58 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. signing the message in the context of the graph for integrity

      That's weird. User's not in chare of creating an event (as user-generated event is not a complete event in Matrix model, it lacks causal history).

      Relying for creation of an event on a server means you need to be online in order to use apps.

      Better: let user's device be enough, so user can create events offline, sync it later. Server is dumb - just relaying it to user's friends.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Finally, EL PASSO supports multi-device scenarios. It en-ables users to easily register new devices (e.g., laptop, phone,tablet) and supports easy identity recovery in case of the theftof one device. It natively supports 2FA: An RP may requestand assess that users connect from two different devices inorder to sign on their services (multi-device support).
  3. Oct 2023
    1. Youmust apprehend the unity with definiteness. There is only oneway to know that you have succeeded. You must be able totell yourself or anybody else what the unity is, and in a fewwords. ( If it requires too many words, you have not seen theunity but a multiplicity. ) Do not be satisfied with "feeling theunity" that you cannot express. The reader who says, "I knowwhat it is, but I just can't say it," probably does not even foolhimself.

      Adler/Van Doren use the statement of unity of a work as an example of testing one's understanding of a work and its contents.

      (Again, did this exist in the 1940 edition?)

      Who do McDaniel and Donnelly 1996 cite in their work as predecessors of their idea as certainly it existed?

      Examples in the literature of this same idea/method after this: - https://hypothes.is/a/TclhyMfqEeyTkQdZl43ZyA (Feynman Technique in ZK; relationship to Ahrens) - explain it to me like I'm a 5th grader - https://hypothes.is/a/BKhfvuIyEeyZj_v7eMiYcg ("People talk" in Algebra Project) - https://hypothes.is/a/m0KQSDlZEeyYFLulG9z0vw (Intellectual Life version) - https://hypothes.is/a/OyAAflm5Ee6GStMjUMCKbw (earlier version of statement in this same work) - https://hypothes.is/a/iV5MwjivEe23zyebtBagfw (Ahrens' version of elaboration citing McDaniel and Donnelly 1996, this uses both restatement and application to a situation as a means of testing understanding) - https://hypothes.is/a/B3sDhlm5Ee6wF0fRYO0OQg (Adler's version for testing understanding from his video) - https://hypothes.is/a/rh1M5vdEEeut4pOOF7OYNA (Manfred Kuenh and Luhmann's reformulating writing)

  4. Aug 2023
    1. We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment: democracy by device
      • for: democracy - by device, quote, quote - Barry Chudakov, quote - democracy by device
      • quote
        • We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment, democracy by device
      • author: Barry Chudakov
  5. Jul 2023
    1. Inserting a maincards with lack of memory .t3_14ot4na._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } Lihmann's system of inserting a maincard is fundamentally based on a person's ability to remember there are other maincards already inserted that would be related to the card you want to insert.What if you have very poor memory like many people do, what is your process of inserting maincards?In my Antinet I handled it in an enhanced method from what I did in my 27 yrs of research notebooks which is very different then Lihmann's method.

      reply to u/drogers8 at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/14ot4na/inserting_a_maincards_with_lack_of_memory/

      I would submit that your first sentence is wildly false.

      What topic(s) cover your newly made cards? Look those up in your index and find where those potentially related cards are (whether you remember them or not). Go to that top level card listed in your index and see what's there or in the section of cards that come after it. Find the best card in that branch and file your new card(s) as appropriate. If necessary, cross-index them with sub-topics in your index to make them more findable in the future. If you don't find one or more of those topics in your index, then create a new branch and start an index entry for one or more of those terms. (You'll find yourself making lots of index entries to start, but it will eventually slow down—though it shouldn't stop—as your collection grows.)

      Ideally, with regular use, you'll likely remember more and more, especially for active areas you're really interested in. However, take comfort that the system is designed to let you forget everything! This forgetting will actually help create future surprise as well as serendipity that will actually be beneficial for potentially generating new ideas as you use (and review) your notes.

      And if you don't believe me, consider that Alberto Cevolini edited an entire book, broadly about these techniques—including an entire chapter on Luhmann—, which he aptly named Forgetting Machines!

  6. May 2023
    1. Requesting advice for where to put a related idea to a note I'm currently writing .t3_13gcbj1._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } Hi! I am new to building a physical ZK. Would appreciate some help.Pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/WvyNVXfI have a section in my ZK about the concept of "knowledge transmission" (4170/7). The below notes are within that section.I am currently writing a note about how you have to earn your understanding... when receiving knowledge / learning from others. (Picture #1)Whilst writing this note, I had an idea that I'm not quite sure belongs on that note itself - and I'm not sure where it belongs. About how you also have to "earn" the sharing of knowledge. (Picture #2)Here are what I think my options are for writing about the idea "you have to earn your sharing of knowledge":Write this idea on my current card. 4170/7/1Write this idea on a new note - as a variant idea of my current note. 4170/7/1aWrite this idea on a new note - as a continuation of my current note. 4170/7/1/1Write this idea on a new note - as a new idea within my "knowledge transmission" branch. 4170/7/2What would you do here?

      reply to u/throwthis_throwthat at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/13gcbj1/requesting_advice_for_where_to_put_a_related_idea/

      I don't accept the premise of your question. This doesn't get said often enough to people new to zettelkasten practice: Trust your gut! What does it say? You'll learn through practice that there are no "right" answers to these. Put a number on it, file it, and move on. Practice, practice, practice. You'll be doing this in your sleep soon enough. As long as it's close enough, you'll find it. Save your mental cycles for deeper thoughts than this.

