- Dec 2023
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
Mind1, which refers to the neurocognitive activity that allows you to behave in the world.
for: hard problem of consciousness - UTok, question - consciosness - UTok mind 1a, Gregg Henrique
- question - consciousness - UTok mind 1b
- This is a great diagram and conveys a lot in a succinct manner.
- However, I have a gut feeling that the Mind 01a is not quite the right representation
- If language and analysis is in the Mind 3 domain, then it is combined with Mind 1b as neurocognition is itself a mental construction, rather than an object
- All this addresses that there is a deep entanglement between many scientifically analytically rich "objects" and constructed ideas
- Scientific objects are spoken about and mixed with non-scientifically-laden objects in the world as if they are one and the same. They are not. Scientifically-laden objects have a huge amount of analytic theory behind them. Without familiarity with that theory, the object loses its validity, especially to the lay person.
- This could be a possible explanation of why scientists are losing their credibility in modernity and giving rise to alternative facts, misinformation and fake news
- Aug 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rothmund, T., Farkhari, F., Azevedo, F., & Ziemer, C.-T. (2020). Scientific Trust, Risk Assessment, and Conspiracy Beliefs about COVID-19—Four Patterns of Consensus and Disagreement between Scientific Experts and the German Public. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4nzuy
- Feb 2022
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Benson-Greenwald, T., Trujillo, A., White, A., & Diekman, A. (2021). Science for Others or the Self? Presumed Motives for Science Shape Public Trust in Science. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yjvbw
- Oct 2021
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O’Brien, T. C., Palmer, R., & Albarracin, D. (2021). Misplaced trust: When trust in science fosters belief in pseudoscience and the benefits of critical evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 96, 104184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2021.104184
- Mar 2021
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- Feb 2021
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Brian Nosek. (2020, December 5). We need a #2020goodnews trend. Here’s one: Science keeps getting more open. One indicator from @OSFramework: OSF users posted 9,349 files of data or other research content PER DAY OSF users made 5,633 files public PER DAY EVERY DAY in 2020 #openscience is accelerating [Tweet]. @BrianNosek. https://twitter.com/BrianNosek/status/1335210552252125184
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Sanders, J., Tosi, A., Obradović, S., Miligi, I., & Delaney, L. (2021). Lessons from lockdown: Media discourse on the role of behavioural science in the UK COVID-19 response. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dw85a
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Reinders Folmer, C., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Kooistra, E. B., … van Rooij, B. (2020, October 7). Social Distancing in America: Understanding Long-term Adherence to Covid-19 Mitigation Recommendations. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/457em
- Trust in media
- is:preprtint
- Emotions
- Partisianship
- lang:en
- Public health behaviours
- Capacity
- Social distancing
- Obligation to obey the law
- Compliance
- Trust in science
- Procedural justice
- Impulsivity
- Social norms
- Pandemic compliance
- Adherence
- Political orientation
- Health behaviours
- COVID-19
- Detterence
- Oppurtunity
- Aug 2020
Br, F., & mayr. (n.d.). Trusting the experts takes more than belief – Humanities & Social Change. Retrieved 8 August 2020, from https://hscif.org/trusting-the-experts-takes-more-than-belief/
- Jun 2020
Fung, D. J. (2018, April 10). The Corruption of Evidence Based Medicine—Killing for Profit. Medium. https://medium.com/@drjasonfung/the-corruption-of-evidence-based-medicine-killing-for-profit-41f2812b8704
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- May 2020
Battiston, P., Kashyap, R., & Rotondi, V. (2020, May 11). Trust in science and experts during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/5tch8
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Beyer-Hunt, S., Carter, J., Goh, A., Li, N., & Natamanya, S.M. (2020, May 14) COVID-19 and the Politics of Knowledge: An Issue and Media Source Primer. SPIN. https://secrecyresearch.com/2020/05/14/covid19-spin-primer/
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