9 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. May 2024
    1. Der französische Konzern TotalEnergies fördert in den USA mit 17 00 Förderanlagen via Fracking Erdgas, das dann verflüssigt wird. Allein in der Region von Arlington in Texas sind dadurch 420.000 Menschen toxischen Emissionen ausgesetzt. Die Libération publiziert die Ergebnisse einer gemeinsamen mit Disclose durchgeführten Recherche. Das produzierte LNG wird auch nach Frankreich und Europa verschifft.


      Disclose-Veröffentlichung: https://disclose.ngo/fr/article/gaz-de-schiste-totalenergies-au-coeur-dun-scandale-sanitaire-et-environnemental-au-texas

  3. Jan 2024
  4. May 2023
  5. Jun 2022
  6. Aug 2021
    1. The idea here is to clear the decks so to speak. Getting all the negative worrisome shit out of your head and onto the page is an easy form of catharsis that can provide sharp relief from all the niggling little issues stopping you from blasting pure awesome out into the universe.

      Example of clearing the mental clutter by writing using Julia Cameron's Morning Pages concept.

  7. Aug 2016
    1. There was a culture then, almost a requirement, that one needed to build platforms and contexts (social or political) to support one’s thesis, and then material practice would follow. These issues were pressing, because by this time I had begun to teach at Cooper Union. I was negotiating between promoting a rigorous painting model and a new context—conversations with students and colleagues about contemporary art issues and institutional critique. So it was a very complicated time for me as an educator, to figure out how to insist on a conversation about painting rigor in relation to contemporary art. I continued to go the way that I needed to with my own work, both protecting it from the institutional framework and furthering my ideas about painting in school and in the studio—it was a tough, amazing time.
  8. Jun 2016