- Nov 2023
documentation.divio.com documentation.divio.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Beginner tutorial for Obsidian Dataview by Danny Hatcher<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8eOF61wmzI
Not bad at all and has a few nice examples that slowly build on themselves.
- May 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
via https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/17819#Comment_17819
Zettelkasten tutorials for use with Tana: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaScw0zHBuE By Kent Langley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkYPlN82LRc By Theo Koppen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FufUz1EWJVA by Andre Foeken - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvsTD2RzKE by Cortex Futura - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzC62nIhq1s by Ev Chapman
- Apr 2023
forum.eastgate.com forum.eastgate.com
- Jan 2023
support.zoom.us support.zoom.us
View closed captioning or live transcription during a meeting or webinar Sign in to the Zoom desktop client. Join a meeting or webinar. Click the Show Captions button .
If closed captioning or live transcripts are available during a meeting or webinar, you can view these as a participant
support.zoom.us support.zoom.us
User To enable automated captioning for your own use: Sign in to the Zoom web portal. In the navigation menu, click Settings. Click the Meeting tab. Under In Meeting (Advanced), click the Automated captions toggle to enable or disable it. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.Note: If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at either the group or account level. You need to contact your Zoom admin. (Optional) Click the edit option to select which languages you want to be available for captioning. Note: Step 7 may not appear for some users until September 2022, as a set of captioning enhancements are rolling out to users over the course of August.
- Dec 2022
qwik.builder.io qwik.builder.io
Qwik Tutorials
This is a note, actually I'm just testing how well this works
- Nov 2022
community.interledger.org community.interledger.org
Creating video tutorials has been hard when things are so in flux. We've been reluctant to invest time - and especially volunteer time - in producing videos while our hybrid content and delivery strategy is still changing and developing. The past two years have been a time of experimentation and iteration. We're still prototyping!
Have you thought about opening the project setting and the remixing to educators or even kids? That could create additional momentum.
A few related resources you might want to check out for inspiration: Science Buddies, Seesaw, Exploratorium
- Feb 2022
niklas-luhmann-archiv.de niklas-luhmann-archiv.de
This may be the best place for starting into and linking into the beginning of Luhmann's two zettelkasten.
- Nov 2020
www.technotification.com www.technotification.com
On learning programming
- Master one first programming language first, before moving to the next.
- Learn at a slow for the first two programming languages. This is important for beginners
- Practising coding is more important than watching tutorials or reading books. You learn more by practising than by reading or watching videos.
- Apart from tutorials, immitating open source projects is very important
- Read others code and immitate it. You'll be surprised at how fast you're learning.
- Make use of StackOverflow, Quora and programming subreddits.Ask questions there. Interact more.
- Practice more. Write code from time to time. Debugging skills imporove with more coding practice.
- Test your skills with quizzes, challenges and competitive programming
- Jan 2020
quantum.country quantum.country
For Computer Scientists, Microsoft put together a primer to Quantum Computing for us here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Riqjdh2oM
I could understand some of it (through 40m), but think this series of articles will help immensely and I'll return to it after.
- Mar 2019
codewithhugo.com codewithhugo.com
const sinon = require('sinon'); const mockResponse = () => { const res = {}; res.status = sinon.stub().returns(res); res.json = sinon.stub().returns(res); return res; };
Incredibly helpful in conjunction with Chris Esplin's tutorials [0] and code [1] on TDD with Cloud Functions.
[0] https://howtofirebase.com/test-driven-cloud-functions-fea53c64110c
- Nov 2018
studygolang.com studygolang.com
juejin.im juejin.im
- Oct 2018
pythonprogramming.net pythonprogramming.net
Channels by default are blocking on sending and receiving values, so they will be waited on
pythonprogramming.net pythonprogramming.net
Finally, we add the `xml:"sitemap"` syntax at the end for the parser to understand where it's looking when we go to unpack this with the encoding/xml package.
最后,我们在末尾添加`xml:“sitemap”`语法,以便解析器在我们使用encoding / xml包解压缩它时的位置。
type Sitemapindex struct { Locations []Location `xml:"sitemap"` }
pythonprogramming.net pythonprogramming.net
Personally, I would test both. If the gains are insignificant by using value receivers where possible and you are using pointer receivers, sure, use all pointer receivers. If you can make sizeable gains by using value receivers where possible, however, I would personally use them.
Now, we're modifying the struct itself via pointer. Now in the code we could do something like a_car.new_top_speed(500), and this would actually modify the object itself.
pythonprogramming.net pythonprogramming.net
between the func keyword and the name of the function, we pass the variable and type. We use c, short for car, and then car, which is in association with the car struct. In this case, the method gets a copy of the object, so you cannot actually modify it here, you can only take actions or do something like coming up with a calculation
在这种情况下,该方法获取对象的副本,因此您无法在此实际修改它,您只能执行操作或执行类似计算的操作 通过把struct和method关联了起来,使得方法获取到了对象的副本
func (c car) kmh() float64 { return float64(c.gas_pedal) * (c.top_speed_kmh/usixteenbitmax) }
In order to do this, we don't need to actually modify the a_car variable, so we can use a method on a value, called a value receiver:
我们想把gas_pedal的值转化成某种实际的速度,为了做到这一点,我们不需要实际修改a_car变量,所以我们可以在值上使用一个方法,称为值 接收器
func (c car) kmh() float64 { return float64(c.gas_pedal) * (c.top_speed_kmh/usixteenbitmax) }
Methods that just access values are called value receivers and methods that can modify information are pointer receivers.
- Apr 2017
theneuralperspective.com theneuralperspective.com
hypothesis.trubox.ca hypothesis.trubox.ca
A fundamental concern when evaluating educational technology for use is the balance of the effort required to learn and implement it against the value it provides in the educational endeavour. Hypothesis is well-position with respect to this balance.
detailed review and tutorial about Hypothesis in education
- Jul 2016
www.wikizhow.com www.wikizhow.com
Definition of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. We are associated with WikizHow and in this post, we explained about every detail of SEO. Learn about the benefits and importance Search Engine Marketing.
- Jun 2016
unhcommonread.pressbooks.com unhcommonread.pressbooks.com
classroom-aid.com classroom-aid.com
Free #OER Mobile Course Is Available Online Now
- Dec 2015
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
BC Open Textbook Authoring Guide
- Sep 2015
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Are there other tutorials available beside the one about using tags?
- Aug 2015
katefarley.org katefarley.org
- Jun 2015
nodeschool.io nodeschool.io
Some overlap with learnyounode and fewer instructions, I think this is one of the first ones that was created. Still nice to really dig into streams which are an important concept to understand.
This one's really well done, I recommend starting here if you already have some JS experience.
Right now there's no good way (that I know of) to keep track of new workshoppers (the little interactive workshops that you can run on your own), so I occasionally check https://github.com/nodeschool/nodeschool.github.io (the code of the website) for commits.