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He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.
He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.
- My family immigrated to the U.S. from Vietnam in 1990, when I was two. We lived, all seven of us, in a one-bedroom apartment in Hartford, Connecticut, and I spent my first five years in America surrounded, inundated, by the Vietnamese language. When I entered kindergarten, I was, in a sense, immigrating all over again, except this time into English. Like any American child, I quickly learned my ABCs, thanks to the age-old melody (one I still sing rapidly to myself when I forget whether “M” comes before “N”). Within a few years, I had become fluent—but only in speech, not in the written word.
- Weeks earlier, I’d been in the library. It was where I would hide during recess. Otherwise, because of my slight frame and soft voice, the boys would call me “pansy” and “fairy” and pull my shorts around my ankles in the middle of the schoolyard. I sat on the floor beside a tape player. From a box of cassettes, I chose one labelled “Great American Speeches.” I picked it because of the illustration, a microphone against a backdrop of the American flag. I picked it because the American flag was one of the few symbols I recognized.
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- Apr 2022
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Dr Dominic Pimenta [@DrDomPimenta]. (2021, December 15). An illustration of communicating risk with “less severe” variants: [Thread] Assume Omicron is 4x more transmissible than Delta. [1] Assume Omicron leads to 1/3 less admissions than Delta. [Figure below] Assume 1 in 100 cases of Delta are admitted to hospital. Https://t.co/XtnVwoOrUo [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrDomPimenta/status/1471094002808242177
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Nick Brown [@sTeamTraen]. (2021, November 20). Stolen from Reddit. May be of some use. Https://t.co/419SqlRWwT [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/sTeamTraen/status/1462169587588505604
I tried mapping out the different flow of information for the two different contexts:
- Mar 2022
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wsbgnl. (2022, January 17). Weekly Massachusetts covid cases per 100,000 population by race/ethnicity https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographicsovertime https://t.co/ZlImOnqtEX [Tweet]. @wsbgnl. https://twitter.com/wsbgnl/status/1483069806202920986
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ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 1). RT @wanderer_jasnah: Quick glance at B.1.640.2 before anyone asks me about it: It’s basically B.1.1.7 w/a large Spike NTD deletion. I see… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1478289563776962563
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Jens von Bergmann. (2021, December 14). Every time a new variant with a selective advantage is making the rounds, but especially this time. Https://t.co/fDEq54nHCl [Tweet]. @vb_jens. https://twitter.com/vb_jens/status/1470604121640030214
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- Feb 2022
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Adam Kucharski. (2022, January 18). Below analysis was two years ago (https://bbc.co.uk/news/health-51148303). As well as providing an early warning about the COVID threat, it’s a good illustration of what is often an under-appreciated point: If we want to make sense of epidemic data and dynamics in real-time, we need models… 1/ https://t.co/ZdpzOq3Bzp [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1483368504392880128
- Jan 2022
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- Dec 2021
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Interview respondents described four motivations for colla-borating with the Center: (1)
the first findings categoy includes an illustration. This pattern of category, illustration persists.
- Nov 2021
Household Income Measures
Wealth inequitities grew more in San Antonio. . MOre economic gap between whites and hispanics in fresno.
Employment Structure of Fresno and San Antonio Metros.
Economic shifts: San Antonio: Manufacturing went down and retail went up, as did professional services, which increased,. as did entertainment sector, military disappeared. An economic sh78 %oc p. 312. more metro population
Fresno: stable sector growth across sectors (except for professional services, while racial composition of cities transformed a lot. Latino to white income disparities increased. 53% metro popo=ulation.
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The superblock was Radburn's basic design unit.Instead of the traditional 200 foot by 600 foot blocksorganized using grid patterns Radburn used a superblocksurrounded by a road which directed traffic around ratherthan through the community which provided an interior area10 to 15 times the size of the traditional block forrecreational purposes.
Description of the Radburn New jersey Garden City design.
The fundamental concept behind the plan for theGreenbelt Towns came from Ebenezer Howard's Garden Cityideas in England which had led to Radburn in the UnitedStates with its reliance on the neighborhood unit.
