- Sep 2022
HLTH Code Nutritional Facts Infographic
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
michael wiggins [@mikecompetition]. (2021, November 28). @basmahassan @AllysonPollock @guardian @TheWeek Bingo. The numbers appear contradictory but they’re not if you do the maths on it. Looks like this pic will need to be spread a bit in the near future again. Https://t.co/AqcdGWBHL3 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/mikecompetition/status/1464872123135143936
- Mar 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
🦇Amy Lasky, MD 🦇. (2021, October 8). If anyone likes anecdotes and has concerns about the covid vaccine and fertility—Let me tell you without question it does NOT cause infertility 👀 [Tweet]. @AmyLaskyMD. https://twitter.com/AmyLaskyMD/status/1446569443035914248
- Jan 2022
- Oct 2021
www.immunology.org www.immunology.org
COVID-19 immunity: Natural infection compared to vaccination | British Society for Immunology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2021, from https://www.immunology.org/coronavirus/connect-coronavirus-public-engagement-resources/covid-immunity-natural-infection-vaccine
- lang:en
- vaccine
- is:webpage
- immunity
- infographic
- immunology
- natural infection
- variant
- UK
- immune response
- COVID-19
- protection
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Vraga, E. K., & Bode, L. (n.d.). Addressing COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media Preemptively and Responsively - Volume 27, Number 2—February 2021 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2702.203139
- Jul 2021
www.disinfobservatory.org www.disinfobservatory.org
SOMA Infographic: How to Conduct a Collaborative Investigation. (2021, March 7). SOMA Disinfobservatory. https://www.disinfobservatory.org/soma-infographic-how-to-conduct-a-collaborative-investigation/
- Sep 2020
www.visualcapitalist.com www.visualcapitalist.com
Ali, A. (2020, August 28). Visualizing the Social Media Universe in 2020. Visual Capitalist. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-the-social-media-universe-in-2020/
- Jul 2020
apps.texastribune.org apps.texastribune.org
Texas reports over 3,000 total deaths, 10,002 patients hospitalized due to coronavirus. (2020, April 14). The Texas Tribune. https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2020/texas-coronavirus-cases-map/
- May 2020
www.issi-society.org www.issi-society.org
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
Proyecto metaciencia
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.unaids.org www.unaids.org
www.unaids.org www.unaids.org
agenciaocote.com agenciaocote.com
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
¿Cómo evaluar una infografía?
- Mar 2020
link-springer-com.ezproxy.javeriana.edu.co link-springer-com.ezproxy.javeriana.edu.co
https://doi.org/10.1097/CCM.0000000000004363 DOI:10.1007/s00134‑020‑06022‑5
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Evaluating the effectiveness of social distancing interventions against COVID-19
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
www.sepsiq.org www.sepsiq.org
no puedo etiquetar tal cual el documento de PDF que se despliega porque me marca error, pero el primer link es para profesionales de la salud y el segundo para la población en general.
Cuidados de salud mental en esta pandemia.
