- Oct 2024
misterrogers.org misterrogers.org
Typewriters - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood by [[Fred Rogers]]<br /> episode 1083<br /> https://www.neighborhoodarchive.com/mrn/episodes/1083/index.html
"I was very much interested in letters." -- Fred Rogers
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Sep 2024
www.furniturecityhistory.org www.furniturecityhistory.org
archive.org archive.org
Macey Filing Appliances 1906<br /> Catalogue No. 4206<br /> The Macey Co.<br /> https://archive.org/details/macey-filing-appliances-1906/mode/2up
archive.org archive.org
Fred Macey Company Catalog (1910)
- Jun 2024
- Apr 2024
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Muhanna, Elias. “A New History of Arabia, Written in Stone.” The New Yorker, May 23, 2018. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/a-new-history-of-arabia-written-in-stone.
- Feb 2024
Die New York Times analysiert den Auftritt von Sultan al-Jaber, Ölminister der Emirate und Präsident der COP28, beim „Peterberger Klimadialog“.Er unterscheidet zwischen Fossilen Brennstoffen und fossilen Emissionen. Viele Beobachter:innen interpretieren seine Statements optimistisch – sie sind aber deutlich auf eine Legitimation der Fossilindustrie ausgerichtet. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/climate/un-climate-oil-uae-al-jaber.html
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
The time before Muhammad’s revelation is known in Arabic as the Jahiliyya, usually translated as the Age of Ignorance. According to Fred Donner, a historian at the University of Chicago, “The Islamic account of the Jahiliyya is a saga of unrelieved paganism, which emphasizes the difference between the darkness of unbelief and the light that Islam brought to Arabia.”
Pre-Islamic Arabia was ignorant, unbelievers (jahiliyya)
- Nov 2023
- Sep 2023
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
2023-09-25 offered for $1,350 + $200 shipping from Lawrenceburg, IN to Los Angeles.
12 drawer 2x6 configuration card index in filing cabinet configuration made of 6 modular/stackable 2x1 units with a small table stand.
Seller indicates it may have been a Macey, but the label has worn off. Red could potentially have been a Weiss or Macey-Wernicke label? Would need to cross check others. Very early 1900s in oak, all wood with thin metal card stops on rails, but otherwise no other card index rods.
13.5 x15x42 as measured, so like a 4 x 6" card index, but should double check.
Cost per drawer: $112.50
2023-09-27: Seller made a purchase price offer of $1000.
Die Durchschnittstemperatur im Sommer lag in Deutschland bei 18,6 Grad Celsius. Das ist 2,3 Grad wärmer als zwischen 1961 und 1990 und immer noch ein Grad wärmer als durchschnittlich zwischen 1991 und 2020. Die hohen Regenmengen reichen nicht aus, die Wasserdefizite der vergangenen trockenen Jahre auszugleichen. Der Deutsche Wetterdienst gab die Zahlen bekannt. https://taz.de/Deutscher-Wetterdienst-zieht-Bilanz/!5953407/
- Jul 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Title
- Zen and deep evolution: The optical delusion of separation
- Author
- Fred W. Allendorf
- Date
- 2018
- The Buddha taught that everything is connected and constantly changing.
- These fundamental observations of the world are shared by ecology and evolution.
- We are living in a time of unprecedented rates of extinction.
- Science provides us with the information that we need to address this extinction crisis.
- However, the problems underlying extinction generally do not result from a lack of scientific understanding, -but they rather result from an unwillingness to take the needed action.
- I present mindfulness and meditative aspects of Zen practice
- that provide the deeper “knowing,” or awareness that we need to inspire action on these problems.
- Title
- Mar 2023
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.netcontent1
Macey - Wernicke Cards and Supplies can be purchased throughresponsible Printers and Stationers
Apparently in addition to a Fred Macey Company and the Globe-Wernicke Co. there was a Macey-Wernicke Co. Ltd. which supplied card index supplies in 1904.
Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, Volume 38, 1904. (p333)
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Vintage 1900 Macey Card Business System Fred Macey Company Original Ad 1021 A2<br />
Copy in notes folder as backup
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
- Feb 2023
Local file Local file
Fred Morrow Flingwrote effusively of the ‘manifest advantages’ of the ‘card system of note taking’
from<br /> Fling, F. M. (1920) The Writing of History: An Introduction to Historical Method. New Haven: Yale University Press.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
book idea w/ title:
Uncredited: The Life of Fred Aldrich
was he related to Robert Aldrich?
- Dec 2022
alanbraxe.bandcamp.com alanbraxe.bandcamp.com
- Aug 2022
works inEnglish are convenient introductions to the prohems andmethods of historical research: Charles V. Langlois andCharles Seignobos, Introduction to the rludy of history, NewYork, 1898; John M. Vincent, Historical research, an outlineof theory and practice, New York, 1911; and, to a morelimited extent, Fred M. Fling, Writing of history, an intro-duction to historical method, New Haven, 1920. The studentwho is specializing in history should early familiarize him-self with these volumes and then acquaint himself with otherworks in the field, notably Ernst Bernheim, hehrbuch derhistorwehen Methode und der Beschichtsplrilosophie, 6th ed.,Leipzig, 1908
I'm curious, what, if any, detail Fling (1920) and Vincent (1911) provide on note taking processes?
