- Feb 2025
charlesyang.substack.com charlesyang.substack.com
the “paperwork reduction act” required any government office to check with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the White House every time they wanted to put out a form, to ensure the form was not duplicative of any other existing form. This measure aimed at “reducing paperwork” from the government, has indeed accomplished its goal, but by making it impossibly slow for any government office to put out any form or survey. This hurts everything from website user surveys to USGS surveys of opinions around public lands.
This is the downside of DRY, scaled up to governments, instead of codebases
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
in the deserts the Southern California coastal region reaches some of its highest annual temperatures in Autumn rather than summer when these winds are going on frigid dry Arctic air from Canada tends to create the most intense Santa Ana winds
for - globally interconnected climate system - frigid dry Arctic air from Canada - Santa Ana winds - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
Cakedinkmayberemovedwithtypeputty,alcohol,carbontetrachloride,oroneoftheproprietarydry-cleaningfluids,appliedwithabrush.Pressthetypeputtyontothetype,peelitoff,andthecakedinkcomeswithit.Ifyouusealiquid,firstliftthetypeandputpaperunderitto prevent dirt from dripping into the machine. When using type-cleaning fluid, be sure toWipe the type dry with a cloth before using the place paper under type to prevent dirt frommachine again.
dry cleaning solvents in 1941 were likely Varsol or Stoddard's Formula.
compare to trichloroethane<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/EyBIAFXAEe-AcP-Atlj_aQ
Note discontinuation of carbon tetrachloride<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/bfdi_I90Ee-OQLN0HpsE7Q
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Carbon tetrachloride or carbon tet is a non-flammable, dense, colorless liquid which was often used as a cleaning agent in the mid 1900s, but was phased out due to safety and environmental concerns. High exposure can affect the central nervous system and cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Prolonged exposure can be fatal.
- Jul 2024
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
- May 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
You will notice that manual was printed in 1920. Gas was the only cleaner available then. In just one more year in 1921 Stoddards Formula was invented (Varsol) for the dry cleaning business. Everything changed then and Varsol was the cleaner of choice.
should find a better reference
- Sep 2023
github.com github.com
Besides that ffscreencast can act as an ffmpeg command generator. Every available option can also just show the corresponding ffmpeg command instead of executing it. Non-ffmpeg commands, such as how the camera resolution is pulled and others can also be shown instead of being executed.
- Apr 2021
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
Environmentally friendly factoriesGavin uses the Cubiko Games workshop ‘factory’. Yes, it is a bit cold in the winter but, hey, I built it myself. Transporting goods from the ‘factory’ is very economical, it is about 20 metres from the factory to Gavins house via the garden. The worker in the ‘factory’ (Gavin) is committed to looking after the environment and tries his best to use every piece of wood to the best of his ability. The working conditions are great. (Flexi-time, unlimited food and drink breaks). No child labour. (Samuel sometimes ventures into the factory but we don’t put him to work).
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Yogi also said that "Half the lies they tell about me aren't true"
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Comedian Henny Youngman was famous for one-liners delivered in a deadpan manner. Much of his humor was both wry and dry.
I intend to live forever. So far, so good. Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories. I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly. If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone, somewhere is making a penny. What's another word for Thesaurus? I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park anywhere near the place.
Adding another Steven Wright gem: "24 hour banking? I don't have time for that."
Comedian Henny Youngman was famous for one-liners delivered in a deadpan manner. Much of his humor was both wry and dry. For example, his most famous line: Take my wife ... please. If you never saw the delivery, "Take my wife" was said as if he was using his wife as an example to set up a situation, as in "Take my wife [for example]." After a brief pause, the "please" turned it into a request.
Some humor is just funny on a surface level, or incorporates words that sound funny. What makes dry humor unique is that it isn't always obviously funny, especially with a deadpan delivery; you often need to think about it. The humor is entirely within the meaning of the words.
What is the difference between “wry” and “dry” humor?
"Dry" humor is often called deadpan humor because it is delivered with a straight face and a serious tone, as if it is not intended to be funny.
simplicable.com simplicable.com
British HumorDry humor is particularly associated with British humor. Fawlty Towers, a British television comedy that aired from 1975 to 1979 is considered an unusually good example of dry humor. The series is set in a family run seaside hotel operated by a cynical and snobbish man, played by John Cleese, who finds himself in constant conflict with hotel guests. No matter how outlandishly silly each episode becomes, there is never any sense that the characters are trying to be funny.
