463 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2017
  2. Jun 2017
    1. The publication data areindependent of each other.

      Which they clearly are not - there are a researcher at an elite institution will have a citation pattern more like another researcher at an elite institution, not like another researcher in the same field at a non-elite institution.

  3. May 2017
  4. Apr 2017
  5. Mar 2017
    1. By then end of my PhD, I had over 800 documents in my Sente library incuding journal articles and full books, many with highlights and notes. How am I supposed to find interesting bits related to one concept, idea or topic? My highlights and notes are there somewhere in those documents but there is no easy way of tracking them down and working with them. They are searchable or can be made searchable (see Jeff Pooley’s guide  on Macademic here), but that is often not very helpful. I would for instance like to see them in one place organized according to some logic. My current practice is that I make the highlights in Sente for any potential future use and at the same time I copy the text (quote) to Scrivener with the citation info and keep these snippets organized there. I would for instance have a card for ‘innovation (def.)’ in which I would only collect various definitions of innovation from the sources I read.

      Interesting process. I have tended to export all notes from one reference in a batch, and then organize them in DevonThink. In theory, this process is more efficient (I think) because I can process large numbers of notes in one go without constant app-switching. On the other hand, though, the method outlined is wonderfully direct: when you find information you need, you put it where you're going to need it.

  6. Feb 2017
  7. Sep 2016
    1. The main reason that sociologists of science feel that this perspective has not produced the needed encompassing citation theory, is the variety of behavioural characteristics underlying the citation patterns found in the literature. This is, however, the consequence of the semiotic inversion of the reference into the citation. This inversion is asymmetrical: whereas the references have very different characteristics (both textually and behaviourally), citations are all the same. The citation no longer betrays from what type of reference it was produced. This is why one should expect it to be difficult or even impossible to recreate this variety by citation analysis, unless one re-translates the citation to the reference, that is, as is done in reference analysis. This is also why it is impossible to exclusively link the sign citation to a specific behavioural characteristic with respect to citing.

      Key point with some useful pull quotes. It is the assymetry of the reference and citation and the decontextualisation that is at the core of mainly failures to develop useful theory. See also Leydesdorff on explanans vs explanadum

  8. Aug 2016
    1. Quoted in “A Gathering Storm — ViolentCrime in America,” Police Executive ResearchForum, October 2006, p. 9, www.policefo-rum.org/upload/Gathering-Storm-PRINT-Final_110473745_1027200610304.pdf.

      Track down citations that look interesting to you.

    2. PrisonRape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA)

      Note governmental agencies that compile data on the issue. Look for new data or current questions the data seeks to answer.

    3. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice

      Look for government agencies that compile data on the issue. Visit the website to locate new data or current questions the data seeks to answer.

    4. Jason DeParle

      Record names of significant, thinkers, scholars, authors

    5. Pew CharitableTrusts projects

      Notice the organizations, scholars, or institutions that the article uses to supply evidence.

      Try searching that site or organization for more up to date information.

      For example

  9. Jul 2016
    1. Page 219

      Humanities scholars integrate and aggregate data from many sources. They need tools and services to analyze digital data, as others do the sciences and social sciences, but also tools that assist them interpretation and contemplation.

    2. Page 215

      Borgman discussing the half-life of citations and humanities :

      while the half-life of literature is considered to be the longest in humanities, the large comparative study discussed earlier found the shortest citation age of an average article in humanities…. [another study] also found that the usage of history articles was much more concentrated in recent publications and was the usage of articles in economics or mathematics (the three fields studied). A close inspection revealed that the use of history articles was widely scattered across countries, without the clustering around classic articles from the other two fields. Although history can be considered within the humanities or the social sciences, comparisons between these findings do reinforce others conclusions that humanists’ may read current journal articles to keep up with their fields, but rely more heavily for their research on sources not covered by journal indexes. The findings also amplify concerns about the validity of citation studies of journal literature in humanities, given the reliance on monographic and archival sources. In sum, the humanities draw on the longest literature time span of any of the disciplines, and yet have the least amount of their scholarly literature online. So far, they are the discipline most poorly served by the publications component of the content later.

    3. Page 214

      Literature in the Humanities goes out-of-print long before it goes out of date, so efforts to make older, out-of-copyright books available greatly benefit these fields.

