27 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. Tats Artikel zu den Absorthohn CO2 Emissionen durch Privatschätz und Jachten der Superreichen. Durch Privatschätz und Linienflüge verursacht ein Prozent der Menschheit allein 50 Prozent aller Flugemissionen. Die Informationen des Artikels stammen vor allem aus einer Oxfam-Studie vom Oktober und aus einer Studie des deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung. https://taz.de/Klimasuenden-der-Superreichen/!6066360/

  2. Aug 2024
    1. The South Florida influencers, for instance, heard a rumor circulating that the government had put microchips in the coronavirus vaccine so it could track people.

      Notice that many fake news stories begin from a place of fear. This fear hijacks our brains and triggers fight or flight options in our system I circuitry and actively prevent the use of the rational parts of system II which would quickly reveal problems in the information.

  3. Sep 2023
    1. “In a few months’ time, this government will not be accountable for the severe consequences that may follow from the Schiphol decision, particularly with respect to relations with the Netherlands’ trading partners, and lost jobs and prosperity at home,”
      • for: KLM cap, air travel cap, flight cap, degrowth
      • comment
        • “In a few months’ time, this government will not be accountable for the severe consequences that may follow from the Schiphol decision, particularly with respect to relations with the Netherlands’ trading partners, and lost jobs and prosperity at home,”
        • This comment ONLY refers to things economic, and NOTHING to climate boiling, which air travel is a significant contributor to.'
        • If they saw it coming from years ago, why did they not adapt? It is their failure to adapt itself that places themselves in a self-created position of vulnerability
        • During a transition as unprecedented as this, the governments of the world must invoke policy that gives protection to workers in industries such as the airline industry and all industries downstream of it so that they can survive the transition as such jobs vanish or morph.
          • Indeed, this is one of the major tenets of degrowth advocates. A Universal Basic Income and job retraining to sustainable jobs is the responsible thing to do to protect from job losses.
    2. KLM on Friday called the cap "incomprehensible" and said implementing it would damage the Netherlands’ economy.
      • for: degrowth, air travel cap, KLM cap,
      • comment

        • incomprehensible is defined as :
        • yet on KLM's website, they appear aware of climate change and even make the following commitment:

          • https://news.klm.com/klm-groups-co2-emission-reduction-targets-for-2030-approved-by-sbti/
          • "KLM Group’s CO2 emission reduction targets for 2030 approved by SBTi
          • Together with Air France-KLM and Air France, the KLM Group commits to reducing its CO2 emissions by 30% per revenue tonne kilometre (RTK) by 2030, compared to base year 2019; -The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved that – in compliance with the Paris Agreement – the emission reduction target for 2030 adheres to the well-below 2°C trajectory; -The validation marks an important milestone in KLM’s sustainability roadmap, which encompasses actions aimed at achieving its 2030 CO2 reduction target."
        • Clearly, they understand the intent of this action. It is not "incomprehensible" KLM language attempts to convey that the cap is not informed by rational thinking, while the rationale is quite obvious.

        • KLM officials must be aware of the record breaking extreme weather events as well as the dire climate situation and planetary tipping points, yet they are not including this in their media statement. All they mention is the economic impact on the
        • Logically, fossil fuel dependent businesses such as the airline industry will fight hard to keep their business alive.Government has to regulate when industry and society are too slow to respond to existential threats such as global boiling.
        • Perhaps a more transparent response would be to say they don't agree with it because they want to continue BAU and are against measures that significantly impact their bottom line, even if it is necessary for the survival of our civilization.
  4. Mar 2023
    1. 1% of the world's population is responsible for an estimated 50% of emissions from commercial air transport, most of this associated with premium class air travel of affluent frequent fliers
      • Quote
        • carbon inequality stat
          • 1% of the world's population is responsible for 50% of emissions from commercial air transport
  5. Feb 2023
    1. many experience a freeze response (fear and inability to act), or indeed a flight response - avoiding the problem altogether.While it can feel counter-intuitive, meeting climate dismissives with compassion can go a long way and help them break free from denial.
      • many experience a = freeze response (fear and inability to act), or indeed a = flight response
      • avoiding the problem altogether.
      • While it can feel counter-intuitive, meeting climate dismissives with = compassion can go a long way and help them break free from denial.
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Apr 2022
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Jul 2021
  10. May 2021
    1. @doughoff Thanks for kicking this off. I'm relieved to see someone else occupied (personally I'm worried) with this topic.

      I've recently begun some work on memorizing birds in North America. Bird song is one of the more intimidating areas for me as I have absolutely zero knowledge of music beyond a pair of functioning ears.

      In my early searches for a comprehensive text to work from, I did note that the book Birds of North America (Golden Field Guides series) by Chandler S. Robbins, & Bertel Bruun, and Herbert S. Zim (St. Martin's Press, 2001) was one of the few guides that dealt with birdsong and had a short section on the subject in the front and listed visual sonograms for most birds. Sadly, the book didn't include audio which I think may have been incredibly helpful in matching the sound with the visuals.

      I have bookmarked a few websites that deal with it, though there are sure to be many others that match birdsong audio to a visual representation of some sort. Here are a few of those:

      Initially I imagined that through direct experience in listening and viewing these sonograms, I might come to some sort of facility with them. Next I would potentially rely on the concept of pareidolia to come up with some images to attach to them.

      In any case, I thought I'd sketch out my general plan and some of the resources and words I'd come across to see if they may be of help to others. I'm looking forward to seeing what others may have come up with or used as well. Birdsong will assuredly be the last piece of the puzzle that I build into my bird repertoire.

      Incidentally, after having done some significant library searching and bird guide/handbook review, I've chosen Birds of North America, Francois Vuilleumier (Dorling Kindersley, 2020, ISBN:978-0-7440-2053-3) as my "bible" for it's structuring of bird families, photographs, descriptions, and variety of data about birds and their ranges. It's about as comprehensive (for my area of the world) as anything out there, is well laid out, and sort of makes its own method of loci based on page layouts and color schemes. It is too large to take out into the field easily, but I find that working on storing the data is easier in the comfort of the house than the wilderness.

      I'll also note that it has representative visual flight diagrams which may be relatively easy to categorize and therefore memorize bird flight patterns. If others have better or more detailed resources for this, I'd love to know those as well.

      bird flight patterns.PNG|630x500, 75%

  11. Mar 2021
  12. Dec 2020
  13. Oct 2020
  14. Sep 2020
  15. Aug 2020
  16. Jul 2020
  17. Jun 2020
  18. May 2020
  19. Dec 2019
    1. ITA Matrix is a no-frills way to find the cheapest-possible flight thanks to its handy calendar index, which allows users to see the best possible itinerary.All you have to do is search your destination and preferred length of stay and click on "See calendar of lowest fares." The flexible search option lets travelers see what flying on each day of the week would cost them.
  20. Jun 2018
  21. Feb 2017
    1. The following is a statement of the laws of physics, not just my own personal opinion. "When power is Variable, Power controls airspeed." "When power is fixed, Pitch controls airspeed." In general, airplanes go where you point them, and go as fast as the power dictates. This is the easiest way to fly, and it works in all airplanes.
  22. Jan 2017