replace the assistance or advice of a professional. Such texts are merely intended to facilitate use and understanding of the Service, and are not exhaustive nor may they fit any specific case.
  18. Oct 2019
    1. “To measure the head, the height, etc., does not indeed mean that we are establishing a system of pedagogy, but it indicates the road which we may follow to arrive at such a system, since if we are to educate an individual, we must have a definite and direct knowledge of him.”

      This is obviously done incorrectly in schools nowadays, referring to the large class sizes and common core putting restrictions on mostly everything. This raises the question, though, does homeschooling produce a better pedagogy? Or is it dependent on the specific educator?

  19. Dec 2017
    1. Some good men, and even of respectable information, consider the learned sciences as useless acquirements

      I was in the EGMT 1540 class, 'Thinking Like a Scientist,' and this statement reminded me of some topics of the course. We discussed how many established and well-known people reject science and facts, and instead see the science as opinion at times, on both sides of the political spectrum. For example, many do not believe in climate change, yet climate change is a scientific fact and is not something that can be believed in or not believed in. On the other side, many believe GMOs cause cancer, or other detrimental effects, when in fact nothing has shown this. These persons are considering 'the learned sciences as useless acquirements' when convenient. Clearly, there were some 'good men' during Jefferson's time as well that had a similar train of thought and lack of value for science. In reality, science is fact and is the basis for future discussions, innovations and policy.

    2. to notice their conduct with diligence with candor & judgment.

      I believe this phrase speaks to the idea of holding others accountable for their actions. As first years, we've been in various talks and seminars discussing the importance of honor and accountability, and so reading this sentence reminded me of this. I find it interesting that the idea has carried into today. However, it seems that in the history of UVA, many people have not been accountable for their actions. These actions include slave-owning, discrimination, and sexual harassment. In addition, it is ironic because UVA specifically did not allow women and non-white people as students until later than other universities did. So, it seems UVa has not always held itself accountable and done the right thing.

    3. that education like private & individual concerns, should be left to private & individual effort; not reflecting that an establishment,

      In this part of the Rockfish Gap Report, the writer is showing that the individual and the school are separate. This reminds me of how the University will say that certain clubs or groups are not affiliated with the University and do not reflect the institution's views. It's interesting that the basis for this was rooted so long ago.

    4. the objects of education in the primary schools, whether private or public, in them should be taught reading, writing & numerical arithmetic, the elements of mensuration (useful in so many callings) and the outlines of geography and history,

      In this piece of the document, Jefferson highlights what he values in education. He lists subjects and shows that Jefferson wants to produce very well rounded students and that these students should have knowledge from a wide range of subjects and disciplines. Today, we uphold Jefferson's view of diverse knowledge by taking a variety of subjects.

    5. Also the whole of his Slaves amounting to 57 in number.

      Among the list of offerings that John Robinson of Rockbridge County is willing to make to the President of the University and the Directors of the Literary fund for locating the University in Lexington, are slaves. Moreover, he is willing to offer all 57 of his slaves. The fact that one individual would own 57 slaves in mind-baffling. 57 slaves are more humans than students in some of my larger classes here at UVA. This line of the Rockbridge Gap Report is cringe inducing for a 21st century reader. Perhaps back in 1818 when the document was written ownership of that large a number of slaves was the norm. It is completely dehumanizing to think that slaves, real humans, could be offered as a trade for a favor. However, the progress that society has made regarding equality of mankind is noteworthy, although much progress remains.

  20. Nov 2017
    1. It is at that age of aptness, docility & emulation of the practices of manhood, that such things are soonest learnt, and longest remembered.

      Agreed. In times of learning, say in college for instance, there will be particular aspects of school that we will never forget, and this is because we are still in our learning stage. Our brains are still developing and trying to figure out how to do certain things. When learning how to become a grown man, or woman, we take what we learn habitually and hold it in our minds forever if it sticks with us.

    2. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life

      I appreciate this statement because the founders were right in putting their observations of education on these aspects. They included math, science, and health, and these aspects cover much of what the world needs to have solved. They focused on which subjects would be the most beneficial to human life, and I appreciate their thought process with this.

    3. To instruct the mass of our citizens in these their rights, interests and duties, as men and citizens,

      This is a powerful statement, implying that men come out of this university becoming good "citizens." When I think of its goal to create these types of students, it is disturbing when connected to who is allowed to attend this University. If individuals are not allowed to attend the University, the University does not see them as "able" to become notable citizens.