Ebenezer Howard Garden Cities was the inspiration.
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Urban Institute andBrookings Institution estimate that in 2008 property taxes were the largest sources of local
most local gvt revenues come from property taxes.
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My father purchased this book, which connects wisdom to the story of Winnie the Pooh. The volume is beautifully illustrated by Mike Wall.
Between 1996 and 2009, the num-ber of safety personnel employed by or affiliated with Penn more than dou-bled from 269 personnel to 618. The UC Bright program facilitated the installment of more than 850 pedestrian lights, focused on commercial cor-ridors and residential properties throughout the district. Reported crimes against property and person decreased by 50% between 1996 and 2009, from 1,589 crimes to 797 (Department of Public Safety, University of Pennsylvania 2010)
1996 - 2009 - security personnel increased. investment in infrastructure around safety and commercial areas.
urban universities spent $136 billion on salaries, goods, and services; employed two million workers, two-thirds of which were in nonfaculty administrative and support positions;
Illustration of impact across US of urban universities.
Local file Local fileUntitled5
efinitions of Selected Codes From Table 4.1
Good example
Illustration of a Poorly Structured List of Codes (excerpt)
Bad system of coding. Too many. Alphabetical subcodes. too hard to remembers.
Lofland’s (1971) scheme sug- gests that codes in any study can deal with the following sorts of phenomena, graduated from micro to macro levels:
Lofland's phenomenal graduated theme from micro to macro coding.
able 4.1 (Continued)
This is a good system of coding.
ome analysts have names for coding procedures later in the study cycle. For example, Lincoln and Guba (1985) talk about these operations: 1. “filling in”: adding codes, reconstructing a coherent scheme as new insights emerge and new ways of looking at the data set emerge 2. “extension”: returning to materials coded earlier and inter- rogating them in a new way, with a new theme, construct, or relationship 3. “bridging”: seeing new or previously not understood rela- tionships within units of a given category (that relationship will itself have a name, and it may call for a new configu- ration of the categories) 4, “surfacing”: identifying new categories
another approach recognizes iterative coding procedures.
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For example, suppose a CCI sets crime reduction in the target neighborhood as one of its longer-term desired outcome
an example
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ReconfigBehSci on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 13 September 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1436020285195493398
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I’m going to represent tests as sequence diagrams (handily created via plantuml) rather than actually coding them out. For me the diagrams make it easier to talk about what the tests do without getting bogged down by how they do it.
I’m going to add the API Server as an actor to my first test sequence to give some granularity as to what I’m actually testing.
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The players plot to get the cards to yellow on player G's turn so he can lay down some Double Draw cards...
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Here's the four case: foo.js Load/Require dependencies Concatenate dependencies foo.js.map Load foo.js Currently grabs metadata[:map] from asset to build an asset, need to move that generation somewhere else to accomplish de-coupling map generation foo.debug.js Load foo.js Load foo.js.map Add comment to end of foo.js with path to foo.js.map foo.source.js The raw file on disk, the map file will need to point to source files.
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Visualized, our new composed structure would look as follows.
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The .chain() method allows us to switch over to the left track if an error occurs. Note that the switches only go one way.
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Back to what railway oriented programming really is. Below is a visual representation of what this looks like:
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Diagram of interactions
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If you were to check the return status of every single command, your script would look like this:
Illustrates how much boilerplate set -e saves you from.
Update: Oops, if you read a comment further below, you learn that:
Actually the idiomatic code without
set -e
would be justmake || exit $?
True that.
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Since married women do work much less than single women and married men work more than single men, an increase in the wage rate of women relative to men would decrease the incentive to marry.2
If women's wages increased and men's decreased, it would be a disincentive to marry. So sexist!!
t utility depends directly not on the goods and services purchased in the market place, but on the commodities produced "by" each househ
defines utility's ouputs
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Part of my current research considers an indirect way to generate commitments when promises and written agreements are not bind- ing. I shall describe briefly some of this new work because it carries the economic approach to the family onto uncharted ground related to the rational formation of preferences within families
here he begins to describe how the absence of written agreements that might support personal welfare - have an effect on the family.
