42 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. George MacDonald (10 December 1824 – 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet and Christian Congregational minister. He became a pioneering figure in the field of modern fantasy literature and the mentor of fellow-writer Lewis Carroll. In addition to his fairy tales, MacDonald wrote several works of Christian theology, including several collections of sermons.
  2. Jul 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. reply to u/virtualellie at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1ds1aps/typewriter_suggestions_for_newbie/

      aggregated links from prior notes:

      I'd generally endorse most of the advice on models you'll find in these sources which are geared specifically toward writers, all three sources have lots experience and reasonable bona fides to make such recommendations.

      Obviously, you'll want to steer towards the smaller portables in the lists, but most of what's represented should fit your criteria. You'll notice a lot of overlap but with different positioning, so there's obviously some personal preference at play. If there's a nearby shop to you, it may be worth driving over to try out the touch and feel of some machines to see which you like best. Try https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-repair.html

      There was also some sage advice from u/Thylacine33 about purchasing the other day which may be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1drj32h/comment/lawb2h7/

      Beyond this Just My Typewriter has a few short videos that'll give you a crash course on Typewriter 101: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtHauPh529XYHI5QNj5w9PUdi89pOXsS

  4. May 2024
    1. “Long before ‘Brooklyn’ became a place where every novelist seemed to live, from Colson Whitehead to Jhumpa Lahiri,” she added, “Auster made being a writer seem like something real, something a person actually did.”
  5. Apr 2024
  6. Aug 2023
    1. N+7 algorithm used by the Oulipo writers. This algorithm replaces every noun—every person, place, or thing—in Hacking the Academy with the person, place, or thing—mostly things—that comes seven nouns later in the dictionary. The results of N+7 would seem absolutely nonsensical, if not for the disruptive juxtapositions, startling evocations, and unexpected revelations that ruthless application of the algorithm draws out from the original work. Consider the opening substitution of Hacking the Academy, sustained throughout the entire book: every instance of the word academy is literally an accident.

      How might one use quirky algorithms in interestingly destructive or even generative ways to combinatorially create new things?

  7. Jun 2023
  8. Nov 2022
    1. 11/30 Youth Collaborative

      I went through some of the pieces in the collection. It is important to give a platform to the voices that are missing from the conversation usually.

      Just a few similar initiatives that you might want to check out:

      Storycorps - people can record their stories via an app

      Project Voice - spoken word poetry

      Living Library - sharing one's story

      Freedom Writers - book and curriculum based on real-life stories

  9. Oct 2022
  10. Sep 2022
  11. Mar 2022
    1. https://every.to/letter

      A manifesto about what the Every platform is all about. They're trying to create a new(?) economic model for writers working together.

      I'm not really sure how this is dramatically different from prior efforts or if the economic incentives are actually properly aligned here. Many writers without critically looking at the whole may be led here as much by marketing hype as anything else. It almost sounds like they're recreating The Huffington Post, but giving away some of the value up front instead of leaving all the value in one person's hand for a future sale.

      Who owns the copyright of the created works? Are editors and proofreaders just work for hire here? What about their interests?

    2. If we decide to part ways, Leads can leave with a copy of their email list.

      While a writer may leave a collective with their email list, do they necessarily benefit from having helped to get a going concern off the ground in the first place? Where does that slice of value sit? Do they also collect a multiple of the present value of the concern the way one might in buying a pre-existing business from another?

    3. You also need to design a compensation structure that pays writers what they’re worth.

      A writer's collective trying to gather writers using the bait that they've managed to crack the problem of "paying writers what they're worth" seems to be a lot of hype.

      This seems to put the already extant fear into a writer's mind that they're not being paid enough. Doesn't the broader economics of a capitalistic system already solve this issue? Where are the inequalities? What about paying the website designers and developers? What about the advertising and other marketing people?

  12. Jan 2022
    1. Literature Essay Outline

      An essay is a paper in prose, small in length, and free in composition. It expresses the individual impressions and thoughts of the author on a particular topic or issue. The structure of writing an essay is determined by the requirements of the genre: the thoughts of the author of the text are set out as brief theses, each thesis must be substantiated, supported by evidence.

      A person who does not often have to write various texts may find it difficult to grasp all the nuances and requirements of an essay. The work on the chosen topic will be written by professionals https://studyessay.org/, they will reveal the problem, select convincing arguments and examples, as well as properly format the text.

      Consequently, the structure of the essay is circular:

      1. introduction;
      2. theses and arguments;
      3. conclusion.

      The number of theses and arguments depends on the topic, the written plan of the essay, and the direction of thought development. Also, the introduction and conclusion should focus on the chosen issue. The scheme of the essay assumes the presence of paragraphs, red lines, which help in achieving the integrity of the work. Contact us here https://studyessay.org/research-proposal-writing-service/, If you need more information and help with writing your assignments. enter image description here

      How to write an essay: outline

      The scheme of writing an essay is looser than that of other written works. That is why the author must independently think about the structure of the future text. The structure depends on the goals, form, volume of the work. The scheme will be most conveniently perceived if you fix it on paper. The plan of writing an essay is a kind of "skeleton", on which the author builds up thoughts and ideas. Work on the essay begins with a writing plan. To make the text connected, it is convenient to act according to the following scheme:

      1. choose a topic;
      2. fix theses and thoughts on the issue;
      3. justify the stated ideas, pick up arguments;
      4. build the theses in a logical sequence, the thoughts should follow one another.

