- Feb 2024
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
to ensure a competitive marketplace for publishing through enterprise publishing systems
enterprise publishing systems:
www.konstantinfo.com www.konstantinfo.com
- Dec 2023
www.cheltenham-tax-accountants.co.uk www.cheltenham-tax-accountants.co.uk
- Sep 2023
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
it is this architecture, the one which is in the heads of those writing the code, that is the most important. In adopting this decentralised approach, where the practice of architectural decision-making is much more dispersed, this problem is in many ways, mitigated
Only true in software architecture. But, in enterprise architecture - that spans domains decentralized decisions create fragmentations.
advancedcommunities.com advancedcommunities.com
The same thing applies with lead assignment rules Salesforce – you can define which users will be assigned leads that come from your website and which users will be assigned leads that come from social media.
By automating this process, businesses can ensure that leads and cases are handled promptly and by the most suitable team members, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.
- Aug 2022
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
5 ERP system examples (who benefits from ERP?)
The term EnterpriseResourcePlanning (ERP) system refers to a large number of integrated softwaresuites used by companies to manage day-to-day operations and business workflows, including datamanagement, inventory control, accounting, CRM, and projectmanagement. Thus, in order to remain an effective contender in an era of digital commerce, ERP_systems are an important part of the business information technology infrastructure.
- Feb 2022
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Dafür wird der Wissensgraph um geeignete Tools erweitert. DasTechnologiespektrum reicht hier je nach Strukturiertheitsgrad der Daten von Methodender semantischen Textanalyse (vgl. [6]) über das Parsen von regulären Ausdrücken(s. Abschn. 6.4.2) bis hin zum (teil)automatischen Mappen mithilfe von Transforma-tionsvokabularen (z. B. D2RQ in [7], R2RML)
Beispiel für eine KG-Erweiterung
www.sigs-datacom.de www.sigs-datacom.de
Verbesserungspotenzial im Bereich der Graph-Visualisierung, des Authorings von Ontologien und Regeln und der einfachen Anbindung weiterer Datenquellen.
Verbesserungspotential von EKGs
Für eine noch schnellere Verbreitung im Unternehmensumfeld müssen die zugrunde liegenden Technologien jedoch zugänglicher für Nicht-Techniker werden.
Zukunft: Zugang für Nicht-Techniker
Projektgraphen um die Fähigkeit erweitert, dem Projektleiter basierend auf seinen beschreibenden Texten relevante Themen und Technologien zur Übernahme vorzuschlagen.
Einsatz von Projektgraphen Erweiterung um die Fähigkeit, basierend auf seine beschreibenden Texten relevante Themen und Technologien zur Übernahme vorzuschlagen
www.trendreport.de www.trendreport.de
Darüber hinaus ist ein wichtiger Trend Linked Data im Unternehmensumfeld zu etablieren, um eine neue Generation semantischer, vernetzter Daten-Anwendungen auf Basis des Linked Data Paradigmas zu entwickeln, zu etablieren und erfolgreich zu vermarkten. Im BMBF Wachstumskernprojekt „Linked Enterprise Data Services“ entsteht hierfür beispielsweise eine Technologieplattform, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen soll, neue Dienstleistungen im Web 3.0 zu etablieren.
BMBF Wachstumskernprojekt „Linked Enterprise Data Services
Local file Local file
Der Hauptanwendungspartner für die hier beschriebenen Lösungen war und ist der Sie-mens-Konzern. Die Lösungen wurden durch das KI-Start-up Giance, eine deutsch-chinesi-sche Ausgründung des DFKI, für den chinesischen Markt angepasst und weiterentwickelt.
KI-basierte Serviceplattform für Enterprise Intelli- gence
Unsere Global Enterprise Intelligence (GEI) Platform eignet sich nicht nur zur Beobachtung von Zulieferern, sondern wird auch in ande-ren Bereichen eingesetzt, in denen Firmen beobachtet werden müssen wie z. B. Wettbewer-beranalyse, Partnerbetreuung, Key-Account-Management oder Portfolio- Management.