Rationality implied that some individuals become criminals because of the financial and other rewards from crime com- pared to legal work, taking account of the likelihood of apprehension and conviction, and the severity of punishment.
Rational motivation for crime is that it has its rewards and balanced by the likelihood of not getting caught.
- Oct 2020
Local file Local file
Law professors of color such as Derrick Bellwere among the ªrst to notice this trend.
Trend of formalist positions on civil rights - narrow jurisprudence. The judicial system was once a voice for civil right - now it became a threat due to conservative political - which were aligned to whites and power structures.
The most dangerous kind of assumption is the one we don’t know we have. In Rumsfeldian, that’s an “Unknown unknown.”
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The perform-ance targets for community development should be based on a strategicanalysis of performance. The data should tell us about how we prioritiseour work and where it is we should be working
omputerised management information systems,workplans and team plans with quantifiable targets and measurable out-comes, audits and appraisals whose introduction largely correlates withthe advent of fiscal austerity around 2010. Whilst on the surface, new man-agerial techniques appear to be concerned with administration, bureau-cracy and‘good housekeeping’and are justified in terms of holdingprofessionals accountable, I would suggest that they also constitute‘tech-nologies of performativity’
These are all examples of the systems that power puts in place.
Moreover, in contrast with claims that neo-liberalism dilutes or undermines professional values associated withcommunity development, I noted that practitioners regularly drew uponthe‘official values’of the profession in Scotland such as‘self-help’,‘self-determination’,‘empowerment’and‘collaborative working’(seeCLDStandards Council, 2009)–in order to describe and provide an ethicalrationale for outsourcing services to communities and Third Sector organi-sations. This highlights how professional values are subject to multipleinterpretations, and how their inherent ambiguity all too easily becomescompatible with neoliberalisation.
People think that they are liberated, but they are enslaved further.
‘entrepreneurial citizenship’(Newman, 2014).Entrepreneurial citizenship is framed around communities‘learning’theentrepreneurial skills required for self-government in order for them to sur-vive (and thrive) in a world where the welfare state is in retreat.
communitygroups and management committees had the potential to be transformedinto Registered Charities, Social Enterprises, Development Trusts or com-munity businesses to be tasked with‘co-producing’services and acquiringassets
new power entrenched through systemization
These expectationsinclude the ability to write business plans and present business cases,alongside a functional knowledge of procurement law, local governmenttendering processes and governance issues for community based organisa-tions.
new structures under new power dynamic.
‘contracting out’is driven by a political desire to‘rollback’the social state, and forms part of a government strategy to imple-ment austerity-related reforms
‘if power were never anything but repressive, if it never did any-thing but to say no, do you really think one would be brought to obey it?
the repressive force of power brings people into obedience. cohersive.
an increased role for community development in facilitating thecommissioning, outsourcing, and transferring of public assets and man-agerial responsibilities to communities and voluntary groups in a contextshaped by fiscal austerity
illustrates how community development can function as an extension of neoliberal goals of austerity
The age of sobriety in punishment had begun. By 1830-48, public executions, preceded by torture, had almost entirely disappeared.
patterns / variations highlighted.
By the en of the eighteent an the beginning of the nineteenth : ~(l.·4century, the gloomy festival of punishment was dying out, though . ~1; here and there it flickered momentarily into life. In this transforma-..:::::::;: J /tion, two processes were at work. They did not have quite the same · chronology or the same raison d' erre. The first was the disappearance of punishment as a sp~ctacle. The ceremonial of punishment tended to decline; it survived only as a new legal or administrative practice. The amende honorable was first abolished in France in 1791, then again in 1830 after a brief revival; the pillory was abolished in France in 1789 and in England in 1837.
Here describes how patterns began to shift.
And yet the fact remains that a few decades saw the disappearance of the tor-tured, dismembered, amputated body, symbolically branded on face : /J(j j or shoulder, exposed alive or dead to public view. Ihe body as th.~ lo ma"or tar et of enal re ression disa eared.