    4. But in this point of View the Anglo-Saxon is of peculiar value. We have placed it among the modern languages because it is in fact that which we speak, in the earliest form in which we have knowledge of it. It has been undergoing, with time, those gradual changes which all languages, antient and modern, have experienced: and even now, needs only to be printed in the Modern character and Orthography, to be intelligible in a considerable degree to an English reader.

      The View of the Anglo Saxon is emphasized in these set of sentences. It is described to have peculiar value, harboring top educational value. Anglo Saxon views are synonymous with traditional white views. I find it disturbing that this is of utmost value for the English reader, because it shows other diverse values as insignificant. Unfortunately, throughout high school English, the focus is predominantly on older white writers. Diversity is of great value, and should be emphasized in education.

    5. To instruct the mass of our citizens in these their rights

      The founders of this University had the goal of making their students outstanding citizens. The list included above shows us today what a "citizen" was thought to be back then. A lot of what the Commissioners thought of as the tenets of a good citizen are thought of in the same way today, however now days many of these things are learned before or without a college education. Today higher education is more about advancing one's knowledge and getting a job than becoming a good citizen. The goals of and reasons for attending college are much different today than they were when this university was founded, but I believe that today's graduates become better citizens without that goal in mind.

    6. Spanish is highly interesting to us, as the language spoken by so great a portion of the inhabitants of our Continents, with whom we shall possibly have great intercourse ere long

      The Commissioners thought it important to speak Spanish so they could interact with the societies around them. It's important for those in positions of power to be able to communicate with others in similar positions in different countries. This will make for better foreign relations, as it is easier to communicate, and a sign of respect to speak in the other's native tongue.

    1. “To Canada

      Her husband is planning to be a runaway.

    2. I tell you, Eliza, that a sword will pierce through your soul for every good and pleasant thing your child is or has; it will make him worth too much for you to keep.”

      All the good things about the boy make him a valuable asset in the slave market.

    3. quadroon

      one quarter black

    4. reasonable

      Reasonable slavery....

    5. I understand, perfectly

      I don't think he understands at all actually.

    6. ommenced toning a psalm tune through his nose,

      The author has a way of telling instead of showing...

    7. Ah, master trusted me, and I couldn’t

      This is a trade, a very capable slave for some unpaid debts. This also shows us the character of Tom, he's either very noble, or completely brainwashed.

    8. shall induce us to transcribe.

      Breaking the fourth wall in the second paragraph

    9. to come under the species

      He's of a lower class, barely human, scraping towards some sort of societal status update

  21. Oct 2017
    1. [4 August 1818]

      The Commissoners of the University chose the site of UVA in mere 3 days. I think it is baffling that they made a decision as monumental at this one in just 3 days.

    2. The human character is susceptible of other incitements to correct conduct, more worthy of employ, and of better effect. Pride of character, laudable ambition, & moral dispositions are innate correctives of the indiscretions of that lively age; and when strengthened by habitual appeal & exercise, have a happier effect on future character, than the degrading motive of fear; hardening them to disgrace, to corporal punishments, and servile humiliations, cannot be the best process for producing erect character. The affectionate deportment between father & son offers, in truth, the best example for that of tutor & pupil

      In the paragraph that begins with " in the education of youth, provision is to be made for1.tuition 2 diet..." talks about guidelines rules, government and discipline at the university. Specifically, they pointed out that using fear as a way to enforce and encourage strong charcater and moral behavior was not right and adequate. This makes it seem as if using fear and "corporal punishments, and servile humiliations" may have been a norm of the time, and the authors of the report wished to make clear that UVA was going to use more progressive and effective measures regarding discipline.

    3. It's interesting to note that the report shows room for modifying the physical layout of the university and adding buildings. More specifically, this part shows that Jefferson did not want religion to be the focus of learning. Contrary to other educational institutions at the time, where the church was the center of the university, Jefferson envisioned something different. He planned for a library or other educational building to be the center, and this sentence shows his revolutionary thinking in this way.

    4. Rockfish gap on the blue ridge

      Why was the Rockfish Gap chosen as the place to hold this meeting? I think maybe it was a remote, quiet meeting place but other than this I can't find any significance.

    5. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places

      I find this statement in the document appalling. The founders portray blatant racism within the first paragraph as they decide upon the foundation for the University. I find it baffling that a university designed for the bettering of an entire state would exclude its benefits from such a large segment of the population for which it was designed. Furthermore, it is concerning that issues regarding the exclusion of certain groups of the population remain an issue today amidst the twenty-first century. However, it is encouraging that the University and the larger population of the United States have made great progress towards removing these racist beliefs.