    4. Page 214

      Borgman notes that the bibliographic coverage of journal literature is shallow in the humanities. The ISI Arts and humanity citation Index only goes back to 1975. In Sciences it goes back to 1900. In the social sciences it goes back to 1956. Also SCOPUS does not include the humanities.

      What is interesting about this is that the humanities are the least cumulative of all the disciplines in the sense that they do not build on previous knowledge so much as we examine previous thought.

    5. Page 203

      Citation age of an average article is longest in the social sciences.

    6. Page 158

      George Barnett, Edward think, and Mary Beth debus constructed a mathematical model of citation age to test this ordering using large data sets from each of the science citation index, social sciences citation index, and arts and humanities citation index published by the isi. In each of these three sets, the citation age of an average article reaches its peak in less than two years, with the Arts and Humanities peeking soonest parentheses 1.164 years close parentheses comma and the social sciences speaking latest parentheses 1.752 years close parentheses, contrary to expectations. The maximum proportion of citations did have the predicted ordering, with science the highest, and the Arts and Humanities the lowest. While the models presume that citation rates were stable over time a close examination of the data revealed that citation for article increase substantially over the time period of the study parentheses in science, from 12.14 per article in 1961 to 16 in 1986 God semi colon in the social sciences, from 7.07 in 1970 to 15.6 in 1986 semi colon no Citation for article data were given for the Arts and Humanities close parentheses.

    7. Page 158

      Half-Life studies are used to identify temporal variations in the use of literature by discipline most such studies indicate that the humanities have the longest citation half life and the Sciences the shortest with the social sciences in between. In other words, scientific articles reference the most recent Publications and Humanities articles the least recent ones.

    8. Pages 36 and 37

      Boardman discusses Merton. Lots of references here to series of citation and networks of relationships among Scholars the other references they make to each other's work

  10. Jun 2016
  11. www.glottotopia.org www.glottotopia.org
    1. Dixon’s (Dixon 2010: 263)

      Remove second occurrence of name.

    2. Dixon’s(Dixon 2010: 263)

      Dixon's (2010: 263)

    3. (Hammarström 21 August 2013)

      Personal communication?

    4. Bybee’s (Bybee 2006: 719

      Include name only once. This style of formatting a citation Surname's (YEAR) isn't in the style guide, so consult with an editor.

    5. Ross’s (Ross 2001)

      Include name only once. This style of formatting a citation Surname's (YEAR) isn't in the style guide, so consult with an editor.

    1. If the RRID is well-formed, and if the lookup found the right record, a human validator tags it a valid RRID — one that can now be associated mechanically with occurrences of the same resource in other contexts. If the RRID is not well-formed, or if the lookup fails to find the right record, a human validator tags the annotation as an exception and can discuss with others how to handle it. If an RRID is just missing, the validator notes that with another kind of exception tag.

      Sounds a lot like the way reference managers work. In many cases, people keep the invalid or badly-formed results.

  12. May 2016
    1. \hypersetup{hidelinks=true}

      [Lyx ver.2.1.4/Win7 Pro] To use this: go to Document > Settings > LaTeX Preamble and paste just this line into the corresponding text box. Lyx will add this to the underlying document preamble and this removes those ugly borders around clickable hyperlinks, and citation indices.

  13. Apr 2016
    1. A gradual move to fund incremental and applied research may result in fewer fundamental and theoretical studies being published. Giving credit to these founders may require authors cite an increasingly aging literature.

      Funding policies may result in a problematic growth of cited half-life of literature

    1. Accession codes

      The panda and polar bear datasets should have been included in the data section rather than hidden in the URLs section. Production removed the DOIs and used (now dead) URLs instead, but for the working links and insight see the following blog: http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/gigablog/2012/12/21/promoting-datacitation-in-nature/

  14. Mar 2016
    1. To publish. And sometimes publish in the right journals.... In my discipline ...there’s just a few journals, and if you’re not in that journal, then yourpublication doesn’t really count

      Importance of "top" journals

    1. ]” (205).

      Note the in-text citation. Why doesn't he put the source's name here?