How the logic of punishment transformed over time.
Damiens the regicide
was a servant who attempted to murder Luis XV, king of france.
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Bertolt Brecht,Walter Benjamin and Hans Magnus Enzensberger, who imagined a media system in which media enable dialogue
Sites examples of alt media institutions that use the participatory model.
large counter-public sphere that is accessible for allexploited, oppressed, and excluded groups and individuals as an important foundation for political change processes.
Authors are illustrating that collective alternative media can be more productive in raising awareness to political alternatives.
It's a matter of scale - small are less effective.
One examplefor a conservative participatory medium is the online communitywww.townhall.com,
Here the author cites an example to support the idea that conservatives use collective production, too.
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The above diagram shows which Linking Open Data datasets are connected, as of August 2014.
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 6 of 9 (September 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), part of Chapter XV through the beginning of XVII of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the September 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
decollected.net decollected.net
touching and examining
GANGNES: The tactile nature of the Martians' hunt for the narrator is a scene of intense tension in adaptations and illustrations of the novel. Byron Haskin’s 1953 film increases the danger posed by the machine's searching tentacle by adding a mechanical "eye" to its end, so that the characters must stay out of sight as well as sitting still.
More information:
decollected.net decollected.net
Later I was to learn that this was the case. That with incredible rapidity these bodiless brains, these limbless intelligences, had built up these monstrous structures since their arrival, and, no longer sluggish and inert, were now able to go to and fro, destroying and irresistible.
GANGNES: This section is replaced in the 1898 edition with the following passage after "...rules in his body?":
"I began to compare the things to human machines, to ask myself for the first time in my life how an ironclad or a steam engine would seem to an intelligent lower animal."
This revision is particularly interesting because Wells removed language referring to steam engines and other human technologies in the narrator's description of the fighting machines in the previous chapter (beginning "And this Thing!").
In this site's page on "The Terrible Trades of Sheffield," a connection is drawn between these edits and Wells's opinion of Warwick Goble's illustrations, which were too close to human technologies. In the revision, then, Wells reframes human technologies as part of an analogy; Martian technology is beyond human technology to so extreme a degree as to be incomprehensible to humans.
decollected.net decollected.net
the mounted policeman came galloping through the confusion with his hands clasped over his head and screaming
GANGNES: This is the policeman who is depicted running from the Heat Ray in both of Cosmo Rowe's illustrations (the Installment 1 header image and the Installment 2 frontispiece).
- Apr 2020
decollected.net decollected.net
Warwick Goble (1862-1948)
GANGNES: Warwick Goble (1862-1943) was a Victorian and early-twentieth-century periodical and book illustrator. His watercolor book illustrations have strong Japanese and Chinese influences and themes. Simon Houfe refers to Goble as a "brilliant watercolour painter of the 1900s and 1920s" and writes that Goble's "filmy translucent watercolours, with their subtle tints and Japanese compositions ... are unique in British illustration, but are not noticed by the collectors of [Arthur] Rackham and [Edmund] Dulac" (210).
In his dictionary entry, Houfe only acknowledges Goble's early relationship with periodicals in his role as a staff illustrator for the Pall Mall Gazette and the Westminster Gazette; Pearson's Magazine is not mentioned, despite the fact that Goble illustrated not only The War of the Worlds, but also Arthur Conan Doyle's Tales of the High Seas (short series) and other pieces in 1897. He provided illustrations for volumes of two other major pieces of late-Victorian serialized fiction: Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island and Kidnapped.
Biographical sources:
- Simon Houfe, The Dictionary of British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists, 1800-1914 (Baron Publishing, 1981), pp. 210, 318.
- "Warwick Goble: A Biography of the Illustrator" on Pook Press's site.
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- May 2019
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 9 of 9 (December 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book II, Chapter VIII ("Dead London") through Chapter X ("The Epilogue") of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions. "The Man on Putney Hill"--Book II, Chapter VII of the volume--did not appear in the Pearson's version.