Dry humor is a delivery technique. As such, it shouldn't be confused with specific types of humor or with sarcasm. Sarcasm is delivered without humor because it's generally not funny but intended to mock or convey contempt. Dry humor pertains to something funny.
Humor is based on a sense of the unexpected, inexplicable, ridiculous and ironic. Dry humor can enhance these qualities to make things more humorous. For example, humor that is delivered as if it were not a joke may feel more surprising and odd.
enhances these qualities
Dry humor is a comedic technique of delivering humor as if you didn't intend to be funny.
- Mar 2021
github.com github.com
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
It will return the result as a Dry::Monads::Result object which can be either successful or failure.
www.morozov.is www.morozov.is
bind applies unwrapped Success value to the block, which should return a Result object. No-op on Failure
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
- May 2020
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
How ‘Silent Spreaders’ Make Coronavirus Hard to Beat. (2020, April 22). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-22/how-silent-spreaders-make-coronavirus-hard-to-beat-quicktake
- May 2017
thelightfarm.com thelightfarm.com
- Oct 2016
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.netT.S. Eliot19
Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed
This line is significant because it implies the possibility of that the cycle of life can be disrupted not just by death, but also by natural processes that prevent rebirth.
And other withered stumps of time
This is another example of an image of a plant that cannot regenerate itself, which reminds us that it is possible for the cycle of life to be disrupted.
To get yourself some teeth.
You only get one set of teeth, and the only way to get new ones is through an artificial process. In this case the cycle of death and rebirth is disrupted not by a failure of rebirth or by death, but rather by the desire to preserve life.
The nymphs are departed. And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors; Departed, have left no addresses.
Nymphs are nature spirits, so for the nymphs (and even the city directors) to depart and leave no address implies that the cycle of life has been disrupted.
Here is no water but only rock
Water is necessary for the cycle of biological life. Take away water, and this cycle of life is disrupted, leaving only rock.
Dull roots with spring rain
roots should grow with rain, rather than be dull
powdered, or liquid
Lake Starnberg (German: Starnberger See) — called Lake Würm (German Würmsee) until 1962, and also known as Fürstensee — is Germany's fifth largest freshwater lake in terms of area and, due to its great average depth, the second largest in terms of water volume.
mountains of rock without water
This line ties together the rock and mountain of Chapter I and the water of III and IV and gives us continuity.
With a wicked pack of cards.
The clairvoyante’s cards seem to be Tarot cards in this stanza.
Most obviously, “The Hanged Man” is the name of one of the major arcana/trumps, representing a traitorous person, or a crossroads. “The Wheel [of Fortune]” is also a trump, and represents change and movement, and the cycle of life.
The other cards all appear to be minor arcana. “The drowned Phoenician Sailor” seems to refer to the Ten of Swords, representing anguish and defeat, but with a chance of hope. (It is considered one of the most negative cards.) “Belladonna / Lady of the Rocks / Lady of Situations” is the Queen of Cups, representing a difficult road with a large reward at the end. “The man with three staves” is the Three of Wands, representing a journey, or hope for renewal. (Interestingly, this card often depicts a man looking out on a wasteland.) Finally, “the one-eyed merchant” would likely be the Six of Pentacles/Coins, representing equality and generosity.
This could be read into much more deeply than the general meanings of each card, but overall, the message appears to be “bleak, but with hope of salvation or reparation.”
In the mountains, there you feel free.
Interesting, because a snowy mountain is also a fairly desolate place (dead trees/plants, deadly stillness or harsh wind, untouched landscape, etc), but it is seen as beautiful instead of distasteful like the wasteland that Eliot describes.
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit There is not even silence in the mountains
These dry summer mountains are so different from the sheltering winter mountains in the beginning of the poem. The mountain is dead, and still able to work destruction even with "teeth that cannot spit." We get away from death by water and leap into the jaws of death by thirst...escaping the misery is impossible.
who was once handsome and tall as you
Obviously on some level a warning about our helplessness in the face of death, but also reminds me of Marie talking about her childhood feeling free in the mountains. She was "free" and Phlebas was "handsome and tall," but the trajectory seems to point down for everyone in more ways than physical as they approach death (whether by old age or not).