Knowledge Graph Check & UpdateMithilfe der Neo4J-Graphdatenbanktechnologie werden für die Anwendungen Wis-sensgraphen aufgebaut und ständig um neue Relationen und Eigenschaften der beob-achteten Firmen ergänzt. Die Wissensgraphen dienen nicht nur der Visualisierung der Ergebnisse, sie werden auch zum Entity Linking und zur Erkennung von bereits be-kannter Information verwendet
Neo4J-Graphdatenbanktechnologie werden für die Anwendungen Wissensgraphen aufgebaut und ständig um neue Relationen und Eigenschaften der beobachteten Firmen ergänzt.
Die Wissensgraphen dienen nicht nur der Visualisierung der Ergebnisse, sie werden auch zum Entity Linking und zur Erkennung von bereits bekannter Information verwendet.
Der im Projekt „Smart Data Web“ erstellte öffentliche Teil des Wissensgraphen wurde zudem zum Aufbau eines Siemens-internen Corporate Knowledge Graphen genutzt. Dazu wurden relevante Teilmengen des öffentlichen Wissensgraphen extrahiert und in das ge-schützte Siemens- Netzwerk transferiert. Die internen Datenbanken von Siemens wurden nach RDF konvertiert und zusammen mit dem SDW KG in eine geschützte Datenbank geladen. Weiterhin wurden vom Anwendungsfall getriebene Abfragen erstellt, welche in-terne und offene Daten kombinieren. Der Corporate Knowledge Graph (CKG) ermöglicht eine einheitliche, konsistente und elegante Verknüpfung interner und externer Informatio-nen, ganz im Sinne einer „Enterprise-Intelligence“-Lösung. Über den CKG können Infor-mationen, im konkreten Fall zu Zulieferern, aggregiert und konsolidiert abgerufen und für die Einkaufsabteilungen von Siemens dargestellt werden. Dabei werden interne Kennzah-len, z. B. zum Projektvolumen und zu Bewertungen einzelner Lieferanten, mit aktuellen, automatisch gesammelten, firmen-, produkt- und standortbezogenen Ereignissen aus Nachrichten und anderen Textdatenquellen verknüpft, sodass die Anwender eine Gesamt-sicht auf entscheidungsrelevantes Wissen erhalten
Projekt „Smart Data Web“ Corporate Knowledge Graph (CKG) - ermöglicht eine einheitliche, konsistente und elegante Verknüpfung interner und externer Informationen, ganz im Sinne einer „Enterprise-Intelligence“-Lösung
Semantische Verknüpfung/Ontologie:
Dabei werden interne Kennzah- len, z. B. zum Projektvolumen und zu Bewertungen einzelner Lieferanten, mit aktuellen, automatisch gesammelten, firmen-, produkt- und standortbezogenen Ereignissen aus<br /> Nachrichten und anderen Textdatenquellen verknüpft
Potential: eine Gesamt- sicht auf entscheidungsrelevantes Wissen erhalten.
Local file Local file
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs) mightbe considered as an embodiment of LED
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs) als eine Verkörperung von LED
Sören Auer
The unified approachhas the advantage, that the enterprise has more control overthe data and quality, and the data querying is significantlyfaster.
