- Nov 2019
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
You haven't shown any real use case yet. I don't deny that the functionality alone would be a good shortcut itself just like any other proposal we see every day.
www.theregister.co.uk www.theregister.co.uk
reasonml.github.io reasonml.github.io
Reason is not a new language; it's a new syntax and toolchain powered by the battle-tested language, OCaml.
kentcdodds.com kentcdodds.com
I should also add that I'm in favor of relying more heavily on integration testing. When you do this, you need to unit test fewer of your simple components and wind up only having to unit test edge cases for components (which can mock all they want).
kentcdodds.com kentcdodds.com
"The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you. "
testing-library.com testing-library.com
You want to write maintainable tests for your React components. As a part of this goal, you want your tests to avoid including implementation details of your components and rather focus on making your tests give you the confidence for which they are intended. As part of this, you want your testbase to be maintainable in the long run so refactors of your components (changes to implementation but not functionality) don't break your tests and slow you and your team down.
We try to only expose methods and utilities that encourage you to write tests that closely resemble how your web pages are used.
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
Most of the damaging features have to do with encouraging testing implementation details. Primarily, these are shallow rendering, APIs which allow selecting rendered elements by component constructors, and APIs which allow you to get and interact with component instances (and their state/properties) (most of enzyme's wrapper APIs allow this).
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
Often, if you are writing a test that amounts to “it does what it does”, or “it does exactly this, which happens to be duplicated in the application code”, then the test is either unnecessary or too broad.
Here are three rules of thumb I use to determine that something is not worth testing:Will the test have to duplicate exactly the application code? This will make it brittle.Will making assertions in the test duplicate any behavior that is already covered by (and the responsibility of) library code?From an outsider’s perspective, is this detail important, or is it only an internal concern? Can the effect of this internal detail be described using only the component’s public API?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Thank you, I put the restaurant_params both in def new & def create but only need it in the def create
- Oct 2019
github.com github.com
I had to upgrade my other project from Webpack 2 / Angular 5 to Webpack 4/Angular 7 and it was a complete nightmare! I lost a ton of hours and can't really justify charging my client for the weeks worth of time to figure it out.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Let's make the example even easier. function convertDate<T extends string | undefined>(isoDate?: string): T { return undefined } 'undefined' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T' Means: What you return in the function (undefined), matches the constraints of your generic type parameter T (extends string | undefined). , but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'string | undefined'. Means: TypeScript does not consider that as safe. What if you defined your function like this at compile time: // expects string return type according to generics // but you return undefined in function body const res = convertDate<string>("2019-08-16T16:48:33Z") Then according to your signature, you expect the return type to be string. But at runtime that is not the case! This discrepancy that T can be instantiated with a different subtype (here string) than you return in the function (undefined) is expressed with the TypeScript error.
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
Based on examples given in https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29049
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Both of the below are valid as far as T extends (...args: any[]) => any goes logFn((a, b) => a + b) logFn((a, b, c) => c) But if you refer back to the example I gave, the inner definition as: return (a, b) => fn(a, b); So option 2. will throw an error here, which is why typescript is warning you about it.
github.com github.com
In the body of the function you have no control over the instantiation by the calling context, so we have to treat things of type T as opaque boxes and say you can't assign to it. A common mistake or misunderstanding was to constraint a type parameter and then assign to its constraint, for example: function f<T extends boolean>(x: T) { x = true; } f<false>(false); This is still incorrect because the constraint only restricts the upper bound, it does not tell you how precise T may really be.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
P can't be assigned {}, since the Generic Type P can be a more defined (or restricted) type.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
you can have a Type that is more specific than a boolean like this
github.com github.com
The value 10 is assignable to the constraint of T, but it is not assignable to this particular instantiation of T. If there was no error I would passing 10 where 3 is expected!