By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept
A biblical allusion, though I guess this isn't a surprise, referencing the captive Israelites' mourning song at the rivers of Babylon. The intriguing thing here is the contrast between that reference and the word "leman," which is apparently an obscure term for lover, and the preceding references to sexual exploits. Eliot seems to be emphasizing the pollution of sexuality by using the polluted Thames and himself "polluting" a traditional story.
roubled, confused And drowned the sense in odours
This picks up on the "death by water" theme, but more in keeping with this section's focus on femininity, putting a malevolent or predatory impulse behind objects seen as feminine. It's a sensual rather than literal drowning, and starts to lend a sexual tone to the drowning imagery.
Burning burning burning burning
This book is called The Fire Sermon, but is only here at the end that we get fire. This book, like much of the poem, has a motif of water. In this book specifically, we have the Thames, damp ground, the sailor home from sea, fisherman, the river, barges, and more. There is little to do with heat or flames. In a piece with so little to do with fire, it makes us ask the question: why is this section called The Fire Sermon? It is followed by a reference to the Lord. Is the poem referencing Hell?
But there is no water
All life requires water so it seems like a good line to sum up that there is no sign of life here, may be only death and lifeless things like rocks.
Here is no water but only rock
This obsession with "rock" and "water" can be tied to images of nature and a state of constant flow to dry and cracked. If this section or book lacks water, then it lacks flow and a substance it needs for survival in a natural sense. Again, we are faced with imagery of death in a metaphor.
A current under sea Picked his bones in whispers.
Water/ocean reclaiming, could be seen as despairing or hopeful.
- Oct 2015
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
The river sweats Oil and tar
This indented description appears to be a memory; possibly of the past life on the river? The oil and tar the river sweats is a sign of its robust action and production. If so, Eliot therefore switches the speaker between past and present, a temporal shift that is comparable to Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken"
But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors
Everyday life has grounded to a halt, and only every so often does he here noise of life. With this image proceeding the one about the "rattle of bones", Eliot seems to be steering towards the construction of a semi-apocalyptic world. Death everywhere and life nowhere.
Musing upon the king my brother’s wreck
Evokes an image of a desolate ship washed up in the river. Is Eliot playing on the dual meaning of the world wreck - as in a ship-wreck, and the wreck society is in?
Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song.
Firstly, his reference to the river as "Sweet" implies his love for it. This sense of yearning for water over dry/barren/dusty landscape prevails throughout the poem. Secondly, the construction of the sentence almost implies that he is aware the water is going to stop running, but pleading with the river to continue until he finishes his song, thus the poem.
Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends
Products of import/export? Silk and tobacco were two imported products that were of high demand in Britain (and most of the western world) in the 20's. The cardboard boxes again evoke that image of packaging/posting. Through this, is Eliot alluding to the role of the river as a prime medium of industry and civilization, that because of modern technology, is no longer needed and therefore dying?
The river’s tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf Clutch and sink into the wet bank.
Conveys a profound notion of the river's decaying existence. The "tent" infers a sense of a support/sheltered feature that no longer exists within it; whilst the leaves desperately "clutch" the water, before sinking into the wet ground. Maybe an image of the river drying up?
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.netT.S. Eliot28
Her drying combinations touched by the sun’s last rays
could this drying signify purifying?
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit
brown fog
The shouting and the crying
he river’s tent
a wet river has a tent which are meant as shelter to keep the insides dry? unless there is something about rivers i don't know about this line also seems like a juxtapose for the wet dry motif
sea-wood fed with copper
aside from the obvious wet dry sea wood contrast i think its interesting to also have the word copper in the line. from my understanding salt water is really corrosive to metals but not as much to wood. and the sea wood is being fed with copper. so this line is also kind of zombie ish.
And drowned the sense in odours; stirred by the air
drowned is typically associated with water as well as stirring but in this line the air is stirring
urked her strange synthetic perfumes, Unguent, powdered, or liquid—
the contrast of perfumes as either wet or dry
limp leaves
water but only rock Rock and no water and the sandy road The road winding above among the mountains Which are mountains of rock without water If there were water we should stop and drink Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think
Filled all the desert
dry sterile thunder without rain
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Waited for rain
Dry bones
Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop But there is no water
dry grass
dry grass
dry grass
dry grass
If there were water And no rock If there were rock And also water And water A spring A pool among the rock If there were the sound of water only
Sweat is dry
Sweat can become dried on one's skin, but it is not dry to begin with.
And if it rains, a closed car at four.
again, he contrasts the wetness of the rain with the dry "closed" car they will seek refuge in when it begins
juxtaposes the wet sea with dry wood