- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
PaedsHaemDoc. (2022, January 9). Had the misfortune (via @fatemperor) to come across Dr Paul Alexander -apparently credentialed yet in single blog post demonstrates perfectly either a disconnect from rational thought or deliberate misinformation spreading of the #masspsychosis of the anti-Vax crew let’s examine https://t.co/Ctd49cb1qK [Tweet]. @dr_barrett. https://twitter.com/dr_barrett/status/1479986071832248322
- Jan 2022
hackmd.io hackmd.io
Argument quality and fallacies. (n.d.). HackMD. Retrieved January 17, 2022, from https://hackmd.io/@scibehC19vax/argumentquality
- fallacies
- bias
- arguments
- vaccination debate
- slippery slope
- causation
- claim
- factual error
- self-contradiction
- statistical fallacies
- evidence
- ignorance
- standards
- norms
- Simpson's paradox
- vaccine data
- inconsistency
- ad hominem argument
- lang:en
- vaccine hesitancy
- is:article
- source reliability
- argument quality
- May 2021
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Dunn, E. W., Chen, L., Proulx, J. D. E., Ehrlinger, J., & Savalei, V. (2021). Can Researchers’ Personal Characteristics Shape Their Statistical Inferences? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(6), 969–984. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167220950522
- Mar 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Cailin O’Connor. (2020, November 10). Using agent-based methods we show how even modest contact between disciplines can allow better methods to spread. This is because outsiders can award academic credit to those using good methods, leading to their uptake. 5 [Tweet]. @cailinmeister. https://twitter.com/cailinmeister/status/1326229762533060608
- Oct 2018
www.projectinfolit.org www.projectinfolit.org
telephone interviews with 37 participants
I have to wonder at telephone samples of this age group given the propensity of youth to not communicate via voice phone.