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Try to avoid mucking with native prototypes, including Array.prototype, if you don't know who will be consuming your code (3rd parties, coworkers, yourself at a later date, etc.). There are ways to safely extend prototypes (but not in all browsers) and there are ways to safely consume objects created from extended prototypes, but a better rule of thumb is to follow the Principle of Least Surprise and avoid these practices altogether.
He's not messing with them he's extending them for Arrays.
- Sep 2019
codeburst.io codeburst.io
MobX as a data flow library, that enables you to roll your own state management architecture with minimal effort
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
systematic domination of women by men
"systematic domination of women by men" the beside statement is varies according to person to person, that is the right each one but according to my perspective the idea is wrong because after a long period of time each girl will feel some loneliness. This isolation can be avoided if you have some to care you. No women in the could be independent but they can live independently only a certain period after they miss something in their life. Everyone will leave you but the one who love you will stick with your downs and ups. Your parents will pass you but your husband be with you until something has happen. Below you have five important benefits.
- Aug 2019
medium.com medium.com
I was so fed up of the mega amounts of boilerplate with Redux and the recommendation of keeping your data loading at view level. It seems to me that things like this, with components being responsible for their own data, is the way to go in the future.
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
Make Action Buttons Descriptive
- Jul 2019
but Salt Lake City’s cost of living is 16 percent lower than in Denver, 37 percent lower than Seattle’s and 48 percent under San Francisco’s, according to PayScale. The state — often led personally by Governor Gary Herbert — pitches its advantages well to firms considering relocation, says Joe Vranich, whose consulting firm helps small businesses looking to move. “They will roll out the carpet for you and treat you like a king.” The approach is working. Utah’s “Silicon Slopes”
Utah's low cost of living attracts tech companies to operate in Utah. This will make more outsiders to relocate to Utah for jobs which can further aggravate the burden of housing shortage and pricing.
- Apr 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Being a teenager is hard; there are constant social and emotional pressures that have just been introduced into the life of a middle or high schooler, which combines with puberty to create a ticking time bomb. By looking at the constant exposure to unreasonable expectations smartphones and social media create, we can see that smartphones are leading to an increased level of depression and anxiety in teenagers, an important issue because we need to find a safe way to use smartphones for the furture generations that are growing up with them. Social media is a large part of a majority of young adults life, whether it includes Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or some combination of these platforms, most kids have some sort of presence online. Sites like Facebook and Instagram provide friends with a snapshot of an event that happened in your life, and people tend to share the positive events online, but this creates a dangerous impact on the person scrolling. When teens spend hours scrolling through excluisvely happy posts, it creates an unrealistic expectation for how real life should be. Without context, teenagers often feel as if their own life is not measuring up to all of their happy friends, but real-life will never measure up to the perfect ones expressed online. Picture Picture Furthermore, social media sites create a way for teenagers to seek external validation from likes and comments, but when the reactions online are not perceived as enough it dramatically alters a young adults self-confidence. This leads to the issue of cyberbullying. There are no restrictions on what you can say online, sometimes even annonimously, so often people choose to send negative messages online. Bullying is not a new concept, but with online bullying, there is little to no escape as a smartphone can be with a teenager everywhere, and wherever the smartphone goes the bullying follows.This makes cyberbullying a very effective way to decrease a youth's mental health, in fact, cyberbullying triples the risk of suicide in adolescents, which is already the third leading cause of death for this age group.
