19 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jan 2023
    1. An organization recommended to me for helping improve compressing complicated arguments into a more digestible for oration & verbal discussion. Mentioned by 2 separate people (Travis & Mavis).

  3. Aug 2022
  4. Nov 2021
  5. Sep 2019
    1. Objectives, Outline and Introduction for chapter on listening in the textbook

    2. explain the difference between listening and hearing understand the value of listening identify the three attributes of active listeners recognize barriers to effective listening employ strategies to engage listeners provide constructive 
feedback as a listener

      Main learning objectives of Listening Effectively in Principles of Public Speaking

  6. Feb 2019
    1. I have made no distinction in what has been said between Speaking and Writing, because tho they are talenL'i which do not always meet, yet >"'1•""�� there is no material difference between 'cm.

      I think Ong would take issue with the notion that there is no "material difference" between speaking and writing. Writing is a "technology" so to speak, and thus presents itself differently than mere thought through speaking. One can go back and edit writing, whereas orality is not so easily done.

    2. accommodate her audi­ence.

      This idea of audience centeredness is still taught today in the majority of public speaking classes.

    3. rhetorical ability is mainly a natural endowment and that one should strive for clarity lo accommodate one's audience

      When preparing to speak publicly, the speaker's first consideration should always be the audience -- all other factors, including topic, should be a product influenced by the unanticipated audience.

    1. guides to him

      Interesting that he uses "guides" here instead of "rules."

    2. Gestures

      The nonverbal aspects of public speaking are just as important as the verbal arguments.

    3. ing as a form of conversation

      Also with viewing public speaking as a conversation, there is little room to outline arguments. Your main points will come out differently each time. it is not as mechanical.

  7. Jan 2019
    1. Know yourself.

      Great talk on the subject of coaching yourself for public speaking: video here

    2. Know the difference between a good talk and a bad talk

      I believe that the single greatest factor for a decent talk is doing your homework. And the greatest difference between a decent talk and a great talk is the speaker's experience on stage.

    3. If you’re walking into a speaking gig without knowing your audience, you’re bound to fall flat and end up looking at the tops of their heads as they check their cell phones.

      This is what Pedro Salomão calls "the speaker's fault". He has a great point on millenials: if they are bored, either in a lecture or a classroom, it's the speaker's fault. No one is bored while watching the world cup or an amazing keynote.

    4. Know how to pitch.

      A great framework on pichting comes from Dan Pink on this short video.

  8. Mar 2017
  9. Jan 2017
    1. They Write best per haps who do't with the gcn-111.uc..~ so., tile and easy air of Conversation;

      It is interesting that she is claiming that the best writers are excellent, gentle speakers in smaller, private conversations while also declaring that women have no role behind the pulpit. She seems to imply both that women are naturally the best at speaking privately and conversationally, and implying that the best public speakers would be those who conduct themselves similarly, yet she clearly states that women should not speak publicly. There is some strange logical contortionism happening here.

      In previous coursework, I've read feminist theory in which the authors would work within the acceptable framework of what authority women did have in society--typically, this was religious authority (but only as lay people, not religious leaders), or in morality and gentility. Although her declaration that women "have no business with the Pulpit, the Bar or St. Stephens Chapel," perhaps she is merely trying to suggest that gentility (which women are granted by nature) should give women more authority in private relationships, rather than public ones. The argument for private authority was sometimes prioritized over the argument for public authority, with the assumption that if women were treated equally as private citizens, public equality would follow.

      Then again, the rest of this section is very black-and-white (and boring as hell) and does not seem to include any subversive plans to overthrow the patriarchy. So I might be giving her a little too much credit with this addition.