      Essay writing tips

      1. The main recommendation for writing an essay is to outline the text. This will help to keep the thought in one line, remember the topic and purpose.
      2. The essay is a genre that does not involve writing long texts. Thoughts should be expressed briefly, but understandable to the reader.
      3. It is helpful to reread your essay to make sure that the text is connected logically, the topic is not lost and all theses and arguments are mentioned.

      Despite the fact that the essay does not have any strict rules of writing, there are still a number of recommendations and peculiarities of the genre, which are worth adhering to.

  13. Nov 2021
    1. with attention to the nuances of issues like diversity and feminism where he has previously faltered in his own writers’ room

      How do we intentionally and proactively work to avoid the problem with Jon Stewart by addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the writers’ room?

  14. Aug 2021
    1. Using Fragments Deliberately.

      How often do published writers use deliberate fragments?

  15. Jun 2021
    1. The poet Christian Wiman, who returned to his faith after having wandered from it, wrote in My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer that “Christ is always being remade in the image of man, which means that his reality is always being deformed to fit human needs, or what humans perceive to be their needs.”

      This seems reminiscent of the reminder to recall that ancient writers actually lived and eventually quit living. C. Matthewes quote perhaps about Augustine?

      What effect does the personal relationship with Christ play in this catastrophe? (the one described in American Nations). I need to return to this thesis and examine it closer.

  16. Feb 2020
    1. Explaining the purpose of the activities

      explain the purpose of the methods you take in a consultation. this can help writers who feel like the session is not moving fast enough

    2. correspondence to the instructor and to other students, what technology should be used to communicate, and what kinds of questions might be asked (and how frequently). Similarly, multilingual students may have different cultural con-ventions governing their understanding of such issues as plagiarism

      some concerns that may need to be addressed

    3. Preparing Faculty to Work with Multilingual Writers

      work with faculty development department & WPA to train faculty on course/assignment design for multilingual writers

    4. course assignments should avoid relying on specific cultural knowledge to complete the assignment

      pay close attention to course assignments that violate this rule and assess if a writer is missing cultural context to answer certain parts of an assignment

    5. f a student has difficulty understanding written instructions, oral and/or video in-struction might provide more clarity.
    6. should think broadly about the kinds of technolo-gies they might allow students to use in an OWC

      slow responses can be because a writer is trying to come up with the right words, but can also be technology-related. writers on their phones will have a much harder time navigating WCONLINE. but if that's all a writer has, we can't tell them not to use it. how do we support them?

    7. links to videos or online help guides

      locate instructional resources for writers to help familiarize them with expectations and practical methods for writing in academic contexts -- e.g. Purdue OWL video series on MLA formatting

    8. A Position Statement of Principles and Example Effective Practices for OWI (CCCC OWI Committee, 2013) provided a starting point from specific OWI principles by helping to raise questions particular to multilingual writers

      reread these principles

    9. teachers should provide explicit expectations and instructions for how to par-ticipate in particular parts of the OWC

      negotiating roles early on in the session = crucial to the writer's understanding of how much they should participate

    10. onsider the kinds of technologies their students might already be familiar with, or they can leave open the technologies students can use to accomplish various writing tasks (if appropriate) to draw upon students’ current literacy practices.

      consider identifying and testing out technologies that would support students' linguistic needs

    11. “the process of acquiring syntactic and lexical competence” in a language does not happen in a semester or in a year

      taking the time to read over what past consultants have worked on with this writer can be important to reinforcing the skills taught. comprehensive reporting is important as well. It's not enough to say that you worked on X with a writer; expand on where you think their progress is at. have they become proficient in this skill or is further support/reinforcement needed?

    12. The contextual cues that instructors might rely on to detect specific linguistic needs in an onsite classroom are sometimes absent in an online en-vironment, although other cues might be present.

      watch for cues that a writer has linguistic needs -- these cues may be different depending on the environment (online vs. f2f)

    13. multilingual to refer to students who might speak a language other than English as their first language, speak multiple lan-guages fluently, or perhaps speak multiple dialects of English

      multilingual writer definition

    14. Chapter 9 of Foundation Practices of Online Writing Instruction -- Multilingual Writers and OWI

  17. Jun 2017
    1. The component is pluggable, you can configure ingestion of metrics to any monitoring system by implementing MetricCollector interface. By default metrics are sent to Ostrich, statistic library bundled into secor.

      Just inject prometheus simple client into this module and you could get prometheus working for secor.

  18. Feb 2017
  19. Jun 2015
    1. The responses show that beyond BCcampus, the Open Modernisms anthology builder is going to find traction across Western Canada. James Gifford presented a paper co-authored with Stephen Ross and Matt Huculak on the major innovations coming to BC as Open Modernisms prepares to launch its Phase 1 with a custom Islandora build for preparing modernist texts that are in the public domain in Canada.
  20. Jan 2014
    1. Treat yourself as a writer and approach each commit as a chapter in a book. Writers don’t publish first drafts. Michael Crichton said, “Great books aren’t written– they’re rewritten.”
  21. Oct 2013
    1. There are, indeed, some men who have a good delivery, but cannot compose anything to deliver. Now, if such men take what has been written with wisdom and eloquence by others, and commit it to memory, and deliver it to the people, they cannot be blamed, supposing them to do it without deception

      Composers vs. orators

    1. But we cannot arrive at such power of thought suddenly or even soon. 3. In the first place, a certain form of thinking must be acquired by great practice in writing, a form which may be continually attendant on our meditations. A habit of thinking must then be gradually gained by embracing in our minds a few particulars at first, in such a way that they may be faithfully repeated.

      Writing is hard and it is not something you can put off. It is a habit, a lifestyle and way of thinking