- Dec 2024
Where does so much mad agitation come from? From a crowd of minor clerks and lawyers, from unknown writers, starving scribblers, who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
for - trivia / history - coffee house - quote - Paris Cafe as organizing ground for the agitators that led the French Revolution
quote - Where does so much mad agitation come from? - From a crowd of - minor clerks and lawyers, - from unknown writers, - starving scribblers, - who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. - These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
- Jul 2024
scholarworks.arcadia.edu scholarworks.arcadia.edu
the erosion between whiteness andgainful employment that Davidson and Saul arguedled to a cultural backlash from white Americans andhas caused them to move from the left to the far-rightas a form of retaliation against the neoliberal cosmo-politan left.
for - key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace
key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - source - Davidson and Saul
to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace - https://hyp.is/8Hf0lDzqEe-KM9dQxJDxsw/core.ac.uk/download/pdf/84148846.pdf
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts
- sea ice loss
- 2023-12-30
- Nerilie Abram
- Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science
- Record low 2022 Antarctic sea ice led to catastrophic breeding failure of emperor penguins
- Kaitlin Naughten
- Antarctica
- Bellingshausen Sea
- Denman glacier
- East antarctic ice sheet
- The Largest Ever Recorded Heatwave
- Abyssal ocean overturning slowdown and warming driven by Antarctic meltwater
- Southern ocean overturning circulation
- Tony Press
- Ice core records suggest that Antarctica is warming faster than the global average
- expert: Lesley Hughes
- Matt King
- expert: Matthew England
- British Antarctic Survey
- Recent reduced abyssal overturning and ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Nov 2023
news.artnet.com news.artnet.com
Min Chen in Artnet News, A U.K. Researcher Has Unearthed the Original 19th-Century Photo Featured on an Iconic Led Zeppelin Album Cover on November 9, 2023<br /> accessed:: 2023-11-11 07:53:00
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I'm going to kind of give you my 00:04:56 take on what I believe to have been the natural history of or what I believe is the natural history of awareness a sort of a sequence of innovations that occurred that facilitated the appearance 00:05:09 of consciousness on Earth
- for: key claim, key claim - natural history of awareness leading evolution of consciousness, natural history - awareness leading to consciousnessn
- Sep 2022
www.shinelongled.com www.shinelongled.com
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
This hyper-response is a six-phase operation that will extend until the year 2100. It is civilian-led and involves a whole-of-society layered mobilization.
Aligned to Stop Reset Go, global bottom-up, social superorganism approach and the "awaken the sleeping giant" campaign, to awaken the sleeping social superorganism giant composed of the ordinary citizens of the globe.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
The words just wouldn't come...
linguistic erectile dysfunction?
Sorry, that's what the poet in my head said so I could not resist.
- Apr 2022
www.creativityandcognition.com www.creativityandcognition.com
If a creative artefact is the basis of the contribution to knowledge, the research ispractice-based.2. If the research leads primarily to new understandings about practice, it is practice-led.
Difference between practice-based and practice-led research (Specific to design research).
Practice- based: based on practice and improving knowledge of practice Practice- Led - leads to new understandings about the practice we are engaged in
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Employing theLinked Data paradigm for enterprise data integration has anumber of advantages:
- Identifizierung mit URI/IRIs
Unternehmen, Konzepte, Daten und Metadaten können über Abteilungen, Abteilungen, Niederlassungen, Tochtergesellschaften.
Zugang - dereferenzierbar URI/IRIs bieten einen einheitlichen Datenzugriffsmechanismus.
Das triple-basierte RDF-Datenmodell erleichtert die Integration und das Mapping zwischen verschiedenen anderen Datenmodellen (z.B. XML, RDB, JSON). Kohärenz - Schema, Daten und Metadaten können über System- und Organisationsgrenzen hinweg nahtlos miteinander verknüpft werden Grenzen.
ist gewährleistet, da der Ursprung der Informationen Herkunft der Informationen in den Bezeichnern kodiert ist. Governance - Identifikatoren, Metadaten und Schema können inkrementell und dezentral verwaltet und dezentralisiert verwaltet werden.
- Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente und Datenquellen können schrittweise und nach dem Prinzip "pay-as-you-go" hinzugefügt werden.
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs) mightbe considered as an embodiment of LED
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs) als eine Verkörperung von LED
- Aug 2020
Br, F., & mayr. (n.d.). Trusting the experts takes more than belief – Humanities & Social Change. Retrieved 8 August 2020, from https://hscif.org/trusting-the-experts-takes-more-than-belief/
- Sep 2019
www.halle36.org www.halle36.org
- May 2019
luxonshop.com luxonshop.com
Natural light is the grace of nature to human beings, but natural light has uncontrollable shortcomings. People hope to see the deep ‘Liao’, which is unknown to the night, with the eyes of the night. It’s for this reason we explored, what would we have to do in order to make the artificial light infinitely close to the natural light, while controlled by people? This gave us a glimpse of the existence of the LUXON bulb.
the existence of the LUXON bulb.
We will provide you with the following LED LIGHTINGLong Life – long operational life time expectations // Energy Efficiency – much better energy efficiency // Ecologically Friendly – much more eco-friendly // Durable Quality – LED illumination can withstand rough conditions // Zero UV Emissions – close to no UV emissions // Design Flexibility – powerful flexible design features // Operational in extremely cold or hot temperatures // Light Disbursement – achieve higher application efficiency // Instant Lighting &100% Dimmable // Low-Voltage – can run on low-voltage power supply. This time, in the name of light, we will do better than any lighting!We also provide other electronic accessories, such as socket adapter that can convert ordinary bulbs into sensing bulbs, decorative LED strips, drones for beginners and car emergency tools to save you from danger. It is rich in product and is selected by you.
The profile of LUXON LED Light bulb
- Oct 2018
cnx.org cnx.org
Federalism has the capability of being both bad and good. It just depends who you ask. On one side the advantages of fedaralism is it creates more effectiveness and makes the government stable. On the other hand federalism is risky it gets expensive, lead to a complex tax system and is slow in responses to crisis.