- Dec 2024
medium.com medium.com
for - Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
// - Summary - This is an insightful article on the esoteric practices of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma school of Dzogchen practice. - It provides a first-hand account from a Western practitioners perspective and written in a clear, easy to understand language that stresses the phenomenological aspects and uncluttered with too much specialized esoteric language, other than the Tibetan or Sanskrit names of the major practices. - For anyone seriously practicing b meditation, of any or even no spiritual tradition, It helps to provide useful and major insights and experimental landmarks of the meditative journey into exploring the relationship between form and emptiness - The description helps to locate one in what it might be like to return to the pre-linguistic world of the newborn, experiencing an undivided reality for the first time, as a gestalt that does not reify all the emerging phenomena into separate silo'd objects - These descriptions on - recognising form from an emptiness starting point and - recognizing emptiness from a form starting point - remind me off the Guru Rinpoche song of Khenpo Tsultruim Gyamtso Rinpoche: - https://ktgrinpoche.org/songs/guru-rinpoche-prayer - All these forms that appear to eyes that see All things on the outside and the inside The environment and its inhabitants Appear, but let them rest where no self’s found
- Perceiver and perceived, when purified
Are the body of the deity, clear emptiness To the guru, for whom desire frees itself To Orgyen Pema Jungnay, I supplicate
- All these sounds that appear for ears that hear
Taken as agreeable or not Let them rest in the realm of sound and emptiness Past all thought, beyond imagination Sounds are empty, unarisen and unceasing These are what make up the Victor’s teaching To the teachings of the Victor, sound and emptiness To Orgyen Pema Jungnay, I supplicate
- All these movements of mind towards its objects
These thoughts that make five poisons and afflictions Leave thinking mind to rest without contrivances Do not review the past nor guess the future If you let such movement rest in its own place It liberates into the dharmakaya To the guru, for whom awareness frees itself To Orgyen Pema Jungnay, I supplicate
- Grant your blessing that purifies appearance
Of objects perceived as being outside Grant your blessing that liberates perceiving mind The mental operation seeming inside Grant your blessing that, between the two of these Clear light will come to recognize its own face In your compassion, sugatas of all three times Please bless me, that a mind like mine be freed
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
I think the Paleolithic ethical framework is simply—I mean, the hunter-gatherers—having no separation between themselves, no radical distinction between human and nonhuman—thought everything else was kindred. Literally, they thought if you went out to hunt and you’re hunting a deer, the deer is your sister or your brother, or maybe your ancestor, or maybe, more precisely, past/future forms of yourself. Because I think the ethic was you hunted with sort of prayers and sacrifice and humility. You’re asking a deer—a brother or a sister or an ancestor—to give its life for you.
for - food is sacred - why we say prayer for the living being that died so that we may live - samsara - kill others so that we may live - hunting and killing other - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
May this webinar serve the healing of all beings, including the fallen deity of money and its offspring, the shadow and alabi of philanthropy. May the colonized mind and body be liberated, including our own.
for - quote - webinar prayer - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2024
quote - webinar prayer - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2024 - May this webinar serve the healing of all beings, - including the - fallen deity of money and - its offspring, the shadow and alabi of philanthropy. - May the - colonized mind and - body - be liberated, including our own.
- May 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Seit dem Pariser Abkommen finanzierten die 60 größten Banken 425 fossile Großprojekte - sogenannte carbon bombs mit einem zu erwartenden CO2-Ausstoß von jeweils über einer Gigatonne - mit insgesamt 1,8 Billionen Dollar. Der Standard-Artikel geht auf ein Projekt zurück, bei dem Daten des Carbon Bombs-Projekts, des Global Energy Monitor und von Banking on Climate Chaos ausgewertet und visualisiert werden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000193065/billionenkredite-fuer-fossile-grossprojekte-wie-banken-die-klimakrise-mitfinanzieren
Bericht/Visualisierung: https://www.carbonbombs.org/
- BP
- Net Zero Banking Alliance
- banks
- Libya
- TotalEnergies
- Repsol
- Equinor
- JPMorgan
- Marcellus Shale
- Bill Farren-Price
- fossil fuel finance
- fossil expansion
- 2023-10-31
- Unicredit
- Deutsche Bank
- Eni
- BNP Paribas
- by: Alicia Prager
- Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Data for Good
- carbon bombs
- stranded fossil fuel assets
- El Sharara
- by: Anastasia Trenkler
- Permian basin
- Stranded fossil-fuel assets translate to major losses for investors in advanced economies
- Saudi Arabia
- Shell
- China
- Gazprom
- ExxonMobil
- by: Philip Prayer
- éclaircies
- fracking
- Abdulaziz bin Salman
- Citi
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
‘Blessed Lord, which hast caused al holy Scriptures to bee written forour learnyng; graunte us that we maye in such wise heare them,read, marke, learne, and inwardly digeste them.’2
quote from:<br /> The Booke of the Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments (London: 1549), sig. B iiv.
- Oct 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Also, in the 15th century, Sufi monasteries in Yemen employed coffee as an aid to concentration during prayers.[1]
Sufis, coffee as aid for focus during prayer
- Jun 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First a passage of scripture is read, then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.
- Dec 2021
ccss.jhu.edu ccss.jhu.edu
- Nov 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
I pretended to pray
So here's a question that I always wonder, are funerals for the living or for the dead? In a traditional Catholic funeral prayers at funerals would be offered for the deceased so they could pass into heaven and have their sins be forgiven, but at the same time they provide catharsis for the living. In that sense, pretending to pray is the same as actually praying in terms of providing emotional support for the living.
- Jan 2020
www.audioverse.org www.audioverse.org
46: Lean not on your own understanding.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
renew life
Victor implies that life can be renewed from death, a theme present in biblical scripture. See Gen. 3:19, 18:27; Job 30:19; Eccl. 3:20) and in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (Burial Rite 1:485, 2:501).
- Oct 2016
www.metrolyrics.com www.metrolyrics.com
infernaldialogues.blogspot.com infernaldialogues.blogspot.com
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Yes, I AM that innermost part of you that sits within, and calmly waits and watches, knowingneither time nor space; for I AM the Eternal and fill all space.I watch and wait for you to be done with your petty human follies and weaknesses, with yourvain longings, ambitions and regrets, knowing that will come in time; and then you will turn toMe, weary, discouraged, empty and humble, and ask Me to take the lead, not realizing that I havebeen leading you all the time
The part of which which is who I AM awaits....
Then, when somewhat of their vital significance begins to dawn upon your consciousness,speak these My Words slowly, imperatively, to every cell of your body, to every faculty of yourmind, with all the conscious power you possess: --"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Speak them just as they are herein written, trying to realize that the God of you commands anddemands of your mortal self: implicit obedience.Study them, search out their hidden potency.Brood over them, carry them with you into your work, whatever it be. Make them the vital,dominating factor in your work, in all your creative thoughts.Say them a thousand times a day,Until you have discovered all My innermost meaning;Until every cell of your body thrills in joyful response to the command, "Be Still," and instantlyobeys;And every vagrant thought hovering around your mind hies itself off into nothingness.Then, as the Words reverberate through the caverns of your now, empty being
This is so powerful............. the 'God of me, my True Self commanding that my egoic self becomes humble and surrenders ..
Practice..... until the Reality of consciously Being is my felt Reality.
Reminds me of in ACIM 'come wtth wholly empty hands unto your God".