Technology is in constant motion. If we try to ignore the advances being made the world will move forward without us. Instead of trying to escape change, there needs to be an effort to incorporate technology into every aspect of our lives in the most beneficial way possible. If we look at the ways technology can improve our lives, we can see that technology specifically smartphones, have brought more benefits than harm to the academic and social aspects of teenagers lives, which is important because there is a constant pressure to move away from smart devices from older generations. The first aspect people tend to focus on is the effect that technology has on the academic life of a teen. Smartphones and other smart devices are a crucial part of interactive learning in a classroom and can be used as a tool in increasing student interest in a topic. For example, a popular interactive website, Kahoot, is used in many classrooms because it forces students to participate in the online quiz, while teachers can gauge how their students are doing in the class. Furthermore, these interactive tools are crucial for students that thrive under visual learning, since they can directly interact with the material. This can be extended to students with learning disabilities, such as Down Syndrome and Autism, research has shown that using specialized and interactive apps on a smart device aids learning more effectively than technology free learning. Picture Picture Another fear regarding technology is the impact it has on the social lives of young adults, but the benefits technology has brought to socializing outweighs any possible consequences. The obvious advantage smartphones have brought to social lives is the ability to easily communicate with people; with social media, texting, and calling all in one portable box there is no longer a struggle to be in contact with family and friends even if they are not in your area. Social media can also be used for much more In recent years, social media has been a key platform in spreading platforms and movements for social change. Because social media websites lower the barrier for communicating to large groups of people, it has been much easier to spread ideas of change across states, countries, or the world. For example, after Hurricane Sandy tore apart the northeastern United States, a movement called "Occupy Sandy" in which people gathered to provide relief for the areas affected was promoted and organized through social media. Other movements that have been possible because of social media include #MeToo, March for Our Lives, #BlackLivesMatter, and the 2017 Women's March.
There is no question that technology is becoming a part of our lives more every day. What we have to take a closer look at is the increasing dependency that children have on smart devices, which is taking over all other normal childhood activities, an important occurrence because it is interfering with normal childhood development and negatively impacting relationships between parents and children. Smartphones give young adults access to almost unlimited information and almost unlimited content that they may not yet be equipped to navigate. Every parent wants to know what is going on in their child's life, but with smartphones, this is highly suggested just to make sure the internet has not led them down a dark path. For example, an astonishing study found that 19% of young adults ages 13-19 sent sexually suggestive content online, and 31% had received this type of content. Smartphones make exposure to these things at an early age much easier, and preventing the exposure much harder. There are many restrictions and blocks that can be put in place to help guide children in the right parts of the internet, but there is still the issue of time management on devices. Smartphones and other smart devides have taken the place of activities that should be prioitized for a healthy lifestyle, such as homework and exercise. One aspect that has drawn many children into overuse of technology is online gaming. Online games often have interactions with other online players, which allows children to feel as if they are socializing without actually interacting with friends, especially for children who struggle with in person interaction.
While this may be beneficial for short term socializing or motor skills, in the long-run, the children are choosing to sit and stare at a screen instead of interacting with people around them, or doing productive things such as homework, so the short-term benefits are outweighed by long-term consequences.
The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.
Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.
- facts enhance this argument
- very good and strong argument . mental illness is a very serious matter
- this is very relevant to our modern day world and is a strong
- you already made
- and the social life imapcts including mental health for the 3rd arguement
- focus on the positive and effects that music has on our mindset
- argument. i think it would be better to focus on more academics
- on the webiste on this page the text is in several different fonts
- couple typos here
- this argument needs work . very repetitive
- suicide fact is a great addition. makes us realize the severity of the issue
- for the second point in addition to the substance abuse point
- this argument is very strong great facts
onlinelearningconsortium.org onlinelearningconsortium.org
Online Learning Consortium (OLC)
Hello OLC!
- Mar 2019
DocuSign is a rare, hyper-growth vendor that has become profitable.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
error BadZipfile: File is not a zip file
在安装albacore的时候,使用pip install命令安装.whl文件的时候,总是会出现“ BadZipfile:File is not a zip file”的错误,通过使用参数--no-cache-dir可以解决这个问题。
- Feb 2019
chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
integrated domain
In such a future working relationship between human problem-solver and computer 'clerk,' the capability of the computer for executing mathematical processes would be used whenever it was needed. However, the computer has many other capabilities for manipulating and displaying information that can be of significant benefit to the human in nonmathematical processes of planning, organizing, studying, etc.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
So meditation not only brings clarity of thought, but sanctification. I wonder how closely the two are related for Astell?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
rejection of knowledge derived from either testimony or revelation.