      Asking others for their advice is fine, but it's akin to asking a well-practiced mnemonist what visual image they would use to remember something. Everyone is different and has different experiences and different things that make their memories sticky for them. What works incredibly well for how someone else thinks and the level of importance they give an idea is never as useful or as "true" as how you think about it. Going with your gut is going to help you remember it better and is far likelier to make it easier to find in the future.

  7. Oct 2022
    1. eutsch suggestedthat personal memory was untrustworthy and admitted it was no match for the writtenword, and his index enabled him to store information in a way recalling Derrida’sdiscussion of archives as prostheses of memory (Derrida, 1995).
  8. Aug 2022
    1. This is an Appium plugin designed to manage and create driver session on connected android devices and iOS Simulators. Why Appium Device Farm? Automatically detects connected Android, iOS Simulators and Real devices before session creation and maintains it in device pool. Dynamically allocates a free device from device pool while creating driver session. Updates the device pool with a new device during test execution. Allocates random ports for parallel execution.

      I believe this is software for a lot of mobile phones that recycle IP addresses (as they are unque alledgedly) and are more reliablu than proxies. Then all kinds of nefarious activities is emplyed on these mobile phones. this happens in countries like india/bangladesh ithink. perhaps there could be a better use for this infrastructure... appium device farm

  9. Jul 2022
    1. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1547390915689566211.html via https://twitter.com/nicolas_gatien/status/1547390946156969984

      Nicolas, I broadly agree with you that many of these factors of reading and writing for understanding and retention are at play and the research in memory and spaced repetition underlines a lot of this. However in practice, one needs to be revisiting and actively using their notes for some particular project to remember them better. The card search may help to create both visual and physical paths that assist in memory too.

      Reliance solely on a physical zettelkasten however may not be enough without active use over time, particularly for the majority of users. It's unlikely that all or even many may undertake this long term practice. Saying that this is either the "best", "optimum", or "only" way would be disingenuous to the diversity of learners and thinkers.

      Those who want to add additional strength to these effects might also use mnemonic methods from indigenous cultures that rely on primary orality. These could include color, images, doodles (drolleries anyone?), or other associative methods, many of which could be easily built into an (antinet) zettelkasten. Lynne Kelly's work in this area can be highly illuminating. For pure practical application and diversity of potential methods, I recommend her book Memory Craft https://amzn.to/3zdqqGp, but she's got much more academic and in depth work that is highly illustrative.

      With this background on orality and memory in mind we might all broadly view wood and stone circles (Stonehenge), menhir, standing stones, songlines, and other mnemonic devices in the archaeological and sociological records as zettelkasten which one keeps entirely in their memory rather than writing them down. We might also consider, based on this and the historical record concerning Druids and their association with trees that the trees served a zettelkasten-like function for those ancient societies. This continues to extend to lots of other cultural and societal practices throughout history. Knowledge from Duane Hamacher et al's book The First Astronomers and Karlie Noone and Krystal De Napoli's Astronomy: Sky Country will underline these theories and practices in modern indigenous settings.

  10. Mar 2022
  11. Jan 2022
    1. Budak, C., Soroka, S., Singh, L., Bailey, M., Bode, L., Chawla, N., Davis-Kean, P., Choudhury, M. D., Veaux, R. D., Hahn, U., Jensen, B., Ladd, J., Mneimneh, Z., Pasek, J., Raghunathan, T., Ryan, R., Smith, N. A., Stohr, K., & Traugott, M. (2021). Modeling Considerations for Quantitative Social Science Research Using Social Media Data. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3e2ux

  12. Dec 2021
    1. To live a barren sister all your life, Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.

      The imagery of the "cold fruitless moon" implies the Theseus' dislike or disagreement with the lives of nuns. It could also extend to his dislike with the moon herself.

    2. Thrice-blessèd they that master so their blood To undergo such maiden pilgrimage,

      The word "maiden" here is taken from the word "maid." According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "maid" refers to virgins, so "maiden pilgrimage" speaks to the virginal characteristic of nuns.

    3. Or on Diana’s altar to protest

      Diana is related to chastity and is known for support women and virgins.

    4. And she is mine, and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius.

      There are a lot of claims about ownership and who has any rights to Hermia. The word "right" has been repeated by Egeus and even the preferred Hermia. This claim of ownership brings into question if these men truly care for Hermia or are simply fighting because their authority has been challenged. Does Egeus prefer Demetrius because it allows him to assert his dominion over Hermia? For Lysander, is his love for Hermia real or her father's rejection of him pushes him to fight for her?