  15. Feb 2016
    1. p. 60 "Citation is perhaps the most powerful technique for building an information commons that could be created with seventeenth-century technology."

  16. Nov 2015
    1. Does the Espionage Act violate the First Amendment guarantee of free speech?

      I think that this is not the legal issue that is targeted in the book on this case? I concluded that it is more about whether this pamphlet and political expression is protected under the First Amendments rights of the Constitution for the defendant. Or whether obstruction of war time ideals and peace is a crime in a state of unrest?

  17. Aug 2015
    1. Weller, A.-A. 2000. Biogeography, geographic variation and habitat preference in the Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilia amazilia Lesson (Aves: Trochilidae), with notes on the status of Amazilia alticola Gould. /. Orn. 141: 93-101.

      Weller, A.-A. 2000. Biogeography, geographic variation and habitat preference in the Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilia amazilia Lesson (Aves: Trochilidae), with notes on the status of Amazilia alticola Gould. J. Orn. 141: 93-101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01651776

    1. We know this because there are societies where a lot more of this money is taken from the most fortunate, and it results pretty straightforwardly in less cruelty for the least fortunate.

      Anyone know the scenario he's citing here?

      I'd love to read more.

  18. Apr 2015
  19. Feb 2015
  20. Jan 2015
  21. Dec 2014
    1. Italics are a good way for a writer to telegraph what he means by telling you how to say it in your head, but they seem informal to use. Are they?

      That's what I said! See earlier annotation. Citing myself here. ChaChing!

  22. Sep 2014
    1. minimum wages that destroy jobs

      I'm sure this is just being brought in here as an example of something rather split-brained that voters do, but I believe it's not well established that higher minimum wages "destroy jobs".

  23. Apr 2014
    1. fifty to sixty per cent of the list price of a book goes to Amazon or to another retailer. When he was starting out, in the eighties, that figure was more like thirty or forty per cent.

      I wish there was a link to this research. Does any one have additional information about this? I am writing a paper on this.

  24. Feb 2014
  25. localhost:3000 localhost:3000
    1. The Hypothes.is team will most probably provide an api for these types of use cases eventually
    1. Citation signals The citation signal appearing next to a case name indicates whether the decision has received positive, negative, cautionary or neutral treatment in subsequent judgments. The signal is a summary of the annotation information available from the list of appeal proceedings and cases referring to this case. Clicking on these signals will take you to the citation entry for these decisions. Hover your mouse over the symbol for a description.

      Citation signals regarding future case judgments from citators:

      • Negative Treatment
      • Cautionary Treatment
      • Positive Treatment
      • Neutral History or Treatment
      • Citator Information
  26. Jan 2014
    1. By documenting your data and recommending appropriate ways to cite your data, you can be sure to get credit for your data products and their use

      Citation is an incentive. An answer to the question "What's in it for me?"

  27. Oct 2013
    1. As Steve Lohr has written in The New York Times about the MIT economist Erik Brynjolfsson, “data measurement is the modern equivalent of the microscope.” Sean Gourley, cofounder of a company called Quid, calls this new kind of data analysis a “macroscope.”

      Are We Puppets in a Wired World? Sue Halpern November 7, 2013

    1. Bolving is unique to Exmoor for what is known elsewhere as the belling or roaring of red deer stags at rutting time. Adrian Tierney-Jones described it in the Daily Telegraph in 2007 as “a mix of roaring lion, bellowing cow, chainsaw and someone severely constipated”.

      World Wide Words Newsletter 855 Michael Quinion October 26, 2013

    1. He had read about an advertising technique called astroturfing in which one person can impersonate hundreds of social media accounts to make it look as if there were grassroots support for their cause.


    1. The head of the International Maritime Organization, the United Nations agency in charge of marine regulations, warned in 2000 of the growing hazards of building larger ships and called for a comprehensive review of safety rules, known as Safety of Life at Sea, or Solas.

      Too Big to Sail? Cruise Ships Face Scrutiny Jad Mouawad October 27, 2013

    1. All of this has shaped the new work, which she calls a “choreoessay,” in the same way that “For Colored Girls” was a “choreopoem,” said Claude Sloan, a longtime friend and director who shares a brownstone with her in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

      A Poet With Words Trapped Inside, John Leland, October 25 2013