I understand this is only a cursory remark about his positions, but the idea seems off to me. I can "know" my kids loves me when she says so. I can "know" my father died when my brother calls to tell me. Why can't I "know" something spiritual that I learn in the same way? The nature of the knowledge (spiritual or otherwise) does not change the method of knowing.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
by these elucidations given rise or increase to his doubts, and drawn obscurity upon the place
Following Dr. Rivers's postmodern note, this reminds me of our discussion in class related to Nietzsche, how we're so often trained to assume that the text means something other than the text itself, and we search for the "true" meaning buried underneath the text, perhaps in the author's subconscious. I'm reminded to of a comment made in Dr. Johnston's poetry class, that we as critics don't spend enough time on simply characterizing texts; in place of depth arrived at through analysis, we should strive for complexity in our attempt to take the words on the page at their word.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Can anyone shed light on how this word functions in rhet studies in general, and in this paragraph in particular?
As it is, I'm reading it as a source or well or magnet that a culture exaptates toward or "adexaptates" to.
- Nov 2018
www.the-hospitalist.org www.the-hospitalist.org
“When the IOM report came out, it gave us a focus and a language that we didn’t have before,” says Dr. Wachter, who served as president of SHM’s Board of Directors and to this day lectures at SHM annual meetings. “But I think the general sensibility that hospitalists are about improving quality and safety and patients’ experience and efficiency—I think that was baked in from the start.”
Dr. Wachter and other early leaders pushed the field to become involved in systems-improvement work. This turned out to be prophetic in December 1999, when patient safety zoomed to the national forefront with the publication of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “To Err Is Human.” Its conclusions, by now, are well-known. It showed between 44,000 and 98,000 people a year die from preventable medical errors, the equivalent of a jumbo jet a day crashing. The impact was profound, and safety initiatives became a focal point of hospitals.
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
But I can write when she is out, and see her a long way off from these windows.
why she can write when she is out?
- Oct 2018
scripting.com scripting.com
A variant is useful in standards work, where I ask collaborators to search for the worst possible name for something, in order to avoid long arguments about which is best. You can have a good laugh when someone invokes the "worst is best" rule, and get on with the real work of working together.
Almost like a pattern. Start off with something, anything, and improve from there.
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Learning is a subversive act.
YES! In American schools you are indoctrinated with the premise: "There is no difficult material. There are only difficult learners." The "trial-by-failure" prevalent in the 70's and 80's, that if you repeat a subject you truly do not nor will not ever understand, Algebra in my case, you are somewhat "subversive" to the rest of classroom, the teacher and especially the school. Report card comments: asks too many questions/asks no questions, disruptive/sleeps in class, no effort given, won't get tutored after school labels the learner without labelling the conformity of the classroom: fit in or be shut out. Excellent point!
forboredom.com forboredom.com
Do you do you OMG jinx Go ahead no no you go first Naaaa after u no but I interrupted you tho On the contrary I'm tired we're not in shape how about a little deep breathing I'm tired of breathing word
Mimicking content/ information
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
As the power is unleashed, computers on the Semantic Web achieve at first the ability to describe, then to infer, and then to reason. The schema is a huge step, and one that will enable a vast amount of interoperability and extra functionality. However, it still only categorizes data. It says nothing about meaning or understanding.
The author presents an interesting progression for the Web to eventually learn to reason. The picture he paints of more accessible content on the internet hinges on the internet learning to reason, which is a human characteristic. It seems we need to apply human characteristics to all of our mechanics for them to progress in their usefulness.
- Sep 2018
cnx.org cnx.org
City officials can actually help if they go out into the streets and ask real people what actually is going on. Something on blogs and on polls arent true, they dont always speak the truth. If they were to go out to communities and build relationships with people, they would have a clearer understanding of what is going on.
