- Feb 2025
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Im Standard stellt Martin Auber mit aktuellen Daten belegt dar, warum der bloße Ausbau der Kapazitäten zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien nicht zu einer Dekabonisierung führen wird. Der Energiebedarf wächst wesentlich schneller als die zur Verfügung stehende erneuerbare Energiepunkt. Durch den KI-Boom wird er noch einmal deutlich gesteigert. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000255154/wann-kommt-die-energiewende-oder-kommt-sie-gar-nicht
- Nov 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
Sidney Redlitch: Ring the bell, close the book, quench the candle. That's how they used to excorcise them.
- Sep 2024
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
technologies are “part of larger sociotechnical entanglements and thus give rise to knowledge and practices that are partial, situated, embedded and embodied, as well as implicated in a broader nexus of power relations”
in Art on My Mind, bell hooks contends that discussing power and access related to race, gender, and class within the artworld is crucial in a time where nationalism, fascism, fundamentalism are on the rise;
this is as poignant as it was in 1995, nearly 30 years ago, as it is today; one might even argue even more critical to apply to the design/HCI world with the advent of internet and social media;
nstead of seeing an artwork as the work of an isolated genius, he sees it as the result of interactions between the artist and the world. Not only does every piece of art rely on “extensive division of labor”, it has a “social origin”, and all these forces play a critical role in shaping the final work.
in Art on my Mind bell hooks challenges the assumption that Black artistic genius stems from the single person overcoming odds; here, the authors similarly recognize that in actuality, there are many societal, cultural, collaborative influence that shape creation.
- Jul 2024
arxiv.org arxiv.org
The meaning of Bohr’s argument has been much debated. Mermin citesPlotnitsky’s book7 for a “thoughtful critique of Bell’s statements about Bohr’sviews”. Plotnitsky roundly condemns Bell as completely failing to under-stand Bohr. Bell himself admits to not understanding Bohr’s argument, butwith the implication that Bohr’s argument does not make sense
- May 2024
archive.org archive.org
Just Imagine, 1947. http://archive.org/details/JustImag1947.
- Apr 2024
southpasadenan.com southpasadenan.com
Henry Dreyfuss: Designer for Humanity | The South Pasadenan by [[Rick Thomas]] of South Pasadena News
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Bell labs they 00:12:40 had a bunch of researchers and some of them were just more creative and Innovative than others and they wanted to know why
- for: good story - illuminators - Bell labs
- Jul 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase führt zu einer Steigerung von häuslicher und sexueller Gewalt. Eine in Indien Nepal und Pakistan durchgeführte Studie ergibt dass ein Grad Temperaturerhöhung zu etwa 6% mehr Gewalttaten gegen Frauen führt. Hitze führt zu Störungen in der Lebensmittelversorgung, Schäden an der Infrastruktur und dem Zwang, sich mehr in geschlossenen Räumen aufzuhalten Punkt damit vergrößert sich der Stress in Familien besonders betroffen sind Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen und im ländlichen Gebieten. Untersuchungen zeigen das auch der hitzestress selbst die Bereitschaft zur Gewalt vergrößert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/28/climate-crisis-linked-to-rising-domestic-violence-in-south-asia-study-finds
- Jun 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ausführlicher Bericht des Guardian – mit sehr guter Visualisierung – über die rasche Zunahme mariner Hitzewellen in den Gewässern um Neuseeland. Diese Hitzewellen bedrohen die Biodiversität. Die Zunahme ihrer Häufigkeit und ihrer Ausdehnung übertrifft die bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Voraussagen erheblich und besorgt die Wissenschaftler:innen, die sie erforschen, noch mehr als andere Signale der Klimakatastrophe. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/may/13/are-new-zealands-marine-heatwaves-a-warning-to-the-world
- Mar 2023
Local file Local file
As ajournalist, historian, novelist, and autobiographer, Adams was con-stantly focused on the American experiment, testing a statementoffered by another figure in Democracy: ‘You Americans believe your-selves to be excepted from the operation of general laws. You care notfor experience’ (LA 37–8).
In Chapter 1: American Exceptionalism of Myth America (Basic Books, 2023) historian David A. Bell indicates that Jay Lovestone and Joseph Stalin originated the idea of American Exceptionalism in 1920, but in Democracy (1880, p.72) Henry Adams seems to capture an early precursor of the sentiment:
"Ah!" exclaimed the baron, with his wickedest leer, "what for is my conclusion good? You Americans believe yourselves to be excepted from the operation of general laws. You care not for experience. I have lived seventy-five years, and all that time in the midst of corruption. I am corrupt myself, only I do have courage to proclaim it, and you others have it not. Rome, Paris, Vienna, Petersburg, London, all are corrupt; only Washington is pure! Well, I declare to you that in all my experience I have found no society which has had elements of corruption like the United States. The children in the street are corrupt, and know how to cheat me. The cities are all corrupt, and also the towns and the counties and the States' legislatures and the judges. Every where men betray trusts both public and private, steal money, run away with public funds.