This is the cover of the December 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine: the 1897 Double Christmas Number:
The windows in the white houses were like the eye-sockets of skulls.
GANGNES: In his illustrations for the 1906 limited-edition Belgian volume, Henrique Alvim Corrêa sometimes takes a fantastical/magic-realist approach to his depictions, literalizing metaphors and making the mundane strange. In this case, Corrêa literally draws the narrator's conception of London's buildings resembling skulls:
decollected.net decollected.net
its cactus-like branches
GANGNES: Illustrations of the Red Weed vary significantly across illustrations and adaptations of The War of the Worlds. In many cases, the weed resembles a creeping vine or red kelp. Only one of the novel's major illustrators, Johan Briedé, took the "cactus-like" quality of the plants to heart. Briedé's illustrations were published in The Strand Magazine in 1920 with an introduction from Wells himself.
More information:
Installment 8 of 9 (November 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book II, Chapter II ("What We Saw from the Ruined House") through Chapter VI ("The Work of Fifteen Days") of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the November 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
a stream of water.
GANGNES: A new paragraph is added here for the 1898 volume. See text comparison page. This paragraph constitutes one of the most significant revisions to the novel in terms of the text's relationship with Pearson's and illustration. The new paragraph covertly criticizes Warwick Goble's illustrations of the novel:
"I recall particularly the illustration of one of the first pamphlets to give a consecutive account of the war. The artist had evidently made a hasty study of one of the Fighting Machines, and there his knowledge ended. He presented them as tilted, stiff tripods, without either flexibility or subtlety, and with an altogether misleading monotony of effect. The pamphlet containing these renderings had a considerable vogue, and I mention them here simply to warn the reader against the impression they may have created. They were no more like the Martians I saw in action than a Dutch doll is like a human being. To my mind, the pamphlet would have been much better without them."
Wells's friend English writer Arnold Bennett noticed the new passage and wrote to Wells: “I gathered … that you were not exactly enchanted with Warwick Goble’s efforts.” Wells admitted the intentional critique: Goble “made people think my tale was a wearisome repetition of kettles on camera stands. I really don’t think he put a fair quantity of brain into that enterprise or I wouldn’t have slanged him in the book.”
- Wells, H. G. A Critical Edition of The War of the Worlds: H. G. Wells’s Scientific Romance, with Introduction and Notes by David Y. Hughes and Harry M. Geduld. Edited by Harry M. Geduld. Indiana UP, 1993, pp. 216-217.
Handling Machine
From STOVER 199: "The 'Handling Machines' are robots, which here make them their first appearance in science fiction."
GANGNES: Illustrations of the Martians' technology have strongly favored the iconic tripod fighting machines, with almost no depictions of the handling machines. A notable exception is the below image by Brazilian artist Henrique Alvim Corrêa, who created it as part of a series of illustrations for a limited-edition Belgian volume (1906):
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 7 of 9 (October 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), part of Chapter XVII and Chapter I of Book II ("London Under the Martians") of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the October 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
GANGNES: The battle of the Thunder Child is one of the most action-packed scenes in the novel. It has been a favored scene for many adaptations and illustrations, including the album cover for Jeff Wayne's musical adaptation (see Installment 1 annotations):
More information:
- Apr 2019
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 5 of 9 (August 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), Chapter XIV and part of XV of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the August 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
poisonous vapour
From DANAHAY 107: "Wells's vision of the use of poison gas, which was used as a weapon for the first time in World War I."
GANGNES: Some illustrations of The War of the Worlds created during and soon after the First World War distinguish themselves by focusing on the black smoke instead of the heat ray. One such illustration is the book cover for a Danish edition published in 1941. Considered in the light of weapons used during the First and Second World Wars, images such as this one become particularly haunting.
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 4 of 9 (July 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), Chapters XII-XIII of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the July 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 3 of 9 (June 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), Chapters IX-XI of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the June 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
And this Thing! How can I describe it?