REFERENCES[1] C. Bizer, J. Lehmann, G. Kobilarov, S. Auer, C. Becker, R. Cyganiak,and S. Hellmann. Dbpedia-a crystallization point for the web of data.Web Semantics: science, services and agents on the world wide web,7(3):154–165, 2009.[2] D. Calvanese, M. Giese, D. Hovland, and M. Rezk. Ontology-basedintegration of cross-linked datasets. In Proceedings of the 14th Interna-tional Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). Springer, 2015.[3] X. Dong, E. Gabrilovich, G. Heitz, and W. Horn. Knowledge vault: Aweb-scale approach to probabilistic knowledge fusion. In Proceedingsof the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledgediscovery and data mining, pages 601–610, 2014.[4] P. Frischmuth, S. Auer, S. Tramp, J. Unbehauen, K. Holzweißig,and C. Marquardt. Towards linked data based enterprise informationintegration. In S. Coppens, K. Hammar, M. Knuth, and et al., editors,Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption andBest Practice (ISWC 2013), 2013. CEUR-WS.org, 2013.[5] R. Isele and C. Bizer. Active learning of expressive linkage rules usinggenetic programming. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents onthe World Wide Web, 23:2–15, 2013.[6] L. Masuch. Enterprise knowledge graph - one graph to connect themall. 2014.[7] P. N. Mendes, H. Mühleisen, and C. Bizer. Sieve: Linked data qualityassessment and fusion. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDTWorkshops, pages 116–123, 2012.[8] J. Michelfeit, T. Knap, and M. Neˇcask `y. Linked data integration withconflicts. arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.7990, 2014.[9] A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo and S. Auer. Limes - a time-efficient approachfor large-scale link discovery on the web of data. In Proceedings ofIJCAI, 2011.[10] N. F. Noy. Semantic integration: a survey of ontology-based approaches.ACM Sigmod Record, 33(4):65–70, 2004.[11] T. Pellegrini, H. Sack, and S. Auer, editors. Linked Enterprise Data.X.media.press. Springer, 2014.[12] A. Schultz, A. Matteini, R. Isele, P. N. Mendes, C. Bizer, and C. Becker.Ldif-a framework for large-scale linked data integration. In 21stInternational World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012), DevelopersTrack, Lyon, France, 2012.
In general, a federated approach will be advan-tageous if the enterprise aims to continuously ingest updatesand new additions from public LOD sources.
Nevertheless, acertain overhead for query expansion and entailment regimesis required.
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
The unified approach has the advantage, that the enterprise has more control over the data and quality, and the data querying is significantly faster.
- Sep 2021
Areas of Integrated Governance
Major areas of integrated governance for enterprise architecture looks like Integrated Project Management Framework
- Sep 2020
www.irishtimes.com www.irishtimes.com
Taylor, Charlie. ‘Ireland Ranked among Best for Covid-19 Innovative Solutions’. The Irish Times. Accessed 7 September 2020. https://www.irishtimes.com/business/innovation/ireland-ranked-among-best-for-covid-19-innovative-solutions-1.4233471.
- Aug 2020
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
"Off-line" vs "On-line". The RAT's focus is to get to a final state, and then ship it, all at once. During the working process, the thing we're working on is "off-line". It's not in the field and no one is using it
This is a common problem when trying to do agile with enterprise clients.
Can end up in a bubble where we are working on requirements that have been passed down - from how long ago? and then take even longer until users are actually using it.
- Jan 2020
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
Making Business More Efficient With Enterprise Application Development
- Aug 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
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- Apr 2019
www.brookings.edu www.brookings.edu
In all cases, the surviving monarchies of Southeast Asia have power and influence that potentially or in reality exceed that described in constitutional terms. This has come about chiefly because of the continuity of the archaic sacred and cultural symbolism of monarchy, which the monarchs themselves have cleverly perpetuated—as well as the patronage derived from their considerable wealth.
This is another argument that led me to the skepticism of the argument that the constitutional monarchy is a dead governmental system and that the monarchy is nothing more than figureheads to the world when in reality, this is not the case with Southeast Asia. I find it fascinating that Japan does have an emperor that rules silently and he still is more authoritative than the UK monarchs.