- https://hypothes.is/groups/q2jXEin4/f18-51-hybrid)
- group: F18-51-Hybrid
- City officials cannot fix problems if they do not know anything is wrong to begin with. Responding to public opinion polls, actively contributing to a political blog, or starting a new blog are all examples of different ways to be involved.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
I believe people in sometimes feel they have no voice are say. There are pathways were people try there best to find change and still see no result i believe to have to change we have to write congress men and people in the government letters to how we may feel. We must be aware together but, its better sometimes to be the odd person out the bunch. It takes one person doing something different to see results.
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
What order, so contriv'd as not to mix Tastes, not well joynd, inelegant, but bring [ 335 ] Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change,
We may interpret it according to the Indian thought, e.g. by enjoying our sensual pleasure it is never fulfilled rather it increases.
- Aug 2018
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
He with his whole posteritie must dye, Dye hee or Justice must; unless for him [ 210 ]
We, Indians can't understand how "his whole posteritie must dye"? We believe in the theory of rebirth and therefore have infinite scope to be liberated. Above all one does not suffer due to others fault. Scripture does not contradict reason.
cdn.inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net cdn.inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
As people see more, they are more likely to notice things they can do something about, which confirms the perception of control and also reduces crisis intensity to lower levels by virtue of early intervention in its development
"Information is Aid" also contributes to the idea that enactment can assert a sense of control.
As forcefulness and ambiguity increase, enactment is more con- sequential, and more of the unfolding crisis is under the direct control of human action. Conversely, as action becomes more tentative and situations become more clearly structured, enactment processes will play a smaller role in crisis development and managment. Enactment, therefore, will have most effect on those portions of a crisis which are loosely coupled.
Again, another argument for "Information is Aid" as a way to clarify the known situation, provide more complete descriptions of potential action, etc., this ultimately helps to decrease ambiguity.
Capacity and response repertoire affect crisis perception, because people see those events they feel they have the capacity to do something about. As capacities change, so too do perceptions and actions. This relationship is one of the crucial leverage points to improve crisis management.
This gets at the idea of information as a form of humanitarian aid.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
As Coyle and Meier (2009) argue, disasters are often seen as crises of information where it is vital to make sure that people know where to find potable water, how to ask for help, where their relatives are, or if their home is at risk; as well as providing emergency response and human-itarian agencies with information about affected populations. Such a quest for information for ‘security’, in turn, provides fertile ground for a quest for technological solutions, such as big data, which open up opportunities for the extended surveillance of everyday life. The assumption is that if only enough information could be gathered and exchanged, preparedness, resilience and control would follow. This is particularly pertinent with regard to mobile pop-ulations (Adey and Kirby 2016)
The Information is Aid perspective that drives my research agenda.
- Jul 2018
www.enculturation.net www.enculturation.net
"Aristotle is Not Our Father."
What does she mean by this?
- Jun 2018
www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.com
Am starved for meat, giddy for lack of sleep, With oath kept waking and with brawling fed:
- Feb 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
My daughter will be brought up to understand her true value. That’s a promise. As for all the little girls to be born around the world, the creation of these ads is an effort to show how imagination can change the conversation around their lives.
- Jan 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Silence is the lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensity.
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
I am applying the "What is a Machete, Anyway" as my supplemental text and the main idea of that article is expressing how there are various interpretations of what a Machete is actually. Some people see it as a tool while others see it as a weapon. Everyone's view on a particular object is not the same because of cultural differences. In the article, Cline says himself, "the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool — not altogether different from, say, a shovel."
In relations to the "What is a Machete, Anyway" article where the machete can be described as a weapon but also as a tool, relates to this specific line in terms of how people look at objects differently.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
But the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool—not altogether different from, say, a shovel. It’s possible that Wilson is just a stunted adolescent who never grew out of buying switchblades and throwing stars when the carnival comes to town, but the ease with which “tool” becomes “weapon” in the eyes of the law is remarkable.