GANGNES: This passage through the next page is the most striking and detailed description of the Martian fighting machines in the novel. Despite the degree of detail offered by the narrator, the machines' physical appearance has been depicted quite differently across various illustrations. Wells made his dislike of Goble's illustrations clear in a passage he added to what would become Book II, Chapter II of the 1898 volume. See Installment 8. He also cut and changed some phrasing to deemphasize comparisons to human technologies. See text comparison page.
imagine it a great thing of metal, like the body of a colossal steam engine on a tripod stand
GANGNES: The 1898 volume changes this to simply "imagine it a great body of machinery on a tripod stand." This seems likely to be part of Wells's negative response to Warwick Goble's depictions of the Martian fighting machines, which resembled known human technology more than Wells would have liked. See text comparison page, note on "The Terrible Trades of Sheffield" below, and the additional passage in what would eventually become Book II, Chapter 2 in the 1898 volume.
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 2 of 9 (May 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), Chapters V-VIII of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the May 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
the ghost of a beam of light
GANGNES: The differences between Cosmo Rowe's illustrations and Warwick Goble's exemplify the difficulties presented for illustrators by invisibility or near-invisibility. Different illustrators have chosen to depict the heat ray in different ways that make clear the cause-and-effect relationship of the ray being pointed and its targets being lit on fire. Usually this requires a visual representation, even though the ray is described as invisible.
decollected.net decollected.net
Installment 1 of 9 (April 1897)
This installment comprises the text that is roughly comparable to Book I ("The Coming of the Martians"), Chapters I-IV of the 1898 collected edition and subsequent versions.
This is the cover of the April 1897 issue of Pearson's Magazine:
Cosmo Rowe (1877-1952)
From HUGHES AND GEDULD 217: In 1896 H. G. Wells and his agent attempted to get illustrations for The War of the Worlds from Cosmo Rowe, but only succeeded in securing two, both of which appeared in Pearson's and one in Cosmopolitan.
GANGNES: Cosmo Rowe (William John Monkhouse Rowe, 1877-1952) was a British illustrator active during the late Victorian period and thereafter. He was a friend of Wells's and of designer William Morris (1834-1896).
Rowe's illustrations for The War of the Worlds appear in the April 1897 (installment 1, first page) and May 1897 (frontispiece) issues of Pearson's Magazine; they are the only illustrations for the Pearson's War of the Worlds that were not done by Warwick Goble.
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A big greyish rounded bulk, the size perhaps of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder.
GANGNES: Visual depictions of Wells's Martians, like those of their fighting-machines, have varied widely. Part of this is due to the fact that, even though they are described at length, the narrator still has difficulty wrapping his head around how to relate their appearance to terrestrial creatures. Most depictions resemble something squidlike, but Spielberg's 2005 film) extrapolates from the tripod machines and gives the Martians three appendages.
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- Mar 2019
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- Jul 2018
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- Jun 2018
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Am starved for meat, giddy for lack of sleep, With oath kept waking and with brawling fed:
- Feb 2016
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
Each child draws an illustration about the new or ongoing topic he or she has selected to write about. Children may talk with peers or with me about their topics or drawings.
Being able to illustrate and visually represent an idea is very important for all students. This skill touches on fine motor skills, visual processing and conceptual thought. Very important part of the lesson and an effective check for understanding.
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Only by forgetting this primitive world of metaphor can one live with any repose, security, and consistency: only by means of the petrifaction and coagulation of a mass of images which originally streamed from the primal faculty of human imagination like a fiery liquid, only in the invincible faith that this sun, this window, this table is a truth in itself, in short, only by forgetting that he himself is an artistically creating subject, does man live with any repose, security, and consistency.
Brilliant use of imagery and metaphor. The primordial ooze of human constructed reality.
Perhaps such a person will gaze with astonishment at Chladni's sound figures; perhaps he will discover their causes in the vibrations of the string and will now swear that he must know what men mean by "sound."
good use of metaphor to illustrate
Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die.
Great use of fable to hyper illuminate his central theme right away. It's colorful, dramatic, poignant, and a little unnerving, altogether engaging.