31 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. It is now possible (but not easy) for anyone who is determined enough to create a xanadoc, and send it to others, who may open and use it.  (Note that the World Wide Web was available for several years before the Mosaic editor made it easy for the public.)

      fair enough...

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240702043645/https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird Ladybird is a project that aims to become a new independent *nix browser (not borrowing from other engines). There's also a US non-profit founded for it ladybird.org. Still very much in pre-alpha.

  3. Oct 2023
    1. Google has argued that switching search engines is just a click away and that people use Google because it's the superior search engine. Google also argued at trial that Microsoft's failures with Bing are "a direct result of Microsoft’s missteps in Internet search."

      This is interesting - I wonder how 3rd parties like Mozilla or Vivaldi testify?

      If they say it's hard, they contradict their own marketing, and risk their main source of revenue.

      If they say it's easy, they risk undermining all their own comms around the importance of choice, and the necessity of more diverse ecosystems.

  4. Dec 2022
    1. Spend some time with Arc, the new browser from The Browser Company of New York.


      First I've heard of this.

  5. Apr 2022
    1. work-around

      Bookmarklets and the JS console seem to be the workaround.

      For very large customizations, you may run into browser limits on the effective length of the bookmarklet URI. For a subset of well-formed programs, there is a way to store program parts in multiple bookmarklets, possibly loaded with the assistance of a separate bookmarklet "bootloader", although this would be tedious. The alternative is to use the JS console.

      In FIrefox, you can open a given script that you've stored on your computer by pressing Ctrl+O/Cmd+O, selecting the file as you would in any other program, and then pressing Enter. (Note that this means you might need to press Enter twice, since opening the file in question merely puts its contents into the console input and does not automatically execute it—sort of a hybrid clipboard thing.) I have not tested the limits of the console input for e.g. input size.

      As far as I know, you can also use the JS console to get around the design of the dubious WebExtensions APIs—by ignoring them completely and going back to the old days and using XPCOM/Gecko "private" APIs. The way you do is is to open about:addons by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A (or whatever), opening or pasting the code you want to run, and then pressing Enter. This should I think give you access to all the old familiar Mozilla internals. Note, though, that all bookmarklet functionality is disabled on about:addons (not just affecting bookmarklets that would otherwise violate CSP by loading e.g. an external script or dumping an inline one on the page`).

  6. Jan 2022
  7. Nov 2021
    1. A Web Browser Built for Me by Robin Rendle https://www.robinrendle.com/notes/a-web-browser-built-for-me/

    2. I think of the Kindle and what enormous potential that browser had to change our relationship with the internet, to push it towards a web that you read (instead of one that tries so very hard to read you).

      I love the phrase "a web that your read instead of one that tries so very hard to read you."

  8. Jul 2021
  9. May 2021
    1. This approach also splits email development for modern email clients and older clients in two. You can use Safari/Chrome to test and develop modern techniques for WebKit-supported clients while using Firefox for your baseline experience for older clients like Outlook.
    2. This media query only targets WebKit-supported email clients—which have incredible support for HTML5 and CSS3. This media query allows you to use of modern techniques like HTML5 video, CSS3 animation, web fonts, and more.
  10. Apr 2021
    1. Over the years, the machinery of targeted advertising has frequently been used for exploitation, discrimination, and harm. The ability to target people based on ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or ability allows discriminatory ads for jobs, housing, and credit. Targeting based on credit history—or characteristics systematically associated with it— enables predatory ads for high-interest loans. Targeting based on demographics, location, and political affiliation helps purveyors of politically motivated disinformation and voter suppression. All kinds of behavioral targeting increase the risk of convincing scams.

      a succinct summary of the harms of tracking and adtech

    2. The power to target is the power to discriminate. By definition, targeted ads allow advertisers to reach some kinds of people while excluding others. A targeting system may be used to decide who gets to see job postings or loan offers just as easily as it is to advertise shoes. 
    3. You should have a right to present different aspects of your identity in different contexts. If you visit a site for medical information, you might trust it with information about your health, but there’s no reason it needs to know what your politics are. Likewise, if you visit a retail website, it shouldn’t need to know whether you’ve recently read up on treatment for depression. FLoC erodes this separation of contexts, and instead presents the same behavioral summary to everyone you interact with.
  11. Nov 2020
    1. Microbundle also outputs a modern bundle specially designed to work in all modern browsers. This bundle preserves most modern JS features when compiling your code, but ensures the result runs in 90% of web browsers without needing to be transpiled. Specifically, it uses preset-modules to target the set of browsers that support <script type="module"> - that allows syntax like async/await, tagged templates, arrow functions, destructured and rest parameters, etc. The result is generally smaller and faster to execute than the esm bundle
  12. Oct 2020
    1. I have downloaded this browser, to use with Office 365 (for my Uni stuff). I haven't really given it a full workout yet, mostly as I generally use Brave.

      I personally think we'll see more Microsoft apps coming to Linux with the big one being the ultimate... basing Windows on a Linux Kernel, rather than the NT Kernel, within the next 5 year or so!

    1. Whilst Svelte is a web-project, it should work on the web. The web is unfortunately still plagued by garbage like (Legacy) Edge and IE.
  13. Apr 2020
    1. In the early 1990s, the creators of Netscape apparently built a function that enabled each web page to be annotated by those visiting it, as a way for viewers to discuss the page’s content. But according to a [1] produced in 2013 by a nonprofit called [Hypothesis][2], the feature was turned off.
  14. Nov 2019
    1. the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
  15. Mar 2017
  16. Oct 2016
    1. Way back in the beginning of time, IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system shipped with a web browser (sorry, I can't remember its name) that would show your browsing history as an outline.
  17. Apr 2016
    1. JavaScript creator Brendan Eich is working on a browser that blocks tracking, and replaces ads with less obtrusive ones. Websites can sign up to get a cut of the income from those ads. They'll also have a way for users to pay to visit sites ad-free.

      http://brave.com/<br> https://github.com/brave<br> https://twitter.com/brave

      It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Naturally, those obtrusive advertisers won't like it. I'd love it if sites I visit often could give me ads for stuff I might actually buy, especially if they received a generous cut of each sale.

  18. Oct 2015
  19. Jan 2014