As related to the primary text, the interpretations of what a machete is defined as can be viewed differently from all aspects. From a law standpoint, they see the machete as a weapon because it is a sharp object but others see it as a tool because it can be compared to a table saw or an ax.
What is a "Machete"? In my opinion a machete is a tool because tools can also be defined as weapons if they are used in an aggressive/deadly manner. For an example, a hammer is a tool but may also be used to harm someone.
“full size” machete.
Are there miniature machetes? But wouldn't a small machete be considered a knife?
the machete has a special place in the labor history of Florida, where for three and a half centuries slaves and wageworkers cut sugarcane in the fields by hand. Indeed, machetes are unique to the extent that they have always been used for both purposes—and not just as a plot device in horror flicks, either.
The machete can be used for various reasons. Many people use it in an ax-like manner to cut things down because that is how their cultural history used the "weapon/tool". I personally carry a pocket knife for various reasons. My main reason is for cutting open things in my art class (used as a tool) but I also carry it for protection because I have night classes (weapon). I don't believe you can say what a machete actually is because there are multiple uses for it.
I quickly realized from the descriptions that a machete was essentially the same thing as a “corn knife.”
This goes back to the primary researches statement of culture having an affect on how people see objects. Some cultures use machetes as actual tools i.e the "corn knife" while others see it as a weapon because they have seen it being used in that way.
- Nov 2017
www.gov.uk www.gov.uk
To support text and data mining as a standard and essential tool for research, the UK should move towards establishing by default that for published research the right to read is also the right to mine data, where that does not result in products that substitute for the original works. Government should include potential uses of data for AI when assessing how to support for text and data mining.
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
The Largest Governmental Review of Homeopathic Research
- Not the largest (and Dana knows this)
- Not a Government review (and Dana knows this)
At best the "Swiss Report" was a very limited assessment of select literature. The ongoing misrepresentation of this publication caused Felix Gurtner of the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH, Health and Accident Insurance Directorate, Bern, Switzerland posted a letter to the editor of Swiss Medical Weekly entitled The report “Homeopathy in healthcare: effectiveness, appropriateness, safety, costs” is not a “Swiss report” to clarify this. Dana is very aware of this, but continues to misinform his readership with this blatantly and demonstrably false claim.
Given how often this has been pointed out there is only one reasonable conclusion for him continuing to put this out there.
Dana Ullman is a liar.
- Oct 2017
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
He calls for more thoughtful engagement with the notion not so much of making things, but of fixing them, repurposing them in their diminishment and dismantlement—not of making new, but of making do, and of thereby engaging what he calls ‘an ethics of mutual care’—with each other, the world around us, and with the (quite literal) objects of our affection (Jackson, 2013, p. 231). This is a source, he says, of ‘resilience and hope’ and it’s a way of being in space and time that has deep feminist roots (Jackson, 2013, p. 237).
My initial thoughts were: sustainability, repurposing, upcycling. And yes, I agree that there is a resilience and hope in that. How Jackson made the leap to 'feminist roots' is not clear to me. Page 11 of this PDF goes into more detail: https://sjackson.infosci.cornell.edu/RethinkingRepairPROOFS(reduced)Aug2013.pdf.
After reading this PDF, I think he is saying that this idea of sustainability and repurposing or 'an ethics of mutual care' can be sourced back to feminist scholarship that came about in the '70s through the '90s'. Unfortunately, I can't see any deeper meaning than that or why this must be feminist in nature and not simply human nature. Why gender comes into this, I do not know. But then again, perhaps my understanding of what it is to be feminist is flawed?