- Jan 2019
hk.cointelegraph.com hk.cointelegraph.com
塔塔首席數字官C.R. Srinivasan表示:「《發展周期》像是對企業發出的警告,提出了由於革新的出現組織中不同層面開始浮現的『理想與現實』間的差距,他還表示:「這種差距表明,企業決策者和各個部門主管應該主動向企業 CEO提出其面對物聯網和人工智能技術時遇到的困難。」
<big>评:</big><br/><br/>Tata 释出的这份调查报告《发展周期(The Cycle of Progress)》枚举了企业在区块链应用上面临的主要障碍,但这并非警告——我们有必要正视不同层面的差距。事实上无论是在公司内部还是在更广的社会层面,这种异步感早已存在,甚至可以说,恰恰是这种异步感造成了人们认知上的差别,庞大的生态体系因此得以建立、维系。<br/><br/>如今,这些巨型组织的内部孵化出了一股新生力量——他们面对新技术的诱惑蠢蠢欲动,又无法轻松甩掉旧资产的包袱,还要和那些持不同意见的高管和股东们做对抗。但这样的拉扯并不一定是零和游戏,在这争斗中不同派别也能射出良性互动的微光,亦向现状抛出问题——既然我们做好了迎接新技术到来的外部战略准备,为何不改变自下而上的内部交互方式?
- Oct 2018
Inputs: the investment dollars and employee time devoted to innovation, along with the number of ideas that are generated internally each month or sourced from customers, suppliers, and other outsiders. Throughputs: the number and quality of ideas that enter the pipeline after initial screening, the time it takes for those ideas to move from concept to prototype to reality, and the notional value of the innovation pipeline. Outputs: the number of innovations that reach the market in a given period, the percentage of revenue derived from new products and services, and the margin gains that are attributable to innovation. Leadership: the percentage of executive time that gets devoted to mentoring innovation projects, and 360-degree survey results that reveal the extent to which executives are exhibiting pro-innovation behaviors. Competence: the percentage of employees who have been trained as business innovators, the percentage of employees who have qualified as innovation “black belts,” and changes in the quality of ideas that are being generated across the firm. Climate: the extent to which the firm’s management processes facilitate or frustrate innovation, and the progress that is being made in removing innovation blockages. Efficiency: changes over time in the ratio of innovation outputs to inputs. Balance: the mix of different types of innovation (product, service, pricing, distribution, operations, etc.); different risk categories (incremental improvements versus speculative ventures); and different time horizons.
Some nice metrics for innovation in enterprise.
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
- Intranet
- #LearnerData
- Business Models for Higher Education
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Corporate Identity
- University Websites
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- #WordPress
- #WPcampus
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- SIS (Student Information System)
- Sep 2017
workwithsource.com workwithsource.com
- Aug 2017
analytics.jiscinvolve.org analytics.jiscinvolve.org
This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations. It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.
Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).
- May 2017
www.thenewamerican.com www.thenewamerican.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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americanlibertypac.com americanlibertypac.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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campaignforliberty.org campaignforliberty.org
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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truepundit.com truepundit.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.thegwpf.com www.thegwpf.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Competitive Enterprise Institute
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msbusiness.com msbusiness.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.consumerreports.org www.consumerreports.org
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.valuewalk.com www.valuewalk.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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truepundit.com truepundit.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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insurancenewsnet.com insurancenewsnet.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.iwf.org www.iwf.org
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.washingtonexaminer.com www.washingtonexaminer.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.dailymail.co.uk www.dailymail.co.uk
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Competitive Enterprise Institute
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www.worldtribune.com www.worldtribune.com
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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“An individual building, the style in which it is going to be designed and built, is not that important. The important thing, really, is the community. How does it affect life?” I.M. Pei
- May 2015
java.dzone.com java.dzone.com
Engineers who worked on a lot of open source projects had high levels of creativity
Developers felt more ownership over their work, and pride in it
Open source developers work well together because of their similar ways of thinking
Peer pressure from GitHub—having their name on a project—was a big motivator for engineers to work harder and not let the community of users down.
If they leave, they're likely to keep working on the project, so you're still getting value for free!
- Mar 2015
todogroup.org todogroup.org
Any contributor to our open source projects is already familiar with a bit of software that we use internally and would require less training if they joined the company.
suffers from an over protective legal organization
respecting open source licenses to making it easier for engineers to open source code and ensuring we’re giving back to the open source projects we depend on