      -Jenna Taylor

    6. Education, in like manner engrafts a new man on the native stock, & improves what in his nature was vicious & perverse, into qualities of virtue and social worth

      I found this section of the document inspiring. This empowering belief regarding education is still held today at the University of Virginia and in today's broader society. Although the founders of the University prove to be quite discriminatory and immoral throughout many sections of the document, their argument here, that education betters a man, brings a hint of optimism to this section of the report.

      -Jenna Taylor

    7. It will form the first link in the Chain of an historical review of our language through all its successive changes to the present day, will constitute the foundation of that critical instruction in it, which ought to be found in a Seminary of general learning

      It is particularly noteworthy that the authors thought to use Anglo Saxon to teach about the development of language over time. Since this was the language spoken by most of the prospective students, tracking its changing history would provide an engaging demonstration of the dynamic nature of language. In other words, by using Anglo Saxon, students would be able to identity their own contemporary role in the timeline of an always developing language. Having this knowledge, students would (perhaps unconsciously) attain an understanding of how all art, not just language, can change meaning over time. This could help students in time grasp the developments occurring to their university which is, in many ways, a work of art in itself.

      -Joe S.

    8. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life:

      I believe this sentence very accurately characterizes the intentions and the foundations of the New College Curriculum; The New College seeks to provide students with a core knowledge of the arts (especially how they are applied in our society) that can be further strengthened and complemented in studies of math and science should students so choose in the future. This sort of foundation, outlined in both the document and the mission of the New Curriculum, is important because it can allow students to examine a wide range of academic fields before studying concrete methods of applying those fields practically. Since I am taking the Art: Inside/Out Engagement, I also sought to interpret this sentence in taking "arts" literally to mean art in its various expressive forms. In this way, this sentence helps develop the important concept that art and maths/sciences in no way exist in conflict with each other; while many believe these two subjects to be on opposite sides of an academic spectrum, this section of the Rockfish Gap Report helps to remind that art and science can freely interact and engage with each other to work for the benefit of both.

    9. who, in the same act make other provision for the primary instruction of poor children

      This phrase really highlights how UVA was viewed as a continuation of public education. The foundations for what UVA would teach students was already there, as a result of the public education in the state. The founders of UVA saw the University not as a higher education for some, but for all. Because of this, UVA is seen as a central democratic institution.

  22. Sep 2017
    1. They will be more advanced than we are, in science and in useful arts, and will know best what will suit the circumstances of their day.

      This sentence kind of stuck out to me. I thought it was very Jeffersonian. When creating the US Constitution, Jefferson wanted the people to revise it every 19 years, so each generation could change aspects of the government according to their time. He brought the idea of changing institutions to better fit generations to his university, because he could not make it work in his country. The commissioners put their faith in the future generations, hoping that the university will keep the same basic principles through a changing world. -Tessa

    2. To develope the reasoning faculties of our youth, enlarge their minds cultivate their morals, & instil into them the precepts of virtue & order

      I find it interesting that the University made it a goal to cultivate the morals of the students attending their school. They also stress how they want to instill the precepts of virtue and order. They want to achieve this, yet they based the location of their school to be around the centrality of the white population. I do not believe this is cultivating the morals of their students. This is narrowing their viewpoints, and not expanding on the multitude of cultures that lie within the United States.

    3. that to secure Ourselves where we are, we must tread with awfull reverence in the footsteps of Our fathers

      This University was founded by one of the "fathers", at a time when the revolution was not the country's history, but part of one's personal past. The ideals of the founding fathers were ingrained in the people at this time, so it makes perfect sense that the commissioners would want to align themselves with their ideas of liberty and equality. However the word choice is kind of strange. The way it's worded makes it seem as if the commissioners had not purposefully aligned themselves with the founders, their university would not survive. This university seems to have been founded with great consideration to the government- not how one may want it to be. If a university and government are tied together, how can things change and progress? -Tessa

    4. The tender age at which this part of education commences, generaly about the tenth year, would weigh heavily with parents in sending their sons to a school so distant as the Central establishment would be from most of them

      The University set out a goal for the parents of young boys to begin their studies of the ancient languages at the year of age ten. This is an extremely young age, considering that the boys would be going to college eight years later. The minds of the young boys seem to be too young to be able to grasp this form of art. This correlates to my Engagement, Art Inside/Out, by focusing on the art aspect. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew are forms of art in the language aspect. This piece of art is powerful and intriguing; however, it may be too complex for the minds of ten year olds who are still trying to develop.