rampages.us rampages.us
Emotion is an important factor in literary works. It is the motive force of creation, the yeast of imagination and the element of artistic charm. Therefore, all literature and art activities are inseparable from emotion. In a sense, there is no art without emotion
- Sep 2017
hpalms22.gsucreate.org hpalms22.gsucreate.org
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Indeed, as noted earlier, one well-known thought-enhancement technology is written language itself and perhaps use of language more generally. As Levy writes, “speech does not merely allow us to articulate thoughts that we would have had in any case. Instead, it allows us to externalize our thoughts and thereby treat them as objects for contemplation and manipulation. Externalized thoughts can be worked over, criticized, and improved.”21:38-39
This is an interesting concept, particularly with regards to writing, because many people, myself included, think as they write. I often times do not even really know what I think about a topic until I start writing about it. Essays, for example, are usually difficult to start, but I end up figuring out what my argument is by the end because the process of writing itself has allowed me to think through the subject in a way normal biological cognition would not normally allow me to.
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
An ESPN anchor who called President Trump a white supremacist should be fired, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday.
This is what actual 1st Amendment violations look like
moodle.kzoo.edu moodle.kzoo.edu
This quote resonates with me because it reminds me with a discussion I had with my mother. I said I was worried about climate change and expressed concerns that humans aren't doing enough to work against it. My mother responded by saying "It took me a while to realize that the world is going to come to an end whether we like it or not. It could be in twenty years, it could be in twenty thousand, but it's going to happen eventually. And it took me awhile, but I know I must accept this fact."
- Aug 2017
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
I agree that diversity is necessary, but only useful when paired with acceptance. As Ecks says, when it is paired with positivity it creates pluralism and that moves society steps forward, but when it remains alone it causes conflict. This is extremely true in today's America with its lack of acceptance and trust in the political and religious sense, and in addition to more diversity that is making the country less united and weaker to countries with no religious freedoms.
alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk
health, including environmental
just including?
- Jun 2017
www.ucsusa.org www.ucsusa.org
The nucleus of an atom is held together with great force, the "strongest force in nature."
- Apr 2017
calwaternews.blogspot.com calwaternews.blogspot.com
chinook salmon
Friant Dam
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
It was contempt for my moral and religious opinions in private that drove me thus before a public.
In addition to LoLo's earlier observation, this is another idea (the personal is political) which Stewart is talking about before it blew up in second wave feminism.
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
With scientific claims, the only definitive answer is to reexamine the original research data and repeat the experiments and analysis. But no one has the time or the expertise to examine the original research literature on every topic, let alone repeat the research. As such, it is important to have some guidelines for deciding which theories are plausible enough to merit serious examination.
"The superiority of Scientific Evidence Reexamined":
"Allow me now to ask, Will he be so perfectly satisfied on the first trial as not to think it of importance to make a second, perhaps u third, and a fourth? Whence arises this diffidence'! Purely from the consciousness of the fallibility of his own faculties. But to what purpose, it may be said, the reiterations of the at-tempt, since it is impossible for him, by any efforts, to shake off his dependence on the accuracy of his attention and fidelity of his memory? Or, what can he have more than reiterated testimonies of his memory, in support of the truth of its for-mer testimony? I acknowledge, that after a hundred attempts he can have no more. But even this is a great deal. We learn from experience, that the mistakes or oversights committed by the mind in one operation. arc sometime!-., on a review, corrected on the second, or perhaps on a third. Besides, the repetition, when no error is discovered, enlivens the remembrance, and so strengthens the conviction. But, for this conviction. it is plain that we are in a great measure indebted to memory. and in some measure even to experience." (Campbell 922)
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Nobel Prizes given to male colleagues and supervisors.
giving the recognition to the male counterparts instead of recognizing the female who did the work.
until black women on social media began calling out the press for ignoring the story. Many reached for one word — ‘‘erasure’’ — for what they felt was happening. ‘‘Not covering the #Holtzclaw verdict is erasing black women’s lives from notice,’’ one woman tweeted. ‘‘ERASURE IS VIOLENCE.’’ Deborah Douglas, writing for Ebony magazine, argued that not reporting on the case ‘‘continues the erasure of black women from the national conversation on race, police brutality and the right to safety.’’
black women are being erased from the discussion. Race in general plays a role on how much a topic is spoken about. This case was not even mentioned or discussed until black women started the talk.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Don't forget adverbially. JJ=MSM tool
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
God works mysteriously. God is like a great attraction without a marquee or a billboard. God is pulling you along incessantly. Hopefully, the excess baggage in your life will be left aside sufficiently so that you can begin to experience the attraction itself, for this is the call of love to the lover. This is what you try to recreate with one another, this profound love and attraction.