www.paho.org www.paho.org
unidad_COVID2019 infografía OMS sobre colocación y retiro de material de protección y equipo específico en cada área de atención
www.who.int www.who.int
unidad_COVID2019 Infografías sobre educación y manejo de los niños en casa. OMS
www.acn.cu www.acn.cu
www.hopkinsmedicine.org www.hopkinsmedicine.org
Coronavirus at a Glance
Coronavirus at a Glance
www.statista.com www.statista.com
www.ssaver.gob.mx www.ssaver.gob.mx
www.mscbs.gob.es www.mscbs.gob.es
www.insp.mx www.insp.mx
www.um.es www.um.es
conversesacatalunya.cat conversesacatalunya.cat
www.freepik.es www.freepik.es
www.contrareplica.mx www.contrareplica.mx
www.bvs.hn www.bvs.hn
www.nuevodia.mx www.nuevodia.mx
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
www.the-scientist.com www.the-scientist.com
www.uaem.mx www.uaem.mx
www.entrepreneur.com www.entrepreneur.com
www.rompeviento.tv www.rompeviento.tv
www.tablondeanuncios.com www.tablondeanuncios.com
tolucalabellacd.com tolucalabellacd.com
www.perfil.com www.perfil.com
www.diariodelnorte.net www.diariodelnorte.net
www.lavanguardia.com www.lavanguardia.com
www.saludiario.com www.saludiario.com
www.ibsalut.es www.ibsalut.es
www.momento24.co www.momento24.co
esp.belta.by esp.belta.by
www.tourismupdate.co.za www.tourismupdate.co.za
www.ttiinc.com www.ttiinc.com
Covid19 Airway Management infographic from Albert Chan, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong (click image to enlarge)
www.isis.org.my www.isis.org.my
www.nicd.ac.za www.nicd.ac.za
www.spglobal.com www.spglobal.com
ecmoed.blog ecmoed.blog
content.govdelivery.com content.govdelivery.com
www.aa.com.tr www.aa.com.tr
www.moh.gov.sg www.moh.gov.sg
www.gob.mx www.gob.mx
www.fairfaxcounty.gov www.fairfaxcounty.gov
www.netmeds.com www.netmeds.com
energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com
www.marchofdimes.org www.marchofdimes.org
www.health.pa.gov www.health.pa.gov
pandemic.internationalsos.com pandemic.internationalsos.com
coronavirus.ohio.gov coronavirus.ohio.gov
virologydownunder.com virologydownunder.com
COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2
www.tatnews.org www.tatnews.org
blog.ohiohealth.com blog.ohiohealth.com
infographic.tv infographic.tv
www.alamy.com www.alamy.com
www.pharmaceutical-journal.com www.pharmaceutical-journal.com
www.aaem.org www.aaem.org
blog.ohiohealth.com blog.ohiohealth.com
www.statista.com www.statista.com
pigsfly.info pigsfly.info
www.allegropediatrics.com www.allegropediatrics.com
www.socialnews.xyz www.socialnews.xyz
www.placer.ca.gov www.placer.ca.gov
koreajoongangdaily.joins.com koreajoongangdaily.joins.com
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
idph.iowa.gov idph.iowa.gov
www.flemingmedical.ie www.flemingmedical.ie
www.totalem.org www.totalem.org
www.uab.edu www.uab.edu
www.thaiembassy.org www.thaiembassy.org
www.paho.org www.paho.org
www.tatnews.org www.tatnews.org
www.tatnews.org www.tatnews.org
- Jan 2020
www.dearagaopessin.adv.br www.dearagaopessin.adv.br
- Nov 2019
www.kcet.org www.kcet.org
- Nov 2017
www.omicsonline.org www.omicsonline.org
The Effect of Education on Quality of Life in Elderly Females with Urinary Incontinence, Refereeing to Jahandidegan Center in Shiraz-Iran, 2011
I think this article is very relevant because it is not soley information focused. I like that it is a study that was conducted. My question is this something we want to incorporate in our infographic? Do we want a study? Also since it is from 2011, should we try to find another study or is this the most recent and relevant study for our topic? Let me know.
www.nia.nih.gov www.nia.nih.gov
Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults
This article is very informative! I like how descriptive it is but summarized and concise at the same time. I agree with you Ari this is an important article for our foundation of our infographic. We should definitely meet and discuss this article as a group as we begin to draft our infographic.
www.accp.com www.accp.com
I like this article a lot. I think that there is also a lot of useful information throughout the article. I especially like this patho section. We should meet and discuss amongst ourselves whether we want to include some patho or not. I believe this article can be very useful throughout our presentation.
familydoctor.org familydoctor.org
Where do I start?
I really like this website and this article that was published. Like you said Ari, it is very summarized and to the point which is what we need for this assignment. I like this section titled "Where do I start" because this provides information about noninvasive techniques to treat incontinence.
- Aug 2015
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Meet the modern learner