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
i was particularly struck by the fact that barry didn't say the mind is this this and that okay barry said well the mind is many things 01:19:18 uh look there's this and this this and this and there's a sort of layers also in some sense in which we can talk about it or or have some understanding partial media 01:19:30 understanding about it some wisdom about it and this layering i find it it's uh absolutely brilliant from my perspective 01:19:43 uh because it it dissolves the wrong question which is what is the mind period what is the thing which is the mind here is the thing which is mine uh let's just 01:19:55 define it characterize it and understand what it is that's a wrong that's a wrong way of thinking about it it's when we say when we think about our mind of course we think something you you unite somehow 01:20:09 it's the set of processes that happen into me and it's about my thinking my emotions but it's not one thing it's a complicated layer there's many layers of discussion possible about 01:20:21 that i don't want to enter into the specific but i found this fascinating and let me go to time immediately because uh it's it's deeply related i got the book of time which is a um 01:20:34 the audio of time in which i carlo this carlo is very timely because we're also kind of running low on time absolutely absolutely 01:20:46 and and and in the book i sort of uh try to collect everything we have learned about time from science from special activity from generative statistical mechanics from other pieces and and what we 01:21:00 tentatively uh learn about time with quantum gravity which is my uh specific field once again you have to sort of uh put your hands on the notion of time and the main message of the book 01:21:12 in fact the single message of the book is that the question of what is time is a wrong question because when we think about time we think about the single thing okay we think we have a totally clear idea about time time is a single thing 01:21:25 that flows from the past to the future and the past influence the president the president of the future in the present this is how things are the reality of the present entire universe is a real state in that and we learn from science that this way 01:21:37 of viewing times is wrong it's factually wrong okay it's not true that uh we all proceed in in in together from 01:21:48 moment a to moment b and the amount lapse amount of time lapses between a and b is the same for everybody and so on and forth because we learned from from experiences especially activity generativity statistical mechanics and 01:22:01 other things so the way to think about time is that it's a very layered thing but with this thing we call time is made by layers um conceptually and when we look at larger 01:22:14 domain the one of our usual experience some layers are lost so uh some aspects some some properties of what we call time are only good 01:22:25 uh are only appropriate for describing the temporal experience we have if we don't move too fast it doesn't look too uh to to to too far away if you don't look at the atoms too in detail as a single 01:22:38 degrees of freedom and so on so forth so the notion of time opens up in a in a in a set of layers which are become increasingly 01:22:53 uh general only if you go down to the bottom level um some aspect of time like the universality of time uh uh only makes sense if if we don't go too 01:23:06 fast velocities for instance um so this is a similarity and that's why the the opening up of what the mind is into layers seems to be uh 01:23:19 the right direction to go right when if if i ask uh does a cat has a mind or does a fly has a mind it seems to me that the only answer is uh to get out of the idea that the 01:23:31 answer is either yes or no i mean i i suppose that certainly a cat has a certain you know a sleepy feeling in the morning and the moment of 01:23:43 joy when he sees his fellow cats but i suppose a cat doesn't go through a complicated intellectual game of trying to understanding what is reality and debating about that so there is some aspect in common uh either not break up 01:23:56 this this notion in in pieces once again uh i mean the the topic is what is real uh 01:24:08 if we start by saying time is real it's a beautiful chapter why you cannot say that time is an intrinsic existence uh we just get it wrong if we think well then atoms are real or the mind is real 01:24:21 all these answers we got it wrong we can say that things are real in a uh in a conventional sense within a context within a within a um 01:24:37 and and then we when we try to realize what you mean by uh something is real this is certainly real in a conventional sense but we realize that um reality the reality of this object 01:24:49 itself it gets sort of broken up into interdependence between this object and else and its different layers 01:25:02 and and that's the reality that as a scientist i can deal with not the ultimate reality the the conventional reality of course conventional reality is real as uh perry 01:25:15 was saying this is not a negation of reality uh it's a it's a it it's a freedom from the idea of the ultimate reality uh 01:25:27 the ultimate uh sort of intrinsic inherent reality being there on which in terms of which building progress
Carlo resonates with Barry's layered explanation of mind from the Buddhist perspective. The mind is not some simplistic entity. Carlo wrote a book on time and he applied this same layered thinking. Time is different in different circumstances. It acts one way at the quantum level, another at the microscopic, another at our human level, and another at the galactic level.
In a sense, we tend to make the same type of category errors whether it is our experience of time, space or experience in general. We overgeneralize from an anthropomorphic perspective. A large part of Jay L. Garfield's argument of cognitive illusions and immediacy of experience rests on this fact.
Opaque mechanisms operate in both our sense organs and our mental machinery to give us this illusory feeling of immediacy of the sensed or cognized object.
Uexkull's umwelt experiments on the snail as explained by Cummins are consistent with Carlo's perspective on time.
- Apr 2022
- Mar 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
by selecting some text and clicking the
annotate this
- Dec 2017
www.safaribooksonline.com www.safaribooksonline.com
Brooks’ Law, which states “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”
S. McConnell adds an interesting take on this in his: Brooks' Law Repealed? article.
- Jan 2014
www.firebase.com www.firebase.com
static files such as HTML
This is a test annotation to see what it's doing on the client...
- Aug 2013
hypothes.is hypothes.is
We first included
something else