11 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. centralized servers and certificate authorities perpetuate a power and UX imbalance between servers and clients that doesn’t fit with peer-oriented DIDComm Messaging
  3. Nov 2023
    1. What do change over time "are the particular rituals and customs and expectations and rules pertaining to trust in society," she adds. "As those norms are shifting, as they did quite massively in the 19th century, you have the perfect conditions for exploiting the gaps between new and old. That shift to modernity was often the very script of the con."

      Many confidence games rely on information imbalance in the gaps between old and new ways of doing things.

      This was certainly true in the 19 C. as well as with technology changes in the 20th and 21st C.

  4. Jul 2023
    1. this division of attention Works to our advantage when we use both however it is 00:08:39 a handicap in fact it is a catastrophe when we use only one
      • In his book, The Master and his Emissary,
        • McGilchrist explains what happens when left and right hemisphere are out of balance and the left hemisphere takes over
          • namely, disaster
        • this will be the third time the imbalance manifests
  5. Feb 2023
    1. "Physics, engineering and computer science fields are differentially attracting and retaining lower-achieving males, resulting in women being underrepresented in these majors but having higher demonstrated STEM competence and academic achievement," said Joseph R. Cimpian, lead researcher and associate professor of economics and education policy at NYU Steinhardt.

      This is specific to USA. I wonder if anyone has compared performance in Canada, especially in engineering. The difference in the approaches to accreditation suggest to me that this may not be as much a problem. That is, since getting a license is harder in the US, then it may be that many students study engineering but then don't go into engineering. I'd like to see the numbers for just engineering. I'd like to see corresponding numbers for Canadian engineering. And I'd also like to know the numbers for the subset of students that then actually go on to a career in engineering. I wonder if the effect will still be present, and what the Canadian numbers would show.

  6. Aug 2022
  7. Apr 2022
    1. students’ main source of self-declared frustration is the teammates’ commitment imbalance

    2. imbalance in quality of individual contributions leads to frustration. There is no situation of pure knowledge or skills or development symmetry: There are no two individuals in the world with the same knowledge (Dillenbourg, 1999).

  8. Jul 2021
  9. Jan 2021
    1. Muzzey had hoped that the advancement of technology might make the process easier over time, that tools like ContentID could streamline things for artists. But he says it hasn’t. “I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that this isn’t a blip: this is the new normal, and it’s getting worse, not better,” he says. “Part of that problem is that people like me don’t realize their stuff is out there or think I’m not famous, so how can it be possible, not realizing that if you have a Soundcloud page, your music has been ripped, put into torrents, probably in a TV show in China somewhere, and that’s just how that world works. You don’t realize it until it’s revealed to you layer by layer.”

      There's an interesting information imbalance that creators have with online content. It's easy for their content to travel around, but it's much harder for them to tell where that content has been.

      It would be interesting if more systems used webmention then text creators could include invisible links as a possible solution for those who are too lazy to reformat or strip them out in content farm manner.

  10. Jan 2019