God, the Great Strange Attractor
In the mathematical field of dynamical systems, an attractor is a set of numerical values toward which a system tends to evolve, for a wide variety of starting conditions of the system. System values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed... An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure. This is often the case when the dynamics on it are chaotic, but strange nonchaotic attractors also exist. If a strange attractor is chaotic, exhibiting sensitive dependence on initial conditions, then any two arbitrarily close alternative initial points on the attractor, after any of various numbers of iterations, will lead to points that are arbitrarily far apart (subject to the confines of the attractor), and after any of various other numbers of iterations will lead to points that are arbitrarily close together. Thus a dynamic system with a chaotic attractor is locally unstable yet globally stable: once some sequences have entered the attractor, nearby points diverge from one another but never depart from the attractor.
- Nov 2016
www.georgeellalyon.com www.georgeellalyon.com
I am from clothespins, from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
What? How can you be from clothespins?
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody’ll dare Say to me, “Eat in the kitchen,”
The dream of being incorporated into the whole of American society was not yet achieved in Hughes time, and has gotten worse in the last 4 decades.
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Jackie Robinson
Muhammad Ali w
Dick Flacks,
Peter Dreier
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Jeremy Lane
lin Kaepernick rem
- Apr 2016
googleguacamole.wordpress.com googleguacamole.wordpress.com
My friends here who started a micro-brewery tell stories that when they were starting, the other micro-breweries in the region did not seem them as a threat/competition, and in fact, offered advice, equipment, supplies. The people who do this stuff see it as a net gain for everyone if someone can help raise the regional interest in craft beer; if everyone grows more customers, everyone wins. It’s not a tech startup mentality.
Craft beer is a fascinating world, partly because of this approach to sharing. Much of the so-called “Craft Beer Revolution” happened through homebrewers who were sharing tips and recipes online (not to mention ingredients and samples offline). The idea, in many an indie/craft scene, is that the out-group is the Mainstream. Very similar story among owners of Third Wave cafés. Of course, there are differences. But still… When you have a “common enemy” (Anheuser-Busch, Starbucks, McGraw-Hill…), it’s much easier to grow together.
www.listland.com www.listland.com
Members of the LGBT community wish to marry for the same reasons we all wish to get married, and must undergo the same processes if they were allowed to marry.
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
- Feb 2016
kresimirbojcic.com kresimirbojcic.com
In my professional career I’ve noticed that doing “The Right Thing” is not always the best path. That phenomenon is called The Rise of “Worse is Better” and it can be observed in many things including C, Unix, Windows, JavaScript… Seems like New Jersey approach wins out more than it looses in a real world. (Be a virus, spread and than the pressure will rise to better the game).
- Jan 2016
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
No molestarás, intimidarás ni acosarás a ningún usuario.
Gracias facebook por garanzatizar que nadie acose ni moleste a nadie
- Dec 2015
www.resourcecontracts.org www.resourcecontracts.org
This is our front page
- Nov 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
I don't totally agree with the fact that writers the creation of language is the target of a writer, I think language is just a means, the "algorithm" that "plays" with words/semanthincs, as any machine can do
- Sep 2015
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from th' ethereal sky, With hideous ruin and combustion, down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In adamantine chains and penal fire,
Who first seduced them to that foul revolt?
- Mar 2015
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
www.scrumguides.org www.scrumguides.org
an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.
an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.
- hepsini sor
- mağaza
- an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.