    5. One that compos’d your beauties, yea, and one To whom you are but as a form in wax By him imprinted, and within his power

      The wax comparison here takes away from Hermia's humanity. The wax takes leaves no room for any deviation from Hermia. Theseus is reminding Hermia that she has no choice.

    6. Another moon; but oh, methinks, how slow

      Personification of the moon: Theseus refers to the moon as "she," perhaps in reference to mythology or to emphasize how he looks forward to his wedding day.

    7. Like to a step-dame or a dowager, Long withering out a young man’s revenue.

      Step-dame means stepmother and dowager means widow. In this case, his reference to both these women is in reference to their dependency on "young man's revenue." The young man is a son or the man in charge of their upkeep. He is therefore comparing how these types of women's finances take away from the men they depend on, to how much the slowness of the moon's changes takes from his time to be with Hippolyta

    8. Go, Philostrate, Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments; Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth; Turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our pomp.

      This entire section ends with a punctuation. Each line by Theseus requires a pause, to emphasize how the wedding and perhaps the marriage will not be reflective of how it came about.

    9. Turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our pomp.

      Melancholy is the "pale companion"

    10. Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments; Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth; Turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our pomp. [Exit Philostrate.] Hippolyta, I woo’d thee with my sword, And won thy love doing thee injuries; But I will wed thee in another key, With pomp, with triumph, and with revelling.

      This entire section ends with a punctuation. Each line by Theseus requires a pause, to emphasize how the wedding and perhaps the marriage will not be reflective of how it came about.

    11. Like to a step-dame or a dowager, Long withering out a young man’s revenue.

      Step-dame means stepmother and dowager means widow. In this case, his reference to both these women is in reference to their dependency on "young man's revenue." The young man is a son or the man in charge of their upkeep. He is therefore comparing how these types of women's finances take away from the men they depend on, to how much the slowness of the moon's changes takes from his time to be with Hippolyta

    12. The pale companion is not for our pomp.

      Melancholy is the "pale companion"

    13. To whom you are but as a form in wax By him imprinted, and within his power To leave the figure, or disfigure it.

      The wax comparison here takes away from Hermia's humanity. The wax takes leaves no room for any deviation from Hermia. Theseus is reminding Hermia that she has no choice.

    14. But earthlier happy is the rose distill’d

      Hermia's virginity is the "rose distill'd" and her distillation is used for marriage and the childbirth that follows.

    15. Why should not I then prosecute my right?

      There are a lot of claims about ownership and who has any rights to Hermia. The word "right" has been repeated by Egeus and even the preferred Hermia. This claim of ownership brings into question if these men truly care for Hermia or are simply fighting because their authority has been challenged. Does Egeus prefer Demetrius because it allows him to assert his dominion over Hermia? For Lysander, is his love for Hermia real or her father's rejection of him pushes him to fight for her?

    16. maiden pilgrimage,

      The word "maiden" here is taken from the word "maid." According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "maid" refers to virgins, so "maiden pilgrimage" speaks to the virginal characteristic of nuns.

  13. Feb 2021
  14. Jan 2021
    1. What is the situation?

      The authors use of rhetorical questioning allows the audience to actively engage in the material presented and dive deeper into further analyzing how this could relate to a personal experience.

  15. Aug 2020
  16. Jul 2020
  17. May 2020
    1. What's terrible and dangerous is a faceless organization deciding to arbitrarily and silently control what I can and can not do with my browser on my computer. Orwell is screaming in his grave right now. This is no different than Mozilla deciding I don't get to visit Tulsi Gabbard's webpage because they don't like her politics, or I don't get to order car parts off amazon because they don't like hyundai, or I don't get to download mods for minecraft, or talk to certain people on facebook.
    2. They don't have to host the extension on their website, but it's absolutely and utterly unacceptable for them to interfere with me choosing to come to github and install it.
    3. I appreciate the vigilance, but it would be even better to actually publish a technical reasoning for why do you folks believe Firefox is above the device owner, and the root user, and why there should be no possibility through any means and configuration protections to enable users to run their own code in the release version of Firefox.
  18. Apr 2020
  19. Feb 2019
    1. giving the human the minute-by-minute services of a digital computer equipped with computer-driven cathode-ray-tube display

      Sitting there with a smartphone one might smirk at the mention of a CRT display, but remember when this was written-- screens were way way off from being a "normal" interface for computer interaction

  20. Dec 2018
  21. Jun 2018
  22. Feb 2018
    1. They now stand out as the only one in the class (or, if they’re lucky, one of two) who gets to use a device while other students wonder just why they get to use one. I have seen a couple of students on social media say that as soon as they see a “no devices” policy on a syllabus they drop the class because of this concern.

      Good rationale for not enacting a blanket classroom tech ban

  23. Dec 2017
  24. Oct 2016
  25. Sep 2016
  26. Oct 2015
  27. Nov 2013
    1. Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die.

      Great use of fable to hyper illuminate his central theme right away. It's colorful, dramatic, poignant, and a little unnerving, altogether engaging.

  28. Sep 2013