- Adams, Henry. Democracy : An American Novel. Leisure Hour Series 112. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1880. http://archive.org/details/democracyanameri00adamrich.
Had a flavor of American Exceptionalism been brewing for decades before Stalin's comment?
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
“Wisdom is the tears of experience,” the eminent sociologist Daniel Bell told my graduating class at Brandeis University.
- Feb 2023
- Jan 2023
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
https://s3.amazonaws.com/plan9-bell-labs/7thEdMan/index.html<br /> Unix Seventh Edition Manual
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Brandon Rhodes</span> in Semantic Linefeeds (<time class='dt-published'>12/27/2022 11:35:19</time>)</cite></small>
- Jun 2022
www.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk www.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk
Erasmus Darwin's commonplace book
It is one of the version(s?) published by John Bell based on John Locke's method and is a quarto volume bound in vellum with about 300 sheets of fine paper.
Blank pages 1 to 160 were numbered and filled by Darwin in his own hand with 136 entries. The book was started in 1776 and continued until 1787. Presumably Darwin had a previous commonplace book, but it has not been found and this version doesn't have any experiments prior to 1776, though there are indications that some material has been transferred from another source.
The book contains material on medical records, scientific matters, mechanical and industrial improvements, and inventions.
The provenance of Erasmus Darwin's seems to have it pass through is widow Elizabeth who added some family history to it. It passed through to her son and other descendants who added entries primarily of family related topics. Leonard Darwin (1850-1943), the last surviving son of Charles Darwin gave it to Down House, Kent from whence it was loaned to Erasmus Darwin House in 1999.
- May 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
he also innovated in typography, being responsible for an influential font that omitted the long s.
John Bell created an early and influential font which omitted the long s in English.
reference: Barker, Hannah. "Bell, John". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/2014.
www.historyofinformation.com www.historyofinformation.com
Toward the end of the 18th century English publisher John Bell published notebooks entitled Bell’s Common-Place Book, Formed generally upon the Principles Recommended and Practised by Mr Locke.” These included eight pages of instructions on Locke’s indexing method, a system which not only made it easier to find passages, but also served the higher purpose of “facilitat[ing] reflexive thought.”
At the end of the 18th century, John Bell (1745–1831), an English publisher published notebooks with the title Bell’s Common-Place Book, Formed generally upon the Principles Recommended and Practised by Mr Locke. The notebooks commonly included 550 pages, of which eight pages included instructions on John Locke's indexing method.
Link to: - Didn't Erasmus Darwin use one of these?!
Local file Local file
Hier klingelt bei mir etwas der erneuerte Humanismus Nida-Rümelins mit, auch wenn das natürlich hier kein Bezug ist. Aber lässt sich das in Beziehung setzen?
- Mar 2022
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
Gramsci (who I put alongside Paolo Freire, Franz Fanon, bell hooks as one of the most important thinkers in education who's rarely recognized as such)
Audrey Watters puts Antonio Gramsci, Paolo Freire, Franz Fanon, and bell hoods down as some of the most important thinkers in education.
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The late Harvard Law professor Derrick Bell is credited as the father of critical race theory. He began conceptualizing the idea in the 1970s as a way to understand how race and American law interact, and developed a course on the subject.
- Jun 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
As we use what the sociologist Daniel Bell has called our “intellectual technologies”—the tools that extend our mental rather than our physical capacities—we inevitably begin to take on the qualities of those technologies.
Similar to the way in which people begin to resemble their dogs?! :)
Daniel Bell defines "intellectual technologies" as tools that extend our mental capacities.
- Jan 2019
psycnet.apa.org psycnet.apa.org
Some readers will also be surprised to find that The Bell Curve is not as controversial as its reputation would lead one to believe (and most of the book is not about race at all).
I wrote this sentence. Two coauthors, three peer reviewers, and an editor all read it multiple times. No one ever asked for it to be changed.
- Dec 2018
daily.jstor.org daily.jstor.org
There is even one species of spider that lives underwater. It encases an air bubble in its web, and returns to it from its hunting to snatch an occasional breath.
Amazing! Learn more about this spider here. And check out this video: https://youtu.be/TsXN7ZMi7mE
- Jul 2017
www.musikexpress.de www.musikexpress.de
- Apr 2017
francesbell.com francesbell.com
frances bell on purpose of education
- Jan 2016
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Nautical Radar Measurements in Europe: Applications of WaMoS II as a Sensor for Sea State, Current and Bathymetry
- Oct 2015
lj.libraryjournal.com lj.libraryjournal.com
Educational Technology on Trial | From the Bell Tower